Chiktonik for ducklings instructions for use. Instructions for use chiktonik for birds. Adverse symptoms and contraindications

Every experienced farmer should know that taking care of the health of their birds, rabbits and other animals is not just good, but necessary. And, like any living organism, from a very young age they need vitamins. But, unfortunately, food does not always contain everything. necessary substances, therefore, it is often necessary to use preparations containing full complex vitamins. These funds contribute well to the full, high-quality growth of the bones of the skeleton and rapid development. Among many poultry farmers, as well as in farming, there is always a high demand for the Chiktonik preparation.

No matter how long humanity has been engaged in animal husbandry, it is always in a state of search for various auxiliary methods or means to reduce the possible risks of losses and to increase the productivity of the animals and birds it raises. To date, the veterinary branch of medicine has developed a considerable selection of drugs that actively protect against diseases and promote growth.

Chiktonik has won the greatest popularity among those due to the fact that it combines the highest content of vitamins, low cost and stable quality. It is very effective thanks to high content vitamins, amino acids and other substances that nourish the body. "Chiktonik" refers to supplements from a number of probiotics and helps the body form a favorable microflora.

Vitamins E, D3, A and B-group vitamins in the preparation act as the most active. The concentration of these substances is very well balanced, which allows to achieve maximum digestibility. Also a big plus is the ease of use. Even on the packaging you can find complete instructions and make no mistake when using it. It is a dark brown liquid.

The drug should be used exclusively orally, diluting the required amount with water, which greatly simplifies the process of feeding animals. Chiktonik significantly increases egg production in birds, quickly normalizes metabolism, significantly reduces the percentage of deaths and individuals exposed to diseases, and greatly contributes to the quality weight gain in animals.
This remedy is used primarily for poultry, but it is also given to goats, rabbits, cattle and even foals. However, the drug should not be used all year round, but only as needed.

Instructions and indications for use

As we have already indicated earlier, chiktonik can be attributed to probiotics, and it is precisely because of this that it so effectively normalizes the microflora. gastrointestinal tract. This type of product allows you to maintain balance and optimize the intestinal microflora and, if necessary, change it.

Basic recommendations for taking the drug:
1. often used before vaccination;
2. to saturate the body with beneficial substances and vitamins;
3. in case of deviations from the balance in feeding and other stresses;
4. during a long period of taking antibiotics;
5. helps birds recover from poisoning, ingestion of toxic substances;
6. enhances the development and growth of cubs, chicks;
7. during the active growth of young animals.

Correct use The drug provides the following indicators:
increase in the tone of the animal;
improves the quality of the cover - woolen and feather;
a significant increase in appetite;
Job genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract quickly normalizes;
increases the yield of eggs in birds;
has a positive effect on the reproductive system in birds.

"Chiktonik" for birds

It takes a lot of effort from a farmer to raise poultry. Important and good conditions content and complete, nutrition, healthy diet, since everyone knows that for the comprehensive and complete development of the bird home content need a variety of vitamins and highly nutritious substances that allow them to reward the farmer with high productivity and good development. Therefore, the presence of vitamin preparations is of great help, significantly increasing the efficiency of the economy.

As a result of taking the drug, a significant improvement in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is observed in birds and chicks, digestibility useful substances from food increases, immunity becomes stronger and general state improves significantly. There is also an improvement in the quality of the embryos, as a result of which the incubation process becomes much better, and the chick or chick shows greater viability after hatching, and this significantly reduces mortality among young animals.

The instruction gives clear instructions on the required dosage, it is recommended to dilute the drug exclusively in water. Birds are recommended to be fed for five days, and then take at least a short break. There are exactly two milliliters of the drug per liter of water. It should be noted that the use of Chiktonik is allowed in compatibility with various drugs and food additives, which is a big plus for him.

It is necessary to feed the chicks with the Chiktonik preparation in this way.

