Domestic and foreign substitutes for monural. Cheap analogues of monural Medicine for cystitis analogue of monural

Monural as a drug of great bactericidal action actively fights the causative agents of many diseases. The active substance fosfomycin has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Manufactured form: granules for solution preparation.

Scope of the drug: treatment of acute bacterial cystitis, non-specific urethritis, massive bacteriuria, prevention of postoperative rehabilitation. Restrictions on admission: allergic rashes, kidney dysfunction, children's category up to 5 years. Average prices are 520-550 rubles.

Analogues of Russian production

Domestic manufacturers present cheap analogues of the drug, which allows you to easily select the right medication. The main prototypes are defined in the following table.

Prototype Price in rubles Description
Bacteriophage Kolya 690–700 A qualitative synonym for monural. It looks like a yellow solution. The scope is the therapy of bacterial pathologies of various forms.

High sensitivity in relation to the main composition is a contraindication.

Kalceks 35–50 The cheapest analogue of the monural presented Russian manufacturer. Tablets of a special form.

It is used as a prophylaxis for pathologies of an infectious type.

Nitroxoline 60–100 Cheap substitute Monurala is produced in the form of tablets. white color. The active compound nitroxoline provides the bactericidal nature of the effect.

Actively prescribed for cystitis of various forms, other pathologies genitourinary system.

It is forbidden during the period of bearing a child, lactation feeding, the development of cataracts, the absence of liver and kidney function.

Phosphocin 200–220 Inexpensive prototype of the original. It has the form of soluble granules for the manufacture of a solution.

The composition of the drug is based on the content of the active compound and ensures its effectiveness.

It is intended for the treatment of uncomplicated pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Contraindications: hemodialysis, allergic rashes, age limit up to 12 years.

Urophosphabol 100–170 A worthy replacement for a cheap analogue of monural. Powder for preparation of solution of green color.

It is effective in the systemic treatment of antimicrobial diseases.

Ukrainian substitutes

Representatives of the Ukrainian medical industry have inexpensive and high-quality analogues of monural in their assets. different form release.

Detailed review in next list:

  • Dioxidine. One of the inexpensive analogues of the original Ukrainian production. It is presented in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution. The active substance provides the antimicrobial nature of the origin of the drug.

    Indications for use: purulent infectious pathologies of various etiologies. Not recommended for severe sensitivity. Average prices are 300-320 rubles.

  • Dioxysol. Synonym of monoral cheaper. It is produced in the form of a solution and is used in the treatment of antibacterial diseases.

    Has a number of contraindications: bradycardia, arterial hypertension, cardiogenic shock, allergy to the main components, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. Average prices are 110-115 rubles.

  • Uroxoline. The cheapest prototype. Tablets of a special form. Antimicrobial agent for systemic treatment. Used for mild urinary tract infections.

    The drug is prohibited violation of the liver, kidneys, allergies. Average prices are 10-30 rubles.

  • Urofoscin. Effective drug antibacterial action. Fosfomycin destroys pathogens in the development of pathological infectious diseases different type.

    It is necessary to exclude the use in hemodialysis, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, allergies, children under 12 years of age. Average prices are 200-250 rubles.

  • cistoral. Inexpensive prototype presented as granules for internal use. The active compound is a natural antimicrobial agent.

    Valid for acute course mild urinary infections. High sensitivity, typical allergic rashes, hemodialysis, children's category up to 12 years are a contraindication to the appointment. Average prices are 350-400 rubles.

Belarusian generics

Preparations of Belarusian production do not provide analogues that have the same structure of the drug, but among them you can pick up several medicines similar action.

Table of related generics:

Prototype Price in rubles Description
Doxycycline 500–600 An antibiotic drug. Relative analogue of the monural. Scope of various infectious manifestations.

Contraindications: childbearing, lactation feeding, lack of liver and kidney function, age category up to 8 years.

Cefalexin 300–380 Cheap analogue of Belarusian production. Solution for injections.

Indications for use: treatment of infectious pathologies of various etiologies.

cystitis 200–220 Monural's analogue is cheaper. It is effective in the acute course of infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

You should not take medication during pregnancy, lactation nutrition, allergic-type processes, age restrictions up to 12 years.

Analogues of foreign production

A modern range of imported drugs similar action with monural has a lot of positive qualities and relatively low cost.

