I dreamed of the mother of God with a baby. What is the dream of the Mother of God - the dream book interprets like this. What is the dream of the icon of the Mother of God

1) why is the living virgin dreaming?

If you dreamed about the Mother of God, you should take such a dream seriously. You need to pay attention to it, regardless of whether you are a religious person or not. The most general interpretation of a dream with the presence of the Virgin is that the dreamer (dreamer) will face trials. In some cases, such a dream may also anticipate future successes. To understand more precisely, you need to remember how such a meeting in a dream ended and what sensations there were.

My name is Anastasia and in a dream I saw the image of the Virgin. I am a believer. In a dream, I was with my husband in a church, but this church was in an open field. There were a lot of parishioners and there was a service. And just before my awakening, the image of the Mother of God appeared in the sky above the altar. I have always paid attention to my dreams, and this is what I have attached particular importance to. After reviewing various dream books, I found out that my dream has the following interpretation - this is the fulfillment of desires. Most desire I had one thing - it was to get a promotion at work. And now, after a while, my candidacy was approved for the position that I had long dreamed of. It turns out that the dream has completely come true. Now I want to bring here for all those interested various interpretations dreams in which the Mother of God appears.

2) why is the living virgin dreaming? (description by day of the week)

Dreams from Sunday to Monday means almost nothing. A person has some thoughts constantly swarming in his head, so they are reflected in such a dream. The only thing that the living Mother of God who dreamed at that time could mean is that the dreamer (or dreamer) is a deeply religious person.

From Monday to Tuesday. dreams bright and depend on how creative person dreamer or dreamer. If the dream has a positive character, for example, the Mother of God smiles, then her blessing is on you and everything will be fine. If she cries, then in the near future it is better not to start anything new and just wait out the unfavorable time.

Dreams on Wednesday night with a chaotic change of scenes. In the vast majority of cases, absolutely nothing can be remembered from them. If at that time you dreamed of the living Mother of God (and you remembered it), then you can interpret this as a very eventful near future.

From Wednesday to Thursday dreams come true often, but only good ones. A dream that promises bad things will not come true.

Dreams that happened from Thursday to Friday most often become prophetic. If the dream is not good, you can still try to avoid trouble. It is enough to prepare for them in advance.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday they can quite clearly predict fate, and not only the dreamer or the dreamer, but also the people around them. If the dream is good, expect victories, accomplishments and good luck. If the dream is bad, apply as much strength and energy as possible. It is possible that the difficulties will be overcome.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday usually distinguished by their deep content. For dreams of this period, directionality also matters, that is, good dream or bad. A good dream often comes true. As for the bad ones, if they did not come true the next day, then they will never come true in the future.

The appearance of the Virgin in a dream makes the dreamer understand that positive changes will take place in her life in the near future. A dream in which the Mother of God descends from heaven means the fulfillment of a desire. The image of the Virgin, which appeared on the wall, means that someone will come to your aid from outside. If the Mother of God is talking to you in a dream, expect good luck in business. Hearing the voice of the Virgin in a dream is a great happiness.

3) why is the virgin with a baby dreaming?

If in a dream the Mother of God stands on the street, and holds the baby Jesus in her arms, this means that in your life you pay a lot of attention to not too important things and completely stopped communicating with your closest relatives. This dream makes it clear that the family is the most important thing in life.

4) why is the image of the virgin dreaming?

If in a dream you pray to the image of the Virgin, then in real life you take care of your children. To see a sleeping virgin in a dream means that your enemies have lost interest in you and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

If the Mother of God cries in a dream, there is a high probability that grief will happen to you. If the Mother of God laughs or smiles in a dream, you will experience great joy in life.

If you dreamed about the Mother of God in all its grandeur (as she is depicted in the pictures) - within six months, expect the most happy event in your life.

If you saw in a dream the image of the Virgin, who streamed myrrh, it means help from an influential person. If in a dream the image of the Virgin appeared on the bark of a tree - in reality you will be rewarded.

If the Mother of God was dreamed of by a person who has children, then everything will be fine with them. This good sign for parents. If you pray in front of the icon with the image of the Virgin for your child, then in life pay more attention to him. Perhaps he is in danger.

