Ozokerite applications at home. Features of the implementation and purpose of the ozokerite treatment procedure. Paraffin treatment, basic techniques

Ozokerite is a natural hydrocarbon, also known as rock wax. It belongs to the oil group. The consistency is similar to beeswax and has the smell of kerosene. The color scheme depends on the percentage of resins and varies from white to green, and even black. Melting point from 58 degrees.

Medical purified ozokerite is sold packaged in 2-10 kg. Store in a dry, cool place, out of reach of children. Storage temperature no more than + 25 degrees. The drug has an unlimited shelf life.


The substance contains a solid hydrocarbon (about 85% carbon, 15% hydrogen) of the ceresin and paraffin series with the addition of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in different proportions. Its components are resinous asphaltene substances and mineral oils. The composition may vary in percentage and the presence of individual components. The color and consistency of the substance depends on this.

Useful properties of ozokerite

It is widely used for medical purposes because... it has a wide range of beneficial properties aimed at treating and healing the body. The main property of mountain wax is the rapid accumulation and slow release of heat. Therefore, it is used in cases where to treat a disease it is necessary to warm one or another part of the body for a long time.

The following beneficial properties have been identified:

Types of product

Ozokerite comes in two types:

  1. Raw. This is the state in which it is found in its natural form in nature.
  2. Purified. Used in medicine and cosmetology. In refining, the raw material is melted and washed with water or acid to remove unnecessary components. Then it is bleached to one degree or another, depending on the need. Purified ozokerite has virtually no impurities. It consists of high molecular weight hydrocarbons.

Indications for use

For medical purposes, mountain wax is used for the following indications:

  1. Diseases or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Used for fractures, dislocations, heel spurs, arthritis, myositis, osteochondrosis, as well as limited skeletal function after inflammatory process or fracture.
  2. Diseases of the digestive organs. For the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis.
  3. Diseases of the nervous system. Used for head injuries or spinal cord, as well as for neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, Rhine disease.
  4. Otolaryngological diseases. Treats sinusitis, tonsillitis, frontal sinusitis.
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system. For the treatment of kidneys and bladder.
  6. Skin problems(increasing skin tone, scar treatment).

Treatment of women

The fair sex can use this substance to treat inflammation of the genital organs, in particular the uterus or appendages. With its help, female infertility resulting from inflammatory processes is effectively cured. Ozokerite is also used after surgery: it promotes the resorption of scars. Mountain wax is used as a cosmetic product to smooth the skin.

Use in men

Men primarily use ozokerite to treat prostatitis. And also for healing injuries and hematomas, which is very important for athletes. Wax is used as a means to relax muscles, which helps restore the body.

Use in children

Children often lead an overly active lifestyle, which results in many bruises and sprains. In this case, wax helps restore and heal damage. It is often used to relieve increased tone from the limbs.

After a year, it can be used as a compress for coughs to treat the respiratory system.

Methods of ozokerite treatment and instructions for its use

Ozokerite has a wide range of effects on the body, therefore there is more than one treatment method depending on the disease:

All procedures are carried out for 15 to 60 minutes. The duration of one course is 10–15 procedures. Ozokerite treatment is often carried out together with other physiotherapy procedures, but there should be at least 1 hour of rest between them.

Contraindications, precautions and side effects

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • tumor;
  • cyst;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • liver cirrhosis, hepatitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hypertension.

Before using mountain wax, you must consult your doctor so that he can prescribe the number and method of procedures. It is advisable to undergo treatment under the supervision of a medical professional. At home, it is very important to follow the doctor’s instructions, as well as the instructions for using the medication.

Side effects most often include burns due to increased skin sensitivity or failure to follow the instructions for use of the product. There may also be problems when using a drug of unknown origin. It is important to use only purified medication.

Treatment with ozokerite in medical institutions and at home

Mountain wax is often used in hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, and beauty salons. The medical staff prepares the wax accordingly and also ensures that physical therapy is carried out correctly. If they appear side effects, the method is subject to change.

Carrying out the ozokerite treatment procedure at home is not difficult. Most often, sessions are performed at home for cosmetic or preventive purposes, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

To prepare it at home, ozokerite is cut into pieces and placed in a jar or saucepan, which is placed in a large saucepan 2/3 filled with water. To fix the jar in a water bath, place a weight on it. Place the pan on the fire and heat until the wax melts. Then they are used depending on the treatment method. At home, it is important to monitor safety precautions, the temperature of the ozokerite and the duration of the session.

Ozokerite or paraffin: which is better?

Paraffin and mountain wax have the same properties. They are used for almost the same purposes. But paraffin is aimed more at cosmetology, and ozokerite - at physiotherapy. This is due to the fact that paraffin melts faster, but at the same time cools faster. Therefore, it is safer as there is less chance of getting burned.

Ozokerite is more effective due to deeper heating. IN clinical settings it is used more often, because its effectiveness for treatment is higher and it is possible for medical staff to monitor the procedure.

Paraffin is used more often in beauty salons or at home because:

  • it is safer to use;
  • has no chemical effect on the body, only warms;
  • cleanses well and improves skin quality.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of ozokerite treatment in different regions of the country may vary significantly. The price is also influenced by the status of the medical institution where the procedure is performed.

Cost table for ozokerite treatment in the main cities of Russia

Patients' opinions

Patient reviews are positive. The ozokerite treatment procedure is pleasant and effective.

How to treat gout of the legs: all methods of treating the “disease of kings”

Gout is the disease of kings. There is some truth in this, because most often the disease affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and adore lavish feasts. But gout can also be caused by kidney failure or taking certain medications. The result is limitation of motor activity and destruction of the joint.

