Living water use. Treatment with living and dead water (personal experience). What is living and dead water

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Skin diseases

For the treatment of skin diseases, there are various recipes depending on the nature of the disease. But there is also general recommendations concerning the use of aqueous infusions of a medicinal plant called alocasia. This plant itself has strong medicinal properties, and in combination with dead water it gives an amazing effect. Scaly lichen, eczema, dermatitis disappear in one day!

Water infusion of alocasia

Grind the oldest alocasia leaf, fill it with cold living water in a ratio of 1:10 and leave to infuse for a day in a warm place.

There is also hot way preparing the infusion: grind the oldest alocasia leaf, fill it with a liter of heated living water and leave in a thermos for an hour or in a cool place for 8 hours.

You can store the infusion for no more than a day in the refrigerator. It is used in the treatment of any skin diseases.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by rashes of profusely scaly plaques. The cause of psoriasis remains unclear. Most patients have hereditary psoriasis, which manifests itself in childhood and adolescence.

Official medicine prefers to treat psoriasis with chemotherapy, so the disease is considered chronic and incurable. Much top scores achieved through herbal medicine. Celandine and other natural remedies seem to be specially created to combat this disease. Activated water greatly enhances healing properties plants, and most importantly, water restores diseased cells and activates the development of healthy ones, that is, it restores the healthy foundation of the body, preventing the disease from becoming chronic. Patients with fifty years of disease experience were completely cured of psoriasis after using live and dead water in combination with herbs.

The principle of treating psoriasis is to use medicinal activated water according to a special recipe and additionally use herbal preparations prepared with activated water.

Activated water treatment recipe

Prepare living and dead water. The course of treatment is 6 days. On the first day, use dead and living water, then - only living water. Begin treatment by thoroughly cleansing the affected areas of the skin. Wash your skin very hot water with baby soap or use a hot compress to remove all flakes from the skin. Then pour dead water into a liter enamel pan (if the affected areas are not too large, take a half-liter bowl) and heat the water to 50-60 degrees (do not bring to a boil!).

Moisten the affected areas generously with this water using large gauze swabs, using all the water. Apply to skin a large number of live water, lightly pressing the swab against the skin, but without rubbing. After the procedure, do not wipe the skin, but let it dry naturally.

Immediately after the skin has dried (no later than 10 minutes after the last wetting), also using gauze swabs, begin to moisten the skin with living water. To do this, use living water at room temperature. Wet the skin (using a full liter or half liter bowl of water depending on the size of the lesion) another 4 to 7 times a day.

For the next 5 days, do not wash the skin or steam it with a compress, but only moisten it with live water 5–8 times a day, the more often the better.

At the same time, consume activated water internally according to the following scheme.

For the first 3 days, drink 1/2 glass of dead water half an hour before meals 4 times a day.

For the next 3 days, drink 1/2 glass of living water half an hour before meals and at night before bed, a total of 5 times a day.

After a month, the course of treatment can be repeated to consolidate the effect and avoid relapses.

Celandine with activated water

Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with fresh celandine juice, half diluted with dead water. At the same time, take baths with celandine infusion. The duration of the bath is 15–20 minutes. After the bath, do not wipe your skin, just pat it lightly with a towel. The course of treatment is 15–20 baths.

Infusion of celandine

To prepare an infusion of celandine, pour 4 tablespoons of chopped herbs into a liter of dead water brought to a boil (until the first bubbles!). The resulting solution must be left for 3 hours, filtered, and poured into the prepared bath.


Activated water should not be boiled, but only brought to a boil, that is, until the first bubbles appear, and immediately removed from the heat. Otherwise, it will lose its active properties.

Celandine decoction for internal use

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour a tablespoon of dry crushed herbs into 0.5 liters of living water brought to a boil (the first bubbles), leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Violet with activated water

Take 1.5 tablespoons of tricolor violet per 1 glass of living water brought to a boil, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take the entire dose during the day along with hot baths from a decoction of celandine.

The course of treatment is 6 days.

Burdock root with dead water

This is an excellent blood purifier for various skin and metabolic diseases, including psoriasis. Take 3 tablespoons of burdock root, pour 1/2 liter of dead water brought to a boil (until the first bubbles), leave for 2 hours. Then strain and add 10 ml of golden mustache tincture. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals, with honey to taste.

Sandy sedge rhizomes with living water

Take 2 tablespoons of sedge rhizomes, leave for 3-4 hours in 1/2 liter of living water brought to a boil. Take 1/2 cup of warm infusion, adding 10 ml of golden mustache tincture (you can add honey to taste), 3 times a day before meals.

The course of treatment is 20 days, after a 10-day break it can be repeated.

Bedstraw grass (tenacious) with living water

Take 2-3 tablespoons of the herb and leave for 1-2 hours in 1/2 liter of living water brought to a boil. Take 1/2 cup of warm infusion, adding 10 ml of golden mustache tincture, 3-5 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 20 days, after a 10-day break it can be repeated.

Golden mustache tincture

Take 30–40 knees of the plant, chop it and pour in 1 liter of vodka. Then leave in a dark place for 10–15 days, shaking occasionally. When the tincture turns dark lilac in color, it is filtered and stored in a cool, dark place. Sometimes the entire plant is used for tincture, leaving only the top for further cultivation.

Before treatment, the affected areas should be steamed, then moistened with dead water and allowed to dry. Then, 4-5 times a day, the affected areas are moistened only with living water, and at night drink 1/2 glass of living water. The course of treatment is a week.

The affected areas heal within 4–5 days.


Neurodermatitis is an itchy dermatosis that first appears in childhood, and most often in adolescence. It is usually preceded by an allergic diathesis.

For treatment they take birch leaf, leaves and roots of burdock, chamomile grass, celandine, horsetail, nettle, knotweed - equal parts of everything. Then 1 tablespoon of the mixture should be poured with 1 glass of heated, but not brought to a boil, living water, leave for an hour. The resulting solution is wiped over the affected areas of the skin.

Purulent wounds, fistulas, abscesses

Purulent wounds, old fistulas, postoperative wounds, bedsores, trophic ulcers, abscesses are washed with heated dead water and allowed to dry without wiping. Then, after 5–6 minutes, the wounds are moistened with warm living water. This procedure must be repeated with live water, at least 5–6 times during the day. If pus continues to be released, it is necessary to treat the wounds again with dead water, and then, until healing, apply tampons with living water. When treating bedsores, it is recommended to place the patient on a linen sheet.

The wounds are cleaned, dried out, and their fast healing, usually within 4-5 days they are completely healed. Trophic ulcers heal longer.

Cuts, abrasions, scratches

Rinse the wound with dead water, then apply a swab soaked in living water to it and bandage it. Treatment should be continued with live water. When pus appears, it is necessary to treat the wound again with dead water.

The wounds heal within 2–3 days.

Skin irritation after shaving

Wet the skin several times with live water and let it dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply a tampon with living water to them for 5-7 minutes.

The water irritates the skin a little, but healing proceeds quickly.

Acne, increased peeling of the skin, acne on the face, wrinkles

In the morning and evening, after washing your face 2-3 times at 1-2 minute intervals, rinse your face and neck with live water and let dry without wiping. Apply a compress to the skin for 15–20 minutes. In this case, the living water should be slightly heated. If the skin is dry, then first it is washed with dead water. After 8-10 minutes, repeat the described procedures. Once a week you need to wipe your face with this solution: 1/2 cup of living water, 1/2 tablespoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda. After 2 minutes, rinse your face with live water.

The skin smoothes out, becomes softer, minor abrasions and cuts heal, acne disappears, and peeling stops. With long-term use, wrinkles practically disappear.

Carefully treat the burned areas with dead water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten them with live water and then continue to moisten them only with it. You should try not to puncture the bubbles. If the blisters break or pus appears, treatment should begin with dead water, then with live water.

Burns heal and heal in 3–5 days.

Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet

Soak your feet in hot soapy water for 35–40 minutes and rinse warm water. After this, wet your feet with warm dead water and after 15-20 minutes, carefully remove the layer of dead skin. Then you need to wash your feet with warm living water and let them dry without wiping. This procedure must be repeated periodically.

Dead skin gradually peels off, the skin of the feet softens, and cracks heal.

Diseases of the spine and joints

Arthritis, arthrosis

For two or three days, 3 times a day, 1/2 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of dead water, apply compresses to sore spots. Water for compresses should be heated to 40–45 °C.

The pain usually goes away within the first two days. Blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and the state of the nervous system normalizes.

Swelling of the arms and legs

You need to drink water for three days, 4 times a day, 30–40 minutes before meals and at night according to the following scheme: on the first day - 1/2 cup of dead water, on the second day - 3/4 cup of dead water, on the third day - 1/2 cup of living water.

Swelling decreases and gradually disappears.

Polyarthritis and osteochondrosis

The full treatment cycle is 9 days. You should drink water 3 times a day 30–40 minutes before meals according to the following scheme: in the first three days, as well as on the 7th, 8th and 9th days - 1/2 cup of dead water, on 4 1st day – break, on the 5th day – 1/2 cup of live water, on the 6th day – break. If necessary, this cycle can be repeated after a week. If the disease is advanced, then you need to apply compresses with warm dead water to the sore spots.

Joint pain goes away, sleep and well-being improve.

Radiculitis, rheumatism

For two days, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, you need to drink 3/4 cup of living water, and rub heated dead water into sore spots.

The pain goes away within a day, in some people earlier, depending on the cause of the exacerbation.


Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases in the world, which leads to disability for thousands and millions of people. Meanwhile, this disease is easily treated with activated water. After all, the cause of osteoporosis is that bones that are strong by nature (a healthy femur can withstand a load tens of times greater than the weight of the person himself) lose their strength, thin out, becoming fragile and brittle. This happens because the body loses special minerals that are responsible for bone health: calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These losses occur especially quickly during menopause and chronic metabolic diseases. Low activity of the cells that make up the bone tissue and support her.