If in a dream the living Mother of God walks down the street and hugs passers-by, then in life you will make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel.

If in a dream the Mother of God lowered her belt for you and you ascend to heaven along it, in reality you will achieve your goal, but at the cost of trials. If in a dream you were present in the church, and the Mother of God was next to you, pleasant events will happen in life.

5) An anecdote from "smilo" to Temko.))

In a rare and unusual dream, the Mother of God may be seen. Why is this image dreaming? To decipher, you need to remember what emotions you experienced while you were sleeping, how the meeting with the Saint ended, and in what mood you woke up.

Pieces of sleep

Even the most vague memory of such a vision can be helpful. The dream book will help interpret them. For example, you asked the Mother of God about something, in this case, you will face trials in reality. Had a dream that you met her? Then, upon awakening, you will repeatedly be surprised by something and whether one, but a big surprise awaits you. Fulfillment of desires, according to the dream book, is promised by the Mother of God descending from heaven.

She dreams that her face is displayed on the wall, then someone will unexpectedly support you in the most difficult moment. Prayers addressed to in a dream mean that the sleeper can hope for a change for the better.

Interpretations by Gustav Miller

What is the dream of the image of the Mother of God, according to Miller? The seer was of the opinion that such a vision falls to the lot of a person who either feels remorse, or one who hatches plans for an unseemly offense. If you are worried about the sin you have committed, then do not waste time, repent. It will get easier right away.

For those who fear the wrath of the Lord, such a plot serves as a warning: do not keep evil in your thoughts, do not do anything illegal, immoral. Even if he regrets and does not punish for his deeds, fate will still present sooner or later the same nasty surprise in revenge.

Temple visit

Why is the Mother of God dreaming in the temple? If she stood nearby and prayed, then - expect events out of the ordinary, unexpected. If she cried, then do not worry, such a vision does not predict trouble, on the contrary, they will bypass you. When the Mother of the Lord offered to pray with her in a dream, hope that life will surprise you.

To be in a dream in a stunning stone temple, where the appearance of the Mother of God with a baby takes place daily, is a very good sign. This plot guarantees that all plans and even the dreamer's spiritual thoughts will be realized. Moreover, this will happen soon and with unprecedented ease. Why did you dream that the church from the inside is illuminated only by the face of the Saint? Then you have to rejoice in simple, ordinary things. It will warm your heart and soul.

Heaven and Desires Pastor Loff explained dreams in which the Mother of God descended from heaven like this: the dreamer's most cherished oils and fantasies will come true very soon.

But Medea in her dream book described a vision of how a sleeping person rises to heaven along the belt of the Virgin. It turns out that such a fantastic adventure promises him many trials in life on the way to the goal. But he, having shown perseverance and perseverance, will achieve what he wants.

During sleep, did you notice the face of the Mother of God among the clouds? This is a dream of someone who has almost stopped hoping and dreaming. And in vain, because one dream will certainly come true. And if in heaven there was not only the face, but the whole figure of the Saint, then the relatives will unexpectedly provide assistance.

Descending to the ground In a dream, you can see the Blessed Virgin Mary, who, like an ordinary woman, walks through the city. But if she suddenly approached or turned to a passerby, hugging him, then the sleeping person will very soon make peace with enemies, offenders. When in a dream the Mother of God hugs the dreamer himself, then it is his turn to take the initiative and lend a hand to the enemy.

The Gypsy dream book describes what dreams mean Mother of God in the middle of a busy street. This dream reminds you that you need to think and pay enough attention to the closest, dearest people. And such a vision can also warn parents: their child is in danger!

Intercessor In dreams, you can see wonderful signs. For example, the appearance on the walls of the face of the Virgin. Miss Hasse writes in her dream book that in this case, your ill-wishers will not be able to set up any nasty things for you. And if this image also streamed myrrh, then a strong, authoritative person will rush to your aid. Eastern dream book believes that it was a good omen when the face of the Virgin Mary with a cross appeared on the bark of a tree. The vision that some words appeared on your pendant with the Mother of God suggests that it is your turn to support someone who is in trouble.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 02/28/2019

Dreams that appeared from Wednesday to Thursday have great importance. It is highly likely that this night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem, ...

