I don't have good dreams. Why Don't I Dream? What should a person do to have a dream?

Calm and healthy sleep- this is the norm. Each person, falling asleep, can see certain pictures, fantastic scenes, which often leave behind a lot of impressions. But it also happens that when we wake up, we don’t remember anything. It seems like the night passed instantly without us seeing anything. Why don’t I have dreams, and is this fact the norm? Let's try to figure it out.

What is the essence of sleep

Psychologists and esotericists offer many theories that can explain the origin of dreams. Some even interpret the future using them. But you cannot completely rely on any of the theories, since it has not been proven.

There are several factors that can characterize the nature of sleep.

  • A person spends about a third of his life in a state of sleep.
  • To fully rest, you need to sleep 7-8 hours a day.
  • There are phases of slow and fast sleep, they are divided into several cycles.
  • Dreams can only be seen during REM sleep. It can occur several times a night, lasting 10-15 minutes.
  • During the phase of slow dreaming, a person’s heartbeat slows down, muscles relax, and temperature drops.

When we rest, all this contributes to the restoration of the body and tissue regeneration.

But the brain continues to work, it processes all the information received. After the onset of the REM sleep phase, a person’s temperature begins to rise, his pupils “move around”, and his breathing quickens. At this moment, the brain sometimes produces unexpected pictures.

Answering the question why I don’t dream, you also need to understand each of the night’s rest cycles separately.

  1. Falling asleep. At this moment, the body relaxes; individual drawings or pictures may appear in the mind, which are often combined with a heartbeat. During relaxation, a person may experience a moment as if he is falling, his body jerks sharply. There are no dreams as such.
  2. Slow phase. At this time, the body fully rests, relaxing and slowing down the heartbeat. Since the central nervous system is also inhibited, we do not hear any sounds or feel lighting. The eyeballs can make slow, smooth circular movements.
  3. Fast phase. The sleeper experiences a sharp jump in brain activity, and the body seems to “wakes up.” At the same time, the person himself continues to be in an unconscious state. All sorts of images begin to appear in the brain, which look very realistic. At some points, the body's reaction to dreams can be the most unusual - walking, talking, screaming or throwing arms.
  4. Awakening. The activity of the brain and nervous system is restored. During this period, memorization occurs of what a person “saw” at night. Often, it is the process of awakening that will influence whether we remember the dream.

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Experts point out that when waking up in the slow phase, it is very difficult to remember the dream. But when you come out of the fast phase, you can remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Reasons for lack of dreams

Why don't some people dream? It seems that each of us must “look through” the pictures that the brain produces at the peak of its activity. But many people complain that they never experience dreams, and a night’s rest itself may not bring the relaxation and restoration that they experienced before.

Lack of dreams can be due to several very real factors.

  • Fatigue. Chronic or prolonged, it simply turns off our brain. He is already so exhausted that he is not able to be too active. The person feels overwhelmed and nervous. But after some time the cyclicity of the phases should be restored.
  • Incorrect body position, pain. When we fall asleep in an uncomfortable position, the body cannot relax properly. The brain spends its resources on controlling the body, so a person seems to fall asleep, but immediately wakes up.
  • Alcohol intoxication. If you drink too much, your brain seems to shut down. This also happens when taking drugs or sleeping pills. Nerve impulses are blocked, they are practically impossible to restore, so the person sleeps soundly, not hearing or seeing anything.

  • Nervous conditions. They always have a negative impact on the quality of dreams. Disturbing dreams are possible, with vivid and not always nice pictures. The sleeper also experiences negative moments and emotions. In some cases, this condition can lead to severe mental disorders.
  • Diseases. Physical and mental fatigue, lung diseases, heart problems or apnea force you to wake up at certain short intervals. As a result, it is simply impossible to dream.

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It is precisely because of the negative external factors dreams may cease to occur completely. Then they can return. But if they are no longer there for a long time, it is advisable to seek qualified help.

How to bring back dreams

To enjoy interesting and colorful scenes again while on vacation, you need to take care of yourself. It is also important to adhere to certain rules.

