Why dream of a serious cancer disease? Tumor: why dream

in a dream, the brain is interpreted as wealth, protected from any harm. Whoever sees what the brain is eating, he is a person who feeds from his honestly earned property. And whoever sees that he is eating someone else's brain, he will eat the property of the one whose brain he ate. Whoever sees in a dream that he has a large brain, he is a smart and wise person. And whoever sees that he has small brains or no brain at all, he is ignorant and miserly. It is also believed that there are brains prepared for sudden death.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Brain

The brain to see in a dream - for profit. For a patient, such a dream portends recovery.

There are other people's brains in a dream - a sign that you will receive the wealth and position of another person, to whom they got what they deserved. There are brains in a dream - a sign that a wonderful and smart idea will dawn on you, which you can bring to life. Find in a dream the brains of a large cattle- a sign of honors and wealth that await you in the future.

Interpretation of dreams from

Severe illnesses, including cancer, appear to a person in a dream as a warning that he should take a different look at. Whatever the dream of cancer, do not be afraid and take your vision as prophetic dream- it is best to listen to yourself and understand what message the subconscious mind is trying to convey to a person.

Prophecies from the best sources

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    A cancerous disease in oneself in a dream is a sign that the dreamer needs to sort out his life, otherwise his life plans and dreams will be in jeopardy. Seeing yourself for examination speaks of panic fear get sick.

    Explanatory dream book

    To be sick with cancer in a dream means that in reality, a person will get a well-paid job that will be difficult for him to complete. He will suffer and look for a way out of a difficult situation.

    Dream Interpretation Smurova

    If you dreamed of this disease, you will have problems at work, barriers to career growth. The dreamer will be very worried about this and may need sedatives.

    Get rid of cancer in a dream portends success on the love front or promotion at work. Finding out in a dream that you have cancer is the fulfillment of one cherished desire.

    Esoteric dream book

    If in a dream a person was diagnosed with oncology, then in reality, he is very closed and suspicious, often fixates on the bad and does not believe in a brighter future. To have cancer in a dream means to stay healthy long time. For sick people, such a dream is a harbinger of recovery.

    Blood cancer in a dream speaks of a strong emotional imbalance of the dreamer, his tendency to depression and the perception of all problems to heart.

    sick relatives

    Disease close relative indicates the dreamer's fear of losing the favor of his friend or relative. Mom's cancer indicates the dreamer's desire to start his own family. A dream for a young girl predicts an early marriage.

    Father's cancer indicates the dreamer's precarious financial situation. Seeing a husband with cancer portends prosperity and enrichment at the expense of another person. Cancer in his wife predicts the flowering of any event.

    Seeing cancer in a child in a dream indicates the dreamer's longing for the old days, where he was happy and did not know worries. For parents, a dream speaks of the fear of losing a child, and for young girls, a dream means a fear of having children and having sexual intercourse with their lover.

    Seeing cancer in a brother or sister means that the dreamer changed his personal life on the and financial independence and now regrets it.

A pleasant surprise may await you if you saw yourself in a dream trying on or trying on a luxurious, obviously expensive necklace.

For women, such a dream promises to receive a gift from a fan, whose feelings she might not even know about, so she is provided with a double surprise.

For a man, a dream means the return of a long-standing and almost forgotten debt from a friend.

If the necklace crumbled in your dream, this is an unfavorable omen, because after such a dream the person in whom you had unlimited trust will manifest himself as a traitor.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

What does sleep Tumor mean

Seeing a dream in which your cheek is swollen from a sick tooth is a sign that you need not worry about trifles, while the main thing escapes your attention. To see a swelling from a bruise in yourself - you fall into a panic and into a painful state, mainly due to your hypertrophied suspiciousness, while you should pull yourself together and take a sober look at the real circumstances of life.

If in a dream you find out that you have cancer tumor, but benign and cured for you - this is a sign of success in everything and prosperity. If you have a benign tumor, in front of which modern medicine powerless - this portends a quarrel with a loved one and depression, however, temporary cooling in love feelings will lead to the fact that they will soon flare up with renewed vigor and passion.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

See a tumor in a dream

To notice a tumor on your body - to get the opportunity to enrich yourself, increase property, expand business ties.

If the tumor worries you, this wonderful future will require serious work and even some betrayal of your principles.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Tumor

Dream Interpretation Tumor - You saw how some part of your body was swollen, which means you really want to return to something dear to you. It takes very little from you to get back what you've lost. If we are talking about restoring relations with an old acquaintance, that person simply does not dare to take the first step towards you, expecting this from you. Feeling that the swollen part of the body hurts - you want to “hide” from some important problem for you, but memory brings you back to this difficulty every time, and you worry again.

There is only one way out of this situation - to find out everything to the end, analyze everything related to the problem, and sort out all its details, as they say, on the shelves. Well, if you try to hide from the difficult next time, they still won’t go anywhere and may arise at a time when you don’t expect anything bad. Seeing a malignant tumor in a dream is a change in mood. Maybe something was bothering you? So everything will change very soon. better side, everything will be in order, and you will not have a reason to be sad.

To see how a tumor grows due to a bruise - a dream predicts to the dreamer that behind his back some ill-wisher is spreading gossip about him. But the most dangerous thing is that everyone believes the fabrication of a liar, so you need to stop these insinuations as soon as possible, otherwise the rumors will reach the one whose opinion is very important to you. In addition, this person has an influence on your life, and if you fall in his eyes, you can lose a lot, and you will have to pay for your non-existent sins.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Tumor from your dream

Tumor, growth - Enrichment. A tumor - if it appears on the body - this is for profit or wealth. Money. Pluto. Tumor - Finding a tumor in yourself means you need to pay attention to your health. Tumor - Quarrel, fight; at home - profit, increase in wealth. Tumor - In general, portends profit and the multiplication of wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Arnold Mindell

The Dream Maker's Apprentice: Interpreting the Tumor in a Dream

I dreamed of a Tumor - you seemed to have found some kind of tumor in yourself - your children will give you trouble; your last name will be declined this way and that. It's like you've been diagnosed malignant tumor- in front of you they will try to denigrate one of your friends or acquaintances of respected people; your insight and life experience will not let you be deceived. It was as if you were told that a tumor was found in someone close to you - some kind of surprise will affect the course of your affairs.