Kidney cyst treatment canephron. The use of canephron for diseases of the urinary system. What is a kidney cyst?

The diagnosis of a kidney cyst does not sound very optimistic. When a person who is used to considering himself healthy learns about such a doctor’s verdict, he has many questions, in particular, what can be done, eaten, etc., and what cannot be done.

  • What can you eat and drink with this disease, and what foods and drinks should you avoid?
  • How should we now feel about visiting the bathhouse and sauna, solarium, massage, and beach holidays?
  • What types of sports and fitness can you do and which are contraindicated?

For young women who want to have children, a kidney cyst may seem like a barrier to their ability to give birth. healthy child. They may not know whether it is worth getting pregnant with this diagnosis or whether it is associated with greater risks.

And guys of military age are more interested in something else - whether they are accepted into the army with a kidney cyst. What should be the diagnosis in order for the desired “white ticket” to be in your pocket?

Let's deal with all these questions in order.

But first, let's list the obvious things:

  • Alcohol is harmful even for healthy kidneys, and for patients tenfold.
  • Thermal procedures are contraindicated for most types of cysts.
  • Sudden, forceful movements and impacts can lead to rupture of the cyst.
  • Many women with chronic diseases under the supervision of doctors, they successfully give birth to healthy children.
  • The decision of the medical commission depends on the severity of the disease.

Can I drink alcohol?

Ethyl alcohol is a toxic substance that in large quantities causes damage to all tissues and cells of the body, but most severely in the liver and kidneys. After all, these two organs form gate systems through which all the blood passes. And alcohol from the intestines is immediately absorbed into the capillaries and goes to the liver, and then throughout the body.

What the liver cannot neutralize is filtered through the kidneys. Ethanol, passing through the blood vessels and tubules of the kidneys, causes their damage. Therefore, for any nephrological disease, the first ban is on alcohol.

There are several dangerous misconceptions that exist in society about alcohol.

Myths about kidneys and alcohol
Myth Is it true
Beer and other weak alcohol are not harmful to the kidneys. In inexpensive beers, a large percentage of chemical additives, which act on kidney tissue even more destructively than alcohol, contribute to the formation of stones and cysts. Expensive natural beer, produced according to strange German or Czech recipes, is very rich in calories. In large quantities it leads to obesity and hormonal disorders, which are considered predisposing factors for the formation of cysts, primarily in the kidneys, as well as in the gonads.
If the cyst in the kidney is small, alcohol may not be limited. Small single uncomplicated cysts are not treated, but only observed. But this does not mean that if such a problem is discovered, you should not think about it. The formation of a cyst is a signal of organ trouble. If you do not respond to it, you may soon receive more tangible signals in the form of pyelonephritis or urolithiasis.
Good cognac is good for the kidneys. Hypertension negatively affects blood circulation in the kidneys, and high-quality cognac can help normalize blood pressure. But only in relatively healthy people and only in therapeutic doses– 20-50g per day.
Beer can be used instead of a diuretic. The foamy drink has a certain diuretic effect. But this does not help with cysts, since it puts a greater load on the kidneys and intensifies pathological processes in them, which can lead to wrinkling. When drinking beer heavily, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium are washed out of the body, and this reduces the immune system and interferes with the functioning of the body. nervous system and hearts.

A kidney cyst without complications and concomitant inflammatory or malignant processes cannot be considered a disease in which alcohol is completely contraindicated. A little bit of natural red wine or other high-quality alcohol will not cause noticeable damage to your health.

When is it completely impossible?

It is necessary to completely stop drinking strong drinks in cases where the morning after drinking:

  • swelling is very noticeable on the face, especially around the eyes;
  • pain is felt in the lumbar region;
  • blood pressure is 10-20 mm higher than your usual morning norm;
  • headache;
  • the color and clarity of urine changes.

These are clear signals from the kidneys, indicating not only the possible growth of the cyst, but also the development of other nephrological pathologies. Obviously, if pyelonephritis, nephropathy, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis or even more serious diseases are added to the diagnosis of a kidney cyst, then you need to forget about alcohol.

The same applies to cases where a kidney cyst large size, purulent or with signs of malignant degeneration. In these cases, operations that can be performed urgently are indicated. Many types of anesthesia and antibiotics are incompatible with alcohol, and its use can create problems if unplanned surgery is necessary.

Is it possible to heat it?

Thermal physiotherapy without special instructions from a doctor is not practiced for cysts, unlike inflammatory kidney diseases. Why? This is explained by the changes that occur in the body at high temperatures:

  • from sharp changes the likelihood of rupture of the walls of large cysts increases;
  • a lot of fluid is released through sweat, this thickens the blood, disrupts its circulation, which can increase the growth of the cyst.

If the cyst is small and does not increase in size, and its carrier really loves the bathhouse, doctors allow you to visit this pleasant establishment once or twice a year. For example, before the New Year and for some other pleasant occasion. But only without fanatical beating with a broom, you can steam for a total time of no longer than 15 minutes with breaks, and don’t dive into an ice hole or a snowdrift either.

The temperature in the steam room should not be higher than 60 degrees. When going into a moderately cool dressing room, drink a lot clean water or green tea, but not beer. If you observe a sense of proportion, rare bath pleasures will only bring benefits.

Special heating and physiotherapy in the lumbar region for tumors in the kidneys are contraindicated if they are not included in a special program of sanatorium rehabilitation after operations. The flow of blood to the organs leads to the growth of vesicular structures with liquid contents inside them.

Is it possible to sunbathe?

To improve their health, residents of the middle zone are accustomed to traveling south, to the hot sand under the hot sun. You will have to refuse this type of vacation if

  • A kidney cyst has been discovered, which puts pressure on adjacent tissues and causes painful sensations, regardless of size;
  • if the size of the neoplasm is 5 cm or more, even if it does not manifest itself in any way;
  • a purulent complication or signs of malignant degeneration were detected.

All these cases are indications for complex treatment, possibly surgical. And sunbathing under the hot sun will only intensify pathological processes. And emergency surgery in Turkey or Egypt may not be covered by health insurance.

What kind of kidney cyst can you sunbathe?

If it is small, it does not show any signs and is discovered by chance on an ultrasound. But even in this case, melanin fans, who are used to coming from the south black so that everyone gets jealous, will have to limit themselves. If you don’t want the kidney cyst to become larger and start to hurt, follow these rules:

  • go to the beach from 7 to 11, then hide in a room with air conditioning or in the shade near the pool, get back into the sun after 16;
  • do not lie with your back on the hot sand;
  • If you experience any unpleasant sensations in the kidney area while lying in the sun, you will have to stop sunbathing.

But this does not mean that your vacation will be ruined. Especially if you are at a seaside or mountain resort. The air of the sea coast, saturated with salt particles, retains healing properties and in the shade. By the way, a tan in the shade, if not behind glass, also gradually fades.

