Add fillers. Preparations for contouring – which fillers are the best? Is it possible to play sports

Filler is an injectable preparation for the face and body, which is used as a filler for correction. cosmetic defects with a slight lack of tissue. Most often they are used to correct wrinkles and increase the volume of the lips, cheekbones, chin and chest.


Biodegradable (biocompatible, absorbable) fillers over time enter into metabolic reactions in tissues and gradually dissolve. Fillers are divided into preparations based on hyaluronic acid: Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero, Surgiderm and etc.

Collagen-based preparations:

  • collagen can be bovine, it is contained in such preparations as Zirderm, Zirplast, Artecoll and Artefill;
  • The drugs Autologen, Dermologen, Isologen, Cosmoderm, Cosmoplast, Cymetra are produced based on human collagen.

Slowly dissolving compounds are compounds that are eliminated from the body within 2-3 years:

  • a preparation based on calcium hydroxyapatite “Radiesse”;
  • a preparation based on synthetic poly-L-lactic acid “Sculpture”;
  • drug based on polycaprolactone “Ellans”;

Biodegradable (non-absorbable) are made on the basis of synthetic polymer gels that are not excreted from the body. These include preparations containing silicones and other chemical compounds that do not enter into chemical reactions in the human body.
Autologous: these often include those used in aesthetic surgery the body's own tissues (for example, fat tissue).

They differ not only in composition, but also in density. This is due to the fact that the skin on different parts of the face has different thickness and different structure, with different frequencies subject to compression and tension, mechanical stress.

The density of the drugs varies from 16 to 25 mg/ml of active substance. The use of fillers of varying densities allows for optimal correction results for each individual patient.

Video: BOTOX or FILLER - what's the difference?


They allow you to get rid of wrinkles and change the shape of the anatomical structures of the face (nose, chin, lips, cheekbones, facial contours) without surgery. The client receives the result immediately: after the injection, the result of the injection is immediately visible, which only improves after the tissue swelling at the injection site subsides.

Instant filler allows you to transform yourself and regain your youth in one or two procedures. With their help, you can always correct the result of a previous correction if the volume of the injected gel is insufficient or the symmetry on the right and left half of the face is disturbed.

Biodegradable fillers based on collagen and hyaluronic acid additionally activate tissue metabolism and improve the condition and appearance of the skin.

Injections can be administered at any time of the year. There are no restrictions on administration in the summer, since they do not increase the photosensitivity of the skin and do not contribute to the appearance of age spots.

Video: Hyaluronic acid


Filler by its nature is a foreign body, therefore various reactions of the body to it are possible: allergic, rejection reactions. Pain, itching, swelling, bruising, and scars may occur at the injection site.

Injection administration is essentially an invasive procedure, therefore there is a risk of infection and the development of purulent-inflammatory processes at the site of drug administration.

The effect of the injection is unstable. Absorbable fillers last for about a year on average, then their injection must be repeated. Non-absorbable ones can migrate in facial tissues and provoke the development of fibrosis. Incorrect distribution of the drug under the skin produces convex bumps. If a vessel is compressed during the administration of the drug, then an area of ​​tissue necrosis may form at the site of compression, followed by the formation of a scar.

Their use based on hyaluronic acid can provoke multiple growth of benign tumors from fatty and connective tissue in the immediate vicinity of the injection site.

When an excessive amount of the drug is administered, a so-called hypercorrection occurs, when the anatomical structures of the face lose their natural volume and shape. Absorbable fillers gradually smooth out this disadvantage of the procedure. The list is constantly updated with new drugs that are increasingly safe for introduction into the human body, therefore the qualifications of the specialist who carries out the procedure are becoming increasingly important.

The difference between mesotherapy, filleting and Botox injection

All of the above are completely different procedures that solve completely different skin problems. Mesotherapy improves the condition of the skin in general, increases the level of hydration and accelerates metabolic processes, promotes the synthesis of its own collagen. As a result of the procedure, the skin is tightened and thickened, and the skin's moisture saturation improves.

Filling is more often used on those areas of the face and body where there is not enough volume of your own tissue. For example, to fill wrinkles.

The injection of Botox stops the flow of nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles in the injection area. The muscles stop contracting and do not cause the formation of facial wrinkles. Botox does not affect the condition of the skin in any way.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for injection of fillers:

  1. Reinforcement: elimination of such cosmetic defects as loss of elasticity and turgor of the skin, the presence of bags under the eyes, the need to restore the oval of the face, “soften” the severity of nasolabial folds;
  2. Contour plastic: filling sunken areas of the skin, such as wrinkles, nasolacrimal groove, drooping corners of the mouth, etc.;
  3. Increase in chin, lip volume, change in the shape of the nose, cheekbones;
  4. Treatment of post-acne scars, arthotic scars, stretch marks;
  5. Presence of facial asymmetry that needs to be corrected;
  6. Flabbiness of the skin of the neck and décolleté;
  7. Excessive thinness and sagging skin of the hands;
  8. Breast augmentation with fillers.

