Who has more power in a modern school: students or teachers? The most powerless and defenseless in school... teachers 

My student’s grandmother and my grandmother made me a teacher, who brought me to my senses after my absolute inability to cope with children. They loved me, as did most of the parents of my students, although I couldn’t do anything, couldn’t cope with discipline, suffered, it was very difficult.

But I became a teacher because I knew: these parents love me, they look at me supportively, they don’t expect me to teach everyone right now. They were assistants, but did not get into the essence of the pedagogical process, which I did not yet have. And the relationship with parents at the school where I graduated and where I came to work was friendly and benevolent.

We had a lot of children, they studied in two shifts, and I have enough fingers on one hand to count those parents with whom there were unresolved issues and cases when I felt guilty, inferior, incompetent or in pain. The same thing happened when I was studying: my parents were at school extremely rarely, it was not customary to call the teacher, and my parents didn’t know the teachers’ phone numbers. My parents worked.

Today, parents have changed, they began to go to school more often. There are mothers whom I see at school every other day.

Marina Moiseevna Belfer

It became possible to call the teacher at any time and constantly correspond with him in an electronic journal. Yes, the journal suggests the possibility of such correspondence, but given what and how the teacher is busy during the day, this, of course, should happen in exceptional cases.

Additionally, the teacher must now participate in school chats. I have never participated in this and will not, but from the stories of my parents I know that in this correspondence a lot of dangerous and harmful things happen, in my opinion, from the discussion of meaningless gossip to the escalation of unproductive unrest and absurd quarrels, which undermines the creative and working atmosphere, which is created by teachers and students of the gymnasium.

The teacher, in addition to his lessons, has serious, thoughtful extracurricular work with children, self-education and his own personal life, many responsibilities: he checks the children’s work, prepares for lessons, electives, clubs, goes on excursions, prepares seminars and away camps, and he cannot correspond with parents.

I myself have not written a single letter in the electronic journal for the entire time that it has existed, and no one has demanded this from me. If I have a problem, I should see my mother, get to know her, look into her eyes, talk. And if I and most of my students don’t have problems, then I don’t write about anything. To communicate with moms and dads there is Parent meeting or individual meetings.

A colleague - one of the best teachers in Moscow - told how her parents obstructed her at a meeting: she did not prepare children for composition. They want children to be trained to write, they know better how to prepare them for it, having little idea of ​​what generally happens in a teacher’s lesson, that children learn to work with the text and its structure all the time.

Parents, of course, have the right to any question, but they often ask them unkindly, not in order to understand, but to control whether the teacher is doing everything from his, the parent’s, point of view

Today, parents want to know what happened in the lesson and how, they want to check - more precisely, I don’t know if they really want and can, but they broadcast it.

“And in that class the program was taught like this, and here we have it like this. They changed places there, but not here. Why? How many hours do numerals cover in the program?” We open the magazine and answer: 14 hours. It seems to the questioner that it’s not enough... I can’t imagine that my mother knew how many lessons I studied numerals.

Parents, of course, have the right to any question, but they often ask them unkindly, not in order to understand, but to control whether the teacher does everything from his, the parent’s, point of view. But often the parent himself does not know how to complete this or that task, for example, in literature, and therefore considers it incomprehensible, incorrect, and difficult. And during the lesson, each stage of solving this problem was discussed.

He doesn’t understand, not because he’s stupid, this parent, he was just taught differently, but modern education makes other demands. So sometimes when he interferes with academic life child and curriculum, it turns out to be an incident.

Parents believe that the school owes them

Many parents believe that the school owes them, but they don’t know what they owe. And many have no desire to understand and accept the demands of the school. They know what a teacher should, how he should, why he should, why. Of course, this is not about all parents, but about a third are now less ready than before to interact favorably with the school, especially in the middle grades, because by the time they reach high school they calm down, begin to understand a lot, listen and look in the same direction with us.

The boorish behavior of parents has also become frequent. Even theirs has changed appearance when they arrive at the principal's office. Previously, I could not imagine that someone would come to the director’s reception on a hot day in shorts or a tracksuit. Behind the style, behind the manner of speaking, there is often the confidence: “I have the right.”

Modern parents, as taxpayers, believe that the school should provide them with a range of educational services, and the state supports them in this. What should they do?

I never say out loud and I don’t think that we provide educational services: no matter what anyone calls us, no matter how Rosobrnadzor supervises us, we are who we are - teachers. But maybe parents think differently. I will never forget young father, who, crossing his legs, explained to the director that he lives in a neighboring house and therefore is not even going to look for another school. Despite the fact that they calmly talked to him, they explained that it might be difficult for a child at school, but there is another school nearby where his child would be more comfortable.

Modern parents, as taxpayers, believe that the school should provide them with a range of educational services, and the state supports them in this. What should they do? Are they aware of how prepared their child is for life in high school? Does he know how to follow the rules of the general routine, hear the voice of an elder, and work independently? Can he even do anything on his own, or is his family prone to overprotectiveness? And most importantly, this is the problem of motivation, which teachers now find it difficult to cope with if there is no prepared ground in the family.

Parents want to run the school

Many of them strive to delve into all school affairs and certainly take part in them - this is another feature of modern parents, especially non-working mothers.

I am convinced that parents' help is needed when the school or teacher asks for it.

The experience of our school suggests that it is successful and productive Team work parents, children and teachers in preparation for holidays, during cleanup days at school, when decorating classrooms in creative workshops, when organizing complex creative activities for the class.

The work of parents in the governing and trustee boards can and should be fruitful, but now the persistent desire of parents to run the school and tell it what it should do is widespread - including outside the activities of the governing council.

Parents convey their attitude towards school to their child

There are often cases when a parent is dissatisfied with something and can say in front of a child about his teacher: “What a fool.” I can't imagine my parents or my friends' parents saying that. There is no need to absolutize the place and role of a teacher in a child’s life - although it is often very important, but if you chose a school and wanted to go to it, then it is probably impossible to go to it without respect for those who created it and who works in it. And respect manifests itself in different ways.