List of the most famous substitutes for the original:

  1. Kirin. A synonym for monural produced as an antibiotic of the tricyclic series. The active compound spectinomycin has a pronounced antibacterial effect and is prescribed for the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system.
  2. Lizomak 600. The best analogue monural produced by imported pharmacists. Presented in the form of coated tablets. Used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections of various forms.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, arterial hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, exacerbation of schizophrenia. Average prices are 1300-1400 rubles.

  3. 5-nok. A close prototype of the original, produced in the form of tablets. Nitroxoline guarantees the bactericidal action of the drug. Effective in the acute course of pathological infections of the genitourinary system.

    You should not use the medicine when carrying a baby, lactation feeding, renal, hepatic insufficiency. Average prices are 250-270 rubles.

  4. Fosmural. Effective drug antimicrobial action for the systemic treatment of genitourinary infections.

    The composition of the drug is based on the action of the fosfomycin component, which has an antibacterial effect.

    High sensitivity in relation to the active compound is an exception to the application. Average prices are 400-450 rubles.

Summing up involves a description of all the characterizing qualities of the drug, showing its effectiveness. The medicine has a sufficient number of worthy and inexpensive analogues.

Before deciding how to replace Monural, you should get the advice of a qualified doctor, which will bring a positive effect from the use of the medication!

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Now drugs are being developed not only for certain types microorganisms, but also for individual human systems. For example, there are medicines only for the urinary system. These include Monural, it is used to treat cystitis.

When choosing a drug, several factors are taken into account. First of all, the drug must be effective in combating the infection against which the drug is intended. It should be convenient in taking and dosages. It is very important that the drug does not cause great harm to the body and all other systems, and has as little toxic effect as possible. The price of the drug also matters to the patient.

Many physicians tend to medicinal product Monural. It is very effective and fights infection in a short time. Monural was tested in world clinics, and the results were positive. In addition, according to the reviews of doctors and patients, we can say that this medicine helps to achieve a therapeutic effect in a short period of time.

Monural acts specifically against microorganisms that cause inflammation in the bladder. It is quite safe, it can be prescribed even to pregnant women. It has a reasonable price and high efficiency.

Monural has many analogues in the treatment of cystitis, but we will talk about this later.

How does this medicine work

Its main active ingredient is fosfomycin, the content of which in the body develops resistance to other infections. Therefore, Monural can not only be taken to fight bacteria, but also for prevention. The drug belongs to uranoseptics. The active substance destroys the walls of the infection, so all pathogenic microorganisms die. When the active substance enters the bladder, it stays there for at least two days: this time is enough for all microbes to die and urine to be sterilized.

Monural is effective at acute stage diseases, with the manifestation of relapse, with urethritis and other infections that appeared after surgery.

The drug is produced in bags in the form of granules. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in water. V cardboard box Sold in one or two bags. Besides active ingredient, the composition includes saccharin, sucrose and flavorings "Mandarin" or "Orange".

This drug is contraindicated in children under five years of age; those who have individual intolerance to fosfomycin or severe renal failure.

Side effects there are also, among them are:

  • vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn (you can save yourself by drinking plenty of water);
  • rash and itching due to allergies;
  • if there is an overdose, then diarrhea may appear.

Mode of application

The contents of one sachet must be dissolved in a third of a glass warm water best before bed. Before taking the drug, you should empty your bladder. Doses should be as follows: for children take a two-gram sachet, for adults and children over 14 years old - a three-gram sachet. For severe cystitis, the doctor will prescribe the use of two sachets per day, but wait at least eight hours between doses.

If a pregnant woman is sick with cystitis, then the doctor can also prescribe Monural to her, it will not harm the baby. One of the most attractive moments in taking Monural is just right to highlight the fact that it can be taken only once and almost immediately feel the therapeutic effect, but most other antibiotics need to be taken for at least 5 days. And the manifestation of side effects is quite rare, and contraindications are reduced to a minimum.