Contraindications for the injection of fillers are divided into permanent and temporary. Permanent contraindications:

  1. The presence of a number of diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, cancer of any location, immune diseases;
  2. Tendency to form keloid scars;
  3. Allergic reactions, cases of fibrosis or rejection reactions to previous filler injections;
  4. The presence of a bionon-degradable filler (silicone) at the site of the intended injection.

Temporary contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. Recovery period after a series of cosmetic procedures (peeling, laser resurfacing, etc.);
  3. Bacterial, viral or fungal diseases skin;
  4. Chronic diseases internal organs in the acute stage, acute infectious diseases;
  5. Menstruation.

Video: Facial rejuvenation

Correction zones

In order for the client to get the optimal result, regardless of the problem with which he came to the cosmetologist, manufacturers produce many types of fillers, with different gel viscosities and active ingredient contents. This allows the cosmetologist to choose the optimal drug depending on the area and the problems being solved.

The following correction zones are distinguished:

  • Eye area;
  • Nasolabial folds;
  • Area around the mouth;
  • Lips;
  • Neckline area;
  • Breast;
  • Hands.

Correction zones are also distinguished because in soft tissues faces passes a large number of vascular and nerve bundles. Therefore, in different areas of the face the approach to administering the drug is different. For example, standard correction of the temporal region is prohibited, since the risk of damaging the vessels and nerves passing through this area is very high.

Correcting this area with filler can only be done using a flexible cannula with a rounded tip, which pushes the tissue apart as it moves forward, rather than injuring it, as a needle does.

Are injections painful?

Photo: injection in the face area

The administration of filling drugs causes pain of varying severity in clients. Soreness and discomfort at the injection site may persist for about a week.

For decreasing pain A number of drugs containing lidocaine have been created. Local anesthesia can be used with drugs such as Emla ointment, which only reduces pain, but does not completely eliminate it. A number of modern clinics have permission to conduct conduction anesthesia in order to make the procedure absolutely painless.

Common Complications

Complications are divided into short-term and long-term.

Short-term complications occur during or immediately after the filler procedure and resolve on their own without treatment. These include:

  1. Pain at the injection site;
  2. Itching, swelling and redness of the skin at the injection site;
  3. Bruises after fillers at the site of vascular damage;
  4. Excessive, insufficient and asymmetric correction;
  5. Tissue necrosis at the injection site;
  6. The development of purulent-inflammatory processes in response to pathogenic bacteria entering wounds from injections.

Long-term complications can occur either immediately after the procedure or several weeks or months after the drug is administered. These include:

  1. Redistribution of filler under the skin with the formation of visible whitish accumulations of the drug;
  2. The formation of dense nodes under the skin can be either the result of the injection of too large a volume of the drug, or the result of the formation fibrous tissue around the injection site;
  3. Allergic reactions to the administration of the drug can constantly bother the patient, since the allergen (filler) is constantly in the body and causes a response immune system;
  4. Activation of a viral infection, most often the herpes simplex virus, with the appearance of a characteristic rash;
  5. Lowering of the filler under the influence of gravity with the formation of visible puffiness of the face.
  6. If the gel gets into blood vessel Vessel embolism and disruption of the blood supply to nearby tissues may develop.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

In order to reduce the risk of complications, ice packs are used during the procedure and applied to the areas where the injection was performed.

For several days after the procedure, it is recommended not to touch your face, not to sleep with your face in a pillow, and not to apply decorative cosmetics, so as not to provoke increased swelling and the appearance or growth of bruises.

Photo: hematomas at the injection site

In some cases, you will need to visit your cosmetologist, who will massage the areas with injected filler for better distribution under the skin. Within a week or two you will need to avoid visiting the sauna, solarium, bathhouse, gym and any aquatic species sports, so as not to provoke swelling and not to introduce infection into injection wounds.

A week before the procedure and another 3-4 days after it, it is not recommended to take blood thinners (aspirin) to reduce the risk of bruising at the injection site.

If hematomas appear at the injection site, they must be treated with medicinal ointments or creams, which the cosmetologist will recommend after the procedure.

Complications during the procedure

The result of the correction procedure using gels is influenced by factors such as:

  1. Accurate adherence to the technique of administering the drug by a cosmetologist;
  2. Patient consciousness.

If the drug is injected too superficially under the skin, the risk of formation of bumps and irregularities on the surface of the skin increases. Under the skin of the eyelids, a gel injected insufficiently deeply may appear as a grayish or bluish spot with fuzzy edges.

