Which presenter lost her hair? Diffuse hair loss. How to maintain your hair in summer

We cut them, style them, love them or hate them. Let's be honest: good hair make us confident and make us sexy.

So what's a girl to do when her beautiful locks start to thin out?

Hair loss after childbirth, during menopause or other hormonal imbalances is unfortunately not uncommon.

Hair loss, within reasonable limits, is a natural process: according to the American Academy of Dermatology, average person loses about 50-100 hairs per day. However, hair loss on a more severe scale can be reversed by addressing health and hormonal issues.

4 Hormonal Problems Leading to Hair Loss

If hormones can sap your energy and reduce your libido, it's no surprise that they can also turn your locks into a mess. Here are just a few examples of how hormonal problems can cause hair loss:

1. Excess estrogen

Thanks for the translation

A healthy person should have an average of one hundred thousand of them. But every day we have to say goodbye to almost fifty of them. And this is not scary, because the hair, and this is what we are talking about, grows back. True, if you treat them with care.

Alas, in pursuit of fashion, many do not even suspect what experiments with hairstyles can ultimately lead to. And they realize it when it’s too late. An ultra-short haircut for Oksana is not a tribute to fashion - the consequences of an unsuccessful attempt to become a blonde. After dyeing, my hair began to break and then fall out. I had to see a doctor.

Oksana Vlasenko: “It turned out that somehow they did it wrong for me and my hair became like straw, everything was breaking.”

The doctor gives the patient a trichogram or scalp assessment and admits that in Lately She is increasingly being approached by those whose hair has begun to fall out due to their passion for fashionable hairdressing delights. In first place in the ranking of unhelpful new hairstyles are afro braids.

Anastasia Mareeva, trichologist-dermatologist: “The most harmful thing for hair is tight ponytails, braiding tight braids like afro braids, or even ordinary braids. It’s tight because it can impair the blood supply and nutrition of the hair follicle itself.”

There are dozens of types of afro braids - zizi, corrugated, curly curls. It can take a whole day to create such babylons; it’s no joke to braid up to 200 braids. Often the master natural hair weaves in artificial strands. After all, most Europeans have thin hair and braids look pathetic. Many salons warn that in the first days there may be discomfort or headaches.

Alena Tsap, master hairdresser: “The load turns out to be that this length is intertwined on a small piece of strands of your hair.”

Now you can get thick hair in a couple of hours with the help of extensions. The procedure looks like this: using hot tongs and special glue, additional strands are attached to the hair at the very roots. But such a load is not at all harmless. Moreover, usually those who already have problems resort to it.

Svetlana Salkazanova: “My hair is quite thin and sparse, it breaks and grows poorly. I decided to get extensions.”

However, increasing the problems does not solve them. On the contrary, for weakened hair, the additional load is colossal stress. Especially if you do this constantly.

Anastasia Mareeva, trichologist-dermatologist: “Hair extensions without interruptions, that is, for a year, leads to areas of already quite pronounced thinning.”

In the list of unhelpful hairstyles, dreadlocks take pride of place. To create such tangles, there are special techniques for tangling hair. For the first month, it is advisable not to wash the lion’s mane at all, and then do it as rarely as possible and only with soap. This often causes dandruff. And you can only get rid of dreadlocks radically.

Alexander Priputen, master braider: “My first dreadlocks were made of wax. I combed them and filled them with wax. They were hard and rang in the cold. It was impossible to unravel them and I had to cut them off.”

Perm or, conversely, straightening curly hair is a real atomic war with nature. Hairdressers themselves admit this, and all talk about safe or even medicinal chemicals is deceit.

Alena Dyachkova, master stylist: “If we cut the hair, then ordinary hair has a circle, but with chemical exposure it turns into an oval.”

Negatively affects hair and coloring. But for a blonde, becoming a brunette is less traumatic than lightening her dark locks. To protect yourself, it is advisable to use natural and only high-quality dyes. And the main thing is not to get carried away - you shouldn’t radically change the color more than once every six months. Well, the most harmless hairstyle, according to doctors, is a loose braid. Of course, if there is something left to braid.

Guest in the studio - Evgeny Karasev, candidate medical sciences, trichologist

Presenter: What unites Hollywood stars: Bruce Williams, Sean O'Connery and Jack Nicholson? All these actors are proud of their lack of hair. After all, even without it they were awarded the title of sex symbol. But what about those gentlemen who have a complex due to the lack of hair on their hair? head and what should ladies do if their hair has lost its shine and vibrancy? Candidate of Medical Sciences, trichologist Evgeniy Karasev will tell us about this. Hello, Evgeniy.

Guest: Hello.

Presenter: Of course, first I would like to ask a question that worries millions of men: if baldness begins, can it be stopped?

