Environmental management: rational and irrational environmental management. Differences between rational and irrational environmental management

Syktyvkar State University

Institute of Humanities

Faculty of International Relations


Discipline: "Ecology"

Topic: "Differences between rational and irrational environmental management"

Completed by: Popov A.N., group 517

Checked by: Dorovskikh G.N.

Syktyvkar, 2014





From his very first appearance, man began to develop natural resources in the context of his needs, be it animal or plant species. As man developed, he moved from an appropriating economy to a producing one, that is, instead of hunting or gathering, he discovered certain patterns and subsequently, following these phenomena, began to produce means for his existence. Thus, man was able to domesticate a few species of animals and cultivate many varieties of plants. It was from that moment that people began to provide their own food.

However, due to the depletion of soils, people faced the need to develop new fertile territories that would provide them with the same yields and feed for livestock as before. Due to the emerging need, people began to move in search of favorable lands. Having found them, he was faced with another problem: now he needed to somehow protect himself from external conditions and adapt to environmental conditions, which required building a home. This led to massive development of forest resources. Wooden houses began to be built, which provided relative protection from the outside world and retained heat. But as a result, the large-scale use of wood as a resource also had a negative impact on the natural environment. It led to the problem of deforestation, which is still relevant today. However, the use of wood for construction was gradually reduced due to the emergence of various new materials, such as stone or brick. But at the same time, wood was still widely used as fuel for stoves. In rural areas, firewood collection is still the main source of heating, especially in winter.

Later during the 18th century. in connection with intensive development technologies and the transport system in society, there is a need to transition to qualitatively new resources, such as coal, natural gas and oil. This transition was marked by the fact that as these resources were developed, the further environmental situation in the world began to deteriorate, which in turn caused a number of problems in the environment. This was explained by the fact that at that time the level scientific development was not high enough to organize ecological waste-free production, so industrial and agricultural resources still remained undeveloped and could not be recycled. In addition, due to the lack of processing, people had to constantly develop more and more new deposits and deposits. Thus, the untapped resources accumulated over many years began to have a direct impact on the world of our planet.

Constant human use of natural resources often had a negative impact on the environment and caused many environmental problems. Besides Live nature for many centuries it has been suffering from pollution from surpluses that were not processed and not included in production. And, although scientific progress has already achieved sufficient development in the development of waste-free production, many difficulties arise in re-equipping enterprises. The main reason for the non-implementation of high-tech environmental production is the lack of adequate financial resources, thanks to which it would be possible to re-equip factories. However, thanks to investment, one can already see how actively such production is being introduced, which allows for rational and more efficient use of natural resources.

Rational environmental management

To consider all aspects of this concept, you first need to try to explain it. So, what is environmental management and what does it involve?

Rational environmental management is a production activity aimed at meeting human needs through the full exploitation of extracted resources: the restoration of renewable natural resources is ensured and production waste is used, which in turn helps preserve the environment. In other words, rational environmental management is a waste-free, environmentally friendly production aimed at meeting the needs of society.

the main objective rational environmental management- this is a scientifically based effective use of natural resources that contributes to the maximum extent to the preservation of the natural environment and minimally disrupts the ability of biogeocenoses to self-heal. Therefore, rational use of natural resources should be extremely beneficial both to the person himself and to all living things around him. Firstly, it saves the environment from unprocessed surplus production and emissions into it harmful substances, which is important for the health of any living organism, secondly, it allows you to save and conserve resources, thirdly, it provides a person with a means of subsistence and, fourthly, it pushes for the development of science and the emergence of new technologies.

So, rational environmental management allows us to protect nature from the negative impacts of production factors. How does this happen? In order to protect the external environment from the harmful influence of enterprises, it is necessary to optimize production and find types of resources that could be maximally used by humans and would cause relatively little damage to nature.

Relatively environmentally friendly nuclear power plants can serve as one example of environmental management. Unlike thermal power plants, nuclear power plants do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. The second advantage of nuclear power plants may be the lack of oxygen consumption, while thermal power plants consume about 8 million tons of oxygen per year for fuel oxidation. In addition, coal-fired power plants emit more radioactive substances into the environment than nuclear power plants. Another advantage of nuclear power plants is the removal of energy for heating and hot water supply to cities, which also reduces unproductive heat losses.