If the filler in the skin comes close to the sweat and sebaceous glands, then there is an opportunity to develop purulent inflammation due to bacteria penetrating into the mouths of the glands from the surface of the skin.
Photo: itching and swelling of the skin

Injection that is too deep leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure, requires more drug and, accordingly, makes the procedure more expensive for the client. The patient needs to remember and inform the cosmetologist what fillers he injected previously and in what areas, what diseases he suffers from and what medications he has taken recently.

Concealing information or a careless attitude, when a person does not remember important facts about the condition of his body and previous injections, can cause serious complications during the injection.

After the procedure, you must follow the recommendations of your cosmetologist and not carry out independent manipulations with your face at the injection site. If the patient believes that the gel is poorly and slowly distributed in the skin, then it is better not to massage it yourself, but to consult a specialist.

If you perform incorrect kneading movements, you can squeeze the gel out of the area for the correction of which it was introduced and provoke its migration under the skin.

Conduct hardware cosmetic procedures for the face no earlier than a month after the injections, when the drug is properly distributed under the skin.

It must be remembered that any thermal, ultrasonic, mechanical, or light effects will help remove the gel from the tissues.

Is it possible to rejuvenate the face at home, without expensive visits to a cosmetologist? Find out all about it in the article.

Effective rejuvenation, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, before and after photos.

Beauty injections help remove wrinkles and circles under the eyes. Do you want to know how to administer injections for wrinkles under the eyes? Go.

How much do injectable fillers cost?

You can find out the exact price of the procedure during a personal consultation with a doctor at the clinic of your choice. The cost will be affected by: the price of the specific drug that will be chosen for the procedure, the amount of the drug that will need to be administered to obtain the effect, the availability of discounts on services and drugs in the clinic.

Name Price
- Restylane (0.5 ml)10,500 rub.
- Restylane (1.0 ml)14,500 rub.
- Restylane Vital (1.0 ml)13,000 rub.
- Restylane Vital (2.0 ml)17,000 rub.
- Restylane Vital Light (1.0 ml)11,500 rub.
- Restylane Vital Light (2.0 ml)16,000 rub.
- Restylane Lidocaine (0.5 ml)11,200 rub.
- Restylane Lidocaine (1.0 ml)14,500 rub.
- Restylane Touch (0.5 ml)9,800 rub.
- Restylane Lipp (0.5 ml)11,200 rub.
- Restylane Lipp (1.0 ml)17,000 rub.
- Restylane SubQ (2.0 ml)35,000 rub.
- Restylane Perlane (0.5 ml)13,000 rub.
- Restylane Perlane (1.0 ml)15,500 rub.
- Juvederm Ultra 2 (0.55 ml)10,500 rub.
- Juvederm Ultra 3 (0.8 ml)14,500 rub.
- Juvederm Ultra 4 (0.8 ml)15,000 rub.
- Juvederm Ultra Smile14,500 rub.
- Juvederm Volume (2.0 ml)35,000 rub.
- Juvederm Hydrate (1.0 ml)11,500 rub.
- Belotero Soft (1.0 ml)12,500 rub.
- Belotero Basic (1.0 ml)14,000 rub.
- Belotero Intense (1.0 ml)15,000 rub.
- Surgiderm 24 XP (0.8 ml)13,000 rub.
- Surgiderm 30 XP (0.8 ml)14,500 rub.
- Radiesse (0.3)11,000 rub.
- Radiesse (0.8)18,000 rub.
- Radiesse (1.5)26,000 rub.
- Glytone 213,000 rub.
- Glytone 315,000 rub.
- Glytone 418,000 rub.

Photos before and after

Age-related processes occurring in the body of every person have visible manifestations on the face and skin of the body. One of them is loss of skin elasticity and decreased muscle tone. One of the very first signs of aging is the appearance of nasolabial folds on the face.

Such changes in the nasolabium require correction. At some point, they can no longer be smoothed out simply by massage. Before and after visiting a cosmetologist and using fillers, a big difference is noticeable in your appearance.

Until the age of 30, the human body undergoes the process of active formation of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. After 30, the intensity of this process decreases sharply, less collagen is produced, and it is destroyed faster, which affects the condition of the skin. Flabbiness and the first wrinkles appear.

Even serious Plastic surgery A facelift will not be as effective if you need to smooth out deep folds and eliminate volume defects in certain areas. In cases where it is necessary to lift a sunken area of ​​skin and smooth out the relief, cosmetologists use injections based on fillers.

Fillers (from the English “to fill” - “fill”) are substances of synthetic or natural origin that activate the process of collagen formation in tissues. Injected into the wrinkle area, they are evenly distributed under the skin and push out folds. This non-surgical method works great for skin rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles.

The doctor uses a very thin needle to local anesthesia introduces a special gel into the deep layers of the epidermis exactly under the sunken area of ​​the skin, and it pushes out the sunken skin, smoothing the surface. The effect of this procedure is at least 6 months.