Domestic analogues of Monural are as follows:

  1. Fosfomycin. The active ingredients of these two drugs are the same. All their parameters are almost identical: adults are prescribed three grams in a single dose, children - two grams each. Side effects are the same, with the exception that Fosfomycin is not prescribed for pregnant women.
  2. Ureacid. It has an antimicrobial effect, the active substance is the same as in Monural. Available in granules. Approved for adults and children over 12 years of age. Do not prescribe to pregnant women and those who have kidney disease.
  3. Nolicin. The active substance is different - norfloxacin. Kills pathogenic microbes by inhibiting protein synthesis. Assign for acute and chronic cystitis, gonococcal infections. Do not accept pregnant, lactating and patients under 18 years of age.
  4. Forteraz. Used once to treat inflammation Bladder. Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, patients with kidney pathology.

Patients and doctors respond positively to the action of Monural and its analogues. It is confirmed that in most cases only one dose is enough to remove the painful symptoms. Remember that self-medication can harm your body. Take any drug only after consulting your doctor.

Frequent urination or pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the development of cystitis. Many seek to cure the disease by heating at home. This is absolutely impossible to do. If the disease is bacterial in nature, fever will further more development infections. V this case not without antibiotics. Nice results in the treatment of cystitis shows the drug "Monural". Domestic analogues are also used. But the decision to use this or that remedy can only be made by a doctor.

Form of release of the drug and its composition

The drug belongs to the group of uroantiseptics. Produced in the form of white tablets with a tangerine smell. The main active ingredient is fosfomycin trometamol. As auxiliary elements, sucrose, orange flavor, magnesium stearate are used. Tablets belong to a number of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The mechanism is based on the suppression of protein synthesis of pathogenic bacteria on initial stage. Microorganisms stop multiplying and soon die.

The main active ingredient is active against most gram-positive bacteria. However, the drug also affects beneficial microflora human body. Therefore, tablets or any substitute for Monural can only be used as part of complex therapy. It is undesirable to use the medicine without the appointment of a specialist.


The main active ingredient is rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract after ingestion. The maximum bioavailability is reached after 2 hours and is about 65%. This figure can be significantly reduced if Monural tablets are taken with meals. Domestic analogues are used in the same way.

Fosfomycitin does not bind to blood proteins. To a greater extent, the main active ingredient of the antibiotic accumulates in the urine. More than 90% of the drug is excreted within a day with a single dose. In patients who have kidney problems, as well as in the elderly, the bioavailability of the drug is significantly reduced. In this case, the duration of the withdrawal of the drug can be increased up to two days.


Only if the disease is of a bacterial nature, Monural tablets can be prescribed. Instructions for use, analogues, reviews - all these questions are of interest to patients. However, let us recall once again the common truth: the medicine should be recommended by a qualified specialist. Most often, the drug is prescribed for acute bacterial cystitis. At the same time, women feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, the body temperature rises, the amount of urination increases. The doctor conducts a series of tests to determine the source of infection. Tablets "Monural", analogues (domestic and foreign) can be used at home, but most often the therapy takes place in a hospital.

The drug can also be prescribed for bacterial nature. In this case, the drug is part of complex therapy. Tablets can also be prescribed for prophylaxis after surgical intervention when it comes to the genitourinary system. Means "Monural" prevents infection from entering the bladder.

Pregnant women may also be given medication if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs potential harm for a baby. Very often, women can develop bacteriuria that occurs without symptoms. Deviations can be detected only through urinalysis.

Side effects

Monural tablets should be used correctly. Instructions and analogues of the drug, possible side effects - all this must be studied before starting therapy. Most often, unpleasant symptoms appear in the case of using the drug in an increased dosage. First of all, the patient may feel dizzy, tinnitus, nausea. In rare cases, vomiting occurs. Also common are allergic reactions. Patients may experience skin rashes and itching. Analogues of tablets "Monural" can also contribute to the development side effects if taken in higher dosage.

Below are the popular domestic analogues drug.


If found the right drug in the pharmacy it was not possible, you can always pick up a high-quality analogue. Domestic tablets "Fosfomycin" are popular with therapists. As in the case of the drug "Monural", the main active ingredient is fosfomycin. Tablets are broad-spectrum antibiotics and show positive result in diseases of the genitourinary system. The drug is taken orally.

A single dose for an adult patient is 3 g. The medicine can also be prescribed to children. Wherein single dose should not exceed 2 g. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the form of the disease, as well as individual characteristics the patient's body. Pregnant women are not recommended to take the medicine.