For chickens, chiktonik plays an important role - a high-quality initial push that ensures rapid and full growth and development. At the age of a week, you need to start using the drug. Chickens should also be fed within a week, a liter of clean, drinking water should be used per milliliter of the substance and the drug should be dissolved in it.
Although we used chickens as an example, any other poultry can be fed to them as well. For example, turkeys, pigeons, geese, quails or ducks. For all chicks from the age of about one week, you can start applying and it is recommended to carry it out for a period of 5 days to a week. For all chicks, the same dosage is used.

Adult birds are fed a little differently.

Think adult birds don't need vitamin support? Either way, it's very important! Even strong, grown birds need nutrients ah, that's just the dosage they have is different, more saturated. There is already not one, but two milliliters of the drug per liter of liquid. Chiktonik is also used for a week, then a mandatory break. The results will not keep you waiting and will greatly please you - productivity in gaining body weight will greatly increase - and this is important for animals "for meat" - and egg production will increase.

The composition of the drug Chiktonik

The composition of the preparation "chiktonik" includes a large number of vitamins of group A, vitamins B1, D3 and, importantly, B12. As well as plenty of other nutrients.

average price

Packages of less than a liter are discontinued. Now, you can buy a liter bottle costing an average of 800 to 1000 rubles or a 5 liter canister with an average cost of 3500 - 4000 rubles.


Perhaps the most proven analogue of chiktonik is gammatonic.
The drug is released in 100 ml bottles, the approximate cost is 150 rubles.

Drug properties

Regulation of the balance of the vitamin-amino acid composition necessary for the animal's body;
improving the quality of physical development and growth of chicks;
enhances the body's immunity, resistance to infections;
guarantees an increase in weight, hatchability of chicks, minimizes the mortality of embryos;
improves plumage condition, increases appetite and immunity.

The complex of amino acids and vitamins "Gammatonic" is recommended for use in the case of the conditions indicated below:
with toxic poisoning;
in violation of metabolism;
in the event of stressful situations;
in the event of an avitaminous or hypovitaminous state;
to increase resistance to various diseases and allergies;
with insufficient intake of amino acids, vitamins or proteins in the body;
and so on.
The main differences are the less vitamin-rich composition and form of release.

Side effects and contraindications

If you correctly observe all dosages and adhere to the rules of administration, side effects none should show up. The drug is not new on the market and has passed a variety of tests in laboratories, so we can absolutely confidently say that the product is completely safe and does not harm the health of the animal.
And a little advice: if after using the product there is no improvement, you can slightly increase the dosage. But be extremely careful not to overdo it.

Almost no contraindications have been found for the use of Chiktonik. And yet, it is not recommended to use the drug in the event of sensitive reactions or intolerance to its individual individuals. Laying hens must be fed with the product, as it significantly increases egg production and the quality of the eggs themselves.

» Diseases and treatment

All experienced poultry farmers know that during rearing poultry her health needs to be taken care of. It is imperative for normal development and to maintain health that birds, starting from a young age, need to be given vitamin preparations that are designed for the full growth and development of individuals. These drugs include chiktonik. This tool is in great demand among many farmers because it has good properties. Before you start using this tool, you need to familiarize yourself with its features and instructions for use, which will be described below.

Chiktonik is a prebiotic. Thanks to this tool, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal. This type of tool provides maintaining an optimal balance of intestinal microflora, and change it if necessary.

The main indications for taking Chiktonik:

  1. To saturate the body vitamins, useful components;
  2. Under stress and unbalanced diet;
  3. Often give before vaccination;
  4. Give to birds after poisoning with toxic substances;
  5. During a long reception antibiotics;
  6. For growth enhancement and development of chicks;
  7. During a period of active growth young individuals.

Thanks to this drug

  • Tone improvement birds;
  • rises feather quality;
  • Improving appetite;
  • Normalizes work genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Raises egg production;
  • Has a beneficial effects on the reproductive system of birds.

According to scientific data, chiktonik has a beneficial effect on the state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, the immune system is strengthened several times. In addition, useful components from food are absorbed much better.

What are the dosages of Chiktonik

Chiktonik, like gammatonic, is taken orally, diluted in drinking water. For 1 liter add 1-2 ml of premix. Drink this solution for 5 days. For ease of reception, many poultry farmers use automatic drinking bowls.