  • Treat or endure?
    • Drug treatment
    • Physiotherapy
    • Stages
  • Pain relief medications
  • Remedies for treating gout after an attack
  • Nutrition
  • Home treatment
  • Prevention

Treat or endure?

It is important not to make the disease worse by suffering from pain, but see a doctor as soon as possible. They treat gout comprehensively, create a diet, select drug treatment and supplement it traditional methods and physical activity.

Exists recognized classical treatment regimen for the disease. Begin use after examination and accurate diagnosis. The diagnosis was made - gout. How to treat the disease? The first stage is eliminating symptoms. Painkillers are prescribed and the leg is completely rested. After the inflammation stops and the tumor gets rid of, the pain subsides.

Medicines are taken orally and compresses are made. To reduce pain during a gout attack, use ice or alcohol-containing compresses.

To speed up the removal of uric acid, diuretics are taken. A strict diet and monitoring of the patient’s weight and diet by a specialist are required.

How to treat gout? The main remedy is the drug based on the crocus Colchicine. to regulate uric acid levels. The anti-inflammatory effect and removal of urates will be provided by Butadione, Ketazone and Finilbutazone. “Indomethacin”, “Indocid” and “Metindol” will help to enhance the effect of drugs.

In a state close to painful shock injections of “fast analgesics” are prescribed. Prednisolone is injected into the joint.

If the disease has progressed to a chronic stage, two areas of treatment are combined:

  • drugs to reduce the production of uric acid: Allopurinol, Milurit, Hepatocatalase;
  • drugs to accelerate the excretion of urates: Anturan, Benemid, Etamide.

Reception is combined with abundant alkaline drinking. Non-steroidal "Voltaren" and "Nimulid" are prescribed only by a specialist.

Treatment methods for gout are divided into:

  • interruption of acute attacks of the disease;
  • corrective metabolic disorders treatment in the periods between attacks.

In the absence of contraindications physiotherapy is prescribed. Ultrasound, mud therapy and pulsed techniques will relieve an attack and speed up recovery. Creams and ointments will complement the treatment of gout and relieve discomfort. During an attack, complete rest and dietary adjustments are necessary.

Drug treatment

If the first pain is very strong, thumb apply ice compresses. However, after getting rid of the pain, warming is necessary. Acute attacks are relieved with injections into the leg joint. Repetitions are needed only in severe cases.

To uric acid for gout does not accumulate in the body, aspirin is prescribed. Butadion helps, but after it it is possible side effects. The most effective medicine is Anturan. The condition can be normalized after 2 weeks. Ketazone relieves pain and blocks inflammation.

Effective for gout "Benemid". Accept it long time. For a therapeutic effect, a break after the course is taken for up to 5 months. “Atophan” quickly relieves acute attacks. But its side effects are too pronounced. Urodan will help reduce acid levels.

The main direction in the treatment of gout is stabilizing the balance of uric acid. AND non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective here, medications to reduce acid production and remedies traditional medicine. The complex involves drug therapy, physiotherapy and, if necessary, surgical intervention.


To improve blood circulation in the sore leg joint, physical therapy is prescribed. To restore and relieve pain, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, and applications with ozokerite, dimexide and paraffin are used. Therapeutic massage and exercise therapy are prescribed individually. IN chronic stage lithium electrophoresis is effective for gout. Radon, hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine baths, and mud therapy are effective.

Electrophoresis, electromagnetic influence - a method of physiotherapy. Salts are destroyed by microcurrents, and uric acid is removed from the body.

Cryoapheresis impact based low temperatures. The technique saves in maximum quantity useful substances and returns them to the bloodstream. The drug removes uric acid and other unhealthy elements from the plasma.

Auxiliary methods – spa treatment or sanatorium.

More often the disease manifests itself after heavy feasts acute attacks. Without treatment, suffering will last a long time, causing a lot of trouble. Gout often affects the big toe. Then the leg is placed on an elevation, ensuring complete rest of the limb. The optimal position is lying down. If the pain is particularly severe, ice is applied to the joint before the doctor arrives.

Medicines to remove excess uric acid during an attack do not help. It is important to drink more alkaline liquid, jelly, compotes, milk, at least a couple of liters per day.

Features of the treatment of kings' disease

It is better to treat the first attack of gout in the hospital in order to conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis.


In classical removal of treatment, there are several stages:

  1. cessation of attack;
  2. stable improvement and prevention of further exacerbations;
  3. prevention of complications associated with excess uric acid;
  4. treatment of diseases complicating the disease: obesity, arterial hypertension;
  5. prevention of the development of kidney stones due to urate imbalance.

Pain relief medications

Medicines are prescribed to stop the attack. Use non-steroidal drugs, colchicine, diclofenac, ibuprofen and hormonal to reduce inflammation in the thumb joint. Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs only relieve symptoms. Gout is treated with other drugs.

For inflammation colchicine directly affects. It reduces inflammation and restores normal work leg joint. The drug is prescribed immediately after the start of treatment, every couple of hours for a day and a half, until the attack subsides or the treatment becomes ineffective. Then the drug is discontinued and another medication is prescribed.

Colchicine is taken 0.5 mg hourly or 1 mg every 2 hours until the symptoms of exacerbation of the disease disappear. Maximum dose– 6 mg per day.

More powerful drugs for gout are rarely prescribed, only in the absence of treatment results. But sometimes taking colchicine causes severe side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. We have to treat them separately.