Vegetables and fruits grown on the coast are rich in iodine and other valuable substances. And restrictions on tanning will protect you from premature photoaging and unwanted skin growths.

In the solarium

You should not sunbathe in a solarium if you have a kidney cyst unless absolutely necessary. If there is such an urgent need, and the cyst is small and silent, then the duration of the sessions should not be more than 3 minutes, and the breaks between them should not be less than 2 days.

In a sanatorium

But it is best to relax in specialized nephrological sanatoriums with mineral water treatment if you have a kidney cyst, unless the diagnosis suggests a contraindication to such treatment. Important components of spa therapy for kidney cysts:

  • maritime or mountain climate;
  • a diet rich in local berries and fruits with a diuretic effect;
  • herbal medicine with individual selection of herbal decoctions and infusions;
  • physiotherapy – ultrasound, inductothermy, if there are no contraindications;
  • mineral water with low salt content.


Is massage indicated as a healing procedure for kidney cysts? Just not in the lumbar region. The longer the massage therapist’s hands are away from the kidneys, the better. It is necessary to massage the hands, legs, feet and collar area.

Is it possible to play sports?

  • more than 5 cm in diameter;
  • located in places where they can easily rupture under compression or impact;
  • infected, and especially purulent;
  • with the ability to malignant degeneration.

If you have such a kidney cyst, you need to intensively engage in treatment or preparation for surgery, and not in sports. After tumor removal physiotherapy used only after complete healing of surgical wounds and in the absence of complications.

For any cysts that at least somehow manifest themselves or may manifest themselves, the following sports are excluded:

  • contact martial arts;
  • team games where power moves and falls are possible: football, hockey, rugby, polo, basketball, volleyball;
  • dangerous and extreme sports with the possibility of falls and strong impacts - alpine skiing slalom, freestyle, luge;
  • weightlifting and other strength training, including on simulators, involving straining and lifting weights of more than 10 kg.

All these types physical activity can cause injury or rupture of the cyst due to mechanical stress and powerful adrenaline releases.

What sports can you do?

A small “silent” cyst is not a reason to give up quieter activities. Such as yoga, but only under the guidance of an instructor with a medical education who will make the right selection of asanas for you. With a reasonable approach, they will only bring benefits:

  • Nordic and conventional walking;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • cycling, but not climbing steep slopes;
  • swimming.

For a person who plays contact or strength sports professionally, a kidney cyst can create serious problems with work. But after the rupture of a neoplasm that was not treated in time, a return to a sports career is much less likely than after a planned minimally invasive surgery followed by full rehabilitation.

Is it possible to spin a hoop if you have a kidney cyst? In no case. It’s better to eat fewer buns; it will be many times more beneficial both for your waist and for the prevention of cystic neoplasms. Fancy heavy hula hoops with massage attachments are especially dangerous. Not only do they cause cysts in the kidneys and ovaries to burst, but they also dislodge stones. Twisting a hoop is undesirable for any diseases of the liver, reproductive and urinary systems, or pancreas.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a kidney cyst?

A kidney cyst complicates pregnancy, but does not exclude it. the main problem– avoid surgery during pregnancy.

If a cyst is discovered before a woman becomes pregnant, the question of whether it is worth deciding on this would be wise to decide after consultation with a gynecologist and nephrologist. It is necessary to determine the degree of risk in order to clearly understand the consequences. And they will depend not only on the behavior of the cyst, but also on the woman’s lifestyle. It may be necessary to remove the cyst and then think about the child.

If you are already pregnant

But more often it happens that a kidney cyst is discovered already during pregnancy. The fetus puts pressure on the kidneys, and this can cause a new cyst or the growth of a previously undetected cyst. Here you will need consultations with medical experts; you may need hospitalization and constant observation in a hospital at the end of the term. Sometimes they are specifically prescribed C-section in order to simultaneously operate on a kidney cyst while removing the newborn.

Following the diet prescribed by your doctor helps to avoid complications and the growth of tumors during pregnancy. It usually involves limiting salt, liquids, high-protein foods, pickles, spicy seasonings, seafood, smoked foods, coffee and chocolate.

Sometimes, due to fetal pressure, the kidneys swell and enlarge; on ultrasound, these changes may look like cysts. Therefore, you should not panic with such diagnoses. If termination of pregnancy is proposed, it is better to have a repeat examination with a more experienced uzist, as well as a repeat urine test. Perhaps the previous conclusion was wrong.

Is it possible to serve in the army?

A young man with a kidney cyst is considered fit for service and assigned to category B 3 if:

  • there are no clinical symptoms– pain, urination problems, changes in urine analysis;
  • the neoplasm is not palpable;
  • there is only one cyst, since polycystic disease is the basis for release from service and assignment to the reserve.

The diagnosis must be confirmed by examination, which is directed by the military registration and enlistment office.

Kidney pathologies are one of the most common modern diseases. Moreover, if the disease is detected in a timely manner, there is a chance to defeat the disease and return the patient to the opportunity to live a normal life. Among the medications prescribed for pathologies of the urinary system, Canephron for the kidneys stands out. The drug is indicated for a wide range of kidney diseases and has a minimum of side effects. Below you will find information on how to take the medicine and what its features are in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system.

Important: Canephron belongs to the group of drugs of plant origin, and therefore has a very mild therapeutic effect on the human body. At the same time, it can be used in both complex treatment, and as an independent medicine.

Canephron: description of the drug

In the network of Russian pharmacies, the drug Canephron is called Canephron-N. It contains exclusively plant components, such as:

  • Centaury grass;
  • Rosemary (leaves);
  • Lovage officinalis (root).

All these plants are noted in folk medicine as excellent diuretics and effective anti-inflammatory. That is why pharmacists in Germany (namely, the country that produces the drug) decided to combine herbs in one preparation.

Important: it is worth knowing that if Canephron-N is combined simultaneously with antibacterial drugs, the effect of such treatment will be much higher, since all herbal components of Canephron also have a strong antimicrobial effect. This is due to the high content of phenolcarboxylic acids, essential oils, etc. in the components of the drug. Therefore, a sufficient amount accumulates in the liver tissues when taking Canephron-N and other antibiotics simultaneously. medicinal substance antibacterial action.

Canephron-N is mainly prescribed for any inflammatory diseases of the urinary system or as a prophylactic drug to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Canephron is produced both in the form of dragees and in the form of an alcohol tincture, which allows the consumer to choose the most convenient way to take the medicine.

Canephron-N: mechanism of action of the drug

The main actions of the drug aimed at treating the kidneys are:

  • Antispasmodic;
  • Diuretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antibacterial.

Thus, rosemary essential oils and flavonoids included in the preparation have an antispasmodic effect.