The article on the topic: "dream book image of the mother of God" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

holy face

The Dreaming Icon of the Mother of God for any person, regardless of his attitude to religion, is a very important sign. On the one hand, this can be a reproach to the sleeper for his unworthy behavior, on the other hand, a promise of spiritual support. The interpretation of what this dream is about is very personal, but the dream book promises that the Icon of the Mother of God is a manifestation of patronage from above. It is important not to forget all the details of the dream, and to analyze them with great responsibility.

Icon of the Mother of God

This image is a direct reminder to the sleeper of his roots, of the traditions of the family. Such a dream was sent down for a reason. It may be that the dreamer at the moment is in dire need of consolation and intercession. The Holy Face promises that he will not leave a person alone with his problems.

According to Vanga's dream book, the Icon of the Mother of God in difficult periods life reveals to man the power of faith. The feet themselves can lead him to the temple. And don't resist it. If you open the General Dream Book, then the same plot is interpreted there as the probability of knowing a secret that will seem incredible and strange.

A rich, luxurious, gilded salary, why is the Icon of the Mother of God dreaming in this form? Such a vision often comes in a dream to people who are far from the church, and who do not believe in the goodness and power of love. The same dream can be observed at the moment when the fall, adultery is committed. But if in a dream you treated this Face with respect and clung to it, then there is no doubt about the strength of your faith. You are strong in spirit and will be able to overcome your weaknesses and resist temptations.

Location of the icon

The Dreaming Face of the Mother of God in your own home will bring joy and prosperity. Seeing him under the roof of his native hearth means for the girl a warning from the heavenly forces. She had to make a difficult choice the day before. And such a dream is an advice to rethink actions and deeds. She could be wrong.

What is the dream of the Icon of the Mother of God in the temple? This is a message to the dreamer. He needs spiritual cleansing and wise guidance. The girl, on the contrary, the same plot suggests that all her decisions made a day or two before the dream are true and charitable. This interpretation is offered by the Modern Dream Book.

Touch and Pray

In a dream, you pray before the Face of the Virgin, which means that in reality you are under the protection of the Almighty. What is the dream of the icon of the Mother of God that you kiss? In one case, this is a good sign. But Nostradamus warns that such actions in a dream are a critical assessment of actions and thoughts. Waking up after such a dream, think about whether material wealth is more significant for you than honor and a clear conscience?

The dream book “from A to Z” describes how you put a candle in front of the Icon in a church in a dream in a church. The dream is interpreted as a sign of remorse and humiliation that the dreamer will have to experience soon for his unseemly misdeeds. Carry or hold the written Image of the Virgin in your hands - this dream supports a person, the hope of receiving long-awaited news.

dream interpretation about promises to those who touched the Icon of the Mother of God in a rich salary, prosperity and success in matters related to business. When such a dream was sent down to a person born in the summer, then this is advice, to think about behavior, thoughts. It seems that the dreamer is cynical and behaves unworthily - he sins.

Drop the Icon from your hands, how to understand such a dream? Unfortunately, in reality you need to behave extremely carefully and restrainedly. Anyone who observes such a plot is extremely close to failing or committing fatal mistake. The dream book says that the Icon of the Mother of God in this situation symbolizes the loss of God's protection. Moreover, a person deprived of intercession simply cannot resist sinful temptations and risks his life.

Why dream of defiling the Icon of the Mother of God? Seeing this in a dream is bad, you will find yourself at the epicenter of troubles and problems. You can be slandered and framed. Therefore, in reality, hurry to the temple for advice and support.

Images of the Virgin

The Kazan and Tikhvin or “Militia” icons, taken away in a dream, are considered special grace. The dream in which Kazanskaya appeared is not to be observed at the very best periods life, both for the dreamer and for all his fellow citizens. This Face helps to survive with dignity a dashing time. As a rule, its appearance coincides with hostilities and civil unrest, bringing misfortune and casualties.

This dream is like a message from a Guardian Angel to a person. He may want to visit the temple and even go to confession. What would be the correct solution in this situation.

The dream book says that the Tikhvin Icon is dreaming of the special mercy of the Almighty. Its other name, popular among the people, is "Militia". There is a legend that the Face was written by the Apostle Luke himself. A copy of it is in the Tikhvin Monastery. The icon helped defeat the hordes of Napoleon in 1812. She is especially revered by the military.

