Sharp and severe pain during menstruation. Pain during menstruation: main causes and ways to relieve pain. Recipes for effective infusions

Minasyan Margarita

Approximately 70% of the female half of the population experience pain during menstruation. In every special case discomfort has varying intensity and accompanying symptoms. The article will help you understand in which cases unpleasant sensations are considered normal, and when diagnosis and subsequent treatment are necessary.


Dysmenorrhea (algomenorrhea, algomenorrhea) is characterized by painful menstruation, which can be present for just a day or the entire period of menstruation. In some patients, malaise begins a few days before menstruation, but is not a symptom of PMS.

The risk group is girls and women aged 13 to 45 years. Because of individual characteristics the body experiences sensations in different ways. Based on their location and additional symptoms, the cause of the disorder can be identified. But treatment is selected only after a comprehensive examination.

It is important to contact specialists in a timely manner, because painful contractions in the lower abdomen and tingling in the lower back may indicate serious gynecological diseases. And such violations are easier to eliminate in the first stages of development.

Classification of dysmenorrhea

There are two forms of the disease: primary (functional) and secondary (acquired). If the functional form of the disorder is almost never associated with gynecological pathologies, then acquired dysmenorrhea indicates negative changes in the pelvic organs and diseases not only of the reproductive system, but also of other organs.

Primary form

Pain syndrome is observed in teenage girls in the first three years of development menstrual cycle. Painful periods are not inherently dangerous and do not indicate an independent gynecological disease.

Primary algodismenorrhea does not always occur with the first menstruation. Sometimes severe symptoms begin to appear only with the beginning of ovulatory cycles. These sensations do not affect performance and do not cause severe anxiety. The following clinical picture is noted:

  • menstruation proceeds normally (minor delays);
  • the pain is weak, most often aching, but not cutting;
  • no need to take painkillers;
  • There are no additional symptoms.

Among the causes of pain during menstruation in primary dysmenorrhea, it is worth highlighting:

  • abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increased production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes;
  • neurological disorders.

During menstruation, severe pain is not the only complaint of patients with functional algomenorrhea. Other problems complete the picture:

  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • myopia;
  • scoliosis;
  • flat feet.

Secondary form

The diagnosis of secondary dysmenorrhea is most often made in women aged 25-30 years, when the onset of symptoms during menstrual periods is caused by diseases or pathological changes in the structure of the organs of the reproductive system.

In most cases, nulliparous women or girls who have terminated their pregnancies several times are at risk. But after childbirth, the situation often improves, and problems with menstruation go away on their own.

Acquired dysmenorrhea is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Aching pain before menstruation is practically not felt.
  2. The maximum intensity occurs on the second or third day of the cycle.
  3. Spasms are observed systematically, the stomach suffocates.
  4. Suddenly begins to pull and ache during physical activity.

Among additional symptoms can be distinguished:

  • general weakness and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • heart rhythm problems;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in joints and muscles throughout the body;
  • psycho-emotional problems;
  • increased body temperature;
  • scanty or heavy periods.

If, over the years, minor discomfort turns into very painful menstruation, then the disease is called decompensated. With a stable clinical picture (pain with the same intensity), dysmenorrhea is compensated.

When period pain is not dangerous

Pain is considered a normal physiological phenomenon in the following situations:

  • formation female cycle(1-2 years after the first bleeding);
  • isolated painful sensations (several days not every month);
  • discomfort caused by external factors.

Among the relatively harmless causes of pain during menstruation are:

  • poor nutrition (lack of vitamins);
  • great physical activity;
  • emotional stress;
  • decreased tone of the uterine muscles;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • postpartum recovery.

Pain often goes away if a woman improves her diet, avoids stressful situations and begins to exercise. But still, a routine gynecological examination and ultrasound will not hurt. Because systematic stress and constant fatigue often become the basis for the development of hormonal imbalances.

Intensity and nature of pain

Unpleasant sensations can be localized anywhere. It often hurts in the abdomen, radiating to the perineum, back and organs located in the pelvis. Depending on the nature of the pain, there are:

  • aching;
  • piercing;
  • twitching;
  • cutting;
  • spicy;
  • cramping.

Women choose different words to describe their feelings. If for some the pain during menstruation is hellish, unbearable, terrible, wild, then others, due to the high pain threshold, note only minor pains and tingling sensations.

Based on these sensations, it is very difficult to independently determine the cause that caused the pain syndrome, so it is better to visit a gynecologist.

Degrees of dysmenorrhea

Before deciding what to do for painful periods, you need to accurately determine the severity of algomenorrhea:

  1. Zero. The discomfort is not pronounced and does not interfere with daily activities or light physical activity. It is noted only in the first days of the cycle.
  2. Easy. Minor contractions occur, radiating to the stomach and lower back. There are accompanying symptoms such as depression and digestive disorders. Sometimes painkillers are needed, but in small quantities.
  3. Average. Main sign- this is a reduction in daily activity and pain reduction at home with the help of tablets. The condition is sometimes accompanied by weakness, chills, and emotional instability.
  4. Heavy. Painkillers no longer help. The situation gets worse even before menstruation. During discharge, in addition to severe pain, vomiting occurs, and loss of consciousness is also possible. In rare cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

In most cases, the illnesses that caused dysmenorrhea worsen, so the pain becomes stronger. With zero and mild degrees of pathology, there are no pathologies or are at the initial stage of development. Moderate and severe degrees indicate more serious disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs.

