Download minecraft 0.14 3 full version. How to enable Experimental Mode

There was an opportunity to be in a unique world, which was supplemented and transformed. To do this, you need to download Minecraft on your mobile device and learn about all the goodies. The main feature of this version is the development of a new direction of water spaces. Everything related to water is changed in this add-on. In addition, the next version has been linked to the game on PC, which will also receive some pluses. Coming out very soon full version add-ons, but for now you can use its Beta version. In this article, you will learn about all the improvements.

You just need to download Minecraft to notice changes in some biomes, as well as their expansion. This suggests that about eight large game worlds have appeared, which are not added by themselves. Everything that concerns them is also there. It is worth noting that oceanic biomes are huge kingdoms of water, where there are different temperature differences. All this affects the appearance of animals. That is, if you download Minecraft, then you will understand that the ocean in four additions is cool, warm, frozen and cold. Its appearance depends on the temperature of the water.

Each pond is filled with a different number of fish, from the smallest to the largest. Salmon stands out among the large ones, as well as pufferfish. Tropical fish and cod can also be found in the water. Pay attention to the huge coral reefs, which in reality can be seen near Australia. In your world, now their presence will complement the overall picture. To get a new block, you need to use dried Laminaria. In addition, the seabed will surprise you with many secrets. Do you know what might be there? Broken ships that lurk at the bottom.

Among the new blocks, if you download Minecraft, you can use the following in creative mode:

  • Blocks of prismarine steps.
  • Blocks of hewn wood.
  • Ice block.
  • Half blocks.

The developers have taken the time to change the behavior of the water blocks. Water will appear inside some incomplete blocks. If water flows out, it will make its own way, as in the real world. Pay attention also to the behavior of other blocks, which will also change. In the new version of the game you will learn a lot of new things, and for this it is enough to be in it. The full version will be released soon, which will also be supplemented.


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Mod: everything is open- 65.58 Mb

Mega mod- 65.58 Mb

The game allows players to create and destroy various blocks
and use items in a 3D environment.
The player controls a stickman who can destroy or place blocks to form fantastic structures, creations and artworks alone or with other players on various multiplayer servers in different game modes.
Gameplay in Minecraft consists, of course, of adding and destroying blocks on the map.
There is different kinds blocks, they perform different functions and have different properties
(Example: sand falls due to gravity if there is no block underneath).
Using blocks, you can deploy large construction:
build castles, roads, buildings and bridges, as well as draw pixel art.
A giant chessboard or painting is hard to miss on a server.
It is also possible to build stadiums for the split from blocks.
Given all the functions of the blocks, you can build different mini-games, etc.
Having built your first house in Minecraft, you will begin to relate to this wonderful game in a different way,
at first, graphics always scare away, but here it plays a secondary role, since there is nothing
better than being truly free.

Could the perfect world be even better? This question can be asked when it is already ready! Of course, making an ideal world in minecraft is much easier than in reality. Therefore, another update will be released soon. quite simple and very easy. Moreover, there was a Russian version. You can also use blocks to create real masterpieces.

In addition, you will also be able to play together with your friends and there will be no restrictions. You can translate everything that you have saved on your computer and play on your phone, and even on your tablet. Fans of games of the X Construction genre will definitely pay attention to Minkkrat.

Download minecraft pe 0.14.0 for android free, you will get the same privileges and opportunities as in the computer version, only now it is also convenient. The gameplay of the pocket version is the construction and destruction of blocks on any map. Blocks have different appearance and features, in addition, they have different functionality.

But the most important thing is that each block is subject to generally accepted laws. If he talks about sand, then he will definitely fall to the ground if he is thrown up.

In the new version, building will be even more interesting. Again, there are roads, bridges, castles and many other buildings here. If you feel the talent of an architect in yourself, then you should definitely try to play Minecraft. You will have real freedom!



RELEASE 0.14.2

mod immortality, ALL skins are open

In the MCPE 1.2.13 assembly, some features from the future update were added Aquatic Update, and everyone is looking forward to when the full version of MCPE 1.3 will be released? Today, the developers of Mojang pleased us with another batch of innovations from the Aquatic Update: download Minecraft PE 1.2.14 for free possible now. Minecraft version Pocket Edition 1.2.14 contains an even more diverse underwater world! You can access it using Experimental gameplay.

