At what age do they become president. State security agencies. The Phenomenon of Putin's Russia

simple family

Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. “I come from a simple family, and I have lived this life for a very long time, almost all of my conscious life. I lived like a private normal person, and I always keep this connection,” recalls Putin.

Mother Maria Ivanovna

Vladimir Putin's mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, was a very gentle, benevolent person.

“We lived modestly. Therefore, cabbage soup, cutlets were made, and here are pancakes. And on Sundays and holidays, my mother baked pies with cabbage, with meat, with rice and cheesecakes, very tasty, ”Putin says.

Mom did not approve of his decision to practice judo. “Every time I went to training, she said: “I went to fight again.” The situation was corrected by his coach, who came home and told his parents what he was doing, what successes he had achieved, after which the attitude towards this sport in the family changed.

Mom baked pies with cabbage, meat, rice and cheesecakes, very tasty.

V. Putin

Father Vladimir Spiridonovich

Vladimir Putin's father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, was a participant in the war, in the 1950s he served in the guards of a car-building plant, and later was a foreman at the plant.

“Father was born in St. Petersburg in 1911. When did the first World War, it became difficult to live in St. Petersburg, hungry, and the whole family left for the village of Pominovo in the Tver region, to my grandmother's homeland. The house where they lived, by the way, is still standing, relatives go there to rest. There, in Pominovo, my father met my mother. They got married when they were 17 years old,” Putin says.

Postwar years

After the war, the Putin family settled in a room in a communal apartment, in an ordinary St. Petersburg house in Baskov Lane. Vladimir Putin recalls: “The yard is a well, the fifth floor without an elevator. Before the war, my parents had half a house in Peterhof. They were very proud of the standard of living that they then achieved. But what level was that? But it seemed to them that this was almost the ultimate dream.


School years

Was a bully, not a pioneer

From 1960 to 1968, Vladimir Putin studied at eight-year school No. 193 in Leningrad. After eighth grade, he entered high school No. 281 (special school with a chemical bias on the basis of Institute of Technology), which he graduated in 1970.

I was always late for the first lesson, so even in winter I didn’t have time to properly dress.

V. Putin
Teacher Vera Dmitrievna Gurevich

From the first to the eighth grade, Vladimir Putin studied at the 193rd school. He recalls being a bully, not a pioneer.

His teacher Vera Dmitrievna Gurevich said: “In the 5th grade, he still did not show himself very well, but I felt that he had potential, energy, character. I saw a great interest in the language, he easily grasped. He had a very good memory, a flexible mind.

I thought this boy would be good. I decided to pay more attention to him, not to give him the opportunity to communicate with the yard boys.

Search for priorities

Until the sixth grade, Putin did not have much interest in studying. His teacher Vera Dmitrievna Gurevich understood that the boy could study better without triples.

She even met with his father so that he would somehow influence his son. But that didn't help much. Vladimir Putin himself has dramatically changed his attitude towards classes in the sixth grade.

Putin says: “Other priorities have already begun to appear, I had to assert myself in sports, achieve something, other goals appeared. It certainly made a big difference."

Potential, energy, character

In the sixth grade, Putin set himself the goal of achieving something in life. He began to study without triples, which was easy for him. Then he was accepted as a pioneer, and immediately after that he became chairman of the detachment council.

“It became clear that yard skills were not enough, and I started playing sports. But even this resource was not enough to maintain their, so to speak, status for a short time. It was also necessary to study well, ”Putin says.


Higher education

Leningrad State University and Higher School of the KGB

In 1970, Vladimir Putin entered the law faculty of Leningrad State University, graduating in 1975. In the late 70s and early 80s, Putin graduated from the Moscow Higher School of the KGB No. 1.

Even before I graduated from high school, I had a desire to work in intelligence. True, soon I wanted to become a sailor. But then again a scout. And at the very beginning I really wanted to be a pilot.

V. Putin
Sailor? Pilot? Scout.

Even before Vladimir Putin graduated from high school, he had a desire to work in intelligence. To find out how they become scouts, he went to the reception room of the KGB Directorate. There he was told that first he needed to either serve in the army or graduate from a university, preferably a law school.

“And from that moment I began to prepare for the law faculty of Leningrad University,” says Putin.

Other Incentives, Other Values

In 1970, Vladimir Putin entered the law faculty of the Leningrad state university. “The course consisted of 100 people, and only 10 of them were taken right after school. The rest - after the army. Therefore, for us, schoolchildren, the competition was about 40 people per seat. I got a B in my essay, but I passed all the rest with A and passed,” Putin says.

“When I started studying at the university, there were other incentives, other values, I mainly focused on my studies, and I already treated sports as a secondary matter. But I trained, of course, regularly, and participated in all-Union competitions, although somehow out of inertia, or something, ”he recalls.

State Security Bodies

After Putin graduated from Leningrad State University, he was assigned to work in the state security agencies. “My idea of ​​the KGB was based on romantic stories about the work of intelligence officers,” Putin says.

He was registered first with the secretariat of the Directorate, then with the counterintelligence unit, where he worked for about five months. Six months later, he was sent to retraining courses for operational personnel.

For about six months, Putin worked in the counterintelligence unit.

It was then that foreign intelligence officers paid attention to him. “Quite quickly, he left for special training in Moscow, where he stayed for a year. Then he returned to Leningrad again, worked there, as they used to say, in the first department. The first main department is intelligence. This department had divisions in major cities Union, including in Leningrad. I worked there for about four and a half years,” he recalls.