When to see a doctor

Over time, stronger discomfort may begin. In this case, you should definitely contact a gynecologist. Especially if the following symptoms are present:

  • pain begins before menstruation;
  • the duration of discomfort increases;
  • there is a cramping nature of the pain;
  • discomfort spreads to other organs (ovaries, bladder);
  • symptoms occur in every cycle;
  • body temperature rises.

After taking painkillers, it should feel better, but only temporarily. Menstrual pain will continue to interfere with normal life and work. Therefore, it is in the interests of the woman herself to seek medical help so that the situation does not worsen.


It is difficult to make a diagnosis on your own based on pain, the nature of the discharge and accompanying symptoms alone. Therefore, a woman needs to go to the hospital, tell the doctor what she drank and describe her problems.

After a gynecological examination, the specialist will prescribe:

  • general blood test and hormones;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • strokes;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels.

Usually a visit is also required:

  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • vascular surgeon.

Sick women are afraid of such diagnostics. But the more complete the picture of analyzes and examinations, the greater the chances of giving an accurate explanation of the ongoing processes.

What causes dysmenorrhea

Causes of severe pain during menstruation:

  • problems with hormones;
  • luteal phase deficiency;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • consequences of abortion;
  • inflammation of the uterus and its appendages;
  • infectious disease of the reproductive system;
  • salpingitis;
  • endometritis;
  • adhesions;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • traumatic rupture of the uterine ligaments;
  • abnormal position of the uterus;
  • tuberculosis of the genital organs.

How to fix the problem

Treatment of painful periods is based on the reasons that provoked discomfort at the beginning of the cycle. Without eliminating the disease, the pain syndrome can be temporarily suppressed with pills, but it will definitely return next month with renewed vigor.

You can reduce pain using the following:

  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics;
  • NSAIDs.

If doctors have determined that the discomfort is a consequence of hormonal imbalance, then the woman needs to undergo medication correction:

  • Lightweight, average degree– Duphaston, Utrozhestan.
  • Severe degree – Lindinet 20.

Read about how it goes in one of our articles.

But hormones cannot be taken without a prescription from your doctor.

Such problems are also treated with physiotherapeutic methods, after which the restorative and compensatory functions of the body are accelerated:

  • nitrogen, pine baths;
  • brain galvanization;
  • ultratonotherapy;
  • electrical stimulation of the cervix;
  • heliotherapy.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated if the patient has pain due to inflammatory processes, neoplasms and other diseases of the genital organs.

These women are allowed:

  • classic massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • cupping therapy;
  • Kuznetsov applicator;
  • SPA treatments.

Additional measures:

Terrible and wild pain, tingling and spasms require special injections to alleviate the condition. Most likely, the woman will be hospitalized for diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Eliminate pain according to the day of your period

In most situations, discomfort occurs only on the first day of menstruation. In severe cases, discomfort begins even before menstruation, and stops a few days after the end of monthly bleeding. And here without medical care not enough.

But at home, girls need to know what to do if they experience severe pain during menstruation on the first day. You need to act according to the type of sensations and their intensity.

Can help:

  • painkillers (no more than three tablets);
  • heating pad on the lower abdomen;
  • sedatives;
  • bed rest (it’s better not to walk at all);
  • relaxing massage;
  • herbal tincture based on lemon balm and mint;
  • ventilation of the room.

If cramping pains during menstruation do not go away after such actions, then it is better to consult a gynecologist. It is possible that a painful shock may occur, which is dangerous for the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Shock can occur suddenly and against the background of severe bleeding. It’s good if the woman immediately asked for help. Indeed, in the opposite situation there is a serious threat to life.


To prevent and, you must:

  • visit a gynecologist in a timely manner;
  • be checked for infectious diseases several times a year;
  • do not use an intrauterine device;
  • avoid mechanical damage uterine lining (abortion).

Based on feedback from women, it is clear that the main rule for preventing dysmenorrhea is healthy image life:

  • complete rest;
  • optimal daily routine;
  • active walks on fresh air(at least two hours a day);
  • swimming, aerobics;
  • protected sex;
  • special diets;
  • drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • giving up cigarettes and alcohol;
  • exclusion of stressful situations;
  • herbal tea and aromatherapy.

There are many reasons that cause aching, gripping, sharp pain against the background of regulation. It is necessary to eliminate the disorder, not relieve pain. Therefore, get examined at the hospital to get specialist advice. They will help you get rid of severe pain during menstruation and prevent their occurrence in the future.

  • if the pain is so severe that you cannot go to school, work, or do normal activities and lasts more than 2 days.
  • if the pain is accompanied by nausea, headache, loose stools and vomiting.
  • if, in addition to pain, heavy bleeding or discharge of clots is observed for more than one day.
  • for severe pain of a spasmodic nature in people taking contraceptive medications.
  • at sudden appearance cramping pain during menstruation in middle-aged women.
  • if the pain does not go away after taking aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • when the first or second menstruation appears, accompanied by very severe pain.

Causes of pain during menstruation:

Cramping pain during menstruation are one of the few regularly occurring symptoms. They appear with the same frequency as menstruation itself.

Why can pain occur during menstruation and is this considered normal? Scientists have found that a woman's body produces hormones known as prostaglandins. They provide contractions of the uterus and its rejection inner shell. When the uterus contracts, which many women feel as cramping pain, menstrual blood is released.

More than 50% of women experience cramps at some point, but fortunately, in most cases they are mild and usually occur in the first three days of menstruation.

