The miniature dog Griffin is the best option for a city apartment. The Brussels Griffon is a small and gentle animal. How long does a Brussels Griffon dog live?

The Brussels Griffon is a small “ladies’” dog that has recently gained enormous popularity in the United States and Europe. Animals of this breed get along well with inexperienced owners. The main purpose of the breed is as a companion dog.

This breed was born in Belgium. According to some dog experts, the forefathers of the Belgian Griffons were. Some experts believe that everything was the other way around: the Affens descended from the Griffons.

Dogs that look like Brussels dogs lived in medieval Europe and were very popular among people of noble birth. Being excellent swimmers and rat catchers, these dogs were also in favor with sailors.

Close relatives of the Brussels Griffon are the Belgian Griffon and .

Official story This breed began in the 80s of the 19th century. Then the dog participated in the Brussels exhibition and had the name “small Belgian wire-haired terrier.”

It is believed that during the formation of this breed, blood was mixed with it:

  1. English toy spaniels.

After World War II, the Brussels Griffon, becoming less and less common in its homeland, migrated to the USA and Britain. To the territory Soviet Union this breed was imported from America, the Czech and Polish Republics.

Breed standard, appearance and photographs

Brussels Griffons are small dogs with an original appearance and a perky character.

The Brussels Griffon standards are given in the following table:

Body part/parametersDescription
HeadRelative to the body it seems quite large.
ScullWide, has a rounded shape.
MuzzleShort. Its length does not exceed 1.5 centimeters.
LipsClosed, adjacent to the jaws quite tightly. Pigmented black.
JawsThere is a snack. Wide lower jaw bends upward.
TeethWhen the mouth is closed they are not visible.
EyesLarge, brown, round in shape. Not convex.
EarsSmall, high delivery.
NeckThe length is average, the transition to the shoulders is smooth.
FrameThe length is equal to the height at the withers.
WithersSlightly raised.
BackWell developed, short, straight.
Small of the backMuscular. There is a slight bulge.
CroupWide. Sometimes there is a slight tilt.
BreastWide, well developed, reaching to the elbows.
StomachFit. The groin line is well defined.
TailCarried upward, set quite high.
Front legsStrong. Their bones are well developed.
Hind legsMuscular, superbly developed.
WoolHard, wavy, has an undercoat. Ideally, the coat does not hide the silhouette.
ColorRed, fawn, slight blackening of the decorating hair on the head is allowed.
Height17-29 centimeters.
Weight3.6-6.1 kilograms.
NotesMales should have a pair of normal testes fully descended into the scrotum.

Brussels Griffons can only have a red color of varying intensity; blackening on the face is allowed.

Disqualifying faults

The main defects of the breed include:

  • spots white on wool;
  • too much big size upper jaw;
  • visible tongue with closed jaws;
  • tail pathologies (bob tail, kinks, curl);
  • weak pigmentation of the nose;
  • deviations in physical development;
  • deviations in mental development;
  • absence of incisors;
  • cowardice;
  • aggression.

The following colors are not allowed: liver, brownish and tan, bluish and tan, gray, black, black and tan.

Main differences from the Belgian Griffon

The Brussels is a wire-haired dog. The color of the Brussels Griffon is red, with black patches in the mustache and beard allowed.

Important. The Belgian is a wire-haired dog with fur of any color except red.

The most common coat colors of the Belgian Griffon are black and tan and pure black.

Scorches are present in the following places:

  • inner part of ears;
  • breast;
  • cheekbones;
  • paws.

The photo shows a Brussels Griffon (left) and a Belgian Griffon (right).

Character traits

This breed can hardly be called clean. This is due physical features dogs. Even adult griffons relieve themselves every 120 minutes, so they should not be left at home alone.

