Why does a father dream about a pregnant daughter? Why do you dream about your own pregnancy? See also in the dream book

Dream interpretation of pregnant mother's daughter

It is difficult to call a pleasant dream in which parents see their daughter’s pregnancy. The exception is those cases when the daughter has reached a certain age, has successfully married, or a young family plans to become pregnant.

Why do you dream about a pregnant daughter?

To see your daughter in a dream, who has been hit by an unexpected pregnancy, means that in reality your daughter is entering into a new life. best period own life. Among other things, you can expect financial replenishment.

I dreamed that your daughter was pregnant, opinions from dream books

As you know, every dream can be interpreted differently, everything will depend on the various details of what was seen. And to better understand this, look at the dream book.

Wanderer's dream book

For a father to see his daughter with hope - all your child’s dreams and ideas will come true, happiness and luck will become her constant companions.

If you dreamed of a pregnant daughter

A similar vision for mom suggests that her daughter will soon meet good man who will become an ideal spouse.

Azar's Dream Book

The pregnancy of my daughter means that now she is not having the best period in her life, but soon everything will pass. Happiness and joy await your little one.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Seeing in a dream how your child gave birth to a son - your financial situation will soon improve. In this case, finances will come to you unexpectedly, it could be winning the lottery, returning an old debt, or a find.

For a mother, seeing your daughter pregnant means that you are too worried about her fate. Don't worry, everything will be fine, she was born under a lucky star.

Family dream book

For a father, his daughter’s pregnancy means that he doesn’t mind becoming a dad again. Perhaps you have this information on a subconscious level,

For a mother to see her daughter in a position - you are overly protective of her, but at the same time you pay little attention. Guardianship is absolutely not what a girl needs. Talk to your child, she desperately needs it.

In a dream, my daughter gave birth, what is this for?

Daughter's pregnancy in a dream

There is an opinion that your blood gave birth in a dream, which means that soon you too can become parents again, only in real life.

Your daughter gave birth to a child - you will have a rare chance to start your life from the very beginning, with clean slate. If she gave birth to a girl - news, surprises, surprises, but always pleasant ones.

For a father, if he gave birth to a daughter in a dream, it means that his whole life will change by three hundred and sixty degrees. The changes will be global, and they will definitely be better side.

What does a dream about pregnancy and childbirth promise for a mother?

  • A mother who sees such night visions is very worried about the fate of her child. It is possible that the mother of a girl who has reached puberty will have similar dreams. The fears that mom experiences are completely justified.
  • Absolutely all dream books will console you if your girl becomes pregnant or gives birth - this is a positive dream. Changes are planned in the child’s life, they will definitely be for the better. Advice to mom: show more involvement in the fate of the grown-up girl, but don’t smother her with maternal love.
  • If the girl was dissatisfied with her situation, cried, complained to her mother, minor troubles await you, which, however, will make you quite worried.
  • If a very little daughter becomes pregnant in a dream, then you may become an eyewitness to an immoral act. In this case, do as your conscience tells you.
  • If the baby has given birth, do something unplanned and unexpected for everyone.

Amazing things happen in the land of dreams, the dead are resurrected, the living die, and some find themselves in interesting position, but you shouldn’t take all dreams literally. What to expect if you dreamed your daughter was pregnant, can the dream book give an accurate answer? Most often, a daughter’s pregnancy is a harbinger of joyful events, so nothing bad will happen. Also, such a dream sometimes foreshadows positive changes in fate loved one. Perhaps he will move to another city or find a job he likes.

Why does a father dream about a pregnant daughter? A dream often promises happiness, new plans and profit. Perhaps loved one his dream will come true and he will be very happy. If the dream left behind an unpleasant feeling, it is advisable to take a closer look at your daughter. Perhaps she is grieving about something or has some problem.

A summer dream book will help you find out why your mother dreams about her pregnant daughter. According to him, a woman should show more care to her child. Also, such a dream can promise troubles around the house due to the arrival of an important guest. If in a dream the dreamer was not happy that she would soon become a grandmother, in reality she needs to loosen control over her daughter, otherwise she will have to face problems. Sometimes a dream suggests that the sleeping woman has given up on herself and forgotten about her dreams. She needs to remember them or she will feel unhappy. Of course, she has a family and worries, but she needs to think not only about others.