If you take the drug in tablet form may give negative results, That intravenous administration when it enters healthy vessels, the product causes severe pain and necrosis. Another unpleasant effect of the drug is alopecia. High dosages can cause breathing problems and even death. Therefore, it is important to follow the dosage exactly.

Fenoprofen and indomethacin less dangerous. Indomethacin is prescribed initially 75 mg, then 50 mg every 6 hours until the symptoms of the disease disappear. After the attack stops, the drug is administered every 8 hours, 50 mg. Possible aftereffects include disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of depression.

If treatment for gout is ineffective glucocorticosteroids are prescribed in the form of tablets or injections. It is important to calculate the dosage very accurately. If several joints of the leg are affected, non-steroidal antibiotics are prescribed.

Hormonal agents puncture inside the joint in a short course. The drugs are used when colchicine is ineffective. To relieve inflammation of the joint, glucocorticoids betamethasone and methylprednisolone are used. The drugs are powerful, but with multiple side effects. Therefore, the course is short, and the administration is in the form of injections. This attack suppresses an attack of gout and stops inflammation.

Remedies for treating gout after an attack

Medicines during an attack outside of an attack are powerless. After the pain stops other drugs are prescribed. Allopurinol is taken long course. The action of the medicine is aimed at reducing uric acid and increasing the removal of its excess from the body.

The duration of administration is quite long, up to several months: it is impossible to rid the body of a large amount of urates in one day. Supplementing the intake with a diet leads to complete relief from recurrent attacks.


The basis of recovery - proper nutrition. Following a diet for gout is a necessary condition. After taking a course of allopurinol, one thing is correct: organized meals will relieve relapses of the disease.

When treating ban alcohol and meat completely. Red meat and organ meats contribute to the formation of uric acid. Limit the consumption of seafood, protein foods, especially legumes. Coffee and tea are not recommended. Compotes, herbal infusions and clean water are recommended.

Desirable foods for gout include pasta, cereal, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, and nuts.

Home treatment

There are also traditional methods for treating the disease of kings. But their use must be agreed with the attending physician. Herbal infusions, ointments, and decoctions relieve pain. Natural remedies remove excess acid from the body. Positive changes come from the use of traditional medicine. A honey-salt compress is effective and simple. The components are mixed equally, water is added and applied to the sore big toe overnight.

Lingonberry decoction is useful for illness, Birch juice and fresh strawberries.

Complete cure for gout is unattainable. Relapses are possible. But the attack will recur only if the leg is noticeably overloaded or if the doctor’s instructions are not followed. Following a diet, timely taking prescribed medications and radical lifestyle changes ensure the success of treatment.

Traditional medicine recipes Experts do not consider them essential in the treatment of gout, but they do not deny them either. Doctors believe that a strict diet, drinking regimen, consultations with a rheumatologist and lack of self-medication are the main requirements for patients. Homeopathic remedies based on herbal extracts relieve symptoms and promote relaxation. Lotions, decoctions, and tinctures complement drug treatment.

Boil 250 g of salt in 100 g of water until the moisture evaporates. Add 200 g of Vaseline to the salt and mix. For patients thumbs a warm compress is applied to the feet until the morning.


But taking care of your feet when you have gout is also important. Be sure to choose the right shoes. Tight and uncomfortable causes recurrence of attacks and exacerbation of the disease. Rubbing and light massage of the sore leg joint is an excellent prevention of the return of gout attacks. In the absence of contraindications, light physical exercise is prescribed.

There are also home treatment methods. The most effective - maintaining a strict diet and combating obesity. Regardless of the method of treatment, medication or traditional methods, the main task is to reduce and normalize the level of uric acid in the blood. For this purpose, special drugs are prescribed.

The main direction in the treatment of gout– conservative. But when the leg joint is completely blocked by growths and frequent relapses of the disease, laser surgery and blood purification, plasmapheresohemosorption are used.

The treatment process will take a lot of time. But There is no point in delaying a visit to a specialist: the sooner specialists begin to treat the disease, the lower the likelihood of complications developing and the higher the favorable outcome.

The relevance of inflammatory lesions of the musculoskeletal system is beyond doubt. Special attention deserves inflammation elbow joint. The disease occurs more often in young people active people and is called elbow arthritis. Right-sided localization predominates due to the large volumes of loads in right-handed people.

  • Symptoms
  • Inflammation of ligaments and tendons
  • Inflammation of the periosteum
  • Treatment
  • Video on the topic

Gender does not play a significant role in the development of the disease.
The primary target organ in such cases is hyaline cartilage. Its structure allows articular surfaces slide smoothly relative to each other when performing movements.

The bones are covered with periosteum, to which they are attached at the articulation. It performs a nutritional function for bone tissue.
In some situations, it happens that inflammation from the cartilage spreads to other elements of the joint, or develops primarily in them. Clinically, this condition resembles elbow arthritis.

There is a need for its differential diagnosis with inflammation of the joint capsule of the elbow joint (bursitis), ligaments and tendons (ligamentitis, tendinitis), and periosteum (periostitis).


Common signs for inflammation of any articular elements of the elbow joint are pain, swelling, changes in skin color and temperature, pain on movement and palpation, limitation of flexion or extension, general hyperthermia, changes in radiographs and laboratory tests blood.

With arthritis, the most pronounced manifestation of symptoms of inflammation of the elbow joint is noted. This is due to the fact that hyaline cartilage contains many nerve endings and blood vessels. The pain is constant and intensifies with any movement, spreading to the entire joint.