Then Putin again went to Moscow to study at the Andropov Red Banner Institute, where he was prepared for a trip to Germany.


Wedding and Germany

There was something about him...

After graduating from the Andropov Red Banner Institute, where Vladimir Putin was prepared for a trip to Germany, in 1985 he left for the GDR and worked there until 1990. But before leaving, more than one important event happened in his life ...

Wife Lyudmila

Vladimir Putin and Lyudmila Shkrebneva were introduced by a mutual friend. Lyudmila worked as a flight attendant on domestic flights and flew with a friend to Leningrad for three days.

“Somehow, when I was already working in the first division in St. Petersburg, a friend called me and said that he was inviting me to the theater for Arkady Raikin. He has tickets, the girls will. We went. The girls really were. The next day we went back to the theater. I already got tickets. And the same for the third. I started dating one of them. We became friends. With Lyuda, my future wife", - says Putin. “Something, apparently, in Volodya was such that attracted me. Three or four months later, I already decided that he was exactly the person I needed, ”recalls Lyudmila. Three years after they met, Vladimir proposed to Lyudmila. “I realized that if I don’t get married for another two or three years, I’ll never get married. Although, of course, the habit of bachelor life has developed. Lyudmila eradicated it,” Putin admits.
On July 28, 1983, they got married.

Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin were married until 2013.

Daughters Maria and Katerina

In 1985, before leaving for Germany, Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin had a daughter, Maria. The younger Katerina was born in 1986 - already in Dresden.

Both girls were named after their grandmothers: Maria Ivanovna Putina and Ekaterina Tikhonovna Shkrebneva.

According to their mother, Lyudmila, Putin loves his daughters very much. “Not all men treat their children as touchingly as he does. And he always spoiled them, and I had to educate them, ”she says.


In 1985-1990, Vladimir Putin worked in the GDR. He served in the territorial intelligence point in Dresden. Based on his seniority, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and to the position of senior assistant to the head of the department. And in 1989 he was awarded the bronze medal "For outstanding services to the National People's Army of the GDR."

“I had a good job. It was considered normal if there was one promotion while working on a business trip abroad. I was promoted twice,” says Putin.


From Assistant Rector of Leningrad State University to Acting President of the Russian Federation

Leningrad – Moscow

After returning from Germany to Leningrad, Vladimir Putin, since 1990, served as assistant to the rector of Leningrad State University for international affairs. In 1996, he and his family moved to Moscow, where he began his political career.

Leningrad – St. Petersburg

In 1990, after returning from Dresden to Leningrad, Vladimir Putin got a job as an assistant to the rector of Leningrad State University for international affairs. “I gladly went “under the roof” of the Leningrad State University in order to write a Ph.D., see how it was and what, and maybe stay to work at Leningrad State University. So, in 1990, I became an assistant to the rector of the university for international relations,” Putin recalls.

Soon he became an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council.

Since June 1991, Putin began to work as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the St. Petersburg mayor's office and at the same time - since 1994 - the first deputy chairman of the government of St. Petersburg.

After moving to work in the mayor's office of Leningrad, Putin filed a report for dismissal from the KGB of the USSR.

It probably helped that I didn't want to be any kind of President.

V. Putin
Moscow. Premier with perspective

In 1996, Vladimir Putin moved with his family to Moscow, as he was offered the post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation. “I can’t say that I didn’t love Moscow. I just loved Peter more. But Moscow, obviously, is a European city,” Putin recalls.

His career developed rapidly. In March 1997, Putin became deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, head of the Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. Despite the workload, in 1997 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in economics at the St. Petersburg State Mining Institute. In May 1998, Putin was already the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, in July 1998 he was appointed director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, at the same time - from March 1999 - Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

And already in August 1999, Vladimir Putin became Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. This post was offered to him by the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.

Putin recalls it this way: “Boris Nikolaevich invited me to his place and said that he had an idea to offer me the post of Prime Minister.<...>By the way, in a conversation with me, he did not utter the word "successor". Yeltsin said about the "premiere with the prospect" that if everything went well, he would consider it possible.

According to Putin, it was interesting and honorable for him to work in this position: “I thought, well, I’ll work for a year, and that’s good. If I help save Russia from collapse, then we can be proud of it.”

Acting President of the Russian Federation

Before the new year 2000, Russian President Boris Yeltsin invited Vladimir Putin to become acting President.

“Two or three weeks before the New Year, Boris Nikolaevich invited me to his office and said that he had decided to leave. Thus, I will have to become acting President,” recalls Putin.

According to him, it was difficult for him to make a decision, since it is "a rather difficult fate."

“On the one hand, there are internal arguments. But there is another logic as well. Fate develops in such a way that you can work at the highest level in the country and for the country. And it is foolish to say: no, I will sell seeds, or not, I will be engaged in private legal practice. Well, then you can do it, after all. First work here, then there,” Putin explains his choice.


President and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

You must always think about the future, always look ahead

March 26, 2000 Vladimir Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation, March 14, 2004 was elected President of the Russian Federation for a second term. On May 8, 2008, by Presidential Decree, he was appointed Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

President of Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2000. On May 7, 2000, he took office.

In his inaugural speech, Vladimir Putin said: "We have common goals, we want our Russia to be a free, prosperous, rich, strong, civilized country, a country that its citizens are proud of and respected in the world." He added that his activities will be guided solely by the state interests. “It may not be possible to avoid mistakes, but what I can and do promise is that I will work openly and honestly,” Putin said.