Indications for contour plastic surgery

The effect of the nasolabial correction is perfectly reflected in photographs taken before and after the injection of fillers.

Correction of nasolabial folds, as a rule, is first performed at the age of 30-35, because if you start using fillers earlier, the procedure will be more effective and the result will last longer. Of course, there are women who, with the help of cosmetic masks and creams, massages and exercises for the muscles of the face and neck, and simply thanks to good genetics, successfully push back the signs of age-related changes.

Nasolabial fillers are painless and the right decision rejuvenate

But at some age they still face a problem: what to do with deep nasolabial folds in order to continue to look fresh and young. To correct age-related manifestations, contour plastic surgery with fillers is performed. It allows non-surgical methods to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and generally rejuvenate aging skin.

The appearance of the nasolabial area before and after fillers is like after a successfully performed facelift. In addition, fillers are used in cases where it is necessary to add missing volume to the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, nose, build up the earlobe, make lips fuller, even out facial asymmetry, and fill in certain flaws after injuries.

The procedure also allows you to eliminate the following problems:


Although correction with cosmetic gels is one of the most common and safe procedures, there are still a number of conditions.

In which it is contraindicated:

In any case, during a face-to-face consultation, a cosmetologist examines individually all aggravating factors and gives an opinion on the possibility or impossibility of carrying out the procedure.

Side effects

As with any medical procedure, some complications may occur after using fillers. This is, as a rule, redness and hematoma at the injection site, slight swelling and they go away on their own over a period of several days, without requiring complementary therapy.

Most often this occurs due to infection in the wound due to insufficient antiseptic treatment during or after the procedure. But there is a very small percentage of serious side effects, most often associated with the fact that the body does not accept a foreign substance.

This may appear as:

In addition to the factor of individual tolerance of the procedure, side effects are influenced by the quality of the service provided.

Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you must adhere to following rules:

  • Contact a specialized clinic.
  • Make sure that your cosmetologist is experienced and highly qualified. This is also evidenced by how carefully the doctor asks about previous illnesses and the current condition.
  • Make sure that the drug that will be administered during the procedure has a certificate.
  • Carefully follow all doctor's instructions before and after the procedure.

Types of fillers in cosmetology

Contour plastic surgery performs a wide range of tasks in cosmetology, so fillers that solve these problems exist different types. Fillers vary in composition, density, and resorption time. The doctor decides which type of filler to choose for injection, depending on the goals of the procedure and the individuality of each patient.

Today, several types of fillers are used in aesthetic cosmetology, here are the main ones:

Gels with hyaluronic acid are the most popular among cosmetologists. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of human connective tissue.

The advantages of this particular filler are as follows:

The most popular are several brands of hyaluron-based gel that have proven themselves to be excellent:

In general, all these drugs are produced by very reputable companies, have been successfully used in cosmetology for a long time and have similar characteristics.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

If a nasolabial correction is needed, a cosmetologist examines and consults the patient before and after fillers. First, in order to correctly select the active substance, as well as its density, the doctor carefully examines the patient’s skin and assesses the degree of required exposure. He plans the number of injections per procedure, as well as the required number of procedures.

If there are no direct contraindications, the cosmetologist can perform the filler injection procedure immediately after the consultation:

Skin care after the session

Usually, if the procedure was successful and to avoid complications, the cosmetologist gives approximately the following recommendations:

  • Periodically apply cold packs to the area affected by the filler during the first 24 hours.
  • Treat puncture sites with an antiseptic solution several times over 2-3 days.
  • Try to use facial muscles less and limit facial mobility.

In order for the filler to be properly distributed under the skin, the cosmetologist can advise the patient on a special self-massage technique. In this case, the doctor carefully instructs the patient so that he does not harm the tissues through his actions.

After the filler injection procedure, it is not recommended to:

  • Touch the injection site with your hands.
  • For a week, expose the skin thermal effects– you should not visit a bathhouse, sauna or solarium, be in the open sun, or sit near an open fire.
  • Doing active physical activity, going to the gym or swimming pool for a week can cause swelling.
  • Within 1-2 days after the procedure, perform cosmetic manipulations - apply makeup, creams or masks.

How long does it take for changes to be visible?

When correcting the nasolabial area, very little time passes before and after fillers, but the effect of the injection with hyaluronic acid becomes noticeable immediately. Sometimes the picture is blurred due to the presence of edema or hematoma.

Careful adherence to the recommendations of the cosmetologist who performed the procedure will allow the patient to recover quickly. In just 2-3 days, when the swelling or hematoma subsides (and they may not exist at all), you can return to normal activities and your usual lifestyle with a rejuvenated face.

How long does the effect last?

The duration of positive changes from “beauty injections” is influenced by the patient’s age, skin condition, and facial activity of his face. But the durability of the effect also depends on the type of filler chosen. Each type of filler has its own duration of action.

Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite and polylactic acid are more durable; their effect lasts up to two years. But in this positive characteristic there is important drawback: if the patient is dissatisfied with the changes made, it will be difficult to return everything to its original state, you will have to put up with such a persistent effect.

For fillers with hyaluronic acid, the duration of the effect depends on the density of the drug and averages 6-12 months. But even when the drug has already ceased its effect, a natural renewal process will begin in the skin tissues. If you repeat the procedure, even with a smaller amount of injected gel, the effect will be more noticeable and the wrinkles will smooth out more easily.

Today, contour plastic surgery and, in particular, nasolabial correction have gained recognition all over the world. Almost every woman who takes care of herself can feel the difference before and after fillers and see her face renewed.

Nasolabial correction is not very expensive. And isn’t it worth it to feel, after the fillers work, how time has begun counting back, back to youth.

Video about fillers

How to remove nasolabial folds:

Filling nasolabial folds:

Restoration of lost subcutaneous tissue volumes, intimate plastic surgery.

What are Dermal Fillers

Today, a large number of imported and domestic fillers of various compositions are actively used with a duration of effect from 2 months to 7 years, which have their own characteristics, contraindications and indications. Therefore, you should not rush to make a choice, but rather consult with an experienced professional cosmetologist.

It should be emphasized that dermal fillers, unlike neurotoxins (eg botulinum toxin), do not cause abnormal muscle paralysis.

There are three types of injectable fillers:

  1. Synthetic permanent. These are gels with a base in the form of synthetic polymers (alkylamines, silicone, polymethylsiloxane, biopolymer gel, polyvinylpyridolone). They do not dissolve and remain in tissues for 5 years or more. They can migrate (move) and cause rejection.
  2. Biosynthetic drugs with polymethyl methacrylate and polylactic acid - partially dissolve;
  3. Biodegradable (temporary) fillers, which undergo breakdown in tissues and are completely removed from the body at different rates. The most common absorbable fillers are hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite. This also includes biorevitalizants.

Typically, a manufacturer produces several types of filler of the same name, differing in density, which is ensured by different concentrations of substances in their composition. Fillers with different concentrations are used for superficial subcutaneous injection, into the middle layers, deep and almost periosteal (for which the densest fillers are used).

Short-term action is excellent. Allergic reactions are excluded. The effect lasts for several years, but data on long-term results are not yet available.


  1. Areas of application on the face are limited by the specific features of each method of obtaining filler.
  2. Disadvantages include the need for time to grow and process the implant and sterile surgery, since all techniques can only be performed by plastic surgeons.
  3. Complications are associated with the risks of surgery (infection, bleeding, reaction to anesthesia).



Mesolifts are used for the procedure of saturating the deep layers of the skin useful substances through an injection technique, the purpose of which is skin rejuvenation. The method is often considered a subspecies.

Special complex mesolifting cocktails with anti-aging dietary supplements, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements are introduced to a certain depth and contribute to:

  • revitalization metabolic processes, cell division, microcirculation;
  • tightening the skin, improving the quality of the epidermis by increasing its density and elasticity;
  • acquiring resistance to aggressive external factors;
  • favorable processes that inhibit the development of age-related defects;
  • improving appearance, level of moisture, smoothing skin microrelief;
  • stimulation of fibroblast activity, normalizing the synthesis of young collagen and elastin.

Cocktail ingredients

The doctor selects the components of the substances for the procedure, taking into account the skin type, accompanying illnesses, age, desired result.

The optimal composition of the cocktail includes many groups of active compounds, including:

  • Amino and nucleic acids, minerals. Cocktails based on them are often used to stimulate recovery processes after serious cosmetic procedures that to a certain extent injure the epidermis (, plastic surgery). One of the most famous cocktails of this type is NCTC-109.
  • Placenta extract. Active mesolifting cocktails from the Sakura collection were developed by Japan Cosmetics and contain highly purified placenta extract, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and collagen.
  • Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) in various concentrations. It inhibits the aging process in cells, which is why it is often included in anti-age supplements. Injection of cocktails with DMAE gives a pronounced rejuvenation effect. The most popular is DMAE 3% firming mesolift with hyaluronic acid. Helps increase muscle tone in aging skin, restores density to tissues, preventing them from drying out, stabilizes cell membranes, protecting the skin from toxins and free radicals.
  • Hyaluronic acid (HA). Complex mesolifts based on HA ensure acceleration of collagen synthesis, metabolic tissue processes, and preservation of deep moisture.

The most common: Hyaluronic with high density hyaluronic acid, Marcaine, Biotin to stimulate cellular metabolism, Alpha lipoic acid, multivitamin complexes such as NCTC 109 for intensive regeneration, Vitamin C for antioxidant action, Glycolic acid, Collagenase, L-carnitine, Retinoic acid.

