How do I die by date of birth. How to find out the date of death of a deceased person by last name. By date of birth

Many people are worried about how much time they still have to live. Of course, no science is able to give an exact answer to this question. That's why people have all sorts of superstitions - from cuckoos to oracles.

The most mysterious and incomprehensible of the sciences, the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, has advanced furthest in resolving the issue of predicting the date of death. And it was not at all for the sake of idle curiosity that the best mathematical minds worked, but in order to earn money on human fears of the vicissitudes of fate.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the palm here belongs to the notorious "British scientists" - after all, the period of intensive development of probability theory just coincided with the insurance boom in England.

In essence, life insurance is a bet that a person makes with an insurance company that he will die within a certain period of time. For making such a bet, the client (insured) pays the insurer (insurance company) a certain amount of money - an insurance premium. If the insured turns out to be right and really dies at the appointed time, then the insurer pays a large sum of money to his family. If he continues to live, then the insurance company receives a profit from the bet in the amount of the insurance premium previously paid by the client.

Of course, in order to make such a bet on death and not go bust, insurance companies had to learn how to estimate the likelihood that a client would die within a certain period of time. The more accurately the insurer predicts the expected date of death, the less unfavorable bets he will make, and the more profit he will receive.

What did mathematicians do in the service of insurance companies? First of all, they began to collect detailed statistics on the mortality of the population. These data have been carefully collected over hundreds of years and thoroughly analyzed. At the same time, precise mathematical methods were also developed, which made it possible to build highly accurate forecasts for the future based on information about past events. Factors capable of radically influencing the duration of human life were identified. New formulas and tables for calculations appeared, which ultimately turned into huge profits for insurance companies.

We are used to the fact that mathematics is publicly available. But not where very big money is involved. Where there is money, there is mystery and concealment, lies and deceit. Insurance companies had no intention of sharing intimate knowledge with anyone and kept it in the strictest confidence. However, someday everything secret becomes clear, and today we publish for you an algorithm for calculating the duration of the remaining life, which for centuries remained available only to the elite.

To find out your estimated date of death, just answer a few simple questions and you'll get an instant answer. Free, no SMS

Most people would like to know their future and the dates of important life events. One of the burning questions is moment of end of life. Someone would like to have this information, someone, on the contrary, is even afraid to think about his own death. Unfortunately or fortunately, the date of the end of life can only be calculated astrologically, and then on the condition that the place and time of birth are known exactly to the minute.

But for those who are especially curious, you can do numerological calculation in two ways. It will give an approximate forecast. Do not be surprised if the numbers turn out different in each case - this once again confirms the fact that life scenario has many options, and their embodiment in reality is determined by the choice of a person.

1. In order to find out the date of death of a person born, for example, November 19, 1955, you need sum the day, month and year of birth and convert the resulting value to a single digit as follows: 1+9+1+1+1+9+5+5=32=3+2=5

2. Replace the letters of your first and last name with numbers(it is worth considering that if in life you call yourself not the name that is written in the passport, for example, not Anastasia, but Stasya, it is worth calculating both options) as follows:

Unit (1) replaces letters: A I C b, Deuce (2)B Y T Y, Troika (3)V K U L, Four (4)G L F E, Five (5)D M X Yu, Six (6)E N C I, Seven (7)Yo O Ch, Eight (8)W P W, Nine (9)Z R W.

Now choose the method that you like more and read the forecast:

1 - You have every chance to become a long-liver. 80 is not the limit for you. A bright and eventful life awaits you, and death will be easy and quick.

2 - You should be afraid of death from an accident at 7, 19, 29, 45 or 67 years. Take care of yourself and live happily ever after.

3 - Health is not your forte, but before the age of 44 you should not worry too much. But at this age (plus or minus a couple of years) there is a risk of getting seriously ill and, so that the disease does not lead to a sad outcome, do not start it and regularly undergo examinations.

4 - Your health can be the envy of all the other "numbers". You have every opportunity to live to a ripe old age in your right mind and lead an active lifestyle.

5 - You have been walking on the edge all your life, but a lucky chance every time helps you avoid death. Years can be critical: 3.15, 24, 48, 62. Do not play with fate - get a chance for a long life.

6 - You are the owner of burdened karma, it is she who will influence the outcome of life. It is worth being especially careful at 13,22,47 and, if you live, 68 years of life.

7 – You run the risk of dying in a catastrophe, rather on the water or in the fire. Try to avoid these elements as much as possible. It is especially worth being careful at 24, 36 and 61 years of age.

8 - The date of your death is partly up to you, because you like to take risks. With a high degree of probability, you will die through your own fault, and this can happen at any age.

9 - You are an adherent of bad habits, you do not care about your own health, so even 50 is good luck for you. A particularly dangerous time is childhood and adolescence, and later 38 and 47 years, since life can end suddenly. Rethink your lifestyle to live longer.