The severity of pain during menstruation depends on the amount of prostaglandins in the body. However, in case of very severe and painful cramping pain, you should also think about possible action other factors. For example, you may have an overgrowth of the lining of your uterus. Such disorders are called endometriosis.

If you experience more severe cramps during menstruation, you can think about the formation blood clots and compression of the uterus due to the formation of fibroid nodes. Fibroma is a benign tumor of the uterine muscles. In addition, sometimes in women cramping pain can be a sign spontaneous abortion. Very often, pain during menstruation indicates one or another degree of endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease.

Treatment to relieve and eliminate symptoms

What to do to relieve pain during menstruation:

Swimming. Exercise not only releases endorphins, natural painkillers, but also helps distract your attention. Of all the remedies we recommend for severe pain, swimming is the least traumatic and the most beneficial.

Try to relax your muscles. If you have severe pain or other unpleasant sensations, try doing light exercises along with swimming. They will help you relax the muscles that are associated with cramping pain.

Lie on the floor on your back or on the bed, bending your knees and resting your feet on the floor or bed. Place your arms along your torso, palms down. Begin to gently bend your stomach up and down for two minutes. Make sure your muscles are relaxed during this time. Take short breaths during exercise. One series of exercises includes ten breaths. Perform a series of exercises five times.

Take rest breaks. (Rapid, shallow breaths may cause dizziness.) To perform the following exercise, place a large, heavy paperback book (a telephone directory is good for this) across your stomach. Start breathing slowly through your nose, moving the abdominal wall in rhythm and lifting the book. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold them there for a count of five. Carry on breathing exercises with deep muscle relaxation for another two minutes.

With the help of the book, pressure is created, which helps relieve spasmodic pain in the abdominal area.

Apply heat to the sore spot. Heat is good for cramping abdominal pain. Applying a bottle of warm water or a heating pad, you help increase blood flow in the uterus. This reduces the influence of naturally occurring chemical substances which cause spasms. But don't overdo it, heat on the stomach increases bleeding.

Try relaxing with a warm bath or heating pad on your abdominal area for 15 minutes. You can try to do a light massage using special “warming” creams that penetrate the skin. You can do this by rubbing liquid oil in (you should be warned that you should never use these creams and heating pads at the same time; their combination can cause severe burns).

Try to “freeze” your pain. Some women note a more beneficial effect of cold than heat for pain in the lower abdomen. Try placing an ice pack on your stomach for 15-20 minutes. Constriction occurs blood vessels which can bring relief

Monitor the calcium content of your food. Do you feel like your diet consists mostly of foods low in calcium - fruits and vegetables? Then increase your intake fermented milk products low Fat.

At least four studies have shown that calcium significantly reduces cramping pain during menstruation. However, on average, American women consume only about 600 mg of calcium daily (Nutrition Services' recommended intake is 800 mg).

One Department of Agriculture research program found that women who consumed 1,300 mg or more of calcium per day had reduced pain levels. They also noted a decrease in fluid retention in the body, improved mood and increased concentration.

One cup of low-fat yogurt will provide you with about 400 mg of calcium. About 300 mg of calcium is found in a cup of low-fat milk.

Maintain your normal activity. Don't give up on your regular activities. Getting out of bed and moving around will help take your mind off your pain.

Treat yourself a little. Anxiety can increase pain by 30% or more. Therefore, you can allow yourself something that gives you a feeling of comfort and helps relieve pain. It’s good to drink tea, hot milk or even chocolate at this time, if relief from your condition depends on it.

Try to relieve pain with ibuprofen. Although naturally occurring prostaglandins are involved in the normal menstrual cycle, some women are hypersensitive to them. Ibuprofen derivatives, such as Advil, are among the most effective means, suppressing the formation of prostaglandins.

It is important to take into account the time factor. The sooner you start taking the drug, the faster it will work. Take these medications with food if you experience pain or early signs of menstruation. Usually, taking ibuprofen on the first or second day of menstruation is enough to stop the pain.

Try to get rid of pain through sex. Cramping pain during menstruation is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations of fullness and heaviness in the pelvic area. This is due to congestion in dilated blood vessels. Sometimes in such cases, relief of discomfort is achieved through orgasm. The contractions of the uterus that occur during orgasm lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels. Use a condom during menstruation, even if you use other contraceptives - the uterus during menstruation is very sensitive to any foreign microorganisms.

Treatment of pain during menstruation

Unfortunately, painkillers, which many unknowingly take during painful menstruation, do not act on the cause of the pain, but only on its effect. That's why the pain comes back again and again, every month. In addition, these drugs do not provide a therapeutic effect for endometriosis, which is often hidden under pain during menstruation. If menstruation is too painful and the pain continues for more than a few hours, this is no longer a normal condition and a consultation with a gynecologist is required. The further choice of drugs for the treatment of painful menstruation depends on the cause of the pain; the drugs and dosage are selected individually.

Medicines for menstrual pain

If painful menstruation is caused by low levels of the hormone progesterone, doctors recommend progesterone analogues for treatment.

One of the most modern drugs of this group is Duphaston. It is made from plant materials - yams and soybeans. Duphaston's molecular formula is almost identical to that of natural progesterone, and at the same time it has features that make it more effective than regular progesterone. In addition, Duphaston does not have androgenic effects. This means that by taking it, the patient can be sure that her skin will remain clean, there will be no unwanted hair growth, and there will be no increase in body weight. The safety of Duphaston is also confirmed by the fact that it is widely prescribed during pregnancy to preserve it.