The drug "Urofosfabol" is also often used for diseases of the genitourinary system. The medicine is produced in the form of a white powder. The drug belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs derived from phosphonic acid. Using the powder, a solution is prepared, which is administered intravenously.

Powder "Urofosfabol" can be prescribed to pregnant women, as well as children from the first days of life. The dosage is calculated individually based on the patient's body weight.


The drug is available in the form of granules that dissolve in water. The active ingredient is also phosphomycitin. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent allows you to overcome the infection as quickly as possible urinary tract. Like the drug "Monural", domestic analogues have age restrictions. Ureacid granules are not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. The drug is also contraindicated during pregnancy.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with renal insufficiency. It is desirable for such patients to be treated in a hospital setting.


The drug in the form of granules is often used in the treatment of cystitis in adult patients. V acute phase disease, the medication is taken once. One granule is usually enough for the disease to recede. Children are not prescribed medication.

The medicine "Fortez" has a number of contraindications. With caution, it is worth taking the drug to people who are prone to allergic reactions. Sometimes hypersensitivity to individual components may develop. Patients with a high degree kidney failure antibacterial agent not assigned.

In the treatment of cystitis, Monural is used.

The drug is foreign-made (Switzerland), its price is quite high.

The basis of Monural is.

Similar drugs act on the disease no less effectively, while the cost for most patients is lower than the original drug.

Before changing the medication, you need to consult a doctor.

basic information


The medicine is produced by Slovenian pharmacists. At a low price, nolicin effectively copes with cystitis. Release form - tablets. prescribed for the treatment of pelvic infections. The drug has a number of contraindications:

Effective in the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, intestinal infections. Acts quickly, the disease recedes. active ingredient nolicin is .

Prices in Russia and Ukraine

Analogues of Monural differ in prices and degree of purification of the original active substance.

Prices on Russian analogues have been given above.

Ukrainian-made substitute drugs are represented by the following names:

  1. Dioxidine. Release form powder. Treatment of purulent infections. The cost is from 200 UAH. (440 rubles) for 10 ampoules.
  2. Dixizol. bactericidal drug. Solution form of use. The cost of 50 ml is 50 UAH. (110 rubles).
  3. Uroxoline. Tablets. With dysfunction of the kidneys, liver is contraindicated. The cost of packing 50 tab. – UAH 14.50 (32 rubles).
  4. Urofoscin. Antibacterial drug. It is impossible for children under 12 years old, patients with problematic kidneys and liver. Cost - 120 UAH. (260 rubles).
  5. Cistarol. Granules. Genitourinary infections in the acute stage. Price - 150 UAH. (330 rubles)

Analogues are presented quite extensively, to choose a medicine, you need to consult with doctors.

Broad spectrum of action. The purpose of the lesion is urinary and genital tract infections. The tool has many positive feedback. A significant disadvantage of the tool is its price. She's from the "biters" squad. Therefore, the article will talk about Monural, analogues that correspond to the effectiveness of the drug, as well as about prices and reviews.

The second part of the article will be devoted to the drug "Nolicin". It is often mistakenly considered an analogue of "Monural". Why is it wrong? You will learn about this below.

Briefly about the drug

"Monural" is an antimicrobial drug (or, more simply, an antibiotic) with a wide spectrum of action. The main active ingredient - fosfomycin - affects most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (enterococci and streptococci, staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella and Proteus).

It kills these microorganisms and has distinguishing feature that enhances its efficiency. With a single dose of "Monural" (analogues of the drug below) in high concentration remains in the body for up to two days, which is enough for sterilization and purification of urine, and leads to recovery.


This antibiotic not only effectively fights pathogens, but also reduces their irritating effect on the epithelial tissues lining the organs of the genitourinary system, which almost immediately after administration reduces discomfort and pain.

"Monural" (analogues of the drug in the majority too) is available in the form of granules, in bags. Usually, one sachet per course of treatment is sufficient.

The active substance is rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and excreted by the kidneys almost unchanged.

Usually, adults and children over 12 years old are prescribed the drug once - a sachet per day. The granules are dissolved in a third of water in a glass and drunk on an empty stomach, preferably after emptying the bladder.