For example, at our school there are children who live far away, and when their parents take them to school, they are late every day. Over the course of several years, this attitude towards school as a place where one can be late is passed on to the children, and even when they go on their own, they are also constantly late, and we have quite a few of them. But the teacher has no mechanisms of influence, he can’t even let him go to class - he can only call his mother and ask: how long?

Supervisory authorities believe that every classroom should have a camera. Orwell is resting in comparison

Or the appearance of children. We do not have school uniform and there are no strict requirements for clothing, but sometimes it seems that no one has seen the child since the morning, that he does not understand where he is going and why. And clothes are also an attitude towards school, towards the learning process, towards teachers. The same attitude is evidenced by the increasingly frequent departures of parents with children on vacation during school hours, despite the number of vacation days accepted in our country. Children grow up very quickly and adopt the accepted position in the family: “so that the world does not exist, but I have tea.”

Respect for school and for teachers begins in childhood with reverence for the authority of parents, and love is naturally dissolved in it: “You can’t do this because it will upset your mother.” For a believer, this then becomes part of the commandments, when he, first unconsciously, and then with his mind and heart, understands what is possible and what is not. But every family, even a non-believer, has its own system of values ​​and commandments, and these must be consistently instilled in the child.

Behind reverence, says the philosopher Soloviev, fear appears - not fear as fear of something, but that religious person calls the fear of God, but for an unbeliever it is the fear of offending, hurting, the fear of doing the wrong thing. And this fear then becomes what is called shame. And then what happens is what actually makes a person a person: he develops a conscience. Conscience is the true message to you about yourself. And somehow you either immediately understand where the real is and where the imaginary is, or your conscience catches up with you and torments you. Everyone knows this feeling.

Parents complain

Modern parents suddenly have a channel of communication with high authorities, Rosobrnadzor and the prosecutor's office have appeared. Now, as soon as one of the parents is not happy with the school, these menacing words are immediately heard. And denunciation becomes the norm, we have come to this. This is the last point in the history of control over the school. What about the intention to install cameras in offices? Supervisory authorities believe that every classroom should have a camera. Imagine a live teacher working with children, constantly followed by a camera.

What will this educational institution be called? Are we at school or in a secure institution? Orwell is at rest in comparison. Complaints, calls to superiors, complaints. This is not a common story at our school, but colleagues tell terrible things. We all learned something, and not just somehow, we work at the same school for many years, we understand that we need to take everything calmly, but, nevertheless, we are living people, and when our parents pester us, it becomes it is very difficult to have a dialogue. I'm grateful for both the good and the bad life experience, but now an enormous amount of energy is being spent on absolutely the wrong thing to do. In our situation, we spend almost a year trying to make the parents of new children our allies.

Parents raise consumers

Another aspect of modern parenting: many quite often try to provide children with the maximum level of comfort, the most Better conditions in everything: if it’s an excursion, parents are categorically against the metro - only a bus, only a comfortable one and preferably a new one, which is much more tiring in Moscow traffic jams. Our children don’t take the metro; some of them have never been there at all.

When we recently organized an educational trip abroad - and in our school teachers usually go to the place in advance at their own expense to choose accommodation and think through the program - one mother was very indignant at the inconvenient flight that was chosen as a result (we try to find the cheapest option so that everyone can go).

Parents raise capricious consumers who are completely unadapted to real life who do not know how to take care not only of others, but also of themselves

This is not very clear to me: I spent half my life sleeping on mats during our school travels; on motor ships we always swam in the hold, and these were wonderful, the most wonderful of our trips. And now there is an exaggerated concern for the comfort of children, parents are raising capricious consumers who are completely unadapted to real life, who do not know how to take care not only of others, but also of themselves. But this is not a topic of the relationship between parents and school - it seems to me that this is a common problem.

But there are parents who become friends

But we also have amazing parents who become friends for life. People who understand us perfectly, take a heartfelt part in everything we do, you can consult with them, discuss something, they can look at it with a friendly look, they can tell the truth, point out a mistake, but at the same time they try to understand, They don’t take the position of blaming, they know how to take our place.

Our school has a good tradition - a parent speech at the graduation party: a parent performance, a film, a creative gift from parents to teachers and graduates. And parents who are ready to look in the same direction with us often regret that they themselves did not study at our school. They invest in our proms not so much material as creative forces, and this, it seems to me, is the most important and best result of our interaction, which can be achieved in any school with a mutual desire to hear each other.

about the author

Marina Moiseevna Belfer - teacher of Russian language and literature at Moscow gymnasium No. 1514.

“...Intimidates children and parents, exerts psychological pressure... I demand that the teacher be punished for rudeness, cruelty, promiscuity, and bad manners.”

Such complaints were received by the administration of the institution and the department of education. The investigation did not confirm anything, but the residue remained...

In order not to harm the heroine even more, we will not indicate the names and specific place in Yamal where this depressing story unfolded. It was a matter of primary school, in a correctional class. It is a rare case when an experienced teacher with many credentials took on teaching not child prodigies, but children with problems. Colleagues describe her only with positive side, there is support from parents and students, even former ones. But no one can influence the situation...

This is the first time in my life,” the pretty woman complains. - So many insults, outright lies addressed to me... and a feeling of absolute helplessness...

This is my first and favorite teacher, the only one whose birthday I still remember,” says 26-year-old Alla. - A sensitive and responsive person, in any situation he finds the right and correct words for everyone. For us, she has always been a second mother, to whom we turned for advice and support even after school. The children she teaches are very lucky, and so are their parents.

She is demanding, but fair, my child has never complained about her,” says the mother, whose son is now studying with the teacher. - At the meeting we discussed the current situation, all parents are ready to sign any papers to protect our teacher.