  • Make sure you fall asleep correctly. No negative emotions, quarrels, worries. You should give your body rest by reading a book, watching good film or even doing light exercises.
  • Alternate mental and physical work. Don't overexert yourself, especially in the evenings. Make your waking hours varied and interesting.
  • Do not abuse alcohol or drugs. All this contributes to complete brain shutdown and problems with dreams.

When you wake up, try not to get out of bed abruptly, but lie down for a while. Then think about what you saw in your dream, what emotions you experienced. Be calm and avoid too strong emotions. This helps to remember dreams.

Doctors' opinion

Experts believe that the lack of dreams is due to excessive load on the brain and too much information. As a result, our nervous system requires deeper rest; it simply cannot reproduce “night pictures”. In this case, the doctor may recommend changing your lifestyle, relaxing and resting more.

Experts say another reason is the inability to remember a dream. In fact, it exists, but most adults quickly forget it. Only too vivid scenes remain in memory. If a person had a good rest during the night's sleep, feels good and light, there is no need to worry.

Dreaming is a normal ability that absolutely every person has. Therefore, if someone is faced with the fact that they do not have dreams, then it is more likely that the person simply does not remember what he saw when he was sleeping. It is difficult to say whether this is good or bad, since such a phenomenon can be caused not only by any abnormalities, as many people think, but also by ordinary stress or a sudden awakening. In order to understand when we dream, why we forget them, and what to do if a person does not dream, we need to understand how our brain works during rest, and also find out the main reasons why we forget dreams .

The phenomenon of dreams: what do we see and under what conditions?

Oneirology is a science that studies dreams. Scientists in this field are working to determine what sleep is, its nature, and why we dream. In fact, the exact reasons are not known. There are 10 most popular theories as to why we might dream.

This includes the theory put forward by Sigmund Freud that our night visions are a direct or indirect reflection of desires, as well as the opposite hypothesis that dreams are nothing more than the brain’s reaction to chaotic nerve impulses that arise during rest.

There are also two opposing versions, based on memory. So, the first version says that dreams help us get rid of unnecessary emotions, information and experiences gained during the day. That is, the brain scrolls and interprets this data, after which it removes everything unnecessary from memory. The second version says that dreams are designed to better remember the information received.

Some scientists, including Deirdre Barrett, believe that dreams help us solve problems that we find difficult to cope with in real life.

Unfortunately, none of these theories are 100% confirmed. However, all scientists agree that night sleep- This is a cyclic phenomenon that has 2 phases. The first phase is slow-wave sleep. At this time, the human brain switches from beta waves to alpha: the body relaxes, the heartbeat slows down, body temperature decreases slightly and sleep occurs. The brain begins to actively process the information that was received during the day. A person can have several dreams while in this state, however, upon awakening in the slow-wave sleep phase, it is unlikely that any vision will be remembered.

The second phase is REM sleep, accompanied by a rapid heart rate and increased temperature. During this period, the brain no longer processes information from the previous day, but rather reacts to nerve impulses, showing a picture. Dreams seen in this phase are most often fantastic and unrealistic, and are also more memorable.

But it happens that upon waking up in the morning, a person does not remember what he saw at night, neither in the first nor in the second phase. So why don't you have dreams? Let's consider the main theories that were put forward after conducting psychological and neurobiological experiments.

Why you don’t dream: the main theories and experiments of scientists

Many people wonder why I don’t have dreams. As noted above, scientists are of the opinion that absolutely all people have dreams, just not everyone remembers them when they wake up. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Physical fatigue, which causes a person to fall into a very deep sleep.
  2. Alcohol intoxication: Not only does the brain function differently, but the sleep is usually very sound.
  3. Snore– restless breathing disrupts nerve impulses sent to the brain, and therefore the body’s reaction is often directed not at remembering dreams, but at equalizing breathing.
  4. Sharp Awakening provokes an instant change in a person’s attention, so quickly leaving the state of sleep, the awakened person often experiences irritation, for example, if he is woken up by a phone call or an alarm clock. Therefore, blurry dreams fade into the background and are forgotten.
  5. Medicines: taking some medicines, for example, sedatives, antidepressants, against insomnia, can affect sleep status. This also applies to other groups of medications that side effects have factors affecting the nervous system and directly on sleep.
  6. Stress, nervous and mental disorders. Here there may be a problem with falling asleep in principle, which is why a person has a superficial and restful sleep, and the inability to concentrate on remembering dreams due to mental fatigue, because then the body is busy with active recovery during the night’s rest.
  7. Changing your daily routine. If a person switches to a different schedule of activity and rest, then the adaptation period may be accompanied by a lack of dreams. The same applies to people who have a flexible schedule, and therefore sleep all the time at different times of the day and night. Sleep is then unstable and superficial.
  8. Low emotionality, lack of dreams, aspirations and experiences. This is a version of why you don’t have dreams from psychology. Some scientists believe that dreams reflect our emotions and dreams, and a person who is in an apathetic state simply cannot dream.