We must warn you: using the Minecraft PE 1.2.14 build, you will not be able to connect to servers available on . In this regard, be extremely careful when switching to new version. Use of Experimental Gameplay same way requires caution! Don't forget to make backups.

Download Minecraft PE 1.2.14 necessary, if only because this update contains a huge number of features from the Aquatic Update! There are a lot of them here, and most of them we will list in the list of changes and fixes.

List of innovations in Minecraft PE 1.2.14 Aquatic Update (beta)

Download minecraft pocket Edition 1.2.14 follows now, because among the innovations from the Aquatic Update you will find many nice features. Let's not delay and go directly to the list of changes and fixes for MCPE 1.2.14: Add

How to enable Experimental mode?

To enable Experimental Mode, you first need to download Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2.14. Next go to Settings - World Settings, then click on the button to activate Experimental mode. After activation Experimental Gameplay a copy of the world will appear in the list of worlds with the prefix . This will be the world where you can enjoy all the features of the Aquatic Update.

Version Minecraft PE 0.14.0 will please many players with new mobs, blocks and features. Download free for android on our website.

Innovations Minecraft 0.14.0

So, let's go in order, we will look at what will be introduced in the next update, namely, the rest of the mechanisms, we all already know that only half of all mechanisms appeared in version 0.13.0.
We still do not see pistons, distributors, repeaters, and so on, and this is not very encouraging, but the developers have already confirmed that we will be able to evaluate a full-fledged redstone already in MCPE 0.14.0, and the Temple dungeon will be included with it in the jungle, since it needs a dispenser, it was never included in 0.13.0.

The next innovation is an updated inventory, finally now all items and blocks will be in their places, and if you can’t find something, you can always use the convenient search for items that will be in the game itself from MCPE 0.14.0 update.

The developers showed us a screenshot with a new inventory, and on it we could not help but notice the witch's spawn egg, a really new mob - the witch will appear in the next update, and with it the cauldron and probably the most important thing is the dungeon - the Witch's Hut, which will appear in the swamp biome.

No wonder the developers showed us a screenshot where they put a pumpkin on their heads, this function is needed to protect against the ender dragon, and it is quite possible that we will be able to fight this ferocious boss already in minecraft versions 0.14.0, together with the dragon, the developers will make a dimension - End, there are a lot of endermen, endernyak, and that's where the legendary dragon lives.

Of course, we cannot miss another boss - the Wither, he does not live anywhere and therefore we will have to summon him ourselves, with the help of the skulls of the wither skeleton, and the sand of souls. Together with the wither, a star of the lower world will appear, it serves to craft a beacon, there will also be colored glass and a frame.

Horses are also planned in Minecraft PE 0.14.0, but there is no exact information. Now about minor innovations, Hardcore Mode, it is quite possible that it will be added in the next update, it will become much more difficult to survive with this mode.
The ability to open chests in creative mode, yes, this feature will definitely be added to MCPE 0.14.0, the information is confirmed by the developers.

So, let's summarize: I think the Minecraft PE 0.14.0 update will delight many players with the possibilities, it will become much more interesting to survive with new mobs. And the new blocks will please those who like to build in creative mode.

Official changelog of Minecraft PE 0.14.0

  1. Boilers.
  2. New achievements.
  3. Cards.
  4. Funnels.
  5. Distributor.
  6. Ejector.
  7. Slime blocks.
  8. New creative inventory.
  9. Witches!
  10. repeaters and comparators.
  11. Red sandstone.
  12. Pumpkins, mob heads can now be put on the player's head!
  13. Frames (Attention! They are under development, so there may be bugs).
  14. Double chest trap.


  • Cleaned up a lot of textures.
  • Changed main menu start screen with new UI
  • Zombie kids now have a 15% chance to transform into a rider and mount a wolf, ocelot, cow, pig, sheep, chicken, spider, or zombie.
  • Screenshots are now saved in .png format.
  • Ghasts, Efreets, and Lava Cubes now have brighter eyes.
  • Fixed build issues on iOS and Android.
  • Fixed door textures.
  • Fixed UI in slider scale.
  • Improved spawning of slugs.