Dead water with the addition of minerals in the form of dietary supplements, solutions and tablets provides significant assistance in the treatment of the disease.

You should take a glass of dead water 3 times a day after meals. Add 1/2 teaspoon of calcium chloride to each glass. Instead of calcium, you can use minerals in capsules or tablets, which should be washed down with dead water.

The course of treatment is 2 months.

Oncological diseases

Methodology of G. A. Garbuzov 13
Garbuzov G. A. The healing secret of water behind seven locks. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

Living water has alkalizing properties. It is obtained using devices for activation or electrohydrolysis of water. It is often used externally in the form of applications over the area of ​​a sore or an ulcerating tumor that has emerged externally, or in the form of tampons for gynecological tumors. Also drink half a glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. It is acceptable to drink in cycles of 10–20 days, then take a break for 3–10 days. Can be combined with salt or calcium water.

In some cases, they alternately drink dead and living water and use it in cases where oxygenation or acidification methods do not provide adequate relief from cancer pain, and the overall process stubbornly continues. Sometimes it happens that cancer pain begins to subside after acidification, but tumor growth is not inhibited enough. In this case, alkalization methods act as a counterweight, a balancer, enhancing the effect of the first method. Only in the case of a violent, extremely active negative result from the action of the first method (oxygenation) can one switch to alkalization completely. Ultimately, the second technique enhances the effect of the first.

Due to the fact that dead water dissolves salts and toxins and kills infections, in the first days of drinking water the patient may experience an exacerbation and deteriorate their health. In some cases, the temperature may rise, headaches, heart ailments, nausea and even crisis conditions may appear.

There are cases where tumors, after three-month courses of treatment with living and dead water, began to shrink or even resolve. Such treatment sometimes lasts a year until the tumor completely disappears. But even after the final disappearance of the tumor, they continue to preventive treatment within 1–3 years.

Other diseases and painful symptoms


If your head hurts from a bruise or concussion, you need to moisten it with living water. For a common headache, you should moisten the sore part head and drink 1/2 cup of dead water.

For most people headache stops within 40–50 minutes.


After each meal, as well as additionally 3-4 times a day, you need to rinse your mouth with live water for 2-3 minutes.

The ulcers heal within 1–2 days.

Toothache, periodontal disease

After eating, rinse your teeth with heated dead water for 15–20 minutes. When brushing your teeth, use instead ordinary water alive. If there are stones on your teeth, you need to brush your teeth with dead water and after 10 minutes rinse your mouth with live water. If you have periodontal disease, you should rinse your mouth with dead water several times after eating, then rinse your mouth with live water. Teeth are brushed only in the evening. This procedure must be carried out regularly.

In most cases, the pain goes away quickly. Tartar gradually disappears, gum bleeding decreases, and periodontal disease goes away.

Conjunctivitis, stye

The affected areas are washed with warm water, then treated with heated dead water and allowed to dry without wiping. Next, for two days, 4-5 times a day, make compresses with heated living water, and at night drink 1/2 cup of living water.

The affected areas heal in 2–3 days.

The areas affected by the fungus must first be thoroughly washed with hot water and laundry soap, wiped dry and moistened with dead water, then moistened with dead water 5–6 times during the day and allowed to dry without wiping. Socks and towels should be washed and soaked in dead water. In the same way (you can do it once), shoes are disinfected by pouring dead water into them and leaving for 20 minutes.

The fungus disappears within 4–5 days. Sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated.

Recipe with celandine

To cleanse the skin of fungus, if only the skin is affected and the nails are not yet affected by the disease, celandine with dead water will help. This plant is very effective, and in combination with acidic ionized water it will give a very fast and strong effect. The main thing is to follow the dosage.

The affected areas should be generously lubricated with fresh celandine juice, half diluted with dead water. The liquid will be quickly absorbed into the skin, relieving itching. Lubricate the skin 3-4 times at intervals of 3-5 minutes. After applying the juice, do not touch the sore area.

Diabetes, pancreatic insufficiency

G.P. Malakhov advises constantly drinking 1/2 glass of living water half an hour before meals. Massage of the gland and self-hypnosis that it secretes insulin is useful. As a result, the condition improves.

stevia herbal tea with living water

Herbal tea from stevia leaves is indicated for the treatment not only of diabetes mellitus types I and II, but also obesity, liver and pancreas diseases, viral infections, atopic dermatitis, pronounced allergic skin conditions, gastric ulcers, acute and chronic gastritis, dysbiosis, ulcers of various origins, as well as bronchopulmonary pathologies.

It should be used to correct immunodeficiency states in acute and chronic infections of various etiologies, including purulent-septic ones.

Also, herbal tea from stevia leaves normalizes the intestinal microflora after long-term use of antibiotics and improves the enzymatic activity of the digestive organs.

To prepare herbal tea, take 1 tablespoon (about 5 grams) of powder from dry stevia leaves and pour it with a liter of living water, heated to 80–90 °C. The herbal tea is infused for 15–20 minutes, after which it acquires a light brown tint and becomes sweet. Herbal tea has a specific taste and pleasant smell. If the tea is left open for several hours, it acquires a dark green hue, while its medicinal properties are preserved. You can brew one teaspoon of stevia powder per liter of water. In this case, the powder is poured with boiling water, placed on low heat and boiled for 10 minutes. This tea can be brewed again in half a liter of boiling water. You need to insist on a repeat serving for 15–20 minutes.

You need to take half a glass of herbal tea before meals 3-4 times a day. In severe cases - a glass of tea 3 times a day. Carry out treatment for at least a month with a break of one day every week.

Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with dead water, then let dry without wiping. After 8-10 minutes, wet your feet with living water and, without wiping, let them dry. The procedure must be repeated for 2–3 days. Additionally, you can treat socks and shoes with dead water.

The unpleasant odor disappears.

Nervous exhaustion and stress management

At night, drink 1/2 glass of dead water. For 2–3 days, 30–40 minutes before meals, you should continue to drink dead water in the same dosage. Spicy, fatty and meat foods should be excluded during this period.

Sleep improves and irritability decreases.

Boosting immunity and preventing diseases

Periodically, 3-4 times a week in the morning and evening, you should rinse your nose, throat and mouth with dead water, and after 20-30 minutes drink 1/2 glass of living water. If you come into contact with an infectious patient, you need to perform the described procedure additionally. It is also advisable to wash dead hands water.

Vigor appears, performance increases, and overall well-being improves.

Normalization of acid-base balance

Every day for a month you need to take two glasses of living water - morning and evening half an hour before meals. Then take a break for one week and repeat the course of treatment.

If necessary (if the condition is neglected), you need to drink half a liter of living water per day, and every other day, take an additional glass of freshly prepared living water on an empty stomach. The course of treatment can be six months. Every month it is recommended to take a break of 3-5 days.

Recipe by G. and L. Pogozhev 14
Pogozhevy G. and L. Water forgives and heals. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

By combining the effects of acidic and alkaline water, we bring the acid level of the blood to a normal state, thus removing the acute manifestations of a particular disease and facilitating its course.

The state of acid-base balance in the blood can be judged by the color of the conjunctiva (in the corners of the eyes). If everything is in order with the acid-base balance in the body, the color of the conjunctiva is bright pink; in an acidic state it is pale pink, and in an alkaline state it is dark pink. If the balance is upset, you need to drink a glass of either alkaline (melt) water or acidic (acetic) water.

The authors call this an ambulance, because the healing effect occurs literally before our eyes. And this is no pun, because a few minutes after taking the necessary water, the color of the conjunctiva returns to normal, which means the acid-base balance is also regulated.

Using living water for drinking

Drinking living water in small quantities is desirable for all people, but it is especially useful for those who suffer chronic diseases or long-term illnesses: acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, gastric pathologies, runny nose, etc.

Healthy people can take 0.5–1 glass per day for 5 days, then take a break for 2 days and drink again for 5 days. This course can be repeated 3 times, not forgetting to take breaks.

Chronically ill people need to take 2-3 glasses of living water a day on an empty stomach for a month, then take a break for a week and repeat the course of treatment. You can conduct several such courses, not forgetting to take breaks.

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Becoming increasingly popular alternative treatment living and dead water. This method seems to have come to us from Russian fairy tales. In fact, a liquid with medicinal properties is formed as a result of electrolysis. In this article we will look at how treatment occurs, and also cover the topic of “living water - preparation”.

What does living and dead mean?

Dead water is acidic, its electrical potential is positive. Living water is a negatively charged liquid and has a pH greater than 9, meaning it is alkaline. Both types of water are used in alternative medicine. Treatment takes place with living and dead water.

Effect on the body

What are the benefits of living water?

Living water stimulates life processes in organism:

  1. Rejuvenates the body
  2. Boosts immunity
  3. Accelerates metabolic processes
  4. Heals wounds

Properties of dead water

The properties of dead water are also very valuable:

  1. Good disinfectant
  2. Has a bactericidal effect
  3. Relieves colds
  4. Eliminates fungus

Treatment with living and dead water has become popular because its scope of application is quite wide. Next, we will consider such an issue as living water - preparation and the necessary equipment for this.

What do you need to have?

For cooking required water Special activator devices are sold. You can make them yourself at home. What you will need for this:

  1. Water. The ideal option would be spring water, but not everyone can find it, so regular tap water is fine. It needs to be left for 24 hours.
  2. Two glass mugs
  3. Two stainless forks
  4. Bandage and cotton wool
  5. 20 W lamp.
  6. Wire with plug

Most homes have these items. If something is missing, you can buy more.

