Is it worth removing breast fibroadenoma? Arguments for and against the operation. Fibroadenoma (benign breast tumor): why it is dangerous and how to treat it. Can fibroadenoma in the mammary glands resolve?

Frightening and disarming for many women, fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is, nevertheless, benign tumor, (not life-threatening in 90% of cases), which can develop in the breasts of the fair sex throughout their reproductive years.

On forums on the Internet, and just in antenatal clinics The most common question was and remains the question: “Can a tumor such as fibroadenoma, independently or under the influence of someone traditional treatment dissolve?

And of course, there can be an incredible variety of answers to one seemingly simple and direct question. In conversations and discussions among women, stories are not uncommon that under the influence of some unique drugs or ointments, mastopathy was cured in three days, that fibroadenoma of the mammary gland resolved, never again reminding itself and similar myths of cure for the disease.

However, in most cases, such stories are retold from third parties, and no one has ever seen living representatives of such miraculous healing.

How is the matter really, and most importantly, what do practicing doctors think about getting rid of mastopathy or a tumor such as breast fibroadenoma on their own? Let's figure it out.

As already noted, breast fibroadenoma is a benign problem, a tumor formed from the glandular tissue of the mammary gland.

This type of tumor can develop within the first twenty years after full puberty, although in some cases, such a tumor can occur even after a woman has reached menopause. But, as a rule, this happens to women using hormone replacement therapy.

Breast fibroadenoma can manifest itself as a single tumor or as multiple tumors. Such problems can appear in almost any location in the breast tissue.

In this case, most often, the disease is completely asymptomatic and is usually detected either directly during an independent examination and check of the mammary glands, or during random palpation (palpation).

Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland can manifest itself as round, rather dense/hard (but at the same time elastic), well-bounded from other tissues, mobile neoplasms (with a diameter of 1 to 5 cm), which are completely painless when pressed and palpated.

The vast majority of such tumors can increase or decrease in size, which depends specifically on the phase of the female menstrual cycle.

It is believed that breast fibroadenoma, in some cases, may be capable of aggressive, fairly rapid growth. This is usually associated with:

  • With the onset of pregnancy.
  • With the period of breastfeeding.
  • With the need for hormone replacement therapy.
  • With the possible need for immunosuppressive therapy.

Practitioners are convinced that the risk of occurrence and aggressive behavior such a neoplasm as breast fibroadenoma increases with:

  • Presence of a diagnosis of breast cancer in first-degree relatives.
  • In case of unauthorized, excessive long-term use some oral contraceptives, especially before the age of twenty.
  • With prolonged smoking.
  • In case of insufficient daily intake of vitamin C.

At the same time, the risks of developing such tumors are significantly reduced as the number of full-fledged, successfully full-term pregnancies increases, and as the number of moderate (thoughtful) pregnancies increases sports load, as well as with daily consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and foods with omega-3 fatty acids.

But, unfortunately, if breast fibroadenoma has already formed, according to traditional doctors, it undoubtedly cannot resolve on its own or under the influence of certain tablets or ointments.

Why are there patients who are convinced that their problem resolved on its own?

Indeed, many patients are faced with situations where breast fibroadenoma, under certain circumstances, not only does not grow aggressively, but also noticeably decreases in size or disappears completely.

However, in all cases without exception, this is not at all the merit of taking one or another medications, or the use of traditional treatments. As a rule, this can happen if the tumor was initially false, not fully formed.

Indeed, practicing doctors note that fibrous tumor of the breast can be of two types:

  • This, as we have already said, is a true tumor, which has a clearly formed capsule, and which, unfortunately, is not capable of regression.
  • And this is a false tumor, not fully formed, which, indeed, is extremely rare, but can disappear on its own.

It should be noted that practicing doctors are quite conservative and categorical in the treatment of fibrous breast tumors in women.

Medical practitioners warn women against rash, unauthorized treatment of any form of mastopathy, since sometimes such treatment leads to a belated visit to the doctor by patients, when the disease is already thoroughly advanced and precious time is lost.

However, this does not mean that any form of fibroadenoma requires urgent surgical intervention.

In fact, both false and true fibroadenomas, if they do not bother the patient, are insignificant in size, and do not tend to grow, may not require urgent surgical treatment. Sometimes doctors may limit themselves to just dynamic observation of such a patient, with recommendations to change their diet and lifestyle.

However, in some cases, when the tumor is large (possibly deforming the breast, creating cosmetic defects), when the fibrous formation progresses, it is undoubtedly recommended to remove it. To remove such a tumor, doctors can use the curettage technique or the sectoral resection method.

Although, of course, both the option and the method of treatment for such neoplasms are always selected by the doctor, based on individual characteristics, clinical condition, associated problems, for each specific patient.

Do you still think that it is completely impossible to heal your body?

How can you identify them?

  • nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • allergies (watery eyes, rashes, runny nose);
  • frequent headaches, constipation or diarrhea;
  • frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • chronic fatigue (you get tired quickly, no matter what you do);
  • dark circles, bags under the eyes.

How often do you get your nails done, visit a hairdresser or cosmetologist? Most women answer this question: regularly. In any case, each of us, to one degree or another, cares about the condition of our skin, nails and hair. What about the breasts? Who does a self-examination at least once a month? We remember it only when it loses its shape and attractiveness. Or after childbirth, if problems with lactation arise. We put off going to the mammologist for the indefinite future, and often skip it initial stage tumor development. We offer you an honest conversation about breast fibroadenoma. We invited you to discuss the topic Galina Brusovanskaya. oncologist-mammologist clinical hospital No. 83 Moscow and Olga Nosova. Moscow surgeon, doctor of medicine.

– What tumors does fibroadenoma belong to?
HE. – This is a benign hormone-dependent tumor that is formed from glandular tissue mammary gland. There are two main types:
1 Common adenoma, which is located both in the duct and outside it;
2 Leaf-shaped, which is most often formed from intraductal fibroadenoma. It is characterized by rapid growth and in 10% of cases develops into malignant. The location of the adenoma can be varied: it can occur in one or both mammary glands. Most often she is solitary. But sometimes multiple adenomas form in the mammary gland.

– Sometimes the adenoma is the size of a hazelnut, and sometimes it grows to the size of a tennis ball. What does this depend on?
HE. – Usually fibroadenoma does not grow more than 1 - 3 cm in diameter. This tumor is mobile and easily moves within the tissue. It is absolutely painless. The only thing that can alert a woman is that a lump the size of a pea or nut appears in the breast. At an advanced stage, the adenoma can be large. Tumors up to 45 cm in diameter (leaf-shaped fibroadenoma) and weighing 6.8 kg have been described. The average size tumors are 5 - 9 cm. Size is not a determining factor, since even a tumor of 2 cm can be malignant. Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is most often distinguished by its lush growth and large size.