The swelling is diffuse, the skin is not changed. It may become red in case of suppuration of arthritis. The patient tries to keep his hand in one position, bending his forearm at a right angle, avoiding any movements. Body temperature rises to subfebrile levels (37.5-38.5C). X-rays and photographs of the inflamed elbow joint, taken in two projections, reveal narrowing of the joint space, osteoporosis, unevenness and blurring of the cartilage tissue. IN general analysis blood – increased number of leukocytes, with accelerated ESR, positive rheumatoid tests (seromucoid, sialic acids, rheumatoid factor).

Inflammation of ligaments and tendons

In development of this disease Mostly traumatic injuries play a role (bruises, sprains, compression, chronic exposure to heavy loads). In this case, a violation of their integrity occurs, accompanied by defensive reaction. The longer and stronger their exposure, the brighter the symptoms of inflammation of the ligaments and tendons. They differ in some specificity, which helps in making the correct diagnosis.

The pain is local. The patient can clearly point his finger to the sore spot. Most often, such pain points are localized on the anterolateral surfaces of the articulation. Their superficial location is more typical for tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons of the elbow joint). In this case, swelling is noted in this area, and a painful cord under the skin is determined by palpation. Movements cause pain with a characteristic crunch. At rest, patients are practically not bothered by anything.

With ligamentitis (inflammation of the ligaments of the elbow joint), the pain is deep, point-like, located close to the bone. It occurs only with certain movements and pressure on the painful point. There is no swelling, hyperthermia, or skin changes.

Inflammation of the periosteum

This pathological condition called periostitis. It can be primary or secondary. It all depends on whether there are still reasons for its development. The primary process develops when a bone is bruised during an impact. Direct damage occurs with the formation of a hematoma, which becomes a trigger for inflammation of the periosteum of the elbow joint. Secondary periostitis is a sign of such a serious disease as osteomyelitis and is determined on radiographs in the form of detachment of the periosteum and the “visor” symptom.

It manifests itself as local pain in the damaged area, which does not depend on movements. It constantly bothers patients, not decreasing in any position of the hand. The formation of a subperiosteal hematoma often leads to its suppuration, which is accompanied by the spread of pain to the entire shoulder and forearm, high hyperthermia (39C and above). Rheumatic tests do not find abnormalities, which distinguishes periostitis from arthritis, and determines the choice of treatment method for inflammation of the periosteum of the elbow joint.


You can help an inflamed joint by using classical methods:

  • the most important thing is strict immobilization of the affected segment. For this purpose, ordinary scarves and special devices (bandages, elbow pads, plaster and adhesive cast splints) are used;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment. Before treating inflammation of the elbow joint with these methods, suppuration should be excluded. Includes electrophoresis of anti-inflammatory drugs, calcium chloride, potassium iodide. Magnetic and shock wave therapy, UHF and thermal procedures (paraffin, ozokerite), laser methods, hydrotherapy, massage, exercise therapy and gymnastics; My patients use a proven remedy that allows them to get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

Being one of the most effective modern remedies of natural origin, which helps restore joint mobility, eliminate pain in muscles and soft tissues, ozokerite is known to many today. Its beneficial properties and unique composition should be considered the main reason for the high degree of effectiveness, and the ease of use, the minimum number of possible side effects even with long-term use, and the affordable cost make it possible to include this natural product in the treatment system for many organic lesions.

Concept of method

Ozocerite therapy is used for many indications; there are several varieties of it, which allows eliminating the most characteristic manifestations of the disease in a particular case. At the same time, there is a rapid improvement in the general condition of the patient’s body, since the effects of ozokerite are diverse: having a positive effect on the hormonal, nervous, and circulatory systems, this natural substance copes with localized pain in muscles and joints, eliminates their reduced mobility, and is also used even for the treatment of infertility.

Having a petroleum origin, this substance looks like wax: it has the same consistency and feels the same on the skin.

The shades of ozokerite can be very different depending on the impurities present in it - from black to bright yellow and piercing green. Wherein medicinal properties it does not change significantly.

The use of ozokerite in treatment involves its external application to the surface of the skin at the site of the lesion or at the sites of projections of diseased internal organs. A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, a composition rich in minerals, amino acids and vitamins ensures complete nutrition of the body through skin. Being a completely natural and extremely useful substance, ozokerite at the same time cannot always demonstrate the full range of its healing capabilities.

This video will tell you about ozokerite and its healing properties:


Varieties of ozokerite

There are two types of ozokerite, each of which has its own properties and characteristics:

  1. Commercial ozokerite, having a dark color, is less purified and less susceptible to being washed out with water, which removes from the natural substance not only unnecessary impurities, but also some useful trace elements. Commercial ozokerite can be black, green, yellow or white.
  2. Purified ozokerite, which has undergone thorough cleaning, does not contain foreign impurities. It melts at a temperature lower than paraffin - at 65-82. This type of ozokerite consists almost entirely of high molecular weight hydrocarbons.

Commercial and purified ozokerite has high medicinal qualities; the use of both varieties can be both external and internal. Knowledge of the peculiarities of using this substance of natural origin allows you to make the most of its properties to restore human health.

Methods of ozokerite therapy

Methods of using ozokerite may vary. Main purpose this method treatment is the effect of heat on the affected area: having low thermal conductivity, ozokerite copes even with chronic pain. strengthen healing properties the last one. Applications using ozokerite are the most common method of treatment, since such prolonged thermal exposure helps to quickly eliminate even severe pain, relaxes muscles, eliminates poor joint mobility.