In addition, in certain doses and concentrations, the doctor can introduce drugs such as Yohimbine, Phosphatidylcholine, Aminophylline into the cocktail formula.

The video below will tell you about mesolifting and cocktails for it:

Cosmetology is one of the fastest growing areas modern science, offering increasingly new methods of rejuvenation, ranging from effective restorative creams to advanced surgical and injection technologies, one of which is fillers.

What are fillers and how are they used?

Fillers (eng. Fill - fill) are injectable fillers that, by injecting them under the skin: smooth out deep wrinkles, restore the volume of the cheekbones and cheeks; correct nasolabial folds, chin shape, perioral wrinkles and marionette lines; restore facial contours in the temporal zone, .

Fillers began to be used in the middle of the last century; even then, insoluble paraffin and silicone gels for skin rejuvenation were especially popular in America and Europe.

No less popular were polyacrylamide fillers for mammary gland enlargement, which subsequently led to various negative consequences: allergies, inflammation, suppuration, and even cancer.

An improved version of semi-soluble fillers appeared a little later, but here too, one part was dissolved and eliminated by the body over time, the other, synthetic, only aggravated the problem, migrating throughout the body, forming seals in its various parts, since it was impossible to remove it.

What types of fillers are used in cosmetology today?

And although many of us associate fillers with hyaluronic acid, it is, however, one of the five types of fillers used in modern cosmetology. Some of the first, and most successful, were:

Fillers based on natural collagen. These fillers are autologous. They use purified collagen (a type of protein that is the main component of skin and muscle tissue) - human or porcine and bovine. If the first excludes any undesirable effect, then the second two can lead to an allergic reaction. In addition, the effect of collagen fillers is short-lived - from two to three to four months.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid, perhaps the best and most popular, are completely bioderadable. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of human skin, muscle and cartilage tissue, the reproduction of which decreases over time. Therefore, the injected gel allows not only to compensate for its deficiency, smoothing out wrinkles and folds, but is also completely removed from the body. The effect can last from six months to one year.

In laboratory conditions, hyaluronic acid is synthesized from the bacterium Streptococcus zooepidermiticus. For a longer lasting effect, many manufacturers modify hyaluronic acid by chemical compounds(convert single molecules into long chains).

Since the duration of the effect depends on the number of molecules, that is, the longer the chain, the more viscous the filler, and the slower it dissolves. However, this makes it somewhat more difficult to achieve a smooth surface of the skin.

On the other hand, the fewer chemical compounds, the easier it is to work with, the fewer toxins remain in the subcutaneous tissue, but the faster it is eliminated.

Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite are also biodegradable. Calcium hydroxyapatite is a crystalline mineral found in human teeth and bones. It is synthesized in laboratory conditions from sea corals of the genus Porites. In fillers, it is suspended into a gel-like product that is injected under the skin to smooth out wrinkles.

Unlike fillers with hyaluronic acid, these fillers are not aimed at hydrating the skin and restoring metabolic processes. But, according to manufacturers, they activate the synthesis of endogenous collagen. May contribute to an allergic reaction. The effect of calcium hydroxyapatite is twice as long as hyaluronic acid.

Fillers based on PLA (poly-L-lactic acid). The PLMC filler is a biocompatible, biodegradable, immunologically inert artificial polymer of the alpha-hydroxy acid family. It has found wide application in the production of self-absorbable suture materials.

Fillers based on PLLA are administered subcutaneously in a course of injections over several months. Their clinical result is less predictable and may appear several weeks later, which explains its low popularity among both cosmetologists and patients. The effect lasts up to two years.

Fillers based on (PMMA) polymethyl methacrylate microspheres. PMMA filler is an artificial biocompatible polymer, presented in the form of tiny smooth balls that are not absorbed by the body. It has found wide application in the production of medical products: artificial lenses and synthetic bone cement. During the production of fillers, PMMA is converted into a gel-like substance that may contain bovine collagen. To obtain the desired result, two or three single applications are necessary. It is characterized by high cost. Effect up to 10 years.

Many of the drugs based on the above fillers are approved by the FDA (Drug Administration). food products US Department of Health). However, their use may be fraught negative consequences, which in many cases does not indicate poor quality of fillers, but the characteristics of your body or the lack of proper experience of the specialist.

Therefore, before deciding on the procedure, carefully choose an experienced doctor who will take into account the characteristics of your skin and correctly determine the points of vision of the filler without hurting facial nerve. And not only.

IMPORTANT: If you need to smooth out wrinkles and correct the shape of your face, be sure to check which filler is used before the procedure. Give preference to biodegradable ones; they do not cause serious consequences and are completely removed from tissues.

Features of using fillers

Subdermal fillers are injected using a very fine needle into pre-marked areas. The procedure is quite painful, so some fillers contain the anesthetic Lidocaine. Additionally, an anesthetic gel is applied to the treated area. The session takes from 40 minutes to one hour.

