Reasons for constant bad mood. A bad mood for no reason is dangerous

Bad mood can happen to almost every person. Some people are susceptible to it more often, others less often, and it depends on the character and psychological type personality. In this state, everything irritates us, communication with colleagues and friends does not bring pleasure and, in general, life appears in “black” colors. Fortunately, there are several techniques that can help you overcome a bad mood.

Causes of bad mood

Any psychological condition has its reasons. Perhaps a bad mood is caused by problems at work or in the family, an unpleasant conversation or meeting. Therefore, the first thing to do is to think about the reasons that could have contributed to its appearance. If there is a specific reason, then try to solve it, and do not constantly bother your thoughts with it.

Taking action to correct the problem itself can lift your mood from bad to good. If it cannot be solved right away or it may take some time, then try to switch - take a walk in the park in nature, go to the cinema or cafe, or have sex , in the end. There are many ways to distract yourself from a problem. You should always remember that a bad mood is a consequence of our perception of the world, and it practically does not depend on external circumstances.

Sometimes it happens that such a state overwhelms us just like that - for no apparent reason. Then you need to apply the following methods, which work well in most cases. And this must be done as quickly as possible in order to prevent a bad mood from developing into, since this is already a more serious problem.

There can hardly be anything worse than depression. Depressed mood, decline vitality, hopeless pessimism, lack of desire to do anything and show at least some interest in existence... This and much more accompanies this mental disorder. When a person is immersed in something like this state of mind, he becomes helpless, indifferent and “empty”. Some people manage to cope with this alone, while others do not. But in any case, you need to know how to overcome depression and depression.

First stage

When depression first begins, a person refuses to recognize this fact. He believes that he is simply not in the mood, due to fatigue at work or school, or weather changes. At the first stage initial symptoms are accompanied by pronounced apathy, increased fatigue and lack of desire to do anything. Lack of appetite, problems falling asleep, as well as irritability and nervousness are often observed. Despite fatigue, a person cannot fall asleep, even if he takes sleeping pills.

In addition, there is a deterioration in concentration, decreased performance, and loss of interest in previous hobbies and interests. A mountain of tasks that previously managed to be resolved long before the deadline begins to accumulate. It becomes increasingly difficult to finish what you start. And this is not just a depressed mood and a lethargic state. This is how it manifests itself initial stage depression, which subsequently develops more and more intensely.

Deterioration of condition

If a person has ignored how his mood and overall routine changes, a restructuring of the body begins. The production of serotonin, which is commonly called the hormone of happiness, stops. He does not eat at all, or consumes some minimum in order to “clog” his stomach. Immunity is reduced and chronic diseases are getting worse. The body fights “with itself,” but it fails.

Prolonged insomnia sets in. A person ceases to think adequately and logically; he does not control his behavior and emotions. It’s as if he finds himself in another world, where everything is indifferent to him. To outsiders, it seems strange, and as if divorced from the real world. In especially severe cases, his condition is accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. It is at this stage, conventionally designated the second, that more than 80% of attempts to commit suicide occur. In the best cases, such people simply “close themselves” in themselves, locking themselves away where no one will touch them, and immerse themselves in philosophizing.

Losing the meaning of life

This is the last stage of depression. A person not only has no mood - he lacks the desire to live. His body still retains vitality important functions, but already works in offline mode. But pathological processes begin to occur in the mental sphere.

IN best case scenario the person will remain indifferent and detached from the world. And in the worst case, animal aggression will awaken in him. Such people are capable of harming themselves and others. Because they stop perceiving this world as something valuable, and stop identifying themselves with a Man, with a Personality. Consequences also include memory loss, schizophrenia, and depressive psychosis. This is what a long-term depressed mood transforms into. That’s why it’s so important to catch yourself at the first stage, and either seek help or get on your feet on your own.

Why does the blues occur?

Depression, depression and despondency always have prerequisites. Sometimes they are even combined into a complex. The cause may be a lack of vitamin D and sun exposure.

Even according to statistics, depression develops most often in the fall, when daylight hours are reduced. There is less sun, but it is precisely this that stimulates the production of vital energy in the body. essential vitamin D.

Health problems also often affect a person’s psychosomatic state. Depressed mood is observed during pregnancy, menopause, problems with thyroid gland etc.