Today the following methods of using ozokerite are widely used:

  • layering when the molten substance is applied to the affected area with a brush in several even layers;
  • ozokerite baths, which are used according to the following technology: the affected part of the body (mainly limbs) is lubricated with heated ozokerite and placed in a container with a molten substance, in which it is kept for 15-30 minutes;
  • napkin application— molten ozokerite is generously applied to a folded gauze napkin, it is wrapped around the affected area, after which, for a greater degree of penetration of the substance into the tissue, a plastic film is applied, and the treatment area is covered with a quilted pad or a warm scarf;
  • cuvette-application method, in which molten ozokerite is poured into cuvettes (layer thickness 1.5-2 cm), after the substance hardens at a temperature of 54-49 ° C, it is laid out on oilcloth and fixed together with it on the affected area.

The listed methods of use have shown excellent results in treatment various lesions, maximum deep penetration into tissue allows you to quickly obtain positive result ongoing treatment.

Pros and cons of treatment

The advantages of the treatment method under consideration should be considered the speed of manifestation of the effect from the use of ozokerite, the ease of application of the method, as well as the affordability of the cost of this procedure.

At the same time, a positive result begins to appear after the first few procedures, but a course of procedures will give a long-lasting positive result, which will prevent the likelihood of relapses of the disease.

reduction in the degree of pain even with severe and long-term pain.

Applications using paraffin will allow you to obtain a pronounced and lasting positive effect from the treatment, since together with paraffin, ozokerite enhances its ability to retain heat.

The disadvantages include the labor intensity of some methods of using ozokerite, when it is necessary to first melt the ozokerite and place it in containers (ditches) for further use for applications. Also, if the patient is prone to bleeding, the use of this substance is not allowed, since due to exposure to elevated temperatures there is a high probability of increased bleeding.

Indications for use

The use of various methods of applying ozokerite is indicated for a variety of lesions of both the skin and internal organs. This method of treatment will be especially effective if it is necessary to use heat, both in the form of applications and in the form of compresses.

For women

  • Ozokerite treatment can be used by women in the following cases:
  • for infertility, menstrual irregularities;
  • for gynecological lesions, inflammatory processes of the internal reproductive organs;

in the treatment of skin - long-term non-healing lesions are perfectly cured with the use of ozokerite, which is applied externally in the form of applications.

When using ozokerite in the treatment of gynecological lesions, it is possible to use the substance externally in the form of compresses, as well as intravaginally using tampons. It is recommended to use this natural substance under the supervision of a physician.

For men For men, ozokerite therapy can be used to provide them with a general strengthening effect, in complex therapy colds,. Applications, compresses and baths using ozokerite will help you get a positive result faster and eliminate external manifestations diseases.

Joints become more mobile, muscle pain goes away, the risk of developing pain is reduced, and the body’s resistance to external adverse factors increases - all these opportunities are provided by the use of ozokerite for men.

In both sexes, this method is used for,.

For children

In childhood, the use of ozokerite has also proven to be an effective treatment method with a minimal number of possible side effects. With its help, all diseases of the ENT organs, which often occur in childhood, are quickly cured. Even early childhood is not a contraindication for the use of ozokerite: with increased sensitivity of children's skin, there are almost never any negative manifestations from the skin.

  • The most convenient and effective method of using ozokerite in the treatment of children is the method of napkin application, when the molten substance is applied to the surface of the napkin, after which it is applied as a compress to the affected area.
  • To treat children with ozokerite, you should first consult a doctor and carry out treatment under his supervision in order to make the necessary adjustments to the treatment in a timely manner, if necessary.


The natural substance ozokerite has many indications for use; its beneficial qualities provide a quick positive result even at the beginning of use. However, there are a number of situations and conditions in which its use requires increased care.

Contraindications to the use of ozokerite treatment include:

  • period of menstruation in women;
  • the presence of acute inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • feverish condition and increased body temperature;
  • During pregnancy, the use of ozokerite is also not indicated to avoid possible negative consequences on the body of a pregnant woman and child;
  • liver and kidney damage;
  • and internal organs.

Any tumors that have bleeding or progressive forms cardiovascular diseases, hepatitis are also contraindications to the use of ozokeratherapy.

Preparation for ozokerite treatment

The use of ozokerite does not require special preparation for the procedure. Before starting, you should clean the area being treated and remove any obstacles to access to the skin or organ in the form of clothing or bandages.

Ozokerite is melted, depending on the chosen method, it is applied to the affected area or to the projection of an internal organ and left to act for a certain time.

How is the procedure performed?

The implementation depends on the chosen technique. Molten ozokerite is applied to the skin, secured on top with plastic film and insulated with a quilted jacket or a warm scarf. The duration of exposure is from 15 to 40 minutes. For cavity use, a compress is used or filling the pathological cavity with ozokerite melted to a temperature of 38-42°C.

The drug is used in courses of 3-4 months with the frequency of using ozokerite every 1-2 days. The course can be repeated at intervals of 3-4 weeks to consolidate the positive effect obtained.

In special institutions

Medical institutions offer this procedure to treat certain diseases or as a prophylactic, which helps increase the body’s resistance and reduce its susceptibility to external negative impacts. The physiotherapy procedure ozokerite treatment is popular today due to its effectiveness and accessibility, both in cost and ease of implementation.

Medical institutions offer ozokerite treatment in special rooms, where the physiotherapist both prepares the patient and carries out the procedure itself.

At home

Ozocerite therapy can also be used at home: the substance is first melted, applied in a thin layer to the damaged area of ​​the skin, and left to act for a certain time. Fixing and insulating bandages can be used, which allow you to obtain the most obvious results of the impact.

The drug in the form of a compress or application gives more pronounced results. Courses of treatment are also more effective than single treatments.