According to autumn dream book, the pregnancy of a daughter in a dream promises a woman a joyful event; she may receive a gift or meet someone she knows.

What if you dream about your daughter being pregnant?

A modern dream book will help you find out why your mother’s pregnant daughter dreams. It foretells the dreamer an increase in well-being. Sometimes such a dream promises a daughter’s marriage, but don’t worry, the marriage will be very successful. She will not need anything, and perhaps soon she will actually become pregnant and give her husband a beautiful and healthy child. If the dream left behind anxiety, it is recommended to take more care of your daughter. Sometimes the dream comes true exactly and in the near future the girl will announce that she is in an interesting position. The dreamer can only be happy for her. In rare cases, such a dream promises pregnancy for the sleeping person, so it is better for her to visit a doctor and get checked.

To find out why your daughter is pregnant in a dream, you should open lunar dream book. If you believe him, then the dreamer will have a big surprise. Someone or something will surprise her and she will be impressed for days.

When you dream of a pregnant daughter who is in despair because of her situation and does not want to give birth to a child, you should take a closer look at your loved one. Perhaps he has a lot of problems that are difficult to deal with alone, but he is ashamed to ask for help. You need to offer it first, then your daughter will be grateful.

If in a dream the dreamer accidentally found out about her daughter’s pregnancy, in reality her loved one is really hiding something from her. The girl is not expecting a child; there is a possibility that she finds herself in a difficult situation and is afraid to admit it.

What does your daughter's pregnancy portend?

According to the Ukrainian dream book, a daughter’s pregnancy promises shame for the parent. Most likely, the girl will commit a bad act, and adults will have to answer for it. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows troubles in the family, so you need to be mentally prepared for them.

The winter dream book advises giving your daughter more freedom. The dreamer restricts her too much, so the girl may commit an unseemly act out of harm. It is recommended to find fault with her less and give instructions. If a daughter needs her mother's advice, she will turn to her.

The dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov advises taking a closer look at the people around you. Not all of them wish the dreamer well; some try to harm her. If possible, you need to share less information about your family with friends, relatives, and colleagues, then there will be much less envy.

If in a dream the daughter told her mother that she was pregnant, was going to get married, and she was dressed in a bride’s outfit, then in the near future she will not be able to build a relationship with the man she dreams of. She will spend a long time among the girls, which will make her very worried; the dreamer should console her and not reproach her. Sometimes a dream foreshadows a quarrel with your daughter or spouse over a trifle. It is better to try to get away from a negative situation than to later regret the words spoken in the heat of anger; they cannot be returned.

A daughter’s pregnancy, seen in a dream, in most cases promises the dreamer positive changes in life, so you should not think about the bad. Of course, there is a chance that the dream will come true one on one, but it is very small, so you should not question your loved one and torment yourself with suspicions.

A pregnant daughter dreams of favorable events - prosperity, material well-being and unexpected enrichment. similar dream indicates that their child has many talents, has his own ideas and ideas about the world.

You can find out what else a pregnant daughter dreams about by checking your vision with the opinions of several authoritative sources.

What will happen in the near future?

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    A father sees his daughter in a position in a dream means that all your plans and dreams will come true. The dream also foreshadows an improvement in the financial condition of the entire family.

    Mothers see a pregnant daughter in a dream predicts the appearance of a wonderful young man in a girl’s life, who would later become her husband.

    Azar's Dream Book

    Daughter's pregnancy in a dream means that now is not the best period in a girl’s life. She will face hardships, losses and experiences, which will sooner or later pass and be replaced by joy and happiness.

    Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

    A parent sees a pregnant daughter in a dream says that he is too worried about fate and emotional condition your child. Don't worry about the girl, she will cope with all the troubles in her life.

    To see in a dream how a daughter gave birth to a son, predicts an improvement in financial condition, unexpected winnings in the lottery or receiving an inheritance. If a daughter gives birth to a girl in a dream, this predicts joyful events in the life of the family or a happy daughter.