The dreamer's most cherished desires will certainly come true if he had a chance to see in a dream how the icon sharpened the myrrh.

Dream Interpretation of the Mother of God, why the Mother of God dreams in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why the Mother of God is dreaming of you from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

What is the dream of the Mother of God: interpretation of sleep

Why does the Mother of God dream according to Slavic mythology:

To see the Mother of God in a dream - the Mother of God, the mother of the God-man and. Christ - protection, a happy event, wise advice; less warning of danger. But again, under the guise of the Mother of God, a Luciphage can appear, who will seduce and corrupt a person in every possible way. An example of such a temptation was the founder of the Church of the Mother of God of the Sovereign John of Bereslavsky, who calls himself both a prophet, and an archbishop, and a blessed one. Such self-conceit, obvious pride, definitely indicates that it was not at all Holy Mother of God, but a high-level demon, with the help of which a new “church” was organized so quickly - another demonic egregore.

To see the dream of the Mother of God - Sometimes she appears in that majestic form in which she is depicted in the most excellent pictures; this is a harbinger of the happiest incident in the course of your life for six months.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why does the Mother of God dream in dreams?

The Mother of God - A happy event, this is the interpretation of the Mother of God according to the dream book.

Why does the Mother of God dream, according to the popular beliefs of Little Russia:

The Mother of God - The Mother of God will be dreamed of - the happiest event in life. The Mother of God in the bath of the church - to the death of the mother. The icon of the Mother of God in the clouds - to death, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why does the Mother of God dream in night dreams?

The Mother of God - Seeing the Mother of God in a dream is a good dream. A happy event awaits you. What she tells you to do. If in a dream she appeared to you in the majestic form in which she is depicted in the pictures - a harbinger of the upcoming happiest event in your life, Seeing the icon of the Mother of God in the clouds in a dream is a bad sign.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

What is the dream of the Mother of God - the dream book interprets as follows:

Mother of God - Happy event

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If the Mother of God dreams in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why is the Mother of God dreaming from a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If the Mother of God dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If the Mother of God dreams from a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why is the Mother of God dreaming from Thursday to Friday
  • If the Mother of God dreams in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why does the Mother of God dream in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

ThuDecember 14, 2017, 23:23:27

Wed October 04, 2017, 00:08:55

Wed July 12, 2017, 06:08:03 AM

Thu December 22, 2016, 09:45:49 PM

Sun April 03, 2016, 10:03:05 AM

The Mother of God in a dream book. Tell your dream:

Mandatory fields are marked with * .

The Mother of God according to the dream book

Why is the Mother of God dreaming? In a dream, she symbolizes protection, patronage, or comes on the eve of trials to strengthen a person in faith. Dream Interpretations interpret this image as a harbinger of happy phenomena.

Help and patronage

What is the dream of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary? The dream indicates the favor of the Virgin Mary, the ability to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Praying in a dream in front of the icon and kissing the image means: a person will receive the protection of the Almighty. When the icon streamed myrrh - thanks to his faith, the sleeper will get rid of his difficulties.

Unfavorable Meanings

If the image was strict, gloomy, blocked your path, it means that you need to reconsider your plans or completely abandon your intentions. They will not be blessed and therefore will fail. She cried? This is a harbinger of very bad events.

When the face is formidable, and clouds are gathering around, the dream book warns of long-term major failures. Seeing her on the walls of the church promises grief.

You will reach the goal, overcome difficulties

Why dream of talking with the Mother of God? Vision is considered prophetic. You need to listen to her orders. Talking with her is an opportunity to realize your plans. But you need to remember all the orders and accurately fulfill them, then you will reach the goal.

To find a medallion with her image in a dream - in reality you will receive unexpected help under seemingly hopeless circumstances.

Had a dream that she accompanied you in the dark? The dream book informs: this is a harbinger of good will. Seeing the Virgin Mary in the dark, shrouded in light is very auspicious sign. Even the most difficult questions will receive answers, and desires will come true.

Also, the dream that the Mother of God appeared in the dark and illuminated everything around promises a way out of the most difficult situations.