– Is it possible to distinguish an adenoma from a cancerous tumor by touch?
G.B. - Yes. A cancerous tumor is difficult to move within the tissue and does not have clear contours. And fibroadenoma rolls like a ball, it has clear, even contours. We can only find out whether it contains atypical cells (cells in which the process of degeneration into cancer is taking place) through histology.

- Are there any external signs exist? Does the skin over the tumor change, for example, become covered? orange peel, ripples? Is the nipple retracted?
G.B. - These are all signs cancer pathology. There are no external skin changes with adenoma. Leaf-shaped adenoma - the one that is more susceptible to degeneration into cancer - is large, it is immediately visible, as it protrudes from under the skin.

– Who is at risk?
HE. – Girls and young women are more susceptible to this disease. Usually, in those over 30, doctors discover an adenoma that arose at a young age, but was not diagnosed in time. Adenoma can also occur at the age of 14 as a reaction to changes in hormonal levels. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of both the tumor itself and hormonal levels must be carried out. If your breasts are very swollen, painful, or hard before your period, then this is a reason for examination. Having determined the concentration of hormones in the blood, the doctor will select competent treatment, a process in which both mammologists and gynecologists who are well versed in hormonal contraceptives can participate. By the way, the correct selection of a modern hormonal contraceptive drug is a kind of prevention of fibroadenoma.

– Since fibroadenoma is a hormone-dependent tumor, it is interesting to know what hormones influence its formation and growth?
G.B. – The development of fibroadenoma is influenced by the entire hormonal background: hormones thyroid gland, and hormones produced by the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and ovaries. If a woman has dysfunction of the thyroid gland, central nervous system, reproductive system (for example, polycystic ovary syndrome), then this is a direct pointer to an adenoma. That is why this tumor is a companion to diseases caused by disorders endocrine system, functions of the ovaries, pituitary gland. If a woman has hormonal disorders, then in 50% of cases the mammary glands are affected, and fibroadenomas may also appear.

– Women suffering from this disease note that fibroadenoma increases at the end of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.
HE. – During pregnancy, due to changes in hormonal levels, the tumor may increase. At the end of the menstrual cycle, the breast itself swells, but the tumor does not change in size.

– How does fibroadenoma behave after menopause? Is it true that it can resolve itself or at least decrease in size?
G.B. – It does not disappear, does not decrease, but can close with a capsule, and large calcareous granules are formed there - macrocalcifications. That is, tumor calcification may occur.

– How does hormone replacement therapy affect adenoma?
G.B. – Ideally, before prescribing HRT, the fibroadenoma should be removed to eliminate the risk of its growth and degeneration. But if the tumor is first detected during menopause, then it requires strict dynamic monitoring. It is necessary to do an ultrasound or mammogram every six months to monitor whether the adenoma is growing. But at a young age, hormone therapy should never be prescribed for fibroadenoma. The tumor needs to be removed and then treated.

– Is there a connection between abortion and adenoma, because abortion is also hormonal stress for the body?
HE. – Yes, abortions greatly undermine a woman’s hormonal levels. During the development of the embryo, a woman develops a special hormonal situation. After an abortion, the synthesis of a number of hormones abruptly stops, and the resulting imbalance can lead to mastopathy, breast cysts, and even provoke the formation of fibroadenoma.

– Some sources cite smoking as the cause and hormonal contraceptives.
HE. - Smoking has nothing to do with it. But illiterate prescribing of high-dose hormonal drugs (without taking into account the initial hormonal level) can theoretically upset the balance of hormones, which can provoke the formation of adenoma.

– Any woman who has been diagnosed with fibroadenoma is concerned about the question: is this disease inherited? Is there a threat to your daughter or granddaughter?
G.B. – This is not a hereditary disease. If my daughter’s hormonal system works normally, then she is not at risk of an adenoma. According to statistics, diffuse mastopathy most often degenerates into cancer, not fibroadenoma.
HE. – If a woman is diagnosed with atypical hyperplasia, the risk of breast cancer increases 8-9 times. In families where there is a history of cancer and breast cancer, in 10% of cases the adenoma can degenerate into a malignant connective tissue tumor - sarcoma.

– Do factors such as whether a woman has given birth, whether she has not given birth, whether she has fed or not breastfed, affect adenoma?
G.B. - No, it doesn't matter. If a woman gives birth normally, there are no disruptions to the menstrual cycle and the hormonal levels are calm, then there is no reason for the development of adenoma.


G.B. – A woman can conduct the first tactile examination herself. This is followed by an examination by a doctor who will prescribe an ultrasound for the young patient, and a mammogram for women over 40 years of age. If an ultrasound reveals a fibroadenoma, a biopsy is necessary to determine the nature of the formation: benign or malignant. There is no need to be afraid of the biopsy procedure. It is carried out after anesthesia: sampling a small piece fabric with a needle.


– So, the main method of treatment is surgery?
G.B. – Yes, the only method is surgical.

– But if this is a hormone-dependent tumor, then why isn’t it treated with hormones?
G.B. – When we identify fibroadenoma, we also look for its cause: what caused the failure in the hormonal system? And only after finding the primary focus that caused the formation of the tumor, we prescribe treatment. For example, if we have established that the cause lies in ovarian dysfunction, then we refer the woman for treatment to a gynecologist. Otherwise, we will remove one fibroadenoma, and another will appear. The same situation applies to the thyroid gland. If a woman does not begin to treat the underlying disease with an endocrinologist, fibroadenomas will appear endlessly. But treatment by other specialists - a gynecologist or endocrinologist - does not at all exclude surgery. We send the patient to an endocrinologist and gynecologist to stop the appearance of new tumors. And existing fibroadenomas must be removed.
HE. – Hormonal medications can balance hormone levels, and as a result, the existing tumor will simply stop growing, while at the same time this will prevent the formation of new adenomas. Despite this, surgery remains the only reliable treatment.

– What are the indications for surgery?
HE. – Rapid growth of adenoma, if it begins to increase sharply - 2 - 2.5 times in 3 - 4 months. If the tumor reaches a large size. If the suspicion of cancer is confirmed. Well, a woman's wish.

– There is a myth circulating on the Internet that adenomas, including multiple ones, can be reabsorbed in young women.
HE. – Cysts, yes, can shrink, but not adenomas. Tumors do not resolve.