The diuretic effect of Canephron-N is provided by the same essential oils that gently promote the expansion of all renal vessels. At the same time, it is essential oils that improve blood supply to kidney tissue, which slows down the process of reabsorption. That is, all sodium salts and water leave the body in the form of normal urinary flow. Also, along with urine, uric acid salts are qualitatively washed out, which over time lead to the formation of urate stones, and gently alkalizes the urine. But here it is also worth noting that Canephron does not flush potassium from the human body, which is important element in creating normal water and electrolyte balance.

The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is due to the effect of rosemary acid, which is part of Canephron, on the body. Acid inhibits the free release of substances in the human body - prostaglandids, which provoke inflammatory processes. In addition, rosemary acid also has an antioxidant effect on the human body.

Antibacterial Canephron-N effect form all its components taken together. Here it is worth knowing that each of the components of the drug contains phenolcarboxylic acid, which is responsible for disinfecting the body and freeing it from pathogenic bacteria. It is these acids that suppress the process of protein synthesis in all cells of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, flavonoids and all essential oils included in the preparation additionally destroy bacterial membranes. In addition, bioflavonoids in the plant components of Canephron inhibit the proliferation of bacteria in kidney tissue. And the effect is complemented by the diuretic effect of the drug, which expels destroyed microbes from the body as quickly as possible.

Important: it is worth knowing that the drug Canephron-N has a detrimental effect even on those pathogenic bacteria that are not amenable to standard antibiotics.

It would also be useful to know that the drug helps reduce the concentration of protein in the excreted urine. This indicates that the drug improves its absorption, which is especially good for glomerulonephritis. In addition, it should be noted that Canephron can flush out metabolic products of phenylcarboxylic acids from the body, which helps to change the pH of urine towards a more alkaline one. And in such an environment, bacteria simply cannot reproduce.

Important: all components included in the medicine enhance each other’s effect.

Indications for use

The drug Canephron is indicated for any infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary system. Moreover, in especially severe cases, the drug is prescribed in combination with antibiotics, and in uncomplicated pathologies, Canephron can be taken as an independent drug with therapeutic action.

Indications for use of Canephron are:

  • Glomerulonephritis(infectious and allergic processes in the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys). Under the influence of this drug, the filtering function of the kidneys is restored to a greater extent, which leads to normal protein absorption.
  • Nephrolithiasis (urolithiasis). Here, the drug prevents the formation of new stones and efficiently washes out small stones crushed by lithotripsy.
  • Pyelonephritis (inflammatory process of infectious origin in pyelocalyceal system kidney). Moreover, the drug can be prescribed even to pregnant women.
  • Nephritis (inflammation in the kidney tissues). The pathology occurs against the background of suffering from cooling or dull closed injury kidney

Important: when treating with Canephron, the patient must drink a sufficient amount of fluid (at least 2 liters per day).

Contraindications for use

  • Patients with individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug;
  • Children under 6 years of age (it is prohibited to give the drug in pill form to young patients);
  • Persons with alcohol addiction (here, on the contrary, it is worth giving preference to pills instead of alcohol tincture);
  • Patients with liver disease, since the alcohol in the drug is poisonous to the damaged organ.

Important: the drug Canephron has only one significant side effect - an allergic reaction. Therefore, if a rash appears on the skin, you should immediately stop taking the drug and inform your doctor.

The effective use of drugs for patients with kidney diseases depends on the purpose of the therapy. Therefore, doctors prescribe certain pharmacological agents to eliminate the infection, and others for maintenance therapy. Patients themselves are free to choose only the dosage form or cheaper analogues of drugs prescribed to them by nephrologists (urologists) or local therapists.

About Canephron: pros and cons

Ingredients and action

"Canephron" is combination drug based on alcohol extracts from medicinal herbs or their dry crushed parts. Intended for the treatment of patients with pathologies urinary system.

The drug consists of:

  • lovage herbs;
  • rosemary leaves;
  • centaury;
  • rosehip.

"Canephron" has the following therapeutic characteristics:

  • relieves inflammation in the kidney tissue - this effect is based on the action of essential oils medicinal herbs;
  • relaxes smooth muscles due to flavonoids contained in the medicine;
  • has a static effect on the growth of bacterial microflora, since the components included in the medicine have an antimicrobial effect;
  • has a diuretic effect, dilating the blood vessels of the kidneys;
  • normalizes water-salt balance, slowing down the absorption of salts and water into the body and preventing excessive excretion of potassium salts;
  • minimizes the formation of protein bodies in the urine during glomerulonephritis;
  • strengthens the blood vessels supplying the renal system.

Forms of medicine

It is produced in drops and in the form of dragees. The drops are packaged in 50 or 100 ml, have a pleasant taste and aroma, and contain about 18% ethyl alcohol. Dragees are packaged in boxes of 60 units, one blister contains 20 pieces. drug.


"Canephron" is actively used to treat diseases such as:

  • urethritis;
  • nephritis;
  • deposition of kidney stones;
  • pyelo- and glomerulonephritis;
  • cystitis.

The drug has many positive aspects. It is used for the treatment of kidney diseases as in acute period, as well as in chronic conditions. "Canephron" combines well with drugs for antimicrobial therapy (antibiotics or sulfonamides). It is often recommended as a preventive measure for kidney stone formation, it removes small urates well, and can be prescribed to people whose professional activities require increased concentration of attention, since it does not have a sedative effect.

The good diuretic effect of the drug determines its use for swelling of the face and limbs. Canephron can be used to treat kidney pathologies in pregnant and lactating women. Its mild herbal composition does not have a harmful effect on the development of the fetus and the composition of breast milk. For this category of patients, the medicine is used in the form of pills, since the drops contain alcohol.

Side effects of the medicine include:

  • the impossibility of using drops of the drug for people suffering from alcoholism;
  • allergic reactions on the components of the drug.

Positive and negative properties of "Nefrosten"

Composition and action

The drug is domestically produced and is intended for course therapy and maintaining the health of the human urinary system.

The composition of the medicine includes:

  • lovage;
  • centaury;
  • rosemary;
  • “phytoarbutin” (leaves of wintergreen, lingonberry, bearberry).

The drug helps reduce and completely eliminate inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Relieves pain and discomfort by relaxing smooth muscles and normalizing blood supply to the organs of the urinary system. The product helps reduce the proliferation of harmful flora in the kidney tissue and has a pronounced diuretic effect, helping to remove excess water from the body.

Release form

Produced in the form of tablets of 25 mg.


The drug is actively used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • nephritis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis of bacterial etiology;
  • stone formation in the kidneys.

The advantages of the drug include its delicate herbal composition, which makes it possible to treat kidney diseases in any category of patients, provided that they do not suffer from severe allergies to the components of the drug. The product is used during pregnancy and lactation; it can be used by people with intense work activities that require a lot of attention, since “Nefrosten” does not have a relaxing effect on the central nervous system.