Before you calculate the date of your expected death, think carefully. Esotericists are of the unanimous opinion - it is better not to know what earthly term is measured for you. Because:

  1. Finding out your date of death for any person is a huge stress. Especially if dangerous years are destined in the karmic path, in which there is a risk of dying if nothing is done.
  2. It is rather unpleasant to find out the reason for one's death. Not everyone has this natural death from old age in the circle of loving relatives.
  3. There is also such an opinion: there is no fate, but, having learned the prediction, a person programs himself for certain events. The placebo effect in action - faith, like an engine, makes a numerological prediction come true. This point of view is not devoid of common sense: the power of thought is a very powerful mechanism.

In principle, any independent calculations cannot be considered 100% true. The most accurate forecast is given only by an astrological natal chart, which can be compiled by a professional astrologer.

Refer to numerology if you are sure that a negative prediction will not confuse you.

Calculation of the date of death

Consider an example for a person born on the first of January 1984:

  1. We write out the numbers of the date of birth in a row: 01011984.
  2. Add up all the numbers: 0+1+0+1+1+9+8+4 = 24.
  3. Add up the digits of the resulting number: 2+4=6.

As a result, you should get only one number - look for it in the numerology interpreter to determine the date of death.

Interpretation of numbers

After the calculation, look for your number in the following list:

  1. 1 - you will live at least 80 years. Perhaps you will become a record long-liver. Such success is due to a healthy lifestyle, many positive bright events and an optimistic attitude towards everything.
  2. 2 - most likely, you will die from an accident. When this will happen is unknown. But be careful at ages 8, 20, 30, 46 and 68. This is a "crisis" time, which will be extremely dangerous and unpleasant. In principle, the tragedy can be avoided if you are vigilant about the world around you.
  3. 3 - you will live a long and happy life. But you will die not from old age, but from a serious protracted illness. Be especially attentive to your health on your 45th and 74th birthdays - these are the most critical years for you.
  4. 4 - you have every chance of becoming a long-liver. It is quite possible that you will celebrate the centennial anniversary in the circle of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children. To make this prediction come true, take care of your health and lead an active lifestyle.
  5. 5 - a feeling that death is constantly somewhere near you. You constantly find yourself in situations where you are literally playing with fire. But despite this, your life will end in extreme old age in a natural way.
  6. 6 - your life can be long, but there are also problematic years in which you will be exposed to serious dangers. This age is 14, 25, 48 and 70 years old. Also, for a long life in your case, it is very important to engage in spiritual development and work out.
  7. 7 - you are the minion of fate. At birth, you had a very strong guardian angel, so luck and security accompany everything. Surprisingly, in doing so, you will not die of a natural death, but will suffer from some kind of natural disaster. It could be a fire, a flood, or any other catastrophe.
  8. 8 - you are able to live a long and happy life, but peace and stability tire you. You are constantly looking for vivid impressions, explosive emotions, because of this you choose dangerous entertainment. If you stop taking risks and playing with death, you can live a very long life.
  9. 9 is the most dangerous option. People with this number rarely celebrate their half-century anniversary. They destroy themselves: alcohol, drugs, dangerous work or risky entertainment. Only work on yourself and the rejection of everything harmful will help to extend the time measured by fate.

Important: there is no exact day of death, a person always has a choice. As a result, your actions, actions, daily, every second choice will determine how long your life will be.

Watch a video on how to find out the date of your death:

Working off karmic debts

The soul of each person comes into the world with a specific purpose. This is the fulfillment of one's mission (for example, serving people, inventing a cure for cancer, realizing oneself in a family), and working off karmic debts acquired in previous reincarnations.

What does it mean? For example, if in a past life you caused someone severe pain: abandoned or betrayed, then in the current incarnation someone will do the same to you, but much more painfully.

Therefore, every situation that causes you vivid negative emotions should be taken as a lesson necessary to heal your soul from old sins. And each unpleasant person is like a teacher, whose soul helps yours to heal.

Not every person has karmic debts. Add up the date of birth and see what happens. In our example, this is 28. If the number is not 13, 14, 16, and 19, everything is fine.

What should people do with these numbers:

  • - Learn to get things done. Take responsibility for your life only on yourself, stop blaming others for failures.
  • 14 - eliminate alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and other harmful substances completely from your life. Cultivate moderation and restraint in yourself.
  • 16 - get rid of selfishness. Cultivate humility and modesty, help others.
  • 19 - become a volunteer or help people. You need to learn how to take care of someone other than yourself who needs it.

The number 10 falls out of the general series - this is a sign that all karmic lessons without exception were worked out by you in a past life. It is important to avoid new debts, so try to develop spiritually and live in harmony with your conscience.