Guest: Of course, but up to a certain stage. If the follicle has died, that is, the place from which the hair grows, then the prognosis is pessimistic. But in at least 50 percent of cases, this grief can be helped.

Guest: Oddly enough, this is jellied fish. And in in this case It is far from disgusting, but very much a salvation for depleted hair. That is, fish with a gelatin filling that must be eaten, and quite a lot of carrots. This dish can be considered a significant help in the fight for healthy hair.

Presenter: It is also believed that if you cut your hair short and often, this will also stimulate hair growth? Men think this will help them.

Guest: Absolutely untrue, that is, cutting your hair short and often in the male version usually does not lead to improved hair growth, if this haircut is not associated, for example, with an intensive course of treatment. In the female version, this can be an obstacle when the mass of hair is very large, it is tightly braided, and such a design is fixed for a long time, and even with the use of heavy fixing agents, then there may be an excessive gravitational load.

Presenter: Do the quality of your comb and shampoo affect the health of your hair?

Host: Of course. The shampoo should be selected for your hair type and there are nuances here. Two thirds of people suffer from so-called seborrhea, that is, excess sebum secretion. With all this, the roots remain oily, and the rods remain dry for one reason or another. This could be coloring, irrational care. Therefore, you need to wash your hair with shampoo oily hair, and use the balm for dry ones.

Presenter: What kind of comb should it be?

Guest: Metal and wood, as a rule, disappear. Still best performance both in terms of antistatic properties and less traumatic effects, it has good polished plastic.

Presenter: When combing your hair, is it possible to look at the comb to understand whether everything is normal with your hair? That is, how much hair can remain on the comb, which indicates the norm or that it’s time to run to the doctor?

Guest: In principle, in our population, loss of up to one hundred hairs per day is considered reparable and normally functioning follicles compensate for this loss.

Presenter: Can you give women any recipe on how to grow a long, long braid?

Guest: Regular chicken yolk mixed with two to three teaspoons of cognac, depending on the length of the hair. Shake this mixture well and apply to dry hair and scalp. Leave this compress for half an hour and rinse off. This publicly available method is almost universal and certainly improves hair quality.

Presenter: Thank you, Evgeniy. Candidate of Medical Sciences, trichologist Evgeniy Karasev told us about the golden rules of hair care. Well, now let's summarize our conversation.

Hair loss when combing is a natural process. You only need to start worrying when there is a large tuft of hair as thick as a finger left on the comb.

Hair loss usually signals some kind of illness. For example, hormonal disorders, problems with gastrointestinal tract and even stress.

The cause of hair loss may not be proper care after them. Most often, problems with hair are caused by frequent coloring, incorrectly selected shampoo and constant use of a hair dryer.

Experts also do not advise combing wet hair. As for the comb itself, it should not be made of wood or metal, but of high-quality plastic and with sparse teeth.

And lastly: do not leave the house in frosty weather without a hat. At temperatures below minus 10, blood circulation in the head is disrupted, which, in turn, can lead to hair loss.

Severe hair loss, as a rule, causes women to panic and want to urgently solve the problem. The most obvious thing for most representatives of the fairer sex is the use of cosmetics that promise to restore the former thickness of hair. However, only in rare cases is it possible to achieve the cherished goal only through the use of shampoos, oils and masks. The fact is that problems usually lie within the body. This means that the first and only correct step to restoring hair is to visit a doctor and make a diagnosis.

Hair is a kind of indicator of health. They quickly grow and renew themselves, and the body, which is in a stressful situation, begins to save resources primarily on them. Therefore, hair loss and deterioration in the appearance of hair can begin even before any medical diagnosis is made.

Hormonal disorders: endocrinologist

Thyroid- an organ that reacts sensitively to stress, medications, diets and simply poor nutrition. If its operation begins to malfunction, it instantly affects the hair. So, in case of excess hormones, hair stiffness increases, and it begins to fall out evenly throughout the head. With a lack of hormones, hair becomes thin and dull, falling out both from the head and from the whole body.

Another one hormonal cause- premenopausal period, when estrogen production decreases and testosterone levels may increase. Then hair begins to fall out on the head and grows on the chin and above the upper lip.

You should contact an endocrinologist about severe hair loss if you notice:

  • changes in hair structure, thinning and weakness;
  • loss of eyebrows along the outer edge;
  • hair loss on the head and body;
  • coarsening and stiffness of hair;
  • hair bleaching;
  • change in waviness - straight hair begins to curl, and wavy hair begins to straighten.

The doctor will order tests for you and determine what drug and hormonal therapy to prescribe.

Stress: neurologist

Stress is almost a natural environment for modern woman. Stressful work, family responsibilities, household, driving a car - all this leads to sleep disturbances, a neurotic state and deterioration in the quality of hair and skin. The fact is that during stress, the body quickly consumes B vitamins, which are so necessary for hair. Therefore, the latter may fall out, as they say, due to nervousness. First of all, it is necessary to restore peace of mind, monitor your work and rest schedule, diet, walk and move more. The fresh look is sure to return.