In fact, there are many theories why a person does not remember the images that he saw at night. And there is no exact answer to whether it’s good or bad if you don’t have dreams. Since it is quite difficult to objectively assess the situation.

To study the nature of sleep, scientists from various scientific fields and research institutes conduct experiments. In one of them, the theory was confirmed that dreams are one of the tools for mastering information. So, the students studied the material provided. Those who dreamed remembered the data much better than the group of people who did not dream.

Neuroscientists from Stockholm University have concluded that sleep is a tool that ancient people used to simulate death, that is, for akinesis. Such defense mechanism to this day it is used by animals to feign death in front of a predator. During sleep, hormones cease to be released, and, accordingly, odors that attract predators cease to be released. Perhaps the ability of people to dream is no longer so necessary for modern people.

Neuroscientists from Finland are of the opinion that dreams are necessary for humans to prepare for various life situations, including dangerous ones. Having experienced an event in a dream, we gain experience that we can use in real life.

Do you want to remember your dream?

Ways to remember a dream

The reasons why a person does not remember dreams are quite clear. But what needs to be done to get rid of this problem and remember the images that come during rest. Let's consider several options for what to do if you don't have dreams:

  • do not overwork;
  • normalize the daily routine (sleep should last 7-8 hours);
  • do not get up abruptly after waking up to reduce stress from the transition to an active state;
  • create a suitable atmosphere for healthy rest: turn off the lights, ventilate the room and get rid of unnecessary sounds (it’s a big mistake to fall asleep listening to TV or music, as this negatively affects not only dreams, but also the rest of the body as a whole);
  • tune in to the vision of the dream (most likely nothing will work out the first time, but if, while falling asleep, you give yourself the instruction that you need to remember the dream, start coming up with a plot for the dream, or just dream, then after a while, the pictures and images will be clearer and memorable);
  • write down your dreams (often a person remembers the first minutes after waking up, what he dreamed, and then forgets, and therefore in such cases it is better to have a notepad and pen near the bed).

That is, if you don’t have dreams, then first of all there is no need to panic or get upset. Perhaps the reason for this was ordinary stress or a change in sleep patterns. To do this, it is better to sensibly analyze the situation and try to correct the problem by creating favorable conditions for relaxation. If dreams have not come for a long time, for example, more than six months, then it is worth contacting a specialist. Perhaps a professional will look at the problem from a different angle and be able to find an effective solution.

There is not a single person in the world who does not dream. But there are people who have begun to face their absence. There can be many reasons why people do not dream. Why this happens, you need to figure it out in order to fix the problem in time. This article will discuss the stages of sleep, the reasons for the loss of dreams, and ways to solve the problem.

Stages of sleep and dreaming - is there a relationship?

Professional sleep studies have shown that dreams in the human brain manifest themselves in strictly defined states.

During the night, 4 sleep cycles alternate, replacing each other and having very clear characteristics that allow them to be distinguished:

  1. Falling asleep. At this time, the brain and body are just beginning to relax, and no dreams yet. But at the moment of concentrating on closed eyelids, a person is able to see graphic patterns that do not move, rotate or change color.
  2. Slow sleep. This phase is during which the body fully rests. On it, the body completely relaxes, all processes slow down: brain activity, blood circulation, breathing. The work of the central nervous system is greatly inhibited - a person does not notice external factors. If you do not go through this phase of sleep, you will not be able to dream. It got its name due to the fact that during this period the sleeper’s eyeballs begin smooth circular movements through closed eyelids.
  3. REM sleep (paradoxical). It is in this phase that dreams occur. There is a sharp surge in brain activity and an increase in the tone of the whole body. A person's vital functions can return to the same level they were at while awake, but awakening does not occur. This is how the brain reacts to the images that arise in it, but it is difficult for it to distinguish them from the real ones. Therefore, during the period of dreaming, a person experiences everything as if in reality.