Important character traits of the animal are listed in the tablet:

ShynessGriffons are surprisingly shy. They are shy of strangers. They are truly attached only to their owner.
Intolerance of lonelinessThe Griffon is a companion dog. He cannot be left alone for long. Otherwise, the animal begins to worry, whine and bark loudly.
PedantryGriffons do not tolerate change. A change of place of residence is a great stress for them. This dog requires consistency and stability.
ActivityThe Brusselsman has a sanguine temperament. He loves to be the center of attention. This is an active, agile, playful and inquisitive animal.
DominanceThis dog has enough a strong character. She can try to dominate both other pets or family members, and the owner himself.
BraveryFormerly a rat catcher, the Brussels native has retained his protective qualities. He may not let a stranger get close to the owner.

Brussels Griffons, despite their small size, tend to be dominant.

Attitude towards children

Being very active, dogs of this breed cannot stand intrusiveness. Therefore, you should not take them into a family with small children. Brussels Griffons are very sensitive to shouts and do not tolerate familiarity. If a child accidentally hurts the dog, it may bite him.

Griffons also love to be the center of attention. The owner's excessive passion for the dog involuntarily forms such ugly character traits of the pet as selfishness and demandingness. Therefore, newlyweds planning children should also abandon the Brussels in favor of another breed.

Relationship with other pets

The Brussels Griffon dog gets along well with its relatives and is loyal to cats. But if there are rodents in the house, it is not advisable to have a Brussels.

Advice. If you want to have two griffons, then the second dog must be of the opposite sex.

You should not get a Brussels if you already have dogs of serious breeds at home, which are characterized by aggressiveness towards their relatives (, etc.).

Features of dog training

Brussels people are very contradictory. Being territorial animals, they can reign supreme at home and at the same time be dependent on the owner.

They can be very annoying. If the owner cannot pay attention to them, they get offended and begin to cause mischief. Timely education will help prevent this.

Brussels Griffons can get bored if they are not given enough exercise.

Guided by a breed-sensitive trainer, the Brussels Griffon can work wonders on obedience. A Brussels citizen cannot be forced to follow a command. Even under pain of punishment, he will still prefer to do things his own way. These dogs love to work. But they need to be stimulated.

Frequent repetitions of the same command during a lesson should not be allowed - this contributes to the development of uncertainty.

Starting from puppyhood, your pet should be taught a basic set of commands. The owner must ensure that the animal responds instantly to commands.

Important. If a dog does not follow commands well, the owner should reconsider his approach to training.

It is very important to constantly encourage your pet and show him your affection. Griffons are very responsive. They will follow commands, even out of gratitude for love.

Dogs of this breed are very active. Therefore, after classes, it is recommended to run or play outdoor games with your pet.

With the Brussels Griffon you can master agility and perform successfully in competitions.

Features of dog care

The owner must monitor the condition of:

  1. Coat.
  2. Skin.
  3. Ears.
  4. Zubov.
  5. Eye.
  6. Claws.

Dog grooming

Proper care consists of:

  • combing;
  • wool cleaning;
  • trimming;
  • flea treatment.

You need to brush your dog every day. This promotes the restoration of coat and skin. The fur must be cleaned using a special brush. Use hygiene products do not do it.

Trimming should be done during the molting period. The owner should remove dead hairs. This also helps to improve the condition of the coat. It becomes smooth and soft.

The fur on the face needs to be plucked. Then the owner must “arm” himself with scissors and give the dog’s mustache and beard the desired shape. You should bathe your dog no more than once/7 days. You should use shampoo for animals with coarse hair.

Treatment for fleas and worms

The procedure should be carried out 1 time/30 days. It is advisable to use and. The product is applied to places that are difficult to lick - between the shoulder blades or closer to the neck. After treatment, you should not bathe your dog for 10 days.

Special attention should be given to the folds on the muzzle. They need daily inspection and cleaning. Otherwise they will hum and exude bad smell. In the worst case, bacteria will “settle” there.

The fur around the ears needs careful trimming.

Care for eyes, teeth and claws

Do not allow discharge from the eyes. When acidification occurs, you need to treat your vision organs daily with a swab dipped in a weak chamomile solution. It can be alternated with weak brewing of black tea.