Ozocerite treatment at home is described in this video:

Consequences of use and possible complications

When using ozokerite treatment, the following improvements in the patient’s condition are noted:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • the healing process of the skin is accelerated;
  • stagnation in the upper layer of the epidermis is eliminated;
  • Minor abrasions, wounds, scratches and bruises heal faster.

For internal organs, there is also a significant improvement in functioning when using this method of physical therapy. Elimination of inflammation, acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues, improvement of the digestion process - all these positive changes are observed almost after the first few uses of ozokerite, both in the form of applications and in the form of compresses.

Complications of this procedure can manifest themselves in the form of increased bleeding, which can cause fatal outcome. Acute inflammatory processes, febrile conditions and elevated temperatures, being a contraindication to the use of this procedure, can make the use of ozokerite treatment a dangerous event with a health risk.

Recovery and care after the procedure

After an ozokerite treatment session, you should spend some time (25-40 minutes) in a relaxed state to allow the body to recover. After a short rest, it is necessary to prevent hypothermia of the treated surface by carefully wrapping it with a warm cloth, as after a regular alcohol compress.


The price of this physiotherapy course is affordable for most patients, which, in addition to its high efficiency, ensures high level demand for it. The price of one procedure ranges from 130 to 850 rubles in different institutions.

Physiotherapeutic procedures include heating using various natural materials. One of the best options for this is ozokerite - using this substance at home is as effective as when attending sessions in the hospital. Using “mountain wax” does not require any special skills; you only need some equipment.

What is needed for treatment with ozokerite at home?

Before directly performing the procedures, you must prepare the following items:

  • large wide saucepan;
  • chemical thermometer;
  • wooden stick;
  • a pan with a smaller diameter that is not used for cooking;
  • gauze;
  • "waffle" towels or similar fabric;
  • medical oilcloth;
  • cotton wool;
  • warm thick blanket;
  • wax paper
  • metal ditches.

You should purchase cosmetic ozokerite and paraffin at the pharmacy. Ready-made mixtures of these materials are also commercially available. It is important that the ratio of ingredients is the same.

Indications for ozokerite applications and compresses

The main effect of the procedures under consideration is thermal. But “mountain wax” additionally has a lymphatic drainage effect. This occurs due to the fact that ozokerite shrinks during drying, providing a kind of massage for the skin. In addition, this substance, being a petroleum product, is rich in valuable micro- and macroelements, resins and oils. Upon contact with the skin, these compounds are absorbed into the bloodstream and produce a beneficial systemic effect on the activity of internal organs and systems.

Most often, ozokerite is used at home for coughs and chronic diseases respiratory tract.

Other indications:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • chronic joint pathologies;
  • postoperative scars from sutures;
  • hepatitis;
  • neuritis;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • gastritis;
  • consequences of injuries and damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic inflammation internal organs;
  • pathologies of the urinary system;
  • violations metabolic processes;
  • diseases of large and small vessels of the extremities;
  • spinal cord injuries;
  • ulcers (stomach, duodenum);
  • diseases of the spine;
  • secondary infertility.

Also, the use of “mountain wax” stimulates regenerative processes in the skin, blood circulation, and helps normalize its tone. Therefore, ozokerite is often used for cosmetic purposes. Procedures using it make the skin smooth and more firm, elastic, help relieve irritation, and avoid dryness and flaking.

Instructions for using ozokerite and paraffin at home

There are 3 main ways to carry out thermal procedures with “mountain wax”, but before considering them, you need to properly prepare the raw materials.

Blend recipe


  • paraffin – 300 g;
  • ozokerite – 300 g;
  • water – 2-3 l.

Preparation and use

Pour water into the largest saucepan and place on the stove, bring to a boil. Break the ozokerite and paraffin into pieces and put them in a smaller pan in a 1:1 ratio. The number of components can be changed depending on the size of the treated areas. Build a “bathhouse” out of pots, placing one inside the other. Melt the raw materials, stirring the mixture occasionally with a stick.

When the ozokerite is ready for procedures, you can begin heating.

Method 1 – compress:

  1. Fold gauze into 6-8 layers and sew the edges.
  2. Place the resulting cut into a pan, soak it in the ozokerite mixture, squeeze it out and place it on oilcloth to cool.
  3. Make another gauze pad slightly smaller than the first one. Also soak it in ozokerite and squeeze it out.
  4. Measure the temperature of the first cut. If it reaches 45-50 degrees, apply a compress to the damaged area.
  5. The temperature of the second gasket should be about 60-70 degrees; it is placed on top of the first piece of gauze.

Cover the compress with wax paper, a sheet and a warm blanket. Remove after 40-60 minutes.

Method 2 – napkin:

  1. Soak the “waffle” towel with ozokerite.
  2. Wring out the fabric, let it cool on the oilcloth to 37 degrees.
  3. Place a napkin on the treated area.

The duration of warming up and the further procedure are the same as when using a compress.

Method 3 – application:

Wrap the applique as described in the previous paragraphs. The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes.

The course of ozokerite therapy is 10-25 sessions, which must be carried out once every 2 days.

Heat treatment is the most popular method of physiotherapeutic procedures. Its effectiveness is associated with the effect of heat on the skin, due to which the body temperature rises at the site of application, skin hyperemia increases, metabolic processes and capillary blood flow improve, and muscle rigidity and passivity ceases.

Ozokerite indications for use are characterized as one of the methods of thermal therapy using warming compresses or “cakes”.

What is ozokerite

Compared to paraffin, mountain wax has more pronounced thermal properties and good ductility. It is a waxy mass of petroleum origin with a similar petroleum odor, which ranges in color from dark brown to black.

