Vomiting and nausea in cats: causes, treatment and prevention. Vomiting in a cat: causes, treatment, what to do if the cat vomits white foam, bile The cat vomited yellow water

By the color and nature of the vomit, you can understand what happened in the animal’s body. Knowing the cause of vomiting, you can always help your pet.

Every owner wants to see their pet cheerful and cheerful. But furry creatures, like humans, can experience digestive disorders characterized by nausea and vomiting. There are several reasons for such a reaction to occur, so if your cat is vomiting yellow liquid, urgent action should be taken. Prolonged vomiting can cause serious consequences, life threatening animal.

In veterinary medicine, there are many reasons why a cat vomits white foam. However, the most probable of them can be determined independently:

Excessive consumption of food, as well as its rapid absorption, leads to the fact that the pet may vomit. Systemic diseases (diabetes, oncology, diseases of the central nervous system, heart, kidneys) are also characterized by nausea and vomiting.

The variety of diseases that make pet owners wonder why their cat is vomiting makes them difficult to identify. But to make an accurate diagnosis, analysis of the composition of the vomit will be of significant help. Therefore, when seeking help from veterinary clinic You should take the collected biological material with you. If it is not possible to seek help from specialists, you can try to help the animal yourself. To do this, you need to study the composition and color of vomit from a kitten, adult cat or other pet. The color of vomit indicates the following conditions:

For diseases such as gastritis or helminthic infestation, it is typical high content mucus in animal vomit. IN holidays, especially on New Year's, animals often eat food or Christmas tree decorations that are not intended for them. Tinsel and rain are especially dangerous, as they are not only not digested by the body, but can also injure the esophagus and internal organs.

Danger of condition

Surely every owner at the first sign feeling unwell the pet will try to help him on his own. But this method is effective only if the cause of the illness has been correctly identified and does not pose a threat to life.

This case includes toxicosis of a pregnant cat, which may vomit in the first stages. If the animal feels well, but at the same time it periodically vomits, and the vomit does not contain mucus, blood or foreign objects, then most likely there is no cause for concern.

For example, the cat’s body thus starts the process of self-cleaning. But there are also special foods for this that help cleanse internal organs from hairballs. If helminths are present in the vomit, or nausea is accompanied by diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, or lethargy, then the help of a specialist is urgently needed.

Giving help

Often in a critical situation, even the most responsible owner can become confused. But if the animal suffers from nausea, which ends in vomiting, several steps should be taken to alleviate its condition:

  • remove all food from the pet’s access area;
  • provide drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration;
  • measure your pet's body temperature;
  • seek help from a veterinary clinic.

It is strictly forbidden to use human medications on your own to treat an animal. Only the veterinarian. Moreover, vomiting is prohibited in case of poisoning with alkali, solvents or acids. If an animal swallows foreign objects, an infusion should be given Vaseline oil through the mouth using a syringe.

Preventive measures

In order for your pet to be healthy and cheerful, it is important to follow all the recommendations of experts on the care and maintenance of a cat. Universal recommendations include the following rules:

It is important to remember that each owner is responsible for the health and life of their pet. In order to avoid an irreparable situation, you should follow preventive measures and monitor the condition and mood of your pet.

Reasons why a cat vomits yellow liquid, can be varied. If an animal vomits once, but its mood and behavior have not changed, then most likely the problem is related to poor quality nutrition. But when a kitten or adult cat regurgitates bile constantly, and the vomit has bad smell, you need to urgently show your pet to a veterinarian, as this may be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Main reasons

Yellow vomiting in a cat is a pathological condition, indicating that the pet has bile in its stomach, which normally should not be there. The liquid negatively affects the state of the digestive organ and irritates it. Sometimes the cat burps gastric juice and yellow mucus after eating low-quality, appropriately colored food. This is a common cause of the problem. After removing such foods from the diet, the condition returns to normal, nausea and vomiting cease to bother.

Owners should be concerned if vomiting of bile occurs constantly or periodically. Veterinarians clarify that this condition does not occur on its own. Often it indicates that there is a disease in the body that negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and systems.

If the symptom is provoked by liver failure of the animal, then yellowing of the sclera can also be detected.