Nails need to be trimmed at least 1 time/14 days. In this case, you should use a special nail clipper. If the nails are not trimmed, they will begin to interfere with the dog's movement. In the worst case scenario, the dog will begin to limp severely.

Regular teeth brushing involves using special pastes. Can't be allowed. At the first symptoms of pathology, you should immediately show the griffon to a veterinarian.

Features of feeding a dog

Based on the description of the breed, it is clear that the animal can be fed with both natural food and special food. Give food adult dog need twice a day.

Special dry food is suitable for feeding the Brussels Griffon.

About half a century ago, people recognized a wonderful creature with interesting name griffon dog. They can be seen on the canvases of painters living in the 15th century. Most often they allowed themselves such luxury in non-poor houses.

Griffon dog breed always considered ladies'. In addition to the fact that they were used as beautiful and kind friends, they also helped perfectly in the fight against rodents.

This animal was first spotted in 1880. And 1883 was remembered for the fact that griffons were officially recognized as a breed. This event happened in Belgium. The popularity of this breed cannot be denied, both in the past and in real life.

There are three types of them in nature - Belgian Griffon, Brussels Griffon and Smooth-haired. They are all very similar to each other. The only differences are their color and the quality of their fur.

Pictured is a Brussels Griffon

It is impossible to look at without delight and tenderness photo of a griffon.They are relatively small. An adult has an average height at the withers of about 20 cm. And her weight is no more than 5 kg.

The brightest and most basic thing about this animal has always been its head. It is much larger than it should be when compared to the body. And the little face with slightly bulging eyes and a clearly visible black nose reminds everyone of a playful brownie.

Her lower jaw protrudes slightly, giving her a stern appearance. And the mouth is tightly closed, so much so that the teeth and tongue are not visible at all. The ears are normal and medium in size. It used to be fashionable to cut them, but now it is a thing of the past. They are placed high and hang down neatly. The tail is also set high. He has also been docked before.

Belgian Griffon

But today such a griffon tail is a big disadvantage for, one might argue, its disadvantage. The animal's paws are strong and have small feet.

The wool is quite hard, and all representatives of the griffins have this quality of wool. Brussels Griffon dog has a strictly red color. It is this quality that distinguishes her from all other brothers.

Belgian Griffon dog always black or close to black. The texture of his fur is the same as that of others. She is hard with extra undercoat.

Griffon Brabançon dog comes in a wide variety of colors. But she cannot be confused with anyone because of her smooth fur. She also does not have the naughty goatee that other representatives of this breed have.

In the photo there is a Griffon Brabançon dog

But instead, nature endowed her with long hair around the eyes. This gives her a flirty look. That's why griffon dog smooth-haired looks less evil and intimidating.

Everyone knows that this breed does not have aggression. They have great love and affection for their owner, and are friendly and sociable with other pets.

They need constant communication. Loneliness is a burden for these dogs. They often exhibit a leadership streak. It is noticed that from too Great love And under the care of its owner, the griffon can turn into a small, capricious and self-satisfied dog.

To get spoiled dog Griffon Petit Brabançon you need to make every effort, because in fact, this is a very docile and obedient type of dog.

In the photo there is a dog Griffon Petit Brabançon

Things are a little more complicated with the Belgian and Brussels Griffon. They have a more mischievous disposition. In relation to them, it is better to show toughness of character and have a firm hand.

All types of griffons have amazing high intelligence and excellent intelligence. Without exception, these commands are remembered and executed with amazing speed.

They love children madly. Playing with a child can take more than one hour. Griffons also perfectly protect their owner and his home, emitting such a bark that it is impossible not to hear. By the way, they don’t bark in vain.

Description of the griffin breed

In order for an adult to take part in exhibitions, it is advisable buy a griffon dog with good pedigree. It is these puppies that do not deviate from the breed standards and are real.

The Brussels Griffon has a tough breed and a red, incomparable color. Belgian type of griffon in black tones. And the Petit Brabançon comes in a wide variety of colors with a smooth coat, without mustache or beard.