Living and dead water - preparation

To prepare living water you need to perform quite simple manipulations:

  1. Place the forks in the cups with the tines facing up;
  2. Attach a diode to one of the plugs, the end of which is connected to the wire;
  3. You can make the system stronger by using electrical tape;
  4. Attach the free end of the wire to plug 2.

Ready. Now all that remains is to plug the plug into the outlet. Place the diode against the lamp. If the lamp is on, then everything is done correctly. Turn off from the network. Now prepare a “bridge” for the ions - wrap the cotton wool in a gauze bandage.

Fill the cups equally with water and place a cotton wool bridge so that it connects both cups. That's all. You can now connect the system to the network. After 10 minutes you will have ready living water.


After disconnecting the system from the network, remove the bridge. In the cup to which the diode was connected, the water will be dead, since there is a positive charge there. In the other, living, negatively charged water.

We remind you that plugs should be removed from the water ONLY after disconnecting the device from the mains. Otherwise you will get an electric shock.

So very simply, you can build a system yourself at home and carry out treatment with living and dead water.

Preparation of melt water

Freezing water also produces a very useful liquid. It is not living water, as some say. Read more in the article: But she also has a number of useful properties and from it you can make living and dead water.

To prepare the water, you need to let it sit for 24 hours, or clean it with a filter. What's next:

  • Heat the water without bringing it to a boil. This will eliminate some harmful compounds.
  • Cool the liquid at room temperature.
  • Neutralization of water from deuterium. Throw away the first ice that forms during freezing; it will contain this dangerous isotope, since it freezes first at higher temperatures.
  • The liquid is sent back to freezer. It freezes and looks like this: transparent at the edges, white in the center. Pour boiling water over the white part and remove. It will contain harmful substances. Transparent ice melts and you can use it for drinking.
  • Melting should occur at room temperature. The resulting water can be drunk, and you can also wash your face with it. When boiled, such water may lose its medicinal properties, so you should not do this.

Recipes for treatment with living and dead water.

Here are some recipes for how to treat with living and dead water:

  1. Allergy. Gargle with dead water after every meal for three days. 10 minutes after rinsing, drink about half a glass of live water.
  2. Constipation. Drink half a glass of living water.
  3. Skin rashes. Wipe your face with dead water for about a week.
  4. Angina. Gargle with dead water ten minutes before eating. Afterwards, drink a quarter glass of living water.
  5. Diarrhea is treated with half a glass of dead water. If it doesn’t help, then you can drink the same amount in an hour.
  6. Liver diseases and their treatment with living and dead water. The first day, drink half a glass of dead water 4 times. Then for the rest of the week, take half a glass of living water and the same number of doses.
  7. Migraine goes away after drinking half a glass of dead water.
  8. Gastritis. Half an hour before meals, drink living water as follows: a quarter glass on the first day, half a glass the following days. Course – 3-7 days.
  9. Pressure. If your blood pressure is low, then drink half a glass of living water 2 times a day. If the pressure is high, then use dead water. Don't drink for more than a week.

Among the alternative methods of medicine, we can confidently include living and dead water, which seem to have stepped out of the pages of Russian folk tales. In fact, these are liquids obtained through the process of electrolysis, endowed with medicinal properties. The article will tell you how to make living water, as well as how to use it most effectively.

What it is

So, living water is a negatively charged liquid, characterized by an alkaline structure (pH - 9-12). And dead, acidic, has a positive electrical potential. Both liquids are widely used in alternative medicine.


Let's find out what beneficial effects these liquids had. Live (LV) is a genuine biostimulant that has a whole range of effects on the body:

  • Improving immunity.
  • Metabolism stimulation.
  • Acceleration of wound healing.
  • Rejuvenation.

Dead water (DM) is no less useful:

  • Has a bactericidal effect.
  • Treats colds.
  • Disinfects.
  • Helps cope with fungus.

So wide range beneficial properties and became the reason for the popularity of liquids in folk medicine. Next, we will learn how to make living water using electrolysis.

Necessary equipment

There are special devices on sale called water activators, with their help you can easily prepare the necessary liquids. However, you can assemble a simple installation own efforts. Let's look at how to make living water. To do this you will need the following:

  • The water itself. It’s better to take spring water, but if you don’t have one, then regular tap water, pre-settled for at least 24 hours, will do.
  • Two glass cups.
  • Two forks (stainless steel).
  • Diode.
  • Lamp (approximately 20-25 W).
  • Cotton wool.
  • Bandage.
  • Wire with plug.

Similar items are likely to be found in every home. If not, it’s easy to buy them.


Let's continue to look at how to make water alive at home. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Place the forks in the cups, tines up.
  2. Attach a diode to one of them, connect its other end to the wire.
  3. Strengthen the structure with electrical tape.
  4. Connect the second end of the wire to the second plug.

The installation is ready, to check its functionality, just connect the plug to the network and lean the diode against the lamp - if it lights up, then everything is normal, you can turn it off for a while. Next, a kind of “bridge” is made for the ions from cotton wool wrapped in gauze.

Now you should pour water into both cups, approximately equally. Dip the cotton “bridge” into the liquid and place it so that it becomes a connecting link between the containers. The device for obtaining living and dead water is completely ready. Now it is reconnected to the network and waited for 10 minutes, this time is enough to separate the electrodes.


After 10 minutes, the device is turned off from the socket and the cotton bridge is removed. In the cup in which the diode was attached to the plug, the water has a positive charge, that is, it is dead water. And in the second - alive with a negative charge.

Please note that you can only remove plugs from the containers after unplugging the device from the socket, otherwise an electric shock is inevitable. In this simple way you can make water alive at home.

Melt water

Let's consider how quickly the result will be a very useful liquid, of course, not living water at all (as some unscrupulous authors position it), but also necessary. It can be used for drinking, as well as for preparing liquid and magnesium liquid according to the described method. The first stage of preparing such water from ordinary tap water is cleaning it using a filter. If this is not available, the liquid should be allowed to sit for at least 12 hours. The following is the procedure:

  1. Heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil, this will help get rid of some of the harmful impurities.
  2. Allow the liquid to cool at room temperature.
  3. Freezing in a regular freezer helps remove harmful deuterium from water. These structures freeze at much higher temperatures than the beneficial components of water. That is why the first ice should be thrown away, it contains exclusively deuterium and is harmful.
  4. The purified liquid is re-placed in the freezer, the resulting ice of two types will gradually be noticeable - transparent at the edges and white in the center. These are harmful impurities, which are easy to get rid of: just pour boiling water on the central part of the container, they will quickly melt. All that remains is to pour out the resulting water, leaving clean white ice. Water quality indicator - full transparency.
  5. The remaining ice is transferred to room temperature. You need to wait until it thaws and use it for drinking or washing.

Melt water should not be boiled; it loses its quality.


Let's get acquainted with some recipes for using living and dead water. In case of allergies, it is recommended to gargle with MB for 3 days after eating. 10 minutes after rinsing, you should drink half a glass of ZhV. ½ glass of live will help solve the problem of constipation. Besides:

  • Rubbing the dead liquid onto your face can cure pimples, rashes and acne. The course is at least 6 days.
  • For sore throat, 10 minutes before meals, gargle 5 times a day for 5 days, use MB. After this, drink ¼ cup of ZhV.
  • Diarrhea can also be treated with an unusual liquid. To do this, first drink half a glass of dead water, then wait for 60 minutes; if there is no result, drink another half glass.
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver. Unique liquids will help in this case too. The treatment regimen is as follows: on the first day, drink ½ cup of MB four times. Then, over the next 6 days, drink ½ cup of ZhV 4 times a day.
  • CF will help you quickly get rid of migraines; in just 30 minutes (maximum - an hour) the result will be noticeable. It is enough to drink half a glass of this liquid.
  • Gastritis. In this case, you will need a live substance. You need to drink this three times a day 30 minutes before meals: the first day - ¼ glass. The second day (and all others, from 3 to 7 days) - ½ cup.

Another recipe for using living and dead water will help solve the problem with pressure. If it is low, take ½ cup of LW twice a day, if it is high - MV, the duration of the course is no more than 7 days. It is better to use freshly prepared liquids.

Living and dead water

This is not a miracle, but the discovery of a previously unknown physical effect. Water activated with alkaline properties is obtained as follows: An electrolyte bath filled with water is divided by a semi-permeable partition (in the simplest case, a tarpaulin) into cathode and anode regions, and current is passed through the water. This is not new. Diaphragm electrolysers have long been known, where such a partition, passing current, prevents the electrolysis products from mixing. This was stated in the magazine "Inventor and Innovator" N% 2 for 1981 article. Latyshev “unexpected water” p. 20. After reading the article by L.I. Krotov began to manufacture a device for obtaining such water. Before that, he was in the hospital with kidney inflammation and prostate adenoma for a month. He was offered surgery, but he refused it and was discharged home. At this time, he completed a device for obtaining activated water. The first test of the effect of water was carried out on the wound of my son’s hand, which could not heal for 6 months. After treatment with water, the wound healed in two days.

L.I. Krotov began to drink water himself, 1/2 glass of water before meals 3 times a day. I felt cheerful, within a week the adenoma disappeared, the radiculitis and leg swelling disappeared.

After taking living water, he was examined in the hospital with all the tests, during which no diseases were discovered and his blood pressure returned to normal.

A neighbor scalded her hand with boiling water and received a 3rd degree burn. Living and dead water were used for treatment, and the burn disappeared in 2 days.

The boy had pain in his gums for 8 months, and an abscess formed in his throat. Application various methods treatment and medications did not produce results. Activated water was used, for which the throat and gums were gargled with dead water 6 times during the day, after which complete recovery occurred.

One pensioner had pain in his legs and had to walk with a stick. After a course of treatment with living and dead water, he began to walk without a stick.