The reasons why an animal burps yellow liquid are:

A kitten or adult cat may vomit a lot of yellowish liquid as the following diseases progress:

Symptoms can appear in animals whose owners independently give them drugs of certain groups.
  • plague;
  • hepatitis;
  • lipidosis;
  • disruption of the gallbladder;
  • cholecystitis;
  • uncontrolled treatment of a cat with self-prescription of antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If your kitten is vomiting white liquid in the morning, it may be due to hunger vomiting. At night the animal does not eat anything, and in the morning unpleasant cramps appear. It is enough to give the cat something to eat, after which the condition will return to normal. A dangerous condition is when a cat vomits bile, but the vomit also contains dark brown or black inclusions. This is a sign of heavy internal bleeding, which can be caused by gastritis or a stomach ulcer. If an animal vomits yellow-green liquid, this may be a symptom of an infectious lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes the animal vomits hair where bile impurities are present. This condition does not pose a threat to health and is the norm. It is not uncommon for a pet to burp after sterilization. Antiemetics should not be offered because vomiting is defense mechanism, allowing the anesthetic to be removed from the body.

Other symptoms

With pathological internal disorders, in addition to the fact that the cat burps yellow liquid with foam, other symptoms may appear, for example:

Additional feature internal pathology the animal may be apathetic.
  • increased body temperature;
  • refusal to eat;
  • weight loss;
  • the presence of mucus and blood particles in the stool, the urine becomes dark;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • cachexia;
  • yellowing of the mucous membranes of the mouth, whites of the eyes;
  • tachycardia;
  • apathy, weakness, fainting.

The animal looks sad and depressed. If he feels very bad, in addition to refusing food, the cat stops drinking water. As a result, the water-electrolyte balance is disrupted, which in turn leads to chronic renal failure(CRF). If you do nothing and don’t help your pet at this stage, he may die from intoxication and complications.

When a pregnant cat vomits yellow liquid on an empty stomach but generally behaves as usual, this is most likely a symptom of toxicosis. It is important to constantly monitor the cat and change the diet to include easily digestible, fortified food. But if during pregnancy the animal vomits a clear liquid with yellow, green and red inclusions, you should not hesitate to visit the veterinarian.

What treatment is prescribed?

The pet must be shown to a specialist if the owner did not help him on his own.

If your cat is vomiting bile and the condition does not improve after first aid, you should urgently take your pet to the doctor. After the initial examination and medical history, the doctor will give a referral for a series of diagnostic procedures, which will help you find out why the cat is burping. When the diagnosis becomes known, it is prescribed complex scheme treatment aimed at eliminating the original source of the problem.

Sorbents will help remove toxins from the body, and to prevent the cat from vomiting again, antispasmodics and antiemetics are prescribed. During therapy, food intake should be limited; it is better if the cat fasts for a day. It is necessary to ensure that the animal drinks plenty of liquid. Water will help remove toxins from the body faster, making treatment more effective. To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to give the cat a solution of Regidron. If the animal's condition is satisfactory, it can be treated at home, but be constantly in touch with the doctor. When a cat vomits yellow liquid and there are brown, red or black inclusions in it, hospitalization is required.


Vomiting is a tool for protecting the body from substances perceived as foreign. Is the execution of a command from the brain. Vomiting is not a disease. This is a sign that the cat has health problems. If the animal feels a deterioration in its health, it tries to empty its stomach as quickly as possible. Such urgent Care itself, turns out to be effective. The expelled mass must be carefully examined, paying attention to color and consistency.

The yellow color of the vomit is due to the presence of bile. This alarming symptom. It is difficult for a cat owner who does not have special education to determine the cause of the oral expulsion of yellow food masses, so it is necessary to contact a veterinary clinic.


The penetration of bile into the stomach is caused by antiperistaltic contractions of the duodenum. Vomiting of a liquid consistency with a yellow color occurs for the following reasons:

  • Panleukopenia (feline distemper). The most dangerous viral disease.
  • Worm infestation.
  • Changing food to energy-rich food. The cat vomits the contents of undigested lumps of food. Over time, bile gets mixed in. Consultation with a fellinologist or veterinarian helps you choose a gentle diet and solve the problem.
  • Swallowing an inedible object. If a foreign body gets stuck in the stomach, bile secretion reflexively increases.
  • Chronic hepatitis.
  • Intestinal pathologies.
  • Inflammation gallbladder. Causes of the disease:
  1. Blockage of the canal with a stone or tumor.
  2. Bacterial infections.
  3. Trematodes, Giardia.
  4. Traumatic rupture of the bladder.
  • Complications after surgery.