The body of a standard griffon should be in proportion to its height. There should be a noticeable middle ground in temperament. These are friendly, sociable and not aggressive.

But they are not shy either. A rounded and wide forehead is noticeable on the wide skull. The head is larger than the body. This breed has long, coarse hair growing around its eyes and ears. The animal's tail should be high and raised to the top.

If it curls or is too short, the dog is considered defective and does not meet the standard. The griffon's coat should not be too long. In all species it is tough. The color must match each species.

Care and maintenance of a Griffon dog

This breed dogs require constant attention. Although caring for her is not very difficult. It is enough to brush her coarse fur once a week. Pay special attention to it around the eyes and ears.

You need to bathe your dog as needed. It is not advisable to do this using detergents, simple running water is enough. Some areas need to be trimmed and given a neat look.

Griffon dwarf dog breed are often subject to periodontal disease. Therefore, they need to constantly brush their teeth with special toothpastes. And at the slightest hint of this disease, they should be immediately shown to a doctor.

It is best to feed griffons with premium food. They eat very little, which will not be too expensive for family budget, and will receive all the substances useful for your body.

Pictured is a griffon puppy

Griffon price and owner reviews

Of the many reviews about the griffon dog the conclusion follows that these are kind and peaceful animals. They quickly become the most beloved pets in the family. Who decides buy a griffon dog, never regrets it. Being around such an animal ensures a good mood forever. Average Griffon dog price from 300 dollars.

This cute little guy, inquisitive and sociable, will easily win your heart. Belgian Griffons are wonderful family dogs that will fill your life with many joyful moments. They get along well with children and other pets living in the house. We are convinced that if you choose such a dog as your friend, you will never regret it.

Small Belgian dogs

Belgian Griffons are one of three breeds that make up the Belgian Small Dog group. Two more breeds are the Brussels Griffon and the Petit Brabançon.

These charming animals differ only in their different colors and coat types. However, despite the obvious family ties, each of these breeds has its own standard. For example, standard Belgian griffin describes him as a compact, elegant dog with a wiry coat. Its color can be black and tan, black or mixed with reddish-brown.

Belgian Griffon: description of the breed

This is a short, rather compact dog (height - 21 cm, weight - 3 kg), having a square format, a strong but elegant physique. A special feature of its appearance is its short, bearded muzzle, which looks a little like a monkey. She has a protruding chin and a convex forehead. Large black eyes are very expressive. The standard allows both drooping and cropped ears - erect. The tail is docked and set high.


Belgian griffins have an elongated coat that is quite coarse and does not adhere to the skin. On the muzzle it forms a mustache, eyebrows and beard. After trimming, which is mandatory for this breed, short and close-fitting hair should remain on the body. Color - black and tan, black.


The Belgian griffin (owner reviews suggest this) has a fiery temperament. However, he makes contact with people amazingly easily. Looking into their dark, large eyes with a meaningful look, you realize that the Belgian griffins understand you better than you understand them.

This charming dog is smart and inquisitive, very vigilant. He is not capricious, he is always in good mood, not grumpy and not too “talkative”. The Belgian Griffon breed is easy to train. This animal is observant and quickly learns the routine in the house. He knows how to be on time in the right place without interfering with the owner, get his portion of attention and affection.

This baby is easy and pleasant to live with, he is extremely loyal and close to his owners. He is athletic and dynamic, very durable. He loves long walks in the park or forest. He is happy when he accompanies his owner to the store - the main thing is that there is a lot of new and interesting things around.

Belgian griffins are great lovers from time to time to bask on pillows or in the arms of their beloved owners. And sometimes, like other dogs, they need to be alone, in their own place, where no one will bother them.

This sweet dog quickly wins the love of the whole family. Her harmless pranks don't annoy anyone. For the owner, the griffin is an elegant companion dog, for the owner it is a cheerful companion on walks, and for children it is a faithful friend.