    Family dream book

    Father sees his pregnant daughter in a dream talks about his desire to have more children or grandchildren. The dream also speaks of the father’s desire to successfully marry off his daughter so that some good man was able to take care of her.

    Mom sees her daughter in labor in a dream means her excessive guardianship over her child. The daughter really wants to see her parent as a friend and adviser, not a supervisor.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Seeing in a dream a pregnant daughter who has not yet reached adulthood, prophesies unexpected events in the life of the family, receiving shocking news. The dream also indicates that in reality there is a possibility that the daughter will be deceived by her lover.

    I dreamed that a minor daughter gave birth in a dream - in reality, a girl should be expected to perform unexpected, atypical actions for her. For parents, such a dream portends changes in life, a decision to leave unloved job or stopping communication with the hated person.

    If in reality the daughter is pregnant, then this portends an easy and quick birth, birth of a healthy baby.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Father sees his pregnant daughter in a dream indicates his unconscious desire to have more children. If a woman dreams of a pregnant daughter, then such a dream is prophetic - soon the girl will indeed be carrying a child under her heart.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Pregnant daughter in a dream - this is a harbinger of joyful events, new achievements and successful implementation of plans. Success awaits both the girl herself and her parents.

    Gypsy dream book

    Pregnant daughter in a dream - this is a reflection of the dreamer’s feelings about the actions of a person. Such fears and doubts will turn out to be in vain and unfounded.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    Seeing a pregnant daughter in a dream portends joyful events for the whole family, improvements in its status and financial situation . If a man had such a dream, then this foretells a happy marriage for his daughter.

    Woman dream portends an acquaintance with a daughter’s young man. This also indicates the success and development of the daughter as a creative, talented person.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Pregnant daughter dreams of prosperity, universal respect and making some kind of profit. If the daughter cries in a dream and worries about her situation, then on the way to her goal the dreamer will have to go through difficulties and trials.

Father sees a dream

For a man, a dream in which he sees his pregnant daughter indicates his difficulties in communicating with loved ones, his coldness towards his children or wife. Perhaps in Lately the dreamer devoted too little time to his family, spending most time at work.

Seeing your little, minor daughter in a position indicates the father’s worries about the safety of his child. Such unrest has no basis - it is just an instinctive desire to protect your child.

Seeing a happy pregnant daughter in a dream portends prosperity to the dreamer and, improved financial situation and the opportunity to express oneself.

If a pregnant daughter is unhappy in a dream, then this indicates troubles and minor troubles in the dreamer’s life that will make him worry.

Seeing a pregnant daughter in white wedding dress indicates that the man has decided to leave his wife, but has not yet taken any steps towards this.

Another meaning of such a dream could be that now the dreamer is on the threshold of something new, some opportunities and aspirations. The time has come for decisive action and radical changes in your life.

A man sees his pregnant daughter die, then in reality, the dream indicates material losses and almost complete bankruptcy. If a daughter begins to give birth in a dream, then in reality the dreamer’s life will change dramatically.

Other details

For a mother to see her pregnant daughter in a dream, heralds dramatic changes in the girl’s life. See your adult daughter in an interesting position, reflects a woman’s desire to arrange a personal meeting for her daughter, to see her wedding or to babysit her grandchildren.

If a woman dreams of a pregnant daughter for several nights in a row, then this indicates the dreamer’s strong emotional experiences.

To have a dream in which a pregnant daughter begins to give birth, denotes imminent changes or receiving unexpected news. Soon, events in the dreamer's life will make him very surprised and invigorate the person.

Seeing a pregnant daughter at the altar in a wedding dress means that the girl will need her parents' help. Arguing with a pregnant daughter portends troubles and disappointments, material losses. The dream also indicates the daughter’s unsuccessful love.

A woman has a dream in which she is in a position and talks with his parents, predicts family well-being. The dreamer makes peace with the person with whom for a long time was in a quarrel.

Receiving news in a dream about your daughter’s pregnancy portends prosperity and good news. Being upset about your daughter’s new situation means that in reality the dreamer cannot find mutual understanding with his child.

If in a dream the period is short, then in reality this portends minor troubles and everyday problems. It is possible that some equipment or even a car may break down.

Seeing my daughter with big belly indicates the implementation of plans, for the vigorous creative activity of the dreamer or his daughter, for the birth of new ideas and goals.