The Education Law formally equalizes the rights of all participants in the educational process. But if there is always an opportunity to punish a negligent employee, then there are few ways to protect a worthy person from unfounded attacks. Well, parents will collect signatures, colleagues will hold conversations in their classes, someone will speak in the media. To truly rehabilitate the slandered teacher, all that remains is to go to court. But how often do teachers do this?..

In search of precedents, I turn to the almighty Internet. Alas, there are no examples. It is not customary to wash dirty linen in public or people do not trust the judicial system - one can only guess.

In 2014, the State Duma discussed a bill to protect teachers. Opponents of innovation argued their position by saying that the root of evil lies in the sociocultural sphere, prohibitions and punishments will not help, they say, the younger generation needs to be educated. Gradually the controversy subsided, and that was the end of it.

Meanwhile, the Network is swelling with the number of messages and videos in which students mock teachers, publicly insult them, threaten them, and beat them. Yamal was no exception: let’s remember last year’s events in Gyda. There the culprit was punished, but not for beating the teacher, but for robbing another person...

The recent massacre in Perm and Ulan-Ude showed how defenseless teachers and children are from crushing rage and aggression, and how scary it is when one person loses control of himself. High-profile incidents at school are somewhat similar to family massacres - just as merciless and brutal. Probably because they do not arise suddenly, not by accident. Negative emotions, anger, irritation and protest accumulate over months, years, decades. And they explode, sweeping away everything in their path...

The bloodiest dramas took place in American schools. There, among other measures, they tightened security systems and strengthened control over Internet access. But the criminals now have imitators. And there were even more victims. It turns out that old tragedies teach practically nothing? We have not yet learned to recognize aggression in the bud, to find where it is subtle, to understand where it breaks out, and whose hands are already reaching for an ax...

Everyone demands very, very much from a teacher today: to prepare people of the future, to give knowledge, to teach them to think, to educate them, to notice everything and to help. And so that he doesn’t allow himself any rods, like before the revolution, or a raised tone. And I didn’t bother my parents in vain. There he is one for everyone and against all troubles.


In one of the Yamal public pages, “KS” organized a survey, in which more than 360 people had already participated until yesterday.

Of these, almost 80 percent agree that teachers have few rights and need protection, including at the legislative level. Almost every fifth person believes that teachers are not in danger, and that they themselves are to blame for their problems.

Why do teachers allow themselves to be treated this way? - asks one of the participants in the discussion. - After all, you can throw the boor out the door, or raise him and the whole class at the same time if they interfere with the lesson! Finally call your parents!

Let's figure it out. Can a teacher kick a student out of class? The documents say nothing about this, but something else is clearly stated. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to education. The main law of the country guarantees its general availability. Therefore, if a teacher kicks a student out of class, he is interfering with his education, thereby violating the rights of a citizen. And this is already a reason for a complaint or going to court. Moreover, if something happens to the child at this time, or he himself commits an offense, the teacher faces liability, including criminal liability. If you take away a phone, tablet, or anything else that interferes with the assimilation of the material, this is an open theft of someone else’s property, that is, robbery. If he takes away a note, he will be accused of invading privacy: everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations and other things. This is written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Children are no exception. Complainants know this well. At the same time, parents often allow themselves to make unflattering statements about the school and its employees in the presence of their children.

Or here's the situation. The children go home and watch the picture: teachers, armed with rakes and brooms, are cleaning the school yard. High school students make caustic jokes. At the meeting I wonder why children do not participate in community cleanups, general cleaning of the classroom and school. The answer is striking: “We have no right to attract them.” The fundamental works of great teachers have been scrapped. Where does respect come from? And what feelings and beliefs of children should educators appeal to?

Why don’t I allow my child to be rude at home and interfere with my work? The teacher must take action himself. After all, often they don’t even write in the diary that the child was playing around or disrupting the lesson, much less behaved incorrectly towards the teacher,” another participant enters into the dialogue.

He immediately receives the answer: “Yes, because then crazy parents come running and write complaints to all authorities that their child was kicked out of class for no reason, and even taken out by the hand...”

So maybe it's time to put cameras in classrooms? I am interested in my child behaving appropriately and receiving quality knowledge. And I wouldn’t be distracted by those children who don’t want to study. There is a video recording - it is discussed at the teachers' council, the parents are called and the issue of further education of their child is decided. It would be great! - suggests another parent.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself: it is hardly possible to organize the educational process so that everyone is happy and protected. But for the sake of safety, it is necessary to make some restrictions on personal freedom, strengthen security, and, accordingly, tighten access and movement around the school. And stay vigilant.


