Maitake mushrooms: beneficial properties and how to take them. Drugs. Dance of health and longevity

Maitake mushroom- This is an amazing unique mushroom, very similar in appearance to morels or oyster mushrooms known to many, as well as ordinary wood growth (see photo). He can be quite large sizes(up to half a meter), and its weight can reach 4 kilograms. The dancing mushroom, as it was called back in the 5th century by the Chinese and Japanese, was collected and used not only for food, but also for treatment.

Today this mushroom is cultivated for its beneficial properties, but in some areas of China and in the forests of Japan you can also find wild maitake. According to ancient belief, before picking a mushroom, it was necessary to perform special ritual dance movements, otherwise all its medicinal qualities would be lost. That is why maitake was called the dancing mushroom. According to another version, the poor danced for joy after finding a tasty and nutritious mushroom.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of maitake are undeniable, because these mushrooms contain minerals and vitamins, which makes them very useful for consumption, especially for weakened people. The positive impact of the product on health is confirmed by many positive feedback about him.

Polysaccharides present in mushrooms have an immunomodulating effect. Scientists have even found that these mushrooms can have a destructive effect on the immunodeficiency virus.

Amino acids, also found in mushrooms, stabilize protein metabolism in the human body. An amazing feature of mushrooms is that they can significantly reduce the effects of chemotherapy such as pain and hair loss. In addition, the dancing mushroom perfectly regulates blood sugar levels - because of this, they can be recommended to those who are at risk for developing diabetes.

Consumption of maitake mushrooms reduces general fatigue, the incidence of various infectious and seasonal viral diseases, stabilizes blood pressure, and is especially recommended for people with work disorders thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Use in cooking

Maitakes are widely used in cooking. They are famous for their wonderful taste and pleasant delicate aroma. These mushrooms are combined with shiitake and other oriental mushrooms. The famous miso soup is prepared from them, which is known to many lovers of Japanese cuisine - the mushroom is an essential ingredient in this traditional Japanese dish. Various salads and seasonings are also prepared from maitake. Mushrooms cook very quickly. They can not only be boiled and fried, but also steamed. Dried mushrooms are first boiled and then added to vegetable stew or salad. Maitake can also be used as a side dish for meat and fish; they perfectly complement potato dishes.

Benefits of maitake mushrooms and treatment

The benefits of maitake mushrooms include: inhibitory effect on malignant tumors, moreover, if such mushrooms are consumed healthy people, their immunity to oncological diseases. Maitake mushrooms are particularly effective in treating certain types of cancer, e.g. genitourinary system and mammary gland. Consumption of maitake in the postoperative period will facilitate rehabilitation and stop the spread of metastases. Benign tumors can also be treated with these fungi.

In Japan, ancient sages used the maitake mushroom to restore vital energy and strength, as well as improve weakened immunity. And in some records there are references to the fact that maitake was used in order to normalize the functioning of the spleen, get rid of severe pain in the abdomen and cure hemorrhoids.

Although this mushroom has undergone scientific research relatively recently (about thirty years ago), in mycology it has already been nicknamed a “rising star.” Thanks to these studies, it was found that Maitake is excellent at fighting diseases such as:

  • high blood pressure;



If healthy people use the extract of this mushroom daily, they will be able to strengthen their health for a long time. immune system, and also prevent the risk of cancer cell formation.

Due to the fact that this mushroom contains a special beta-glucan, which can affect the body's antitumor defense, the use of maitake extract helps destroy cancer cells.

In addition, during radiation therapy and chemotherapy, maitake mushroom helps to cope with side effects such as poor appetite, nausea accompanied by vomiting, severe pain, hair loss and a reduction in white blood cells.

Maitake mushroom extract is also used to treat female diseases: mastopathy, fibroids, cysts. This extract is also used during the premenstrual and menopausal periods.

And what is most important - when using maitake the extract does not become addictive, therefore it is considered one of the most effective remedies in gynecology.

But the range of diseases that the maitake mushroom successfully copes with is not complete. Mushroom extract is also used to treat problems associated with endocrine system, adrenal glands, menopause, disruption of the ovaries and pituitary gland.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus, maitake extract normalizes the absorption of glucose and insulin in the blood, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes high blood pressure and high level blood cholesterol levels.

In the fight against high cholesterol, maitake extract helps prevent lipids. Thanks to this, cholesterol levels are reduced.

For overweight people, maitake will also be very useful, since the extract stabilizes carbohydrate metabolism and suppresses hunger without irritating the intestines.