I consider it my sacred duty to unite the people of Russia, to gather citizens around clear goals and objectives, and to remember every day and every minute that we have one Motherland, one people, we have one common future.

V. Putin
Elected President of the Russian Federation for a second term

On March 14, 2004, he was elected President of the Russian Federation for a second term. In his Address to the Federal Assembly on May 26, 2004, Putin, in particular, stated: “Our goals are absolutely clear. This is a high standard of living in the country, a life that is safe, free and comfortable. This is a mature democracy and a developed civil society. This is the strengthening of Russia's position in the world, and most importantly, I repeat, a significant increase in the well-being of citizens.

Today we know our own capabilities better. We know what resources we have. We understand that in achieving these goals can interfere with us. And we are actively modernizing the state, achieving compliance with its functions modern stage development of Russia, a stage that provides a significantly higher standard of living.

Appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

On May 8, 2008, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

“In recent years, Russia has grown significantly stronger. We have sufficient resource potential to solve even more challenging tasks. The point is to ensure that the potential we have accumulated is used competently, effectively and properly. For my part, I am ready to make every effort to achieve the goals. To obtain new and significant results, in the name of the country's prosperity and a decent life for Russian citizens," Putin said at a meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.


As Prime Minister

The focus should be on the person

The focus of the Prime Minister is on the person. According to Putin, power should rely only on the Russian people, and if there is no such support, then there is nothing to do in power. In November 2011, Vladimir Putin was nominated as a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation.

under personal control

Vladimir Putin took personal control of the situation to support citizens who suffered from forest fires in the summer of 2010.

Thus, round-the-clock monitoring of the construction of houses for fire victims was organized. Surveillance cameras were installed at every significant site, working around the clock. Three monitors were brought up: one - to the Government House, the second - to Vladimir Putin's home, and the third - to the website of the Government. The relatives of those killed in the fires were paid 1 million rubles in compensation, and each member of the family affected by the fires was paid 100 thousand rubles. All victims of the fire before the onset of winter received new houses and apartments or, if desired, monetary compensation. 2.2 thousand families built new houses.

If I undertake something, I try to bring the matter either to its logical conclusion, or at least bring this matter to the maximum effect.

V. Putin
social measures

Vladimir Putin actively advocates the implementation of measures to develop the agro-industrial complex. “Step by step, we are becoming sovereign masters of our food and agricultural market. And all this is the result of the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex, the visible embodiment of the work of Russian grain growers, livestock breeders, and processors,” he says.

Support for military personnel and teachers is also a priority for Putin.

As President 2012-2018

In November 2011, participants in the XII Congress of United Russia approved Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation.

“The coming years will be decisive for the fate of Russia for decades to come. And we all must understand that the life of future generations, the historical perspective of the state and our nation depend on us today,” Vladimir Putin said in his inaugural speech on May 7, 2012.

May Decrees

On the day he took office, the President signed 11 decrees designed to solve the most significant and sensitive problems for citizens, namely: wages state employees while improving the quality of medical, educational and social services; improvement of living conditions, including large families and those who live in emergency homes; improvement of the work of authorities and organizations providing municipal and state services.

Constant control over the execution of the instructions formulated within the framework of the May decrees is carried out by the Commission for Monitoring the Achievement of the Target Indicators of Russia's Socio-Economic Development, headed by the President.

2014 Olympics in Sochi

On February 7, 2014, Vladimir Putin launched the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. For their holding, 11 sports facilities with a total capacity of 200,000 seats were built in the city. In total, 380 structures were erected in the process of preparation: objects of the coastal and mountain clusters, transport, energy and hotel infrastructure.

The Games in Sochi were attended by 2,876 athletes from 88 countries. It was the first Winter Olympics in the history of Russia.

The entry of Crimea into Russia

On March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in Crimea, in which 96 percent of voters voted for reunification with Russia. On March 18, in the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin, the President addressed both chambers of the Federal Assembly with a request to consider the Constitutional Law on the admission of two new subjects to the Russian Federation: the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The agreement on the entry of Crimea into Russia was signed immediately after the speech.

“In the minds of people, Crimea has always been and remains an integral part of Russia. This conviction, based on truth and justice, was unshakable, passed down from generation to generation, both time and circumstances were powerless before it, all the dramatic changes that our country experienced during the 20th century were powerless,” Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, heads of Russian regions and representatives of civil society.

On December 6, 2017, during a visit to the GAZ plant in Nizhny Novgorod, the head of state announced plans to take part in the upcoming elections.

To begin with, let's figure out how long the president is elected and what this position generally means. The President of the Russian Federation is the highest position in Russia, elected by the people, he is the head of the country. And also, performs the functions of governing the state and is the supreme commander of the army of the Russian Federation. So, how long is the President of the Russian Federation elected?

For the first time this position appeared in April 1991, following the results of a referendum held throughout the country. Thus, having approved the results of the referendum, the Supreme Council of Russia issued a law regulating the powers of the head of state, and a law was also issued regarding the election of the president. As a result, in accordance with the laws issued, the elected president became the head of state and leader of the executive branch in Russia, which at that time was a republic composed of Soviet Union.

The first elections for the post of leader of the Russian Federation were held in the summer, namely on June 12, 1991. In accordance with their results, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was elected leader of the Russian Federation.

Who can vote

Only citizens over the age of 35 who have lived in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least ten years are entitled to this right.

How many times in a row can you become president of the Russian Federation? This question arises in many people, and here is the answer to it: the same person cannot and does not have the right to be elected to the post of head of Russia no more than twice in a row. (but may be re-elected after a break of one term).