People who are fond of palmistry claim that the number of years allotted to a particular person can be found on the line of life on the hand. It is believed that fate is written in the palm of your hand, and marks in the form of veins are signs of the past, present and future. There are several ways, thanks to which you can not only find out how many years of a person’s life are measured, but also under what circumstances his life will end.

There are many lines on the human palm - both large and small. Most of them matter. It is possible to determine exactly how much a person has left to live only on the basis of all the results obtained.

Finding a life trait in the palm of your hand is not difficult, it is one of the most prominent on it:

  • starts between thumb and forefinger
  • ends in front of the wrist;
  • represents an arc.

There is an opinion that the shorter this feature on the hand, the shorter the life of a person will be. Experienced palmists disagree with this statement. They are sure of the opposite: the duration of this feature on the hand does not affect the age at which death will overtake. To determine the number of years allotted to a person, you need to analyze the clarity of the line of life, its color, width and depth.

If the mark is dark in color, clear and long, then the person will live a long time.

In order to find out how many years a person has left to live, you should use the method of determining time. To do this, you need a regular felt-tip pen and a ruler. You can also use a gel pen or any other that writes on the skin.

To determine the duration of the life path using the method of determining time, you need:

  1. 1. Attach a ruler to the middle of the index finger vertically, and then mentally draw an even strip to the line of life.
  2. 2. Put a dot where these two lines touched - the age of 10 years is marked here.
  3. 3. Mark the second point at the intersection of the life line with a line drawn to it from the gap between the index and middle fingers. This mark indicates the age of 20 years.
  4. 4. Measure the length of the segment between 10 and 20 years.
  5. 5. Calculate how many such segments will fit on a given life line. Each of them represents one ten years.

For example, if about 7 such marks fit on this line, a person will live 70 years. When, after the distribution of full 10-year segments along the line, it has not yet ended, you need to figure out how many years it could be: about half of the segment is 5, a third is 3–4 years.

Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with the fact that there are gaps in the palm of your hand or the line is tripled. This is considered a symbol of the fact that a person is protected by a strong guardian angel who will prevent all his misfortunes and troubles.

fate line

Unlike the line of life, not everyone has a trait of fate. In palmistry, this is considered a bad sign. This means that fate is not yet destined, and it is likely that a person will die at a young or childhood age.

The line of fate is straight, weakly expressed, runs vertically across the entire palm - from the fingers to the wrist.

If there is one, then you can find out the approximate life span of a person from it. The point of 18 years is located at the very beginning of the line, 35 - at the intersection of the lines of the mind and fate, and 50 - at the point of contact between the lines of fate and the heart. If it goes beyond the last mark, that is, 50 years, then a person's life will be long, and he will die in old age.

The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

mind line

The line of the mind is clearly visible in the palm of your hand. This is the middle longitudinal line on it. It is located between the lines of the heart and life. Thanks to this label, you can also calculate how many years a person is allotted. To do this, it is necessary to divide the trait of the mind into three approximately identical parts:

  • from 0 to 20 years;
  • from 20 to 40 years;
  • from 40 to 60 years old.

Then you need to use a ruler and a felt-tip pen. From the middle of the little finger, an even and clear line is drawn down. If it intersects with the first segment, a person will die at a young age, if the line intersects with the second, then he will die before the age of 40, with the third he will live to old age.

Information about the date of death of a person is not public. This information is stored in the registry office. But only close relatives and heirs can find out such data, since it is they who receive the death certificate in their hands.

But today we will share one interesting life hack with which absolutely anyone can find out the date of death of a stranger on the Internet online.

What is needed to determine the date of death

For searching need to know full name- last name, first name and patronymic of the person. If you don’t know the patronymic, it will not be possible to find. It is also important not to make mistakes in writing the full name. If there is even a mistake in one letter, the search will not be successful.

Online service for finding dead people

To be honest, this is not a service for finding dead people, but an electronic service of the FNP (Federal Chamber of Notaries), which is called " Register of inheritance cases«.

Its main goal is to make it easier for heirs to find a notary who deals with a specific inheritance case.

Important: if there is no information on the deceased, then the inheritance case was not opened, no one applied for the inheritance.

The search algorithm is very simple:

  1. We go to the Register of Inheritance Cases on the website of the FNP at the link -
  2. Enter your full name. It is in this sequence - Surname, Name and Patronymic.
  3. Click the "Search Case" button.

For example, you can find the number of the inheritance case and the date of death of the director Balabanov Alexei Oktyabrinovich:

There is only one such thing. But this is very easy, since a very rare middle name and an infrequently occurring surname.

But, for example, according to the full name “Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, there were 984 inheritance cases. Therefore, to accurately identify a person, it is even better to know the date of birth of the person you are looking for.