The disadvantage of using the medicine remains the possibility of developing urticaria and, in exceptional cases, Quincke's edema due to the sensitivity of patients to the herbs included in its composition.

Summarizing the information about Canephron and Nephrosten, we can highlight their differences.

  1. "Nefrosten" is available only in tablets, "Canephron" is in the form of drops.
  2. The alcohol content in Canephron drops limits its use for the treatment of kidney diseases in children, pregnant and lactating women, people with alcohol dependence and in patients with severe organic damage to the kidneys and liver.
  3. Part foreign analogue includes rosehip, which has a general and vascular-strengthening effect on the body.
  4. The domestic drug "Nefrosten" has a lower cost than its foreign counterpart.

Final Analysis

In order to decide which medicine to use, you first need a doctor's prescription. If a doctor prescribes a drug or its analogue, patients can decide for themselves whether to purchase the drug.

In the case of Canephron and its domestic substitute, the choice may become decisive due to the form of the drug, i.e. ease of use, price and differences in composition, so you need to be well versed in the properties of the herbs included in the medicine.

Common Components

Both drugs contain the following components:

  • centaury is a herb rich in phenol acids and tannins, as well as flavonoids, glycosides and vitamin C. It makes the use of drugs with the effect of preserving potassium, which is usually intensively excreted when using drugs with a diuretic effect;
  • lovage - a plant containing phytocoumarin and bergapten, esters and angelic acid, due to their effect, blood supply and nutrition of the kidneys improves;
  • rosemary is a herb that is rich in organic acids and phenolic components, they provide an antioxidant effect that helps cleanse and heal kidney tissue.

Exclusive ingredients

Canephron also contains rose hips, known for its strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties due to its high content ascorbic acid, vitamins P and K. Wintergreen, bearberry, and lingonberry herbs are often added to Nephrosten; together they have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

Based on the doctor’s prescription and having determined for themselves the desired herbal composition of the medicine, its priority effect on the problem, as well as their financial capabilities and the form of the drug that is convenient for taking, patients can make right choice and decide for yourself whether Canephron or Nephrosten is better for them.

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The effective use of drugs for patients with kidney diseases depends on the purpose of the therapy. Therefore, doctors prescribe certain pharmacological agents to eliminate the infection, and others for maintenance therapy. Patients themselves are free to choose only the dosage form or cheaper analogues of drugs prescribed to them by nephrologists (urologists) or local therapists.

About Canephron: pros and cons

Ingredients and action

"Canephron" is a combination drug based on alcohol extracts from medicinal herbs or their dry crushed parts. Intended for the treatment of patients with pathologies of the urinary system.

The drug consists of:

lovage herbs; rosemary leaves; centaury; rosehip.

"Canephron" has the following therapeutic characteristics:

relieves inflammation in the kidney tissue - this effect is based on the action of essential oils of medicinal herbs; relaxes smooth muscles due to flavonoids contained in the medicine; has a static effect on the growth of bacterial microflora, since the components included in the medicine have an antimicrobial effect; has a diuretic effect, dilating the blood vessels of the kidneys; normalizes water-salt balance, slowing down the absorption of salts and water into the body and preventing excessive excretion of potassium salts; minimizes the formation of protein bodies in the urine during glomerulonephritis; strengthens the blood vessels supplying the renal system.

Forms of medicine

It is produced in drops and in the form of dragees. The drops are packaged in 50 or 100 ml, have a pleasant taste and aroma, and contain about 18% ethyl alcohol. Dragees are packaged in boxes of 60 units, one blister contains 20 pieces. drug.


"Canephron" is actively used to treat diseases such as:

urethritis; nephritis; deposition of kidney stones; pyelo- and glomerulonephritis; cystitis.

The drug has many positive aspects. It is used for the treatment of kidney diseases both in the acute period and in the chronic course. "Canephron" combines well with drugs for antimicrobial therapy (antibiotics or sulfonamides). It is often recommended as a preventive measure for kidney stone formation, it removes small urates well, and can be prescribed to people whose professional activities require increased concentration of attention, since it does not have a sedative effect.

The good diuretic effect of the drug determines its use for swelling of the face and limbs. Canephron can be used to treat kidney pathologies in pregnant and lactating women. Its mild herbal composition does not have a harmful effect on the development of the fetus and the composition of breast milk. For this category of patients, the medicine is used in the form of pills, since the drops contain alcohol.

Side effects of the medicine include:

the impossibility of using drops of the drug for people suffering from alcoholism; allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Positive and negative properties of "Nefrosten"

Composition and action

The drug is domestically produced and is intended for course therapy and maintaining the health of the human urinary system.

The composition of the medicine includes:

lovage; centaury; rosemary; “phytoarbutin” (leaves of wintergreen, lingonberry, bearberry).

The drug helps reduce and completely eliminate inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Relieves pain and discomfort by relaxing smooth muscles and normalizing blood supply to the organs of the urinary system. The product helps reduce the proliferation of harmful flora in the kidney tissue and has a pronounced diuretic effect, helping to remove excess water from the body.

Release form

Produced in the form of tablets of 25 mg.


The drug is actively used in the treatment of diseases such as:

nephritis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis of bacterial etiology; stone formation in the kidneys.

The advantages of the drug include its delicate herbal composition, which makes it possible to treat kidney diseases in any category of patients, provided that they do not suffer from severe allergies to the components of the drug. The product is used during pregnancy and lactation; it can be used by people with intense work activities that require a lot of attention, since “Nefrosten” does not have a relaxing effect on the central nervous system.

The disadvantage of using the medicine remains the possibility of developing urticaria and, in exceptional cases, Quincke's edema due to the sensitivity of patients to the herbs included in its composition.

Summarizing the information about Canephron and Nephrosten, we can highlight their differences.

"Nefrosten" is available only in tablets, "Canephron" is in the form of drops. The alcohol content in Canephron drops limits its use for the treatment of kidney diseases in children, pregnant and lactating women, people with alcohol addiction and in patients with severe organic damage to the kidneys and liver. The foreign analogue contains rosehip, which has a general and vascular strengthening effect on the body. The domestic drug "Nefrosten" has a lower cost than its foreign counterpart.

Final Analysis

In order to decide which medicine to use, you first need a doctor's prescription. If a doctor prescribes a drug or its analogue, patients can decide for themselves whether to purchase the drug.

In the case of Canephron and its domestic substitute, the choice may become decisive due to the form of the drug, i.e. ease of use, price and differences in composition, so you need to be well versed in the properties of the herbs included in the medicine.

Common Components

Both drugs contain the following components:

centaury is a herb rich in phenol acids and tannins, as well as flavonoids, glycosides and vitamin C. It makes the use of drugs with the effect of preserving potassium, which is usually intensively excreted when using drugs with a diuretic effect; lovage - a plant containing phytocoumarin and bergapten, esters and angelic acid, due to their effect, blood supply and nutrition of the kidneys improves; rosemary is a herb that is rich in organic acids and phenolic components, they provide an antioxidant effect that helps cleanse and heal kidney tissue.