The election procedure is exactly described in federal law number 19 "On the election of the President of the Russian Federation." Under the terms of this law, each participant in the election as head of state is required to present to the CEC at least two million signatures made by persons who are citizens of Russia. Those who do not fulfill this condition are automatically excluded from participation in the elections.

According to the constitution, all citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 18 can choose the head of the Russian Federation.

How long is the President of the Russian Federation elected

How long is the President of the Russian Federation elected? Initially, the reign in Russia was five years. But in the future, the reign was reduced to four years. However, in 2012, there were again changes in the Constitution and now the presidency in Russia has increased to six years.

  • Since the elections are throughout Russia, then in your city there will definitely be a point of the election commission. Contact the CEC to find out exactly where you can vote.
  • Voting date set, not later than three months, but usually, the date is known much earlier. After the date is set, candidates will be nominated, with whom you can familiarize yourself and choose the one that suits you.
  • Choosing your candidate and after waiting for the voting date, come to the point of the election commission (be sure to take your passport with you) and vote.

What rights does the President of the Russian Federation have?

In accordance with the fourth main Constitution of the Russian Federation, the head of state has the following powers:

All issued decrees and bills must comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Where does the president operate from?

At the beginning of 2009, the official residences of the leader of the Russian Federation were:

  • Kremlin in Moscow.
  • « Gorki-9" in the Moscow region.
  • « Bocharov Creek" in Sochi.
  • « Long Beards"or" Valdai "in the Novgorod region.

During the stay of the head of state in the Kremlin's office, the presidential standard is raised over the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Places for receiving foreign guests at the highest level are:

  • « Russia» in the Tver region.
  • Meiendorf castle in the Moscow region.

Unofficial residences of the head of state:

  • « Pines" in Krasnoyarsk.
  • « Volzhsky cliff» in the Samara region.
  • « Angarsk farms» near Irkutsk.

President after resignation.

After the end of the presidential term, the former head of state is entitled to monthly cash payments in the amount of 75% of the salary of the current President of Russia. And these payments are for life.

If a person who is in the presidency dies, then his relatives are entitled to an allowance equal to six times the minimum old-age pension on the day of the death of the head of state.

Even when the presidential term comes to an end, the president will continue to enjoy immunity (will not be prosecuted in criminal cases, will not be subject to detention or interrogation by law enforcement agencies).

List of Presidents of the Russian Federation

  • Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin- was the head of state from 1991 to 1999, his term of office was 3096 days.
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin- was president from 2000 to 2008, in 2012 he again led the country. (In accordance with the constitution).
  • Dmitry Anatolievich Medvedev- served as head of state from 2008 to 2012, his term of office was 1461 days.

Interesting Facts.

  • As you already know, earlier the head of state, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, was elected for 4 years, but Putin became the first leader of the state to rule for six years.
  • At the head of the Russian Federation he has his own website on the Internet, where he personally accepts applications from citizens of the country.

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Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - President of the Russian Federation (2000-2008, 2012 - present), formerly Director of the FSB of Russia (1998-1999).

Childhood and family of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born in 1952 in Leningrad. “I come from a simple family, and I lived this life for a very long time, almost my entire conscious life. I lived like an ordinary normal person, and I always have this connection, ”Putin recalled.

Vladimir Putin's father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, served in the submarine fleet from 1933 to 1934. In June 1941 he was called to the front. Defending the Nevsky Piglet, Vladimir Spiridonovich was seriously wounded in the leg. After the war, he worked as a foreman at the Yegorov factory.

Mom - Maria Ivanovna Shelomova - survived the blockade, then also worked at the factory.

Vladimir Putin's grandfather was a cook, his dishes were served at the table of the highest state and party officials, including Stalin and Lenin.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the third son in the family. Two of his older brothers died in childhood: brother Victor - passed away before the war, Albert died in the blockade.

The Putins lived in a communal apartment without amenities in Baskov Lane. Already after Vladimir Vladimirovich became president, he shared that as a child he liked to watch Soviet films about intelligence officers and dreamed of working in state authorities.

"Even before I graduated from school, I had a desire to work in intelligence. True, I soon wanted to become a sailor. But then again a scout ..

Until 1965, Vladimir Putin studied at an eight-year school, then he graduated from a secondary special school with a chemical bias, then there was the law faculty of the Leningrad State University. Zhdanov (now St. Petersburg State University). In his student years, he joined the CPSU. As a student, Vladimir Vladimirovich met Anatoly Sobchak, who then held the position of associate professor at Leningrad State University.

Putin's career in the KGB

In 1975, after receiving his diploma, Vladimir Putin was sent to serve in the State Security Committee. In the same year, he received the rank of senior lieutenant of justice in the system of territorial bodies of the KGB of the USSR, having completed training courses for operational personnel.

In 1977, Vladimir Putin served in the counterintelligence line in the investigative department of the KGB. Leningrad region. In 1979, after completing retraining courses in Moscow, he returned to native city.

In 1984, with the rank of Major of Justice, Putin was seconded to study at the Institute of the KGB of the USSR with a degree in Foreign Intelligence. There Vladimir Vladimirovich continued to study German language and was trained to serve in the GDR.

Vladimir Putin in the GDR

From 1985 to 1990 Putin worked in the GDR. He served in Dresden, his cover was the post of director of the Dresden Friendship House of the USSR-GDR. After years of service, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and the position to senior assistant to the head of the department.