Often the prerequisite is overwork or exhaustion of the body. Full time job, a busy schedule, eternal preoccupation with problems - it is logical that the body begins to mope. But such cases are treated extremely simply. You just need to take a vacation and let yourself relax.

And the last one popular reason lies in the lack physical activity. If it is not there, then endorphin stops being produced. But it is precisely this hormone that is the hormone of joy. By adding a run or a couple of hours in the gym to your regimen for a week, you can notice how much your condition improves. Both physical and psychosomatic.

What to do?

First of all, don’t give up and don’t give up. If this is the first stage, then everything can really be fixed. The main thing is to act immediately.

If a person begins to notice a bad mood in the morning, which only gets worse during the day, it is necessary to bring more movement into your life. Physical work brings satisfaction. Even cleaning the house will help organize your feelings and thoughts. But lying on the sofa only worsens the condition.

You also need to start constantly pleasing yourself with your favorite things. It can be anything - shopping, get-togethers with friends, ordering a whole mountain tasty food home, going on vacation, dancing, drawing, swinging. You just need to forget about all your worries, your age and responsibilities, and do what you want.

Relaxation is also important. A foamy hot bath, aromatherapy, soothing music, and then delicious coffee and reading an interesting book, sitting in a soft chair under a blanket - sounds like an introvert's paradise. If a person is overtaken by the blues, then silence and such utopian comfort will help him rest and relax a little.

Finding a way out

Of course, there are people who will not leave the blues, depression and despondency only after signing up for the gym and a couple of days off. In more severe cases, you need to act more radically.

A change of environment can help. When a person is depressed, the same ceiling and walls that appear before one’s eyes in the morning, day after day, are incredibly depressing. You need to get away, and preferably closer to nature. She heals. The sounds of falling water, a babbling stream, birdsong, rustling leaves, rustling grass - this has a therapeutic effect and helps reduce the level of stress hormones, as well as normalize blood pressure. This atmosphere is healing. A person who is under arrest in a noisy concrete jungle simply needs it.

In addition, one cannot fail to mention the qualitative difference between fresh natural air and the stale air that reigns indoors. Whatever one may say, in most cities it is spoiled by gases and harmful emissions. And even airing won't help. It's either forest or sea air.

And, of course, bioenergy. The city “presses” on all people and devastates them. What is it like to be in the center of the bustle for a depressed person who is overcome by depression? You can feel pure bioenergy only by coming into contact with nature. Watch the sunset, lie on the grass, walk barefoot on the sand, swim in a crystal clear pond... they say you can get rid of static electricity. Be that as it may, in the bosom of nature a person quite quickly emerges from a state of despondency and begins to feel the taste of life again.

Specialist help

Sometimes it is necessary. A constantly bad mood due to all of the above is one thing. But in reality, much more serious cases are known. Those in which you really can’t do without antidepressants, therapy and conversations with a doctor.

This refers to a psychological disorder provoked by something that destroyed a person’s life in an instant. It could be anything. Death loved one. Loss of all accumulated wealth. Betrayal or betrayal. The destruction of all plans, hopes and dreams without exception. Sudden changes. At such moments, you can really understand a person who loses the desire to exist in this world. Because the very purpose of his life, the reason for which he woke up in the morning, leaves his life. A man loses himself. And this is something that even an enemy would not want to wish upon.


It starts with psychotherapy. To which a person suffering from depression and a chronically depressed state comes with difficulty. People are against various reasons. Most often, because they consider going to a psychotherapist to be “on the edge,” or they don’t want to be considered crazy, or they “dig” into their head. In such cases, the support of loved ones and motivation on their part is very important. It is extremely rare for people to go to a psychotherapist themselves. Most often, their relatives convince them, and in especially difficult cases, they even organize sessions by force.

Psychotherapy involves a therapeutic effect through the psyche on the human body. The doctor helps the patient get rid of social, individual and emotional problems, first establishing a deep relationship with him personal contact through conversation. Often accompanied by cognitive, behavioral and other techniques.

Medication assistance

Medicines are also prescribed. Depressed mood, the causes of which are also determined by a doctor, is treated with antidepressants.

These are psychotropic medicines, which normalize the level of neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin). After taking them, a person’s mood and appetite improve, melancholy, anxiety, insomnia and apathy disappear, and mental activity increases. And he is on the mend.