Exclusive ingredients

"Canephron" also contains rose hips, known for its strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties due to the high content of ascorbic acid, vitamins P and K. Wintergreen, bearberry, and lingonberry herbs are often added to "Nefrosten", together they have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

Based on the doctor’s prescription and having determined for themselves the desired herbal composition of the medicine, its priority effect on the problem, as well as their financial capabilities and the form of the drug that is convenient for taking, patients can make the right choice and decide for themselves whether Canephron or Nephrosten is better for them "

The drug "Canephron" can be taken in the treatment of various kidney diseases, including chronic ones. Can be used either alone or in combination with other medications. It is available in tablets and in the form of an aqueous-alcohol solution.

Release form of the drug

Packaging. Manufacturing. Components

"Canephron" is used in the treatment of kidney diseases, it perfectly relieves inflammation and has an antispasmodic effect. The drug "Canephron" was developed based on ancient recipes of traditional healers. Since ancient times, herbalists have used the properties of essential oils, herbal infusions and extracts.

Modern pharmacological technologies make it possible to streamline the use of plant components for the treatment of kidney diseases. For the production of Canephron, plants grown industrially and processed using modern technologies are used.

The tablets contain centaury, lovage root, and rosemary leaves. In addition to plant components, the drug "Canephron" contains many mineral additives; the sweet shell is made from sucrose. This makes taking pills more comfortable and convenient, especially for children.

Centaury flower

There are liquid forms of the drug "Canephron", made using alcohol tinctures and extracts. They consist of the same components as the tablets. One package contains twenty tablets coated with a special coating. The water-alcohol solution is packaged in 100-milligram bottles with special dispensers that allow you to clearly determine the amount of medication required for a single dose.

Mode of application. pharmachologic effect

The description says that the drug "Canephron" is used for the treatment and prevention of any inflammatory processes in the kidneys and ureters. It can be used as a primary or an auxiliary drug in combination with other medications prescribed by the attending physician to combat kidney diseases. Canephron can be taken by patients with uninfected kidney diseases who are in chronic stage. It is also used to prevent the formation of changes in the urinary canals.


Widely used in postoperative period patients who have undergone removal of various types of stones from the kidneys, ureters or bladder. Thanks to herbal components, the use of Canephron for treatment and prevention almost completely eliminates side effects - there is no reason for concern.

The tablets are taken orally, and there is no need to crush them first. Their shell facilitates easy and painless ingestion. The outer sweet shell consists of fructose and quickly dissolves in the stomach, after which the active plant components begin to act on the affected areas. Take the tablets with plenty of liquid. You need to take the drug under the supervision of your attending physician, who regulates the dosage to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

For acute inflammatory diseases The dosage and additional treatment are determined by the attending physician. About the timing of Canephron use, you should consult with a specialist who knows the dynamics and symptoms of a particular case. Typically, adult patients are prescribed two tablets three times a day, regardless of meals. Children's daily norm is one tablet three times a day.

It must be remembered that the use of the drug is individual and depends on the severity of the disease, individual tolerance and many other factors known to the attending physician.

Side effects when taking this drug are insignificant and occur only in case of individual intolerance to some components. The result of this is slight redness of the skin, itching, rashes, and diarrhea. Nausea and vomiting then occur. The slightest manifestation of the body’s failure to accept the components of the drug should alert the patient. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and seek advice from your doctor to change the dosage or completely stop taking Canephron.

If, after starting treatment with this drug, delays in urination begin, blood appears in the discharge, or pain occurs, you should immediately stop taking Canephron and consult a doctor.

Contraindications. Taking Canephron by pregnant women and women during lactation

Canephron is not prescribed to patients suffering from peptic ulcers during an exacerbation. It should not be used in case of renal or heart failure to relieve edema during an exacerbation of a chronic disease. It is forbidden to drink it in the form of one medicine for patients suffering from functional impairment of the kidneys. The drug is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, since its shell contains sugar.

Admission during pregnancy

Children under six years of age are prohibited from taking Canephron, and after six years of age, use should be under the supervision of a physician to ensure proper dosage selection and concomitant therapy and prevention. It is forbidden to take the medicine with alcohol. There are no restrictions for taking the drug by drivers or people working in potentially dangerous places that require concentrated attention.

The drug is not contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy after consultation with the gynecologist observing the woman. It is necessary to accurately assess the feasibility of its use and the degree of risk in each individual case. Although there is no data on the effect of the drug on fetal development, you should be careful about taking any medications during this period. The doctor decides on the prescription of Canephron and its dosage during lactation.

The drug interacts well with any other medications and diuretics; there are no contraindications in this regard.

Overdose. Storing Canephron tablets

There were no signs of overdose during trials of the drug, even during the most intensive therapy carried out with its help. Patients tolerate the medication well without any signs of intoxication. If you suspect an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor and take a set of measures to prevent the consequences of intoxication.

The tablets must always be kept in a cardboard package without direct access. sun rays in a cool dry place. They can be consumed within four years from the date of issue. The expiration date must be indicated on each package in the form of a special code.

The herbal preparation Canephron has been produced by German pharmacologists since 1934. The effectiveness and safety of the drug is explained by the natural composition of the drug. The medicine based on natural components eliminates the inflammatory process in the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder. Canephron is allowed to be included in a comprehensive treatment regimen infant and pregnant women.

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Operating principle

Canephron is produced in several dosage forms: tablets and solution (prescribed in drops). The natural medicine Canephron has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary area. Healing plants in the drug stimulate kidney function, reduce inflammation, and have a diuretic effect.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the basic components:

rose hip; centaury grass; medicinal lovage roots; rosemary.

The pharmacological action of Canephron has been studied through biochemical tests, and the effectiveness of the drug has been scientifically proven in clinical studies.

An important advantage of the drug is the minimum of side effects and the possibility of use in the treatment of infants.

How the medicine works:

The essential oils contained in the drug have a diuretic effect. Excretion occurs excess liquid, swelling goes away due to dilation of the kidney vessels. The balance of water and salts is normalized, since the absorption of sodium salts slows down. Lovage root extract improves cell nutrition, resulting in vasodilation urinary tract. By normalizing the process of nutrient metabolism, urination becomes less painful, which is why doctors often prescribe Canephron for cystitis. Rosmarinic acid provides a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
Centaury contains flavonoids and alkaloids, which affect the smooth muscles of the urinary system, relieving spasms. Canephron's activity also extends to bacteria, including those resistant to antibiotics. The active compounds of the drug inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria and reduce their numbers.

Canephron is an excellent remedy for edema due to the fact that it reduces the concentration of protein in urine. And in combination with diuretics, the medicine quickly eliminates pathogens that cause the infectious process.