Lack of vitamins and microelements: nutritionist

Whatever the reason for hair loss, it has been proven that in 90% of women this problem is accompanied by iron deficiency and a lack of the amino acid lysine. Therefore, meat, fish and eggs must be present in the diet, or care should be taken to take special food additives. A nutritionist will help with this issue. Draw his attention to your routine. physical activity. Perhaps you are trying too hard in your fitness classes. Under no circumstances should you go on strict diets that are completely devoid of fat. Give preference to oily fish and olive oil, this will benefit your hair.

Improper hair care: trichologist

Of course, even a completely healthy young woman can begin severe loss hair. Most likely, they don’t even fall out, but break off at the roots. This is usually due to improper care. Reasons may also be frequent dyeing, perm, hair extensions or specific hairstyles such as afro braids or dreadlocks. A trichologist will be able to tell you exactly how and why your hair is damaged and will prescribe medicinal products to care for it. In this situation, it is important not to follow fashion and not try advertised miracle remedies on yourself without the appointment of your trichologist, otherwise you can only worsen the situation.

Heredity: transplantologist at the HFE Clinic

What to do if a woman’s severe hair loss is due to purely genetic reasons? All that remains is to take note of your own characteristics and think about how to make thinning hair thicker. Some people prefer wigs, some choose artificial hair extensions, others come up with extreme options for shaving their heads bald. However, all this is temporary and not always convenient options, often causing damage to the scalp and hair follicles.

At the HFE clinic, a woman is offered to regain her former thickness of hair by transplanting her own hair from the donor area on the back of her head. This is a non-surgical, highly effective method that leaves no scars and allows women to feel confident again 24 hours a day. the hair looks absolutely natural, takes root well and no longer falls out.

At all times, luxurious hair has been considered a sign of beauty and health. The causes of hair loss concern both women and the stronger sex. This disease also occurs in children. The problem of baldness is relevant for 30% of men. It is very important to recognize the disease in initial period and begin her treatment. You shouldn't do this yourself. Seeing a doctor is the best way out.

Physiological hair loss on the head (alopecia) is a natural process. However, their abundant disappearance should be alarming. The factors that determine this disease are both external and internal.

Age and alopecia

In children

Renewal of hair on the head of children is due to nature. In infants, vellus hairs are replaced with new ones. At an older age, the hairline changes structure and color. This is due to stress, unfavorable environmental factors, hormonal changes body. However, during severe manifestations of this process in children, specialist intervention is required.

For men 20-30 years old

  • Main factors causing loss scalp hair in men of this age: heredity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • unfavorable hormonal levels.

At 30-45 years old

This age is reproductive. A person goes bald due to heredity, due to stressful situations, physical and mental stress, and poor lifestyle;

Over 45 years old

Aging reduces the production of hormones, the first gray hair appears and “age-related baldness” is formed.

Types of baldness

Young people often experience premature baldness. The main manifestations are small bald patches and bald patches in the frontal part of the head. The causes of this disease lie in genetics. It is quite difficult to cure it.

Also distinguished:

  • Diffuse alopecia. The causes of sudden baldness can be: radiation, stress, medication, serious illness or surgery.
  • Alopecia areata. Local hair loss on the head. Rarely observed and not fully studied. Scientists believe that this type occurs when there is a disorder in the immune system.
  • Scarring alopecia. Due to inflammation or injury skin hair follicles die.
  • Adrogenetic alopecia. The disease begins due to the increased sensitivity of the bulbs to male hormones, the metabolism slows down. This impairs the nutrition of the roots and leads to their death.

Alopecia is both permanent and temporary.

Factors leading to hair loss

The causes of hair loss in adults and children are varied. They are caused by both external and internal factors:

The correct diagnosis of the disease is made by a trichologist or dermatologist. If necessary, a referral to a therapist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, immunologist, hematologist, andrologist or urologist is given. If you have symptoms in children, you should contact your pediatrician. Specialists will determine the causes of hair loss and prescribe appropriate procedures. It is often necessary to establish the underlying disease that led to alopecia, and upon recovery, recovery occurs naturally.

As a rule, it is necessary to do general and biochemical blood tests, computer diagnostics hair and scalp, phototrichogram, trichoscanning. Also examine the dermis fungal infection and peeling, study hormonal and immune status, determine chemicals in the hair shaft.

Only after a comprehensive examination and identification of the underlying disease, the doctor draws conclusions and prescribes individual treatment, which can be adjusted. Main methods:

  • medications containing special substances, vitamins and microelements;
  • folk remedies, such as infusions and masks based on natural ingredients;
  • modern cosmetical tools, such as masks and special strengthening shampoos;

If non-surgical methods do not bring the desired result, you need to do a hair transplant.

