“What is the pin for in a dream? If you see a Pin in a dream, what does it mean? gold pin

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According to popular belief, a pin that is pinned from the inside will protect the owner from the unclean thoughts of other people. But why dream of a pin in a dream? By common interpretation this item portends the danger that lies in wait nearby. However, in order to know your future for sure, you should remember all the details of night vision.

What does the product look like?

According to dream book XXI century, to the question of what the pin is dreaming of, there is such an interpretation: in reality, you will be upset and dissatisfied. If you saw a lot of pins, then wealth and success await you.

A girl who saw a golden pin in a dream should wait in reality for a meeting with a young man, which will be secure and decent.

Why dream of a rusty safety pin? Such a plot suggests that in life you will be forced to take risks in order to achieve your goal. A closed pin often promises success and wealth in life, an unbuttoned one warns of a threat from ill-wishers.

Pin on clothes and body

The pin on the body, according to Miller's dream book, speaks of the excessive arrogance of a certain individual, which in reality managed to seriously ruffle the sleeper's nerves. Did you see her in her hair in a dream? It means that someone in reality is trying to lead you astray.

Why dream of a pin in hand? According to the dream book, such a plot serves as a warning. IN real life you will not be able to avoid problems in the service. If you dreamed of a needle in your leg, then in reality someone will interfere in your life. Found a pin in your mouth? In the near future, you will learn something shameful or offensive.

If you had a chance to fix a pin on your clothes, it means that thanks to your vigilance, your ill-wishers are deprived of the opportunity to strike at you. Did you see a golden pin on the clothes? You will be able to repulse all your enemies and protect your loved ones and relatives.

Pin actions

Did you swallow a needle in a dream? So, in reality you can achieve recognition in art. However, in order to fully reveal your talent, you will have to make a lot of effort.

If a woman happened to find an open pin in a dream, then, according to the dream book of the Lovers, she will part with her lover. If in a dream she happened to break it completely, it means that loss and grief await in reality. In addition, this plot may indicate insufficient attention from relatives and friends to you.

prick with a pin

Why dream of a pin prick? Most often, such a dream portends a showdown with outsiders. For a girl, such a plot portends problems in relations with her soulmate.

According to Aesop, a needle prick in a dream may be associated with some urgent matter, by completing which the sleeper can achieve prosperity and universal recognition. And if in night dreams you had a chance to get hurt and see blood from the wound, then in reality your relatives and friends will be burdened with big troubles.

A glimmer of luck

According to the Universal Interpreter, a lot of pins in a dream warn of the possibility of a conflict in the family, which can be turned only if there is mutual respect and trust.

Had to buy a pin in a dream? This means that in reality you can get involved in a very dubious business that will trample your reputation. And if in a dream you are presented with a pretty pin as a present, then in reality you should take care of your peace of mind and react less to attacks and dirty tricks of ill-wishers. Otherwise, you are threatened with moral exhaustion.

Dream Interpretation Pin dreamed of why the Pin is dreaming in a dream

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Why the Pin is dreaming - a psychological interpretation:

Pin - If you dreamed of pins, this warns of family quarrels and strife. If a girl dreamed of pins, this warns her of her lover's rude treatment of her.

It is a dream that you swallowed a pin - then some kind of emergency will force you to accept risky conditions. A pin lost in a dream threatens you with minor damage or a quarrel.

A bent or rusty pin was dreamed of - this warns that your frivolous behavior will lead you to a loss of respect. If in a dream a pin is stuck in your body, this means that a certain person will get on your nerves.

See also: why do needles dream, why do clothes dream, what does a dress dream about.

Why does the Pin dream in a dream:

Pin - If you dreamed of pins, then quarrels with women await you, beware of household dirty tricks and damage.

Pin - If you dreamed of pins, this means that someone can "stab" you - injure you physically or verbally. Dreaming of a pin in a dream - to a quarrel, enmity.

If a woman dreamed that she was stabbing matter with a pin, then she would find a friend. For a man, such a dream means that loneliness awaits him. Find a pin in a dream - start an argument and lose it.

She dreams that she received a pin as a gift - separation from a loved one awaits you. Lose a pin in a dream - you will have true friends.

I dreamed of a precious jewelry pin - then you will have to take care of others more than yourself. If you dreamed of a man's tie pin, then you will gain mental health.

I dreamed that you were pricked with a pin - then you will quarrel with a loved one. To break a pin in a dream - then a lonely and full of hardships old age awaits you.

Why the Pin is dreaming, how to interpret the dream:

Pin - Dreaming that they found a pin - this is unexpected meeting. It is a dream that they found a pin lying with a point towards you - then you will meet with an enemy who will try to harm you in all conceivable and inconceivable ways.

It is a dream that they found a pin lying towards you with a blunt end - then you will have a fun meeting and a party with old, good friends.

If you dream that you are pinning a pin to your clothes, then in real life you are a very prudent person and calculate your every step before doing anything. Thanks to this quality of yours, you easily avoid meeting your enemies and conduct your business well.

For what reason the Pin is dreaming, read on.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why dream and why see the Pin in a dream:

Pin - A pin was dreamed of - this portends quarrels and scandals in the family. To prick yourself with a pin in a dream - completely strangers whom you don’t even know will make you nervous a lot.

If a girl dreamed of a pin, then this is for her a harbinger of worries about rough treatment on the part of her lover. A broken pin in a dream suggests that the frivolity of your behavior will lead you to a loss of respect.

It is a dream that you have lost a pin and are trying to find it - this is a trifling quarrel and minor damage. Pinning something in a dream with a pin means that some out of the ordinary circumstances will force you to accept the conditions dictated to you.

Dreaming that a pin was broken is a warning of impending grief and loss, and besides, you will suffer from insufficient attention to you from your next of kin.

This is how the dream in which the Pin is dreaming is deciphered.

Dream Interpretation of Empress Catherine the Great

What is the dream of the Pin on the dream book:

Pin - If you dream that you see a pin on yourself, then in reality you will have to make a lot of efforts to protect your honor. If you are worried in a dream that you are pricked with a pin, this means that you will be unable to successfully repel attacks against your honor.

If you buy a set of pins, despite the machinations of enemies, you will still be able to overcome all difficulties. It is a dream that you have lost a pin, then you should be careful, because there are ill-wishers among your acquaintances.