Contains mineral oils, paraffin, resins, gases such as hydrogen sulfide, methane, ethane. Ozokerite is highly soluble in water and kerosene and is a natural hydrocarbon. The mineral is greasy to the touch, and hardness depends on the content of hydrocarbons in the composition, so ozokerite can be either hard or soft.

Mechanism of ozokerite treatment

Ozokerite is used for treatment in the form of compresses.

Instructions for use at home indicate that heat therapy is based on the effect of the mineral on the body. This impact may be:

  1. Temperature: due to its low heat conductivity, ozokerite does not cause burns on the skin; after contact with the skin, it hardens and protects the skin from the next hotter layers of the mineral. This property makes it possible to use ozokerite at a temperature of 65-75 degrees.
  2. Mechanical: based on the ability of the mineral to decrease in volume by 10-15% when solidifying, which causes a compression effect on the tissue and promotes good thermal conductivity. The best thing this effect noticeable when performing circular applications, when applying ozokerite from all sides.
  3. Chemical: due to the presence in the preparation of biologically active substances that penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream, the desired effect occurs.

Resins and chemicals have an irritating effect on the skin, biological components affect the nervous system, which increases its tone. Thanks to substances with antibiotic properties, ozokerite has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiallergic, and regenerating effects. Strengthens hemodynamics in the painful organ.

Indications for use

When is ozokerite used? Use at home is recommended for:

  • diseases of the joints and spine;
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • post-traumatic rehabilitation;
  • infertility;
  • conducting a course of balneotherapy as a component;
  • diseases of peripheral nerves and blood vessels;
  • skin diseases.

Ozokerite therapy is most often carried out in a complex of sanatorium-resort treatment or as rehabilitation measures in medical institutions.

Contraindications for use

The presence of tumors, both benign and malignant, peptic ulcers of the digestive system, heart pathologies, febrile diseases, liver and pancreas diseases is a contraindication to the use of this type of treatment.

For diseases that are accompanied by bleeding or have a predisposition to it, ozokerite is not used. Use at home should not be carried out in the presence of inflammatory diseases on the skin and for various gynecological diseases. In accordance with the instructions, the mineral is not used during pregnancy.

Basic treatment methods

If ozokerite and paraffin are used, home use comes down to four main methods:

  • Applying several layers of one of these natural compositions to an area of ​​the body with a brush, covering with oilcloth and wrapping. The first layer of ozokerite or paraffin is not applied too hot, the next layer will be more high temperature, and a very hot composition is applied on top of it. The first layer hardens quickly, which prevents the formation of burns on the skin. This method allows you to warm up the painful area well, which is very convenient to do at home yourself.
  • Making a mask using gauze folded in 10 layers and soaked in molten paraffin or ozokerite. Wetting must be done very carefully, using tweezers, so as not to get burned.
  • Placing a “cake” made of these substances on the body. Melted paraffin or ozokerite is poured into the prepared container and allowed to cool. Then the resulting form is placed on the skin, covered with oilcloth on top and wrapped.
  • Baths with a molten composition are used for hands and feet. The method must be used with great caution due to the high probability of burns.

The most common and safe treatment option is the method of applying “cakes”, an integral part of which is ozokerite. Use at home for children is recommended in the form of paraffin-ozokerite applications, for which 2 parts of ozokerite and 1 paraffin are taken.

Sessions of such treatment are used only as prescribed by a pediatrician. The duration of the procedure is shorter than for adults, and the temperature of the substance is lower. When treating with ozokerite, applications are most often used on the child’s legs and feet. The treatment also gives good results at chronic diseases upper respiratory tract.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the pros and cons of using a mineral such as ozokerite? Use at home makes it possible to highlight the main positive aspects:

  • convenience of carrying out the procedure at home;
  • can be combined with other treatment methods;
  • good tolerance of procedures;
  • Availability at most resorts and sanatoriums.

Disadvantages of use:

  • after the procedure, ozokerite must be restored and sterilized;
  • Possible burns due to improper use;
  • unpleasant odor of the substance.

Side effects

Judging by the reviews, ozokerite can very rarely cause side effects if used according to the instructions and for medical reasons.

Side effects may occur due to individual intolerance or increased sensitivity of the patient's skin. In this case, treatment is stopped and other thermal procedures are prescribed.

Ozokerite: application, reviews after the procedure

Before starting treatment, the substance must be melted in a water bath. All actions must be carried out with rubber gloves to protect the skin from burns.

According to the instructions, the composition is applied to clean skin. Patients should be in a supine position. Ozokerite is applied for 1 hour, after which the application or compress is removed, and the application areas are covered with film and well wrapped to preserve heat for about 40-50 minutes. There is no need to wash your skin.

What is the best way to use ozokerite? Home use is widely discussed on Internet forums. The procedure can be repeated every other day (every day if desired), general course treatment - 10-20 procedures.

From parents you can only find positive reviews about the use of ozokerite in the treatment of children. Judging by the reviews, the course of treatment should be completed again, but only after 4-5 months.

The higher the purity and quality of the mineral, the safer the treatment will be and the higher its effectiveness.

In contact with


Heat treatment (thermotherapy) - use with medicinal purposes heated bodies called coolants. The fabric is heated by direct contact with the coolant.

Heat therapy is one of the oldest and most common methods of physical therapy. Used before and currently used a large number of a variety of coolants proposed by both folk and official medicine.

Thermal effects cause changes in metabolism. With an increase in tissue temperature by 1°, the intensity of metabolic processes in it increases by approximately 10%. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to increase the temperature of the tissue by 4-5°, but the heating must be sufficiently long and the heat flow uniform and stable. In this regard, the coolant must have certain physical properties, thanks to which such heating is ensured.