Preventive measures

Preventative measures to maintain healthy hair are better than treatment. This is especially important for males who have genetic predisposition to baldness.

  • give up bad habits;
  • Healthy food. Zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium, biotin, B vitamins, which are contained in some products, make hair healthy and strong;
  • take vitamins that will help strengthen hair;
  • do systematically physical exercise, which improve blood circulation throughout the body;
  • use cold and hot shower;
  • massage your head for a few minutes a day in the morning and evening;
  • it is necessary not to overcool, get enough sleep and rest properly, and, if possible, avoid stressful situations;
  • take proper care of your hair.

Long, short, full, shiny - for most women, hair is much more than a bundle of fibers.

It is an expression of their style and personality. Research also confirms that hair and self-esteem are closely intertwined. While even the occasional “bad hair day” can make a woman feel bad, hair loss can be a terrifying sight she faces every morning in front of the mirror.

Why do women often experience hair loss too?

The idea that hair thinning is a problem for men is wrong. 40% of people who experience temporary or long-term hair loss are women. In some of them, the hair thins evenly, while in others the hair falls out from the central part. Still others develop obvious baldness on the crown of the head. Unlike men, women rarely develop a receding frontal hairline (receding hairline).

On average, the scalp has 100,000 hairs. Each follicle produces one hair, which grows at a rate of 1.3 cm per month. After growing for 2-6 years, the hair remains dormant for a while and then falls out. They are soon replaced by new hairs and the cycle begins again. At any given time, 85% of the hairs are growing, while the rest are dormant.

Since resting hair falls out regularly, most people lose approximately 50-100 hairs every day. You can usually find a few in your hairbrush or on your clothes. Abnormal hair loss can occur in several ways. You may notice impressive strands of hair falling out when you wash or style your hair. Or your hair is thinning slowly over a long period of time. If you are concerned about changes in the condition of your hair, consult your doctor.

Hair loss in women can be caused by approximately 30 different medical conditions, as well as certain lifestyle factors. Sometimes no specific cause can be found. As a starting point, hair loss experts recommend getting checked for hair loss problems. thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance. In most cases, the hair will grow back once the cause is eliminated.

The Savin scale is a widely used measurement that ranges from normal hair density to crown baldness (which is very rare). It is useful for documenting character female pattern baldness, which affects approximately 30 million American women. Experts believe that heredity and aging play a role in the development of androgenetic alopecia, along with hormonal changes during menopause. Hair may thin along the entire scalp, with the most pronounced hair loss occurring along the central part. Bald patches are rare in women.

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of the neck. It produces hormones that regulate many processes throughout the body. If the gland produces too little or too much hormone, the hair growth cycle can be disrupted. But hair loss is rarely the only symptom of thyroid problems. Other symptoms include weight gain or loss, very dry skin or eczema, increased sensitivity to cold or heat, and changes in heart rate.

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome have chronic hormonal imbalances. The body produces higher levels of androgens than necessary. This often causes excess hair growth on the face and body, while thinning hair on the scalp. Polycystic ovary syndrome can also lead to ovulation problems, acne, and weight gain. But sometimes thinning hair is the only visible sign.

Alopecia areata causes hair to fall out in impressive patches. The cause is the body's own immune system, which mistakenly attacks healthy hair follicles. In most cases, the damage is not permanent. Lost areas of hair usually grow back within 6 months to a year. In rare cases, people may lose all hair on their head and body.

When ringworm affects the scalp, the fungus causes a special type of hair loss - itchy, round patches of baldness. These areas may become flaky and red. Ringworm The scalp is treated with antifungal agents. The fungus spreads easily through direct contact, so relatives should also be checked for symptoms.

Some women may notice that their hair appears thicker during pregnancy. This is due to high levels of hormones that keep dormant hair from falling out. But this can't last forever. After the baby is born, when hormone levels return to normal values, this hair falls out quickly. This can lead to significant hair loss in a short period of time. It may take up to two years for hair to return to normal.

Little known side effect birth control pills is potential hair loss. Hormones that suppress ovulation can cause hair thinning in some women, especially those who have a family history of hair loss. Sometimes hair loss begins after you stop taking birth control. Other medications associated with hair loss include blood thinners, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis and depression.

When following extreme diets, you can lose more than just weight. People may notice hair loss after 3-6 months of losing more than 10 pounds, but it should grow back with a healthy diet. Be prepared for some degree of hair loss if your diet contains too little protein or too much vitamin A.

It's not a myth: Tight braids or ponytails can irritate your scalp and cause hair loss. The same is true for using tight curlers. Let your hair down and it will usually grow back. Remember that long-term use of such hairstyles can lead to scarring on the scalp and permanent hair loss.