A dream in which you are trying to do something with a pin means that it will not be easy for you, because the duty to protect your family from troubles and misfortunes will fall on your shoulders.

If you manage to straighten a pin in a dream, it means that you will fiercely repel the dangers that threaten you and your family.

Dream interpretation pins pull out

After a dream you had a dream, you wondered: “why is the pin dreaming?” and decided to find the answer in the interpreter of dreams. In general, such a small detail, dreamed in night vision, warns a person about the upcoming great danger, adverse events, as well as the onset of a period of trouble in real life. But more full transcript directly depends on the details that were seen in the plot of the dream.

Why do pins dream

To see this accessory in a dream means that the vision should be taken as a warning about upcoming conflicts, various disagreements in the family.

For an unmarried lady, this dream is a sign of warning: her chosen one will probably be rude to her and the girl is unlikely to be able to forgive given relation To her.

He interprets the dream book: the pin was dreamed of, and in the plot you happened to pin it to your clothes - which means that in reality the dreamer has such character traits as: prudence and prudence. These qualities help him overcome many life difficulties, stepping over troubles and traps on your way.

If you dreamed of a pin

There is another explanation: why dream of a pin pinned to clothes - in reality, the dreamer is trying in every possible way to attract the attention of others. For him, it is important how people perceive his appearance.

What dreamed

Remember what kind of pin you saw in a dream?


I dreamed of English - expect loss. The dreamer will get involved in a risky event. In reality, there will be a big family scandal, which, as a result, can lead to a divorce. English (her loss) in some dream books is interpreted as a symbol of the impending separation from her lover.

Golden - portends a lonely wedding. What else is a golden pin dreaming of? This accessory is a universal symbol of purity and wealth.

A golden pin found in a dream - to huge prospects in life, for the realization of which it will be necessary to make a lot of effort and work. But if the dreamer tries to resolve different ways problems in interpersonal relationships, which means that as a result a worthy reward awaits him.

You just dreamed of a golden pin - do an act for which you earn the respect of others.

If the pin was gold

If you dream of an old, rusty, bent pin - all your authority earned over the years may be lost due to an unreasonable, stupid act or behavior.

Dreamer's actions

Find a pin in a dream - to an unexpected meeting in reality. Dreaming of losing a pin - expect a small loss or quarrel.

Try to remember what your actions with the pin were.

Keep in your mouth

Why dream of a pin in your mouth? It is time to control your words and actions, try to be more restrained and control everything you say and do. Remember, people are not always pleased to hear barbs in their address. By speaking negatively about others, you set them up against you. Swallowing it is a risky act.

Lose her

Dreaming of losing a pin - expect a small loss or quarrel.

In a night vision, I had a chance to break a pin - in reality you are hoping for a miraculous outcome of things that are not going very well. In this case, the sleeper probably subconsciously turns to friends, from whom he expects help and support. Sometimes this suggests that some unexpected news awaits you.

If needles appeared in a dream, then the interpretation of this plot depends on the dreamer's attitude to these things. Rely on the interpretation of the gypsy dream book: the needles dream of disappointment in love. And referring to Martyn Zadeka, needles are a sign of victory over enemies.

  • Have you been pricked by needles or pins? Probably, in everyday life you are afraid of sarcastic statements and barbs addressed to you. Sewing with a needle - for longevity.
  • Seeing a lot of needles and pins in a dream - beware of gossip.
  • I had a chance to see how they found a pin that lies with the tip of a needle to the sleeper - expect an unpleasant meeting with secret enemies. See with a blunt end to the top - to fun party with bosom friends. In dreams, you pricked yourself with a needle - in reality, the dreamer will be able to carry out a big and important business, in the end it will turn into a considerable profit, and the respect and honor of others awaits the person. If you were pricked - the likelihood of undeserved resentment.
  • Collect needles and pins scattered on the floor - to a false period in life.

As you can see, in reality, the dream you saw, in which the pin was dreamed, has a not entirely favorable interpretation. But knowing the upcoming future, you can take steps to avoid unpleasant events in real life.

Dream book pin

It is believed among the people that a pin pinned to the inner seam of clothing protects against evil thoughts and the evil eye. It is equipped with wardrobe items for children and people with a weak energy field. In a dream, such a thing personifies danger, an impending threat. But this is not the only explanation of dream books about what the pin is dreaming of.

Type and condition of the product

The 21st century dream book explains why the pin is dreaming of the forthcoming waking discontent, irritation or grief of a sleeping person. Seeing a lot of these gizmos promises profit and prosperity.

A girl dreaming of a golden pin speaks of meeting a young man who will not only be rich, but also endowed with such virtues as honesty and decency.

Seeing a bent or rusty safety pin in a dream portends taking risky steps due to emergency circumstances. A closed pin in a dream portends good luck and material success, an unbuttoned pin portends a threat to succumb to the provocations of ill-wishers.

Pin on the body or wardrobe items

Finding a pin in the body promises the appearance of an arrogant person in Miller's dream book, who in real life will bother the dreamer in order, causing irritation and indignation with one appearance. Seeing this object in your hair means that they want to direct your correct thoughts and actions along the wrong track, in order to confuse and confuse.

A dreaming needle in a hand warns of impending interference in professional field, a pin in the leg - to outside interference in personal life sleeping person. Dreaming of finding a pin in your mouth indicates the possibility of learning something offensive and offensive.

Pinning a safety pin on your clothes means that you, with your forethought and caution, do not give enemies a chance to deliver a crushing blow. Seeing a gold product on clothes is an opportunity to protect yourself and your family from the evil attacks of others.

Interaction with the subject

Swallowing a golden needle in a dream means that in life you can achieve great success in art, you just have to discover and develop your talents.

For a woman, to find an open fibula in a dream, according to the dream book of the Lovers, prophesies worries about a contention with a loved one. I dreamed that you accidentally broke it, it promises losses and grief in a dream book, and also speaks of insufficient attention to your problem of relatives, which offends and offends you very much.

Get hurt by a fibula

The general dream book interprets why one dreams of being pricked with a pin, the upcoming showdown with completely strangers, which will make the dreamer nervous. For a girl, the interpretation of a dream portends worries about the rude behavior of her lover, who in reality will treat her incorrectly and shamelessly.

Aesop's dream book connects a needle prick in a dream with an important deed, by doing which the dreamer will achieve material gain, and also earn the honor and respect of others. I dreamed of blood, after an injection - to great trouble with relatives.