– Quite often, for adenomas up to 1 cm, doctors do not suggest surgery, but dynamic monitoring of the adenoma (mammographic and ultrasound monitoring). This tactic forces a woman to live in constant anxiety, lest she miss the moment when the tumor begins to grow or degenerate. Are you a proponent of removal or surveillance?
G.B. – Fibroadenoma is a time bomb, so it is better to remove it. Very often during surgery, when histology is done, atypical cells are discovered (this is already a precancerous condition), which is evidence of timely removal. Without surgical intervention, such an adenoma can degenerate into a malignant tumor. As for adulthood, the postmenopausal period, when hormonal levels calm down, surgery is not necessary. The adenoma must be monitored, and if it starts to grow, it will have to be removed.


– What is done with adenoma during pregnancy?
G.B. – As a rule, after a period of more than three months, the fibroadenoma is removed.
HE. – If there are indications for removal of a mammary adenoma, it is removed. If the size of the adenoma is small and it is a benign tumor, then it is not worth removing it during pregnancy. It is better to wait, because any operation is stressful for the body of the mother and fetus.

– How long after giving birth can surgery be performed?
HE. – As soon as the woman stops breastfeeding.

– Is it allowed to feed if you have adenoma? Doesn't the tumor interfere with lactation?
G.B. – Breastfeeding is possible provided that the woman is observed by a mammologist at least once every three months.


HE. – There are two types of operations: enucleation (husking) and sectoral resection of the mammary gland. Enucleation of the tumor is carried out in the absence of suspicion of cancer. In this case, the histologist must confirm the benign nature of the fibroadenoma. If this is a borderline state of the tumor, then the woman is referred for further treatment to an oncologist, who will decide on removal of the tumor and the volume of surrounding tissue.
Husking is usually carried out under local anesthesia: make a small incision. Ideally, it is better to draw it along the border of the areola so that it is practically invisible in the future. If the location of the tumor does not allow an incision to be made along the areola, then it is made above the location of the tumor.
Sectoral resection is the removal of the tumor along with surrounding tissues (1 - 3 cm from the tumor). It is carried out in cases of suspected breast cancer in oncology clinics. Cosmetic defect during such an operation it may be noticeable, since the operated gland decreases in volume.

– Is it possible to perform breast surgery at the same time as fibroadenoma removal?
HE. – This option is possible. It all depends on the education of the surgeon and his skills in the field of plastic surgery.

– Do some women have a negative attitude towards breast implants and ask plastic surgeons to use alternative correction methods, such as the injection of hyaluronic acid?
HE. – Hyaluronic acid preparations are applicable for correction only small defect. It is not recommended to inject this acid into the mammary gland in large volumes.
After a month after surgery, it is possible to eliminate the defect using your own adipose tissue. This technology is called lipofilling. It involves taking your own adipose tissue, and after special treatment, the fat is injected into the defect site.
In recent years, successful experiments have been carried out in the West to improve this technology. Purified adipose tissue is mixed with stem cells, and this drug is used for injection.
Stem cells have growth factors, they promote the engraftment of adipose tissue, and the survival of fat cells using this technique increases.

– But this is its own tissue, and the body should not reject it?
HE. – The body does not reject its own. When harvested, the adipose tissue is damaged and deprived of blood vessels. Therefore, often after 2 - 3 months the volume of transplanted tissue decreases significantly.

– On what day after surgery are the sutures removed?
HE. - Usually on the fifth. If the woman feels normal, she is discharged from the clinic on the day of the operation.

– How does the operation affect lactation in the future?
HE. – After the tumor has been removed, the woman can usually breastfeed. With sectoral resection, preservation of lactation function depends on the extent of the operation.

– Breast augmentation with prostheses and lifting can provoke the formation of fibroadenoma?
HE. – Neither enlargement or reduction, nor lifting affect the formation and growth of adenoma. When women come to us who want to restore the shape of their breasts, a mandatory examination item is an ultrasound of the mammary glands. If a formation is detected on ultrasound, the next stage of examination is a biopsy. When confirming the good quality of education, we suggest doing plastic surgery and simultaneous tumor removal.
It is interesting to note that, according to the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration medicinal substances In the US, the survival rate of patients with breast implants is much higher than that of women with conventional breasts. Why? The answer is simple. Women with prostheses are more attentive to breast diagnostics, which makes it possible to detect cancer on early stage development when treatment gives good results.

– Is it possible to visit solariums, saunas, and topless sunbathing after surgery?
HE. – Saunas and solariums are not prohibited. If a woman is going to go to the sea two or three weeks after the operation, then she is recommended to protect the scar from sunburn.

Girls, I have a fibroadenoma in my left breast, I didn’t have time to cut it out before pregnancy. They say that it can resolve during pregnancy, or during breastfeeding. Has anyone had fibroadenoma? And did it resolve during pregnancy or breastfeeding? Or, on the contrary, have you started to progress? I’m 18 weeks old and nothing is happening yet, it’s not growing, and it’s not dissolving.

About kindergarten and... about life.

There are 2 news, as usual, good and bad... which one to start with? Let's say the good one. We finally found the kindergarten. We are going to go in September if nothing changes. Thanks to everyone for the advice, I seem to have paid attention to everything) I really like the place, the teachers are all in contact - I looked at all their dossiers))) I liked everything - I don’t see any catches yet. Nika liked them too. We were there 2 times and both times we were greeted by cheerful children, who talked to her affectionately and dragged us somewhere to play with them. Today...

One type of nodular mastopathy is breast fibroadenoma. Should I delete or not? This question is asked by women who have been given this diagnosis. In each specific case, the doctor chooses an individual method of treating fibroadenoma.

The essence of the disease, classification, causes

Breast fibroadenoma is a non-cancerous tumor that forms as a result of proliferation fibrous tissue. Despite its benign nature, the neoplasm can degenerate into cancerous tumor(sarcoma).

Most often, fibroadenoma appears in women aged 18 to 38 years. It can be localized in one gland or in both. The tumor has a round shape ranging in size from 2 mm to several centimeters. Fibroadenoma is painless, there are 2 types:

  • nodular;
  • leaf-shaped.

The tumor is hormone-dependent, so the cause of the formation of breast fibroadenoma is an increase in the amount of estrogen.

This happens in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • Ovarian pathologies.
  • Stress.
  • Menopause.
  • Heredity.

How to treat breast fibroadenoma?

Is it necessary to remove fibroadenoma? Usually the formation does not manifest itself in any way, so the need for surgery is questioned. The likelihood of a tumor transforming into cancer is negligible. The only type of fibroadenoma that has a risk of degeneration into sarcoma is a leaf-shaped (phylloid) tumor. This fibroadenoma is a cross between a benign and a malignant tumor. According to statistics, 10% of phyllodes tumors transform into cancer. Therefore, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma must be removed.