Release of emotions

A person who is constantly in a bad mood rarely wants to communicate with anyone. More often he is overcome by the desire to close himself off from the outside world and worry. The main thing is that no one gets into your soul. Many people feel that they cannot be understood. Someone is afraid of selfishness - to open their soul, and in return receive spit.

Well, this often actually happens. But the release of emotions is necessary. The methods by which this can be accomplished are extremely simple. Someone is trying to find sympathy on the Internet, under the guise of an anonymous person. Others take a notebook and begin to pour out their experiences on the sheets. And this makes it easier. This is better than texting with someone. There is no need to formulate words - it is enough to express what reigns in your head and soul. Often, in the process of keeping such a unique diary, good, correct thoughts come. Sometimes you manage to find out the exact reason for your problem or an idea is born on its own about how to deal with it.

Set goals and go towards them

Here's how you can “drive away” a depressed mood. What should a person do if depression has completely consumed him? You need to push off from the bottom. No matter how difficult it may be. All psychologists advise this method. You need to set some goal for yourself. It may be insignificant. A person locked at home, for example, needs to force himself to go outside for at least 15 minutes every day. It's real. When choosing a goal, you need to focus on your own resources. After its implementation, you definitely need to reward yourself, at least with praise for a new achievement.

It is also recommended to find fellow sufferers - those who also suffer from depression. If relatives and friends do not understand a person, then such people will definitely be able to find support. After all, they know what he is experiencing. Meeting “kindred spirits” will help reduce the feeling of isolation, find understanding and even advice.

Finding Joy

Finally, I would like to highlight one more effective recommendation. Many experts advise people suffering from depression to find new meaning life. Something you want to wake up for. The best option- get a pet.

Even medicine confirms the importance of animals in restoring a person’s well-being and emotional state. There are official statistics confirming that people who have a pet are 30% less likely to apply for medical care. Animals are excellent companions, bringing joy.

In addition, by starting to take care of a pretty living creature, a person will increase the energy of compassion and feel spiritual warmth. After all, there is so much unconditional love in animals that it simply cannot help but be transmitted.

From time to time, all of us feel less than ourselves. in the best possible way: there is emptiness in the soul, sadness and sadness in the eyes, and hands give up, and everyday activities fill with melancholy. We justify such a state as a bad mood, although such a definition is fundamentally incorrect.

The mood, like the weather, is never bad. It can be sad, sorrowful, melancholy, ashamed, sad, depressed, etc. In such a situation, it is important to understand the reasons for this feeling and know what to do if you are not in the mood and how to get it back.

Who is guilty?

When we are “covered” by a bad mood, we give up, and we don’t want to do anything; it is important to understand the reasons that led to such a state. The catch is that the cause of a bad mood lies in the person himself, and not in the outside world.

You need to work with yourself and overcome your dependence on external reasons and problems so that they do not cause a bad mood. By the way, a similar situation occurs with stress. Stressful situations, as such, do not exist, but our attitude to the situation does exist.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the fact that the same stress factor (for example, an argument with a boss) causes stress for some people, but goes unnoticed for others.

First aid

A bad mood, or rather its absence, greatly affects the quality of life, relationships with colleagues and family, and work productivity. All the time you want to cry and feel sorry for yourself, the world ceases to look colorful and cheerful, and what made you happy yesterday only causes apathy today.

There is nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy this feeling, let out all your negative emotions. The most important thing is not to get carried away.

You can cry about your failed job/life/love/study for the first day, but on the second day you need to pull yourself together and start acting. In the end, you yourself will remember that you need to take care of your life, but you will miss the precious time for this.

The second stage of the fight against loss of energy and strength is to put off those things that NEED to be done. No matter how important they are, don’t deal with them, move them to tomorrow or the day after tomorrow (You yourself will be surprised how many extremely important things actually turn out to be insignificant and do not require your participation). Keep yourself busy only with the things you WANT to do (lie in the bath, walk in the park, eat ice cream, etc.).

The third stage is the most difficult. When you have relieved yourself of the burden of urgent problems and have thoroughly enjoyed self-compassion, begin introspection: why is there no mood, and what happened in your life before it disappeared?

In this case, the main thing is not to confuse cause with effect. A son who doesn’t want to do his homework, a broken plate or unwashed dishes are not the cause of a bad mood. This is just a consequence. That is why everything is annoying, every little thing that would not have even been noticed before.

So what's the reason?