Be careful, luck is near

According to the Universal Dream Book, what dreams of collecting a lot of pins warns of possible conflicts in the family circle, which can only be prevented by showing patience and respect for each other.

I dreamed that I had to buy a pin, it speaks of the risk of getting involved in a dubious scam, which will negatively affect the authority of the sleeping person. If you were presented with a beautiful fibula in a dream, try not to react to the attacks of others, as this threatens moral and mental exhaustion.

dream interpretation

pull out pins

Dream Interpretation Pull out pins dreamed of why in a dream Pull out pins? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Pulling out pins by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

house of dreams

what does every dream mean

Why dream a lot of pins

Why is the Pin dreaming

Women's dream book

Pin - this dream does not bode well, especially for young girls who dream of an early marriage. Be prepared for the fact that your chosen one will turn out to be completely different from the person you imagined him to be.

Small Velesov dream book

Pin - loss, worries, villainy, small quarrel, gossip, dispute, insult; keep - you will obey your wife; many - empty jokes; prick - make a mistake out of stupidity; prick - trouble over trifles.

The latest dream book

Pin - you will participate in some kind of coalition; if you prick - to a significant blow to your own pride.

Pins dream - to a disease that is carried on the legs.

Russian folk dream book

The pin is a symbol of danger, as well as superstition.

Combined dream book

A dream in which you pin something with a pin or sort through several pins - they will start to gossip about you, possible conflict situations in family.

To prick on a pin - minor problems; swallowing a pin is a forced adventure; lose a pin - small losses; rusty pin - because of your actions, people around you will begin to condemn you.

Modern dream book

Pins - gossip, insult, dispute.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The pin is a reflection of the feeling of lack of freedom (like a pinned insect). Reflection of the desire to combine the incompatible.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Pins seen in a dream - can portend your discontent, irritation and chagrin in reality, if there are a lot of them - to profit, a fallen pin - satisfaction, losing it means that you can drop your authority, sit on it - to a pleasant surprise.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Pins are a sign of troubles and family quarrels. If similar dream a girl dreams - it means that her lover will be dismissive of her. Losing a pin means a quarrel with a loved one. A pin stuck in the body means the appearance of a person who will bother you.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Pin - a quarrel with a loved one, misunderstanding in the family.

Prick with a pin - someone annoys you a lot.

Pinning something with a pin is a futile attempt to correct the current unpleasant situation, but in the future everything will work out in the best way.

Drop or lose a pin - circumstances will force you to accept an unfavorable offer.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

A pin in a dream - to "pin" pricks from your ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

If you are pricked with a pin in a dream and see blood flowing from your finger - to pricks of conscience.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

A pin is an injection of pride.

Golden pin - to the crown.

Miller's dream book

Pins in a dream - warn of family quarrels and contention. Such a dream for a girl - warns of her lover's rude treatment of her.

If in a dream you swallow a pin - in real life, some extraordinary circumstances will force you to accept risky conditions.

A pin lost in a dream - threatens you with minor damage or a quarrel.

A bent or rusty pin - warns that your frivolous behavior will lead you to a loss of respect.

If in a dream a pin sticks into your body, this means that a certain person will get on your nerves.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A pin seen in a dream portends quarrels and scandals in the family.

To prick with a pin - completely strangers whom you do not even know will make you nervous a lot. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of worries about rough treatment from her lover.

Broken pin - says that the frivolity of your behavior will lead you to a loss of respect.

And to lose a pin in a dream and try to find it - to a trifling quarrel and insignificant damage.

Pinning something with a pin means that in reality some out of the ordinary circumstances will force you to accept the conditions dictated to you.

Breaking a pin in a dream is a warning of impending grief and loss, and besides, you will suffer from insufficient attention to you from your next of kin.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Pin - gossip, dispute, insults.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Pin - gossip, insults, disputes, quarrels.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Pin - addiction; sarcastic jokes, ridicule.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Dreamed pins - predict: you will find yourself in the very center of the intrigue started by your superiors.

Losing a pin means: nothing important will happen in your life in the near future.

If you dreamed that you were buying a pin - be careful, you may be drawn into someone else's adventure, which will bring you nothing but trouble.

Aesop's dream book

Pin - is the personification of danger, surprise and secret threat. The image of a pin in your dream arose, most likely, thanks to those well-known superstitions and signs that you heard in real life and which were deposited in your subconscious: “Do not raise the pin on yourself with the end”, “If the found pin lies with your head, my friend remembered ; if the tip is towards you, the enemy is plotting”, “The girl pricks her finger with a pin - hear praise”, “Pin a pin on clothes - avoid trouble”. Find a pin in a dream - to an unexpected meeting.

If in a dream you found a pin with a point towards you, you will meet with your enemy, who will try to harm you in every conceivable and inconceivable way.

If you find a pin with a blunt end towards you, you will have a fun meeting and a party with your old, good friends.

If you dreamed that you were pinning a pin to your clothes, in real life you are a very prudent person and calculate your every step before doing anything. Thanks to this quality of yours, you easily avoid meeting your enemies and conduct your business well.

To prick yourself with a pin in a dream is a sign that in reality you will do a very important thing that will bring you not only great material profit, but also the respect and gratitude of the people around you.

Breaking a pin in a dream is evidence that despite the fact that your business is not going very well, you are hoping for a miracle. Sometimes such a dream suggests that some unexpected news awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were inserting an elastic band into your clothes with a pin - in real life, your secret desire is the desire to attract attention to yourself with your appearance, clothes and charm.

Losing a pin in a dream is a prophecy of minor misunderstandings due to your distraction.

French dream book

Pins dream - to prosperity, profit.

Online dream book

According to the dream book, a pin warns that you can be very deceived in people whom you trust infinitely.

Find her in a dream - have a great time in the company of old friends.

I dreamed that you were buying it - you may have to suffer while protecting other people's interests.

If you lost it in a dream, you will experience losses in life, however, they will be insignificant.

It is a dream that you see more than one pin or attach something with its help - to misunderstandings with relatives, various rumors about you.

The dream in which you pricked it - portends minor difficulties, swallowed it - you will find yourself in a dubious situation.

If you dreamed of a rusted pin, try not to do anything wrong, otherwise you cannot avoid harsh criticism.

If in a dream it is broken, in reality you will ruin your reputation.