The decision about surgery is made by the doctor after conducting diagnostics, which includes:

  • palpation;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • biopsy.

Depending on the degree of development, education is divided into:

  • Immature fibroadenoma. It occurs in adolescence and lacks a capsule. Therefore, the tumor is easily amenable to conservative treatment.
  • Mature fibroadenoma. Diagnosed in adult women, it has a capsule, so treatment with medications is ineffective.

If a tumor is discovered after childbirth, this is not a contraindication to breastfeeding. On the contrary, changes in hormonal levels during this period can have a positive effect and the fibroadenoma will decrease in size or disappear completely.

Conservative treatment of fibroadenoma

Conservative therapy consists of dynamic observation and hormonal treatment. Dynamic observation is used in cases small size tumors (up to 1 cm), absence of symptoms.

Breast fibroadenoma is most common in young girls and women under 30 years of age. It was during this period of life female body most susceptible to hormonal changes, which is the cause of the development of the disease. Although there are cases when the tumor appears after menopause.

Fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm in the mammary gland. This means that the tumor does not spread to neighboring tissues and other organs. It is believed that the cause of the disease is hormonal imbalances in the body. It could be:

  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • abortion;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • puberty and so on.

Usually the disease is asymptomatic. The tumor in the chest does not hurt, there is no redness or other visible signs. The tumor is discovered accidentally during independent palpation or during a medical examination.

Unlike a malignant tumor, fibroadenoma does not bother the patient. A benign tumor may be different sizes from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The ball in the mammary gland rolls easily.

Can fibroadenoma resolve on its own?

Women who are diagnosed with fibroadenoma often begin to look for answers to the question of whether the tumor can resolve on its own. On various forums you can find answers that the fibroadenoma resolved on its own after a certain period of time. Usually such messages are written from third parties, and not from the very patients who were miraculously healed.

Doctors say that fibroadenoma does not resolve on its own, and in most cases it requires surgical intervention. Although in medicine there are several cases where a benign tumor disappeared. Most often this occurs with a false form of the disease.

There are two forms of the disease:

  • true. The tumor has formed into a closed capsule;
  • false. The neoplasm is not fully formed.

For false fibroadenoma, if correctly selected conservative therapy, then there is a chance to get rid of the ball in the mammary gland, although treatment may take long time. Sometimes the tumor decreases in size in the following cases:

  • if you refuse to take oral hormones;
  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • upon completion of puberty.

At the same time, pregnancy or breast-feeding may, on the contrary, provoke the growth of a tumor.

Does fibroadenoma turn into cancer?

When a woman is diagnosed with breast fibroadenoma, she worries whether the disease can become malignant. If you look for those whose benign neoplasm has developed into cancer, then it is very difficult to find such patients. This is due to the fact that fibroadenoma in rare cases degenerates into an oncological disease (statistically, no more than 10%).

But sometimes the leaf-shaped form of fibroadenoma can degenerate into cancer. The peculiarity of this form of the disease is the rapid growth of the tumor and the ability to turn into a sarcoma (malignant tumor), therefore, if the tumor grows quickly, immediate surgical intervention is recommended.

Patients at greater risk of fibroadenoma degenerating into cancer are:

  • With hereditary factor(if your mother, grandmother or sister had breast cancer);
  • with weak immunity;
  • With bad habits(smoking or drinking alcohol);
  • with insufficient intake of vitamin C.

Also at risk are young girls under the age of 25 who take drugs for non-medical purposes. hormonal drugs over a long period.

Is breast fibroadenoma dangerous?

Women who are faced with the disease for the first time are concerned with the question of how dangerous the disease is and what its main danger lies. Fibroadenoma can manifest itself as single or multiple neoplasms. The disease can be caused by various factors, ranging from puberty to severe stress, which caused changes in hormonal levels.

Stress is one of the negative factors

The disease itself does not pose a threat to the patient’s life. Although the threat to life and health depends on the shape and type of fibroadenoma. For example, a false form of the disease can resolve on its own under certain circumstances.

The most dangerous is considered to be leaf-shaped or phyllodes fibroadenoma. This type of benign breast tumor is characterized by rapid growth, as well as the possibility of degeneration into cancer.

Despite the fact that the risk of fibroadenoma degenerating into cancer is very small, if you detect a lump in the form of a ball in the chest, you should consult a doctor. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis after examination and examination:

  • mammography;
  • cytological studies.

A correct diagnosis allows you to prescribe effective treatment. You should not wait until the tumor disappears on its own because this can be fraught with consequences.

To treat or not to treat?

The only treatment for fibroadenoma is surgery. The tumor is removed through a small incision in the chest, after which a neat cosmetic suture is applied. Many patients are afraid of surgery and try to treat the tumor with folk remedies. Sometimes this works, but in some cases it is wiser to agree to surgery. Operation is required in the following cases:

  • with rapid tumor growth caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding or other factors;
  • with the leaf-shaped form of the disease;
  • when the tumor is large and the breasts become asymmetrical.

If in a woman there is a chance that the fibroadenoma will resolve on its own, for example, the tumor is small and does not grow or its decrease is observed, the decision about surgery is postponed for a certain period. The doctor monitors the dynamics of the disease using:

  • mammography;
  • clinical trials.

Most often this applies to patients in menopause. You can live with this disease for a long time if it does not progress. But constant monitoring by a doctor is simply necessary so as not to miss the moment when the tumor begins to grow. Sometimes the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy, which will help normalize hormonal levels. Some folk remedies help prevent the growth of fibroadenoma. But before taking any unconventional methods of treatment, consult your doctor so as not to harm the body.

Fibroadenoma usually affects young women, but the exact causes of its occurrence have not been established. Indications for surgery for fibroadenoma may include rapid growth or large sizes tumors, as well as the risk of developing a malignant disease.

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GULYA asks:

Good evening I had fibroadenoma removed in February, my chest hurts sometimes I don’t know, maybe it’s approaching critical days is this normal?

Answers Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon. After fibroadenoma removal, you should be monitored by the operating doctor. Whenever painful sensations you need to visit a doctor for examination and examination.