If a daughter decides to have an abortion in a dream (or has already done so), then this indicates that in reality the girl risks committing a stupid, reckless act that she will regret. The dreamer can prevent this mistake from being made.

If you dreamed of a pregnant daughter, do not rush to suspect her in an interesting situation in reality. It’s better to immediately look into the dream book. He will explain in detail why such a plot is dreamed of and what you will have to face in the near future.

Daughter's pregnancy for mother

If a woman had a dream in her night dreams that her daughter was in an interesting situation, then many decisive events will happen in real life. Moreover, they will all concern the fate of your little blood. Modern dream book predicts a long journey, a change of place of residence and marital status.

The same source describes why an upset pregnant lady dreams. Seeing your daughter upset and saddened by pregnancy in a dream is a sign of minor troubles that will force you to worry a lot.

If the mother sees her daughter’s pregnancy in her dreams almost every night, it means there is no peace in her soul. Did you dream about something like this? Try to understand your worries and fears. In the future, such soul-searching will allow you to gain inner freedom from all sorts of restrictions and barriers.

Dream for a man

It is interesting to explain why a father dreams of a pregnant daughter. Surely, he experiences certain difficulties when communicating with loved ones. You might dream about this if you have not had a warm, trusting relationship with your spouse and children for many months or even years. The family dream book recommends seriously engaging in strengthening family ties. Frank heart-to-heart conversations will allow you to achieve mutual understanding.

Seeing your pregnant daughter happy in a dream means achieving the desired success and material well-being. You can also dream about a pregnant daughter when a man is planning to leave his wife, but has not yet taken any real steps. This plot means that very soon the time for decisive and drastic actions will come.

Another option for describing why a father dreams of a pregnant daughter is that he is on the verge of starting a new business or making an important decision.

Interpretations from Miller's dream book

Did you dream that a little minor girl was expecting a baby? Get ready for unexpected surprises. It is possible that you will hear shocking news or witness the commission of an immoral crime. Miller's dream book tells us not to forget that one should always act only guided by common sense, and not guided by emotions.

Seeing a small pregnant daughter giving birth in a dream means committing an unplanned act. Miller's dream book suggests that in the near future in reality you will leave your disgusting job or end your relationship with an unloved person. This interpretation of sleep means that life will change for the better.

The answer to the question of why a pregnant daughter dreamed of is quite ambiguous. Various dream books interpret it differently. For example, if your dreamed daughter is pregnant in reality, then the upcoming birth will be easy and quick. If there is no pregnancy in real life, then beware: your daughter may be deceived by her loved one. For men, such a dream promises wealth and honor. For a woman, it can predict both well-being and troubles, problems and gossip.

According to Freud

If a woman dreamed of a pregnant daughter, then most likely this event will soon happen in real life. If a man had such a dream, it means that in reality he is ready to become a father again, and even desires this on a subconscious level.

According to Miller

If your daughter is really pregnant, then the birth will be quick and easy. If there is no pregnancy in real life, then your child will soon be deceived by her boyfriend. For a man, a dream in which a pregnant daughter is cheerful and carefree foreshadows an increase in income and honor. If the pregnancy is early, then prosperity will not take long to arrive. If the daughter is pregnant, then the profit will have to wait a little.

According to Vanga

Seeing your daughter pregnant in a dream foretells good things. This is a symbol of the beginning of life changes, new hopes and opportunities. Proceeding normally, it promises wealth and honors, successful resolution of all problems. The dream book says that a pregnant daughter who has delivered her pregnancy while sleeping portends certain difficult situations or problems that will definitely be resolved safely. If you yourself take this birth, then in real life you will become a witness to events that seem insignificant at first glance and not worth attention. But their consequences will affect you in the most unexpected ways.

According to Juno

If a woman sees in a dream her own pregnant daughter, who does not exist in real life, she should be wary of gossip. Gossips they discuss it, try to harm it both in word and in action. If the daughter really exists (no matter whether she is pregnant or not), then a happy marriage and wealth await her. For a man, a pregnant daughter seen in a dream foretells that in reality he will lend someone a large amount money that will not be returned to him.