Trying on a wedding dress interpretation of the dream book. To measure a wedding dress interpretation of a dream book

A wedding dress for a girl is a desirable outfit with pleasant expectations: creating a family, faithful life with her beloved spouse, the birth of children.

The wedding dress itself is a positive subject that does not bode well. But dream books have their own opinion on this matter. Let's figure out when it is good to see yourself in a wedding dress in a dream, and when it is bad.

If you see yourself in a wedding dress on the eve of your wedding, do not worry - worries about the upcoming celebration make themselves felt, just calm down a little. But if you black wedding dress, seriously think about whether you should even marry this particular person. With a black dress, your subconscious mind lets you know that internally you disagree with something, and there is a chance that you will not take this marriage for granted.

If you are not yet a bride, but in a dream you see yourself in a wedding dress, this means that you are waiting for a change in your life. It could be new job, new acquaintances, new relationships. Understand yourself, you are clearly tired of something.

Why dream of a wedding dress on another woman?

You dreamed girlfriend in a wedding dress? it good dream that heralds a party or fun event with friends. Such a dream has nothing to do with the wedding. But if you saw unfamiliar woman in a wedding dress, this means that new interesting acquaintances await you.

Measure a wedding dress in a dream

The interpretation of the dream books in this case is the same: if you dream of trying on a wedding dress, a new relationship with a man awaits you. Moreover, this person is very wealthy. After such a dream, it is worth looking at new acquaintances and those around you.

Sewing a wedding dress in a dream means trouble, both personally and professionally. If you decorate your wedding dress in a dream, your marriage plans won't come true anytime soon.

Perhaps the worst thing that can be seen in a dream with a wedding dress is to get it dirty. Soiled dress interpreted as an early loss loved one(this is not about death, but about a serious break in relations).

According to Miller's dream book, a wedding dress is a symbol of community service. So, if you tried on a dress in a dream, you have to interesting job which can be useful for many people.

Did you have a chance to try on a wedding dress in a dream? According to the dream book, such a plot has an ambiguous interpretation. And in order to understand what he dreamed about, it is necessary to remember all the nuances of the dream. In particular, what the wedding dress looked like, what emotions did you feel while trying it on.

Brief interpretation

If upon awakening you cannot remember the details of the plotted away, then short interpretations from the dream book will help you to interpret the dream. So, if in a dream you happened to:

  • trying on a beautiful and new outfit, then great joy awaits in reality;
  • to see that the outfit is not in shape - to the strongest disappointment in reality;
  • to try on a dress that causes surprise and shock, which means that something unusual awaits in reality;
  • to put on a torn and dirty outfit for a wedding - in reality, only troubles await.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book is sure that if a woman in a dream happened to try on a wedding dress that was very beautiful and sat like a glove, then in reality only good awaits her. Had a dream that the clothes made you feel disgusted? In life, the dreamer will face many troubles.

To joy

Loff's dream book is sure that if unmarried girl if she dreams that she is trying on an expensive and chic wedding vestment, then in reality she will be cheerful and happy. If a girl dreamed that she was wearing her friend's wedding dress, then she will be able to realize her innermost desire only with the help of friends.

If you happened to try on a wedding dress in a dream married woman, then in reality she can count on pleasant surprises and gifts. According to another version of the interpretation, a new "honeymoon" with a lover awaits in reality.

To trouble

Did you have a chance to try on a torn or dirty wedding dress in your nightly dreams? The dream interpretation is sure that in reality one should be afraid of the worst. After all, trying on dirty clothes is the first sign that you will actually get very sick. And the fitting of someone else's and torn suit, according to the forecasts of the dream book, is a symbol of various troubles, pain and disappointment.

Did you have to help one of your friends try on someone else's and wretched dress in a dream? Soon you will have a big quarrel with her. If in a dream, on the contrary, she put on someone else's wedding dress, then surely in reality it is she who will provoke your quarrels and conflicts with others.

To the unexpected

Did you dream of seeing yourself on a black short dress and a wedding veil? The dream interpretation is sure: unexpected and unpleasant events await you in reality. Did you have to try on black clothes at the request of your shocking groom? The female interpreter explains that in reality, the beloved will make you experience surprise, shock and bitter disappointment.

Dreamed of a wedding dress of the original color and style? For example, are you wearing a neon pink swimsuit, a yellow tracksuit, or a bright bodysuit, veil and stiletto heels? In reality, you have to learn something new and be very surprised at it. But a pink wedding dress in a dream promises the fulfillment of the most intimate desire.

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An often discussed outfit appears in the plot of a dream on the eve of important life changes. Maybe he foreshadows the sleeping and a cheerful meeting. Other options for what a wedding dress is dreaming of are explained further.

Why dream of a wedding dress: interpretation from dream books

In Miller's dream book, a wedding dress symbolizes activities that will give a person new acquaintances and emotions. If the outfit turned out to be dirty, torn or otherwise spoiled, then a quarrel with loved ones awaits the sleeper. Perhaps even with a soul mate.

The Exoteric Dream Book notes that a wedding dress foreshadows a person's dramatic changes in personal life... They can be both positive and negative. For example, a long-awaited wedding or even a final breakup.

Tsvetkov explains that looking at a wedding dress in a shop window is an active career advancement. Such a dream can be seen not only by a representative of the fair sex, but also by a man.