Water is harmless; when taken, people can be healed. various diseases, the activity of the whole organism is normalized. 60 people with the most various diseases, in all cases the effect was positive.

Methods for treating diseases with electrically activated water

Below is a list of all those diseases that can be cured with the help of electrically activated water. However, pharmacological studies of these solutions, such as medicines, very little. In Russia, research on electroactivated water is carried out mainly at the Department of Pharmacology of the Voronezh Medical Academy.

N p/p

Application area

Treatment method

Therapeutic effect

Prostate adenoma

The entire treatment cycle is 8 days. 1 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water 4 times a day (the fourth time - at night). If your blood pressure is normal, then by the end of the treatment cycle you can drink a glass. Sexual intercourse should not be interrupted. Sometimes a repeat course of treatment is necessary. It is carried out a month after the first cycle, but it is better to continue treatment without interruption. During the treatment process, it is useful to massage the perineum, and at night put a compress on the perineum with “living” water, having previously moistened the area with “dead” water. Enemas from warm “living” water are also desirable. Cycling is also useful, as are candles made from a bandage moistened with “living” water.

The pain goes away after 4-5 days, swelling and the urge to urinate decrease. Small red particles may come out along with urine. Improves digestion and appetite.


For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with “dead” water. After each rinse, after 10 minutes, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. Moisten skin rashes (if any) with “dead” water.

The disease usually goes away within 2-3 days. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for prevention.

Sore throat and upper catarrh respiratory tract; acute respiratory infections

For three days, 6-7 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. In 10 minutes. after each rinse, drink 1/4 cup of “living” water.

The temperature drops on the first day. The disease itself goes away in 3 days or less.

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs. Salt deposits

For two or three days, 3 times a day, 1/2 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water, make compresses with it on sore spots. Heat water for compresses to 40-45 degrees C.

The pain usually goes away within the first two days. Blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and the state of the nervous system normalizes.

Bronchial asthma; bronchitis

For three days, 4-5 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. In 10 minutes. After each rinse, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. If there is no noticeable improvement, do inhalation with “dead” water: heat 1 liter of water to 70-80 ° C and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. The last inhalation can be done with “living” water and soda.

The urge to cough decreases and overall well-being improves. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Liver inflammation

The treatment cycle is 4 days. On the first day, drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water 4 times before meals. On other days, drink “living” water in a similar manner.

The pain goes away, the inflammatory process stops.

Inflammation of the colon (Colitis)

It is better not to eat anything on the first day. During the day, drink 1/2 cup of “dead” water with a “strength” of 2.0 pH 3-4 times.

The disease goes away within 2 days.


For three days, 3 times a day, 1/2 hour before meals, drink “living” water. On the first day 1/4 cup, on the rest 1/2 cup. If necessary, you can drink for another 3-4 days.

Stomach pain goes away, acidity decreases, appetite and general well-being improve.

Hemorrhoids, fissures anus

Before starting treatment, visit the toilet, carefully wash the anus, lacerations, nodes with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. After 7-8 minutes, apply lotions with a cotton-gauze swab dipped in “living” water. Repeat this procedure, changing tampons, 6-8 times during the day. At night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. During the treatment period, avoid eating spicy and fried foods; it is advisable to eat easily digestible foods, such as porridge and boiled potatoes.

The bleeding stops and the ulcers heal within 3-4 days.

Herpes (Cold)

Before treatment, rinse your mouth and nose thoroughly with “dead” water and drink 1/2 cup of “dead” water. Tear off the bottle with the contents of herpes with a cotton swab moistened with heated “dead” water. Next, during the day, apply a tampon moistened with “dead” water to the affected area 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes. On the second day, drink 1/2 cup of “dead” water and repeat rinsing. Apply a tampon soaked in “dead” water to the crust that has formed 3-4 times a day.

You need to be patient a little when you break the bottle. The burning and itching stop within 2-3 hours. Herpes goes away within 2-3 days.

Worms (helminthiasis)

Make cleansing enemas, first with “dead” water, and after an hour with “living” water. During the day, drink two-thirds of a glass of “dead” water every hour. The next day to restore health, drink 0.5 glasses of “living” water half an hour before meals.

You may not feel well. If recovery has not occurred after 2 days, then repeat the procedure.

Purulent wounds, old fistulas, postoperative wounds, bedsores; trophic ulcers, abscesses

Rinse the affected areas with heated “dead” water and allow to dry without wiping. Then, after 5-6 minutes, moisten the wounds with warm “living” water. Repeat this procedure only with “living” water at least 5-6 times during the day. If pus continues to be released again, then it is necessary to treat the wounds again with “dead” water, and then, until healing, apply tampons with “living” water. When treating bedsores, it is recommended to place the patient on a linen sheet.

The wounds are cleaned, dried, their rapid healing begins, usually within 4-5 days they are completely healed. Trophic ulcers take longer to heal.


If your head hurts from a bruise or concussion, then moisten it with “living” water. For a common headache, moisten the painful part of the head and drink 1/2 hundred can of “dead” water.

For most people, the headache stops within 40-50 minutes.


First, thoroughly wash the areas affected by the fungus with hot water and laundry soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. During the day, moisten with “dead” water 5-6 times and allow to dry without wiping. Wash socks and towels and soak them in “dead” water. Similarly (you can disinfect shoes once) - pour “dead” water into them and leave for 20 minutes.

The fungus disappears within 4-5 days. Sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated.


Rinse your nose, throat, and mouth with warmed “dead” water 6-8 times a day. At night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. It is recommended not to eat anything on the first day of treatment.

Usually the flu goes away within a day, sometimes in two. Its consequences are alleviated


Moisten all rashes and swelling with “dead” water and allow to dry. Then make compresses with “living” water for 10-5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.


It is better not to eat anything on this day. During the day, drink 1/2 cup of “dead” water with a “strength” of 2.0 pH 3-4 times.

Dysentery goes away within 24 hours.

Jaundice (Hepatitis)

3-4 days, 4-5 times a day, 1/2 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. After 5-6 days, see a doctor. If necessary, continue treatment.

Your well-being improves, your appetite appears, and your natural complexion is restored.

Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. Let dry without wiping. After 8-10 minutes, wet your feet with “living” water and, without wiping, let them dry. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. Additionally, you can treat socks and shoes with dead water.

The unpleasant odor disappears.


Drink 0.5 glasses of “living” water. You can make an enema from warm “living” water.

Constipation goes away

Toothache. Periodontal disease

Rinse your teeth after eating with heated “dead” water for 15-20 minutes. When brushing your teeth, use “live” water instead of ordinary water. If there are stones on your teeth, brush your teeth with “dead” water and after 10 minutes rinse your mouth with “live” water. If you have periodontal disease, rinse your mouth with “dead” water several times after eating. Then rinse your mouth “live”. Brush your teeth only in the evening. Perform the procedure regularly.

In most cases, the pain goes away quickly. Tartar gradually disappears and gum bleeding decreases. Periodontal disease gradually goes away.


Before eating, drink 1/2 glass of “live” water.

The heartburn goes away.

Colpitis (vaginitis)

Heat activated water to 30-40 ° C and douche at night: first with “dead” water and after 8-10 minutes with “live” water. Continue for 2-3 days.

The disease goes away within 2-3 days

Conjunctivitis, stye

Rinse the affected areas with warm water, then treat with heated “dead” water and allow to dry without wiping. Then, for two days, 4-5 times a day, make compresses with heated “living” water. At night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water.

The affected areas heal in 2-3 days.

Runny nose

Rinse your nose, drawing in “dead” water. For children, you can drop “dead” water with a pipette. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times during the day.

A normal runny nose goes away within one hour.


Carefully treat the burned areas with “dead” water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten them with “living” water and then continue to moisten them only with it. Try not to puncture the bubbles. If the blisters break or pus appears, start treatment with “dead” water, then with “live” water.

Burns heal and heal in 3-5 days.

Swelling of the arms and legs

For three days, 4 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals and at night, drink: - on the first day, 1/2 cup of “dead” water; - on the second day - 3/4 cup of “dead” water; - on the third day - 1/2 cup of “living” water.

Swelling decreases and gradually disappears.

High blood pressure

In the morning and evening, before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water with a “strength” of 3-4 pH. If it doesn’t help, then drink a whole glass after 1 hour.

The blood pressure normalizes and the nervous system calms down.

Low pressure

In the morning and evening, before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water with pH = 9-10.

The blood pressure returns to normal and a surge of strength appears.

Polyarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis

The full cycle of treatment is 9 days. Drink 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals: - in the first three days and 7, 8, 9 days, 1/2 glass of “dead” water; - 4th day - break; - 5th day - 1/2 cup of “living” water; - 6th day - break If necessary, this cycle can be repeated after a week. If the disease is advanced, then you need to apply compresses with warm “dead” water to the sore spots.

Joint pain goes away, sleep and well-being improve.


Drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water. If the diarrhea has not stopped after an hour, drink another 1/2 glass of “dead” water.

Diarrhea usually stops within an hour

Cuts, abrasions, scratches

Rinse the wound with “dead” water. Then apply a tampon soaked in “living” water to it and bandage it. Continue treatment with “living” water. If pus appears, treat the wound again with “dead” water.

The wounds heal within 2-3 days

Neck cold

Make a compress of heated “dead” water on your neck. In addition, 4 times a day, with food and at night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water.

The pain goes away, freedom of movement is restored, and your well-being improves.

Prevention of insomnia, increased irritability

Drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water at night. For 2-3 days, 30-40 minutes before meals, continue to drink “dead” water in the same dosage. Avoid spicy, fatty and meat foods during this period.