In 1989, Vladimir Vladimirovich was awarded the bronze medal "For Merit to the National People's Army of the GDR".

Putin without a tie

After completing his business trip abroad, Vladimir Putin continued his service in the Leningrad department of the KGB, refusing to transfer to the central apparatus of foreign intelligence of the KGB of the USSR in Moscow.

Vladimir Putin in the administration of St. Petersburg

The next stage in the life of Vladimir Putin was work at the Leningrad State University. Zhdanov, where he served as Assistant Rector for International Affairs.

“I gladly went “under the roof” of the Leningrad State University in order to write a Ph.D., see how it was and what, and maybe stay to work at Leningrad State University. So, in the 1990s, I became an assistant to the rector of the university for international relations, ”he recalled.

Putin was recommended to Anatoly Sobchak as good worker, and in 1990 the future president of the country became an adviser to the mayor of St. Petersburg. With the transition to new job Putin filed a report for dismissal from the KGB of the USSR.

At the new place, Putin was entrusted with the post of chairman of the foreign relations committee of the administration of St. Petersburg, in 1994 Vladimir Vladimirovich was appointed first deputy chairman of the government of St. Petersburg, retaining his previous position. A year later, he stood at the helm of the regional branch of the NDR party.

Vladimir Putin about Ukraine

In 1992, a group of Lensoviet deputies led by Yuri Gladkov and Maria Salie brought charges against Putin of fraud in the program of supplying St. Petersburg with food in exchange for raw materials. Putin argued that the Salie commission did not actually conduct any investigation, and there was no one to prosecute in a criminal order and there was nothing for it. The scandal was fomented in order for Sobchak to fire Putin.

Vladimir Putin's work in Moscow

In three years, Putin has risen from Deputy Director for Presidential Affairs to Secretary of the Security Council. In 1996, after the failure of Sobchak in the gubernatorial elections, Vladimir Vladimirovich was invited to Moscow to the post of Deputy Chief of the President of the Russian Federation. Putin oversaw the legal department and management of Russia's foreign property.

“I can’t say that I didn’t love Moscow. I just loved Peter more. But Moscow, quite obviously, is a European city,” Putin said of his transfer.

In the spring of 1997, Vladimir Putin was appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, replacing Alexei Kudrin.

In the summer of 1998, he headed the FSB of Russia, and in the autumn he successfully reorganized the structure. Six months later, Vladimir Putin took the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation while maintaining his position in the FSB.

On May 8, 2008, Vladimir Putin was approved for the post of Prime Minister of Russia; on May 12, he already announced the composition of the new government. In November 2010, Putin was on the 4th place in the list of the most influential people on the planet according to Forbes magazine.

On September 24, 2011, Putin agreed to run for president of Russia. Then, at the congress of the party "United Russia", his words caused a standing ovation. By the way, already in November 2011 in Forbes ranking Vladimir Vladimirovich took the second place.

In the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, Putin won in the first round, gaining 63.6% of the vote; on May 7, he took office as head of state for the third time.

The third presidential term of Vladimir Putin fell difficult historical events. Russia's position on the Ukrainian crisis and the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the victorious performance of Russian athletes at the Olympics and Paralympics in Sochi, a successful military operation in Syria - all this could not but affect the rating of the country's first person. Poll data published in October 2015 by VTsIOM show that 89.9% of Russians approve of Vladimir Putin's actions.

Vladimir Putin about the Sochi 2014 Olympics

Personal life of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich met his future wife Lyudmila in 1980, and on July 28, 1983 they got married. Two years before leaving for Germany, their first daughter, Maria, was born, and a year later, in one of the maternity hospitals in Dresden, the second, Catherine, was born. Both girls graduated from St. Petersburg State University. According to unofficial data, on August 15, 2012, a son was born to Mary. The privacy of Putin's daughters is guarded very carefully.

On June 6, 2013, in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV channel, Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin announced the divorce by mutual decision. This information was discussed in the media for quite a long time. The reasons for the divorce were allegedly existing relations between Vladimir Vladimirovich and Putin on Harley-Davidson

He listens with pleasure to the songs of Nikolai Rastorguev and the Lyube group, Grigory Leps, gypsy music.

Fluent in German and English.

Vladimir Putin wears watches only for right hand. Why? “So the crown does not rub my brush, that's the whole secret,” the president revealed, which is of interest to many.

The president has many pets, almost all of which are gifts from influential politicians. Vladimir Vladimirovich has a Bulgarian shepherd dog Buffy (a gift from the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov), Akita Inu Yume (a gift from the Governor of Akita Prefecture Norihisa Satake), as well as a goat named Skazka (a gift from Yuri Luzhkov) and a pygmy horse Vadik (a gift from the President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev) . Previously, the President's favorite dog was a black Labrador named Connie, who passed away in 2014.

Vladimir Putin at the December 2017 press conference

As a result of the elections, Vladimir Putin won with 76.69% of the vote. The presidential inauguration took place on 7 May. The president arrived at the ceremony in a Cortege limousine with armored glass, which cost 200,000 rubles. Putin's inauguration was attended by 5,000 people. Vladimir Vladimirovich took the oath and became the head of Russia for the 4th time.

The distant and last year of the 20th century was a turning point in the history of our country. A number of events took place that year that determined the course of Russian history in the first two decades of the 21st century. The year 1999 preceded the beginning of the first presidential term of V.V. Putin and was full of fatal and terrible events. The beginning of the second aggressive election campaign before the elections on December 19 to the State Duma, terrorist attacks in Moscow and Volgodonsk, attacks by Basayev and Khattab gangs on villages in Dagestan, criminal squabbles, the war in Serbia, etc. That year, the crisis of political power put the country on the brink of disaster. Since what year has Putin been president and how did his election affect the history of our country in the 21st century?