Hair loss is a notorious side effect of two treatments malignant neoplasms– chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Both of these treatments can damage the hair follicles, causing severe hair loss. But this damage is almost always short-lived. Once the treatment is over, the hair usually grows back.

Extreme physical or emotional stress can cause sudden loss of half to two-thirds of the hair on your head.

Examples of stress include:

  • Serious illness or major surgery
  • Trauma with blood loss
  • Severe emotional trauma

Hair loss can last 6-8 months.

Minoxidil 5% (Rogaine) is approved for the treatment of female pattern hair loss. Using this drug once a day can slow or stop hair loss in most women and can help it grow back in a quarter of those who use it. The beneficial properties of this product are lost after stopping its use. For women with alopecia areata, corticosteroids can help regrow their hair. And if you have any medical conditions that cause hair loss, they will grow back on their own once the disease is under control.

Devices that emit low-energy laser light can stimulate hair growth to help with hair loss.

and are used in some clinics and as hand-held devices for home use. At least one device has received FDA approval for use in men and women, based on a small study that showed effectiveness in some of the people who used it. It takes 2-4 months to see results. The safety and effectiveness of long-term use of laser devices is unknown.

This procedure consists of transferring hair to the scalp from donor areas. The problem is that female pattern hair loss causes hair to thin out over the entire surface, so the number of good donor areas is limited. The exception is women with male pattern baldness or hair loss caused by scarring.

A quick internet search can reveal dozens of products designed to stop hair loss and re-grow. Unfortunately, there is no way to know if the before and after photos of these products have been doctored. To evaluate these treatments, you may want to consult a dermatologist.

Ask your stylist to give you some tips - a short haircut or, on the other hand, gentle curls. Styling products for thinning hair can help hide hair loss. You apply it to the roots of your hair and gently dry it to create volume (let your hair partially air dry before using a hair dryer). Special cosmetics can camouflage visible areas of the scalp. It might be worth trying keratin fibers. They are sprayed over areas of thinning hair, where their static charge makes the hair appear thicker.

Adapting to permanent hair loss is challenging task for most women. If areas of thinning hair are very noticeable, braid them, wear a chignon, scarf or hat to hide them. Wigs good quality very comfortable, and they don’t have “ bad days" If hair loss is interfering with your work or social life and makes you reluctant to leave the house, consider seeing a psychologist.


Hair growth cycles and hair loss rates

The amount of hair each person has is determined genetically, but on average about one hundred and ten thousand hairs grow on the head, for some this number reaches one hundred and fifty thousand. Normally, up to one hundred hairs are lost every day.

Human hair goes through several stages in its growth, which are called the hair growth life cycle. There are three such phases in total:

  • Anagen phase. This is the period of formation of the hair root or hair follicle, its duration is from 2 to 4 years.
  • Catagen phase. It is characterized by the end of hair growth. It lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Telogen phase. Its duration is from 3 to 4 months. It is divided into two stages - early and late telogen phases. During the early telogen phase, hair growth is complete. Often girls who want to grow long hair notice that their hair no longer grows beyond a certain length. The late telogen phase is characterized by natural hair death, leading to hair loss. The hair may remain in the follicle for some time, but then falls out. And the anagen phase begins again.

When hair loss occurs, it is the anagen phase that is disrupted - the period of active growth, that is, the hair falls out before it has time to fully mature. Not passed the full life cycle hair becomes thin and brittle, its quantity decreases.

If treatment is not started, the hair follicles will atrophy and baldness will occur.

Types of alopecia

Alopecia is the process of pathological hair loss, which results in baldness. In appearance, alopecia can be of two types:

  • By strip type. At the beginning, a strip resembling the letter “I” appears in the parietal part, there is little hair on it and the skin begins to show through. In this case, signs of hair loss are observed on the temples and the fronto-parietal part of the head. Without treatment, the strip expands and covers the entire parietal part.
  • By type of nest. Alopecia of this type develops quite quickly. At first the process proceeds like a strip, then it expands and takes the shape of an ellipse. If you do not start treatment, then very soon hair loss will affect the entire head.

In women, alopecia can be of several types.

Diffuse alopecia

With this type of baldness, hair begins to fall out all over the head. The cause may be hormonal, endocrine disorders, viral infections, skin diseases. It can come in two forms:

  • Telogen effluvium. For a number of reasons, up to 80% of hair follicles enter the telogen - resting - stage ahead of time, and hair stops growing.
  • Anagenova. It occurs when the body is unexpectedly exposed to radiation, radiation or poison, including chemotherapy, as a result of which the hair does not have time to enter the resting phase, but begins to fall out immediately after the anagen stage - growth. After eliminating the cause of alopecia, the hair is completely restored within 3-9 months.