This is an amazing breed of dog. The Belgian Griffon feels comfortable in a city apartment. But this does not mean at all that he will like to spend the day and night alone, within four walls. Human contact is important for this dog. Regular and long walks are important good health and the dog's well-being.

Belgian griffins are very clean animals, but caring for him will still require some effort on your part. You will need to regularly comb and brush the coat, trim the nails, and examine the eyes and wrinkles on the face. Once every two to three months, the Belgian Griffon needs a little hygienic haircut and trimming.

Every owner of a griffin should know that these little ones are very difficult to tolerate heat.

Choosing a puppy

So, you have decided to become the owner of a Belgian griffin. You should not immediately go to the poultry market or the nearest nursery. First, visit a specialized exhibition where you will see with your own eyes best representatives this breed and talk to the owners. Not all breeders are involved in the Belgian Griffon breed. You should choose a proven kennel where the most comfortable conditions are created for the dogs.

Nothing speaks better about the future and prospects of an animal than its origin. Therefore, try to see the puppy’s parents and, if possible, evaluate their advantages and possible disadvantages. It is very important to pay attention to the behavior of adult animals.

Responsible and experienced breeders sell puppies no earlier than three months, when the second vaccination is given.

Even before purchasing, decide on the gender of the dog and the purposes for which you are purchasing it. The Belgian Griffon, whose price depends on your expectations for its showing career, will cost more. If you need a pet, and you do not plan to participate in exhibitions, then you can make your choice by trusting your heart. If you need victories and championship titles, then the task becomes a little more complicated. Contact a breeder for help in choosing a puppy, or even better, consult an experienced expert. The price of a puppy ranges from 15 to 35 thousand rubles.

When buying a Belgian griffin, you should pay special attention to the shape of the baby's head. It should be quite large, but proportionate to the body. The puppy's muzzle is short, with open nostrils. It is best to choose a stocky and strong baby with a square format. Pay attention to the puppy's stance.

The Belgian Griffon's coat should be bright and shiny. Examine the dog's teeth - the puppy should have six incisors on each jaw.

Regardless of whether you simply purchase pet or an expensive elite puppy from famous producers, check out his physical condition. A healthy dog ​​has clear eyes, cold and wet nose, elastic tummy and shiny fur. Find out what vaccinations your baby has received and whether he has undergone deworming.

Pay attention to the dog's behavior and character. In many ways, the choice will depend on your preferences, but experienced dog handlers recommend choosing a cheerful, active, playful baby without signs of cowardice or aggression.


Griffons are sociable dogs, which is why they need human love and attention so much. You should not keep your pet in a container all the time, otherwise your little friend will become apathetic and lethargic. Take him in your arms more often, do not skimp on affection, talk to him.

If for some reason you need to leave the griffin alone, take the time to explain the situation to him.

From childhood, the griffin should be accustomed to cutting and trimming. In this case, you will need maximum perseverance, patience and firmness.

Clubs and nurseries

The first representatives of griffins appeared in our country in 1993. These were dogs brought from the USA. In 1995, the National Griffon Club was organized thanks to the efforts of Russian breeders.

Today, there are nurseries that breed these animals in many large Russian cities. However, it should be noted that in our country Brussels griffins are more common than Belgian ones, so their price may be slightly higher.

Today, the Griffon dog is the oldest decorative breed. It appeared about 500 years ago.

Today, the Griffon dog is the oldest decorative breed.

An interesting fact is that these beautiful dogs can be seen in the gorgeous paintings of talented painters who lived in the 15th century. Most often, griffins lived in the houses of wealthy Belgians. These animals, like Wolfspitz, were used to exterminate rodents.

The Griffon dog breed was first officially presented in 1880 at a large-scale exhibition in Brussels. Three years later it was registered in Belgium.

Today, such dogs can be found in almost all countries of the world, and they continue to gain popularity. There are 3 types of griffons:

  • smooth-haired thick;
  • Belgian;
  • Brussels

Griffins are very similar, but they differ in coat type and color.