A dream in which a golden pin appears is very successful in marrying a wealthy and highly moral person.

I dreamed of a Pin, what is it for, what does a Pin mean in a dream

Slavic dream book The meaning of sleep Pin:

You dreamed of a Pin what it is for - squabbles with women await you, beware of household dirty tricks, damage, etc.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dream had a Pin.

Magic dream book In a dream, why is the Pin dreaming?

What does it mean to see in a dream you dreamed of a Pin what it is - to stab - to prevent someone's intrigues, to look for a dropped one - to become an object of speculation, to prick someone with a pin - to refute defamatory rumors, to pin a pin close person- Fear of losing him. To see a lying pin is to eschew conversations.

British dream book

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell What does the Pin mean:

You dreamed of a Pin what it is for - If you dream of pins, get ready for family quarrels, for strife with loved ones; and at the heart of quarrels and strife there will be trifles - these eternal annoying trifles. You seem to have lost a pin and are looking for it on the floor or on your knees, at the same time you are afraid to inadvertently prick yourself - a dream for some kind of damage; but don't worry, the damage will be small; a certain conversation on an ordinary topic will end in a quarrel. To your horror, you swallowed a pin and are waiting for what will happen now - emergency circumstances will soon develop around you; to get out of them without loss and as soon as possible, you will have to take a risky act; the act may not be entirely worthy, but you will justify yourself with an aphorism: The end justifies the means. You dream of bent or rusty, broken pins - in the near future your actions will be distinguished by frivolity; your frivolity will come either from the fact that you feel very good, or from the fact that you are in the company of frivolous people and do not want to stand out too much in this company; you should be afraid for your authority: wanting to gain the respect of frivolous people, you risk losing respect from serious and influential people. It’s as if you were pricked with a pin - an unpleasant person will do something that will make you irritated for a long time.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Pin mean in a dream:

What does Pins mean in a dream - Family quarrels and strife are possible. Imagine that you throw pins into a fire and they are melted into metal (see Iron).

Creative dream book The meaning of sleep Pin:

You dreamed of a Pin what it is for. 1. In a dream, everything depends on whether the pin is chipping something or is being used to prick someone. If it holds anything together, it will signify emotional bonds or commitments that we use. If something pierces, then an injury is assumed, albeit a very small one. 2. From time to time, dreams remind us of the feelings that we experience in Everyday life. The pin indicates that we are using an inadequate flow of information and energy in the situation around us. 3. Sometimes we are unable to discern spiritual wisdom that suddenly appears. A temporary solution can be symbolized with a pin.

Russian dream book What does a Pin mean in a dream:

What does Pins mean in a dream - gossip, insults, quarrels.

Dream Interpretation Pin

If in a dream you dreamed of a Pin, an English Pin, Or you were forced to collect Pins, then the Dream Interpretation warns you of possible family quarrels, Conflicts with a loved one. These dreams always symbolize the union of two things into one, Or disunity, Parting, Rupture.

I dreamed of a Pin, an English pin- to risky situations; to divorce and quarrels; loss; nervous and unpleasant environment.

Such dreams can symbolize your attitude towards loved ones. If you lost in a dream and are looking for a Pin for a long time, then in life you Probably Survived a recent divorce, Or you are preparing for it. If in a dream you swallowed a pin, then this dream warns you of the onset of very risky situations. To chip two things in a dream with a pin means an attempt to combine two life situations into one whole. A pin prick in a dream warns you that soon you will be attacked by untidy people. An old, rusty pin is an omen of a loss of respect and authority.

Collect pins in a dream- to stupidity, evil jokes; to look for problems.

Dream Where You Collect Pins May Mean life situation In which you are looking for problems. Having seen such a dream, it is necessary to think about whether you are doing everything right in life, whether you are using prohibited methods. It should be easier in life, and not attach of great importance all the words that people around you say.

Safety pin

Dream interpretation safety pin had a dream about why a safety pin is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a safety pin in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pin

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Dream Interpretation - Pin

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Dream Interpretation - Pin

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Dream Interpretation - Pin

Dream Interpretation - Pin

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Gold pin

Dream Interpretation Gold pin had a dream about why a golden pin is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Golden Pin in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pin

The pin is the personification of danger, surprise and secret threat. The image of a pin in your dream arose, most likely, thanks to those well-known superstitions and signs that you heard in real life and which were deposited in your subconscious: “Do not lift the pin on yourself with the end”, “If the found pin lies with your head, my friend remembered ; if the tip is towards you, the enemy is plotting”, “A girl pricks her finger with a pin - hear praise”, “Pin a pin on clothes - avoid trouble”.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Seeing a lot of pins in a dream portends gossip, insults and quarrels, and sometimes an empty pastime or futility of efforts, which will subsequently upset you very much. Such a dream can also warn you not to trust empty promises. Swallowing a pin in a dream is falling into a trap. Such a dream is considered a bad omen. To receive it as a gift is a sign of someone's affection for you. Lose a pin in a dream - to losses, failures and subsequent strife. If in a dream you prick yourself with a pin, then in real life you will make a mistake, because of which you will be very upset. If you suddenly feel a pin prick, then an unpleasant surprise and experience awaits you. If you were pricked with a pin in a dream, then a lot of trouble awaits you, the cause of which will be a stupid and insignificant argument. For lovers, such a dream predicts an insult or undeserved insult, the culprit of which will be your beloved (lover). If a woman sees a pillow for pins in a dream, then the dream warns her that she should devote more time household if she doesn't want her husband to be unhappy. A rusty, bent or broken pin is a harbinger of grief and reproach. See interpretation: needle, prick.

Dream Interpretation - Pin

A pin seen in a dream portends quarrels and scandals in the family. To prick with a pin - completely strangers whom you do not even know will make you nervous a lot. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of worries about rough treatment from her lover.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and contention.

Dream Interpretation - Pin

A dream in which you see pins, pin something, sort through them, means family quarrels, misunderstandings, stupid jokes and gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Pins are a sign of troubles and family quarrels. If a girl has such a dream, then her lover will be dismissive of her. Losing a pin means a quarrel with a loved one. A pin stuck in the body means the appearance of a person who will bother you.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and contention. For a girl, such a dream is a warning about the rudeness of her lover.

Dream Interpretation - Pin

It may portend your discontent, irritation and chagrin.

Dream Interpretation - Pin

With a pin, two separate things are cleaved together.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Pins dream of prosperity, profit.