Alopecia areata or alopecia areata

Hair loss is caused by damage to the hair follicles, which occurs due to immune defense factors. Alopecia areata of the nest type has several subtypes:

  • Total. It develops very quickly - from 2 days to 3 months, and is characterized by the intensive formation of lesions merging with each other. Eventually all the hair on the face and head falls out. At timely treatment the process may be stopped.
  • Subtotal. Alopecia progresses slowly and affects approximately 50% of the scalp. Without timely treatment, eyelashes and eyebrows fall out.
  • Universal. This type of alopecia is characterized by hair loss throughout the body.
  • Regional. Hair loss occurs in the occipital, temporal and edge of the scalp. At the first stage, vellus hair is preserved, but without treatment, it also falls out.
  • Shearing. With this type of alopecia, the hair breaks off at a distance of 1-1.5 centimeters from the head, the parietal and frontal parts are affected. The disease occurs with relapses, but when proper treatment stable remission is possible.

Androgenetic alopecia

This form is caused by heredity, hormonal disorders, intake hormonal drugs. Its cause is an excess of male hormones – androgens – in a woman’s body. Hair loss can occur in either a strip or nest pattern. Under the influence of male hormones, the anagen phase, which is responsible for hair growth, is shortened. Thus, if there is a normal number of hair follicles, a person becomes bald because the hair does not have time to grow. Without proper treatment, a woman is at risk of losing hair on the crown of her head.

Scarring alopecia

Its appearance is associated with irreversible damage to the hair follicles and scalp. The cause may be burns and injuries. Infectious diseases can cause inflammation of the hair roots, resulting in the appearance of connective tissue. With timely treatment, hair can be saved.

Seborrheic alopecia

The cause of this type of alopecia is excess production of sebum, which clogs the follicles and interferes with hair growth.

Traumatic alopecia

This type of hair loss occurs when mechanical damage follicle, which is caused by excessively frequent combing, styling with hot curling irons, and drying with excessively hot air.

Causes of hair loss and ways to prevent it

There are a number of reasons that cause hair loss:

  • Weak immunity. After serious infectious diseases, increased hair loss may begin. To avoid this, you need to take medications that stimulate the immune system (as agreed with your doctor), walk a lot, and play sports.
  • Taking medications. The use of certain contraceptives, aspirin, blood pressure medications, some steroids, and antidepressants can lead to hair loss. The most serious damage is caused by chemotherapy. However, hair growth usually resumes after treatment is completed.
  • Iron deficiency. It may be the cause of excessively heavy menstruation or the result of exhausting diets. To normalize the situation, you should take vitamins that contain iron, and also eat foods rich in iron: pomegranate and pomegranate juice, liver, beef, seafood, fish, eggs, rye bread, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • Hormonal disorders . Hormonal imbalance causes hair loss, which usually occurs at the onset of sexual activity, pregnancy, after childbirth, and during menopause. In addition, a similar effect can be caused by various endocrine disorders and diabetes mellitus (In this case, it is mandatory visit endocrinologist and undergoing a series of tests. After the treatment prescribed by the doctor, the hair is restored).
  • Infectious diseases of the scalp. Usually these are diseases such as dermatitis and seborrhea. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Diet poor in vitamins and microelements. This situation can be either a consequence of spring vitamin deficiency or an excessive addiction to smoking and alcohol, which destroy part of the useful substances, directing them to combat intoxication of the body. Taking vitamins and minerals (after consulting a doctor), as well as eating fresh fruits and vegetables can help.
  • Insufficient blood supply to the vessels of the head. The cause may be any disease (cardiovascular, osteochondrosis), or excessive daily consumption of coffee, tea or alcohol, as they cause a sharp compression of blood vessels. The problem can be solved by limiting the consumption of these drinks, as well as long active walks in the fresh air.
  • Stress. With constant stress, the proper blood supply to the hair roots is disrupted and they begin to actively fall out. If the situation is extremely difficult, you should consult a doctor; otherwise, you should rest more and take soothing herbal remedies.
  • Ecology. Increased radiation, polluted air, precipitation - all this affects the condition of the hair. The best solution, of course, there will be a move to a more environmentally friendly area, but if this is not possible, you should try to eat natural food, avoid chronic diseases and stress.
  • Impact of temperature. You cannot walk without a hat in the sun or in severe frosts.
  • Hairstyle. With strong tension, hair nutrition is disrupted, which affects its growth. First, the hair is injured, then a scar appears on which nothing can grow. Therefore, you should not get carried away with very tight hairstyles, such as African braids and dreadlocks.

About alopecia in women on video.

Treatment of alopecia

Treatment of alopecia, like any other disease, must begin with finding out its causes.