Asks Svetlana, Rostov-on-Don:

Hello, Andrey Ivanovich! I am 31 years old, my child is 1 year and 7 months old, he is breastfed until now. A year ago, a lump appeared in my right breast, according to the results of an ultrasound: there is a violation of the ultrasound architectonics, in the sector at 11-12 o’clock a sharply hypoechoic formation measuring 17x12x20 mm with fluid cavities and pronounced perinodular vascularization is located, on the right axillary lymph nodes increased to 10-11 mm, hypoechoic. According to the results of the puncture biopsy and the conclusion of the pathologist: the cytological picture most closely corresponds to fibroadenoma, it is necessary to differentiate with fibrocystic disease, staining according to the Pappenheim method 3, code according to the IBC No. 64.8 - other specified diseases mammary gland. The mammologist sends me for surgery without explanation. Orally, the laboratory said that the tumor was benign. In connection with the above, I have a number of questions, I will be very grateful to you if you answer them.
1. How can you understand from a cytological study what type of fibroadenoma it is and whether it can be malignant?
2. If you stop breastfeeding, is there a chance that the fibroadenoma will resolve? Have there been such cases in your practice?
3. Is it possible to observe the tumor for 2-3 months, and only if it grows, operate.
4. Can the diagnosis “most consistent with fibroadenoma” be considered final? I apologize for my medical illiteracy, but drawing an analogy with jurisprudence, such a qualification would not pass.

Answers Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Svetlana, I want to immediately make a reservation that the issue of treating fibroadenomas is very controversial in the domestic literature (I mean countries former USSR) has not yet been covered in detail. In my work, I adhere to “Western” standards for the diagnosis and treatment of fibroadenomas, because I read mainly English-language literature (Australia, USA, Canada, Israel). So, these standards look like this. To confirm the diagnosis of fibroadenoma, a clinical examination (examination, palpation), ultrasound is necessary (your conclusion is not entirely clear to me, since hypoechogenicity can also be a sign of a cyst, especially since there are some mysterious “fluid cavities”; for fibroadenoma more characteristic is not “pronounced vascularization”, but one modest feeding vascular pedicle) and morphological examination. Morphological examination can be cytological (your case) or histological. A histological examination, which evaluates the structure of tissues, is more reliable. However, cytological (examination of individual cells) is also acceptable. The so-called is considered potentially dangerous. leaf-shaped or phylloid fibroadenoma. It is recommended to remove it. However, in my opinion, it is possible to speak with confidence about leaf-shaped FA only when histological examination. Obviously, this is the reason for some uncertainty in your cytological conclusion.
Histological examination is possible either when FA is removed, or when so-called. "gun" biopsy. Further. When the diagnosis of FA is established, and it is found out that it is not a leaf-shaped tumor, in women under 35 years of age (some write up to 40), an active wait-and-see approach is recommended. The patient receives conservative treatment and comes for a follow-up ultrasound scan six months later. If the FA has increased in size, it is shown surgical treatment. In all other cases, it is possible to continue dynamic observation with ultrasound control every six months. If FA has not disappeared by age 35, its removal is recommended.
An increase in FA can be triggered by pregnancy and lactation. After stopping feeding, regression of FA to “pre-pregnancy” sizes is possible.
The diagnosis “most consistent with FA” is, of course, preliminary. And in general, I had a thought: is it a cyst (given the enlarged lymph nodes)?
I recommend that you stop feeding. Otherwise, your prolactin levels may remain high.

Natalya asks:

Good afternoon
I’m 27 years old. Just one birth. No abortions. After giving birth, a year later, a lump was discovered in the breast. I didn’t breastfeed. The oncologist mammologist took a puncture and did an ultrasound. I didn’t do a mammogram, there are no problems in gynecology, the thyroid gland is normal (I tested the hormone):
Ultrasound - Right gland - normal.
The left gland is a hypoechoic round formation 19*17 mm with a heterogeneous structure, unclear contours, above it a small 8*4 mm.
Puncture: in the smears there are pieces of adipose tissue, complexes of epithelial cells with small and enlarged nuclei, macrophages (I can’t decipher), “naked” nuclei.
A similar cytological picture may occur with fibrodematosis or fibroadenoma.
Full conclusion: fibrocystic mastopathy, 2 FA.
Treatment is surgical.

4 months passed. My chest began to hurt a little, and during the period of ovulation I felt a burning sensation and pain in my armpit. I took Mastodinon, the pain went away. I began to prepare for the operation. I decided to go (that is, 5 months have passed since the date of this diagnosis) for a repeat ultrasound.
The doctor is an experienced gynecologist-uzist. Made the following conclusions:
1. There are traces of mastitis in the chest.
2. What was determined at the first ultrasound to be a small FA is actually a cyst.
3. The size of the large formation decreased and became 14mm*11mm.
(were 19mm*17mm)
The conclusion of this ultrasound: in the area there is a rounded hypoechoic formation with smooth hyper(?) echogenic contours with a clearly defined... (I couldn’t make out the word) Diameter 1.52. The contents are homogeneous. The nipples are not changed. There is no discharge.
Conclusion: cyst with fatty contents.
At the moment, I am 10 weeks pregnant. This formation does not seem to have increased and is not manifesting itself in any way.

Question: could these really be cysts? The doctor said that cysts are characterized by clear contours.
What would you say based on this picture? Can FA have fat content? And how will breastfeeding affect if it is really a cyst? I read that with FA, lactation does not matter, but with a cyst it can resolve?
I’m very grateful in advance for your answer. Because I’ve already screwed myself up with all the worst things.

Answers Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Good afternoon. Answer: Maybe cysts. How can I judge this without seeing photos?
What would you say about this picture?
Answer: what picture do you mean?
Can FA have fat content?
Answer: it could also be a fibrolipoma. I have never seen a cyst with “fat content” in my life.
And how will breastfeeding affect if it is really a cyst?
Answer: GW, as I understand it, this is breastfeeding? It won't have any effect. The main thing is that this seal does not become a mechanical obstacle to the outflow of milk.
I read that with FA, lactation does not matter, but with a cyst it can resolve?
Answer: The cyst will not go anywhere if it is a cyst. It is large, with apparently dense walls.
I’m very grateful in advance for your answer. Because I’ve already screwed myself up with all the worst things.”
Answer: Do you have nothing better to do than sit and cheat? You might as well get into the car and think: “I’m going to crash today, I’m going to crash today!” What you think is what you get. Throw all this nonsense out of your head, read less Internet nonsense called “I read”, calmly give birth and breastfeed.