Maitake mushroom helps relieve intoxication and inflammatory process in the liver, caused by the so-called D-galactosamine. The extract improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, protecting the liver from damage caused by the influence of D-galactosamine.

In addition, maitake mushroom extract is prescribed for the treatment of:

    bacterial diseases (tuberculosis, mycoplasmosis, coccal flora);

    viral diseases (hepatitis, smallpox, influenza, chickenpox, herpes, rabies);

    fungal infections (candidiasis).

As you can see, the maitake mushroom covers quite a lot wide range illnesses and copes with all of them successfully. But before using maitake extract, you should consult your doctor for advice. There may be contraindications for use, so you should not self-medicate so as not to aggravate the disease and general condition.

Harm of maitake mushrooms and contraindications

Maitake mushrooms do not cause any harm during treatment. Their use is undesirable (contraindicated) only for allergy sufferers, if the effect of mushrooms on the body is not known.

Family: Albatrellaceae Albatrellaceae

Genus: Grifola

Latin name: Grifola frondosa (curly-haired grifola)

English name: maitake

Chinese name: zhu-ling

This is a mushroom that is traditionally used in Chinese and Japanese cooking. It grows wild in Japan and in the wild forests of parts of China. Wild meitake is harvested in September-October. It grows mainly near the roots of large trees such as Mizunara, Quercus crispula, Buna, Fagus crenata, and Shiinoki, Castanopsis cuspidata. plum, Prunus salicina; apricot, Prunus armeniaca var. anzu; peach, Prunus persica var. vulgaris; and oaks, Quercus serrata. Meitake is one of the fungi that invades the heartwood of these trees. At the same time, it destroys lignins, converting them into cellulose. This is the cause of the so-called white rot. Wild meitake has a good taste and excellent aroma.

The scientific name of meitake is “Grifola frondosa”, which comes from the name of a mushroom found in Italy. This name refers to a mythical animal that is half lion and half eagle.

The Japanese name "meitake" refers to its shape, which resembles a dancing nymph. The origin of the name meitake - “dancing mushroom”, still causes debate, but according to one version, people who were lucky enough to find this mushroom danced with joy, since in the feudal era this mushroom was given its weight in silver, and according to another - before picking this mushroom, it was necessary to perform a certain ritual dance, otherwise the mushroom would lose its properties. Meitake sometimes reaches gigantic sizes - over 50 cm in diameter and up to 4 kg in weight. Therefore, it is not surprising that meitake is one of the most valuable and expensive mushrooms in Japan.

Meitake, in Chinese folk medicine called "Zhu-ling", "Keisho" and "Shen Her Ben Kao jing" (Shen - sacred scripture, Her - herb), previously using this mushroom to "reduce anger and stomach diseases, calm the nerves and cure hemorrhoids."

Meitake has a beneficial effect on diabetes mellitus, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic hepatitis, obesity, high blood pressure. Meitake mushroom helps the body adapt to stress and normalizes body functions. According to research, this mushroom is more effective when taken simultaneously with other oriental mushrooms (shiitake).

Through the joint efforts of mushroom specialists - mycologists and pharmacologists, the valuable medical properties of meitake were discovered: in addition to strong antitumor properties, these mushrooms help with diseases such as arterial hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, and hepatitis B and C, its antiviral activity against the HIV virus (AIDS) was also confirmed by the American National Cancer Institute back in 1992.

In addition to the above, meitake has amazing property reduce weight by normalizing metabolic and hormonal processes, which is why the drug from this mushroom is included in the famous Japanese weight loss system “Yamakiro”.

Information for specialists

The therapeutic effect of meitake is mainly due to high content polysaccharides: beta-1,6-glycans. IN experimental studies It has been found that these substances inhibit growth and prevent the occurrence of many cancerous tumors, destroy human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), stimulate the activity of T-lymphocytes and CD4 cells. Meitake has a beneficial effect on diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic hepatitis, obesity, and high blood pressure.

A recent study showed that two polysaccharides exhibit particular activity: the so-called D-fraction, which is superior in its effectiveness to previously created anti-carcinogenic drugs and Grifolan. These same fractions exhibit higher immunomodulatory properties. The D-fraction of meitake mushrooms consists of B-1,6-linked glycans with B-1,3 branches or B-1,3 glycans linked to B-1,6 glycosides and has a molecular weight of -1 x 106 daltons.