At this stage, real movements, walking, and talking are not excluded. The duration of the phase is only 20 minutes, after which the body completely relaxes again.

  1. Awakening. The phase during which normal activity of the nervous system and brain is restored.

The ability to remember dreams largely depends on the moment and quality of awakening. The likelihood of remembering a dream will be minimal if a person wakes up in the slow phase. But when he comes out of REM sleep, he will be able to recall recently seen pictures in his memory. Waking up too abruptly can cause the repression of weaker impressions, since this factor is a powerful irritant. In this case, the person will not remember the dream, even if he dreamed it.

Knowing all the phases of sleep, it will be possible to understand why a person seems to not have dreams.

Finding out whether dreams are real. Need to ask loved one Observe your condition during sleep. If after 20-30 minutes chaotic movement begins eyeballs- This is a confirmation of dream vision. If you wake up at this moment, you will remember the dream very clearly.

Lack of dreams: reasons for what is happening

A sleeping person dreams about four times during the REM sleep phase. Often the first dreams are a reflection of what happened in the coming day, while subsequent dreams can be more fantastic and illogical. A person is able to remember only those dreams after which he could accidentally wake up, for example, to turn over on the other side due to a numb limb, or those that he dreamed closer to the morning.

Accordingly, there are some reasons why a person may not remember that he had dreams at all or decide that they never happened at all. What are these reasons:

Alcohol intoxication

After the human body has been poisoned by numerous alcoholic poisons, it is simply very difficult for him to remember what he dreamed. This happens due to the fact that the brain simply cannot rest properly during the night due to intoxication caused by alcohol.

Nervous or mental disorders

When a person is in deep depression or when experiencing stress, it can be difficult for him to fall asleep. Going without sleep for a long time causes you to feel very tired and exhausted, after which you still manage to fall asleep for a short time. But it doesn't allow me to remember own dreams, because the body threw all its strength into restoring health during a night’s rest.

Extreme fatigue

This includes not only physical, but also mental fatigue. After prolonged physical or mental stress, a person usually falls asleep soundly and does not wake up, so he is unable to remember the dreams he had.

Pain, uncomfortable position

Most people are unable to fall asleep on public transport, because an uncomfortable position or an unusual situation is the reason why the body cannot relax, while the brain has to control it. As soon as one manages to fall asleep, a person immediately wakes up. It is often only in the morning that an exhausted brain is able to switch off and fall into deep slow-wave sleep, when dreams do not come.

Nervous system problems

This often causes poor sleep quality. Many people who experience nervousness experience vivid, disturbing dreams, during which all negative emotions are realized. But some people are completely deprived of the fast phase of sleep, which is why they are unable to switch to the slow phase. As soon as the body completely relaxes after falling asleep, the subconscious gives signals about the loss of control over what is happening. This is how brain activity begins to recover - this threatens the development of psychosomatic diseases and serious mental disorders.

Taking sleeping pills or sedatives

The muscles of the whole body relax and the brain turns off. But since the process is unnatural, brain activity is inhibited by blocking nerve impulses. She will not be able to recover from REM sleep. Vital functions decrease very strongly, and this does not lead to the body resting, but, on the contrary, due to the lack of rapid sleep phase, the body will not be able to recover normally, which is fraught with serious problems with sleep in the future.

Health problems

Often the reason that a person is faced with a complete lack of dreams is cardiovascular diseases, apnea, lung problems. This leads to the fact that a person wakes up very often after fairly short time intervals - he cannot plunge into the rapid phase of sleep. Such conditions lead to a lack of proper rest, severe exhaustion, and complications of the underlying disease.

How to learn to remember (see) dreams?