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  • zavuchuser771015 zavuchuser771015 (525153) February 27, 2018 21:53:20 For 630263. Answer the question: who needs whom at school? Students to the teacher, or teacher to the students? "You've made a mistake, my friend." The school provides an opportunity to get an education and (I won’t go further). So you came to get an education - study, if you please, and if you don’t need it - your problem, mind you, if you don’t need it. Why should a teacher be interested? Knowledge is whose interest, the teacher's or the student's. The teacher must create conditions for understanding for those who need it. And regarding the delivery of money and extortion, I agree with you, but this is a different topic. If a student does not want to study, the problem is 80% in the family. Why do my children study well because they are used to working everywhere, as my friend says - you work hard, the children get used to work by your example. Those who study poorly are mainly those parents who get drunk, who don’t care about anyone, who don’t respect others, who spend more time studying their license than working, etc. You can be indignant as much as you like, but! Answer the question: who needs education?
  • zavuchuser885952 zavuchuser885952 (633022) 18 February 2018 18:41:14 http://www.site/accounts/profile/630263/ That's right, and also a teacher, with a briefcase!
  • 8 February 2018 18:36:56 I am a parent and a teacher. I never allow my child to speak disrespectfully about his teachers. When there is a misunderstanding with teachers, I do not run to complain to higher authorities, but directly talk to the teacher and look for a compromise and do not raise my voice at the teacher. My child will not tell the teacher: “My mother will come to school and you will be fired!” And chairs, spitting, and insults are thrown at the teachers. Phrases like “Well, complain to your parents, nothing will happen to me.” Can you stand it? You will look for methods and techniques when everyone is allowed to treat you this way and the children know it! “Well, come on, just try to raise your voice at me - you can’t work here.” One child was disrupting lessons, reaching into the children's briefcases, pulling computer wires, throwing a rag at the children and the teacher, spitting at the children, throwing himself at them, opening the teacher's cabinets, throwing out all the supplies, and then said: Well, touch me, I'm underage, Nothing will happen to me! When I tried to take him by the hand from the child he was beating, he shouted: “That’s it! You broke my arm, I’ll tell my uncle, you’re screwed.” This child is 11 years old. He studied like this at a regular school, then came to a correctional school. Children beat us - we provoked them, they insult us - we are to blame! I would like to see those who are hit on the head on the bus or called obscene names, and he will select methods and techniques. You failed to interest him, he is bored riding next to you. I’m exaggerating, but take our place and work for exactly 5 years. Yes, just be patient with all this for at least 5 years. This is not what we were taught in institutions. In theory, all children are different. Family is the foundation! And when the family blames us for what they couldn’t do before school, and doesn’t look for compromises, then it’s just a pity. You don't understand teachers! Just like I don’t understand deputies or drivers or cooks, because I’m a teacher. But no one is looking for compromises with us, only continuous complaints. But thanks to those parents who always understand, with whom you can discuss problems and find solutions!
  • zavuchuser847438 zavuchuser847438 (599916) 8 February 2018 18:10:25 1
  • Sergey Belashov (118679) February 7, 2018 8:23:53 AM 1. “To truly rehabilitate a slandered teacher, all that remains is to go to court. But how often do teachers do this?.. In search of precedents, I turn to the almighty Internet. Alas, there are no examples.” A striking example is on the Internet in the book by teacher Belashov “The Last Moscow Soviet”. The teacher was slandered and fired in 1983; the court recognized the slander in 2002 and awarded compensation of 1,000 rubles for moral damages. 2." “Why do teachers allow themselves to be treated this way?” asks one of the participants in the discussion. “After all, you can throw a boor out the door, or raise him and the whole class at the same time if they interfere with the lesson! Call the parents, finally! Let’s figure it out. Maybe teacher to kick a student out of class? Nothing is said about this in the documents, but something else is clearly stated. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to education. The main law of the country guarantees its universal accessibility. Therefore, if a teacher kicks a student out of class, he interferes with his education, thereby violating the rights of a citizen. And this is already a reason for a complaint or going to court. Moreover, if at this time something happens to the child, or he himself commits an offense, the teacher faces liability, including criminal liability. He took away the phone, tablet, or whatever -something else that interferes with the assimilation of the material is an open theft of someone else's property, that is, robbery. If you take away a note, you will be accused of invading privacy: everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, and other things. This is written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." The answer was given by Makarenko. A.S. Makarenko "From the history of the commune of F.E. Dzerzhinsky" "Pedagogical theories proving that a hooligan cannot be kicked out into the corridor, and a thief cannot be kicked out of the commune ("you should correct him, not kick him out") - this is the ranting of bourgeois individualism, accustomed to the dramas and “experiences” of the individual and not seeing how hundreds of groups are dying because of this, as if these groups do not consist of the same individuals. "( Teaching staff p.402)
  • zavuchuser883723 zavuchuser883723 (630793) February 2, 2018 9:29:57 AM Dear Sirs! I am a teacher with 28 years of experience, working at a college in the deep provinces. I read the comments of some comrades and am surprised. Parents, you seem to raise your children wonderfully, but when something happens you ask the teachers, how is it like that? And to those who accuse teachers of incompetence and rudeness and God knows what else, I want to say only one thing: you will come to our place even for a day and teach us, stupid ones, to work correctly. Parents respond to any request for assistance in raising THEIR child that they have no time, they are WORKING!!!
  • 2 x 2 (250242) January 31, 2018 20:09:03 5 for the article below, and while many parents don’t care how their children study, everything will be the same. Should I try this: school - public place- a lawsuit against the parents of the offender for antisocial behavior (but this is impossible).
  • zavuchuser883420 zavuchuser883420 (630490) January 31, 2018 07:27:14 PM Yes, there are different people: and among teachers there are not always angels. But regarding what is happening in modern ordinary Russian schools, I fully support the author of the article. Now, more than ever, teachers have been put in a powerless position. In Soviet times, neither some children nor their parents were given such a will to exercise their rights. Although teachers of Soviet schools were not beaten with rods, as in tsarist times, necessary cases They used harsh psychological and sometimes physical force. For example, students who disrupted lessons were called to the board. And those, with rare exceptions, went and answered asked question, and did not start downloading their rights, as they do now. Some Soviet teachers knew how to present the material they taught in an interesting way. Firstly, because they themselves read books more often, and Secondly- students listened more often and were not distracted by the Internet. At the same time, Soviet teachers could often shout, scold, and even - just horror - call them insulting names! Some managed to use long rulers and pointers!!! Of course, they began to “respect” such people. There were, of course, trials on each specific case. Sometimes, if a teacher was clearly wrong, he could even be kicked out of his job. But these were already rare exceptions to the rules. In general, both Soviet society and the overwhelming majority of parents were on the side of teachers. Nowadays, in most lessons, children not only don’t get up from their desks, but they don’t even raise their hands to answer. Everyone starts shouting from their seats. This is called "discussion"). And at the same time, it’s both right and wrong. It turns out to be a complete bazaar: constant shouting, stupid jokes on and off topic, loud unceremonious laughter, the desire to shout down another, chatting with each other, the opportunity to not listen to the teacher at all, and what he says there and go about your own business, etc. As a result, no one has any systematic knowledge. But now we have a democratic education, and teachers are now obliged to conduct lessons standing with children on equal terms. Education now, more than ever, is trying at the legislative level to protect the rights of children and their parents, which is primarily used to their advantage by unscrupulous, impudent students. By the way, they are, as a rule, the authorities and leaders in the class. Therefore, almost the entire class begins to behave the same way. What can a teacher do now if he is decent, honest, and follows the laws? But nothing!!! He cannot expel a careless student from the class who is interfering with the lesson - he has no right according to the law! Put it in a corner - even more so! Despite the fact that this student gets on the nerves not only of the teacher, but also interferes with the learning of the entire class. Of course, the teacher is now prohibited from punishing hooligans in any way, for example, putting them in a corner, forcing them to listen to a lesson standing for at least 5 minutes, shouting at a student, etc. Not to mention physical impact on the impudent one. What do you!!! Violation of Personal Rights!!! Although some of the students still have to grow and grow up to this personality... The teacher asks for a diary - the student insolently doesn’t give it, the teacher asks to put away the smartphones - and they don’t lead with their ears, they threaten to give a bad mark - or indifference, or we start downloading the license, what is it not for knowledge. The teacher does not have any right to take the diary from the briefcase, take the student’s phone from the desk (violation of property rights) or give a bad mark. God forbid that a teacher should give anyone a bad mark now!!! Then you’ll just have to write a bunch of explanatory notes - unsubscribe - why you gave this student a bad grade. He doesn’t want to study at all and doesn’t open his textbooks? This means, of course, that you are a bad teacher. And not that in fact the student just came to sit through lessons, either on the Internet, or in games, or on social media. networks to have fun during lessons. What is more interesting for an ordinary student: see for example interesting video via YouTube or strain your brain and listen to some kind of teacher’s lessons, no matter what they are? Moreover, not all lessons can be excitingly interesting in nature. Very often now, students and their parents are well aware of their rights, completely forgetting about their responsibilities. And then we wonder why many self-respecting teachers in a modern school do not stay long, but only “dogs” remain? I gave only a few examples from school everyday life. But because of such lack of rights, many teachers don’t even care whether their lesson is listened to or not. Moreover, according to the modern Federal State Educational Standard (thanks to our Ministry of Education), the teacher should not tell the material himself, but only ask the children what they themselves found on the topic at home, conduct a written test survey and assign grades. And no one cares whether the children themselves find the right material or not. This is now the concern of the children themselves and their parents. Now try to dissuade me that all this is not aimed at the collapse of education? The rich will find money for teachers, tutors and coaches to educate and educate their children. The poor don’t, and some won’t even think about it! (
  • (16032) January 30, 2018 05:54:19 PM five isn't five, but knocking on a nickel wouldn't hurt. The causes of ALL conflicts are economic and political (moral) inequality. Some want to push others, they are tired of being humiliated.
  • 2 x 2 (250242) January 30, 2018 1:54:30 pm five for throwing in below
  • zavuchuser883193 zavuchuser883193 (630263) January 30, 2018 12:47:28 PM Why write only about injured teachers! How many teachers create situations with beatings of children, insults, the use of physical force, humiliation of poor children because they do not hand over money, children die in physical education classes because the teacher ignores doctor’s certificates, rape, etc. How much chaos is going on at school on the part of the school administration, and at the same time they forbid children Cell phones so that they don’t record the violations occurring at school against students! Teachers are adults who can’t find an approach to children, then what kind of teachers are they if I can’t interest children in my subject! If a teacher asks for protection from children, then we need to understand the root of what is happening, where conflicts arise from , otherwise it’s good for a teacher to provoke a situation and then hide behind the protection of supposed honor and dignity! Children should not attack a good teacher, kind, patient with insults, fists, etc. Enough for teachers to pretend to be poor and unhappy!! Soviet times the teachers were with dignity and never tried to infuriate children and parents and then raise the issue of protection!