In experiments on laboratory animals, it was shown that the d-fraction has a pronounced antitumor effect, which is associated with increased production of interleukin 1, and Grifolan increases the cytotoxic activity of macrophages. These results suggest that d-fraction exerts its effects not only through targeted activation of various immune effectors (macrophages, CTLs, natural killer cells, etc.) that suppress tumor cells, but through potentiation of various lymphokines.

Another high molecular weight meitake polysaccharide, X-fraction, has been shown in laboratory and clinical studies, normalizes blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity in type II diabetes.

Meitake researchers have identified four distinct pathways that fight cancer:

  • protects healthy cells;
  • prevent metastasis;
  • slows down or stops the growth of tumors;
  • works in conjunction with chemotherapy to reduce it side effects, such as hair loss, pain, nausea and enhancing its positive effects.

Protection against malignancy. In studies that show how meitake protects healthy cells from malignancy (malignancy), an experiment was conducted in which twenty-five-week-old mice were injected with the carcinogen 3-MCA (methylcholanthrene). On the fifteenth day after administration, ten of the mice were fed 0.2 mg meitake D-fraction for 15 subsequent days. The other ten mice in the control group were not given meitake. At the end of these thirty days, the number of mice with cancer was 30.7 percent in the maitake group and 93.2 percent in the control group.

Growth arrest and subsequent regression of tumors

In another study, mice were treated with a known bladder carcinogen, N-butyl-N-butanolnitrosoamine, also known as BBN, every day for eight weeks, after which all mice had advanced cancer. Bladder. Then the mice were given preparations from medicinal mushrooms - meitake and shiitake. All mushrooms significantly reduced the number of bladder cancers, with meitake and shiitake showing 46.7 and 52.9 percent tumor clearance rates, respectively.

Prevention of metastasis

In studies that show how meitake prevents cancer metastasis, researchers injected tumor cells into the gallbladder of mice. Gallbladder was cut off 48 hours later. The mice were divided into three groups. The control group received normal food, while the other two groups received: the second - meitake powder as 20 percent of their diet, the third - 1 mg/kg of D-fraction. After 30 days, mice were examined for liver metastases. In the control group, 100% of the animals showed metastasis. In comparison, D-fraction prevented 91.3% of the total, and meitake powder as a dietary supplement prevented 81.3%.

Synergism with chemotherapy drugs

Another interesting study was devoted to the increase in antitumor activity when combining the D-fraction and drugs used in chemotherapy. In experiments on mice with artificially induced tumors, the d-fraction showed higher tumor suppressive properties compared to chemotherapy (approximately 70% versus 30%). When D-fraction and chemo drugs were given together (with each dose reduced by half), tumor suppression was observed at almost 98%.

The product with the unusual name maitake is a mushroom that is similar in appearance to a morel or woody growth. It is also called grifola curly and dancing mushroom.

Maitake is a fairly large mushroom, weighing up to four kilograms and measuring up to fifty centimeters in diameter.

People first began to consume maitake mushroom back in the 4th – 5th centuries AD. Residents of China and Japan used this product as an effective medicine, capable of strengthening a weakened immune system. Currently, wild maitake mushroom can be found in some Chinese regions, as well as in forests in Japan.

According to one of the ancient legends, this mushroom was called “dancing” because before picking it, a person had to perform a special ritual dance. People believed that without this dance everything would be medicinal properties Maitake mushrooms would have been completely lost. There is another version of the origin of this name - during feudalism, the poor who were lucky enough to find and pick this mushroom began to dance for joy.

The dancing mushroom has a special pleasant aroma and amazing taste. It goes well with some other varieties of oriental mushrooms. This mushroom is often added to various soups, salads, seasonings, and drinks. In addition, it is an essential ingredient in traditional Japanese cuisine, miso soup. It only takes about twenty minutes to prepare this delicious and healthy soup. To prevent the mushrooms from overcooking, they should be added at the very end of cooking and kept on the fire for approximately five to eight minutes. Dried maitake mushrooms can be easily brought to the desired condition by placing them in water and placing them on low heat. The water from the mushrooms can subsequently be used to prepare various broths, soups or sauces.

Maitake mushroom is also very popular in Korea - here they prefer to fry or steam it. The process of frying this mushroom should not last longer than twenty minutes. First, all the components are simultaneously placed in a vessel and left to simmer under the lid for some time. Then you should add fresh aromatic herbs. Boiled maitake mushrooms are ideal for preparing vegetable salads. Also, these mushrooms can be an excellent side dish for solyankas and potatoes, stewed or fried.