In addition, another example could be wave power plants. This type of power plant can serve as wave suppressors, protecting ports, shores and harbors from destruction. In addition, wave power plants also save resources and are more profitable compared to wind power plants. They also protect the environment from harmful emissions.

Another type of environmental power plants is solar. Their main advantages, first of all, lie in the availability and inexhaustibility of an energy source in conditions constant growth prices for traditional types of energy resources. In addition, at the current level of consumption, absolute safety for the environment is an exceptional advantage.

Also, waste-free production can be the repeated use in the technological process of water taken from rivers, lakes, boreholes and other sources, since the used water is purified and re-participated in the production process without harming the environment.

Irrational environmental management

Unsustainable environmental management is a production system in which easily accessible natural resources are developed on a large scale, but their rapid depletion occurs due to incomplete processing. Thus it spreads a large number of waste and environmental pollution occurs.

Such environmental management is typical for the rapid development of the economy in the absence of sufficiently developed scientific and technical potential, and although at first such activity can produce good results, it later still leads to detrimental consequences in relation to the ecological environment.

An example of irrational environmental management is the campaign to develop virgin lands in the USSR in 1955-1965. The reasons for the failure of this company were a number of factors: the development of virgin lands began without preparation and in the absence of infrastructure - there were no roads, no granaries, no qualified personnel. The natural conditions of the steppes were also not taken into account: sandstorms and dry winds were not taken into account, there were no methods of soil cultivation and no grain varieties adapted to this type of climate.

It is worth noting that the plowing of the land was carried out at an accelerated pace and at enormous expense. Thanks to such a colossal concentration of funds and people, as well as natural factors In the first years, new lands produced extremely high yields, and from the mid-1950s - from half to a third of all bread produced in the USSR. However, stability was never achieved: in the lean years, it was hardly possible to raise a seed fund in the virgin lands. In addition, due to the disturbance of ecological balance and soil erosion in 1962-1963. Dust storms appeared. One way or another, the development of virgin lands has entered a stage of crisis, and the efficiency of cultivation has decreased by 65%.

All these data only indicate that soil development took place in an extensive way, but, nevertheless, this path did not lead to an effective result. On the contrary, the soil structure began to deteriorate, the level of harvest decreased noticeably, and the funds did not justify their investment. All this, of course, indicates an inefficient use of resources in an attempt to quickly and immediately solve all agricultural problems, without having either science, high-quality technology or an appropriate level of infrastructure as a solid support, thanks to which the outcome could have been completely different.

Differences between rational and irrational environmental management

Having previously compared the two concepts of rational and irrational environmental management and illustrated them with examples, we can correlate their meanings, compare and identify the fundamental differences between them. These differences can be essentially identified as two development paths: intensive and extensive.

The first way is fully consistent with rational environmental management. It points to the efficient use of resources, which makes a tangible contribution both to production in general and to high-quality non-waste technologies, thereby making production environmentally friendly and harmful nature. In addition, the intensive path often fully satisfies the cultural and material needs of society.

The second way, on the contrary, is applicable to the irrational use of natural resources. Its main features are a disproportionate relationship between the resources expended and the result, a focus on spatial (quantitative) rather than high-tech (qualitative) significance, and, most often, failure to meet social needs. And finally, the extensive path causes colossal damage by nature through actions that are not based on any scientific developments or technologies, emissions of chemically harmful and hazardous substances, and other production waste into the environment. Including sometimes this damage can reach an environmental catastrophe and be the cause of negative global processes and phenomena occurring throughout the world.

rational irrational use of natural resources


To summarize, it is necessary to note the priority importance of the future development of rational environmental management in order to ensure the once disturbed ecological balance. The development of science in this area will make it possible to efficiently use resources with minimal harm to ecosystems, which will restore some balance that existed long before the advent of industrial production. And although it is unlikely that it will ever be possible to completely normalize the environmental situation in the world, perhaps, thanks to a new path of development, we will be able to avoid some of the world’s problems and disasters, and then the environment will begin to regenerate again. We must not repeat previous mistakes and understand the full responsibility for our actions. It is also necessary to cultivate environmental awareness and instill love for the world around us, and, therefore, support it, and, first of all, protect the nature of our homeland.