Vomiting yellow liquid is a sign of the following diseases:


If the cat's health remains poor, you need to force her to drink. If the urge continues, water is forcibly poured in every half hour. Instead of water you can use saline solutions- Regidron, etc. Feeding is stopped. Self-treatment medicines may cause harm. If the vomiting has not stopped the next morning, the cat is taken to a veterinary facility.

It must be remembered that vomiting is a symptom, not an independent disease. Curing the underlying disease will stop the vomiting.


To prevent vomiting, you must follow the recommendations below:

  • Regular vaccination.
  • Balanced diet. Food is selected according to age, gender, and physiological state.
  • Quarterly deworming.
  • Annual visit to the veterinary clinic for a preventive examination.
  • Combing. Freeing the cat from excess hair.
  • Preventing excessive licking.
  • Feeding cat herbs that cleanse the intestines.
  • Using quality cat toys.
  • Regular cleaning cat houses and apartments: small objects should not be within reach of the cat.
  • Keeping the cat away from the trash can.
  • You should not feed your pet before traveling.

Vomiting of yellow liquid pet indicates a deterioration in his health. IN in this case It is important to identify the cause of unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible and seek help from a veterinarian who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The main causes of vomiting bile

To correctly make a diagnosis, you should pay attention to the factors that provoked vomiting in the cat. It is also important to record the time of the cat’s first vomiting and determine the frequency of vomiting. The main reasons why a cat vomits yellow liquid are presented below.

Vomiting bile in a cat is the first sign of a serious illness

If bile is detected in the vomit, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

  • Lipidosis is a pathology associated with the accumulation of excess fat in the liver area. The functioning of organs is disrupted, and they begin to accumulate in the body. toxic substances. The animal suddenly loses weight and completely refuses even its favorite food. The cat is vomiting due to lipidosis yellow color. A pet weakened, most spends time hiding in a secluded place. It is important to give the animal something to drink as often as possible, even if the cat runs away. This will help you avoid dehydration.
  • Presence of heartworms along with dysfunction thyroid gland may cause vomiting of bile in an animal.
  • Pathologies of the gallbladder provoke the appearance yellow vomit at the cat. In this case, the vomit contains a pronounced aroma of bile. In some cases, diarrhea mixed with blood and bile may occur.
  • Availability infectious diseases history of herpes, rhinotracheitis, etc. The cat suffers from weakness, yellow vomiting and watery diarrhea. Vomiting can occur both on an empty stomach and after eating. It is necessary to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Postoperative period. Complications that occur during this period of time can cause yellow vomiting mixed with foam, green/brown mucus and blood. The cat's health is deteriorating. He becomes lethargic and his nose is dry. The fur becomes matted. It is important to immediately take your pet to a veterinarian, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • Pregnancy. During this period, cat pathologies worsen. Vomiting of bile may indicate diseases of the gallbladder and ducts. The cat may vomit all the food it eats.

Note! An animal suffering from vomiting bile needs to be examined by a veterinarian and receive medical attention.

What explains the presence of yellow color

Vomiting bile is a pathology that indicates the accumulation of a large amount of bile in the stomach area. Bile is a powerful reagent that can corrode the gastric mucosa. Often, bile accumulated in the stomach provokes inflammatory process digestive organs and the development of ulcers.

What should an owner do if a cat is vomiting?

When your cat vomits yellow liquid, don't panic. One-time vomiting is not dangerous for the animal. If vomiting occurs systematically, it is necessary every 20-30 minutes. pour into oral cavity a large number of liquids. When pets vomit, they lose moisture, which causes dehydration. There is no need to feed the cat at this time.

It is important to get to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible to show your pet to a specialist. Self-medication in such a situation is unacceptable. Anti-vomiting drugs that are used to treat people should never be given.

Note! If vomiting continues for 5-10 hours, you should immediately call a veterinarian or take the cat to the clinic yourself.

The symptoms described below indicate the need to immediately visit a veterinarian to examine the disease.

  • Prolonged vomiting that lasts more than 5 hours.
  • Availability blood clots, bile impurities in the vomit.
  • Increased body temperature, accompanied by strong yellow vomit.
  • Decreased physical activity, refusal of any food and water, which is accompanied by severe vomiting mixed with bile.
  • Systematic vomiting in an animal, regardless of food intake.