Crisis of political power

The complete failure of economic reforms, the consequences of the devaluation of the national currency that began a year earlier, and many other circumstances made B. Yeltsin an extremely unpopular figure in the eyes of the vast majority of voters. No political advertising and juggling could ensure the victory of B.N. Yeltsin in the upcoming elections of 2000, as happened in 1996. The campaign to impeach the president, which unfolded in the State Duma, threatened to escalate into prosecution and punishment of those responsible for the plundering of the country - B.N. Yeltsin and the people behind him. The leading opposition parties - "Fatherland - All Russia" and the Communists - directly blamed for failed reforms and plundering the country for the family of President B.N. Yeltsin and the oligarchs. Slogans and statements of this nature, coming from the opposition, found wide support among ordinary voters and were real threat for the ruling Yeltsin elite.

The Phenomenon of Putin's Russia

Of the year Russian history begins a more consistent and progressive development, acquires some certainty and stability, is characterized by a number of economic and political achievements. It can be called a phenomenon of Putin's Russia, but before the March 2000 elections, no definite historical paradigm existed. hides a lot of alternative historical options, which were all discarded in the elections to the State Duma in December 1999 and in the presidential elections in 2000. All but one.

Since what year did Putin become the president of Russia legally

V.V. Putin won on March 26, 2000, with nearly 53% of the vote. Since what year has Putin been president of the Russian Federation? The first term began on May 7, the date of the inauguration. Putin's closest competitor in these elections was G. Zyuganov, who received much fewer votes - 29.2%. But at the time of the March elections, V.V. Putin has already served as acting president, so 2000 is not the date that should be considered the beginning of his presidency.

Since what year has Putin been president of the Russian Federation? In fact, V.V. Putin began to fully perform presidential functions earlier, namely from December 31, 1999, when he was appointed to this position by the previous Russian President B.N. Yeltsin. It was on the last day of the outgoing 1999 that V.V. Putin received from the hands of B.N. Yeltsin the entire spectrum of presidential powers. In the morning, at 11 o'clock, in the presence of the patriarch and in a solemn atmosphere, the first president of Russia transferred presidential powers to V.V. Putin. The new president was also given all the attributes of state power, including the "nuclear briefcase". The first decree of the President was a document guaranteeing the immunity of B.N. Yeltsin and members of his family, as well as promising not to prosecute these people in court. Since what year has Putin been president for the first time? The beginning of the first presidential term should be considered from May 7, 2000, when the inauguration took place.

Since what year did Putin become president and what preceded this

The appointment of V.V. Putin to the highest position in the country was preceded by a series of dramatic events. To the richest people who stood behind B.N. Yeltsin and actively using influence on the highest power in the country for the sake of even greater personal enrichment, a new politician was needed who could lead the country, maintain preferences in power for the former elite and give them security guarantees. One of these influential people was B.A. Berezovsky, who was the actual owner of the first TV channel. Thanks to the aggressive election campaign that took place in the fall of 1999 before the elections to the Duma, through the efforts of these people, they managed to gain enough votes to form one of the largest factions "Unity" ("Bear"), which was to become the power base of the new President V.V. Putin, who was at that time the chairman of the government. The appointment of V.V. Putin to the post of acting president of the country was preceded by a very difficult election campaign aimed at winning the rating of both the future president and the parliamentary majority in the upcoming elections.

Features of the election campaign of the second president of Russia in 1999-2000

The main emphasis in this election campaign was placed on the war in Chechnya, the fight against terrorism and restoring order in the country. The head of the FSB, V.V., was chosen as the main character. Putin, who was appointed Prime Minister in August 1999. In those days, the powers of the prime minister were actively used to achieve success in an independent political career. Prime Minister Primakov, dismissed in May 1999, headed a political party with Luzhkov, which became a real threat to the ruling elite in the run-up to the December elections. The political significance of the figure of the chairman of the government increased sharply against the background of the losing popularity of President B.N. Yeltsin.

Further actions aimed at revealing a positive image of the new Russia were associated with overcoming the threats of terrorism and the war in Chechnya. Channel One B.A. Berezovsky actively criticized both the Luzhkov-Primakov party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. This time was remembered by all citizens of Russia for Friday performances on Channel One by the famous TV presenter Dorenko. A fight against Chechen terrorism was launched across the country, and military operations began in Chechnya itself, the successes of which could be interpreted through the media, controlled by the authorities, as victorious. The charismatic image of the new Russian politician V.V. From the very beginning, Putin began to be perceived as an image of an uncompromising fighter for state interests, capable of protecting the country.

When Putin actually came to power

Since what year has Putin been president in fact? If in 2000 the Putin era began officially, based on the will of the people, then the actual presidency of Putin began a little earlier. It can be considered that it began with the decree of the first Russian President B.N. Yeltsin on the appointment of V.V. Putin to the post of interim in late 1999. And, perhaps, it is worth considering that his presidency began even earlier - from work as chairman of the government since August 1999, when V.V. Putin concentrated an extremely large amount of power and began to form the features of modern Russia, which later historians will call Putin's?