The cause of a bad mood is usually cumulative. This is the same thing that does not bother you at first, but there comes a time when the cup overflows and its contents spill out.

  1. Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep;
  2. Hormonal disbalance;
  3. Dissatisfaction with work, relationships;
  4. Inflated demands on oneself;
  5. Innate pessimism;
  6. Desire to control everything, etc.;

Finding a way out

If you've decided not to give in to your bad mood and are willing to work to get yourself out of it, try one of these methods:

  • Listen to your desires and pamper yourself, allow what was previously prohibited (a piece of chocolate at night, an expensive blouse, a new manicure, etc.;
  • Go to the gym. This activity only at first seems dubious and ineffective. However, immediately after training, the body releases special hormones that are responsible for good mood;
  • Get creative - embroider, draw, knit, sew. Any type of needlework brings a feeling of harmony and self-satisfaction;
  • Smile. Let it be through force, but it has been proven that many processes in the body take place in a two-way manner. In other words, when we are in a good mood, we smile, and when we smile, our mood becomes good. Phrases to lift your spirits, watching comedies, reading jokes - all methods are good.

  • Do a good deed: buy your grandmother a carton of milk and bread at the crossing, feed a hungry kitten, give some small change to a friend. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a small or big good deed, the very fact of such an act can restore the mood;
  • Listen to music, just choose not dreary, sad compositions, but those to which you can dance and sing;

Bad mood or depression?

It is important to draw a clear line between these two conditions. Not wanting to live, apathy, fatigue, insomnia, irritation are sure indicators of depression. A bad mood is characterized by its transient state - it can last for several days. If a bad mood drags on for weeks, months, years, this is depression.

The treatment of depression needs to be approached comprehensively. IN in this case, just walks in the park and a pack of ice cream will not bring you out of this state. You should contact a psychologist or psychoanalyst who will help you find out the causes of this condition.

You need to be very careful when taking antidepressants, since the pills do not treat the cause of depression, but only remove its symptoms, and stopping them can provoke a return of the depressive state.

Separately, it should be mentioned that often a feeling of apathy and loss of interest in life overtakes us New Year or on your birthday. This may be due to age-related crises and reevaluation of one’s life, when the achieved results are questioned.

If this condition does not go away within a month, it is also better to contact a specialist (psychologist) who will help you understand yourself.

Video on the topic: what to do if you’re not in the mood

If you’re not in the mood at all, what should you do? Every person who is in a gloomy mood is forced to ask himself this question. The reasons for this condition may be different, but you should not put up with it. It is easy to regain the lost ability to enjoy life by using the following recommendations from psychologists.

No mood, what to do? Sports will help

Research shows that nothing can put a person in a great mood as quickly as physical activity. If you are not in the mood, what should you do? Theoretically, you can go to the nearest gym or pool. However, it is even more beneficial in terms of improving mood to exercise outdoors.

Jogging, cycling or roller skating, walking at a fast pace - all these activities help to cheer up within a few minutes. If you have no desire to play sports at all, you can limit yourself to five minutes of stretching or persuade yourself to do a few bends and squats.

Regular exercise is recommended for people who constantly have What to do to forget about this problem forever? It is enough to devote just a few minutes a day to exercise. Sloths may prefer meditation, which requires no effort at all.

Happy Products

No mood, what to do? It is not always possible for a person immersed in gloomy thoughts to force himself to exercise. In this case, products that stimulate the production of endorphins will come to his aid. For example, you can forget about the diet for a while and allow yourself to eat a bar of chocolate, giving preference to dark varieties.

What other foods will help someone who is in a bad mood? Bananas are famous for their ability to combat bad mood. This fruit is loaded with amino acids that stimulate the production of serotonin. It is not surprising that bananas are used in the manufacture of drugs for insomnia and depression. It is also worth drinking a cup of green tea, which contains substances that eliminate anxiety and improve tone.

Musical pause

If you are not in the mood, what should you do? The right music is an effective tool in the fight against depression. Every person has pleasant memories that are associated with certain compositions. Psychologists also consider classics to be ideal music for people immersed in dark thoughts. For example, you can listen to Beethoven's "Overture", Mozart's "Rondo" or Edvard Grieg's "Morning Mood".

It’s great if a person fights a bad mood by not only listening to music, but also dancing to it. Dance steps performed to energetic compositions will help you quickly get rid of melancholy. In case of depression, a taboo is placed on sad melodies - only happy music.