Canephron is intended for use in the following pathologies:

acute and chronic cystitis; interstitial nephritis; glomerulonephritis; pyelonephritis in chronic and acute form.

The drug is also prescribed to patients who have had kidney stones removed. The medicine stimulates the removal of remaining stones from the kidneys, and is also effective prevention urolithiasis.

When studying the properties of the drug, it was noticed that in patients with urolithiasis, spasms decreased, sand came out easier and faster in the urine. Laboratory tests confirm a decrease in the concentration of salt crystals in the kidneys.


The drug can be prescribed as a basic remedy for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system or as an additional remedy if the disease is acute.

Due to its natural composition, Canephron has few contraindications for use:

persons suffering from alcoholism are prohibited from taking Canephron drops due to the ethanol content in them; children under 12 months. The liquid form of the drug is contraindicated; small children under 6 years of age are prohibited from giving Canephron tablets; It is not recommended to take Canephron tablets for patients with stomach or duodenal ulcers; It is undesirable to use the drug for patients with heart pathologies that are accompanied by severe edema; Do not give the medicine to people intolerant to maltose and fructose; Canephron drops are contraindicated for use in patients with renal failure; Canephron is used with caution in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus due to its low carbohydrate content (0.04 XE).

Despite the safety of the natural components of the product, patients may experience an allergic reaction to them.

In exceptional cases, side effects occur, most often due to an allergy to one of the components of the drug:

redness of the skin; itching; nausea; diarrhea; rash.

Canephron is considered a safe drug for children. For children on breastfeeding, the medicine can be mixed before use with breast milk or water. To improve the taste, older children are allowed to mix drops with juice.

Breastfeeding and pregnancy are also not a contraindication to using the drug. Drink Canephron when breastfeeding permitted and recommended by doctors. Expectant mothers are often worried about the presence of ethanol in Canephron and its effect on the intrauterine development of the child. But the drug passed a clinical trial, during which it was found that the minimum concentration of alcohol does not harm the growth and development of the embryo.


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While taking the drug for problems with the kidneys and bladder, patients are allowed to use any other drugs. Canephron enhances the effect of antibiotics and diuretics.

Tablets or syrup for cystitis Canephron is prescribed for the treatment of patients with weakened immune systems, as well as patients with severe disorders of the liver and digestive system.

The advantage of the medicine is also that it can be taken while driving complex mechanisms and vehicles.

Rules of use

The drug is taken only after consultation with the doctor. Therapy is carried out in courses, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the course of the disease of the urinary system.

First of all, Canephron is used for cystitis in adults and children. To relieve the symptoms of bladder inflammation, the dosage prescribed is:

adults: 2 capsules or 50 drops three times a day; children over 5 years: 25 drops of solution three times a day.

Canephron is used similarly for pyelonephritis. Children's dosage:

after 1 month -10 drops twice a day; from 1 year to 6 years - 15 drops three times a day.

Tablets for acute cystitis are used as an additional remedy to antibiotic therapy. To treat chronic cystitis, Canephron is taken according to an individually calculated regimen at certain time intervals. On average, the course of treatment with the drug takes 4 weeks, but can be extended to 6 weeks.

Are there any restrictions and how to take Canephron during pregnancy and lactation? The dosage form of the drug does not matter. Pregnant women are allowed to take both drops and tablets. The dosage is determined individually. If a woman does not have chronic diseases, then she is allowed to take 30 drops three times a day or 20 drops 2 times a day.

During pregnancy, medicine can be prescribed not only for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, but also to reduce swelling in the 3rd trimester.

Review from our reader Olga Bogovarova

I recently read an article that talks about the “Monastic collection of Father George” for the treatment of pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases. With the help of this collection, you can PERMANENTLY cure diseases of the kidneys and urinary system at home.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a week: constant aching pain in the lower back, pain when urinating, which had tormented me before, receded, and after 2 weeks disappeared completely. My mood has improved, the desire to live and enjoy life has appeared again! Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

For preventive purposes, the dosage will be 2 tablets 2 times a day. When using a herbal preparation, you should know that the herbs lovage and rosemary in pure form can cause uterine hypertonicity, so you should not change the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Special instructions:

Herbal medicine tablets should not be chewed. Regardless of the dosage form, the drug is taken with a large volume of liquid. Both tablets and drops of the drug can be taken before and after meals. Shake the bottle before taking the drops. After time, a sediment may appear at the bottom of the bottle with the solution: do not worry, it does not affect the activity of the medication. Throughout the entire treatment period, patients need to drink enough fluids and avoid dehydration.

Both doctors and patients speak positively about Canephron. The medicine quickly relieves symptoms of inflammation in the kidneys, bladder, and ureter. In addition, the drug has a minimum of side effects and is approved for the treatment of infants and pregnant women.

Do you still think that it is impossible to cure and restore your kidneys?

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against kidney disease is not yet on your side...

And have you already thought about surgical intervention and the use of toxic drugs that are advertised? This is understandable, because the condition of the kidneys directly depends general state HEALTH. And ignoring pain in the lumbar region, pain when urinating, can lead to serious consequences...

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Are all these symptoms familiar to you firsthand? But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new technique from Elena Malysheva in the treatment of kidney diseases... Read the article >>

Yakutina Svetlana

Expert of the project

Why do the kidneys need a pelvis and hilum, how do they work and whether the herbal drug Canephron can help with diseases of these organs, read in the section “How we are treated.”

The drug for kidney and bladder diseases Canephron consistently remains in the top twenty ranking of best-selling drugs compiled by the pharmaceutical market analysis company DSM Group. With the onset of cold weather, the question of how to treat “cold” organs of the excretory system becomes especially relevant for some people. Is the herbal drug Canephron suitable for this? To understand this, let's first look at how the organs of the human excretory system work and for what diseases of these organs it is recommended.

How the kidneys work and what is the “magic network” for?

The kidneys are perhaps the most amazing and complex organ in the human excretory system. Inside these bean-like organs, blood is filtered under pressure and urine is formed, so the kidneys play a huge role in the exchange of salts and water in the body (read more about salts and fluids in the body in our material). In aquatic animals they must cope with the constant elimination of excess fluid, and in terrestrial animals they must retain it. Two thousand liters of blood can pass through a person’s kidneys per day, and this will still be within normal limits. Of course, we don’t have that much blood inside us at the same time; our kidneys just pass it all through themselves up to 300 times a day.

The inside of the kidneys is heterogeneous. In the section, two layers are clearly visible, called the cortical and medulla. The cortex is thin, located just below the outer shell. It consists of connective tissue, capillaries and nephrons - small glomeruli with tubules, where two-stage filtration of blood constantly occurs. Nephron (the word itself is derived from the Greek “kidney”) is the main structural unit of the kidney, there are about a million of them.