Protect rights Teachers will be helped by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Criminal, Civil and Labor of the Russian Federation. You will easily resist illegal actions of both management and parents if you know your rights.

Softly and tactfully, relying on labor legislation, stop any attempts to impose additional responsibilities on you. Try to avoid verbal decisions and promises, put all your decisions in writing, and if possible, keep copies of them. If the director or forces you to take it, please note to your superiors that Resolution No. 854 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 gives you the right to refuse it for both personal and professional reasons.

If you have been insulted by one of the students or parents of students, then, guided by Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, you have the right to file a claim for the protection of honor and dignity. As a compromise in this situation, you can accept a public apology from the offender.

If the parents of your students spread knowingly false or extremely distorted information about you that prophesies you, then you can defend your rights in court. The law (namely Article 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is on your side.

But remember that before filing a claim, you should try to resolve the problem peacefully. If you fail, warn the potential defendant that you are going to sue him. This is unlikely to have an effect on pathologically unbalanced individuals, but a person who values ​​his career and reputation can go to peace.

Also consider the possibility of filing a counterclaim alleging the illegality of your actions. The most common reason is improper performance of official duties (biased grading, violation of child rights, etc.). In order to weigh the pros and cons, consult with.

Article 12 Civil Code The Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) establishes certain methods of protection civil rights individuals - citizens, and legal entities - organizations:


Confession rights. This method is implemented by filing a claim in court. For example, if necessary, recognize the right of ownership of a thing, property that arose due to acquisitive prescription (234 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Restoring the situation that existed before the violation rights, and suppression of actions that violate the right or create a threat of its violation. For example, the violated right to a land plot is subject to restoration in the event of unauthorized occupation land plot(Article 60 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation - Land Code of the Russian Federation). The same article of the RF Land Code establishes that actions that violate rights on the land of citizens and legal entities or violations that create a threat, can be suppressed by suspending industrial, civil, residential and other construction, as well as in other ways specified in the article.