Duphaston compensates for the lack of progesterone during dysmenorrhea, helping to normalize the level of prostaglandins, so pain does not occur during menstruation. In addition, Duphaston is used for many gynecological diseases, including endometriosis.

Duphaston is prescribed only by a doctor after an examination, only on certain days of the menstrual cycle; the doctor selects the dosage of the drug individually.

It is important to remember that pain is a signal that our body sends, telling us that there are problems that need to be addressed.

Abdominal pain during menstruation is a very common symptom that every second woman experiences. reproductive age. Painful sensations are most intense in the first days of menstruation and begin to subside starting from the third day. The nature of the pain is usually nagging, but sometimes the pain syndrome can look like a sharp or stabbing pain localized in the lower abdomen. This phenomenon in medicine is called dysmenorrhea and is most often observed in nulliparous women, as well as in those who have weight problems or suffer from bad habits.

Dysmenorrhea can be accompanied by a whole range of symptoms: headache, nausea, lack of appetite, weakness, and fatigue. The most pronounced sign of dysmenorrhea is pain in the lower abdomen. Some women experience stomach pain so severe that they are unable to carry out household and professional activities. In such a situation, it is important to know what to do and in what ways you can reduce the intensity discomfort.

A nagging pain in the lower abdomen is caused by uterine contractions. The inside of the uterus is covered with mucous membranes containing a large number of blood vessels and capillaries. This lining is called the mucosal layer or endometrium. During the period of ovulation, the endometrium produces hormones necessary for the attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the organ and further development embryo. If fertilization does not occur, endometrial rejection occurs, accompanied by uterine bleeding. This period of the menstrual cycle is called menstruation (the medical name is regula).

On the first day of menstruation, the uterus begins to contract intensively in order to cleanse itself of blood clots and blood accumulated in its cavity. Spasms of the uterine walls are the cause of pulling, painful sensations in the lower abdomen. They can have varying intensity and resemble weak labor contractions. About 35% of women experience very intense pain during their periods and lose their usual ability to work, so it is important for them to know how to deal with the pain quickly and effectively.

Note! The intensity of pain at the beginning of menstruation depends on the woman’s age, lifestyle, hereditary factor. Women whose mothers or grandmothers suffered from dysmenorrhea are more likely to experience a similar syndrome. The same clinical picture is observed in women with limited mobility or a sedentary lifestyle.

Frequency of dysmenorrhea in women aged 18 to 45 years

Do I need to take pills?

To get rid of pain caused by uterine contractions, it is allowed to take antispasmodics. This is a group of painkillers whose action is based on weakening spasms of smooth muscle fibers and blood vessels (when used systemically, the spasm stops completely). The most popular medicine in this group is “ No-shpa"(analogue - " Drotaverine"). To eliminate pain during menstruation, it can be taken in tablets (1 tablet 2-3 times a day) or placed intramuscular injections. For severe pain, it is best to use the injection form of the drug, and after stopping the acute attack, switch to oral administration.

Another well-known and affordable antispasmodic is “ Papaverine" It is best used in rectal suppositories. The daily dosage is 1-2 suppositories, the course of use should not exceed 3-5 days. If the pain does not stop after the end of your period, you should consult a doctor. “Papaverine” helps to quickly alleviate a woman’s condition and restore her ability to work, but it will not be possible to get rid of unpleasant sensations completely in one day.

If your stomach hurts very much during menstruation, you can use combination drugs with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and analgesic effects. These include complex drugs " Spasmalgon" And " Pentalgin" To relieve moderate pain syndrome A one-time dose of non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effects is allowed. It can be:

  • "Ibufen";
  • "Moment";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Nurofen Express";
  • "Next".

Important! The exact dosage of any drug is indicated in the instructions. It is not advisable to use medications with antispasmodic and analgesic effects for more than 3 days in a row without consulting a doctor. Some, such as ibuprofen-based products, can cause severe side effects with long-term use, so they can only be used to relieve acute pain.

Herbal medicine for painful periods

Some medicinal herbs and the fees can help with painful menstruation, so before taking pills, you can try to get rid of the pain folk remedies. Experts recognize ginger tea as the most effective for dysmenorrhea. Ginger root contains many glycosides, esters and phytoncides - natural substances with antibacterial and analgesic effects. To prepare the drink, it is best to use fresh ginger, but if it is not available, dried spice will also work (1 spoon of fresh ginger = 0.5 spoon of dried root).

To prepare tea, you need:

  • grate or chop a small piece of ginger root (2-3 cm) with a knife;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • add a little cinnamon;
  • leave for 7 minutes.

You can add a few mint leaves, a slice of lemon and a little sugar to the finished tea. The therapeutic effect occurs 15-30 minutes after use.

Important! Ginger drink is contraindicated for women with diseases digestive system(especially in the acute stage) and blood pathologies. If your periods are usually long and heavy, this method It's also better to refuse.

Peppermint tea with lemon balm

A mixture of mint and lemon balm has a pronounced analgesic effect. To make tea that will help get rid of pain during menstruation, you need:

  • mix 2 g each of peppermint and lemon balm (you can use fresh or dried herbs);
  • add 4-5 drops of lemongrass oil and 250 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for 5-7 minutes.