1.IN AND. Korobkin, L.V. Peredelsky - "Ecology"

2.S.I. Kolesnikov - "Ecology"


Https://ru. wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_power plant

Https://ru. wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_power station

Https://ru. wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power plant

Https://ru. wikipedia.org/wiki/Development of virgin lands


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Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. Nizhny Novgorod branch

Abstract on natural science on the topic:


1st year student DLS-401

Igumnova Anna

Teacher: Kulikova T.V.


Irrational environmental management

Ways to solve the problem



The modern world is a world of strong and often destructive human impacts on nature in the process of using natural resources necessary for the functioning of human society. This complex of relationships between society and nature is commonly called environmental management.

Environmental management is a set of measures aimed by society at studying, developing and using the natural environment.

There are irrational and rational use of natural resources. The above definition refers rather to the irrational use of natural resources. Rational environmental management does not deny economic activity, but involves reducing it negative influence on nature.

Rational environmental management is a set of measures aimed by society at studying, developing and using the natural environment, as well as predicting the consequences of this use, eliminating these consequences or reducing them to the possible minimum.

The creation of large nature reserves and national parks. This is hardly correct, since it may seem that rational use of natural resources is possible only in the absence of economic activity. An example of rational environmental management is the use of waste-free technologies, closed production cycles, the use of modern treatment facilities, environmentally friendly pure species fuel.

However, the predominant type of environmental management on the planet currently remains irrational environmental management. Humanity, understanding the harm of unsustainable environmental management, still uses dangerous methods development and processing of the Earth's natural resources. Why? The reason is the simplest - economic.

Irrational environmental management does not require efforts and costs aimed at overcoming the negative consequences of economic activity. It turns out to be simpler, cheaper and, as a result, economically profitable.

Irrational environmental management

environmental management readily available depleting resource

Unsustainable environmental management is a system of environmental management in which readily available natural resources are used in large quantities and incompletely, which leads to rapid depletion of resources. In this case, a large amount of waste is produced and the environment is heavily polluted.

This type of environmental management leads to environmental crises and environmental disasters.

An ecological crisis is a critical state of the environment that threatens human existence.

Ecological disaster - changes in the natural environment, often caused by the impact of human economic activity, a man-made accident or natural disaster, leading to unfavorable changes in the natural environment and accompanied by massive loss of life or damage to the health of the population of the region, death of living organisms, vegetation, and large losses of material assets and natural resources.

Consequences of irrational environmental management:


The process of desertification due to excessive grazing;

Extermination of certain species of plants and animals;

Pollution of water, soil, atmosphere, etc.

Damages associated with irrational environmental management.

Calculable damages:

a) economic:

losses due to decreased productivity of biogeocenoses;

losses due to decreased labor productivity caused by increased morbidity;

losses of raw materials, fuel and materials due to emissions;

costs due to a reduction in the service life of buildings and structures;

b) socio-economic:

health care costs;

losses due to migration caused by deteriorating environmental quality;

Additional holiday costs:


a) social:

increase in mortality, pathological changes in the human body;

psychological damage due to population dissatisfaction with the quality of the environment;

b) environmental:

irreversible destruction of unique ecosystems;

species extinction;

genetic damage.

Ways to solve the problem

1. Restoration of forest landscapes after deforestation and fires, intensification of secondary forest uses, restoration of biodiversity, increase in bioproductivity

2. Conservation of wild animals and plants in botanical gardens, zoos, nurseries, special enclosures; use of the gene pool for study, replenishment of natural populations, exhibition, hybridization, introduction

3. Clearing, restoration of land, increasing the area of ​​productive land for needs Agriculture, moisture retention

4. Rational distribution and consumption of water resources, development of irrigated agriculture, drainage of waterlogged areas, increase in agricultural productivity

5. To improve the condition of the air environment, it is necessary to more widely introduce fuel-free energy sources, install industrial enterprises emission treatment equipment, automobile transport provide effective exhaust gas neutralizers.


Nowadays, walking down the street or while on vacation, you can pay attention to the polluted atmosphere, water and soil. Although we can say that Russia’s natural resources will last for centuries, what we see makes us think about the consequences of irrational environmental management.

