The real cause of death of Ilona Novoselova. Sheps speaks openly about his love for the deceased star of the “Battle of Psychics”

Prophecies do not always concern only other people. Sometimes psychics see their own future. This happened to the finalist of the 7th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” - Ilona Novoselova.

On June 13, a tragedy occurred on the Enthusiasts Highway in Moscow. Ilona was at home with her mother, who saw the worst thing that could happen - the death of her daughter. Ilona fell out of a 6th floor window. The fall turned out to be fatal. Many assume it was suicide. This version has the right to life, but the truth will remain hidden to us forever.

The witch's mother says that before the fall the girl was intoxicated. She argued with her boyfriend on the phone and talked about death while standing on the balcony. Soon tragedy struck. Whether it was an accident or not, on this moment unknown.

Psychics' opinions on Ilona's death

Her ex-boyfriend Alexander Sheps spoke about the incident. Many don’t remember, and some didn’t even know that there were feelings between them. Alexander knew the witch very well, but not enough to predict what happened.

He published a photo with the deceased girl on his Instagram, adding a message in which he expressed gratitude for the fact that Ilona helped him learn many things in his time. He said that she was always real, without pretense or falsehood. For this she is worth remembering and loving like this.

Daria Voskoboeva also did not ignore this event. She said that for her Ilona had always been a kind of adult child who constantly suffered from loneliness and psychological problems. She helped many, but could not help herself fully.

She was depressed and rude, but that doesn't mean she was bad. She simply did what she did best. This was her fate, which she apparently accepted a long time ago. “We will remember her as an outstanding expert in the field of extrasensory perception,” Daria said.

IN Lately Ilona often appeared on television in the program “Psychics Are Investigating.” Perhaps a new test will appear for psychics - to find out what really happened to Ilona.

The witch predicted her death

Ilona’s friend, Ziraddin Rzaev, spoke about her death in a very unusual way, mentioning her lifetime words that she would die at 30 years old. Many other people also heard such a prophecy, which, unfortunately, came true. Ilona knew that she didn’t have much time left, but she didn’t show it. This strong man, who lived with these thoughts and did not show possible experiences. The girl could have been torn apart negative emotions on this matter, but, as we know, her attitude towards death has always been simple. For her, it was just a transition, but now it is too late to match the words with the facts and her real thoughts.

She will hope that her psychic friends will tell us and find out what it was the real reason the death of the girl and what her future fate is in the other world. Ilona herself said that she used to live in Germany, in the 19th century. She remembered her own lives and claimed that she was already interested in magic back then. If such a distant past is not a problem, then knowing the future is not so difficult.

The girl had many enemies. Already at school she felt lonely. She was homeschooled from the age of 12, perfecting her natural abilities for telepathy and black magic. The girl made enemies all her life because she was not like other people. As you know, she was kidnapped for three days for ransom. Such a dynamic and very difficult life is an indicator of originality.

There are rumors that Ilona's death was avenged by higher powers or those whom she offended by her actions for black magic, because sometimes she lost control of herself, did not know how to ask for forgiveness and stop her aggression. Perhaps all this played a role in shaping the girl’s fate. The witch predicted the tragedy because she felt the energy of approaching death. This internal devastation could increase every year, week, day and minute. The only question was when this would happen.

Meanwhile, people were divided into two camps - those who speak negatively about the witch, uttering words like “she belongs there,” and those who sincerely sympathize with the girl, because she not only did bad things, but also helped good people, removing curses from them and purifying their energy, changing their fate. Good and evil always live next door, as Ilona herself said. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.06.2017 12:22

Season 14 of the “Battle of Psychics” has ended. For six months, fans of the show watched how 12...

Journalists found out that Novoselova had already been taken on her last journey in an atmosphere of strict secrecy. They say that Ilona was burned, so all that was left for her friends and relatives were warm memories of her.


Alexander Sheps, who is credited with having an affair with Novoselova, also said goodbye to the spectacular dark-haired witch. According to rumors, when a young sorcerer came to Moscow from Samara to try his hand at the “Battle of Psychics,” Ilona, ​​experienced in this matter, helped him.

By that time, she had already managed to take part in two seasons of the show. The persistent witch was a participant in the sixth and finalist in the seventh convocation. Novoselova has repeatedly stated that she has the gift of clairvoyance from past life. He will probably go with her to the new one.

Ilona prepared Alexander so well that the student surpassed his teacher and became the winner of the project. In those days when the sorceress advised Sheps, they allegedly began an affair. True, not for long. Everyone knows that long ago, back on the set of “Battle,” the magician was captivated by the red-haired beauty Marilyn Kerro.

Publication from Alexander Sheps ( Jun 14 2017 at 12:47 pm PDT

But Alexander remembers Ilona. “You were one of the strongest of us and we will miss you very much. I learned a lot in my time from the most worthy, black Witch. You knew how to be different, but always remained real...” Sheps turned to his former lover.

The clairvoyant communicates with the brunette as if she were still alive. “Ilonka, we will always love you,” the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” promised Novoselova. “And you are unlikely to allow us to forget ourselves 😈👻Let the Transition be easy, and let our energy help you at the new stage... 🙏🏻✨” .

Let us remind you that, according to information that appeared in the media, Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the popular show “Battle of Psychics,” fell from the window of the sixth floor of a house located on Entuziastov Highway in the east of Moscow.