If a person suffers from a lack of dreams, they can be restored using simple recommendations. Compliance with the following rules will help:

The absence of dreams is not a very pleasant thing, especially if the person has previously had vivid and memorable dreams. You don’t dream about them for a number of reasons, which, if eliminated, will solve the problem. If you engage in creativity and don’t forget to regularly write on paper about your thoughts, you can bring your dreams back.

Why don't I have dreams for a long time? This question interests followers psychological science, people suffering from sleep disorders and simply those with an inquisitive mind. Since ancient times, humanity has attached special meaning to dreams, trying to find hidden meaning in bright night scenes. However, in reality, unusual phenomena are explainable modern science.

Psychological condition of a person, the peculiarities of thinking and emotional experiences influence all spheres of a person’s life, which to the fullest concerns dreams. Anxious people often suffer from chaotic nightmares, while those who are satisfied with life happy man often does not dream.

Answering the question why a person has not had dreams for a long time, psychologists voice next list possible reasons:

  1. Moral and physical fatigue.
  2. Depression, stress and other negative emotions.
  3. Psychological satisfaction.

It often happens that a tired traveler sleeps for days, but does not see a single dream. Physical and moral fatigue overloads the brain, which uses rest to restore the body’s strength and clear the mind of bad thoughts.

In this case, meditation helps. Half an hour before the start of the night's rest, it is enough for a tired person to spend a little time relaxing, completely relaxing, then there is a high probability that the sleeper will be able to see a pleasant dream.

Negative emotions and frequent stress is the scourge of modern society, which is especially typical for residents of megacities. In the frantic pace of life, city residents are in a constant rush, without having time to stop and think about their own lives even for a minute. psychological health. People become embittered, entering into conflict with others and with themselves. This condition leads to a complete absence of dreams or forgetting fragments of the plot.

Psychological reasons The absence of dreams can only be explained by temporary phenomena. Emotions and experiences are fickle, and some situations, on the contrary, provoke nightmares.

However, the absence of dreams is not always a negative symptom. Happy, satisfied people are more likely to sleep soundly and restfully. What is happiness? In the traditional sense, this is the complete absence of unpleasant experiences. In this case, the brain rests during sleep, and the sleeping person cannot see night pictures.

Sleep is not only mental process, but also an explainable biological phenomenon consisting of several phases. During REM sleep, a person may experience vivid images, and this happens up to four times a night. The first stories reflect the current reality and are an understanding of the events of the day. Subsequent images are often fantastical in nature and lack a logical component.

There are several physiological reasons, explaining the dreamless night's rest.

These include:

  • uncomfortable posture or low-quality bedding;
  • taking sleeping pills;
  • individual species diseases;
  • sudden awakening caused by outside influence;
  • awakening during a certain phase of sleep;
  • Drinking alcohol-containing drinks before a night's rest.

In order for consciousness to fully transform the experience acquired during the day into vivid pictures, the body must be completely relaxed. If a person falls asleep in an uncomfortable position, or his bed is unpleasantly hard, it will be extremely difficult to dream.

Taking sleeping pills has a specific effect on the human body: the drugs completely turn off the brain, drowning out nerve impulses. At the same time, the transition to the REM sleep phase is impossible, because for the formation of dreams the brain must maintain at least minimal activity. Sleeping pills provide healthy, restful sleep, so the lack of nighttime fantasies should not be a cause for concern. However, you should not abuse life-saving pills, and the course of taking the drugs should be stopped as soon as possible. Often a person does not see dreams due to the presence of cardiovascular, nervous diseases, as well as diseases associated with work disorders respiratory system.

Biological reasons are more obvious than psychological reasons. If psychology is an ambiguous thing, then physiological processes, occurring in the body, always affect sleep.

Sudden awakening is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. It is difficult to find a person who is happy to hear an alarm clock. Having woken up from a sharp jolt or a loud ringing, it is impossible to remember night visions. The situation is even worse if the sleeper has not overcome the REM sleep phase. It is this period that is responsible for proper rest. By waking up before the most important phase has begun, a person runs the risk of feeling weak and tired all day long.