Character of Griffons

For a pet that will live in the house for many years, it is important to have a balanced character. And in fact, the smooth-haired griffon is a very affectionate and calm animal. It can be safely called the most the perfect pet. The dog does not show aggression, but it cannot be called timid.

An adult Belgian Griffon is sociable and quickly becomes attached to its owner. He is friendly and active. The owners note that the dog is very smart.

The Belgian Griffon adapts very easily to the owner’s daily routine. The dog can be classified as one of those breeds of pets that need communication and affection. The pet simply loves to be the center of attention. Little griffins also love to accompany their owner, as they need constant contact with him. Animals cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness. Pets rarely bark. They do not tolerate even the most insignificant changes and love constancy.

Today, such dogs can be found in almost all countries of the world, and they continue to gain popularity

However, the owner should not spoil the dog, as it will become very capricious. The Belgian Griffon dog breed is suitable for those people who have the opportunity to devote a sufficient amount of time to their pet.

Gallery: Griffon dog (25 photos)

How to choose an animal

A healthy and playful Belgian Griffon will please the future owner if he buys it not at the market, but in a special nursery. The dog must be active and playful. The puppy's coat should be shiny.

It is imperative to pay attention to the conditions in which the small animal was born and kept. If you plan to participate in exhibitions with your pet in the future, then you need to pay closer attention to its pedigree.

The dog should be purchased at the age of 3 months, after it has had its vaccinations. The breeder must give the buyer a veterinary passport.

A true friend, the Belgian Griffon will quickly become a member of your family. An intelligent, affectionate, inquisitive and sociable dog can bring a lot of joy and pleasant moments into your life. He does not show aggression, does not require complex care and gets along well with small children.

Belgian Griffon (video)

How to care for a dog

Caring for a pet is easy, as griffons are clean. Particular attention should be paid to the dog's coat. For example, during the molting period, be sure to do trimming and comb the fur once a week using a furminator. The Griffon, which has a coarse coat, sheds much less. To remove dead hairs, you should sometimes pluck them.

In order for walking your animal to bring him positive emotions, you must buy a leash and harness. These accessories are chosen according to the size of the pet. 2 fingers should fit under the fastened collar. Only in this case will the dog be comfortable walking.

It is best to walk the animal before feeding. Griffon only needs 2 walks a day. It is good if this process is combined with training. First, the pet needs to run around a lot, and then you can start practicing the simplest commands.

What to feed the decorative griffon

Griffon dogs are quite active and can expend a lot of energy. That's why they love to eat delicious food. However, there is no need to overfeed your pet. After eating, be sure to wipe the dog's beard to remove any remaining food.

Since griffons are active dogs that love to eat, breeders advise giving them ready-made food, which was once developed by specialists for the smallest breeds.

The dog is a carnivore. His stomach just can't stomach it a large number of plant food. Therefore, raw food is better than cooked food.

If you do not want to use ready-made food, you should include porridge, meat (except pork), vegetables, sea fish (except pollock), and fermented milk products in your diet. You need to add garlic to these products several times a week, this will be the most the best prevention against worms. It is allowed to give the dog dandelion leaves, parsley, boiled eggs, lettuce, brewer's yeast and nettle leaves.

Spicy seasonings, pickles, sugar should be excluded from the menu forever. sausages, smoking, boiled bones, marinades and candies. Regular meals are a must. It is not recommended to compensate for the quality of food with its quantity. If you skip the morning feeding, you should not increase the amount of food you offer your animal at lunch.

How to raise Griffon dogs

The process of raising a dog must begin from the moment it is purchased. The basis of correct and methodical training is love for a living creature and patience. We must remember that the animal looks at the world in its own way. Therefore, you should not demand human logic from a dog, since many of its reactions are based on instincts and reflexes.

It is necessary to accustom the puppy to its nickname. Only family members can pet the pet. Do not punish a dog that does not respond to your command. Do not give your pet slippers as toys. After all, a small creature cannot yet distinguish old things from new ones. It’s just that after a while the puppy will start gnawing on new things.