If it is necessary to give additional volume to the cheekbones or lips, the filler is injected deep into the muscle tissue evenly throughout the treated area. In the case of wrinkle correction, filler is injected under its base, thus filling the resulting cavity, and, as if pushing the tissue out, evens out the wrinkle.

In many cases, changes are noticeable immediately after the procedure. As for fillers based on hyaluronic acid, they are not completely hydrated with water, and their results appear a day later, since during this time they absorb moisture, further expanding and filling the space under the wrinkle.

photos before and after injection of fillers into nasolabial and perioral wrinkles

However, the effect of rejuvenation and complete restoration of facial contours can be expected only after one or two weeks, when the swelling has completely gone away. During this time, you should refrain from using decorative cosmetics, visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or solarium.

The duration of the effect depends on the type of filler and the characteristics of your body.

Contraindications and consequences

The use of fillers is associated with multiple undesirable consequences, especially if there are such contraindications:

  • various skin diseases
  • infectious and autoimmune diseases
  • diabetes
  • oncological formations
  • pregnancy, lactation period
  • taking coagulants before the procedure
  • the presence of similar previously used agents in the intended injection area.

The effect of any type of filler is unpredictable and has not been fully studied, since the human body can be hostile to any foreign body, especially if it contains poisons, even in tiny doses.

Therefore, all of them can lead to side effects both short-term and long-term: in most cases - immediately after the injection of filler, or within 24 hours, and disappears within one to two weeks; in rare cases, an undesirable manifestation may make itself felt months or even years later.

Main consequences:

  • Increased sensitivity, pain. Despite the presence of the anesthetic Lidocaine in the fillers, the procedure cannot be called painless. The content of this drug is negligible, but if you have a reaction to it, be sure to warn your doctor.
  • Redness, bruising and bleeding. If the needle gets into a vessel during insertion, a bruise is inevitable; even the vitamins and antioxidants contained in the drug are powerless. Mannitol alcohol is often used as an antioxidant, the action of which is aimed not so much at preventing adverse reactions, but at preserving hyaluronic acid cells, which, when introduced into fiber, can be destroyed by free radicals. After which the alcohol is removed.
  • Inflammation, itching. The body's natural reaction to a foreign body.
  • Seals. The appearance of compaction on the skin after the introduction of hyaluronic fillers is also normal reaction, indicating that the body has begun to synthesize additional collagen.
  • Tyndall effect. After the introduction of hyaluronic fillers, bluish or purple stripes may appear on the skin; this color change is explained by the refraction of light, which appears mainly on thin sensitive skin. After dissolving the gel this effect passes.

photo: migration and swelling due to unsuccessful filler injection into the nasolabial fold

Less common effects

  • Tissue fibrosis. An overdose of the drug, an incorrectly selected proportion, or its deep administration can lead to tissue compaction and excessive growth. As a rule, this manifests itself more on thin, sensitive skin.
  • Neoplasm and inflammation. It may appear as a result of the progression of any dormant infection, even caries or herpes.
  • Open wounds and prolonged pain in the injection area.
  • Tissue death and allergic reactions.
  • Subcutaneous irregularities: nodules, bumps, granulomas are removed through surgery.

Side effects

  • Migration of filler from the injection area to nearby tissues
  • Anaphylactic shock (severe form of allergy)
  • Stroke
  • Poor circulation in the injection area
  • Facial nerve damage
  • Changes in the skin of the lips
  • Rupture or leakage of filler through the skin at the injection site can occur as a result of infection or the body's reaction to the drug.

IMPORTANT: In such cases, it is necessary to remove the fillers, which is similar to the procedure for introducing them under the skin. The exception is gels with hyaluronic acid, which, as with hyaluronic acid, are broken down in the tissues by injecting a special enzyme that affects the chains.

Before deciding to undergo filler injections, weigh the pros and cons, especially if you have thin, sensitive skin.

Be very responsible when choosing a clinic and a certified specialist who uses only certified fillers.

Consult your doctor for contraindications, cure all infectious diseases (sinusitis, caries, periodontal disease, sinusitis, etc.)

Be sure to sign an agreement with the clinic, carefully study all the subparagraphs, especially the undesirable consequences that should be indicated in it.

How to use them, and what complications can they stimulate?

Filler is a popular injectable substance that is used as an effective filler to correct various problem areas: age wrinkles, thin lips, low cheekbones, small chin and chest.

For such purposes, various innovative materials are used. Each of the methods listed below has its own bonuses and disadvantages.

Classification of fillers

This innovative drug has a specific classification in the field of cosmetology. Depending on the specific mechanism and duration of the procedure of individual techniques, three types of substances are distinguished:

Synthetic fillers

The drugs have a universal, permanent effect. Filler gels of this type are made from paraffin and polyacrylamide, and the most popular is silicone material. Traditional preparations of this type are considered the direct ancestors of modern injection cosmetology in the field of appearance correction.