Alcohol intake has a negative impact on general condition body, without bypassing the area of ​​night rest. The fact is that the brain, which is intoxicated, works somewhat differently in a state of sleep. The slow-wave sleep stage extends over a long period, while fast phase takes a negligibly short period of time. As mentioned above, it is the fast phase that implies the presence of colorful dreams.

Representatives of occult teachings have also repeatedly wondered why a person suddenly stopped having dreams.

The ancient esotericists had two answer options:

  1. The soul is attached to the body shell. According to fans of the occult, a person's astral projection regularly goes on astral travel, and dreams are just memories of this. If the soul has not traveled for a long time, there is simply nowhere to get information.
  2. There is no connection between consciousness and soul. In this situation, astral travel still takes place, but the person cannot remember them.

In case of lack of sleep, occultists advise paying attention to your inner world and communicate with your own soul. An excellent tool for disorders, as in psychology, relaxing meditation is considered here.

People who operate with facts and give preference to traditional science treat the opinions of esotericists with a fair amount of skepticism. However, in reality the phenomenon of sleep represents a complete mystery for science. Scientists have been able to identify some biological processes, but the work has not yet progressed beyond that. It may be that there is a grain of truth in the esoteric theory.

Reviews from Internet users about the problem of lack of dreams

The World Wide Web is a place for discussing any questions, the answers to which users willingly share on thematic forums.

Below are some thoughts from forum members who were thinking about why they don’t dream:

  • "Is it fatigue or nervous breakdown, I have dreams, I just don’t remember them”;
  • “dreams occur in the REM phase, waking up in the deep phase, a person does not remember dreams”;
  • “When the brain is overstrained during the day, it rests in sleep”;
  • “dreams are related to lifestyle” and so on.

Users also share vivid descriptions of dreams, while failed dreamers dream of repeating their experience. Forum visitors are advised to read professional literature that can shed light on the phenomenon of sleep.

People usually explain the absence of unconscious night fantasies good health sleeping or, conversely, physical and moral fatigue. It is noteworthy that most people do not try to find a mystical component in this, leaning more towards traditional scientific assumptions.

Many people who have never dreamed in their lives dream of seeing at least once a fantastic picture generated by their own consciousness. Indeed, pleasant dreams filled with joyful emotions can provide the sleeper with good mood for the whole day, which cannot be said about blood-curdling nightmares.

However, if a person still wants to return fantastic visions to his life, this task is not particularly difficult.

To do this, the future dreamer must take the following steps:

  1. Improve the quality of rest. Well-known sleep norm healthy person is 8 hours a day. At the same time, the room is isolated from extraneous sounds and the lights are completely turned off. If you have to get up for work in the morning, try to go to bed earlier than usual.
  2. Let your body rest. It is physical and moral fatigue of the body that is the most common reason for lack of dreams. Set aside the heavy ones physical exercise for a few days and tune your brain to pleasant thoughts. If there is no opportunity for proper rest, try to plan your routine.
  3. Do not overload the body with an abundance of food and alcohol two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you may have terrible nightmares.
  4. Do meditation. Spiritual practices have a miraculous effect on the mental and physical health person. Meditation will help free your mind from unnecessary thoughts and relax the muscles of your body.
  5. Do not get out of bed immediately after waking up. The relaxed state that a person experiences while basking in a warm bed in the morning has a beneficial effect on the perception of dreams. During this period, there is a high probability of remembering the dream plot.
  6. Record the dream. It is advisable to always have a notepad and pen on your bedside table. As soon as you wake up, think about the past night. By recording vague memories, the brain will gradually piece together a complete picture. The constant practice of writing down your night visions will help you remember them better in the future.
  7. Get creative. The fact is that regular creative activities force the part of the brain responsible for creating mental images to work. The type of activity is not so important: it can be singing, drawing, and so on. The main thing is to engage in creativity regularly.

A person’s sleep depends on many factors, among which lifestyle takes the leading position. Man taking a night's rest a large number of time, is unlikely to have problems with lack of dreams. However, sound sleep is not always a signal of danger.