Kazan Mother of God

Did you dream of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God? For businessmen, the dream book portends the conclusion of contracts that will turn out to be very promising. Praying in a dream in front of her means receiving support in reality in an important matter for the dreamer. Such a vision promises a girl a happy marriage very soon.

happy change

Seeing the silhouette of the Mother of God in a dream, descending from the icon and talking to the dreamer, promises him significant changes. If she stretched out her hand to a person, the dream book promises: one can hope for help, support in life, if the sleeper corrects his shortcomings.

What is the dream of the silhouette of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms? This means: a happy event awaits the dreamer's child.

For young women, the Virgin Mary with a baby portends a replenishment in the family. The pregnancy will proceed well or, despite the possible risk, it will end successfully, since it is under the auspices of the Virgin Mary herself.

How did you dream?

For correct interpretation sleep, it is important to remember exactly how the Mother of God dreamed:

  • the face in the sky, among the dark clouds - a bad sign;
  • with a baby - according to the dream book: your child is under protection;
  • blessing - support for the dreamer's undertakings;
  • pendant with the image - protection from trouble.

The majestic face of the Mother of God, as depicted on the icon, predicts the happiest event in the life of the sleeping person. This prophetic dream: the event will occur within six months after it.

The image of the Virgin Mary inside the pendant in a dream portends something good, joyful, connected with children, loved ones.

Miller's dream book: do not do bad deeds

Such a dream warns: you need to refrain from actions that can harm someone, as they will entail unpleasant consequences.

Icon of the Mother of God according to the dream book

A deeply believing person and an atheist, a righteous man and a sinner can see in a dream the icon of the Mother of God. But for everyone, she appears with a certain spiritual mission - consoling suffering, reproaching for misconduct. A person receives patronage, which obliges a lot - this is what folk tradition says. The way the shrine appeared before the dreamer, as well as related details and events, affect the interpretation of dream books.

See the face of the Virgin

The person who dreamed of the icon of the Mother of God goes through suffering and needs consolation. She promises him intercession. The ancient image testifies to the spirituality coming from the traditions of the family.

Vanga's dream book portends that in difficult years, faith will become your salvation. IN General dream book it is recorded that a man will make a strange discovery for himself.

Why dream of seeing her in a rich gold frame - this is not a good sign, the dreamer does not believe in goodness and higher powers. The golden shrine appears in a dream at the moment of a sinful fall. But if you dreamed about how they looked at her with respect, kissed her - your spirituality is strong, you will overcome weakness, resist temptations.

Where was

A joyful future awaits those who saw this image in a dream in their home. Why does he dream of a girl who had previously decided to make a difficult choice? Alas, such a dream calls him into question.

On the contrary, in a dream to see him in a church is an instruction on the need for spiritual purification, and the Modern Combined Dream Book tells the girl: the choice she made the other day is the right one.

What's happened

I dreamed of kissing the icon of the Mother of God, praying - a blessed sign of divine protection. Nostradamus in his dream book interprets prayer as a reproach: you sacrifice spiritual values ​​to material ones.

Why dream of putting a candle next to her: according to the dream book From “A” to “Z”, the time will come to repent of misconduct, to endure humiliation. Holding a shrine in your hands means not losing hope for the long-awaited news.

I dreamed of touching the face of the Mother of God in a gold frame - the wealth and prosperity of your enterprise is just around the corner. For a dreamer born in the months of May to August, her rich golden decoration indicates that nothing is sacred to him.

They didn’t hold it and dropped it in a dream - beware of making a fatal mistake. According to dream books, a broken shrine personifies the loss of intercession: a person is weak in the face of temptations, and his life is in danger. Desecrate it, burn it - bring trouble on yourself, be slandered.

Especially revered

Pay attention to what the Kazan icon of the Mother of God and the Tikhvin "Militia" icon, especially revered by believers, dream of. They fill a person with special grace.

The image of Our Lady of Kazan blessed the Russian soldiers for the feat of arms. Seeing her in a dream predicts difficult years, but, with the hope of her intercession, the soldiers will protect Russia from the invasion of enemies. Guardian Angel with you. If you feel the need to confess and bow to the saints, go to church.