What is the dream of Pins for?

Why dream Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and contention.

Seeing pins in a dream

Pins dream of prosperity, profit.

What does sleep Pins mean

Seeing a lot of pins in a dream portends gossip, insults and quarrels, and sometimes an empty pastime or futility of efforts, which will subsequently upset you very much. Such a dream can also warn you not to trust empty promises. Swallowing a pin in a dream is falling into a trap. Such a dream is considered a bad omen. To receive it as a gift is a sign of someone's affection for you. Lose a pin in a dream - to losses, failures and subsequent strife. If in a dream you prick yourself with a pin, then in real life you will make a mistake, because of which you will be very upset. If you suddenly feel a pin prick, then an unpleasant surprise and experience awaits you. If you were pricked with a pin in a dream, then a lot of trouble awaits you, the cause of which will be a stupid and insignificant argument. For lovers, such a dream predicts an insult or undeserved insult, the culprit of which will be your beloved (lover). If a woman sees a pillow for pins in a dream, then the dream warns her that she should devote more time to household chores if she does not want her husband to be unhappy. A rusty, bent or broken pin is a harbinger of grief and reproach. See interpretation: needle, prick.

See pins in a dream

Pins are a sign of troubles and family quarrels. If a girl has such a dream, then her lover will be dismissive of her. Losing a pin means a quarrel with a loved one. A pin stuck in the body means the appearance of a person who will bother you.

What do dreams mean

Family quarrels and strife are possible.

Dream about Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and contention. For a girl, such a dream is a warning about the rudeness of her lover.

What does Pins mean in a dream

Meaning of dreams Pins

If you are pricked with a pin, someone will get on your nerves.

Throw out pins

Dream Interpretation Throw Pins had a dream, why dream of throwing out pins in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to throw out Pins in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pin

The pin is the personification of danger, surprise and secret threat. The image of a pin in your dream arose, most likely, thanks to those well-known superstitions and signs that you heard in real life and which were deposited in your subconscious: “Do not lift the pin on yourself with the end”, “If the found pin lies with your head, my friend remembered ; if the tip is towards you, the enemy is plotting”, “A girl pricks her finger with a pin - hear praise”, “Pin a pin on clothes - avoid trouble”.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Seeing a lot of pins in a dream portends gossip, insults and quarrels, and sometimes an empty pastime or futility of efforts, which will subsequently upset you very much. Such a dream can also warn you not to trust empty promises. Swallowing a pin in a dream is falling into a trap. Such a dream is considered a bad omen. To receive it as a gift is a sign of someone's affection for you. Lose a pin in a dream - to losses, failures and subsequent strife. If in a dream you prick yourself with a pin, then in real life you will make a mistake, because of which you will be very upset. If you suddenly feel a pin prick, then an unpleasant surprise and experience awaits you. If you were pricked with a pin in a dream, then a lot of trouble awaits you, the cause of which will be a stupid and insignificant argument. For lovers, such a dream predicts an insult or undeserved insult, the culprit of which will be your beloved (lover). If a woman sees a pillow for pins in a dream, then the dream warns her that she should devote more time to household chores if she does not want her husband to be unhappy. A rusty, bent or broken pin is a harbinger of grief and reproach. See interpretation: needle, prick.

Dream Interpretation - Pin

A pin seen in a dream portends quarrels and scandals in the family. To prick with a pin - completely strangers whom you do not even know will make you nervous a lot. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of worries about rough treatment from her lover.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and contention.

Dream Interpretation - Pin

A dream in which you see pins, pin something, sort through them, means family quarrels, misunderstandings, stupid jokes and gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Pins are a sign of troubles and family quarrels. If a girl has such a dream, then her lover will be dismissive of her. Losing a pin means a quarrel with a loved one. A pin stuck in the body means the appearance of a person who will bother you.

Dream Interpretation - Pins

Pins in a dream warn of family quarrels and contention. For a girl, such a dream is a warning about the rudeness of her lover.

Dream Interpretation - Pin

It may portend your discontent, irritation and chagrin.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing a lot of pins in a dream portends gossip, insults and quarrels, and sometimes an empty pastime or futility of efforts, which will subsequently upset you very much. Such a dream can also warn you not to trust empty promises. Swallowing a pin in a dream is falling into a trap. Such a dream is considered a bad omen. To receive it as a gift is a sign of someone's affection for you. Lose a pin in a dream - to losses, failures and subsequent strife. If in a dream you prick yourself with a pin, then in real life you will make a mistake, because of which you will be very upset. If you suddenly feel a pin prick, then an unpleasant surprise and experience awaits you. If you were pricked with a pin in a dream, then a lot of trouble awaits you, the cause of which will be a stupid and insignificant argument. For lovers, such a dream predicts an insult or undeserved insult, the culprit of which will be your beloved (lover). If a woman sees a pillow for pins in a dream, then the dream warns her that she should devote more time to household chores if she does not want her husband to be unhappy. A rusty, bent or broken pin is a harbinger of grief and reproach. See needle, prick.

Why do dream pins dream - "Wangi's Dream Book"

Prick with a pin in a dream:
The dream in which you pricked your hand with a pin warns you against excessive talkativeness, which can cause you trouble.

Pinning clothes with a pin in a dream:
To dream about how you are trying to pin your clothes with a pin is a sign that in reality you should be wary of the machinations of ill-wishers.

Search for a pin in a dream:
In a dream, you are looking for a pin you dropped - in real life, you will become the object of gossip and speculation.

Prick someone with a pin in a dream:
If in a dream you accidentally pricked someone with a pin - in reality you will have to refute rumors that discredit your honor and dignity.

To pin a pin on the clothes of a loved one in a dream:
A dream in which you pin a pin on a loved one's clothes means that in reality you are afraid of losing this person and value him very much.

Why do dream pins dream -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a lot of pins - to empty jokes; if you dreamed of a pin prick - to gossip; being pricked with a pin in a dream is an unexpected nuisance at home.

Collection of dream books

Why is the Pin dreaming in a dream according to 22 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Pin symbol from 22 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Miller's dream book

Pins in a dream - warn of family quarrels and contention. Girl such a dream- warns of her lover's rude treatment of her.

If in a dream you swallow a pin- in real life, some extraordinary circumstances will force you to accept risky conditions.

Lost pin in a dream- threatens you with minor damage or a quarrel.