A small pet should be treated fairly and calmly. There is no need to take out on him the irritation that has accumulated throughout the day.

It is impossible to punish a puppy some time after it has committed an offense. The kids will very quickly forget about their action, and because of the belated punishment, the dog will be afraid of the owner. Until about 3 months, you need to carry the dog in your arms up the stairs. You cannot place an animal on a bed or chair, as it may fall and be injured. On the street, try to limit your pet's interaction with older dogs.

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Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Gaming activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly towards other dogs Dog's tendency to find mutual language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

The Brussels Griffon was originally bred to kill rats. This breed is unique and unusual in its own way. The dog has an affectionate and gentle character, high level intelligence. Dogs of this breed are very attractive, many claim that they are amazing piercing gaze The Belgian Griffon's look is very similar to that of a human.

Brussels Griffons are often referred to simply as "Griffons". The hunting skills of these dogs have found their application in the fight against rats. Horse breeders especially often bred them, because it was in the stables that rats and mice often bred. As a result, these pets began to gain popularity and turned into excellent pets that are cheerful, affectionate and curious. Griffons have long become man's faithful companions and friends.

Today there are two varieties of Brussels Griffons: wire-haired and smooth-haired. Experts distinguish three types of Griffons (small Belgian dogs): the Petit Brabançon (with a smooth coat), the Brussels Griffon (with a hard red coat) and the Belgian Griffon (with a hard coat of any color except red).

All griffons have a somewhat flattened face with a protruding chin and large, wide-set eyes. These dogs are somewhat reminiscent of fantastic animals. Despite their small size, griffons are strong, athletic dogs. Dogs of this breed often achieve excellent results in agility, obedience and many sports.

Representatives of this breed are quite capricious dogs, they require the attention of their owner and want to be close to him. Griffons get along well with other dogs and pets. At the same time, noisy children can cause irritation in the animal. These pets become very attached to their owner, I love spending all day long with him.

Due to the fact that the Brussels Griffon is small in size, . But you should understand that griffons love to bark. This must be taken into account if living in an apartment building. To prevent a dog from barking uncontrollably, it is necessary from the very beginning early age train the dog to behave correctly.

This interesting breed dogs is not suitable for all dog owners. It is suitable for those who are ready to devote a lot of time to their pet and spend time with it most of its time. In addition, the Brussels Griffon exhibits independence in character. This fact indicates that difficulties may arise during the learning and training process. You also need to know that dogs of this breed live quite a long time: from 14 to 15 years.

Photo of the Brussels Griffon:

Photos of dogs of the Brussels Griffon breed |

Origin story

The history of the Brussels Griffon begins in Belgium 200 years ago. It dates back to the time when small terriers were bred to help fight rodents in local stables. The Brussels Griffon as we know it today was created by crossing several dog breeds, including the Affenpinscher and the Russian Toy Spaniel. From the Affenpinscher the griffon has a special coat structure, but from the toy spaniel the pet inherited the shape of the head and expressive eyes. It must be said that smooth-haired terriers often resemble ordinary mongrels.

As a result of crossing the mentioned dog breeds, it was possible to breed a pet with excellent hunting abilities, which were aimed at fighting rodents. Over time, these cocky dogs became more and more popular and became a part of many people’s lives, taking their place among other pets.

In 1883, Belgian dog breeders established a breed standard, i.e. a written description of all the main characteristics of the Brussels Griffon. Since that time, griffons began to appear at various exhibitions. Their active breeding began. By the way, the Queen of Belgium herself, Marie Henriette, fell in love with this breed. We can say that it was the royal love for the griffon that became the reason for the active breeding of this breed in Europe. In 1889, the first Griffon Club in Belgium was formed. Since that time, griffons with smooth hair began to be called “Griffon-Brabançon”.

Both smooth-haired and wire-haired griffons were exported to England in the early nineties of the nineteenth century. Already in 1898, the breed was officially recognized in England. Clubs began to form. Griffons arrived in the USA and Russia at almost the same time. The first Brussels Griffon club in America was registered in 1899. In the same year, dogs of this breed were presented at the Westminster Kennel Club exhibition. The breed was officially recognized by US dog breeders in 1900.