If you are in a very bad mood, what should you do? It is great if a person has the opportunity to discuss his troubles with a psychologist. A specialist will help not only restore the ability to enjoy life, but also solve the problem that led to a deterioration in mood. If you cannot get professional advice, you can always turn to close friends for support.

By the way, it is not at all necessary when communicating with bosom friends to talk about problems that led to a deterioration in mood. It is much more useful to go with friends to a party, picnic or fishing, visit a nightclub, bar or restaurant. An atmosphere of fun effectively helps to make sad thoughts disappear.

When you are depressed, you need to choose your company carefully. During this difficult period, it is advisable to refrain from communicating with incorrigible pessimists who are accustomed to looking at the world through dark glasses and noticing only the bad in everything. It is much easier to get rid of a negative mood when surrounded by cheerful and confident people who are able to give others a positive charge.


If you find yourself in a low mood, what should you do? Interestingly, in some cases, hard work helps to forget. Professional achievements, even seemingly insignificant at first glance, effectively help you forget about depression. Having immersed himself in work, a person will indulge less in sad thoughts, since there is simply no time left for this. Of course, this method should be used only if the source of negativity is not problems associated with professional activity.

Work that distracts from worries can also be physical in nature. Why not take on a general cleaning of the apartment, which has been postponed indefinitely for many months? In some cases, it is enough to rearrange the furniture in one room in order to cheer up.

Self improvement

What to do if you ruin your mood? In this case, psychologists recommend switching to an activity that is completely unrelated to the source of the problem. Every person has a cherished dream, the realization of which is constantly lacking time or energy. It is possible that the time has come to fulfill your goal and engage in self-development.

For example, people who have long dreamed of learning foreign language, can enroll in courses or find a teacher. Maybe it's worth taking a few singing or drawing lessons. Main criterion choosing a new hobby - it should bring pleasure and distract from the problems that make life joyless.

Also, trainings and seminars, the main goal of which is to develop positive thinking, will help you use your time and leave a negative attitude behind.

A change of scenery

If you're not in the mood, do it. It’s great if a depressed person has the opportunity to take a vacation and forget about work for a while. Traveling to another country, getting to know a new culture, visiting local attractions - there is simply no time and energy left for gloomy thoughts. It is advisable to choose an unfamiliar place for relaxation, this guarantees an abundance of fresh impressions.

It is not always possible to go on a trip abroad. In this case, you can give preference to traveling to neighboring cities. Interesting places available in almost any locality, why not visit them? Even changing your environment for just a few days can have a positive effect on your mood. You can visit relatives or friends or stay in a hotel and feel like a tourist.


Often, people who are depressed manage to cope with this problem by embarking on adventures that involve some risk. Entertainment should be chosen based on your own preferences. For some people, a parachute jump or paragliding will help them experience strong emotions. Others will prefer to go kayaking. Still others will opt for caving or rock climbing.

In some cases, you can get a boost of energy simply by riding “dangerous” rides. Lazy people can be advised to turn on a really scary horror film or watch it in a cinema.

Normalization of lifestyle

What should a person do if he notices what to do in this case? If there are no visible reasons, it’s worth taking a closer look at your lifestyle. It is likely that the root of the problem is a simple lack of sleep. People who deny themselves the right to eight hours of rest for a long time often face emotional instability.

It is also worth visiting more often fresh air, giving up the car and public transport in favor of walking. They have a positive effect on blood pressure, blood circulation, and affect the emotional state.

The menu should be as rich as possible in fruits and vegetables, as well as fermented milk products. It is advisable to give up fast food at least for a while. Aromatherapy helps with emotional instability. Best Reviews receive oils of jasmine, chamomile and rose.

Mild sedatives

If you are not in the mood, what should you do? No matter how strong the desire to self-medicate and start taking sedatives, you cannot do this without the appointment of a specialist. However, it is not prohibited to use medicinal herbs, if for components medicinal compositions no allergies. Decoctions of lavender and chamomile, of course, will not provide quick results, but will not harm.

Black and white life as a zebra doesn't seem like the worst option when it hits you gray stripe. The mood is neither bad nor good - it simply doesn’t exist. Things are neither bad nor good - but simply not at all...