Elena Tolyatti asks:

I am 19 years old! On April 6, 2008, there was a sectoral resection of a fibroadenoma of mixed structure (dimensions 33*18*30 mm) of the right breast.
The oncologist prescribed a course of treatment: mastodinone - 4 months, motherwort and vitamins. Every 3 months I went to see him; in December, during the last examination, I found a tumor in my left breast. I did an ultrasound: at 11 o’clock 0.6*0.5 cm, d - 0.3 cm

Donated blood for hormones:
St. T4 - 17.87 (normal 12.0-22.0)
St. T3 - 5.02 (normal 3.1-6.8)
TSH - 2.86 (normal 0.27-4.20)
Prolactin 351.8 (normal 102-496)
Luteal progesterone - 3.65 (normal 5.3-86.0)
Follicular FSH - 6.91 (normal 3.5-12.5)
LH follicular - 4.60 (normal 2.4-12.6)
Follicular estradiol - 33.90 (normal 12.5-166.0)

She also did an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and female genital organs. Everything is good in gynecology, but not so much in the thyroid gland.
The conclusion says: Autoimmune thyroiditis
right lobe: 1.7*1.3*4.9 cm
left lobe 1.2*1.0*5.0 cm
isthmus 0.3 cm
volume 8.0 ml

Is surgery necessary? And now what i can do? Of course I’ll go to an endocrinologist and mammologist!
And how bad is the thyroid situation? Could this subsequently cause infertility? I heard that thyroid diseases cannot be treated, but only stopped. Should fibroadenoma be removed if there is such a disruption in the body’s functioning?

In advance to you thanks a lot for your attention!

Answers Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Hello, Elena! I will answer you briefly, taking into account the format. Autoimmune thyroiditis must be confirmed nearby laboratory research(in particular ATTG). As far as I understand, your thyroid gland is not very enlarged. 2) If the diagnosis of AT is confirmed, this means that you have reduced thyroid function. This leads to an increase in prolactin levels (the fact that its levels are normal does not mean anything). An increase in prolactin leads to a decrease in progesterone levels (which is already clearly confirmed by tests). But reduced progesterone (in your case, significantly reduced) already poses a problem for future pregnancy (and for PREGNANCY itself))))))) and leads to the appearance of fibroadenomas. Without eliminating these reasons, you will go to surgery every year as if it were a job. I suggest you do conservative treatment. Moreover, what is there to remove - 0.6 cm? If you are interested, look on the Internet for my article about the treatment of fibroadenomas, everything is explained there.
Huge greetings to Tolyatti! My father drove a VAZ 2103 for thirty-five years and always praised this car.

Irina asks:

Question: Good afternoon!
My case: 1) Ultrasound: in the right breast - a hypoechoic formation with liquid inclusions up to 2 by 1.5 cm in size. 2) Mammography: an ovoid-shaped formation with clear, even contours up to 2.3 cm, such as a fibroadenoma, was detected. Ultrasound-guided puncture is recommended.
3) Result of cytological examination: red blood cells, fragments of cellular connective tissue, groups of cuboidal epithelial cells with proliferation were found.
Diagnosis: Leaf-shaped tumor? Fibroadenoma with stroma phyloidization?
(the result is exactly with question marks).
Afterwards they recommended a consultation with a surgeon, who immediately said: “we need to cut it, it costs so much”

Questions: 1) are the examinations performed enough to make a diagnosis?
2) Is it necessary to determine the level of atypicality of cells during a cytological examination?
3) Is it worth doing an additional MRI?
Thank you, Irina

Answers Bondaruk Olga Sergeevna:

Good afternoon. Phylloid fibroadenoma or leaf-shaped tumor of the mammary gland is a special type of benign tumors of the mammary gland; this type of tumor received its name for its structure, which is determined on a layer-by-layer section. This tumor is characterized by rapid growth. In 10% of cases, a leaf-shaped tumor can degenerate into a malignant connective tissue tumor - sarcoma. Leaf-shaped sarcoma refers to >

Answers Bondaruk Olga Sergeevna:

Good afternoon. Phylloid fibroadenoma or leaf-shaped tumor of the mammary gland is a special type of benign tumors of the mammary gland; this type of tumor received its name for its structure, which is determined on a layer-by-layer section. This tumor is characterized by rapid growth. In 10% of cases, a leaf-shaped tumor can degenerate into a malignant connective tissue tumor - sarcoma. Leaf-shaped sarcoma belongs to > tumors - that is, it is, as it were, on the border between a benign and a malignant tumor of the mammary gland. A biopsy of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma reveals atypical cells. They are different from normal cells appearance, but are not yet malignant. Treatment of fibroadenoma of this type -
Judging by the conclusion of cytologists, there are no atypical cells in the specimen. And the presence of a liquid component on ultrasound, in combination with cytology results, rather fits into the picture of a cyst.
I would recommend consulting cytological preparations at another institution and repeating the ultrasound in a month. MRI of the mammary glands is a beautiful method, but in Ukraine there are practically no specialists who know how to use it.

Alina asks:

Good afternoon
I am about to undergo surgery to remove a fibroadenoma, size 30 x 13 mm. I kindly ask you to help me choose the right surgeon. The fact is that the first surgeon works in an oncology center and constantly operates. He gave me a very quick consultation and promised to do layer-by-layer suturing of the fabrics only when I asked about it myself. If I had not raised this issue, layer-by-layer suturing of fabrics would not have been carried out. (Of course, I understand that he has a lot of patients, but won’t his busyness affect my operation?) The second surgeon treated me very attentively, gave detailed advice (about technical issues of the operation) and immediately talked about layer-by-layer suturing of tissues and plastic surgery , but he works in a private clinic, not in a cancer center. Both surgeons suggest gentle sectoral resection rather than enucleation to reduce the likelihood of new fibroadenomas.
Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answers Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Hello, Alina! In my humble opinion, enucleation (figuratively speaking, enucleation) of fibroadenoma is more gentle. Sectoral resection is the removal of a section of the gland. This is the first thing. Secondly, no operation is a guarantee of the non-appearance of new fibroadenomas. The operation is a mechanical removal of the effect, but not the removal of the cause of fibroadenomas. Thirdly, I recommend having this operation done in a private clinic, for example, ours (Isis). Material costs are the same, but psychological stress absent. In any case, the choice is yours. Good luck!

Alesya asks:

Good afternoon
I am 24 years old. A diagnosis was made - fibroadenoma of the left breast measuring 10 by 6 mm (as far as I understood from the ultrasound examination). I am seeing an oncologist-mammologist, who prescribed treatment for a period of 4 months with subsequent re-examination.
I do fitness and aerobics. Does playing sports affect the growth of fibroadenoma? (sometimes you have to put a little strain on the chest muscles).
Is it possible to cure (reduce in size) a fibroadenoma of this size with medication? Is moderate sunbathing contraindicated with this diagnosis? Is it possible to plan for children? Do pregnancy and breastfeeding affect the growth of fibroadenoma and the health of the child?
Thank you very much in advance!