Sleep improves and irritability decreases.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds during epidemics

Periodically, 3-4 times a week in the morning and evening, rinse your nose, throat and mouth with “dead” water. After 20-30 minutes, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. If you come into contact with an infectious patient, perform the above procedure additionally. It is advisable to wash your hands with “dead” water.

Vigor appears, performance increases, and overall well-being improves.

Psoriasis, scaly lichen

One treatment cycle - six days. Before treatment, wash thoroughly with soap, steam the affected areas at the maximum tolerable temperature, or make a hot compress. Then, moisten the affected areas generously with heated “dead” water, and after 8-10 minutes begin to moisten with “living” water. Next, the entire treatment cycle (i.e., all 6 days) must be washed off the affected areas only with “living” water 5-8 times a day, without prior washing, steaming or treating with “dead” water. In addition, in the first three days of treatment you need to drink 1/2 cup of “dead” food before meals, and on days 4, 5 and 6 - 1/2 cup of “live” food. After the first cycle of treatment, a week-long break is taken, and then the cycle is repeated several times until recovery. If during the treatment the skin becomes very dry, cracks and hurts, you can moisten it several times with “dead” water.

After 4-5 days of treatment, the affected areas of the skin begin to clear up, and clean pinkish areas of the skin appear. Gradually the lichen disappears completely. Usually 3-5 treatment cycles are enough. You should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy and smoked foods, and try not to be nervous.

Radiculitis, rheumatism

For two days, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink 3/4 cup of “living” water. Rub heated “dead” water into sore spots

The pain goes away within a day, in some people earlier, depending on the cause of the exacerbation.

Skin irritation (after shaving)

Moisten the skin several times with “living” water and let it dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply a tampon with “living” water to them for 5-7 minutes.

It irritates the skin a little, but heals quickly.

Vein expansion

Rinse the areas of varicose veins and bleeding areas with “dead” water, then apply compresses with “living” water for 15-20 minutes and drink 1/2 cup of “dead water”. It is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Painful sensations are dulled. Over time, the disease goes away.

Diabetes mellitus, pancreas

Constantly drink 0.5 glasses of “living” water half an hour before meals. Massage of the gland and self-hypnosis that it secretes insulin is useful

The condition is improving.


After each meal, and additionally 3-4 times a day, rinse your mouth with “live” water for 2-3 minutes.

The ulcers heal within 1-2 days.

Acne, increased peeling of the skin, pimples on the face

In the morning and evening, after washing, 2-3 times at 1-2 minute intervals, rinse your face and neck with “living” water and let dry without wiping. Apply compresses to wrinkled skin for 15-20 minutes. In this case, the “living” water should be slightly heated. If the skin is dry, then first it must be washed with “dead” water. After 8-10 minutes, do the above procedures. Once a week, you need to wipe your face with the following solution: 1/2 cup of “living” water, 1/2 tablespoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda. After 2 minutes, rinse your face with “living” water.

The skin smoothes out, becomes softer, minor abrasions and cuts heal, acne disappears and peeling stops. With long-term use, wrinkles practically disappear.

Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet

Steam your feet in hot soapy water for 35-40 minutes and rinse with warm water. After this, wet your feet with warm “dead” water and after 15-20 minutes, carefully remove the layer of dead skin. Then wash your feet with warm “living” water and let them dry without wiping. This procedure must be repeated periodically.

"Dead" skin gradually peels off. The skin of the feet softens, cracks heal.

Hair care

Once a week, after washing your hair, dry your hair and moisten it with heated “dead” water. After 8-10 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm “living” water and, without drying, let it dry. Throughout the week, in the evenings, rub warm “living” water into the scalp for 1-2 minutes. The course of treatment is 1 month. To wash your hair, you can use either “baby” soap or yolk (not concentrated!) shampoo. After washing your hair, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of young birch leaves or nettle leaves, and only then, after 15-20 minutes, use activated water. The course of treatment is best carried out in the spring.

Hair becomes softer, dandruff disappears, abrasions and scratches heal. Itching and hair loss stop. In three to four months regular care new hair begins to grow behind the hair.

Improved digestion

When the stomach stops working, for example, when overeating, drink one glass of “live” water.

After 15-20 minutes, the stomach begins to work.

Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)

For 4 days, 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, drink 1/2 glass of water: 1st time - “dead”, 2nd and 3rd times - “alive”. “Living” water should have a pH of about 11 units.

Pain in the heart, abdomen and right shoulder blade goes away, bitterness in the mouth and nausea disappear

Eczema, lichen

Before treatment, steam the affected areas, then moisten with “dead” water and allow to dry. Next, moisten it 4-5 times a day only with “living” water. At night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. The course of treatment is a week.

The affected areas heal within 4-5 days.

Cervical erosion

Douche overnight with “dead” water heated to 38-40°C. After 10 minutes, repeat this procedure with “living” water. Next, repeat washing with “living” water several times a day.

Erosion resolves within 2-3 days.

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

For 4-5 days, 1 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “live” water. After a 7-10 day break, repeat the treatment.

The pain and vomiting stop on the second day. Acidity decreases, the ulcer heals.

The use of electrically activated water for economic purposes

Activated water can also be successfully used for household needs, for example, on a personal plot.


Object of application

Method of application


Control of insects and pests (moths, aphids) in the house and in the garden.

Spray the plants and, if necessary, the soil with “dead* (pH = h 1.5-2.0) water. (If in the apartment - then carpets, woolen products.

Insects leave plants and soil, aphids and moth larvae die.

Disinfection (disinfection) of the patient’s linen, bedding, etc.

Soak the washed items and keep them in “dead” water for 10-12 minutes. The “strength” of water is 1.1-1.5 pH.

Bacteria and microorganisms die.

Sterilization of canning jars

Wash the jars with plain water, then rinse thoroughly with warm “dead” water. Also keep the lids for seaming in heated “dead” water for 6-8 minutes. The “strength” of water is 1.2-1.5 pH.

Jars and lids do not need to be sterilized.

Sanitation of premises

Wipe the furniture, wash the floor and dishes with “strong” (pH = 1.4-1.6) “dead” water.

The premises are being disinfected.

Plant growth stimulation

Water the plants with “live” water according to the following scheme: for 2-3 waterings with ordinary water, once - “live”. Some plants prefer “dead” water.

Plants become larger, form more ovaries, and suffer less disease.

Refreshment of wilted plants

Trim dried, wilted roots from plants and dip them in “living” water.

Plants come to life during the day.

Preparation of mortars

Lime, cement, and gypsum mortars are made using “living” water. It is also good to dilute thickened water-based paint with it.

Strength increases by 30%. Increases resistance to moisture.

Washing clothes in activated water

Soak the laundry in heated “dead” water. Add half as much detergent as usual and start washing. Rinse clothes in “living” water, without bleaches.

The quality of washing is improved. Linen is disinfected.

Poultry growth promotion

Give small and weak chickens (goslings, ducklings, etc.) only “live” water for 2 days. Then continue to give them “living” water once a week. If they have diarrhea, give them “dead” water.

The chickens recover quickly, become more energetic, and grow better.

Extending battery life

When making electrolyte, use “living” water. Periodically replenish the battery with “live” water.

Sulfation of plates is reduced and their service life is increased.

Increasing animal productivity

Periodically, 2-3 times a week, feed the animals “living” water with a pH of 10.0. Before giving dry food to animals, soak it well in “live” water.

The fur becomes thicker. Immunity is strengthened. Milk yield and weight gain increase.

Increasing the shelf life of perishable foods and vegetables.

Before storing meat, sausage, fish, butter, etc., keep them for several minutes in “dead” water with pH = 1.1-1.7. Before storing vegetables and fruits, rinse them in “dead” water, hold in it for 5-8 minutes, then wipe dry.

Microorganisms and molds die.

Reducing scale in car radiators

Fill the radiator with “dead” water, start the engine, idle for 10-15 minutes and leave for 2-3 hours. Then repeat the procedure again. Pour “dead” water over night and leave. In the morning, drain the water, add regular water and drain after 1/2 hour. Then pour “live” water into the radiator.

The scale in the radiator lags behind the walls and merges with the water in the form of sediment.

Removing scale from kitchenware

Pour “dead” water into a vessel (kettle), heat it to 80-85 degrees C° and leave for 1-2 hours. Remove the softened layer of scale. You can pour “dead” water into the kettle and just leave it like that for 2-3 days. The effect will be the same.

The scale in the dishes comes off the walls.

Accelerating seed germination and disinfection

Before planting, soak the seeds for 10-15 minutes in “dead” water. Before planting in the ground, soak the seeds in “living” water (pH = 10.5-11.0) and leave for a day.

Seeds germinate better and produce stable seedlings.

It should be remembered that electrically activated water must be stored in closed glass containers at a temperature of +4 +10 0C.

It is not recommended to heat electrically activated water strongly - you can heat it over low heat, preferably in an enamel or ceramic bowl, but do not bring it to a boil, otherwise the water will lose its beneficial properties.

When mixing “living” and “dead” water, neutralization occurs and the resulting water loses its activity. Therefore, when ingesting “live” and then “dead” water, you need to pause between doses for at least 1.5-2.0 hours.

For external use, after treating the wound with “dead” water, a pause of 8-10 minutes is also necessary and only then the wound can be treated with “living” water.

Once again, it should be emphasized that you should not get carried away with drinking large volumes of electrically activated water - it can even be harmful to the body! After all, electroactivated water is not a natural, but an artificially obtained product, with completely different drinking water properties and characteristics, many of which have not yet been studied at all.

Therefore, before carrying out any treatment with electrically activated water against the background of suspected hepatitis, be sure to consult with a medical specialist. However, some doctors may be incompetent in this matter - then seek advice from the manufacturer of the electroactivated water device. For preventive purposes, electroactivated water can be used in accordance with the instructions. It should be remembered that during treatment with electroactivated water you should not consume fatty and spicy foods and alcoholic beverages.