The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, according to legend, was painted by the Apostle Luke, and its copy - the Tikhvin "Militia" - is kept in the Tikhvin Monastery. She supported the spirit of the militia in the war with the French in 1812, and, like Kazan, is especially revered by the soldiers.

To pray to them in a dream - to goodness, if you dreamed that the Mother of God streamed myrrh - dream books prophesy the fulfillment of your wishes.

Why dream of the icon of the Mother of God alone in the store, which I buy almost for free.

What is the dream of the icon of the mother of God.

The Mother of God comes to dreams different people: believers and denying the divine presence, sinful and righteous. However, any of its appearance suggests that a person should receive his own special message: reproach for misconduct or comfort in trouble.

If a person in a dream appears the image of the Mother of God, then we can say that he has gained heavenly protection. At the same time, such protection obliges him to a lot. The exact circumstances under which the icon appeared in a dream have a significant impact on the interpretation of the meaning of this image.

What is the dream of the icon of the Mother of God

Dreamers who have seen the icon of the Mother of God usually go through a difficult life stage. They desperately need consolation, and the Blessed Virgin promises such people intercession. If the image that appeared was ancient, then support and strength to strengthen the spirit should be sought in tribal traditions.

Why dream of icons of the Mother of God, framed by a rich gold setting? Despite the apparent beauty, such a sign cannot be considered favorable, since it speaks of a person’s disbelief in the presence of higher powers and goodness. The appearance of a golden icon is especially often observed at moments when the dreamer is ready to commit the fall.

A favorable moment in this case can only be associated with the attitude that was shown to the Mother of God face. Reverence and the kiss left on the icon speak of the dreamer's strong spirituality and his ability to resist temptation, to resist him.

Trying to explain what is the dream of the icon of the Mother of God, it is necessary to take into account exactly where it was located:

The vision speaks of a joyful future. Although if we are talking about a girl who had to make a difficult and significant choice, then the decision made earlier should be considered again.

Such a message is received by people who urgently need spiritual purification, and for girls who were at a crossroads in life, such symbolism speaks of the fidelity of a previously made choice.

For people who are fascinated by thoughts about resolving a certain problem, the icon of the Mother of God, which appeared in a dream, indicates that all circumstances favor the resolution of the situation and you can, without doubting your abilities, take on the fulfillment of your plan. In this situation, the Mother of God is a symbol of divine blessing that extends to any undertakings.

Therefore, after such a vision, one must immediately begin active actions, then success will certainly accompany all matters, and the achievement of the desired result will happen unexpectedly soon.

Why the icon of the Mother of God is dreaming also depends on exactly what actions were performed in a dream:

If in a dream a person sees himself praying in front of the icon of the Mother of God, then soon he can expect business support from partners or colleagues.

In the very near future, the dreamer will hear the long-awaited news.

In this case, you can not miss a single word from the spoken speech. The Mother of God, as the best possible adviser, speaks if she wants to give a useful parting word or she has an important message for the listener. At the moment of awakening, it is very important to recall all the words spoken as accurately as possible, as they will help you choose the further direction of your life path.

Who is dreaming

Not the last role in explaining what the icon of the Mother of God can dream of is the knowledge of who is the “addressee” of the message.

The Mother of God has always acted as the patroness of the hearth, or in one way or another was related to the family and intra-family relations, therefore for women such messages are filled with especially deep meaning.

Faced in a dream with the peaceful and benevolent gaze of the Mother of God, it is quite possible to count on patronage of the Blessed Virgin in family matters, to protect the spouse, children and home. Having seen such a dream, she enters a new bright and happy period of her life.

The sad or even dissatisfied look of the Virgin should be regarded in a completely different way. Most likely, the path chosen by the woman is not correct enough, or on this path she makes many mistakes and she needs to think about changing her behavior and outlook on life. Otherwise, family happiness will turn into a pipe dream.

Unmarried girls see the Mother of God in a dream if a meeting with their future spouse awaits them soon, and those who are already in a relationship should prepare for the wedding. If the solemn event nevertheless takes place, then they will never have to regret their choice. married women after such a dream, they can count on a benevolent atmosphere in the house and strong family relationships.