To do this, a trichologist performs a series of diagnostic studies, which include a blood test and a hair trichogram. In accordance with the results obtained, a course of treatment is selected. It should be aimed at normalizing hormonal levels and stimulating hair growth. The following tools are used for this:

  • Spironolactone. Reduces the amount of fluid in the body, normalizes hormonal levels, slows down the production of androgens and blocks their effect on the body.
  • Minoxidil (2% and 5%). Used as a drug that preserves hair and restores its growth. Can only be used under medical supervision.
  • Cimetidine. Designed to treat excess facial hair, has an antiandrogenic effect.
  • Estrogen and progesterone.
  • Cyproterone acetate.
  • Oral contraceptives with a mild androgenic index. The purpose of their use is to reduce the production of androgens by the ovaries.
  • Vitamins, phytin and biotin.
  • Psychotropic nootropic drugs.
  • Antiprotectors.
  • Photochemotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy, including the use of UV radiation, chloroethyl, Darsonval currents, cryomassage.
  • Rubbing alcohol tinctures (red pepper, naftalan oil extract) into the scalp.
  • Use of creams containing corticosteroids.

In severe cases of baldness, the doctor may suggest hair transplantation.

If you notice that there is much more hair left on your comb than usual, you should consult a doctor without wasting time. It is not worth starting the process of hair loss, because its natural result may be an almost bald head. The modern cosmetological procedure of cryomassage of the head can strengthen hair.

Therefore, at the first sign of hair loss, it is necessary to take appropriate measures. On early stages alopecia responds well to treatment.


Is the patient alive or dead?

All types of alopecia can be divided into two broad groups - scarring and non-scarring. The first type is considered the most dangerous; it cannot be corrected or treated; trichologists call the hair transplantation procedure the only salvation.

The thing is that at the site of the scar, the follicles completely atrophy and die. The second group is not so hopeless - the non-scarring type of alopecia leads to inhibition of the follicles while maintaining their function. The last group includes diffuse, androgenetic and focal hair loss.

Androgenetic alopecia

It would be fair to note that androgenetic (androgenic) loss is the most common, accounting for up to 90% of all visits to a trichologist. Unfortunately, the disease is getting younger: statistics indicate that the diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia is confirmed in 47% of men under 30 years of age and 19% of women over 25 years of age.

Looking for a reason

The main cause of the disease is increased sensitivity follicles to the action of androgens. Considering the hormonal “issue,” it is worth noting that in men, when the disease is diagnosed, the level of androgens may be normal, which cannot be said about women. Hormonal disorders with high levels of male sex hormone accompany alopecia in 50% of cases.

How does the hormone affect the follicle? Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone lead to changes in the follicle: they shorten the growth phase (anagen), lengthen the latent period and lead to “follicular miniaturization”. The latter term refers to a reduction in the pilosebaceous apparatus, which leads to the fact that the terminal long hair Over time, it decreases in volume and reaches the level of vellus.

Note! The basis of male and female androgenetic baldness is the same mechanism, but the process of hair loss differs significantly in form and intensity.

Male and female pattern baldness

  1. The male type of alopecia is usually classified according to the Norwood-Hamilton test, which involves 7 stages:
  1. The female type is classified according to Ludwig. Unlike male alopecia, female alopecia begins in the parting area and is manifested by thinning hair, which subsequently spreads throughout the entire scalp.
  1. Horseshoe type baldness. This type spread of the disease is most common in strong half humanity. Hair loss begins from the frontal area in the temple area. Then the process gains such proportions that bald patches in the shape of the letter “M” become visible to the naked eye.

The absence of any treatment and prevention measures can lead to the next stage, in which baldness spreads to the entire fronto-parietal region, and appearance The bald area resembles the letter “U”.

  1. Nest type baldness. It occurs much less frequently and in most cases begins with thinning of the hair on the frontal part of the head. As a result of excessive hair loss, a bald area in the shape of the letter “O” is formed on the crown of the head. Over time, it will grow and sooner or later will reach such proportions that the border of hair that separates the hairless area of ​​the crown and bald area will disappear, thereby forming the above-described “horseshoe”.

Alopecia of diffuse type

The diffuse type of baldness is called female; the main reason lies in the sensitivity of the follicles to dihydrotestosterone.

The degree and form of baldness is determined by the Ludwig scale.

  1. Alopecia in the form of a “stripe” (I-shaped baldness).
  2. Alopecia in the form of a “nest” (O-shaped baldness).
  3. Androgenetic type baldness leaves virtually no hair in the parietal area and is considered the most dangerous.

Ignoring the disease can lead to the “dandelion” effect, when an almost bald head will be covered with a cloud of rare and fine hair.
This is what the last degree of diffuse baldness looks like.