Answers Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Does playing sports affect the growth of fibroadenoma? - Does not affect
Is it possible to cure (reduce in size) a fibroadenoma of this size with medication? - Possibly - in about 20% of cases
Is moderate sunbathing contraindicated with this diagnosis? - Not contraindicated
Is it possible to plan for children? - Can
Do pregnancy and breastfeeding affect the growth of fibroadenoma and the health of the child? - Pregnancy has an effect: fibroadenoma may increase slightly in size, then, as a rule, returns to its previous levels.

Olga asks:

Good afternoon. I have been diagnosed with fibroadenoma of the left mammary gland. I am going to have an operation. Please tell me what tests need to be taken for the operation? The doctor said that for now, within 10 days while we wait for the results of the puncture, I can take tests. So as not to waste time .


Hello Olga! It’s strange that the doctor didn’t give you a list of the tests you need. Most likely, she forgot. To avoid the possibility that the absence of some analysis will lead to a delay in the operation, the best thing you can do is to consult a doctor and ask him for a list of necessary studies. As a rule, it includes general analysis blood and urine, biochemical blood test, blood sugar test, smears for vaginal cleanliness and consultation with a gynecologist, results of routine fluorography, feces for worm eggs, ECG. But options are possible. Take care of your health!

Svetala asks:

Hello! I am 34 years old. I'm planning a pregnancy. A year ago, an endometrial polyp was removed. Now he has appeared again. And now a fibroadenoma has been discovered in my chest. Could these two diseases be related? What could be the reasons for all this? What's next? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Svetlana! Endometrial polyp and breast fibroadenoma are diseases caused by hormonal imbalance in the body. Hormonal disorders may be a consequence of chronic inflammatory gynecological diseases, abortions, thyroid diseases, etc. A thorough examination by a gynecologist-endocrinologist is necessary, including a study of the level of sex hormones and thyroid hormones. Detected deviations must be corrected before pregnancy. Take care of your health!

Anna asks:

Good afternoon I am 23 years old. Please tell me, are there any mammologist doctors in Rostov-on-Don besides the doctors at the Health Center and the Oncology Dispensary on the 28th line?
And is there a need to remove breast fibroadenoma measuring 0.78 x 0.47 cm if it does not grow within 1.5 years? And what is the anechoic formation (size 0.18x0.33 cm) that appeared in my breast (this tumor was not there half a year ago) as fibroedenoma, and how to deal with it? I'm going to have a baby - can these tumors have a negative impact during pregnancy if they are not removed?
Thank you very much for your answers!!!

Answers Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Anna, hello! Unfortunately, I don’t have any information about Rostov-on-Don, because... I live in Kyiv. Considering your age and the fact that the fibroadenoma is not growing, you can leave it alone. However, a needle biopsy must first be performed. An anechoic formation is either a cyst or a new fibroadenoma. To establish a diagnosis, ultrasound of the mammary glands with Doppler is recommended. Negative influence(except for a slight increase in size) fibroadenomas do not affect pregnancy. In addition, conservative therapy for fibroadenoma is possible.

Natalia asks:

Hello! I am 26 years old, I am from the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. In December, I was diagnosed with Multiple Fibroadenoma of the left m/f, an ultrasound showed three of them. When examined by an oncologist, they were also discovered to be three, with two nearby and one completely on the other side from the first. They assured me that it does not resolve, and I can only get rid of them promptly! After being referred for surgery, an oncologist examined me and showed me where the incisions would be (that is, there should have been two incisions). One incision was made, the operation was a week ago, and according to the operation, only two were removed, which were next to each other. To the question why they didn’t remove another one, no one gives me an intelligible answer, because one doctor operated on me, and the attending physician was another. They prescribed some kind of medicine without a name, it needs to be prepared to order based on magnesia and they said that they would try to “dissolve” it, but they don’t dissolve?! When I finally got to the doctor who was operating on me, he said that he removed everything that had been removed, that I had a tendency towards them and they could appear in me at any moment, so that I would “dissolve” this with medicine and be observed by a mammologist. No one told me what to do next or where to look for the reasons, the only thing they said was that it was most likely hormonal! I am completely at a loss and don’t know what to do next! Who to contact and what to do with this unremoved fibroadenoma!?! I’m starting to be afraid and doubt the competence of the doctors who observed me!

Answers Filonenko Andrey Grigorievich:

Good day, Natalia. Apparently the surgeon who operated on you hid something from you. Most likely there was some circumstance that prevented the removal of the remaining fibroadenoma. It was not necessarily the mistake (incompetence) of the doctor or any of the staff. However, I believe that the doctor should have explained to you what exactly prevented the planned removal from being carried out. Of course, local formations in the mammary gland do not resolve. Therefore, another operation needs to be planned. Regarding inclination. There is indeed a tendency to local formations (fibroadenomas), but this does not mean that they do not need to be operated on. On the contrary, in case of such a tendency, one must be wary of malignant growth, therefore it is necessary to operate as early as possible. I think that you need to take a referral for surgery again, but I recommend that you ask the department for another doctor to operate. In addition, you can try to contact the head of the department or the chief of medicine so that the department will partially bear the costs of the repeat operation.

Maxim asks:

Good afternoon Andrey Ivanovich. Help me please.

My wife Oksana (25 years old) was diagnosed with fibroadenoma of the left breast. The oncologist said that she has not completed puberty because... she has not given birth and is not pregnant and that she needs to give birth faster because this may help prevent the appearance of new fibroadenomas in the future.
Is the doctor's assumption correct?
Oksana and I were planning a child in 3-4 years, we led and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Thank you!

Answers Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Puberty women ends at 18 years of age, regardless of the presence of pregnancies and childbirth. Pregnancy itself does not solve anything and should not be a means of treating fibroadenoma. You're not going to get a pet hamster. Oksana needs to have an ultrasound of the mammary glands (days 5-10 of the mammary cycle), determine the levels of hormones: prolactin and estradiol (days 5-7 of the mammary cycle), progesterone (days 19-1 of the mammary cycle .). After this we will talk about the completion or non-completion of puberty. Healthy image life is very good.