If you don’t have lemongrass oil at home, you can use citrus zest: oranges, lemons, grapefruits (5 g per cup of drink). It is advisable to drink this tea every day until your menstruation ends. For prevention, you can drink one cup after waking up and 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Chamomile tea with raspberries

It is very important for this method to use raspberries, and not leaves. The fact is that raspberry leaves stimulate the contraction of muscle fibers and can lead to the opposite effect. Some pregnant women, wanting to speed up the approach of labor, drink a drink made from raspberry leaves to induce the onset of contractions.

To achieve relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, you need to prepare tea strictly according to the recipe below:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers into 300 ml of boiling water;
  • add 15 g of dried raspberries (berries);
  • leave for 10 minutes;
  • add a pinch of cinnamon and a little natural honey.

Chamomile tea with raspberries also has a general strengthening and calming effect, therefore it is recommended for women with severe clinical manifestations PMS and disturbance of emotional stability during menstruation.

Video: How to relieve pain during menstruation: natural remedies

Thermal treatments

Warming procedures are an excellent way to relieve muscle spasms, but they can only be done if there is complete confidence in the absence of an inflammatory or purulent process. You should not heat your stomach if you have an inflamed appendix, so it is best to consult your doctor before using any of the methods below.

Hot water bottle on the stomach

A heating pad on the stomach is the easiest way to warm up the muscles of the uterus

The easiest way to warm up the muscles of the uterus is to place a heating pad with hot water on the lower abdomen. Doctors advise replacing the heating pad with a warm diaper, which must be ironed on all sides several times. This method is considered more gentle and does not cause exacerbations if there are low-grade inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Keep warm for no more than 15 minutes and no more than 2 times a day. If the pain does not go away after this, you should consult a doctor to rule out gynecological diseases.

Warm shower

Taking hot baths during menstruation is not recommended, but a warm short shower will perfectly relieve fatigue, ensure body hygiene and help eliminate painful sensations. While showering, you can gently massage your stomach with a massage mitten or washcloth - this will relax the muscles and ease the spasm.

Warm massage

Abdominal massage can also reduce the severity of pain, especially if you add warm oil to the procedure. You can use industrially produced cosmetic oils with the addition of pepper and other warming additives or any essential oil, heated in a water bath to a temperature of 36°. Grapefruit, bergamot, and saffron oil can be used as antispasmodics. If they are unavailable, even baby massage oil or vegetable oil good quality.

Important! Under no circumstances should the oil be heated too hot, as this may cause skin burns.

Video - Painful menstruation

Video - Severe pain during menstruation: what to do?

The role of drinking regime in the prevention of dysmenorrhea

Sometimes painful sensations at the beginning of your period can be caused by severe dehydration. With blood, a woman loses a lot of fluid, and if during this period she does not receive enough fluid, the body will experience a lack of moisture, which is expressed in pain in the lower abdomen. It can be distinguished from uterine cramps by the nature of the sensations: with dehydration, the pain syndrome is usually dull or moderately acute. The intensity is rarely very high, but some women with a low pain threshold find it difficult to cope even with such sensations.

To drink during menstruation, it is better to choose clean water, still mineral water, herbal teas and infusions, berry decoctions, and dried fruit compotes. Vegetables and fruit juices. But it is better to avoid alcohol, strong tea, cocoa and coffee during this period.

To ensure the least painful period possible, women are advised to follow the tips below. They will help improve general state and reduce the severity of discomfort.

  1. Physical activity should be daily, even during menstruation. It is necessary to exclude jerking, heavy lifting and bending from the daily routine.
  2. A week before the start of menstruation, you should include more vegetable salads, leafy greens, fruit juices and fresh berries in your diet.
  3. It is advisable to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol, as they contribute to fluid loss.
  4. If you are forced to take anticoagulants (drugs that reduce blood viscosity), it is recommended to consult a doctor and possible correction dosage for the period of menstruation.

By following these simple tips, you can ease painful periods and improve your quality of life during this period. If, despite all efforts, the pain does not go away, it is allowed to use medicines or traditional medicine recipes. If the pain persists after the end of menstruation, you should contact your local gynecologist to find out possible reasons. read on our website.

Many women and girls complain of severe pain during menstruation. The intensity varies: from minor discomfort to unbearable burning pain accompanied by fainting, vomiting, dizziness, etc.

It is important to promptly identify the provoking factors of such a disorder and help alleviate the condition. It is worth understanding that regulation is a natural process in the female body. But if it is dysmenorrhea, then the outcome of pain during menstruation may be extremely unfavorable.

Types of pain

Severe pain during menstruation can be:

  1. Primary, not associated with pathologies and diseases. They appear in girls during puberty and continue until the menstrual cycle is completely normalized.
  2. Secondary, acquired as a result of pathological changes in the genital organs and certain diseases. The pathology is observed more often in women after 30 years of age, accompanied by excessive sweating, headache, vegetative-vascular dysfunction, arrhythmia, and tachycardia. With age, they can become a constant phenomenon, but they are different.

Other types of menstrual pain with the onset of menstruation include:

  • colic in abdominal cavity due to increased production of female sex hormones, an increase in glandular tissue in volume;
  • pain, burning in the chest;
  • pain in the lower back is a common phenomenon, although it can be caused by inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • a feeling of overstrain in the pelvic area due to a violation of the water-salt balance;
  • increased uterine contractions as a result of hormonal imbalance;
  • compaction, engorgement, enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of swelling due to impaired blood flow.