Composition and beneficial features

Maitake mushroom is an excellent source of beneficial minerals, as well as vitamins C, D and B. Consumption of this mushroom helps to normalize blood pressure, as well as sugar levels in human blood. In addition, this mushroom protects the body from the development of malignant tumors, hepatitis and many other dangerous diseases.

One of the beneficial properties of maitake mushroom is its ability to preserve female beauty and slimness. It is in connection with these qualities that in Japan they began to call it “geisha mushroom”, as well as “slimness mushroom”.

Maitake mushroom has gained wide popularity in many countries around the world. It is famous for its amazing healing and nutritional properties. This mushroom is recognized as one of the most expensive and valuable mushrooms in the whole world. In Russia, griffola curly is even listed in the Red Book, since it is a rare and endangered mushroom. The Chinese grow maitake mushroom on plantations along with fruit trees, and in Japan this mushroom is distributed mainly in the northeastern regions of the country.

Harm and contraindications

The product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

We have before us an incredibly interesting mushroom that has unique healing properties. In general, we mainly value mushrooms for their taste and their potential for use in cooking. Plus we give partial credit to medicinal properties. However, there are other types of mushrooms, main value which lies precisely in the ability to help a person, improve his health, and cope with a number of problems. Meitake (Grifola frondoza - curly griffola) is just such a mushroom.


In addition to "meitake", it is also called "dancing mushroom" or "ram mushroom". This is a giant plant, the diameter of its base can reach 50 centimeters. Some individual bunches weigh 4 kilograms. Wildly growing meitake is harvested from early September to late October. It has a rich taste and pleasant aroma.

The mushroom has a rather original shape, one might even say curly. Grows in large colonies.

Where does it grow?

This is a rare mushroom with incredible healing properties. It is because of them that meitake is so highly valued. However, for the same reason, the places where it grows have always been carefully hidden.

It is most widespread in Japan, China, and Tibet. This is where they were first discovered healing properties Meitake many centuries ago. Nevertheless, modern science took up its study only about 30 years ago. It’s a shame, since the properties of the mushroom have not yet been studied in detail, but it has enormous potential in terms of treating very serious diseases.

The mushroom does not grow in Russia. Although some gardeners try to Lately start cultivating this plant.


If you found (by some miracle) or purchased meitake in fresh, then be sure to store them in the refrigerator. It is important to consume fresh mushrooms within the first 48 hours.

If you have dried mushrooms in front of you, then place them in an airtight container. Preferably made of plastic or glass. Place in a cool place where the temperature will not exceed 15 degrees. Make sure there are no sources of heat or excessive moisture nearby.


Meitake is on the list of legendary mushrooms that are used in folk medicine in the Middle Kingdom.

  • Its history goes back many centuries. In fact, knowledge about it is as ancient as legends about dragons and elixirs that give eternal youth.
  • Despite its long history, modern pharmacology has studied it only recently and discovered its medicinal properties, based on scientific data and analysis of the composition of the mushroom.
  • This mushroom grows mainly in very hard-to-reach places, in the depths of forests.
  • The mushroom seems to deliberately choose a dark, warm place under the roots of fruit trees.
  • Most often, meitake can be found under trees such as peach, apricot, cherry or plum, although occasionally it grows under oak. Many believe that it is the choice of place of development that gives meitake such a pleasant taste and exquisite aroma that can be compared to expensive perfume.
  • It is always difficult to look for this mushroom, since its camouflage abilities are excellent. It blends in with the color of fallen leaves, and is similar in appearance to ordinary growths characteristic of tree trunks and roots. Because of this, mushroom pickers simply often pass by the meitake.

Nutritional value and calorie content

As we found out during research of the mushroom, it has attractive nutritional value.

Per 100 grams of this product there are:

Mushrooms also contain 0.53 grams of ash and 90.37 grams of water.

Chemical composition

Meitake is also characterized by a certain chemical composition, which distinguishes it from many other mushrooms. The main elements include the following:

  • Proteins;
  • Cage;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Vitamins PP, B9 and D;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3)
  • Polysaccharides;
  • Amino acids;
  • Zn, Se, P, Na, Mg, Ca, K.

Beneficial features

Chinese healers (let's call them that) became aware of the beneficial properties of this mushroom many centuries ago. For some reason modern medicine for a long time ignored the many stories and healing powers of meitake and began studying it only a few decades ago. Who knows, if this had happened earlier, it would now be possible to study the mushroom in much more detail and discover new properties in it.