Figure out why you are not in the mood and begin to eradicate the reason

Some will call it, someone will attribute it to autumn, someone will say that this is a turning point in life. In any case, you are not in the mood and you need to do something yours to move from the gray to the rainbow side of life again.

No way will help you, unless you eliminate the cause.

After all, if you are “covered” with clouds, like the sky from which the sun has disappeared after summer, then good emotions and time will help you. But if you are overtaken by a “crossing” in life, then you will need more serious therapy in the form of new knowledge, books on development, films and self-analysis.

If you are “stuck” and don’t know where to move next from this state, chat with friends, or better yet wonder figure out what you should do and just look around. Look for signs, and maybe even “unexpectedly” you will see some invitations to seminars or meetings of interests that will give you an answer or simply pull you out of your dullness.

Get out into nature

Only required choose a picturesque place, preferably in sunlight. By influencing your depressed brain, truly beautiful living pictures will help you feel the zest for life again. At such moments usually comes with inspiration to change something, strength comes for this. But so that this state does not leave you by dinner, fix it. At such moments, you don’t even need to think about what to do if you’re not in the mood. Nature will do everything for you.

Sit down with a notepad and pen and write down, what you wanted on this walk, what you developed a taste for, what you gained strength for.

At home, you can analyze this and make some real promises to yourself. The bar, of course, will decrease, and some of your strength will leave you - after all, the house is not so picturesque - but something will still remain.

Give yourself real promises that you can actually accomplish. Get up earlier, smile more often, do not communicate with some person, react more calmly to non-work mistakes, etc. You can keep records, for example, record every day whether you succeeded or not. You can download special applications on the Internet that allow you to track your success.

This is very inspiring!

Do something

Think about whether you have too much free time?

They say that busy people simply don’t have time to mope. They are never “in the mood”; they always know what to do; they have no time. If something bad visits them, it is this burnout, depression- when everything is bad, but the blues are not. Find something to do, fill your time to the maximum, but not with work, but better with useful household chores, if possible.

It’s hard to force yourself to get up in such a mood, but you start with something as pleasant as possible: go through the closets with clothes, finally throw out what you’ve been wanting for a long time, replant the flowers.

Then move on to cleaning and washing windows. You might even want to decorate or change something in your home. The secret of this method is that order and especially cleanliness always have a magical effect on a woman.

Plus, it has been proven that physical activity increases the level of the joy hormone. Digging in the beds can be added to household chores. Or sex. And it’s better to do everything one by one, then you definitely won’t have time to mope!

Throw away the excess

A gray streak in life always means a transition, even if you are just sad about the unexpectedly gone summer. But, as you know, something new will not come if its place is taken by old, outdated things that have not yet been released into free floating.

If you have already cleaned your apartment and thrown out unnecessary dresses, boxes and cracked plates, but you are still not in the mood, then you know what to do - it’s time get rid of uninteresting activities and unnecessary people.

What doesn’t bring you any joy, but only takes away your strength day by day? What relationships are destroying you? Why do you keep all this in your life? Make room and finally breathe freely.

Plan something

Why is the situation “no way” bad? Because it has no time limits, it does not promise any certainty, it does not even promise that everything will become bad. No certainty! And how can a woman be happy in such a situation?

When you move a little away from the “grayness” after cleaning the house, walking or close communication with a man (or better, as always, all together), then write at least some kind of life plan for myself. Not for long, at least until summer, New Year, birthday, etc.

Write simple wishes like “I will celebrate this holiday in such and such a way”, “I will sign up for dancing”, “I will change my image”, “I will find new job" Such a motivating connection to the future will finally tear you away from the insipid present and force you to get up and do something. And the “no mood” syndrome will not visit you, because simply there will be no time for sadness.

Be sad

And you heard right. Sometimes you really want to feel sad, especially when everything is fine. Invent yourself a reason to suffer, to cry a little.

After all, no one taught us to be unconditionally happy; we always need to fight to get the happiness we deserve in the end. That's why we so often look for drama or create it ourselves.

But if everything is fine with you, be sad. What could be more pleasant than allowing yourself to be in such a melancholy mood when there is someone nearby who will pat you on the head, calm you down, warm you up and kiss you tenderly?

What to do if you are not in the mood? What to do if you are overtaken gray streak in life? It's simple - add other colors to gray: coral, orange, blue. Then your bland mood will become stylish and bright, and if you suddenly want to be sad... eat a lemon!

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