A fashionable person or an adult man who sees the face of the Blessed Virgin in a dream is truly lucky, because he will soon meet a girl (woman) who will be his fate. She will marry him and become the mother of his children, and they will live in peace and harmony.

What can the icon of the Mother of God dream of married man? If family life already established, then the vision with the image of the Virgin says that family ties will be noticeably strengthened. The main task of the dreamer in this case is not to interfere with what is happening.

What kind of icon dreamed

Exists a large number of different images of the Mother of God. Each of them has its own characteristics and can carry some special message.

The face of Our Lady of Kazan has always been associated with a feat and military deeds. This image was always taken in order to bless the warriors who were sent into battle. Appearing in a dream, she can become a symbol that hard times are coming, but no matter what, one should rely on her intercession and protection. The guardian angel will always be nearby and come to the rescue in the most difficult situations.

Perhaps you should relieve your soul and go to church for confession.


This image can be recognized by the seven swords, the points of which the Mother of God holds in her palms. Whoever sees her in a dream will soon recover. This can apply not only to the physical, but also to the spiritual, mental or emotional.

Why dream of the Seven-shot Icon of the Mother of God if you yourself are not sick?

It is possible that the message is addressed not to the beholder personally, but to one of his relatives. In this case, after waking up, one should pray for the health of all loved ones suffering from physical or mental illness.

What happens in a dream

Everything is important in a dream - the images themselves, their words and, of course, the actions performed.

Broken icon

If in a dream there is no strength to hold the image of the Virgin, it falls and breaks, then it is likely that in reality a person is close to making a fatal mistake. Having taken a careless step, he may lose heavenly intercession, moreover, his life, or the life of a close and significant person, may be in danger.

A burned, stolen, or desecrated image warns of impending disaster, or the risk of being slandered.

Mother of God is crying

Trouble awaits those to whom it appeared crying icon Mother of God. Perhaps significant difficulties are coming, but they can be dealt with, albeit at the cost of heavy losses.

Buying an image

Such a story can be considered bad sign. It is likely that in the very near future a person will be left without work and family, and he himself will be to blame for this. If the dreamer was going to ask friends for help, then it can be said without a doubt that he will be refused.

What does it mean to kiss the face of the Blessed Virgin?

To kiss the icon of the Mother of God in a dream, or to pray in front of it, means to win for yourself divine grace, patronage and intercession. Although, according to some versions, such a dream speaks of an incorrect prioritization, in which material values ​​prevail over spiritual ones.

Why is the virgin dreaming

Spring dream book

Hearing the Mother of God in a dream - to help in difficult matters; to see the smiling Mother of God - to joy, crying - to trouble, the sleeping Mother of God - the enemies will leave you, they will not notice.

Why is the virgin dreaming

Summer dream book

Seeing the Mother of God in a dream is a good relationship with children.

Why is the virgin dreaming

Autumn dream book

To dream about how you pray to the Mother of God - to take care of the future of your children.

Why is the virgin dreaming

Spiritual dream book

MADONNA (THE VIRGIN WITH CHILD) is a symbol of secret protection and patronage for the prayer book. It invariably manifests itself in reality, for example, in a certain critical situation (attacks, attempts at rape).

Why is the virgin dreaming

Worldly dream book

If you dreamed of the Mother of God, who addresses you, then you will receive help in difficult life matters. If you were lucky enough to see the Mother of God in a dream with a smile on her lips, then this is a great joy that awaits you and your entire family.

If you dreamed of the Mother of God who was crying, then this is a warning about the trouble that threatens you and your loved ones. When you see in a dream that the Mother of God is sleeping, this is a good sign that your rivals and enemies have stopped noticing you, so nothing threatens you now.

When parents happen to see the Mother of God in a dream, this often means that children will a good relationship. If a mother or father turns to the Virgin with a prayer, then you have to take care of the future of your children.

When a man or woman dreamed of the Virgin Mary (Mother of God), then this may be a reminder to visit the church. It is necessary to find time to visit the priest, it is likely that you are in need of good advice right now.

Why is the virgin dreaming

Women's dream book

Mother of God - If you saw the Mother of God in a dream - wait for the happiest event in your life.