After all, if everything continues like this, then in a hundred years these numerous reserves will be catastrophically small. After all, irrational environmental management leads to the depletion (and even disappearance) of natural resources.

There are facts that really make you think about this problem:

1. It is estimated that one person “harasss” about 200 trees in his life: for housing, furniture, toys, notebooks, matches, etc. In the form of matches alone, the inhabitants of our planet burn 1.5 million cubic meters of wood annually.

2. On average, every Moscow resident produces 300-320 kg of garbage per year, in countries Western Europe- 150-300 kg each, in the USA - 500-600 kg each. Each city dweller in the United States throws away 80 kg of paper, 250 metal cans, and 390 bottles per year.

Thus, it is time to think about the consequences of human activities and draw a conclusion for every person living on this planet.

If we continue to irrationally manage natural resources, then soon the sources of natural resources will simply be depleted, which will lead to the death of civilization and the whole world.


1. https://ru.wikipedia.org/

2. Oleinik A.P. “Geography. A large reference book for schoolchildren and those entering universities,” 2014.

3. Potravny I.M., Lukyanchikov N.N. "Economics and organization of environmental management", 2012.

4. Skuratov N.S., Gurina I.V. “Nature management: 100 exam answers”, 2010.

5. E. Polievktova “Who is who in environmental economics”, 2009.

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It is clear that resources are indeed limited and it is necessary to treat them sparingly. When resources are used irrationally, it is necessary to talk about the problem of their limitation, because if you do not stop the waste of a resource, in the future, when it is needed, it simply will not exist. But, although the problem of limited resources has been clear for a long time, in different countries can see vivid examples wasting resources. For example, in Russia currently the state policy in the field of energy saving is based on the priority of the efficient use of energy resources and the implementation of state supervision over this process. The state insists on the mandatory accounting of energy resources produced or consumed by legal entities, as well as accounting individuals the energy resources they receive. IN state standards equipment, materials and structures, and vehicles include indicators of their energy efficiency. An important area is the certification of energy-consuming, energy-saving and diagnostic equipment, materials, structures, vehicles and, of course, energy resources. All this is based on a combination of interests of consumers, suppliers and producers of energy resources, as well as on the interest of legal entities in the efficient use of energy resources. At the same time, even using the example of the middle Urals, 25-30 million tons of fuel equivalent (tce) are consumed annually in the region, and approximately 9 million tce are used irrationally. It turns out that it is imported fuel and energy resources (FER) that are mostly irrationally spent. At the same time, about 3 million tons of fuel equivalent. can be reduced through organizational measures. Most energy saving plans have this goal, but have not yet been able to achieve it.

Also not an example rational use mineral resources can serve as an open-pit coal mine near Angren. In addition, at the previously developed deposits of non-ferrous metals Ingichka, Kuytash, Kalkamar, Kurgashin, losses during ore mining and enrichment reached 20-30%. At the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant several years ago, accompanying components such as molybdenum, mercury, and lead were not completely smelted from the processed ore. IN last years, thanks to the transition to the integrated development of mineral deposits, the degree of non-production losses has decreased significantly, but complete rationalization is still far away.

The government has approved a program aimed at stopping soil degradation, which causes annual economic damage of more than $200 million.

But so far the program is only being introduced into agriculture, and currently 56.4% of all agricultural land is affected by degradation processes of varying degrees. According to scientists, the processes of soil degradation have intensified in recent decades as a result of the irrational use of land resources, a decrease in the area of ​​protective forest plantations, the destruction of anti-erosion hydraulic structures, and natural disasters. The program for irrigation and erosion control work is to be financed from extra-budgetary funds of interested ministries and departments, funds from the purchase and sale of public lands, from the collection of land tax, from the funds of business entities and the state budget. According to experts involved in agricultural support programs, the problem of soil degradation is getting worse every day, but the implementation state program more than problematic in conditions of financial deficit. The state will not be able to collect necessary funds, and economic entities in the agricultural sector do not have the funds to invest in soil protection measures.

Russia's forest resources account for one-fifth of the planet's forest resources. The total timber reserves in Russian forests are 80 billion cubic meters. meters. Environmentally safe development of the economy and society largely depends on the level of preservation and complete realization of the rich potential of biological resources. But forests in Russia constantly suffer from fires and damage from harmful insects and plant diseases, which is mainly a consequence of low technical equipment and limited funding civil service forest protection. The volume of reforestation work has been reduced in recent years and in a number of regions no longer meets forestry and environmental standards.