As for the already known useful features, they are as follows:

  • The fungus resists viruses, bacteria, and has a detrimental effect on hepatitis C and B viruses;
  • Relieves inflammation, tumors;
  • Improves immunity;
  • Helps women during menopause;
  • Normalizes work nervous system;
  • Improves mood;
  • Prevents the degeneration of a malignant tumor;
  • Breaks down fat;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Helps with diabetes;
  • Fight against malignant and benign tumors;
  • The combined use of meitake and current cancer treatment methods provides an effective result (proven by experts);
  • Restores the liver;
  • Acts as a prophylactic against ARVI, influenza, smallpox and other viral diseases;
  • Allows you to cope with tuberculosis;
  • Eliminate chronic fatigue;
  • Helps strengthen bones, therefore useful for older people;
  • Effectively reduces weight.

You don't have to go into the woods to find meitake. Thanks to the research, it can now be purchased at the pharmacy. Meitake is sold in powder or capsule form.

Harm and contraindications

As such, this mushroom does not cause any harm. There are just certain contraindications:

  • It should not be used if you have an individual intolerance, which is quite natural;
  • Also, should not be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. breast milk;
  • It is advisable not to offer the mushroom to children under 12 years of age.


In cooking

Meitake has a rich mushroom aroma, although there is a certain note of bready smell. In some cases, sweet motives are observed. It is from them that tea bags are produced in America by adding mushroom powder to tea leaves.

There are more than enough options for preparing maitake. Despite the fact that it is valued primarily for its taste, still no one is stopping you from preparing several delicious dishes. Here are the most striking of them.

  • They are baked together with shrimp, almonds, spices are added and sprinkled with cheese. Incredibly tasty and healthy.
  • You can also prepare tonic drinks. To do this, you need to take dried mushrooms and chop them properly.
  • Many people prepare sauces, broths, vegetable soups. They can be added as a filling for dumplings or dumplings.
  • Serve as an excellent seasoning for salads and drinks.
  • Mushrooms can serve as an independent dish, or play the role of a side dish, which is recommended to be served with hodgepodge, fried or stewed potatoes.
  • In Japan, meitake is always included in the recipe for traditional miso soup. To make it, you only need to spend 20 minutes. Just keep in mind that you need to add the mushroom at the very end of cooking the soup, which will allow the meitake to not boil over. It will take literally 5-8 minutes to cook the mushroom over medium heat.
  • If you cook dried mushrooms for a salad or main dish, do it over low heat. Plus, it’s better not to throw away the water after cooking. The fact is that the broth turns out to be very rich and tasty, and therefore it is perfect for making soup, sauce or other dishes.
  • In Korea, it is customary to fry and steam maitake. Frying for longer than 20 minutes is not recommended.

Pizza with maitake


  • Turn on the oven, preheat it to approximately 220 degrees. If the dough is thick, bake it a little first, but if it is thin, this is not necessary;
  • Heat the frying pan properly, chop the garlic, chop the shallots (or onions), quickly fry them for literally 30 seconds. Garlic and onions should not burn;
  • Now add the crushed meitake there, fry on high heat until most of The liquid from the mushrooms will not evaporate. This will take about 3-5 minutes. If you want, you can add 50 ml of dry wine at this stage;
  • Fry the mushrooms until the wine has evaporated. Meitake should take on a brown or dark gray hue. Turn off the pan.
  • Take the dough. If you pre-baked it, let it cool. After this, spread the gorgonzola cheese on the dough;
  • Next comes a layer of fried meitake with vegetables, fontina (or suluguni) cheese. Try to distribute the cheese evenly;
  • Place the pizza in the oven and bake until done. The cheese should take on a golden brown color.
  • It can be eaten as a main dish or used as a snack. Best served warm, but not hot. Pairs perfectly with quality red wines.

In medicine

Thanks to the study of its beneficial properties, we have already managed to find out how useful this mushroom is from a medical point of view.

Therefore, now we will share with you several recipes and methods of using meitake, aimed at improving health, preventing and treating serious diseases.


With its help, they cope with obesity and a wide range of diseases that we talked about. In addition, the tincture stimulates increased immunity and helps in the fight against tumors.

Preparation. Take 3 tbsp. dried mushroom, chop it and pour vodka. Close the bottle tightly and leave for 14 days, placing it in a dark and cool place. No need to strain. Drink along with the resulting sediment.