We remind you of the following main effects of heat: antispastic, analgesic, intensifying blood and lymph circulation and metabolism in tissues. The latter effect is associated with the resolving and regenerative effect of heat, in particular during inflammatory processes.

Main indications for thermotherapy procedures:

  • Inflammatory processes (without suppuration) in the resolution stage
  • Degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Consequences of injuries for the purpose of pain relief (bruises, sprains).
  • Hypermotor dyskinesia of internal organs.
  • Spastic type muscle contractures (before therapeutic exercises).

Main contraindications to heat therapy

  • Acute and subacute stages of the inflammatory process, purulent inflammation, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Impaired thermal sensitivity of the skin.

Therapeutic use of paraffin and ozokerite

Paraffin(parumaffinis - inactive, lat.) - a mixture of solid high-molecular hydrocarbons of the methane series, has a microcrystalline structure. Paraffin is obtained by special processing of certain types of oil. Depending on the degree of paraffin purification and the content of petroleum oils in it, highly purified, purified and unrefined varieties are distinguished. In physiotherapy, highly purified and purified paraffins are used, which are a white mass.

The melting point of different types of paraffin varies widely. In medicine, high-melting paraffins are used, the melting point of which is 52-55o C.

Paraffin has a high heat capacity, very low thermal conductivity and is practically devoid of convection. In its therapeutic effect, the latent heat of fusion is of particular importance - the amount of heat spent on transferring paraffin from solid state into liquid. During the reverse transition from the liquid to the solid state, the latent heat of solidification is released, which is equal to the latent heat of fusion. During this transition, the temperature of the paraffin mass used for the application remains constant, which ensures a stable heat flow for quite a long time. When heating the paraffin before the treatment procedure, its temperature is brought to 95o C. For this, a special paraffin heater with electric heating is used, which operates on the principle of water baths.

The following paraffin treatment methods are used

Cuvette-application method: An enamel cuvette is used, the size of which corresponds to the area of ​​paraffin application. Melted paraffin is poured into a cuvette lined with medical oilcloth in a layer 1-2 cm thick. The frozen but still soft paraffin is removed from the cuvette along with the oilcloth, applied to the area of ​​the body to be treated, and covered with a quilted pad or blanket. This method is the simplest in technique, implementation, and can be used at home. The cuvette can be moved into the ward and the procedure can be carried out outside the thermotherapy room.

Napkin application method: melted paraffin is applied to the surface of the skin with a brush to a layer thickness of 0.5 cm. A napkin made of 8-10 layers of gauze and soaked in molten paraffin is applied to this layer. The napkin is covered with oilcloth, then with a quilted pad or a blanket.

Layering method: melted paraffin is applied to the surface of the skin with a brush to a layer thickness of 1-2 cm, covered with oilcloth, then with a quilted pad or blanket.

Paraffin bath method: are used to influence the hand or foot, which are covered with paraffin using the layering method. Then the hand or foot is immersed in molten paraffin, heated to 60-65°, which is filled with a special bath or oilcloth bag.

When treating with paraffin, you must ensure that the skin being treated with paraffin is completely dry to avoid burns. The hair should be shaved or the corresponding area of ​​skin should be lubricated with Vaseline so that it does not stick to the cooled paraffin.

When melting, the mass of paraffin increases in volume by 10-15%. When hardening, the volume of paraffin decreases accordingly. When using circular paraffin application, tissue compression is significant. During compression, a greater amount of heat is transferred, at the same time, this heat is transferred to a lesser extent by the blood to other organs and tissues. "The same paraffin can be used for heat treatment several times. Before reuse, the paraffin is sterilized by heating it to 110°. Then the heating is stopped.

Reducing the temperature of paraffin to 100° under normal room conditions takes time sufficient to sterilize it. To preserve the elastic properties of reused paraffin, 15-20% of fresh paraffin should be added to it. This procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. After this, paraffin loses its elasticity, crumbles when cooled and cannot be used for further use.


Ozokerite(ozo-smell, heros-wax, Greek), “smelling wax”, mountain wax. This is a product of petroleum origin, consisting mainly of a mixture of solid high-melting hydrocarbons of the paraffin series with an admixture of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons of the same series. Ozokerite is a natural rock. Its various deposits differ in chemical composition, different in color: light green, yellow, brown, black. When stored in air for a long time, ozokerite darkens.

Ozokerite is obtained by evaporating the rock in boilers or extracting it with organic compounds. Next, partial distillation of mineral oils is carried out, completely freeing it from water and mechanical impurities. After processing, ozokerite looks like beeswax.

The melting point of ozokerite is from 52 to 68 °. Its heat capacity is higher and its thermal conductivity is lower than that of paraffin. The heat-holding capacity is much greater than that of paraffin; heat convection is practically absent.

The therapeutic effect of ozokerite is associated not only with its properties as a coolant, but also with the presence in its composition of biologically active substances that penetrate intact skin. They have an acetylcholine-like effect, increasing the tone of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. There is information about more active regeneration of peripheral nerves during their diseases and injuries when treated with ozokerite compared to paraffin. The presence of folliculin-like substances in ozokerite is mentioned, and therefore its use in treatment is recommended female infertility associated with ovarian underdevelopment.

Coolants are used mainly in the form of local effects - applications. The procedure is dosed according to the temperature of the coolant and the duration of exposure (30 - 60 minutes). Procedures are carried out daily or every other day, in an amount from 12 to 20 per course of treatment.