Also, with the transition to market relations The number of forest users has increased significantly, which in a number of places has led to an increase in violations of forestry and environmental legislation when using forests.

A fundamentally important property of biological resources is their ability to reproduce themselves. However, as a result of the ever-increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment and excessive exploitation, the raw material potential of biological resources is declining, and the populations of many plant and animal species are degrading and are in danger of extinction. Therefore, in order to organize the rational use of biological resources, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure environmentally sound limits for their exploitation (withdrawal), which prevent depletion and loss of the ability of biological resources to reproduce themselves. In addition, prices for forest resources are extremely low in Russia, so forests are cut down and are not considered of great value. But by cutting down all the forest wealth, we risk losing huge amounts of money on purchasing wood from other countries, as well as destroying a natural air purifier. Fedorenko N. Towards assessing the efficiency of using Russia's national resources. // Economic Issues.-2005-No.8-p. 31-40.

Nature management— 1) the use of the natural environment to meet the environmental, economic, cultural and health needs of society 2) the science of rational (for the corresponding historical moment) use of natural resources by society — a complex discipline that includes elements of natural, social and technical sciences.

Environmental management is divided into rational and irrational.

With rational use of natural resources, the needs for material goods are met as completely as possible while maintaining the ecological balance and the possibility of restoring natural resource potential. Finding such an optimum of economic activity for a specific territory or object is an important applied task of environmental science. Achieving this optimum is called "".

With irrational environmental management, environmental degradation of the territory and irreversible depletion of natural resource potential occurs.

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“Rational and irrational use of natural resources”

Presentation prepared

biology teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 5" Vsevolozhsk

Pavlova Tatyana Alexandrovna

  • Nature management- this is a set of measures taken by society to study, develop, transform and protect the environment.
  • Nature management- is the activity of human society aimed at satisfying its needs through the use of natural resources.

  • According to estimates from leading international organizations, there are about 10 thousand large protected natural areas of all types in the world. Total number At the same time, the number of national parks was close to 2000, and biosphere reserves - to 350.
  • Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime and status of the environmental institutions located on them, the following categories of these territories are usually distinguished: state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves; National parks; natural parks; state nature reserves; natural monuments; dendrological parks and botanical gardens; medical and recreational areas and resorts.

- type of relationship between a person and environment, in which people are able to intelligently develop natural resources and prevent Negative consequences of its activities. An example of rational environmental management is the creation of cultural landscapes and the use of low-waste and non-waste technologies. Rational environmental management includes the introduction of biological methods of controlling agricultural pests. Rational use of natural resources can also be considered the creation of environmentally friendly fuels, improvement of technologies for the extraction and transportation of natural raw materials, etc.

In Belarus, the implementation of rational environmental management is controlled at the state level. To this end, a number of environmental laws have been adopted. Among them are the laws “On the protection and use of wildlife”, “On waste management”, “On the protection of atmospheric air”.

Creation of low-waste and non-waste technologies

Low-waste technologiesproduction processes, which provide maximum full use processed raw materials and generated waste. At the same time, substances are returned to the environment in relatively harmless quantities.

Part of the global problem of solid waste disposal is the problem of recycling recycled polymer raw materials (especially plastic bottles). In Belarus, about 20-30 million of them are thrown away every month. Today, domestic scientists have developed and are using their own technology that allows processing plastic bottles into fibrous materials. They serve as filters for purifying contaminated wastewater from fuels and lubricants, and are also widely used at gas stations. Filters made from recycled materials are not inferior in their physical and chemical properties to their analogues made from primary polymers. In addition, their cost is several times lower. In addition, machine sink brushes, packaging tape, tiles, paving slabs, etc. are made from the resulting fiber.

The development and implementation of low-waste technologies is dictated by the interests of environmental protection and is a step towards the development of waste-free technologies. Waste-free technologies imply a complete transition of production to a closed resource cycle without any impact on the environment.