Reception. You need to take the product 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Depending on the severity of the disease, one serving is 1-3 tsp. Course - 90-120 days.


Wine prepared with the addition of meitake will also help cope with obesity, increase immunity, and cure tumors of various types.

Preparation. You will need 3 tbsp. dried mushroom, which needs to be chopped. Pour the mixture with high-quality Cahors wine, close the container tightly and leave for 14 days in a dark and cool place. Don't strain.

Reception. Wine is taken by analogy with tincture. Same portions and same conditions. The course also lasts from 90 to 120 days.


With its help, a person can effectively cope with problems such as obesity. The product is capable of breaking down fats. It is also recommended to combine it with other folk and medicines aimed at combating cancer.

Preparation. You need 3 tbsp. dried meitake, which is crushed and poured with 500 ml of olive or linseed oil. Close the container and leave for 14 days, placing it in a cool, dark place. Do not strain the oil; drink it along with the sediment.

Reception. The oil is consumed depending on the nature of the disease, 1,2 or 3 tsp. three times a day about half an hour before meals. The course lasts 90 days. Then a mandatory break is taken for 10 days, after which the course can be repeated again.


It is, in fact, suitable for combating all the diseases that we talked about today. It is useful to have such a powder at home, add it to dishes for prevention, or simply consume it diluted in water.

Preparation. Wash the meitake, dry it and put it in a coffee grinder to turn it into powder. Pour 1/2 gram of powder into glasses boiled water. You need to insist for about 8 hours.

Reception. Drink the mixture throughout the day in 3 doses. Use the powder 20 minutes before meals. Be sure to shake so that the sediment rises so you can drink it. The course of treatment lasts at least 90 days. If the disease is serious, the course is extended and, in fact, has no time limit.


The created extract based on meitake mushrooms is one of the important steps towards exploring the true potential of this plant. It is huge, and experts admit that they have not yet been able to fully extract all the benefits from meitake.

The mushroom has already managed to show its good side as a means of treatment and prevention. cancer diseases. But doctors are sure this is not the limit.

Thanks to the extract, a person can cope with many problems related to his health.


Meitake extract has the following medicinal properties:

  • Activates the immune functions of our body, which are responsible for the fight against cancer. As a result, the cells are destroyed and the tumor’s development is inhibited.
  • Improves metabolism, relieves excess weight, blocks fat accumulation.
  • Normalizes menopausal symptoms in women.
  • Helps reduce or completely eliminate discomfort characteristic of premenstrual syndrome.
  • Removes harmful cholesterol.
  • Reduces blood pressure, helps people with hypertension.
  • Activates the immune system aimed at fighting viral diseases.
  • Blocks cirrhosis, regenerates liver cells.


Meitake extract can be used for the following diseases:

  • With high blood pressure. The product cleanses blood vessels, removes cholesterol, normalizes heart function;
  • For problems related to the endocrine system;
  • For diabetes mellitus. According to studies that were conducted back in 1994, eating meitake mushroom improves the metabolism of insulin and glucose;
  • For liver damage of a viral and toxic nature;
  • For fungal infections;
  • For acute viral diseases and infections;
  • For the problem of obesity. Meitake, by the way, is included in many effective programs aimed at weight loss.

Really useful features of this extract The list could go on for a very, very long time. However, the main thing is that such a drug exists today. With its help, you can solve a number of problems related to our health.

The history of the beginning of the use of this mushroom goes back to approximately the 4th or 5th century AD.

It was first used in Japan and China, having discovered the medicinal properties of the mushroom. First of all, local healers and healers prescribed meitake to those who had problems with their immunity.

In the wild, meitake can be found in forests in Japan, and less often in China.

According to the legends of our ancestors, meitake received its other name “dancing mushroom” for a reason. This is due to the fact that previously, when collecting it, the mushroom picker had to perform a ritual dance. It was believed that if this was not done, all the medicinal properties of the found mushroom would disappear.

But other sources believe that the name “dancing mushroom” appeared during feudalism. Then the poor occasionally found this mushroom in the forests, and therefore began to dance with joy. Not surprising, since a person received as much silver as the weight of the mushroom found.

In Japan, the mushroom is called differently - geisha mushroom. We will not remind you who geishas are, but we will note that the mushroom received this name due to the fact that with its help women always remained slim and beautiful.

According to recent research on the mushroom, it is capable of destroying the HIV virus. This has been scientifically proven, which is why appropriate medications. Who knows, maybe thanks to meitaka we will be able to overcome this disease.