Among the disadvantages of this technique is the fact that substances that are administered by injection are not subsequently removed from the body. Synthetic fillers for contour plastic surgery have an insufficient level of bioinertness, which causes the development of various undesirable effects and complications: inflammatory and allergic.

Biosynthetic fillers

These are innovative long-acting substances, which were developed back in the early 1990s. To create them, highly productive chemical modification of components that were of biological origin was widely used. The main representatives of this series:

  • "Artekoll". The drug consists of a high-quality soluble and specific insoluble component based on polymethyl methacrylate. After a certain period, the process of encapsulation of the smallest insoluble particles of the injection begins through the connective tissue. Thanks to this, such an effective corrective result is achieved. Injections with biosynthetic fillers are used, as a rule, to eliminate folds, simple defects and lip plastic surgery;
  • "Radiesse" (Radiesse) - fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite. This is a specific suspension of hydroxyapatite particles, which is located in a buffer-type polysaccharide gel. The filling effect of the drug at the injection site is ensured by the characteristic synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts;
  • "Elance" is a drug based on . It refers to the insoluble ingredient of the gel. The soluble component in the preparation is carboxymethylcellulose. The basic effect is based on direct stimulation of the substance. As a result of this action, the process of increasing tissue volume occurs at the local level.

Biodegradable fillers

Substances of this type are classified as short-acting - temporary drugs. Biodegradable fillers are completely soluble, which guarantees minimal risks of side effects in the future.

Famous representatives:

  • “Collost” and “Evolance” are preparations based on collagen - bovine or human. These are purified proteins. The maximum effect from their use lasts for six months. With prolonged use, a process of accumulation of the substance occurs at the injection site, which provides a serious increase in the effect of the drug;
  • Restylane and Juvederm fillers are preparations whose main component is hyaluronic acid. Unlike collagen, they have a longer lasting effect. Application: elimination of wrinkles, high-quality correction of skin folds and increase in lip volume. The procedure is repeated 3 times a year to prolong the result;
  • “Sculpture” is a preparation based on lactic acid polymers. Most often used to correct unwanted age-related changes. The result lasts up to 3 years, but repeated administration should be carried out annually.


This corrective technique is based on autotransplantation of the patient’s own unique fat tissue. Scope of application of lipofilling: removal of minor skin defects, correction of problem areas: hands, buttocks, and so on.

Indications and correction zones

Contraindications to the filler injection procedure

Constant contraindications for fillers for contouring:

  • diabetes mellitus, cancer, immune disorders, poor blood clotting;
  • tendency to develop keloid-type scars;
  • allergy to gel components, development;
  • the presence of silicone at the site of future injection.

Temporary contraindications:

  • chronic diseases of internal organs, infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • skin diseases of various types;
  • rehabilitation period after peeling, laser resurfacing, etc.

Specifics of the procedure and rehabilitation period

Before starting the procedure, the surgeon marks the places where the gel will be introduced. Anesthesia in the form of a cream is often used to eliminate possible discomfort. The introduction is carried out using thin needles that leave no traces. The drug is injected under wrinkles, fills them and evens out the skin. As a rule, patients do not feel discomfort.

Often, to enhance the effect, a perpendicular input technique is used, which stimulates the formation of an internal frame. The results of using fillers for contouring are visible after just a few hours. And the final effect is noticeable 3 weeks after the procedure.

  • for some time (3 days) do not touch your face, do not use cosmetics, do not sleep with your face in the pillow - all this will only increase swelling;
  • with the help of a cosmetologist, massage the correction area for better distribution of the gel under the skin;
  • avoid saunas and solariums, heavy physical activity and water sports: they can cause swelling and stimulate allergic reactions;
  • do not take aspirin for 4 days after the procedure: this will reduce the risk of hematomas.

Video: "Technique for introducing fillers by injection"

Possible complications

Short-term (pass quickly, without treatment):

  • pain at the injection sites;
  • the occurrence of itching and swelling;
  • bruises;
  • asymmetrical correction;
  • tissue death;
  • the appearance of purulent-inflammatory processes at the injection sites.

Long-term complications after filler injections (can last for months after the procedure):

  • the formation of visible accumulations of whitish filler;
  • the appearance of dense nodes under the skin;
  • allergic reactions - the response of the immune system to the introduction of the gel;
  • the occurrence of a viral infection (herpes);
  • puffiness of the face;
  • vascular embolism, disruption of the blood supply to tissues.

Fillers for contouring are an innovative cosmetic technique that is aimed at eliminating and correcting unwanted skin defects in various parts of the body. Thanks to modern developments, almost all drugs in this spectrum are safe, but in some cases complications may be identified. To prevent them, it is necessary to take into account simple conditions rehabilitation period.