Bent or rusty pin- warns that your frivolous behavior will lead you to a loss of respect.

If in a dream a pin sticks into your body- this means that a certain person will get on your nerves.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Pin in a dream?

Pin seen in a dream- portends quarrels and scandals in the family.

prick with a pin- you will be made quite nervous by completely strangers whom you do not even know. For a girl such a dream- is a harbinger of worries about rough treatment on the part of a lover.

broken pin- says that the frivolity of your behavior will lead you to a loss of respect.

And to lose a pin in a dream and try to find it- to a trifling quarrel and minor damage.

Pin something with a pin- it means that in reality some out of the ordinary circumstances will force you to accept the conditions dictated to you.

Break a pin in a dream- a warning of impending grief and loss, in addition, you will suffer from insufficient attention to your next of kin.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Pin - gossip, dispute, insults.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Pin - gossip, insults, disputes, quarrels.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Dream book pin?

Pin - addiction; sarcastic jokes, ridicule.

To prick - an acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Dreamed pins- they predict: you will find yourself in the very center of the intrigue started by your superiors.

Losing a pin means: nothing important will happen in your life in the near future.

If you dreamed that you were buying a safety pin- be careful, you can be drawn into someone else's adventure, which will bring you nothing but trouble.

Aesop's dream book

Pin - is the personification of danger, surprise and secret threat. The image of a pin in your dream arose, most likely, thanks to those well-known superstitions and signs that you heard in real life and which were deposited in your subconscious: “Do not lift the pin on yourself with the end”, “If the found pin lies with your head, my friend remembered ; if the tip is towards you, the enemy is plotting”, “The girl pricks her finger with a pin - hear praise”, “Pin a pin on clothes - avoid trouble”. Find a pin in a dream - to an unexpected meeting.

If in a dream you found a pin with a point towards you- you will meet with your enemy, who will try to harm you in all conceivable and inconceivable ways.

If you find a pin with a blunt end towards you- you will have a fun meeting and a party with your old, good friends.

If you dreamed that you were pinning a pin to your clothes- in real life, you are a very prudent person and calculate your every step before doing anything. Thanks to this quality of yours, you easily avoid meeting your enemies and conduct your business well.

Get pricked in a dream with a pin- a sign that in reality you will do a very important thing that will bring you not only great material profit, but also the respect and gratitude of the people around you.

Break a pin in a dream- evidence that despite the fact that your business is not going very well, you are hoping for a miracle. Sometimes such a dream suggests that some unexpected news awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were inserting an elastic band into your clothes with a pin- in real life, your secret desire is the desire to attract attention to yourself with your appearance, clothing and charm.

Lose a pin in a dream- a prophecy of minor misunderstandings due to your distraction.

French dream book

Pins dream - to prosperity, profit.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Dream book pin?

According to the dream book, a pin- warns that you can be very deceived in people whom you trust infinitely.

More interpretations

Find her in a dream - have a great time in the company of old friends.

I dreamed that you were buying it- you may have to suffer, protecting other people's interests.

If you lost her in a dream- Losses await you in life, however, they will be insignificant.

She dreams that you see more than one pin or attach something with it- to misunderstandings with relatives, various rumors about you.

The dream in which you pricked it- portends minor difficulties, swallowed it - you will find yourself in a dubious situation.

If you dreamed of a rusty pin- try not to do anything bad, otherwise you cannot avoid harsh criticism.

If in a dream it is broken- in reality you will ruin your reputation.

A dream in which a golden pin appears- it is very successful to marry a wealthy and highly moral person.

Video: Why is the Pin dreaming

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I dreamed of a Pin, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Pin is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello! I want to write briefly my dream, and find out what all this is for. I don’t really remember him, well, I’ll try ... So I dream of a lot of unfamiliar people in a wedding dress. A crowd of people has gathered to my right, and I go there. I look, and there they make bouquets (they are attached to a pin to clothes). And I decided to help too, and someone pierced my hands with a pin. There were several wounds, and very deep ones, there was blood and the pain was so hellish. I scream for help, but there is no one. Then a swarm of some kind of insects appeared near me, I tried to get rid of them with the help of water ...

    Good afternoon)) a dream ... a pleasant feeling - I’m 12-15, although I don’t really know how much, everything is about, I joyfully and gently accept, listen, examine, open, follow the transformations .. And now .. they pass me a mace, I just know what is it .. bumpy thing .... and turns into a beautiful bump ..!! I know one from honeymoon trip they brought this one - the husband soraveled from the Lebanese cedar, then it darkened, glossed like a lacquered brown and rumbles with seeds, stood for a long time in the closet, I love it, now it’s been removed somewhere long after the move .. And now again it turns out I consider it with pleasure as received only the “mace”, the pen has already dissolved. -delivery (?) from tenderness-trust-encouragement-giving-state to today, brought)) and today they swam in the river for Epiphany ... it is clear, I clearly remember, pleasant, affirming. What does it mean? In your? thank you)) With respect to you and to dreams)))

    I dreamed that I stole a gold hairpin. And in general I dreamed of a lot of gold jewelry, pins, earrings, carnations ... I saw it all, touched it. And for a long time I decided what to steal, eventually I stole a hair clip.

    I dream that I am in a store, they give me a golden pin in my hands. I see it in close-up, very clearly. Then for some reason I took it with my lips to hold it, then they give me silver earrings in the form of a cross.

    my own aunt came to visit me for the first time after the birth of her son. I brought a kangaroo as a gift (to yearn for a child) yellow color and a silver cufflink. there was a small chain hanging from the cufflink. then mother-in-law gave gold earrings.

    Being with a guy in bed, he asked if I was ready, to which I answered that he was ready, he took the box and gave me a patched pin from there, then we had sex and he said something about the boy

    I watched how they decorate the hall for the wedding banquet (I'm already married), laid a carpet on the floor and I began to look closely at it - it turned out that a lot of small ones were caught in it, and they were all open. I wanted to start pulling them out, but advised that it would be better if the carpet was completely removed from the hall. What would that mean?