I wish you health and a speedy recovery!

Inventor of the USSR, Honored Innovator of the RSFSR L. I. Krotov.

In addition to being expensive, current medicines suffer from low quality, and sometimes do not carry any benefits at all. useful substance. With the return of capitalism to Russian soil, the former Soviet people became acquainted with previously unseen “miracles,” one of which was a counterfeit product, that is, a fake of the real thing. In a once socialist country with strict control over the quality of products and services, surrogates suddenly appeared, including among medicines. Began to be used for cooking food products chemicals harmful to health.

And that postulate, beloved by liberal democrats, that under socialism human life was worth a penny, received an unexpectedly clear refutation: under capitalism it costs nothing at all. And he himself, a man, is no longer even a cog, useful in a common cause, but a grain of sand on the seashore.

Thus, the synthetic sweetener (200 times sweeter than sugar) aspartame, banned in 1968 by developed countries, including the USSR, is now imported into Russia in thousands of tons for the preparation of cakes, cookies, candies, chewing gum, carbonated (and other) drinks ( beer, juices, Sprite, Coca-Cola) and other “sweets”. Some medications also did not escape the sad fate of its presence in their composition. Aspartame is a real poison for humans. It consists of phenylalanine (50%), aspartic acid (40%) and methyl alcohol (10%). It inhibits kidney function, disrupts metabolism (that's why there are so many fat people), and leads to mental retardation a person already in the womb, Alzheimer's diseases (senile dementia), Parkinson's and others terrible illnesses. It is not for nothing that over the past 20 years, kidney diseases have become the third most common in Russia after cardiovascular diseases and oncology. Apparently, thanks to aspartame (it is now used in the USA, but with mandatory labeling), the world became acquainted with such a new disease as autism (infantile dementia, in short). It can be assumed that aspartame is a significant additive for the coming end of world history.

According to statistical data, surrogates for medicines reach 30% all over the world (the world has become entirely capitalist), and in Russia this figure falls just short of 60%, which is why you have to choose: either spoil your health with counterfeit medicines, or find folk remedies. I want to jog people’s memory about such a seemingly fabulous remedy as "living" and "dead" water. This remedy, improved by scientific research, really exists, and therefore in the future I will not put quotation marks when talking about living and dead water.

All of us, people, perhaps Russians to a greater extent, want a quick cure from diseases that always occur unexpectedly. We want relief to come immediately from one pill, so that we can forget about the illness and do what we love. Systematic prevention and timely “treatment” are not for most of us.

“But he was sick of hard work,” Pushkin wrote about his hero, Eugene Onegin. The persistent treatment also makes us sick. Thank God that not for everyone, but for the absolute majority of Russians, one can only wish for perseverance as a character trait, especially in treatment. The first Russian spoke about the lack of perseverance as a property of the mind. Nobel laureate, physiologist Ivan Pavlov, in lectures “On the Russian Mind”, given in Petrograd in 1918.

Remembering about harmful additives in food, about medicinal substitutes, about the exorbitant prices for them, about the godless profit of thieving pharmacists on our health, and, remaining among the very majority who do not like clinics, I want to help sick and poor people. As an old electrochemist who worked in the chlorine electrolysis shop for 19 years, and a person who has lived quite a lot in this world, I want to exchange with my compatriots my personal experience of obtaining and using quite “magical”, that is, fast and almost free ways to help a suffering body thanks to living and dead water.

About the "pros" and "cons"

First of all, let's talk about the role of “positive” and “negative” in our lives. And here, not everything is so simple, contrary to generally accepted ideological meanings, when positive means good. In nature, as strange as it may seem, the opposite is true. For example, the Soviet biologist Alexander Chizhevsky, who studied the effect of solar radiation on human health, the creator of an air ionizer, which later received the name “Chizhevsky Chandeliers,” discovered that only negative ions in the air are useful to humans.

Positive ions (cations) of metals in solutions are also harmful to humans. Many have heard about the dangers of salts of “heavy” metals, such as copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, the salts of which are, in fact, poisons for humans. And “light” aluminum, or rather its cations, are no less harmful. Their excess in the body causes the famous Alzheimer's disease, which people once suffered from famous people: US President R. Reingan, British Prime Minister M. Thatcher, and many other “ordinary” people. I remember a note in some environmental newsletter in the early 90s, which stated that after the discovery of the harmfulness of aluminum cations, landfills in Anglo-Saxon countries (where particularly impressionable people live) were overflowing with discarded aluminum kettles and other utensils made from this metal. Of course, although Russians are not cowards, I advise boiling water in a different container.

These very cations of heavy metals are very tenacious. There is a known case when French winemakers had to destroy a large batch of expensive wine, since chemical analysis showed the presence of poisonous lead cations in it. Where and how could it get into the wine? The investigation revealed that the grapes used for this batch were collected from a plantation located next to a busy highway. Old-timers remember that until the 21st century, tetraethyl lead was used as an additive to increase the octane number of gasoline. Flying out of the exhaust pipes of passing cars, it polluted the soil, and then the dissociated lead cation penetrated with water through the roots of the grapevine into the fruit. I had to say goodbye to the contaminated plantation and wine.

By the way, although the world has abandoned tetraethyl lead, currently no less harmful additives are used to increase the octane number, the properties of which we know little about. For example, the Americans began to use MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) for this purpose and, according to the testimony of Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V.I. Petrik, they already have problems with drinking water in some areas of the United States. Now this dangerous additive is used all over the world, and the person who pointed out this problem began to be considered “peculiar.” Is it because he is attacking the profits of the gasoline kings?

But let's get back to the pros and cons. Where did chernozem, the most productive soil structure, originate? Where there are the richest deposits of chalk and other limestones that provide an alkaline environment. It is not for nothing that calcium, strontium and barium are called alkaline earth metals, since their oxides form alkalis when combined with water. Anyone who has even the slightest connection to gardening knows that in order to increase the fertility of the land, it is necessary to add dolomite flour, lime and other carbonates, that is, to “deoxidize” the soil. Only horsetail and plantain grow well on acidic clay.

Residents of one of the islands of Japan have the highest life expectancy in the world, and the “culprit” for this is not seaweed or a fish diet, as previously thought, but natural water with a high content of negative OH ion, that is, water with alkaline properties ( pH value its pH = 8-10 units).

A little theory

I begin to touch lightly on chemical terminology, with which readers may not be familiar, but I will not bore you with it. Let me just say that water molecules, even very pure ones, weakly but still dissociate (ionize) into positive hydrogen ions and negative hydroxyl ions (OH).

H2O H + + OH -

From this formula we can immediately draw a theoretical conclusion: having gotten rid of the hydrogen cation, water will acquire alkaline properties.

The dissociation (ionization) constant of water is negligible and amounts to 1.8 to 10 to the minus 16 power of units. For comparison, sulfuric acid, which is a strong electrolyte, has a dissociation constant of 1.2 to 10 to the minus second power, that is, trillions of times higher than that of water. However, water, although weak, is a conductor of current, so grabbing bare wires with wet hands is deadly.

The more negative ions (OH) in water, the more alkaline it is. The more hydrogen ions in water, the more acidic it is. TO living water alkaline water belongs to dead- sour.

To share dead water(anolyte) and live(catholyte), it is necessary to subject it to electrolysis, that is, pass a constant electricity. Under its influence, redox processes begin: cations move to the negatively charged cathode and are reduced there (for example, the hydrogen cation to a gaseous state), and anions move to the negative anode (oxidize). Thus, electrical energy is converted into chemical energy, which is used by a person using living and dead water.

The process of electrolysis has long been known: its first laws were formulated by Michael Faraday in 1833, and the first industrial electrolyzers for water were designed in 1888. We will, of course, keep silent about them.

Having mentioned chemical energy, we should note that water is the main component of human blood, lymph, brain, and the contents of all cells of a living organism (all of them are solutions). These solutions also have energy, which can be expressed in terms of redox potential. Scientists have calculated its value, it is for healthy person 70mV with a minus sign. Ordinary water taken orally by a person is also a solution, and also has a potential equal to +400 mV, and it is almost difficult to imagine how many electrons, that is, chemical energy, the human body needs to expend in order to reduce the potential of the consumed water to the level of the potential that exists in body. Drinks filled with synthetic substances, such as aspartame, have an even greater positive redox potential, and even more devour human energy and destroy the brain, which is 90% water. It is not surprising that by the end of life the water content in the human body decreases to 60%, while a newly born baby consists of 90% water.

Living water It is useful for humans, first of all, because it has a negative redox potential due to the presence of the OH anion in it.

During the electrolysis of water, hydrogen is released at the cathode due to the addition of an electron by the hydrogen cation, and oxygen is released at the positive anode. However, to prevent the electrolysis products from mixing and to collect them separately, it is necessary to separate the spaces around the anode and cathode, that is, install a diaphragm. It must be permeable to the solution (the solution is a conductor of the second kind), otherwise the electric current will not pass from the anode to the cathode, but it is not very permeable to the products of electrolysis. Finding the material for the diaphragm is the main problem, which took many decades to solve. The diaphragm divides all the liquid in the electrolyzer into catholyte, that is, located near the cathode, and anolyte, respectively, at the anode.

About the medicinal properties of catholyte ( living water) and anolyte ( dead water) first became known from an article by V.M. Latyshev “Unexpected Water” in the magazine “Inventor and Innovator” No. 2 for 1981. No. 9 of the same magazine published an interview with Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Vakhidov under the title “Activated water is promising.”