Measure, buy in a dream

Did you have to try on a dress in your nightly dreams? So, you need to remember how the outfit looked, and how the fitting ended. A new and very beautiful dress that the sleeping woman likes promises her profit. Buying an outfit for someone else - to the emergence of a reliable faithful friend.

First, trying on a festive dress, and then purchasing it in the store - for new life opportunities. The chances presented by fate must never be missed. If the outfit during the fitting process was stained by the dreamer, such a plot promises her a rich, generous groom.

Depending on the color of the dress

It's great if you managed to remember what color the wedding dress turned out to be.

This detail must be taken into account when interpreting:

  • A snow-white dress foreshadows unexpected good news or even an imminent marriage in reality.
  • A very dark holiday outfit symbolizes depression, apathy, heavy psychological condition... To avoid it, a person needs to rest more and delight himself.
  • If the dress turned out to be yellow or golden, it means that in reality the sleeping person is jealous of the surrounding people.
  • Very bright wedding image with a predominant red color from a dream suggests that in real life man needs a thrill in his sex life. You should not be afraid to tell your partner about your desires in reality.
  • A green robe indicates that all the dreamer's hopes will soon be fully justified.
  • A soft blue dress promises romantic love.

Trying on a wedding dress - a dream means that soon you will be participating in a big celebration.

Seeing a wedding dress in a shop window is a sign of wealth. Imagine a dress in all its glory. Silk, jewelry, furs - everything is in this outfit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream interpretation - Dress

See or wear in a dream White dress portends heartfelt joy, imminent marriage.

Green dress - to fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road;

The dress yellow color- a sign of lies, envy and gossip;

Red - for an important visit; gray - do a general cleaning or repair;

Golden - get help from sponsors; multicolored and variegated - to many entertainments;

Pale - rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you to severe frustration.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, not in size appears, portends a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long, toe-length dress means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

Sewing a dress for yourself - your hard work will be noted according to merit, and if they sew it in an atelier, you will have meetings that will not bring joy, and good luck, which will turn into grief.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement.

If in a dream you are trying on a dress on yourself, this portends a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will surpass the main one.

A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will get bored with the lifestyle that you lead and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress and, moreover, very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream, is a sign of joyful events in the family circle.

Seeing an ugly or wretched dress on someone predicts trouble from a rival.

An unkempt, wrinkled, or dirty dress means that in real life you will have a meeting with a person for whom you have an irresistible dislike.

Torn dress - to squabbles and disagreements at work, patched up - big trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A ruffled dress suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

Dress with a belt - deprive yourself of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other pretentiousness - a sign that in reality you should be guided more common sense rather than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream is a lot of fans in real life.

A sequined dress portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant contender for your hand, who, of course, will immediately be rejected.

To wash or iron a dress - for the upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from

Any dreams associated with a wedding celebration usually cause pleasant emotions at the sleeping man. Why dream of trying on a wedding dress? Most often, trying on a wedding dress in a dream suggests that the dreamer or dreamer will expect pleasant, long-awaited changes in life.

What if you dream of trying on a wedding dress?

Both free and married girls or women in real life can try on a dress in a dream. In order to correctly interpret the dream, you should try to remember as many of its details and details as possible. For example, under what conditions the fitting was carried out, what the dress looked like, who else was present during this procedure and how the sleeping person felt, what emotions she experienced.

Often similar dreams see young unmarried young ladies who daydream about trying on a gorgeous magnificent wedding dress in reality. For example, a dream may turn out to be especially vivid after a girl has been to beautiful wedding a friend or in a shop window saw the outfit of her dreams. Of course, in this case, you should not look for some special meaning in the dream, it certainly does not require interpretation.

The most auspicious there are dreams in which a girl sees a wedding dress trying on, which turned out to be clean, beautiful, ideally suited to her in all respects. Especially if in the process the girl felt as comfortable as possible and even felt a sense of joy.

If in a dream a woman (regardless of whether she is married or free in real life) tries on a wedding dress that turned out to be out of size for her, then this warns her of possible disappointments. They can relate to both love relationship, and a variety of other spheres of life. If the girl's partner has been behaving suspiciously for a long time, then after such a dream-hint, she stands with special attention take a closer look at him. Probably treason is planned. Carefully in this case, it will help to immediately calculate the betrayal and end the relationship with an unworthy man as soon as possible.

If the dress, on the other hand, during the fitting, ideally suited the fair sex and liked her very much, then you can expect joy, good luck and, in general, a white stripe in your life without any problems and troubles.

What portends?

A dream in which a woman tries on the wedding dress of her friend or relative portends her the fulfillment of her most cherished desires. But someone from the inner circle of the sleeping person will help them come true. Sometimes a dream even prompts the person who will turn out to be an assistant. It is to him that the outfit will belong.

By the way, it is interesting that such a dream about trying on a wedding dress can also be dreamed of by a man. His interpretation will be similar. True, in some cases, instead of a dress, a young man tries on a groom's suit or any other festive outfit.

If a married woman who is unhappy in marriage dreams of trying on a wedding dress, it means that soon she may have the opportunity to start a secret relationship with her lover. And whether it is worth risking family well-being for the sake of fleeting pleasure, only the fair sex herself can decide.

Dreams associated with trying on festive outfits usually evoke extremely positive emotions in sleeping people. But, in order to understand exactly why a person sees such a dream, it is worth trying to remember its details and try to interpret it correctly.