Kidney structure

OpenStax College/Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site

The nephron has a special capsule called the Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule. Inside it there is a glomerulus of capillaries - the glomerulus. Scientists have long nicknamed this area the “magic network” ( rete mirabilis in Latin), because usually in the capillaries oxygen is given to adjacent tissues and released into the blood carbon dioxide, however, this does not happen in the glomerulus. It turned out that it was not needed to supply oxygen. There the first filtering of the blood occurs: blood cells and large protein molecules that may still be useful are retained. This is necessary because the blood has accumulated harmful products vital activity (for example, urea), and throwing them away each time along with the cells in order to create new cells later is too labor-intensive.

The fluid is purified even more thoroughly in the so-called convoluted tubules of the nephron, where all the nutrients and mineral salts that the body needs are filtered and absorbed back into the blood. most of water. Therefore, in a urine test healthy person There should be no blood cells, no proteins, no glucose.

Nephron, glomerulus and vessels

CNX OpenStax/OpenStax Biology

There are almost no nephrons in the medulla, but there are renal pyramids, the “tops” of which are collected in the center of the kidney, and the bases “stick out” towards the cortex. Between these pyramids there are layers of cortical substance - renal columns. The tops of the pyramids converge to short thick tubes that flow into the renal pelvis. Unnecessary filtered liquid with urea, salts, ammonia and uric acid. The pelvis leaves the kidney through a special “gate” (they are called the “kidney gate” because the entrance for the renal artery and the exit of the renal vein, as well as nerves and lymphatic vessels) and “flows” into the ureter.

The ureter of each kidney is connected to a three-layer “bag” of smooth muscle - bladder, which is responsible for the accumulation of urine and its removal from the body. The human bladder is located in the pelvis and holds on average half a liter of liquid. When it is empty, its muscle wall is relaxed, its thickness is slightly more than a centimeter. When it is full, the wall stretches and becomes thinner, only 2-3 millimeters, and in order to feel this, there are baroreceptors in the muscular walls of the bladder that respond to changes in pressure. The emptying of the bladder in humans is controlled not only by reflexes, but also by conscious effort. At the same time, the muscles of the bladder itself contract, pushing out the liquid, and the sphincter muscles relax, opening a passage for it.

It is important that the inside of the bladder is sterile, so any bacteria that enters it can cause disease. Let's talk about them in more detail.

For what and from what?

One of the diseases that Canephron is intended to combat is cystitis. In Greek, this word means “blister”, and the final part of the word (“itis”) hints at the inflammatory nature of this disease. For 80, or even as much as 85% of bladder infections (not counting infections in medical institutions), the well-known E.coli. Even those strains that do not cause any problems in the intestines can turn into insidious pathogens, accidentally entering the bladder from the rectum. By a large margin it ranks second Staphylococcus saprophyticus(5-10%), followed by fungal and viral infections. Therefore, treatment of cystitis, in addition to various warming measures, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding alcohol, salty and spicy foods (to reduce the load on the organs of the excretory system) and sometimes taking medications for spasms, among which No-shpa is especially popular, should include the fight against infection. Even if Canephron cannot kill bacteria, it could theoretically be useful for cystitis: there are drugs that simply prevent microorganisms from attaching to the walls of the bladder. The organ itself will tend to empty itself more often in order to evict unwanted residents.

Cystitis can also be caused by stones in the bladder, which interfere with its functioning. Stones can form in the kidneys or block the ureters, causing sharp pain. A common cause of stone formation is too high content calcium or other salts in the urine. This may happen because the salts are poorly filtered. The risk of developing kidney and bladder stones increases with obesity and consumption large quantity calcium. Animal proteins can make urine too acidic, which also contributes to the formation of stones. If the stones are small, they may not cause any symptoms and are gradually excreted in the urine, but large stones must be dissolved using special medications and sometimes surgically removed.

Glomerulonephritis, as its name implies, is usually an inflammation of the glomerulus, the same glomerulus in the Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule, or blood vessels near. Understanding the causes of this disease and eliminating them can be quite difficult. Glomerulonephritis can be caused by problems with the functioning of the kidneys themselves, cancers in the kidney, or infections. different types, drug use or drug overdose, diabetes and even systemic lupus erythematosus. Therefore, the cause of the disease has to be treated differently.

Another indication for the use of Canephron is pyelonephritis. The name is translated from Greek as “inflammation of the pelvis.” We are talking, of course, about the same renal pelvis and adjacent tissues, as well as the renal tubules. Pyelonephritis is often caused by bacteria, so it is advisable to determine the “culprit” and select the right one. antibacterial drug. Both glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis may require surgery in severe cases. The general recommendations in all these cases boil down to maximally facilitating and simplifying the work of the kidneys. To do this, patients change their diet, refuse physical activity, try to work in a warm, dry room, because hypothermia can cause even more problems.

What does Canephron offer against these diseases? It is produced in the form of dragees and aqueous-alcoholic extract, and contains three herbal components as active ingredients: the roots of lovage (better known to us as rosemary) and the herb of centaury. As can be seen from the composition, there are no antibiotics or other complex pharmacological products in the drug, but this does not indicate either in favor of the drug or against it, because medicinal plants are often used in medicine (for example, in the composition of chest preparations for coughs and the sedative Novopassit) and quite may be effective, but this, of course, should be judged on the basis of medical research.

Better than parsley

The name of the first component, lovage officinalis ( Levisticum officinale), supposedly has its roots in the Latin "ligusticum", which translates as "from Liguria" (an area in Italy where lovage supposedly grew very large).

Lovage looks (and tastes) at the same time reminiscent of two other umbrella plants - parsley and celery

Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thome/Flora von Deutschland, 1885

A 2002 review of scientific articles on herbal therapies for excretory diseases reported that lovage root extract is approved in Germany as a very promising diuretic - a diuretic that increases the excretion of water and salts from the body. In this country it is recommended for urolithiasis and lower urinary tract infections.

It also says that it has a stronger effect on people than parsley and goldenrod. However, how substances from lovage behave in the body and by what mechanism they may work is unknown, although scientists believe its action is due to two groups of substances in the plant - coumarins and terpenes. In conclusion, the author, a scientist from the United States, complains that little funds are allocated to study the heritage of traditional medicine, although many medicinal herbs could become the basis for effective and inexpensive drugs.

Phthalides are considered to be important components of lovage from a medical point of view. There are quite a lot of these compounds, and different plants with umbrella inflorescences, which include lovage, have different sets of phthalides.

Two of the numerous phthalides isolated from lovage root

Alejandra Leon et al./Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products

Three phthalides from lovage have shown analgesic effects in experiments on mice. Many phthalides exhibit weak or moderate antibacterial activity, but lovage components have not been tested against the main microscopic culprits of cystitis. Other scientific work also concerns the antimicrobial activity of lovage. In this study, lovage enhanced the effects of antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol). True, this time it was not possible to determine the active substances - everything that scientists isolated and purified turned out to be ineffective. It is possible that these components only work in combination and not alone.