On a note! To get rid of back and lower back pain, just take an antispasmodic, a comfortable position and apply heat (a heating pad). You can get rid of your period when your period arrives by taking cold and hot shower by performing a relaxing massage with circular movements of the palms.

Causes of pain during menstruation

Most often, pain during menstruation is caused by increased production of the hormone progesterone. This is a harmless phenomenon when it further increases glandular tissue in volume. The main thing is to take timely measures to make you feel better.

The main cause of pain during periods in teenage girls is primary algomenorrhea or a condition that can last up to 3 years until the menstrual cycle returns to normal. Girls additionally note:

  • emotional instability;
  • asthenia;
  • increased levels of adrenaline, dopamine, norepinephrine in the blood;
  • failure in the system responsible for the production of hormones;
  • constipation;
  • increased heart rate;
  • spasms of small vessels of the upper and lower extremities;
  • cyanosis on the skin;
  • paleness of the face and body;
  • insomnia;
  • migraine.

Other causes of pain during menstruation in girls:

  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • cavity bend back and forth;
  • abnormal development of the uterine cavity, leading to difficulty in the outflow of blood with the arrival of regulation.

With congenital pathologies in the structure of the uterus and fallopian tubes, an increased level of serotonin is observed in the cerebrospinal fluid. Girls suffer from low body temperature, gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, swelling on the face, and allergies.

REFERENCE! Primary severe pain during menstruation is not an independent illness, but rather a symptom of an internal malfunction caused by connective tissue dysplasia. Primary algomenorrhea may well be congenital with abnormal development of connective tissue, scoliosis, myopia, flat feet, varicose veins, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. If pain during regulation has become an obsessive phenomenon, then girls are recommended to undergo a full examination.

The cause of pain during regulation in women after 30 years is secondary algomenorrhea. It occurs with moderate (severe) severity, often leading to aggravating symptoms:

  • profuse menstruation;
  • decreased performance;
  • bloating;
  • hiccups;
  • dizziness;
  • numbness of hands;
  • fainting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • joint pain;
  • itching on the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • distortion of taste;
  • unmotivated weakness;
  • anorexia.

Women with diabetes have problems with endocrine system, and with the approach of menopause, a depressive state appears, an unstable psycho-emotional background, and pain in the uterus during sexual intercourse.

IMPORTANT! Such signs cannot be ignored, regardless of the root cause that led to painful periods. It is necessary to immediately visit a gynecologist and undergo the proposed examination.

The causes of secondary algomenorrhea can be severely pathological. Can call:

  • infectious and inflammatory course in the genitals, appendages;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • polypous neoplasm;
  • malignant, benign tumor in the uterine cavity;
  • varicose veins in the peritoneal cavity;
  • fibroma;
  • adenoids;
  • lack of progesterone, calcium in the blood;
  • pelvic endometriosis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • bend of the uterus;
  • polyposis;
  • pelvic neuritis.

Painful menstruation can result from:

  • medical abortion;
  • long-term use of intrauterine contraception;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • introduction of infection;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • caesarean section;
  • dysfunction thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalance leading to cycle disruption;
  • decreased libido;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • performing laparoscopy, abdominal surgery on the uterine appendages;
  • scarring of the cervix, formation of adhesions;
  • poor nutrition;
  • frequent stress;
  • mental fatigue.

On a note! Minor pain with the arrival of menstruation is considered normal. So, the uterus is activated and begins to contract vigorously, pushing out exfoliated particles of the mucous membrane. A hormone-like prostaglandin also acts, leading to pain, the degree of manifestation of which directly depends on the concentration of this hormone in the blood.

When should you take the pills?

Carrying out drug treatment with the onset of painful periods is a last resort. You should not take pills thoughtlessly. This may cause addiction and additional side effects.

If pain during menstruation does not bother you much, then it is enough to take an antispasmodic, 1 tablet of No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Analgin to relieve spasms. It is better to avoid strong drugs (Ketanov, Aspirin). Dosages should not be neglected when taking painkillers. It is recommended to take 1 pill first and wait a little time. If relief does not follow, you can take 1 more tablet.

On a note! It is not enough to take medications for menstrual pain with 1-2 sips of water. To make you feel better and quickly dissolve the tablet form of the drug, you need to drink at least 1 glass of liquid.

If medications become unsuccessful in relieving pain in critical days, then you can take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, painkiller (Dicycloverine, Drotaverine, Spazmalgon). In severe cases, it is permissible to take Nimesulide or Ibuprofen. Hormonal contraceptives help quite well with manifestations of dysmenorrhea. However, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of specialists, since even minor interference with hormonal levels can result in serious disorders of the reproductive system.

IMPORTANT! If the pain during menstruation only intensifies, what should you do when it does not stop for 3-4 days in a row? It is better to consult a doctor immediately. You should also be wary of the passage of large blood clots with an unpleasant odor, increased discharge on the 2nd day of menstruation with the appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen, increased temperature, burning, and itching when urinating.

Read also 🗓Can your stomach swell before your period?

As alternative option If there is no effect from taking painkillers, you can use:

  • low-dose hormonal medications that can reduce prostaglandin production;
  • plant phytoestrogens to normalize hormonal levels;
  • non-hormonal homeopathic medicines(Analgin), leading to the regulation of the menstrual cycle, minimizing painful symptoms, improving general well-being and the state of the nervous system;
  • testosterone (progesterone) derivatives to reduce uterine contractility and suppress prostaglandin production;
  • gestagens to influence the secretory function of the endometrium, eliminate the excitability of nerve fibers localized in the muscular layers of the uterus;
  • non-steroids used when women are unwilling to use oral contraceptives;
  • NSAIDs (Mig, Nimesil, Diclofenaec, Ketoprofen) as painkillers to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • oral contraceptives to reduce blood loss with the onset of menstruation, suppress the ovulation process, contractile activity of the uterus and nervous overexcitation.