Think about it, dear reader, and pay attention to the fact that once there were Academies of Sciences in every republic of the USSR, and in 2013 the RAS was practically liquidated, quickly adopting a law on its “reform” in 3 readings. Pay attention also to the fact that in the 80s, numerous works were carried out on the electromagnetic activation of grain, soil in order to increase productivity, as well as water, since seeds and grains kept in living water, also give a noticeable increase in yield. And, accordingly, they have a beneficial effect on human health.

Home electrolyzer device.

I. Accessories

Currently, there are factory-made water ionizers on sale, for example, “Melesta” from a Ufa manufacturer with an anode coated with ruthenium oxides (price 1,450 rubles), or a Belarusian-made device (price almost 3,000 rubles). Although the latest device is the most advanced, the pH living water rarely reaches 10 units. Therefore, a home-made device is more effective and much cheaper.

Here is an approximate breakdown of the necessary parts for production with prices indicated:

1.Anodes and cathodes are medical spatulas (they are made of stainless steel). They are sold in Medtekhnika stores at a price of 50 rubles apiece. You will need 3 or 4 pieces. Later it will become clear why this is so. Total -200 rub.

2. Rectifier - a 3 ampere diode bridge, which can easily be bought on the radio market for 10 rubles. a piece.

3. Glass jar for catholyte with a capacity of 1.1 liters with a neck diameter of 90 mm. and height 160 mm. The practical yield of catholyte (living water) is 600 ml. The can can be purchased at hardware stores, where it is listed as a “bulk materials can.” Price - 120 rub.

4. An anode cylinder made of red baked clay is also sold in Medtekhnika stores at a price of 200 rubles, but it is rare, so it is better to have a supply of them. The dimensions of the glass are 60*60*130, the volume of anolyte (dead water) is 350 ml. This is the most scarce component of a water electrolysis device. You can order a clay cylinder from an experienced potter with dimensions: d = 60mm, height 130mm.

The wall thickness of a purchased glass is 3-4 mm, for a homemade cylinder - 5-6 mm. The baked clay acts as a diaphragm separating the anolyte from the catholyte.

5.Ammeter for direct current with a scale up to 1A. Price -200 rub.

6.Thermometer up to 50 degrees Celsius. It is best to purchase a thermometer for aquariums with a rubber suction cup, which serves as a support for it, lowered into the catholyte. Price – 45 rub.

7. Copper wires in PVC braid, 1 meter long. Price – 20 rub.

8. Small-diameter screws, washers, nuts for mounting an electrical circuit, as well as an electric drill, an angle grinder, and a soldering iron, I think, can be found in every family where a man knows how to do something with his own hands.

9. A set of universal indicator paper. Sold in pharmacies at a price of 500 rubles. Perhaps this is the most expensive thing in our installation, although we must keep in mind that the pH of living water can only be accurately measured using a laboratory ion meter.

Total: 1295 rub.

II. Installation assembly

It consists of 6 main parts: No. 1 - cathode jar, No. 2 - cathode, No. 3 - glass for anolyte, No. 4 - anode, No. 5 - ammeter, No. 6 - diode bridge.

1. Rectifier block.

Take the diode bridge and bend the two wires with the AC sign. Solder the two ends of a two-core insulated wire 300 mm long to them, and attach a plug to the two opposite ends. The rectifier unit is ready. To avoid being exposed to current, you need to carefully insulate the ends, and since the diode bridge is small and light in weight, it needs to be placed in some kind of insulated casing. I used half of a plastic electrical “tee” for this purpose.


The components may be different, but the design is the same. As a holder for two plates (spatulas), I took a plastic lid (110*110mm) from a cereal storage jar. I cut a hole with a diameter of 65-70mm using a hand jigsaw. to lower the thermometer into this hole and so that in the future the anode contacts do not touch the cathode jumpers. I also cut two narrow slits for attaching spatulas (cathodes) in them. After passing the spatulas through them, make sure that they fit into the cathode jar and just barely touch the bottom of the jar. Drill out spatulas (2 pieces) at a distance of 10mm from the top. one hole with a diameter of 2-3mm. Please note that the spatulas have different widths along the length. Drill holes in their narrow part. Cut two strips 10mm wide from galvanized six. and 110 mm long, bend them at the edges, obtaining a U-shape with an internal dimension = 85 mm. Also drill holes with a diameter of 2-3mm in the “ears” of the jumper. First, pass the narrow part of the spatula through the cracks of the lid, and then connect the holes and fasten the spatulas with the jumpers with screws (see photo).

You can get by with one jumper, but it is best to have two cathodes in order to reduce the overvoltage of the discharge current, and, more simply, to make the electrolysis process more efficient.


Cut the spatula from the narrow part to a length of 125mm. Drill holes in it with a distance of 10 mm from the cut. hole d=2-3mm. In a plastic holder, which can be a previously cut circle from the cathode holder, use a jigsaw to make a slot in the center into which to pass the anode. There can be two of them, but the distance between them should be at least 20mm, then make 2 slits. The holder with the anode can be adjusted in size so that it fits into the neck of the anode cup (see photo).

You can simply place the circle on the edges of the clay glass, checking very carefully that in the assembled state the cathode part does not touch the anode contacts, otherwise there will be a short circuit (short circuit), and the diode bridge will burn out, and the “plugs” in the apartment will “fly out”.


It's simple. Connect a single-core electrical wire (l==30-40cm) to the “+” of the diode bridge, and the other end to one of the ammeter contacts. From an ammeter of the same length, run a wire to the anode. All! The positive part of the circuit is ready.

Connect the wire from the “–“ diode bridge to the cathode (see photo).

The assembled circuit is unchanged and is ready to serve and prepare water an unlimited number of times.

5.Obtaining activated water.

Pour filtered water into the cathode jar. Its quantity is determined experimentally after you pour water into the anode glass and place it in the cathode jar. The level in the jar should coincide with the level in the anode glass, but so that water from the jar does not overflow into the glass. Take out the glass and mark with a chemical pencil or some other method the level to which you need to pour water into the cathode glass when making the next portion living and dead water.

Insert the holder with the anode into the anode cup. It can either fit into the glass or rest on its edges. In this case, the water level must be appropriate. Place a cathode with two electrodes in the cathode jar so that they are parallel to the anode, that is, it is located between the two cathodes. This arrangement reduces the current overvoltage for hydrogen evolution at the cathode.

Double check that the cathode is not in direct contact with the anode.

Plug the plug into the socket.

6.Process features

Water quality plays a special and significant role. Water should contain as few impurities as possible, that is, salts of any metals that increase the passage of current through the solution. A verified and accurate indicator of poor water quality is a high (1.0 A or higher) discharge current at the very beginning of the process. The best process parameters are:

The initial current (I) is 0.2 A. After 6 minutes, the current value increases to 0.6 A, after another 4 minutes the current is 0.64 A. The temperature should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. Process time 10 minutes. The most important parameter is temperature. The oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of the catholyte at this temperature is the lowest (-500 mV).

The electrolysis time depends on many parameters: water quality, the distance between the electrodes, the degree of clogging of the pores of the clay anode glass with salts, but at a temperature of 35 degrees the process must be stopped!

After turning off the current, immediately remove the cathode and wipe the electrodes with a waffle (that is, thick) towel to remove salts. There are negligible numbers of them, but after the 20th portion of the resulting water, the cathode will be “gray” from salts and the discharge current will drop, that is, the process time will increase. After the cathode, remove the anode cup along with the anode, and then the anode. Wipe it too with a towel or clean cloth. The smallest crystals of “suspended” salt will float in the cathode (living) water. There is no need to be afraid of it, but it is advisable to give the water time to settle and then drink it. living water should be stored in a dark glass container ( sunlight harmful) at room temperature. Dead(sour) water Also pour from the anode glass into another container. It is especially good for rinsing the mouth and nose to prevent colds.

Over time, the pores of the anode glass become clogged with salts, and salts are also deposited on the cathodes. The discharge current drops, and the process time increases even to 30 minutes or more. Salts are disposed of as follows. Place the anode glass in the cathode glass, pour water from the tap above the edge of the anode and pour in a tablespoon of 70% acetic acid which will dissolve the salts. To clean the cathode from “scaling”, you can dip it in a solution of acetic acid for half an hour. Then rinse and the electrodes will shine. I usually clean the anode glass for a day or even more, depending on the degree of pore clogging.

PS. Once again I draw the attention of readers to the fact that with source water with a high salt content, the therapeutic effect of the resulting living water decreases.

Areas of application of activated ( living and dead) water

1. Prostate adenoma.

One hour before meals (4 times a day) drink ½ glass living water. Fourth time at night. If your blood pressure is constant at the end of treatment, which lasts 8-10 days, you can drink a whole glass. In some cases, mucus may be released (don't worry, it will go away quickly). Do not interrupt sexual relations; by the way, potency increases significantly already on the third day. Sometimes a repeat course is necessary, it is carried out a month after the first cycle, but you can continue taking it living water and without interruption. During treatment, it is advisable to massage the perineum and testicles, and the number of compressions of the testicles in one massage session should correspond to the number of years lived. Gymnastic exercises that load the perineum are useful: lifting straight legs from a “lying” position by 50 cm. and spreading the legs to the sides. Enemas or douching of heated living water into the rectum are very effective.

The pain goes away after 4-5 days, swelling and the urge to urinate decrease. The pressure of urine increases noticeably. Improves well-being and mood.

The effect of the procedure is tested on yourself! The effect is significant.

2. Allergies.

For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose. dead water. After each rinse, drink ½ glass 10 minutes later. living water. If there are rashes on the skin, moisten them dead water. The disease goes away in 2-3 days. For prevention, repeating the procedure is recommended.

3. Sore throat, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory infections.

For three days, 6-7 times a day after meals, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with heated dead water. After each rinse, after 10 minutes, drink 1/4 cup living water. The temperature drops on the first day. The disease itself goes away in 3-4 days.