Angelina asks:

Good day!!! I am 30 years old and have never been sexually active. In May 2013, I had an enometrial cyst removed on my left ovary. For half a year I took the hormonal drug "Visanne" (however, the doctors did not check my hormones). In May 2014, a follicular cyst was discovered on the right ovary, I took the COC "Mediana" for a month, the cyst disappeared. At the same time, as prescribed by a gastroenterologist, I took antibiotics for Helicobacter for a week, as I was constantly feeling sick and vomiting - Nexium, amoxicillin, clarithromycin. On the second day of taking COCs and antibiotics, I developed submandibular lymphadenitis, cough, and problems with blood vessels. Cured. This was in June 2014. In October 2014, I began to have skin problems (rashes in the form of herpes, dense acne both on the face and body), my breasts increased by 2 sizes, then one decreased, and the second remained swollen. I did an ultrasound - 2 fibroadenomas, one in the right (structure with a predominance of glandular 12 mm, thickness of the glandular layer 12 mm, diameter of the milk ducts 2.2 mm, square isoechoic formation 6.7x3.4 mm without a clear contour), the other in the left breast ( structure with a predominance of glandular 8.6 mm, thickness of the glandular layer 8.6 mm, diameter of the milk ducts 2.2 mm, hypoechoic ovoid, smooth, clear, homogeneous contours. Horizontal orientation. 6.6x3.9 mm). The lymph flow zones are anterior axillary up to 12x4 mm with a preserved structure. Conclusion: echo signs of FCM, fibroadenoma of the left mammary gland, developing fibroadenoma of the right mammary gland. I went to the oncologist, she prescribed mastodinone and prozhetsogel (a hormonal drug, gel) WITHOUT any tests. I became allergic to Mastodinon, it left only progestogen. Question: how effective is this treatment, why was I not sent for a puncture, what is the most effective treatment you suggest, can fibroadenoma go away after the onset of sexual activity or childbirth.
In addition, my cervical lymph nodes are enlarged, the right side of my head tingles all the time, sometimes the right side of my neck, sometimes I feel nauseous, nodes in the thyroid gland, but the hormones in this part are normal (a lot of antibodies are produced, due to which the thyroid gland decreases).... BUT the most the main problem- over this month or two, all my moles have tripled in size and continue to grow, many moles have appeared and are appearing, which are growing rapidly, the old ones have changed color, shape... EVERYTHING!!! And the skin on the face deteriorated, acne appeared, the skin became oily, sebaceous glands my head is clogged... And the doctors can’t figure out what’s happening to me. Does this have anything to do with fibroadenoma? Could it be a virus or some kind of infection that could contribute to the formation of fibroadenoma... and my cough has not gone away for two months (although I took an x-ray half a year ago, nothing was found).
And also, as soon as I was diagnosed with fibroadenoma, I began to experience constipation...for weeks...
Doctor, my gynecologist tells me to take COCs all my life, because I have endometriosis, the oncologist is not against it, but I read your answer on this site that if you have fibroadenoma, you absolutely cannot take hormonal drugs, as I should be, because endometriosis is treated only with hormones.... how harmless it is for the breasts in this case Do you recommend the drug?
I will be very grateful for your answer! Happy New Year, happiness and health to you!!!

Answers Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon, perhaps you didn’t read my answer; for fibroadenomas, taking COCs is not contraindicated, but taking into account all of the above, I would really recommend looking at the state of your hormonal levels, and you should understand that everything that was prescribed to you (mastodinon, etc.) was are not aimed at resolving fibroadenomas, since they almost never resolve, but at eliminating swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, for prescribing herbal medicines, hormonal study not necessary, fibroadenomas larger than 1 cm are punctured, they are observed less, fibroadenomas have nothing to do with your skin problems, constipation and other disturbances in general well-being, they are a consequence of dishormonal ones (one of the hypotheses, since the exact cause of the appearance of fibroadenomas has not yet been found) changes in breast tissue. There are many drugs for the treatment of mastopathy, all of them plant origin, with the exception of progestogen, but it is not harmful, since it only works on gland tissue, restoring hormonal imbalance

Aliya asks:

Hello! I am 21 years old. In July last year, I contacted the Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary of the Republic of Tatarstan, because... I found some kind of formation in my left breast.
The mammologist listened to me and did an ultrasound. Result: focal mastopathy of the left breast. Size: 18 by 8 mm and 21 by 10 mm. Mastodinon was prescribed for 3 months, vitamin E for 2 months and a follow-up examination after 4 months.
I came 4 months later, in November, I was given an appointment with an oncologist surgeon, he also listened to me, looked at my breasts, I did an ultrasound, and returned to him. He looked and went for a repeat ultrasound with me. Result: “at 8 you can see a hypoechoic formation of a confluent nature 28 by 10 mm (two-node FA), next to it, closer to the nipple, at a distance of approximately 8 mm from this formation, a hypoechoic formation 7 by 6 mm (FA?) is visible.” Recommendation: follow-up examination after 3 months (for a new lesion up to 7 mm), then excision.
I came to the same specialist in early February, he again listened, looked, and sent me for an ultrasound. Result: “at 8, the previously described hypoechoic formation 28 by 10 mm at a depth of 8 mm (two-node FA) remains, next to a hypoechoic formation 6 by 5 mm (FA?).” Prescribed: excision under IV anesthesia. The operation was scheduled for March 15. I asked if I needed to do hormone tests, he said no.
Please tell me,
1. Why was this operation prescribed for me under IV anesthesia, although it seems that such operations can be done with local
2. Maybe it’s still worth doing tests for hormones and which doctor is better to consult about this and continue to be monitored
3. Can there be complications after such an operation?
4. I recently found out that I am pregnant and my period is very short, how can an abortion affect my condition in such a situation?
Thank you!

Answers Filonenko Andrey Grigorievich:

Good afternoon, Aliya.
1. The fact is that novocaine (lidocaine) changes the structure of tissues during surgery. In this case, it is more difficult for the surgeon to identify the formation in the tissues, and the likelihood of error increases. Therefore, operations for non-inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland are performed only under general anesthesia.
2. I don’t understand why hormones are needed? And if there are hormones, then which ones (pituitary, reproductive, thyroid, adrenal, insulin)? If not obvious signs hormonal disorders(violation of menstruation, for example, etc.), then there is no need to determine hormones in the blood before surgery. Perhaps you mean the hormonal status of the tumor itself, but then we should be talking about breast cancer. Let's hope that this is not the case in your case. Hormone test results:
Progesterone (on the 19th day of the cycle) - 4.3 ng/ml.
Prolactin (on the 19th day of m.c.) - 10.49 ng/ml
Estrailol (on the 10th day of m.c.) - 42 pg/ml
Andrey Ivanovich, please tell me the reasons for my problem.
And I really want conservative treatment.

Answers Popadinets Maria Vasilievna:

Hello. 1. You did not write down the “corridor of normal” indicators for the laboratory in which you took the tests. Therefore, it is not possible to interpret the results of the study on hormones.
2. None of the doctors prescribe treatment over the Internet. If you want to “drive the disease into a dead end,” get treatment on the Internet.
3. Possibly conservative homeopathic treatment. You can make an appointment with a homeopathic mammologist, who, after examination and consultation, will prescribe treatment for you. Administrator's phone number: 229-83-45.