    I was wearing lenses, it became worse for me to see in them and there was a lump in my throat, I was constantly wheezing. Someone told me that in order for this feeling to pass, you need to pierce it with a pin lower lip and make an incision from it to the chest along the entire neck. They explained this by saying that some kind of vein caught on the skin, and when air gets under the skin, it will become easier. I pierced my lower lip, but I was afraid that I might miscalculate the force and accidentally kill myself, so I hid this pin. But someone conjured her, and she in a magical way began to fly after me and try to do it herself. I hid in the bathroom, it was outside, but I could not stay there for a long time, because. a bunch of different insects began to appear on the walls, so I had to run away. I jumped from the 3rd floor of my house and ran into the yard. Met my ex there best friend, with whom in the real world we have only recently begun to communicate again. I thought she had conjured the pin, but she said no. When I asked what to do, she laughed and said nothing, if she kills you, then she will kill you. And that's it. The tip of the pin was white color, clearly remembered.

    a month ago I lost a gold pin. today I have a dream that I am climbing a ladder (not a stepladder) with wide wooden steps, children (a girl) call me and show that my pin is still tangled with some kind of decoration on the step. The girl says: “We hid it, and now we are giving it away,” I bend down, untangle my pin from another piece of jewelry and examine it.

    Clothing market and I go to a boutique with T-shirts. Men's and women's colored new T-shirts, a lot of T-shirts and each is decorated with a new pin. I see a pretty women's T-shirt on the counter without a pin. I take a new huge, huge pin and pin it on this T-shirt in the heart area. Then, very pleased with myself, I hang it on my shoulders and under the ceiling of the boutique to the rest of the T-shirts. And then I thought in a dream: "Why am I here, why? I did everything. Let me go.” And I'm leaving, leaving this boutique. And the saleswoman never returned.

    I saw a pin in a dream, I found it, it was large sizes silvery in color, I picked it up, it lay with a point from me, the point itself was a little crooked and in a dream I thought I would bring it home and straighten it out I found a pin climbing up the stairs leaving the store where I once worked

    hello! I recently agreed on important meeting with a person, and then I had a dream where supposedly the person I am supposed to meet asks to bring a pin with me to the meeting. Why is this? The meeting should be very important

    i dreamed about my girlfriend, she is 15 years younger than me, so she came from Turkey and came to visit everywhere there are a lot of pins on things on the tablecloth and she also says just don’t bother me and went after her and cleaned them

    Jumped with a parachute. Gray clouds. The planet is not earth, but bright, colored paint. Then I dived into a limited small waterfall, but it looked bright and fiery in color. Came up with a mouth full of yellow gold pins. I spit them out, choke on them, and a lot of them fall out of my mouth. Some kind of horror and only.

    Hello, I took my son to school and fell asleep in the morning. I had a dream that I was visiting a man I knew and saw a lot of pins on his tulle, which I began to unhook. At the end of the dream, they were all in my hand. Thanks.

    Hello! I dreamed of three pins, two small ones, and one big one, and in a dream I think that I had already lost a big pin a long time ago, and it was really real. And in a dream, as if I found her, and at the same time laughed. What is it for?

    Hello. My name is Natalia. I dreamed that around devastation, war. I went into an empty house with a work colleague. There in the closet hung the clothes of a very well-groomed woman, on the shoulders hung snow-white, pleasant to the touch cardigans, but large. Then I looked at the wall, and there were gold jewelry hanging on safety pins all over the wall. I began to remove earrings from these pins different sizes. Then I took off one chain, but a colleague asked me to give it to her and I gave it. I only got a lot of earrings. Then she took off one wrist watch, offered it to her, but she refused. And then we found ourselves in front of a high wall, at the very top, clinging to one pin, my daughter, 2 years old (she is now 16 years old), was hanging. Nobody could take it off. And I clearly saw this pin. I began to pray and suddenly a fairy appeared and in an instant the child was in my arms. Thank you.

    Hello, I dreamed of a big rusty pin, the dream was terrible, we wanted to rid my very old acquaintance of fear. There were some kind of charms or sorcery. Then I saw a small shiny pin. And I wanted to pin it to my clothes, but when I began to pin it, it turned into a large and rusty about 10 cm. Then in a dream I felt something was wrong unfastened it in the lock (pins), but it still remained hanging on the sleeve dark blue wool sweater.
    Why such a dream?

    there are a lot of needles in my body. without an eye, i.e. pins, I pull them out, and they also have a lot of them, many different sizes, some bent, I run my hand and again feel for the hat and pull it out, but with such confidence that I will pull it all out

    Hello, my name is Olya 2 days ago I had a dream in which ex girlfriend my boyfriend, in this dream she pricked a pin in my photo, in this dream I woke up when I fell asleep again, I dreamed that she came up to my bed and began to drag me out of bed by the hair. Please tell me what it can mean

    I asked my father for a pin, he said something like this, don’t you have a look and I saw, if I’m not mistaken, a pin pinned on my yellow T-shirt, said something like Mariska (this is my sister) tried with the intent that she pricked from the evil eye, then I saw two more pins pinned a little higher. I don't remember further.

    In general, I was in the hospital .. at a regular appointment .. then after everything I left the hospital my young man met me .... He needed to fasten something with a pin .... but it did not open in any way ... .. I tried to open it with my mouth. .and it opened) ... it was open .. stuck in my throat ... it didn’t hurt ... but there was a feeling that I was suffocating and it fell deeper into my throat .... And my boyfriend and I went to the hospital .... to look for a doctor who would will get ... an open pin from my throat ....;) climbed the floors ... ran around the hospital ... but there they told us in the neighboring clinic there is someone who will pull it out ... we went there ... and all this time we were running around the hospital we were driving to another hospital ... I was suffocating .. and I was afraid that a sharp needle would prick me .... So that's all I woke up ..

    Hello! I dreamed that it was not clear where, maybe at a party, I lay down on the bed, lifted a sheet or a bedspread to hide myself and I saw a lot of sewing pins scattered. I stand on the bed, afraid to prick myself, and I see a dozen pins stuck in my left hand. No pain, no blood. Slowly, one by one, he took them out of his hand. Nearby are people and a wife. I remember being angry, maybe grumbling something. Why all this?

    I bought a gold pin in the store. at first I held it in my hand for a long time, then I suddenly saw the perfume, I really liked the zaah. decided to buy too. then I paid 1,700 rubles for a pin, in large bills, but I was thinking about perfume, I didn’t have enough money. I wanted to give 1 thousand, and then bring in more leftovers.

    i dreamed of my dead (a year ago) son (2.5 years old). I look at him, I say open your mouth, he opens his mouth, and safety pins are stuck in his tongue, and there are also pins under the tongue. I began to remove them with my fingers. first once removed, the second time removed. The third time she began to clean and woke up.