On a note! If the pain is severe, and pills and home treatments do not lead to relief, then it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. You should not abuse medications or swallow pills in large doses. It is important to understand that increasing the dosage of antispasmodics can lead to the opposite side effects.

Exercises for painful periods

Physical exercise is recommended for women with painful periods to maintain the muscles of the uterus in tone. Of course, there is no need to exercise intensely. All you have to do is choose the one that suits you easy look sports and pay attention to it for 15-20 minutes daily.

It is appropriate to simply walk more often at a brisk pace to normalize general well-being with the onset of menstruation; yoga, taking comfortable statistical positions with the body remaining at rest, without sudden movements, can be useful. This does not use the necessary muscles, but it increases endurance and level of physical fitness, tidies up the muscles of the abs, peritoneum, and pelvic floor.

It is useful to master breathing exercises that help relax the pelvic muscles, relieve spasms in the uterus, and relieve painful contractions. It is recommended to combine breathing exercises with ordinary physical exercise to direct actions to relax the muscles of the uterus and minimize menstrual pain.

Herbal medicine for painful periods

To relieve pain during menstruation, herbal teas, infusions of valerian, motherwort, chamomile, cloves, cinnamon, raspberries, oregano, boron uterus, and lemon balm containing phytoestrogens will help. Here are some good recipes:

  • raspberry leaves (2 tsp) pour boiling water (1 glass), leave for 0.5 hours, take in small sips throughout the day;
  • ordinary oregano, prepare an infusion: 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water, leave for 0.5 hours, strain, take in sips throughout the day;
  • chamomile flowers + lemon balm (leaves), prepare the mixture: 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, strain, take in warm during the whole day.

Herbal infusions are quite effective, have no side effects and are pleasant to the taste. It is useful to brew dry raspberry leaves, mint, chamomile, lemon balm and drink as tea.

REFERENCE! Painful periods should not be confused with PMS, which may coincide with the onset of menorrhagia. Also, abnormal uterine bleeding can be caused by fibroids in the uterus.

Other ways to deal with pain

It is not true when they say that heat applied to the abdomen during painful periods increases bleeding. Of course, using a very hot heating pad is not recommended. But heat for 10-15 minutes is quite appropriate to eliminate pain.

“Why does the lower abdomen hurt during menstruation?” is a question that every woman should know the answer to.

It can only be given by a specialist who has scientific information.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt during menstruation and what to do?

With the advent of menstruation, girls begin to experience pain in the lower abdomen and use it to determine the time of their onset. Here it is important to know why the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation and whether you should worry about it.

This may have physiological roots, but may be associated with some disease. Let's start by figuring out why menstruation can be painful and difficult.

Causes of menstrual pain

A huge number of women during these few days, when menstruation passes, suffer from pain and feel unwell. Where does pain come from?

This is an inflammatory reaction, the release of special substances of an inflammatory nature that provoke painful sensations in the lower abdomen above the pubis.

As a rule, it is typical for menstruation that women have a stomach ache and swelling occurs at this moment, because the hormonal background changes and a lot of the hormone progesterone is produced.

Increased appetite and bad mood occur. Menstruation makes you feel worse. This is painful premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Doctors call menstruation a “scheduling nightmare.”

During menstrual bleeding, a woman's natural defense mechanism, which helps to spasm blood vessels so that blood does not flow all the time.

This mechanism has a name - the release of prostaglandins, special substances that spasm blood vessels.

Essentially, pain is related to prostaglandins. It's simple: prostaglandins were released - the blood vessels spasmed. Pain causes this spasm.

It turns out that with this pain nature protects a woman from large blood loss. And she feels heaviness and discomfort.

Menstrual pain associated with menstruation can be of different types.

  1. Often young girls experience nagging pain in the abdomen, which makes itself felt before and during menstruation. They may persist until pregnancy.
  2. When the uterus is bent, hypersensitivity nerve plexuses on which it puts pressure, a woman may experience prolonged aching pain in the abdomen. They radiate in the lower back.
  3. As a result of heavy physical activity at the beginning of menstruation, a dull pain in the form of a feeling of heaviness may occur, which lasts no more than a day.
  4. A woman may experience paroxysmal severe pain during menstruation. Here you need to consult a gynecologist. Why? This pain is characterized by intense contraction of the uterus, spasms Bladder and intestines. This indicates violations of these systems.
  5. Menstruation may differ sharp pain. In general, severe pain in any part of the body is a sign of some kind of disease. In this case, these are disorders of the reproductive system or inflammatory, infectious diseases.

It should be noted that during menstruation, the legs and lower back may hurt, nausea, weakness, and diarrhea may appear.

In addition to physiologically caused menstrual pain, algomenorrhea may occur in 30-year-old women against the background of an increase in the hormone estrogen. There are two reasons for pain in this case.

Some are related to a woman’s anatomical personality and hormonal changes. The second may be caused by inflammation of the cyst, endometriosis, or intrauterine device. There may be heavy bleeding during your period.

How to get rid of painful periods

Your periods may be more comfortable. Prostaglandin blockers – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – will help do this.