According to preliminary data, before her tragic death, Ilona had a strong quarrel with her boyfriend, Artem Besov. “He threatened her that he would go home to Chelyabinsk and leave her, but she was categorically against this,” the sorceress’s mother told reporters.

The winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” medium Alexander Sheps, told what kind of relationship he had with the deceased witch Ilona Novoselova. They for a long time worked together, were great friends and a couple. Novoselova, who fell out of the window, was burned at the stake. Ex-boyfriend of the witch Ilona Novoselova who died on June 13, magician Alexander Sheps spoke out about her death. The winner of the fourteenth “Battle of Psychics” at one time loved the girl for who she was, he will really miss Ilona.

The finalist of the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics” fell from a sixth-floor window after a conflict with the current young man. Recently it became known about the death of the clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova, who had previously taken part in the filming of the “Battle of Psychics” project. The famous participant in the television show “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps spoke about sudden death his colleague Ilona Novoselova. ...The tragedy that shocked the public took place on June 13, when Ilona died from injuries caused by a fall from a great height.

Recently, the Internet community was shocked by the news about the mystical death of the famous Russian witch Ilona Novoselova. ...According to data provided by law enforcement agencies, on June 13 of this year, Ilona Novoselova, for an as yet unclear reason, fell from the window of an apartment located on the sixth floor of the building, and at the time of her death, the girl’s mother was also in the room. Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova, who died after falling from the sixth floor, was buried in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy. ... Let us add that according to rumors, when the psychic moved to Moscow from Samara to try his hand at the “Battle of Psychics,” Ilona Novoselova, who had already taken part in the sixth and seventh seasons of the show, helped him.

The death of the star of the “Battle of Psychics” shocked all participants in the project, and the winner of one of the seasons, Alexander Sheps, did not stand aside. ...It was previously reported that the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova died after falling out of a window in Moscow Fans of the popular show “Battle of Psychics” were shocked by the news of the death of the witch Ilona Novoselova, who was one of the most prominent participants in the project. ... Former lover Ilona Alexander Sheps could not remain indifferent to the death of the psychic.

The winner of the 14th season of the rating show “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Sheps, admitted his feelings for the deceased witch Ilona Novoselova. ...Journalists found out that Novoselova was already being escorted on her last journey in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy. Alexander Sheps, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” turned to his colleague, the deceased witch Ilona Novoselova. The magician was shocked by the death of a close friend and admitted that he did not believe in the girl’s final departure from this world. Ilona Novoselova fell from the sixth floor balcony after arguing with her boyfriend. ...Alexander Sheps, a participant in the 14th battle, also commented on the death of his ex-lover Ilona. - the psychic writes on his Instagram.
Kazhetta said that Ilona was a frequent guest in her house. According to her, the deceased did not come alone, but with her mother; RuNet was delighted with the photo of Putin with the pregnant Simonyan. It was previously reported that Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the battle of psychics, died! Having fallen out of the window of his apartment - the residents of a house on the highway of enthusiasts, time turned away from his friend. At that moment she fell out of the window, also in his message Sheps called her one of the strongest and confessed. Nargiz Zakirova spoke harshly about the battle of psychics; they were shocked by the news of the death of the witch Ilona Novoselova.
After the death of Ilona, ​​Kadoni tragically deceased Novoselova, that the girl, often a Muscovite, spoke about Crimea. This is creepy: after the death of the singer Zhanna Friske, her common-law husband.

The death of the famous psychic Ilona Novoselova shocked all her fans. Viewers heatedly argue about the reasons for the sudden death of a young girl, and one of the versions seems to be the most truthful.

On June 13, 2017 at 5 pm, the black witch Ilona Novoselova fell from the window of her house on the 6th floor. Ilona’s mother Elena and the witch’s young man Artem were in the apartment.

Viewers of the program “Let Them Talk” discussed the high-profile death of the clairvoyant live. Until now, the mystery of Ilona Novoselova’s unexpected death remained unsolved, but psychics still came to a clear conclusion.

Ilona Novoselova died at the age of 30, but in such a short period of time she managed to gain wild popularity among television viewers and find both fans and irreconcilable enemies. The ethical side of her actions will be debated for a long time, but the fact remains: Ilona helped many people, but at the same time she was closely connected with dark forces and crossed the path of many psychics.

On the air of the “Let Them Talk” program, many people showed their fear and indignation at the actions of the clairvoyant, openly saying that such a death was the result of a “wrong” life. Ilona’s fellow psychics and friends defended the witch, saying that she was not going through the easiest period in her life.

The persecution of the clairvoyant began in 2013, when Ilona was kidnapped from her own home and her parents were presented with a ransom demand. The gang was subsequently detained and the kidnappers were sent to jail. But from this moment on personal life and the abilities of Ilona Novoselova began to be talked about in a bad way: rumors about the girl’s gender change, her abilities and lifestyle received wide publicity and led to prolonged depression.

At the moment, the death of clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova is officially recognized as an accident. Fellow psychics say that Ilona foresaw her imminent death and was preparing for it. The reason for such a sudden death is considered to be a curse that the clairvoyant took upon herself. In any case, the participant in the “Battle of Psychics” left behind many accomplished deeds and helped people achieve what they wanted. We wish you to receive right decisions. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.06.2017 09:30

On June 12, 2017, the dark witch Ilona Novoselova died after falling from the balcony of her own apartment. Nobody...

On June 13, a tragedy occurred - the finalist of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova died. About it...