Recognizing a contested transaction as invalid and applying the consequences of its invalidity; application of the consequences of invalidity of a void transaction. This method of protecting civil rights is carried out in court. An interested party specified by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has the right to apply to the court for recognition of the transaction as invalid on the grounds established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For example, when a person’s authority to carry out a transaction is limited by an agreement, and when making a transaction the person went beyond these restrictions, the court may recognize. A person in whose interests the restrictions have been established may file a claim about this in cases where it is proven that the other party to the transaction knew or should have known about these restrictions (Article 174 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Transactions, the invalidity of which must be established in court, are voidable. Transactions that are invalid regardless of whether they are recognized as such by the court are called void (Article 166 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). A claim to apply the consequences of a void transaction may be brought to court by any interested party. The court can also apply such consequences on its own initiative.

Invalidation of an act government agency or organ local government. A non-normative act of a state body, local government body, and in cases established by law, also a normative act that does not comply with the law, other legal acts and violates civil rights rights and legitimate interests of a citizen (or legal entity), may be invalidated by the court. In this case, the violated right is subject to restoration or protection by other means provided for in Article 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 13 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Self-defense rights. In other words, the law recognizes a person’s right to protect their rights. So, for example, if the owner of a garden plot discovers that a neighbor has erected one that enters his territory, he can dismantle such a fence from the territory of his plot at any time. At the same time, as Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides, methods of self-defense must be proportionate to the violation and not go beyond the actions necessary to suppress it. That is, if the same neighbor, for example, sorts things out with the offender with his fists and causes him bodily harm, he will exceed the permissible limits of self-defense rights.

Awards to perform duties in kind. Here we are talking about those cases when, as opposed to monetary compensation, the court imposes on the defendant to perform a certain action in favor of the plaintiff; often this method of protection is associated with the transfer of an individually defined thing (a specific plot of land, a painting by a famous artist) that is valuable to the plaintiff .

Compensation for losses and 8) collection of penalties. These methods of protection can be implemented by a person both with the help of the court and out of court. For example, a person who is a party to an agreement may demand from the other party compensation for losses and the collection of penalties in cases provided for by the agreement, in a claim procedure.

Very often, in order to restore justice, citizens have to seek assistance from government and non-government organizations, initiating their human rights activities. There is also the opportunity to protect your rights by filing a complaint or petition to the management of the institution whose employees violate these rights. It is advisable to resort to the help of specialized human rights procedure


Determine the average daily salary of a teacher, then multiply it by the number of days on vacation. If the billing period is fully worked out in the amount of 12 calendar months, it is necessary to divide the salary accrued for the billing period by the average monthly amount calendar days to calculate your average daily earnings.

Usually the number 29.4 is taken as the average number of days in a month. Depending on the type of educational institution, the name of the employee’s position and other factors, the duration of annual paid leave for teachers can range from 42 to 56 calendar days.

When calculating average earnings, take into account all payments provided for by the state legislative system in this area. It is necessary to take into account the salaries accrued to teachers based on their salaries; salaries of teachers in secondary and primary institutions vocational education; additional payment for teaching hours in excess of the established annual teaching load; additional payments and allowances to official salaries for length of service, professional excellence, academic degree or title, combination of positions, class management, as well as stipulated bonuses and rewards. In addition, include in the calculation of average earnings an additional payment for checking written work, the regional coefficient and the management of classrooms (workshops, laboratories).

Child's rights

At birth, a child has legal capacity under civil law, that is, he has the right to receive a first name, surname and patronymic, and also has the right to live and be raised in a family, knowing parents who will protect his rights and legitimate interests.

You can open a bank account in the child's name.

At the age of one and a half years, a child has the right to attend a nursery. Upon reaching three years of age he can go to kindergarten. At the age of six, a child has the right to go to school and enter into small household transactions that do not require notarization.

Upon reaching ten years of age, a citizen may give consent to change his first or last name; can express his opinion about which parent he wants to live with in the event of a divorce in court.

Upon reaching fourteen years of age, a child has the right to work in places specially designated for this purpose, manage his own earnings, and much more.

At the age of fifteen, a child can get a job. At the age of 16, a minor can get married with the permission of local governments and if available.

Methods of protecting children's rights

First of all, it should be noted that the rights of the child can be protected in any way, which in turn is not by law. Even a child can try to defend his rights on his own.

In Russia, there is the right of a minor to be represented by a lawyer. The most universal way to protect children's rights is to seek help from qualified human rights organizations.

When asking whether a child whose rights have been violated can force the offender to stop violating his rights or restore the violated rights, without resorting to seeking help from law enforcement agencies or the court, know that this is possible. This action is defined as self-defense of civil rights.

This opportunity is provided to every person, but the method of self-defense itself, first of all, must be proportionate to the violation and in no case go beyond the limits of the actions taken to stop the violation.

It is often difficult to draw the line that separates self-defense of civil rights and the beginning of self-government. Distinctive feature arbitrariness is that the child begins to act, violating the order established by any law.

It should be noted that often the judicial procedure protects the rights of the child at a civilized level. But during the trial you must act in accordance with established laws.

Video on the topic


At the age of 7-9 years, schoolchildren, as a rule, a good relationship with the teacher. The child happily and openly communicates with him. He shares his childhood secrets. The teacher is an authority for him. And such relationships are very important for both the child and the teacher. However, parents of children of this age know that conflicts occur between their children and the teacher at school. The causes of conflicts can be different. This includes the excessive severity of the teacher, the child’s pranks, and his failure to complete certain tasks. Conflict relationships can be caused by excessive demands on the child, both from parents and from the teacher. Requirements of this nature cause the child constant feeling <неуспешности>. Appears emotional stress, anxiety in relationships with the teacher.