  1. Stripe type baldness. The process begins with the parietal zone, where a thinning “I”-shaped area appears. Over time, the thinning moves to the frontoparietal region in the temple area.
  2. Nest type baldness. It differs from the form described above only in the intensity of the flow. Outwardly, it will not look like accelerated large-scale baldness; it is the follicles that suffer first, losing their viability.
  3. Androgenetic mixed type- A fairly rare phenomenon of female pattern baldness. A high concentration of testosterone is manifested not only by thinning hair, but also by the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics, which include increased hair on the body and face, and a deepening of the voice.

The first signs of the disease may appear in the form of a “nest” or “stripe”, however, in both cases, baldness occurs unevenly and completely.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata or patchy hair loss is a fairly rare type of baldness. It is of particular interest to scientists because it begins completely unexpectedly and stops just as unexpectedly. It does not have any specific deadlines or specific results. In some cases, it can result in complete hair loss or only minor thinning.

The disease develops from a small area, which develops into complete baldness of the scalp (A. totalis) or body (A. universalis).

In rare cases, hair may fall out scatteredly (A. diffusd), as is the case in the male beard area (A. Barbae). Complete hair loss is observed in 7% of patients.

Trichologists distinguish 3 types of hair shafts along the edge of the bald spot - club-shaped, “exclamation mark”, cone-shaped. Restored hair is unpigmented and thin; only with the passage of time does it acquire a dense structure and color.

Types of alopecia:

  1. Alopecia areata causes hair loss in round and oval areas.
  2. Alopecia color is clearly recognizable by its unpigmented growing hairs.
  3. Alopecia totalis - as the disease progresses, hair grows back and falls out again.

Interesting fact!
In total, between 2.25 and 4.5 million people suffer from focal alopecia worldwide.
Patients become aware of the first signs of the disease at the age of 16-25 years.
In a quarter of cases, baldness has genetic roots; in most of those examined, concomitant diseases are not diagnosed.

Looking for a reason

It is fair to say that the causes of alopecia areata have not been fully established and continue to be researched, but some conclusions can be drawn now.

  1. Stress– one of the main factors that are considered when focal baldness. However, there is no direct connection between them; trichologists emphasize that a stressful situation can become a catalyst for hair loss in people who are predisposed to it.
  2. Any physical injury leads to stimulation immune system, which means it increases the likelihood of protein production heat shock(BTSH). This is what is considered the cause of alopecia in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. This type of alopecia is known as autoimmune hair loss.
  3. The reasons hidden in the transferred infectious diseases , especially if they touch the skin.

Principles of treatment

If you are facing a difficult battle for the thickness of your own hair, consider some factors that influence the effectiveness of the measures taken:

  1. It is necessary to treat alopecia areata not only on the bald area of ​​the skin, but also on the entire scalp.
  2. You shouldn’t talk about effectiveness and hope for results before 6-9 months of intensive treatment.
  3. If the problem returns systematically, the use of preventive antihistamines is important.
  4. As maintenance therapy, it is recommended to take multivitamins and injectable B vitamins.

Treatment methods

Type of treatment Drugs used
1 Nonspecific irritants
  • croton oil;
  • anthralin;
  • dithranol;
2 Nonspecific immunosuppressants
  • 8-label-sipsoralen;
  • corticosteroids;
  • PUVA therapy;
3 Agents that can cause contact dermatitis
  • diphenylcyclopropenone;
  • dinitrochlorobenzine;
  • squaric acid ester;
4 Specific immunosuppressants · CyA cyclosporine;
  1. The use of nonspecific irritants is effective only in the case of alopecia triggered by the body's immune processes. Not so long ago, the arsenal of trichologists included preparations based on anthralin, ammonium, carbolic acid, iodine, croton oil, pepper, chrysarobin or formaldehyde solution.
    On this moment efficacy and safety have been proven only for anthralin. The instructions recommend using it, including in cream formulations at a concentration of 0.5%. As a supplement, it is recommended to use shampoos based on zinc pyrithione.
  1. Agents that cause contact dermatitis include dinitrochlorobenzene, dibutyl alcohol estersquaric acid and diphenylcyclopropenone; the latter is used extremely rarely due to the fact that in large quantities it can become a potential mutagen.
    This kind of therapy is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting; uncontrolled application of drugs is fraught with redness, itching, and enlargement. lymph nodes, urticaria, increased skin pigmentation. Agents have fairly high efficiency rates: DPCP - 38%, DNCB - 63%, SADBE - 70%.
  1. The effectiveness of nonspecific immunosuppressants, such as corticosteroids, has been proven recently. They are administered in several ways, this can be a local application of lotion or cream, subcutaneous injection into the affected area, intramuscular systematic injection and oral administration.
    You can talk about effectiveness 3-6 months after the start of treatment. Among side effects folliculosis, acne, hypertrichosis and local atrophy are noted. Selective against hair loss Calcemin Advance for hair loss