What to look for if your cat is pregnant

Burping in a pregnant cat should not be a cause for concern. During this period, it is acceptable that she will vomit systematically. If an animal bearing offspring suffers from vomiting mixed with bile, it must be shown to a doctor. Often, such symptoms indicate severe intoxication of the pet’s body.

When your cat is vomiting, you need to give more water.

It is important during the period when your furry friend is bothered by the urge to vomit, to take even more care of his health. You should pour water into your cat's mouth as often as possible. The cat menu needs to be changed. It is best to offer dietary wet food. Food is served in small portions every 4 hours, which will avoid irritation of the inflamed stomach.

If a pregnant cat is vomiting every 30-60 minutes, it is best to limit what she eats. In this case, water is poured into the oral cavity often, but in minimal portions. The situation is especially dangerous when, in addition to vomiting, the cat begins to have diarrhea. In this case, the animal’s body loses a large percentage of moisture.

Important! Besides drinking water, the cat can be given small portions of chamomile decoction, which has a calming effect on the stomach.

Animal treatment

When a cat vomits bile, it is necessary to visit a veterinarian as soon as possible, who, after examination, will identify the cause of the unpleasant condition and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Often cats that vomit yellow suffer from:

  • liver cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • hepatosis;
  • gallstone disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • liver failure.

Depending on the diagnosis made by the veterinarian, treatment will be drawn up aimed at eliminating the cause of the ailment.

For hepatitis of a toxic nature, which can be caused by poor quality food or poisoning by a poisonous plant, medication, veterinarians prescribe:

  • glucose infusion;
  • injections of thiamine and insulin;
  • taking medications like Vikasol, aimed at restoring blood clotting;
  • taking medications such as holosas, aimed at maintaining liver function.
  • antispasmodics;
  • antibiotics;
  • Vitamin preparations are the main condition for the treatment of any pathology.

When diagnosing hepatosis, it is advisable to use drug treatment in combination with a special diet. Animal fats in the cat's menu are kept to a minimum. A diet containing a high percentage of protein helps stabilize the furry patient’s condition.

Note! If, in addition to hepatosis, the veterinarian finds diabetes, therapy is prescribed to a cat that is regurgitating bile, in individually taking into account the characteristics of the organism.

Yellow vomit in a cat can signal the development of gallstone disease. The therapeutic goals in this case are based on the use of thermal procedures that help relieve spasms. In addition, it is advisable to give your pet medications that have a choleretic effect. If there is a large formation of stones that block the bile ducts, it is necessary to urgently carry out surgical intervention. In this case, stones are crushed using ultrasonic waves.

Diagnosis of liver failure requires immediate treatment. Cats that vomit both water and bile need:

  • relieving the cause pathological condition(antimicrobial and hormonal agents are used for this purpose);
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • regulation of the process of mineral metabolism;
  • monitoring the functioning of the heart;
  • special diet.

burp yellow foam a cat can for many reasons

If you notice vomiting of bile in your pet, you should immediately go to see a veterinarian. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to your pet's health. For example, the presence foreign body V digestive tract will not resolve on its own. Lack of timely qualified assistance can lead to the death of the animal.

Taking antiemetic medications purchased from a human pharmacy is often ineffective. After all, for proper treatment, you should undergo a diagnosis that will help identify the real reason the occurrence of a serious condition of the animal.

There are situations when it is unacceptable to hesitate, because the life of a pet is at stake. The most common ones are described below.

  • Swallowing chemical substance by type of turpentine, solvent, acid. In this case, it is important to immediately pour 1 tbsp into the cat’s mouth. spoon of enterosgel and call a veterinarian immediately.
  • Presence of blood in the vomit. The owner of the animal must immediately give 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Vaseline oil to a sick pet.
  • Continuous vomiting for 5-7 hours. It is recommended to administer cerucal intramuscularly (0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight).

Note! If you help an animal in a timely manner, you can save its life.

What to do for prevention

Cat owners who are faced with a situation such as yellow vomiting ask their veterinarian how they can prevent the recurrence of a complex ailment. Below are the main preventive measures that every pet owner should know.