Whatever the cause of the conflict, the resolution of the situation depends on how adults behave.

Children react differently to conflict with a teacher. But at this age, a child rarely decides to openly express his protest to an adult. The child's behavior simply changes. The child may become withdrawn, anxious, and reluctant to talk about school. A child’s reaction to conflict is also possible. It manifests itself in his aggressive behavior, in excessive activity in the lesson, which is based not so much on the desire to answer the lesson, but on being noticed by the teacher. It is very important not to ignore these changes.

A conflict between a child and a teacher often causes parents to feel confused. The question arises<Что делать? На чью сторону встать?>


    If you notice that your baby has become withdrawn, anxious, reluctant to talk about school or refuses to go to school, complaining that he has a headache or stomach ache. The reason may be a conflict between the child and the teacher. First, calm down yourself. Treat conflict as life situation, in which your child will have to learn to defend his opinion and gain experience in resolving conflicts. At an older age, the child will need this experience when building his or her communication relationships. But now your child needs adult help.

    Listen carefully to your baby. Do not try to make your child feel guilty, even if you understand that he himself is to blame for the conflict. The kid expects help from you, not accusations.

    Support him with words<: я сожалею о случившемся:, сочувствую тебе:>. The child will feel that he is not alone in a difficult situation.

    Even if you doubt the correctness of the teacher’s actions, it is advisable not to talk to the child or in front of the child about your doubts. The authority of the teacher is very important to him.

    To clarify the situation, try to meet with the teacher, making an appointment in advance. If you come unexpectedly, the teacher may be busy or not ready to have a serious conversation with you.

    It is advisable not to begin communication with the teacher by presenting complaints to him. He, like you, is upset about what happened. Be sure to tell the teacher about your child’s experiences and your feelings about what happened. Discuss with your teacher ways to get out of conflict situation. This is why you came to the teacher. Help your child and teacher restore a good relationship.

    If you are unable to change the current situation, the situation becomes more complicated, then it is advisable to contact a specialist.

A child may react to a conflict with a teacher not only by being depressed, but also by being more active at school. Baby different ways strives to attract the teacher's attention: sometimes he shouts out from his seat during the lesson, sometimes he constantly offers the teacher help. So he tries to win back the teacher's favor.


  • It is very important to show your child that you have noticed him. Address him by name, affectionately, without remarks. Your attention will reduce his anxiety.
  • You can give him an assignment (wipe the board, collect notebooks). For the child, this will be a sign of your trust.
  • If the reason for such a child’s behavior is his recent conflict with the teacher, then it is advisable to talk about it privately with the child after school. In such a conversation, it is very important to avoid assessing his personality. Talk about your attitude to the situation, not to the child's personality.
It is very important to show your child that you have noticed him. Address him by name, affectionately, without remarks. Your attention will reduce his anxiety.

The Ministry of Education and Science is preparing another offensive on the rights of teachers. Recently the Ministry of Education and Science submitted for consideration working group The Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations draft order “On approval of the specifics of working hours and rest time for teaching and other employees of organizations carrying out educational activities.” Activists of the Interregional Trade Union of Education Workers “Teacher” and the Interregional Trade Union of Higher Education Workers “University Solidarity”, having analyzed the document, came to the conclusion that its adoption will significantly worsen the situation of teachers and lecturers, since they will be forced to work as much as their employers want.

TRADE UNION ACTIVISTS posted on the website change.org a demand to withdraw this project, which, by the way, has already been signed by more than seven thousand people. On February 25, proposals to amend this document, developed by the co-chairman of the Teacher trade union V. Lukhovitsky and a member of the University Solidarity Council P. Kudyukin, were submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science.

One of the serious shortcomings of the order, according to activists, is the vagueness of a very important norm for teachers Labor Code about a shortened 36-hour work week. Yes, formally there is a mention of it. However, the project is structured in such a way that it leaves the employer the opportunity to go beyond this norm, for example, to independently determine the working hours and rest periods of employees. There are no restrictions, even advisory ones, on this issue in the order. That is, if the director, for example, obliges employees to stay in the school building for all the legally required 36 hours a week, regardless of production needs, then so be it. And if at the workplace, for example, there is no opportunity to prepare for classes - no necessary materials, teaching aids, properly equipped workplaces, etc., then no one cares: serve the required hours - and that’s it.

According to trade union activists, this situation leads to most Teaching staff are forced to perform their duties in their free time. Representatives of the “Teacher” and “University Solidarity” trade unions raised this problem with the Ministry of Education and Science several times, and even at the end of last year, officials of this ministry expressed a desire to discuss it with the teaching community.

In addition, this draft order essentially expands the list of unpaid types of work. As activists say, most of them cannot be accomplished without increasing working hours, and this will lead to an increase in the irregular and unpaid part of working time.

If speak about school teachers, then the draft order contains two types of work: those that are related to teaching activities and therefore do not require additional payment, and those that are performed with the written consent of employees and for an additional fee. According to trade union activists, the part that directly concerns teaching should be as specific as possible. It is necessary to clarify what additional types of work a teacher can perform for an additional fee. These include, for example, checking written work and regularly checking notebooks, managing classrooms, class management, additional classes with students, organizing and conducting various excursions, hikes, expeditions, etc., organizing and conducting olympiads, competitions, conferences, competitions, participation in the Unified state exam and the Main State Exam (analogous to the Unified State Exam for 9th grade).

All work that is not listed in employment contract(additional agreement) can only be performed with the written consent of the employee and, again, for an additional fee.

The most important problems of the work and rest regime (for example, the obligation to be present in educational institutions regardless of workload, maximum volumes of teaching load, etc.), according to activists, need to be regulated by regulatory legal acts at the federal level. This is due to the fact that the provision mentioned in the order that “the internal labor regulations are approved taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the trade union primary organization”, in fact, does not oblige the employer to anything; he may not take it into account.