Since 2012, the largest biogas plant in Belarus has been launched at the Rassvet agricultural production complex (Mogilev region). It allows you to process organic waste (manure, bird droppings, household waste, etc.). After processing, gaseous fuel - biogas - is obtained. Thanks to biogas, the farm can completely avoid heating greenhouses with expensive natural gas in winter. In addition to biogas, environmentally friendly organic fertilizers are also obtained from production waste. These fertilizers are free of pathogenic microflora, weed seeds, nitrites and nitrates.

Another example of waste-free technology is the production of cheeses at most dairy enterprises in Belarus. IN in this case The fat-free and protein-free whey obtained from cheese production is completely used as raw material for the baking industry.

The introduction of low-waste and non-waste technologies also implies a transition to the next step in rational environmental management. This is the use of non-traditional, environmentally friendly and inexhaustible natural resources.

For the economy of our republic, the use of wind as an alternative energy source is especially important. A wind power plant with a capacity of 1.5 MW is successfully operating in the Novogrudok district of the Grodno region. This power is quite enough to provide electricity to the city of Novogrudok, where more than 30 thousand residents live. In the near future, more than 10 wind farms with a capacity of more than 400 MW will appear in the republic.

For more than five years, the Berestye greenhouse plant (Brest) in Belarus has been operating a geothermal station, which does not emit carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides and soot into the atmosphere during operation. At the same time, this type of energy reduces the country’s dependence on imported energy resources. Belarusian scientists have calculated that thanks to extraction from the bowels of the earth warm water natural gas savings amount to about 1 million m3 per year.

Ways to green agriculture and transport

The development of environmentally friendly fuels for transport is no less important than the creation of new automotive technologies. Today there are many examples where alcohol and hydrogen are used as fuel in vehicles. Unfortunately, these types of fuel have not yet received mass distribution due to low economic efficiency their use. At the same time, so-called hybrid cars have become increasingly used. Along with an internal combustion engine, they also have an electric motor, which is intended for movement within cities.

Currently, there are three enterprises in Belarus producing biodiesel fuel for internal combustion engines. These are OJSC "Grodno Azot" (Grodno), OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" (Mogilev), OJSC "Belshina" (Bobruisk). These enterprises produce about 800 thousand tons of biodiesel fuel per year, most of which is exported. Belarusian biodiesel fuel is a mixture of petroleum diesel fuel and a biocomponent based on rapeseed oil and methanol in a ratio of 95% and 5%, respectively. This fuel reduces emissions carbon dioxide into the atmosphere compared to conventional diesel fuel. Scientists have found that the production of biodiesel fuel has allowed our country to reduce the purchase of oil by 300 thousand tons per year.

Solar panels are also known to be used as a source of energy for transportation. In July 2015, a Swiss manned aircraft equipped solar panels, for the first time in the world, spent more than 115 hours in a non-stop flight. At the same time, he reached an altitude of about 8.5 km, using exclusively solar energy during the flight.

Preservation of the gene pool

The species of living organisms on the planet are unique. They store information about all stages of the evolution of the biosphere, which is of practical and great educational importance. There are no useless or harmful species, all of them are necessary for sustainable development biosphere. Any species that disappears will never appear on Earth again. Therefore, in conditions of increased anthropogenic impact on the environment, it is extremely important to preserve the gene pool existing species planets. In the Republic of Belarus, the following system of measures has been developed for this purpose:

  • creation of environmental areas - nature reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc.;
  • development of a system for monitoring the state of the environment - environmental monitoring;
  • development and adoption of environmental laws providing for various shapes responsibility for negative impact on the environment. Responsibility concerns pollution of the biosphere, violation of the regime of protected areas, poaching, inhumane treatment of animals, etc.;
  • breeding rare and endangered plants and animals. Relocating them to protected areas or new favorable habitats;
  • creation of a genetic data bank (plant seeds, reproductive and somatic cells of animals, plants, fungal spores capable of reproducing in the future). This is relevant for the conservation of valuable plant varieties and animal breeds or endangered species;
  • carrying out regular work on environmental education and upbringing of the entire population, and especially the younger generation.

Rational environmental management is a type of relationship between a person and the environment in which a person is able to intelligently develop natural resources and prevent the negative consequences of their activities. An example of rational environmental management is the use of low-waste and non-waste technologies in industry, as well as the greening of all spheres of human economic activity.