  • acute bacterial cystitis;
  • chronic bacterial forms of cystitis with frequent relapses;
  • asymptomatic bacterial infections in pregnant women, when the potential benefit of the drug outweighs the risk to the fetus;
  • bacterial infections urinary tract in the postoperative period.

"Monural" (analogues, the price will be presented below), has successfully proven itself in this insidious disease can begin quite suddenly and not only cause discomfort and pain, but also disrupt all the patient's plans. In this case, the remedy very quickly stops the symptoms, relieves pain.

Contraindications and side effects

"Monural" (analogues, reviews of the drug below) has not so many side effects. Contraindications to the use of the drug are also minimal.

Individual intolerance to fosfomycin, allergic reactions to the substance are a categorical contraindication to taking.

"Monural" is contraindicated in children under five years of age, since tests for this age have not yet been conducted.

Among the side effects, the most common are an increased reaction on the part of the skin (rash and itching are possible), and on the part of the gastrointestinal tract - nausea and heartburn.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews about "Monural" in most cases are positive. Patients are satisfied with the effect of the drug. Basically, the remedy is an "ambulance" in the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis. Its big plus is also the release form and a single application for one course.

The tool has a rather mild effect on the body, without disturbing natural processes, and leads to dysbacteriosis only in rare cases.

"Monural": analogues

An analogue is a means with a similar active substance and, accordingly, an international code. At the same time, pharmaceutical preparations can differ significantly in the amount of the main component, dosage, and form of release. Be sure to take this into account when purchasing an analogue of the funds issued to you at your own peril and risk. Sometimes the price of an analogue does not at all justify the inconvenient form or the worst stage of cleaning the product. At the same time, there are many analogues and generics of well-known drugs that are in no way inferior to the original in their quality.

"Monural" analogues in Ukraine has the following:

  • Fosmural. A tool with a similar composition. Produced in India. action and content therapeutic doses in the body corresponds to the original drug. Price - about 153 UAH. (505 rubles).
  • Phosphoral. The drug is also available in granules. Price - 250 UAH. (830 rubles). To maintain the therapeutic effect and cure, the remedy also lingers in the right amount in the body for up to two days, ridding the body of pathogenic bacteria.

"Nolicin": about the drug

The opinion that "Nolitsin" is more cheap analogue"Monural", erroneously. The tool has more wide range impact.

The antibacterial drug with the active ingredient norfloxacin is intended for the treatment of urinary tract infections, genital infections, infections caused by gonococcus, bacterial invasions of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea of ​​​​bacterial origin.

It acts on pathogenic microflora by inhibiting protein synthesis, which in turn leads to the death of microorganisms.

Produced in the form of tablets.

Indications for use:

  • Acute uncomplicated cystitis.
  • Chronic bacterial cystitis.
  • Chronic urinary tract infections with frequent relapses.
  • Acute uncomplicated gonococcal infection.
  • Prevention of sepsis in patients with agranulocytosis (a pathological decrease in leukocytes in the blood, which leads to increased vulnerability to bacteria and, accordingly, infections).

Contraindications and side effects of Nolicin

Contraindications to taking Nolicin are pregnancy and breast-feeding, childhood up to 18 years, individual sensitivity and intolerance to the main active substance or constituent components.

Among the side effects of the drug, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, anorexia, stool disturbance are possible. The liver, in turn, may respond to the drug by increasing the activity of enzymes.

From the side nervous system possible sleep disturbance, depression, irritability and hallucinations. There is also the possibility of a significant reduction blood pressure Therefore, the drug is not recommended for hypotensive patients.

"Nolitsin" or "Monural"?

Sometimes a wide selection of pharmaceuticals causes confusion for the average consumer. If you are making a choice in favor of one of these drugs, then it is worth considering several factors.

  1. Nolicin has more side effects than Monural. It has a more aggressive effect on the microflora.
  2. "Nolicin" is contraindicated in hypotensive patients.
  3. "Monural" has a narrower range of effects.

In what cases should Monural be preferred? In the treatment of cystitis, the drug has proven itself well, it gently affects the body and is highly effective.

The effect of "Nolicin" in the treatment of this disease is also proven, but with the ratio of positive and side effects, the use of "Monural" is more appropriate.

If we are talking about more serious infections, such as gonococcal or gastrointestinal tract, then, despite side effects, it is worth giving preference to "Nolitsin", as it is more effective in this case.