During the two world wars, the number of dogs of this breed decreased significantly. Keeping griffons in those difficult times was considered a real luxury that only a few could afford. By the end of World War II, Brussels Griffons had virtually disappeared from their homeland. The breed was restored thanks to the efforts of English breeders.

Brussels Griffons are even now considered quite rare breed, although very fashionable. The peak of popularity fell in the fifties and nineties of the last century.

Character of the Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon is a ornamental breeds dogs. As already mentioned, the breed was bred to hunt rodents. These pets look like gentle pocket animals with a very expressive appearance and equally expressive eyes.

Despite their tiny size, griffons are very brave and quite strong. A special feature of these dogs is their ability to climb trees (in this they can even compete with cats). These dogs love to be the center of attention; owners should always please their dog in this regard. pet. If the animal grew up with children or pets, then they get along well with them.

Like any other dog, Brussels Griffons love attention and affection. They hate being alone. As a rule, griffons do best in the home of elderly people. This is due to the fact that it is these people who have a lot of free time, which they completely devote to their little friends.

With both rough and smooth coats, Brussels Griffons have different grooming needs. Smooth-haired Griffons require infrequent grooming. In addition, it is necessary to comb the dog's fur weekly and periodically bathe the dog, otherwise there is a high probability of a specific odor. Wirehaired Griffons also need to be brushed weekly to remove dead hair. After each such procedure, the dog must be additionally combed with a special metal brush, which will completely remove excess, dead hair that prevents the growth of new hair. Some owners of Wirehaired Griffons also resort to clipping. They do this for easier coat care. This approach is not acceptable if you want the dog to take part in exhibitions.

Training and education

Training can be a challenge when it comes to a griffon. They are stubborn and are used to doing what they want. Even the process of leash training can turn into a real challenge. As a rule, learning problems occur at initial stage. As soon as contact with the dog is established (you can use treats for this), the dog meets you halfway and shows obedience.

Health and illness

The Brussels Griffon has a relatively long life expectancy. As a rule, they live from ten to fifteen years. Despite this, griffons have many health problems, the main of which are related to diseases of the reproductive organs. Females often fail to become pregnant, and complications during childbirth are also common. Often you have to resort to caesarean section.

During one litter, the female does not bring many puppies; it often happens that only one griffon is born. Puppies are very weak, there is always a huge risk of death of the newborn. Among dogs of this breed, diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and dysplasia are often observed. hip joint and a luxated kneecap.

Some interesting facts

  • Brussels Griffons are prone to overeating. You should pay due attention to your pet's diet. During feeding, it is necessary to give exactly as much food as the pet should eat at one time. Never leave leftover food!
  • Griffons are often stubborn, which is a significant obstacle in the learning and training process. This is especially difficult for novice dog breeders to cope with. During training, you need to be consistent and persevere.
  • Brussels Griffons bark loudly at any sound. This feature of their behavior makes these dogs excellent watchdogs. But this can also become a serious problem if you live in an apartment, because frequent barking is unlikely to please your neighbors.
  • Griffons are very sensual and gentle dogs. You should never shout at them, otherwise the animal will develop a feeling of fear, which, in turn, will lead to aggression and a tendency to bite.
  • Griffons can snarl and growl. They don't really like to be hugged. This is why dogs of this breed are not suitable for families with small children. Some representatives of this breed do not like children at all.
  • Females of this breed often have problems during pregnancy. Often they have to do C-section. A female does not produce many puppies per litter.
  • Griffons have an increased mortality rate during puppyhood.
  • Griffons do not tolerate heat well due to the formation of the skull and respiratory tract. Also, short hair does not save the animal from the cold in winter.
  • After the rapid increase in the popularity of Griffons, the number of unscrupulous breeders also increased. You should not purchase a dog from an unverified dog breeder or in pet stores.