Popular support is the key to the success of presidential power

From what year did Putin become president of Russia, from such a year should the time of the beginning of a new era be counted. Many features of the reign of the second president of our country have manifested themselves since 1999, when the country approached a historical crossroads and was really on the verge of collapse, complete anarchy and civil war. Historical realities forced V.V. Putin to act tough, uncompromisingly, at the same time he had to not lose popularity with Russian voters, “be in the frame”, provide evidence of real deeds and achievements, speak vividly and figuratively, understanding that only the support of the majority is the key to the success of all his affairs and beginnings.

The first steps of the new leader of the country

Since what year has Putin been president and a new politician? It is possible that in 1999 the history of Russia had many alternative paths of development, but since 2000 there have been no alternatives. V.V. Putin did not leave a single chance to influence the history of the country to very many people who had previously been very influential. In that year, two Russian oligarchs lost their influence at once - V. Gusinsky and B. Berezovsky. The course taken by the new president to fight the oligarchs in 2000 was continued in the future, but the methods of struggle that were applied in the first year of V.V. Putin, remained approximately the same. V. Gusinsky controlled his own NTV channel and supported the Luzhkov-Primakov party "Fatherland - All Russia" in the parliamentary election race. Critics viewed the change in NTV leadership as a direct fight against dissent.

What were the true and preferences of the new president

An interesting tactical move, which reveals a little the true political predilections of the new president. To create a parliamentary coalition of the majority, the party V.V. Putin's "Bear" teamed up with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - their ideological opponents. Luzhkov's party, backed by Gusinsky, Yabloko and other political forces, which are now called the fifth column, did not then gain control over any of the committees in the State Duma. Behind the president's rhetoric about commitment to the ideas of the free market, there has always been a determination to rigorously adjust economic processes, if necessary.

The fate of political opponents

From what year Putin is the president of Russia, from such a time comes the decline of the era of the Yeltsin oligarchs. In June 2000, in exchange for freedom and the opportunity to go abroad, V. Gusinsky “voluntarily” transferred his property and the media belonging to him to those businessmen who supported the new president in all elections. B. Berezovsky also left the country, having resigned as a deputy, under the threat of legal prosecution for fraud, which he abused during the reign of B. Yeltsin. The ORT channel has ceased to be dependent on previous owner. Removing the big oligarchs from politics and depriving them of the opportunity to support opposition movements to the existing government became an important guarantee of the success of such a long reign of the second president of Russia. The oligarchs were losing their influence one by one, and the power of the new president continued to strengthen. In 2004, the year Putin became president for the second time, the Yukos case was in full swing, the main defendant, the oligarch Khodorkovsky, was in custody, and the tactics of dealing with objectionable oligarchs remained the same.

The struggle for the country or the struggle for power

It is difficult to say to what extent the methods of dealing with the oligarchs who left the political scene were legal, but the popular support of V.V. Putin from this did not decrease at all. fighting in the Chechen Republic, they turned into losses even greater than in the previous military campaign, and the course of military operations was not always brilliant, but everyone perfectly understood that the interests of the country were at stake. Voters forgave the second president for many controversial decisions, and in subsequent years of V.V. Putin, because they believed that their expediency was ultimately dictated by the interests of the state and the common good. Since what year has Putin been president 2 times? This happened in 2004, when the citizens of Russia again supported the second president in the elections. Both in 2004 and in 2012, after another victory in the presidential elections, and in 2014, when tragic events took place in Ukraine, the popularity of the second president continues to be out of competition.

High ranking question

Propaganda played an important role in this matter. Even in the first presidential race, V.V. Putin relied on a bright shot that creates a positive image of a person who is unable to put his personal and selfish interests above the interests of the whole society. Fighter flight, riding skiing, participation in judo sparring, military bearing - all these elements of the image of V.V. Putin clearly entered the minds of most people from his first days in power. In what way could Vladimir Vladimirovich change when he became a public figure from the same year, from what year Putin became president? The last term of V.V. Putin slightly changed the details of the image, but the logic of the political decisions of the second president as a whole remains the same.

Name: Vladimir Putin

Age: 64 years old

Place of Birth: Leningrad

Growth: 170 cm

Weight: 77 kg

Activity: President of the Russian Federation

Family status: Divorced

Vladimir Putin - Biography

He never told reporters which of the New Year holidays he remembered the most. But there is no doubt that one of the most important dates in his biography was January 1, 2000, when Russia met the year with a new head named Vladimir Putin.

The future president was born and raised in the city on the Neva, in an ordinary Leningrad communal apartment. Volodya's father, Vladimir Spiridonovich, a front-line soldier, worked as a foreman at a factory. Mother Maria Ivanovna worked in many places - she was a janitor, watchman, watchman. But most of all she cared about the house and her only son.

Vladimir Putin - Childhood Biography

Volodya was the third child in the family. The first boy died in infancy, the second - died of diphtheria during the blockade. When Volodya was born, his father and mother were no longer young - 41 years old. However, there was not even a hint of lisping and indulging in childish pranks in the family. As one of the boys who lived in the neighborhood recalled, his acquaintance with the future president happened quite casually: “We were 6-7 years old when Aunt Marusya, Putin’s mother, brought little Vovka to us: “Guys, this is my son Vova. Accept him in your company and do not offend ". However, no one was in a hurry to follow her request.

The post-war children of Leningrad... It was a special caste. Absolute authority was enjoyed by the elders - those who survived the blockade. Their word was law. If one of the younger ones decided to disobey, he was punished. It was even worse to complain about beatings to parents or teachers: the boy forever became an outcast.