The organizing secretary of the University Solidarity trade union, Vladimir Komov, told a Pravda correspondent about what awaits teachers if the order comes into force.

This project essentially negates the process that began between representatives of our trade unions and the Ministry of Education and Science to discuss the problem of teacher working time, says V. Komov. - The agreements reached during discussions and round tables on the need to change the situation in this area ultimately turn out to be invalid. Ultimately, the document was agreed upon with the “official” workers’ union public education and science, approved by its chairman and supported by the Ministry of Labor and social protection, Ministry of Health. Our trade unions were not involved in its discussion; we learned about it when the document had already been submitted to the Russian Tripartite Commission. If our trade unions had participated in the negotiation process, I think the breakdown of these agreements would not have happened.

However, we did not see anything new in this order; everything that was written there actually existed in schools and universities before. However, teachers and university professors are particularly outraged by the fact that the order formalizes already existing bad practices, for example, the employer’s right to determine independently study load for workers. We believe that this is categorically unacceptable. Many teachers already take 1.5-2 salaries in order to maintain a more or less tolerable existence; there are complaints from the regions about the reduction wages, the number of layoffs is growing, the so-called staff optimization continues.

After we sent our comments on the draft order to the Ministry of Education and Science, they received rather vague answers that, yes, there are certain shortcomings in the order, we will try to correct them. However, we did not expect anything concrete. Therefore, in the near future, the “Teacher” trade union, together with “University Solidarity,” plans to hold protests demanding the withdrawal of this project and bringing up the issues of organizing the work of teaching staff for wide discussion. After all, the points contained in the draft apply to all categories of educators.

We must understand that the work of, say, a researcher who should be able to attend libraries, conferences, etc. (this requires time, and therefore a freer schedule), differs significantly from the work of, for example, a machinist who is “tied” to a workplace and cannot carry out his work activities at home. Meanwhile, the same researcher should not waste his free time on solving official problems. But the draft order contains no provision at all on regulating the working time of scientific workers performing both research and teaching work. We believe that the teacher must independently determine the place of carrying out methodological, preparatory, organizational work, the nature of which does not require mandatory presence in the educational institution.

Teachers who want to improve working conditions and intend to defend their rights should unite and create independent trade unions in schools and universities. Despite the fact that the overall situation in the industry is still difficult to change, positive changes can be achieved in individual educational institutions. To do this, we must not sit idly by, but act.

Free the audience! They will go on sale

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation for last years closed 800 universities and their branches. Most of them are state-owned. This was mainly done through the liquidation of licenses for the right to engage in educational activities or through mergers and the so-called consolidation of universities.

AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PROCESS OF sequestration of higher educational institutions The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation trumped the fact that inconspicuous, small universities, either in terms of the level of training or in the number of students, are being eliminated from the domestic higher education system. But this happened at the stage when the machine of destruction of university education, controlled by Minister D. Livanov, had to reach a given speed. Now on the agenda is the liquidation of famous universities with a student population of many thousands.

First, let's see what's going on in the capital. Famous Technical University, known as the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), which nominated two leaders of domestic education - Union Minister-Creator V.P. Elyutin and the Russian minister-destroyer D.V. Livanova, - attached to the Mining University. There are obviously two reasons for the merger: firstly, they are nearby and therefore easy to compact, and secondly, during the years of their world fame, both bore the name I.V. Stalin.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Science merged “into one bottle” the Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov and Trade and Economic University. There are also two probable reasons: firstly, the exorbitant growth of economists in the last 25 years has led to a catastrophic decline in the economy, so it’s time to reduce their training, and secondly, they are far from each other, so it becomes possible to put part of the real estate up for auction.

Widely known Moscow Aviation Institute of Technology named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky was added to the famous Moscow Order of Lenin and the Order October revolution Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. There are again two reasons: firstly, it is urgently necessary to reduce the number of specialists in the aerospace industry so that it is not possible to create competitive domestic equipment, which is a significant obstacle to both the purchase and leasing of American and Western European airbuses and other aircraft. Secondly, the “irrational” use of the premises: they are used for classroom teaching by students and laboratory and experimental research by scientists.

High-profile mergers include the joining of the Moscow State University of Food Production to the Moscow state university applied biotechnologies. However, the list of mergers and liquidations can go on and on.

It is characteristic that most of the “vacated” areas and land plots were immediately sold. Formally, the basis for all these mergers, as well as the merger of secondary schools (their number in the country has already decreased by seven thousand while the number of students has simultaneously increased), is based on the so-called normative per capita financing. This means that money from the state budget is allocated only to state budget places approved by the ministry, and everything else (housing and communal services, maintenance of buildings, etc.) should be provided due to the resourcefulness of general managers educational institutions. As a result, monsters have already appeared in which classes are forced to be conducted in three shifts.

All of these innovations in university education were introduced by government decree No. 640. It came into force on January 1, 2016 as a congratulation to students and teachers, students and teaching staff on the New Year and the Year of the Red Monkey. All real estate of universities is now managed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The property of 280 universities fell into his, frankly, greedy hands. To make it clear what kind of wealth this is, we note: this includes 30 federal state unitary enterprises, 225,000 land plots and 35 million square meters educational and residential areas. There is already a queue of education benefactors to buy buildings and land.

However, the sale was not limited to the real estate of educational institutions and organizations. The government has raised the question of the possible privatization of the country's largest banks - such as Sberbank and VTB, and then all other banks, so that the controlling stake is not with the state, but with a private owner.

Apparently, the supreme power of the Russian Federation believes that only with such a demonstration of its own patriotism will it finally make Russia happy, because it will finally put it on the rails market economy. Then, if foreign investors are allowed to participate in the auction, our country will deserve at least a little applause from Western benefactors. Hooray!