  • The pet's diet must be balanced. You should buy only high-quality food for cats. It is advisable to use natural products for a kitten.
  • There should always be clean drinking water in your cat's bowl.
  • Raw meat and fish have no place in the furry diet.
  • To store medicines and household chemicals, it is worth choosing places inaccessible to animals.
  • It is important to promptly vaccinate pets against infectious pathologies.
  • Every 6 months, kittens and cats need to be prevented from worms.
  • The cat's fur should be systematically combed with a special comb, which will prevent clogging of the stomach with hairballs.
  • Small objects and parts should be removed from the floor away from the cat to avoid swallowing a small object.

Vomiting bile is quite dangerous

If vomiting with bile occurs, it is important to monitor the cat's condition. A one-time urge to vomit should not be scary, but a systematic urge to vomit will be a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian. If, when transporting to a doctor, there are concerns that the cat may vomit, it is advisable to use a plastic carrier.

The situation when an animal vomits is unpleasant for both the pet and the owner. A cat vomits when various reasons: from inappropriate food to disruption of internal organs. An attack does not always require veterinary care- in some cases, the owner successfully copes with the problem at home.

But you need to pay attention to every situation when a cat is vomiting. Objects that have entered the stomach vomiting, may cause internal trauma. Nausea can be a symptom of various animal diseases.

Causes of illness

Every cat periodically burps its fur. The problem can also occur in hairless breeds adjacent to furry pets. When licking, hair accumulates in the cat's gastrointestinal tract and needs to be released. Do not be alarmed if your cat periodically (1-2 times a week) burps dense hair sausages or balls. Problems are indicated by more frequent vomiting, depression and bloating. Symptoms indicate that the stomach and intestines are full of wool.

The mentioned cases of obvious illness require immediate contact with a specialist.

For precise definition reasons you will need the help of a veterinarian. The doctor will be able to take initial measures to alleviate the patient’s condition and schedule further treatment in a hospital or at home. In less severe cases it is sufficient self-help owner.

Treatment of vomiting in pets

In case of poisoning, it is important to block the action of the toxin, for which sorbents are used. It is most convenient to use suspensions like Phosphalugel - the dose is taken at the rate of 0.5-1 drug per kilogram of the cat’s weight. If the animal’s condition does not improve after using sorbents (after 2-3 hours), or there is a suspicion that a specific poison has been consumed, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian. Clinics have antidotes to some toxins that can save your pet or speed up its recovery.

All these remedies are selected and prescribed by the doctor. He also decides to administer an antiemetic. For cats they use Cerucal or No-shpu - intramuscular injections in a volume of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. You should not prescribe injections yourself.

The exception is the case if the pet is very sick (every day or several times a day), there is no opportunity to show it to a specialist, and gentle methods did not help. There are also folk remedies. So, it is suggested to treat a cat with a decoction of flaxseed: the liquid is given 1-4 tablespoons (depending on the size of the patient) 3-4 times a day.

What to do when the danger has passed

Help with vomiting includes depriving the pet of food and water (at least for 4-5 hours). Liquids need to be returned to the diet faster than food; It may be worth starting with an IV to replace the loss without irritating the stomach. Subsequently, the cat should always have access to water. For the first 2-3 days, the animal must be on a gentle diet: special food, rice water, lean boiled chicken or other light food. Raw foods, even if the pet has consumed them before, are excluded. Feed, due to its attractive smell, can become more effective solution, if the animal does not eat anything.

A cat's vomiting with foam, greenish or yellow color, undigested food or inedible ingested objects does not necessarily mean the presence of serious problems with the body. The problem is often solved by adjusting the diet. But frequent attacks general deterioration the condition of the animal, the presence of blood or bile in the discharge requires the involvement of a veterinarian.

The doctor will determine the root cause of the ailment and prescribe appropriate treatment. Regardless of the disease, in case of involuntary contractions of the pet’s stomach, the pet is transferred to moderate feeding of light foods.

Preventive measures

The easiest way to solve the problem of overeating or poor nutrition. At home, the cat needs to limit access to his favorite inedible “treats” as much as possible. It will be more difficult to monitor pets walking on the street - the owner will have to rely on their sanity.

If the animal is constantly drawn to dry or live plants, you should provide it with a suitable source of vitamins in the form of, for example, wheat germ. You need to choose the right type and dosage of food based on the age, health and preferences of your pet. Access to water is not regulated - the pet should always have fresh liquid in its bowl.