Do not pass through the nose during illness living water, as pathogenic flora may develop.

Tested for myself.

4. Pain in the joints of the arms and legs. Salt deposits.

For two or three days, drink ½ glass 3 times a day ½ hour before meals dead water. Sometimes it is recommended to make compresses from heated water. This must be done with great caution, since water is water, not alcohol or vodka, and your joints can get cold.

The pain usually goes away within the first two days. Blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and the state of the nervous system normalizes.

Tested for myself.

5. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis

For 3 days, 4-5 times a day after meals, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with heated dead water. 10 minutes after each rinse, drink ½ glass living water. If the cough continues to torment, inhale with dead water, heating it to 70-80 degrees, and breathe the steam for 10 minutes. Repeat inhalations 3-4 times a day.

6. Inflammation of the liver.

The treatment cycle is 4 days. On the first day, drink ½ glass before meals dead water. On the remaining three days, drink according to the same regimen. live water. The inflammatory process stops.

7. Inflammation of the large intestine. Colitis.

For the first day it is better not to eat anything, but take only 3-4 times a day, ½ glass dead water. Within 2 days the disease goes away.

8. Gastritis.

Stomach pain goes away, heartburn does not torment, appetite and general well-being improve.

9. Hemorrhoids.

In the mornings for 3-4 days after defecation and washing the anus with warm water and soap, moisten it dead water. After 7-8 minutes, make a lotion with a cotton-gauze swab dipped in living water. Do this procedure, changing tampons, 6-8 times a day. Drink ½ glass at night living water. During the treatment period, it is best to eat easily digestible foods (porridge, boiled potatoes).

After the specified period, the bleeding stops and the ulcers heal.

10. Herpes and colds

Before treatment, rinse your mouth and nose thoroughly dead water and drink ½ glass dead water. Rip off a herpes blister with a cotton swab (it will hurt, you need to be patient) moistened with heated dead water. Next, during the day, apply a swab moistened 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes. dead water, to the place where the herpes was. On the second day, drink ½ glass dead water and repeat rinsing. Tampon, soaked dead water, apply to the sore spot 3-4 times a day. The burning and itching stop after 2-3 hours. Herpes goes away in 3-4 days.

Tested for yourself!


During the day (morning and evening before meals) take ½ glass dead water. If it doesn’t help, then after an hour drink a whole glass with pH = 3-4. The blood pressure normalizes and the nervous system calms down.

Tested for yourself! It should be noted that the effect of lowering pressure is not very expressive. In some cases dead water does not help normalize diastolic pressure.


Drink ½ glass in the morning and evening before meals living water with pH9-10. The pressure normalizes and a surge of strength appears.

Tested for yourself!

13. Worms

Do cleansing enemas. At first dead water, and an hour later - alive. During the day, drink 2/3 cup every hour dead water. The next day to restore health, drink ½ glass alive water half an hour before meals. Your health may not be good. If recovery has not occurred after 2 days, repeat the procedure.

14. Purulent wounds, old fistulas, postoperative wounds, bedsores, trophic ulcers, abscesses.

Dead water– the strongest antiseptic!

Rinse the affected areas with warm water dead water and let dry without wiping with a towel. Then. After 5-6 minutes, moisten the wounds with warm alive water. Repeat this procedure only with living water during the day at least 5-6 times. If pus continues to be released again, then it is necessary to treat the wounds again dead water, and then until healing, apply tampons with living water. When treating bedsores, place the patient on a linen sheet.

The wounds are cleaned, dried and their rapid healing begins. Usually they heal completely within 4-5 days. Trophic ulcers require longer treatment.


If your head hurts from a bruise or concussion, then moisten it living water. For a “regular” headache, moisten most head and drink ½ glass dead water. Most people experience relief within an hour.

Tested for yourself!

16. Fungus

Everyone knows how expensive pharmaceutical antifungal drugs are!

First, thoroughly wash areas affected by fungi with hot water and laundry or tar soap. Wipe dry and moisten dead water. Moisten during the day dead water 5-6 times and let the wetted areas dry without wiping with a towel. Wash socks and towels and soak them in dead water. You can also disinfect shoes by pouring dead water for 20 minutes.

The fungus disappears after 4-5 days. In old cases, the procedure must be repeated.


Rinse your nose, throat and mouth with a heated dead water 6-8 times a day. Drink ½ glass at night living water. On the first day of treatment, do not eat anything. Typically, the flu goes away within 24 hours, most often within the 2nd day, but the suffering is immediately relieved: chills, aches, discomfort in the chest.

Tested for yourself!


Moisten all rashes and swelling dead water and let dry without wiping. Then make a compress with alive heated water for 10-15 minutes, no more. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.


On the day you start treatment, do not eat anything, but only drink ½ glass 3-4 times dead water with a strength of 2.0 pH to kill pathogenic flora in the stomach and intestines. Dysentery goes away within a day.

20. Jaundice (hepatitis)

For 3-4 days, drink ½ glass 4-5 times half an hour before meals living water. See a doctor in 5-6 days. If necessary, continue treatment.

21.Odor from feet

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with dead water. Let dry without wiping. After 8-10 minutes, wet your feet living water and let dry. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. Additionally, you can wash your socks in dead water and treat shoes (see above).


Drink ½ glass living water. You can do an enema or douche with warm water. living water.

23. Toothache. Periodontal disease.

Rinse your mouth after a warm meal dead water within 15-20 minutes. When brushing your teeth, use instead of regular water - live. If there are stones on your teeth, brush your teeth dead water and after 10 minutes rinse living water. Do the same for periodontal disease, and brush your teeth only at night. By the way, brushing your teeth before bed is in any case more effective than brushing your teeth in the morning. Perform these procedures constantly.

Tested for yourself! I use it every day


Drink ½ glass before eating living water, and heartburn as if it had never happened.

Tested for yourself!

25. Colpitis (vaginitis)

Heat the activated mixture to 30-40 degrees Celsius water and douche at night: first dead water, and after 8-10 minutes, - alive. Continue for 2-3 days, during which time the disease usually goes away.

26.Conjunctivitis, stye.

Rinse the affected areas with warm plain water, then treat with heated water. dead water and let dry without wiping.

Then for two days, 4-5 times a day, make compresses with heated living water. Drink ½ glass at night living water. After 2-3 days the disease goes away.

27.Runny nose

Rinse your nose by sucking into it dead water. Children can bury dead water pipette or spoon. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times during the day. A normal runny nose goes away within a day.

Many probably remember the popular saying: “You treat a runny nose, you don’t treat it - everything is the same. It will only be over in a week.” In our case, recovery occurs 7 times faster.


Treat burned areas carefully dead water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten them living water and then continue to moisten only with it. Do not puncture bubbles! If the blisters still rupture or pus appears, start treatment with dead water, and then alive. Burns heal and heal in 3-5 days.

Everything is as in folk tale, at first dead water– antiseptic, and then alive for the growth of new tissue.

29. Swelling of hands and feet

For three days, 4 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals and at night, drink activated water according to the following schedule. On the first day - ½ glass dead water, on the second day – ¾ cup dead water, on the third day - ½ glass living water. Swelling decreases and gradually disappears.

30. Polyarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis

The full treatment cycle is 9 days. Drink 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals: in the first three days and 7,8,9 days, ½ glass dead water. On the 4th day there is a break. On the 5th day – ½ glass living water, 6th day – break.

If necessary, this cycle can be repeated. If the disease is advanced, then you need to apply warm compresses to the sore spots. dead water. This measure must be used with great caution, since water, not alcohol or vodka, evaporates slowly and can chill the joint. Therefore, you need to wrap the compress area very carefully and securely, and keep it for no more than an hour.

Tested for yourself!

31. Diarrhea

Drink ½ glass dead water. If the diarrhea has not stopped after an hour, drink another ½ glass. The diarrhea usually stops within an hour.

Tested for yourself!

32. Cuts, abrasions, scratches

Wash the wound dead water. Then apply a tampon soaked in living water and bandage it. Then continue treatment living water. If pus appears, treat the wound again dead water. The wounds heal within 3-4 days.

Tested for yourself!

33. Neck cold

Make a compress on the neck using heated dead water. In addition, drink ½ glass 4 times a day (before meals and at night) living water. The pain goes away and freedom of movement is restored.

34. Prevention of insomnia, increased irritability

Drink ½ glass of dead water at night. Continue drinking for 2-3 days 30-40 minutes before meals dead water at the same dosage. Do not eat spicy stimulating foods during this period; it is also advisable to refrain from fatty and meat foods.

Tested for yourself!

35. Prevention of acute respiratory infections and colds during epidemics.

Periodically, 3-4 times a week (morning and evening), rinse your nose, mouth (throat) dead water. After 20-30 minutes, drink ½ glass living water. If forced contact with patients, perform the procedure additionally. It is advisable to wash your hands dead water. Vigor appears and performance increases.

Tested for yourself!

36. Psoriasis, scaly lichen

One treatment cycle is 6 days. Before treatment, thoroughly wash the affected areas with soap and steam at the maximum tolerable temperature. Then moisten the affected areas generously with heated dead water and after 8-10 minutes begin to wet living water. Next, for all 6 days, you need to moisten the affected areas 5-8 times a day only living water without pre-steaming and processing dead water. In addition, in the first three days of treatment you need to drink ½ glass before meals. dead water, and 4, 5, 6 days ½ cup alive.

After the first cycle of treatment, a week-long break is taken, and then the cycle is repeated several times until recovery. If during the treatment the skin becomes very dry, cracks and hurts, you can moisten it several times dead water. On the 4-5th day during treatment of lichen, the skin begins to clear, pinkish areas of the skin appear. Gradually the lichen will disappear completely. Eliminate spicy and smoked foods, alcohol from your diet, and stop smoking.