Dreams are one of the most mysterious phenomena, which scientists from all over the world have worked and continue to work on. In ancient times, it was believed that sleep was a kind of transition to another world (the world of spirits, the astral plane, or even a parallel world). Through dreams, skilled priests and shamans could see the past, predict the future, heal and get to the hidden depths of the subconscious. Dreams can make life more fulfilling ordinary person modernity, because through them clues come to us, secret desires are revealed. But some people are not so lucky because they do not dream. It is difficult to say why a person does not have dreams, but several hypotheses can be identified that are likely causes.

The mechanism of dreams

First of all, we need to please those who think that they do not have dreams and have problems, since everyone should have dreams. At the same time, every person sees 5-6 dreams every day (or when you sleep there), but your brain simply does not remember them, which is why it seems that dreams have passed you by.

Every time you go to sleep, your brain doesn't go to rest with you. He begins to process the entire amount of information that he managed to obtain in a day. Therefore, usually our first dreams are closely related to the daylight realities that we have experienced. The closer to morning, the weaker the connection with reality becomes, so that we have the most unusual and fantastic dreams in the morning (which makes it even more offensive, since this fantasy is interrupted at the most interesting thing).

We usually see unusual and fantastic dreams in the morning

Why do people feel like they don’t dream? The answer has already been given - they do not remember plots. To give a more detailed explanation, our brain works in such a way that we remember mainly those “pictures” that we saw in a dream at the exact moment when we woke up. If you've slept soundly and peacefully all night, you're likely less likely to remember many dreams because you barely woke up.

Another important condition for remembering dreams is the sleep phase. You've probably heard that there are only two phases of sleep, which replace each other several times a night (or a day, it all depends on the time of rest). The REM sleep phase replaces the NREM sleep phase and vice versa. The most interesting thing is that when we fall asleep, we first plunge into the slow-wave sleep phase, during which the “data” received by the brain while awake is processed. The body begins to relax, the pulse and breathing slow down. During this phase, we have the most realistic dreams, closely related to the events of daylight hours. If you suddenly wake up during a slow phase, then the likelihood that you will remember the dreams you had is very low.

One of the most wonderful dreams is to fly in a dream.

But the REM sleep phase is much more “energetic.” During it, we see the most vivid and memorable dreams, which are highly likely to be remembered in all details if you wake up at this time. During this phase, our heart beats faster, breathing becomes more frequent and heavy, the eyes under the eyelids begin to move actively, while the muscles remain at rest.

What does the dream scenario depend on?

The plot of our dreams can be influenced by various factors. Mental and physical state person. If, for example, you live in constant stress and experience nervous tension, then your brain will signal its dissatisfaction through dreams. And if you have problems with your physical condition, for example, heat body or it’s just very hot in the room, then you may dream that you are in the center of a fire or in the desert, from where you can’t get out, although coolness is somewhere very close.

You may dream of a fire when you have a high temperature or the room is simply hot

Likewise, the plot of a dream is influenced by extraneous sounds, noise, and light. At this moment, your subconscious begins to signal that it would be nice to wake up, because something is happening in the outside world.

However, the main factor influencing the scenario of our dreams remains the eventful part of the past daylight hours. Perhaps you saw some old acquaintance on the street with whom you were unable to talk, and at night your brain transfers this event to the matter of a dream. Or you have been struggling with solving a problem for a long time or just can’t dare to take some action, in this case, be sure that soon in one of your dreams you will see this situation from a different angle, which will allow you to make a decision in real.

Why don't I have dreams?

There can be many reasons why we may not remember dreams (and think that we are not dreaming them). Often in such situations, several reasons play a role at once, so you can only get to the bottom of the truth on your own and solely based on your personal experiences. For convenience, all reasons are combined into three large groups: psychological, biological and esoteric.

Psychological factors

One of the most common reasons for lack of dreams is brain overload during the day.

Psychologists believe that the most common cause is brain overload during the day. If you have experienced a lot during your entire waking life, then be sure that your brain will want to spare you and will not generate dreams so as not to overload you.

Fatigue can also affect the quality of your sleep. If you are tired during the day, then most likely you will sleep soundly and peacefully at night, which means you will not remember the dreams you had. It is also very important that you do not experience stress. Nervous tension can lead to insomnia, which, as the name implies, does not contribute to the appearance of pleasant dreams.