    Hello, I had a strange dream ... there was a lot of things, I remember only half. There were many people, friends and relatives of my young man, we lived directly with him and I hardly made coffee for myself, there was always not enough water from the kettle. I remember we were going to go somewhere on business. i put on a pink coat and the girl who went out with me (in my dream it was either the young man’s sister or his girlfriend) didn’t have outerwear with her .... we were already walking on the street, as she ran into the store and quickly seemed to -I would borrow a coat, I thought that I have the same only pink on me, but black lies at home, just like hers. In real life, I’m a singer, but in a dream I apparently worked in some kind of restaurant, and everyone always asked me why the dancer didn’t work with me at the same time (yes, it’s a little strange, but there, on the days when I didn’t sing, the dancer danced) I she said that I have no idea why we do not work at the same time and that this should not be said to me, but to the owners of the restaurant. in general, we came, went into the house, strangely, this house is my aunt (maybe there is an association with the fact that a seamstress lived near my aunt) and I was looking for just the same woman - a seamstress. I just went to her apartment. I knew her, and we started talking, she was sewing something, and she also started talking about me and the dancer. I don't remember what I answered. I remember that for some reason I started talking to her about a wedding dress for myself. and she said that she already knows in advance what awaits the young when they make a wedding ... and can even say what kind of dress they want to ask her ... she talked to me and at the same time was busy with something, I just remember that I had a lot of pins in my hands , and then I saw a bunch of people who are looking for me (my friends) came up, and it turned out to be this window, while the window in which only I see them they don’t see me. Somehow, I scratched my tooth a little with a pin ... it's disgusting, I still remember it in real life and it's unpleasant. that's basically all I remember ... then I woke up.

    I dreamed of a lesson at school and in the lesson everyone was joking and laughing and I joked ace laughed and a friend says high five I put my hand open my palm and there are 7 pins somewhere and they don’t want to get out of my hand

    I saw a dream. A very strange dream. I dreamed that I was sitting in front of a mirror and I pierced a lot of pins on my face - carnations ... and most importantly, the pain was not felt ... what could this dream mean?

    DREAMED MY 4 YEARS CHILD HE CRYED my mother coldly, my mother-in-law runs up to his feet (the boy) wraps a white sponbon and pins with one eyelet from top to bottom, he cries and screams it’s not mine, I removed and put on pantyhose, and fell asleep

    Small child playing with needles in the package. Allegedly choked. But in fact, the needles are in place, but the child is suffocating, I scream that he is suffocating. The child is in the arms of a grandmother. And a pin began to come out through the back and the child came to himself

    hello, in my dream I saw how I put a pin in my ear, instead of an earring on my right lobe, head first. everyone wondered in a dream why she was there, on your site I didn’t find anything suitable for my case, thanks for the future answer that you will send me.

    Hello Tatiana! The dream was short. Because of some girl I don't know, pins appeared in my mouth, which has a round eye. I tried to spit them out, touching them in my mouth with my tongue so as not to prick. I spat out a lot, and everything seemed to be fine, but this girl appeared again and I began to feel with my tongue that I had pins in my mouth again

    i dreamed that I was putting on my mother’s bathrobe and it was all strewn with pins, there was simply no free space, some of them opened in them. and I try to put it on, then I take it off when I see open pins so as not to prick myself and I say how my mother wears it and that's it .. alerted the dream. my mail

    co wedding dress I remove three pins, all new, one large and 2 small. I want to try on a dress, but I understand that something is wrong in it, as if it is not sewn up to the end. Something is missing in it. And I decided to put it aside.

    in a dream, a woman unfamiliar to me gave me a golden antique decorative pin (which is pinned to clothes), I didn’t want to take it, but she was so beautiful that I took it.

    yesterday I had a dream that I had pins stuck all over my pubis, on some pins the balls at the end stuck out normally, but on other maces they were completely stuck into me and I pulled them out .. as I pulled out there was blood on the end of the pins, then I I carried it somewhere further, I don’t remember what it was, the dream broke and I woke up in the morning

    I’m driving a small car (metallic color). A young woman is driving (brown hair). She drives a car very insecurely. I don’t remember how, but in my hand I have a lot of beautiful pins with an ear-pearl color. all these pins. And then, during the turn and exit onto the main road
    (it seemed to me that this was the Moscow Ring Road), the car skidded a little and I hardly helped to level the car and slow down (it was very hard for me at that moment). taxied with difficulty so as not to run into us and his tail skidded in our direction. Then I look at my left palm and I see that 3 pins were stuck into it. I pulled them out easily, because the eye of each was on the gun. I pulled it out one by one without pain and blood. And I gave them to the driver's girlfriend. And I woke up.

why dream a lot of pins

A lot of pins in a dream warns against family quarrels and strife. If this dream was visited by a young girl, she should be wary of disagreements with a young man.

many pins in a dream

Seen in a dream a large number of pins portends quarrels in the family circle. The current situation will make you nervous due to the intervention of strangers.

a lot of pins on the dream book

Perhaps there will be family scandals. Imagine throwing pins into a fire. In the flame, the pins will melt and turn into metal pieces.

a lot of pins on the dream book

A pin, like a needle, is a long and sharp object and is a symbol of the male genital organ. A lot of pins in a dream means a desire for different partners and frequent sexual intercourse.

why dream a lot of pins

Scatter pins by negligence - do small things. Scatter a lot of pins on purpose - you create the appearance of activity, but you will soon be taken to clean water. Someone scatters pins - they are trying to hide the truth behind trifles.

a lot of pins on the dream book

Many pins dream of a disease that does not require bed rest.

Pins in a dream- warn of family quarrels and contention. Girl such a dream- warns of her lover's rude treatment of her.

If in a dream you swallow a pin- in real life, some extraordinary circumstances will force you to accept risky conditions.

Lost pin in a dream- threatens you with minor damage or a quarrel.

Bent or rusty pin- warns that your frivolous behavior will lead you to a loss of respect.

If in a dream a pin sticks into your body- this means that a certain person will get on your nerves.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Prick on a pin- minor problems; swallow a pin- forced adventure; lose the pin- small losses; rusty pin- because of your actions, people around you will begin to condemn.

Pins dream- to prosperity, profit.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

turn out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.