Centaur Grass

At the name of centaury Centaurium erythraea two explanations. On the one hand, it is known as the “grass of centaurs,” which goes back to the Greek (allegedly the centaur Chiron, the mentor of ancient Greek heroes, treated it with it). Another meaning, already popular, is made up of Latin words centum- “one hundred” and aurum– “gold”, which is close in meaning to the Russian version.

Centaury flowers

Hans Hillewaert/Wikimedia Commons

Centaury came to the attention of a group of scientists who became interested in Scottish folk medicine. They studied svetiamarin and sveroside. These substances belong to the group of secoiridoid glycosides, which are considered the main pharmacologically active components in centaury extract and are responsible for its bitterness.

Svetiamarin and sveroside turned out to be active against a long list of bacteria, including our old friend, E.coli, and one of the streptococci (although not the one that causes cystitis). These components also turned out to be toxic to Artemia crustaceans (they are often used to make food for aquarium fish).

Although the manufacturers of Canephron report virtually no side effects, without mentioning any effects on the liver, centaury can be toxic to this organ. At least, it was he who was accused of jaundice and liver damage that occurred in a 66-year-old Russian woman after taking Canephron in the form of pills.

The woman didn't have viral hepatitis, she did not drink alcohol, so although the specific cause remained unknown, doctors named the drug as a "likely" culprit. The authors of the report did not find a ban on taking Canephron for liver disease in the list of contraindications, but found similar studies about another drug with centaury, Copaltra. Another study of centaury shows (albeit in mice) that its toxicity is highly dose dependent, so perhaps the patient either had liver problems to begin with, or took too many pills at once.

Image of centaury in the Leiden manuscript (6th century), treatise by Herbarius

Leiden MS. Voss/Wikimedia Commons

"Rose of Mary"

The name rosemary also has a “double origin”. On the one hand, the generic name of the plant Rosmarinus officinalis translated from Latin as “sea dew”, on the other hand, it is associated with the legend that the Virgin Mary threw her blue blanket over the bush, where its beautiful flowers came from. Because of this legend, it allegedly began to be called “the rose of Mary.”

Rosemary sprig with flowers

THOR/Flowering Rosemary

The antibacterial properties of rosemary essential oil are discussed in an article in the journal Molecules. The authors of the study showed that rosemary stops the growth of as many as 60 strains E.coli. In the article ( full text can be found) about efficiency Rosmarinus officinalis against urinary tract infections, it is said that rosemary extract can kill the bacteria we have already mentioned Staphylococcus saprophyticus, which causes cystitis, and interfere with the growth of a number of other gram-positive pathogenic bacteria. For gram-negative (non-Gram-staining due to differences in membrane structure) bacteria, the results were “not as promising, with the exception of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.”

Another study looked at an aqueous extract of rosemary given to rats with renal ischemia. Since ischemia is damage due to insufficient blood supply (and we remember how important it is for the kidney that blood constantly flows to it), the consequences can be dangerous not only for the kidney, but for the entire body. Some rats drank an aqueous extract of rosemary as a medicine for a week, while others received saline solution. As it turned out, the kidneys of rats that were given rosemary were better preserved: the extent of cell death and detachment was less than in the control group.

The combination of rosemary and centaury also caused a strong diuretic effect in rats, that is, they reduced the secondary absorption of water in the kidney tubules. This effect may be useful in cases where kidney function is impaired.

Not on the lists

But studies in petri dishes or rats do not definitively confirm the drug's activity in humans. A person is not a rat, not a mouse, and not a saucer of agar.

On the website of the Canephron manufacturers there are no links to double-blind placebo-controlled studies; there are more observational studies or articles in the spirit of “experience with the drug.” In such studies, it is difficult to maintain objectivity and take into account all the factors that could influence the result.

Double-blind randomized placebo-controlled method - method clinical trial drugs, in which the subjects are not initiated into important details ongoing research. “Double blind” means that neither the subjects nor the experimenters know who is being treated with what, “randomized” means that the assignment to groups is random, and placebo is used to show that the effect of the drug is not based on self-hypnosis and that This medicine helps better than a tablet without active ingredients. This method prevents subjective distortion of the results. Sometimes the control group is given another drug with proven effectiveness, rather than a placebo, to show that the drug not only treats better than nothing, but is superior to its analogues.

German author Kurt Naber from the Technical University of Munich came to the same conclusions in a review evaluating clinical trials of Canephron N. He looked at 17 studies of Canephron, which included a total of 3,115 patients. In general, most studies show the effectiveness of Canephron in people - both as an addition to conventional therapy and in comparison with it. Of the total number of patients, side effects - allergic skin reactions - were observed only once. However, Naber notes that in the works it is sometimes unclear whether the study was blinded (whether doctors and patients knew who was being treated with what), and there are statistical flaws - although it is unclear how much they affect the results.

However, these tests have a plus - usually the patient’s recovery is assessed, as it should, not only by the reduction of his complaints, but also by changes in his tests, a decrease in the size of stones in the bladder and other objective indicators.

the site concludes: a promising remedy in some cases

The components of the drug, individually and in combination, have proven themselves very well: they can fight bacteria (including those that cause cystitis and pyelonephritis), increase the release of fluids and salts from the body and protect kidney tissue from damage. However, we were unable to find human studies that meet the gold standard. evidence-based medicine: randomized double-blind controlled trials on large groups patients. Although the legislative “threshold for entry” of drugs into the market in the CIS countries is quite low, from the point of view of evidence-based medicine, it would still be worthwhile, as stated in reviews of articles on clinical trials of Canephron.

There are studies on the use of Canephron in pregnant women with impaired renal function, but most of this work was carried out on small groups of patients. In any case, pregnant women should understand that many drugs can be dangerous for them, so they should be used with caution, and then only if the benefit is definitely greater than the expected risk. The same goes for children.

But the most important thing for glomerulonephritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis will be correct diagnosis: you need not only to distinguish one from the other (which is not so difficult), but also to correctly understand the cause and severity of the disease. If the disease is caused by bacteria, you need to find out what they are and get rid of all sources of infection in the body. Canephron can be useful in such cases - sometimes as an independent remedy, sometimes as an addition to antibiotics. If these are stones, autoimmune diseases or some others dangerous violations, then more may be required serious treatment and even surgery. Here Canephron cannot become a magic pill that you can take and forget about all your troubles (but the instructions do not say this). And don’t forget that this is not a complete list of problems that can happen to your urinary system: there are other diseases that, again, require a different approach to treatment.

But what will definitely be useful with such diagnoses is a change in lifestyle. You should take care of insulation, start drinking more liquids (for example, herbal teas), give up “junk” foods containing a lot of salt, and alcohol. Sometimes bed rest or complete abstinence from physical activity is required, but this again depends on the severity of the particular disease.