Biological reasons

If a person wakes up during the slow phase of sleep, then he does not remember his dreams

As already mentioned, our sleep is based on two phases: fast and slow sleep. We see dreams in each of the phases, but memorization occurs only if the person managed to wake up during the REM sleep phase. This phase lasts about 20 - 30 minutes, it occurs every one and a half to two hours. If a person constantly wakes up during the slow-wave sleep phase, then most often he does not remember dream plots, so sometimes it seems to such people that they do not dream at all.

Biological reasons also include your physical condition. During times of illness, fever or stress, you may experience delirium-like dreams or none at all. It depends on the specific organism and the individual clinical picture.

Esoteric reasons

This is how esotericists see dreams

This category of factors may combine some features of the other two groups, but also has a number of its own features. Esotericists look at dreams somewhat differently than scientists and doctors. According to their ideas, sleep is a kind of gateway between the real and astral worlds. If a person does not see dreams, then this may mean that he either gives up his astral travel, or some “higher powers” ​​are not allowing him there.

Lack of dreams can also mean a discord between the soul and consciousness, causing the mind to be unable to remember its astral travels. Of course, when it comes to esotericism, it is difficult to name specific reasons for the lack of dreams, so this requires a good understanding of your inner self and your own psychology.

How important is it to dream?

Dreams do not have a significant impact on our health

Not having dreams is neither good nor bad. In essence, dreams are more of a pleasant (and sometimes not so pleasant) bonus from our brain. They do not have a particularly serious effect on the body or its functioning. A much more significant problem is insomnia or constant nightmares. In these situations, you should be concerned, since physical and emotional exhaustion can lead to impairment.

Ordinary dreams are not something obligatory, so there is no need to worry about their absence. If you have only recently begun to notice that you do not remember your dreams, then try to find out probable cause such a violation. Perhaps after its elimination you will be able to dive into Magic world dreams

Good meditation is the key mental health and therefore good sleep

You need to understand that if you have been seeing and remembering dreams for a long time, and recently suddenly stopped doing this, then the problem has appeared recently and it is quite possible to solve it. But if you don’t even remember the last time you had a dream, then the problem may lie much deeper and it will be much more difficult to solve (you may need to consult a specialist).

There are several tips that will help you not only bring dreams back into your life, but also allow you to remember some of them:

  1. Learn to relax. Yes, you also need to be able to rest, and you need to do it well. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, go to bed before midnight. An hour before going to bed, dim the lights in the room, put away all gadgets, turn off the TV and laptop, it is advisable to ventilate well. If you feel stressed, take a relaxing bath or warm shower before bed.
  2. Try to dose your loads. There are very few people these days who don't work their butts off. Physical, emotional, and moral exhaustion did no good to anyone. If you don’t have the opportunity to give yourself a proper rest after another emergency at work, then try to at least plan your regime so that the load is dosed.
  3. Don't eat at night. Eaten less than two hours before going to bed, another rich bun will lie on your stomach like a brick and will only cause nightmares or insomnia (this also applies to alcohol).
  4. Meditate. Good mediation is the key to a healthy psyche, and where there is a healthy psyche, the physical condition of the body is excellent. Try to choose meditations for yourself that will help clear your mind of all garbage.
  5. Don't jump out of bed immediately after waking up. Of course, this recommendation is difficult to implement, since everyone has such an instrument of torture as an alarm clock. But if you are serious about bringing back your dreams, you will have to come up with something. By lounging in bed for a while immediately after waking up, you increase your chances of the dream being remembered by your brain.
  6. Record your dreams. This practice is also used for training. lucid dreaming. You just need to write down every dream you have, and try to describe everything down to the smallest detail. You will not even notice how soon you will not only constantly see dreams, but will also be able to change them at your own discretion.
  7. Get creative. Creative practices help improve the functioning of the part of the brain that is responsible for mental images.
  8. Get treatment chronic diseases . This applies to everything, including anxiety and neurotic conditions, pathologies of the respiratory system, and digestive organs.

Until now, many scientists are studying human dreams. These mysterious stories created by our brain are one of the most mysterious and beautiful phenomena in our lives. If you suddenly stop seeing dreams, then you shouldn’t fall into despair. There are plenty of tips to help you get your dreams back.