These include over-the-counter drugs: aspirin, ibuprofen, voltaren, nurofen, paracetamol.

They relieve inflammation, and most importantly, they block prostaglandins, resulting in reduced spasm and pain.

They also interfere with the function of platelets, which form a clot and stop bleeding.

Women who have a tendency to bleed, for example, hereditary ones, or who take blood thinning medications due to poor blood clotting, are contraindicated with drugs in this group.

Those who have hypertonic disease, drugs in this group will constrict blood vessels and increase blood pressure. Also, the ban on these medications is associated with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

In really serious cases of severe pain, the gynecologist prescribes prescription drugs.

In addition to medications, you can take herbal teas and infusions. They can be purchased at any pharmacy.

When choosing a herbal mixture, you need to ensure that it contains herbs with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.

These are St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, motherwort, and daisy flowers. They give the greatest effect compared to other herbs. You should start drinking them a few days before the start of your period.

Also, when a woman has severe stomach pain, it is recommended to use a relatively hot heating pad to relax the lower part of the stomach so that it does not hurt.

The warmth should be comfortable. This good prevention pain.

In case of algodismenorrhea, contraceptives will help relieve severe abdominal pain and normalize the state of hormones. But you shouldn’t prescribe them to yourself.

Only a gynecologist, after examining and confirming the diagnosis, will prescribe an effective contraceptive drug that is optimal for your case.

Diseases that cause pain

Severe abdominal pain during menstruation may be associated with serious illnesses. In this case, the help from drugs that relieve pain during its normal course will be temporary.

Treatment of these diseases is required. Let's consider what diseases can cause such pain.


Cystitis - very unpleasant disease. During menstruation, its symptoms intensify. These, in turn, aggravate menstrual pain. It becomes not only strong in the lower abdomen, but also spreads to the lumbar region.

If you never paid attention to any painful sensations before your period, then worsening the pain will help you pay attention to them.

These are manifestations of cystitis that require treatment. These include pain when urinating, pain, itching in the vagina, and headaches. The temperature may rise.

If you have such symptoms, you should contact a urologist. It is important that cystitis does not develop into chronic form. Moreover, it is easy to treat if you start on time.

Usually, to clarify the diagnosis, a urine test is taken and an ultrasound examination of the organs is performed. genitourinary system.

After diagnosis, prescribe drug treatment antibacterial drugs.

You will also need to give up fatty and spicy foods during this time.

If you contact a urologist in a timely manner, you will solve the problem with two components - restore the health of the genitourinary system, and reduce pain during menstruation.


In a woman on her critical days, this disease causes severe pain and heavy periods. My lower back begins to tighten and my stomach hurts a lot. Brown discharge may appear.

To understand that severe pain is caused by this disease, you need to know the symptoms. This disease is characterized by delays in menstruation, nausea and vomiting, intestinal problems and bladder, as well as very strong intense pain.

They may be achy or contraction-like. Their strengthening is associated with a large amount of endometrial cell output.

When contacting a gynecologist, a special diagnosis is prescribed, including ultrasonography, computed tomography, laparoscopy.

Depending on the result of the examination, it may be prescribed hormone therapy or surgery. Endometriosis – insidious disease, in which it is very difficult for a woman to become pregnant.

Therefore, if you observe the listed symptoms, you need to undergo examination.

Inflammation of the appendages

Inflammation of the appendages is of an infectious-inflammatory nature. The body becomes hypothermic and picks up a sexually transmitted infection.

As with endometriosis, this disease during exacerbation is manifested by intense pain, concentrated on the right and left.

It can be aching, pulling, sometimes acute, it is a “harbinger” of menstruation, and often goes away the next day. Other symptoms resemble endometriosis and cystitis. This is a burning sensation in the vagina, painful urination, heat. It may make you feel sick.

The discharge is either large or scanty. The diagnosis is made after undergoing an examination. Treatment is prescribed in the form antibacterial therapy. Suppositories are also recommended for local treatment.


The presence of an ovarian cyst can be suspected when an exacerbation of intolerable pain occurs during menstruation. It has the character of constancy or periodicity.

The location of the pain is determined by the location of the cyst on one of the ovaries. There are also other signs of this disease.

An ovarian cyst is characterized painful sensation during intimacy long delays menstruation, painful sensations when urinating, abdominal enlargement - more on a certain side, hirsutism.

When you notice these signs, undergo an examination to clarify the diagnosis using ultrasound. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then depending on the size of the cyst, treatment is prescribed. hormonal treatment or surgery.

Surgery can always be avoided if the disease is detected at the very beginning. Large cysts and large numbers of them can only be removed surgically.

In addition to the serious diseases considered, it is necessary to take into account an additional range of causes, causing pain during menstruation.

These are abortions, thyroid disorders, developmental abnormalities, magnesium and calcium deficiency, neoplasms, low sensitivity threshold, low activity. They also require a medical opinion.

There are signs that make it easy to understand when you need it urgently medical checkup and treatment. These include:

  • obvious symptoms associated with inflammatory processes. This is a violation of the temperature regime, increased sweating and palpitations, discharge with a strong odor during menstruation;
  • very severe abdominal pain with heavy discharge and weight loss within a few days;
  • itching, burning sensation in the vaginal area and during urination.

Thus, minor pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation is physiologically caused and is considered absolutely normal.

You should be concerned when acute, prolonged, unbearable pain occurs in combination with the symptoms of serious diseases discussed in the article, when without medical care there's simply no way around it.

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