Due to the proximity of the Nekrasovsky market, in the courtyard of the house where the Putins lived, pickpockets, criminals and just hooligans were constantly spinning. And the reason why the house in Baskovy Lane, where the Putin family lived, became a magnet for punks, was quite ordinary. If someone cut his wallet or stole a piece of meat, then he left the police here. I dived into the basement window, and then went out into the neighboring Saperny Lane. On the way, he threw off evidence or hid something valuable ...

The Putins did not live well, from paycheck to paycheck, but Volodya never felt left out. On the New Year my mother was preparing a festive table, my father was putting on a festive shirt, and all together listened to the Kremlin chimes on the radio. Then they went to congratulate the neighbors, communicate and discuss plans for the next year.

One of the neighbors with whom the Putins were friends was Anna Osipovna Sharapova. God did not give her children, so the neighbor Volodya, in a sense, replaced her son. That's what she called him - son. And this was not an exaggeration, because Aunt Anya also became a godmother for him. Volodya's mother succumbed to the persuasion of a pious neighbor, and together they, secretly from a principled communist father, baptized the boy a month and a half after birth - in the Transfiguration Cathedral, which was located not far from the house. Even today, when he comes to his native city, the President tries to visit the church on Preobrazhenskaya Square.

Vladimir Putin - school biography

Today it is difficult to imagine that this self-possessed and correct person in childhood was not at all an exemplary boy. Vladimir Vladimirovich himself frankly admitted in one of his interviews: “I was a bully, but not a pioneer!” To the surprise of the journalist: “Are you flirting?!” Putin clarified: “You offend. I really was a punk."

Since Volodya was born in October, he went to school at almost eight years old. It was the most ordinary eight-year school. The future president did not study well at first. “I was always late for the first lesson, so even in winter I didn’t have time to properly dress,” he recalled. Putin's behavior was also far from ideal. And Volodya was accepted as a pioneer not in the third grade, as excellent students, but only in the sixth.

And once he almost committed a political provocation. In 1961, after Stalin’s personality cult was debunked, portraits of the “father of nations” began to be thrown out of state institutions. Putin found one of them and, together with a friend, hung it on the wall of the house. In the morning, the residents were stunned: only yesterday on the radio they heard about Stalin's criminal regime, and today his portrait adorns the wall! Fortunately, the district policeman quickly realized that this was someone's prank, and, having removed the portrait, told everyone: "You didn't see anything."

The decisive role in choosing a future profession for Volodya was played by watching the film "Shield and Sword". Before that, he dreamed of becoming a civil aviation pilot, but the adventure tape changed everything. The teenager firmly decided that he would become a scout. “Vovka had a fixed idea, he constantly told us: to become a real intelligence officer, you need to temper yourself,” recalled his childhood friend Vladimir Bogdanov. - He made us jump naked into a snowdrift in winter.

After that, everyone lay with a sore throat, and Putin received a scolding from his father. And once he dragged me and my brother to swim on an ice floe. The game was called - race to the bottom. It was the beginning of spring. The first ice went down the Neva. We undressed to our shorts and jumped onto the ice floes. It was necessary to show strength of character - they checked which of us would last longer on the drifting ice floe.

For the sake of his dream, Vladimir began to study without triples, went in for sports. I got to a good judo coach - Anatoly Rakhlin, who made him a real professional.

Vladimir Putin - Biography personal life, career in the KGB

In his desire to become a scout, Vladimir Vladimirovich came to the KGB reception - to find out how to get into the special services. “We do not take initiatives,” he was taken aback. We choose ourselves. To the question "how?" a lengthy response was received: “Go to legal. You can't go wrong." Putin did just that. But time passed, and no one offered him to become a scout. He even started looking alternative options careers. Already in the fifth year, a KGB officer approached Vladimir Vladimirovich and offered to talk about further employment.

Then there was study through the KGB and service for the good of the Motherland. The future president did not forget about his personal life either. young officer long time dated a girl whose name remains a mystery. A doctor by education, smart, well-read, but ... something did not work out. The couple had already applied to the registry office when Vladimir Vladimirovich decided to part with the bride. “Parents on both sides bought everything - rings, a suit, a dress ... - the president recalled - It was one of the most difficult decisions in life. It was very hard. I looked like the ultimate villain. But I decided that it’s better now than to suffer later for both her and me. ”

And at the age of 29, Putin met a flight attendant, they were introduced by a mutual friend. She flew to Vladimir Vladimirovich in Leningrad for dates from Kaliningrad. This went on for almost three years. After the wedding, the young people moved to a modest "kopeck piece" of the groom's parents in Avtovo. Later, one after another, their daughters were born - Maria and Catherine. The girls were named after their grandmothers.

Vladimir Putin - President of Russia

Service in Germany, work at Leningrad University, St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, and then in the office of the President of Russia... Colleagues everywhere noted Putin's honesty and decency. Finally, on a December evening in 1999, President Yeltsin summoned the prime minister. “Two or three weeks before the New Year, Boris Nikolaevich invited me to his office and said that he had decided to leave. Thus, I will have to become acting president,” Vladimir Vladimirovich recalls.

During the years that Putin has been at the helm of Russia, the crumbling semi-living state has begun to regain its former strength, turning into a modern and strong power. And, despite the current economic difficulties, the people still trust him. That is why, this New Year, millions of Russians, as usual, will turn on their TVs to hear the familiar muffled voice against the backdrop of the Kremlin wall, blue fir trees and chimes.

Author of the biography: Boris Steklov 12575