Why is the virgin dreaming

Fairy tale and mythological dream book

Theotokos, mother of the God-man I. Christ - protection, a happy event, wise advice; less warning of danger. But again, under the guise of the Mother of God, a Luciphage can appear, who will seduce and corrupt a person in every possible way. An example of such a temptation was the founder of the Church of the Mother of God of Sovereign John Bereslavsky, who calls himself both a prophet, and an archbishop, and a blessed one. Such self-conceit, obvious pride, definitely indicates that it was not the Most Holy Theotokos who appeared to him, but a demon of a high level, with the help of which a new “church” was organized so quickly - another demonic egregor.

Why is the virgin dreaming

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Mother of God - help in charitable deeds, mercy

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

seen bad dream warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate imminent success and the need to move on to decisive action. The meaning of sleep is realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

Dream Interpretation Virgin

The image of the Mother of God can appear in a dream to a believing person, and to someone who does not believe in divine powers. This symbol has its own meaning, and you should not ignore it.

Dream of a divine image

Why is the Mother of God dreaming? This dream can promise trials that will fall to the lot of a sleeping person, but at the same time, it also portends pleasant changes in life, joy and tranquility.

To understand what exactly this image came to you, it is worth reviewing the predictions that dream books give.

Predictions of some interpreters

I dreamed of the image of the Mother of the Lord

It will be nice if you remember all the fragments of the dream, your actions or feelings. Any nuance will help you better unravel the dream and reveal the secret of the future to you.

Female interpreter

The Mother of God dreamed, which means that an important event will soon happen in your life. It will be pleasant and positively affect the rest of your life.

Worldly dream book

It is important to remember what the Mother of God did in a dream:

  • To see how she smiles - a great joy awaits you, which will spread to your family.
  • The holy virgin will cry - there will be grief in the family.
  • The holy maiden is sleeping - the enemies have ceased to be interested in you. Nothing threatens you anymore, you can live peacefully and to your heart's content.

For parents, a dream in which they saw the divine face is auspicious. So the kids will be fine. Find a common language with them.

Pray before the icon

There is an icon in front of you, and you ask God for your child - try to communicate more with your child, do not let him out of your sight. Your child is in danger.

Often a dreaming holy image reminds you: you have not been to church for a long time. Find time and visit Holy place, at the moment, the sleeping person needs the wise advice of a clergyman.

Interpreter G. Miller

Gustav Miller believed that a holy face could be dreamed of if a sleeping person feels repentance for an act he has committed, perhaps plans to do an unkind deed. After such a dream, you should think about your behavior, if possible, change it.

Do not think about the bad, do not do vile deeds, because you will have to answer for them.

Dream Interpretations by Seasons

These interpreters are in rather high demand. It is believed that a dream should be considered from the perspective of the day of which month the sleeping person was born.

Birthdays of the first four months can count on the help of higher powers in a difficult matter, if they dream of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms.

The face of the Mother of God shines

Those born in the summer months and at the end of spring can expect that their communication with children will be easy, without misunderstandings.

The rest of the birthday people should take care of the future of their offspring, you should not let everything take its course and rely only on the will of God.

What else can the dream of the Mother of God mean?

It happens that in a dream you see yourself standing in the temple of the Lord, and next to the Mother of God, who is praying. Such a night vision suggests that you will witness events that will go beyond your understanding of reality. Nothing bad will happen, interpreters believe that everything will happen just the opposite, you will be pleasantly surprised.

The Mother of God asks you to pray with her - you can safely expect pleasant surprise from fate.

To be in a temple where the face of a saint shines - your plans will come true. This will happen for the reason that you are a kind and wise person with pure thoughts.

As Loff wrote in his dream book, the Mother of God, who appeared from heaven, suggests that the dreamer's wildest dreams may soon begin to come true. Your faith is unshakable, it gives you inner strength.

We saw the face of the Virgin in the clouds, which means that you have lost faith in the Lord God, lost faith in your abilities, and lost the incentive to move on.

To dream of the Mother of God standing in the middle of the street with Jesus in her arms - you stopped communicating closely with your relatives, focused on secondary things. Such a dream suggests that it is worth remembering that the family is the most important thing in our worldly life.

The holy virgin hugs you in a dream - you should go to reconciliation with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.