On large poultry farms, before vaccination or before the start of a situation that can put the bird in a stressful state, the premix is ​​diluted in large quantities - 1 liter of product per ton of water. Usually this solution is given 3 days before the onset of a stressful situation and 3 days after it. If the owner needs to transport or transplant young animals, then the drug is given in the same doses (1-2 ml per 1 liter of water) 2 days before the intended event and in the next 3 days.

The drug can be given together with other drugs and food additives, the interaction of the drug with them has not been identified.

How to apply for chicks?

For chickens

Chiktonik for chickens is necessary means to ensure the full growth and development of the body. Unlike adults, chicks have a weak immune system and almost no resistance to various diseases. To increase the protective functions of the body from the age of 7 days chickens are given chiktonik.

Through the drug chickens provide the following indicators:

  • Increases the body's resistance to stress infectious and viral diseases ;
  • Improves skin condition and young plumage;
  • Saturation of the body essential vitamins And nutrients from food;
  • Improvement tone and appetite.

For chickens, the drug is taken by oral route. Add it to drinking water. You can give it in two ways.– 1 ml per 100 ml of water or 1 ml per 1 liter of water. Many veterinarians advise giving it at a dosage of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. They argue that if the intake is carried out at this dosage, the absorption of the drug increases, and there is no overdose. The drug is given for 5-7 days, but no more.

For goslings

Chiktonik for goslings is used to improve the protective functions of the body, enhance immunity. In addition, the remedy normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and also normalizes the functioning of the urinary tract.

In addition, starting from the age of 7 days, the goslings are given the drug to improve health, ensure full development and growth. The tool ensures good absorption of nutrients and nutrients from food.

Vaccination of goslings

The drug is given with water. In 1 liter, dilute 1 ml of the product. Chicks are fed with this solution. Duration of admission is from 5 to 7 days, but no more.

For turkeys

Turkey poults, unlike goslings and chickens, are rather weak and more susceptible to various diseases. The use of Chiktonik for turkey poults should be started from 7 days of age., sometimes they begin to use it from 4-5 days of chicks' life.

Thanks to chiktonik, turkeys normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to various viral and infectious diseases. It enhances growth, accelerates the absorption of vitamins, amino acids and useful components by the body of young animals. Product improves the quality of leather and feathers.

According to instructions chiktonik gets divorced in drinking water. 1 ml of the product is added to 1 liter of water. The solution is given once a day for approximately 5-7 days.

For other birds

For young birds of other bird species– ducks, quails, pigeons, the use of chiktonik is mandatory conditions for normal development and growth. In addition, it is needed to maintain the normal state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. Thanks to this component, the chicks receive useful substances, vitamins, amino acids from food, which are necessary for the full development of the young organism.

Chicks are given chiktonik from 7 days of age. It is also given along with water. Add 1 ml of product to 1 liter of water. The reception period is 5-7 days no more.

Instructions for use for adult birds

For broilers

Chiktonik for broilers is a necessary means for the implementation of important conditions for normal life, namely:

  1. Raise protective functions organism;
  2. Normalization microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system;
  3. Raise skin quality and feathers;
  4. beneficial effect on reproductive system of individuals;
  5. Improvement appetite;
  6. Increase egg production;
  7. Helps with stressful situations;
  8. Definitely needed use before vaccination;
  9. Thanks to this tool increased absorption of vitamins, amino acids, nutrients and nutrients from feed;
  10. Normalization of metabolism.

That's why this remedy must be given to broilers. It is diluted with water. For adult birds, the solution is diluted according to the following scheme - 2 ml per 1 liter of water. This solution is given for 5-7 days.

For others

For other types of poultry- chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, the purpose of this remedy is the same. It is intended to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. Increases protective functions, strengthens the immune system, ensures the absorption of useful and nutritious substances from food by the body, and also improves the skin and feather cover. And this is certainly not all of its properties. Therefore, the use of chiktonik for adult birds is necessary condition for the normal functioning of individuals.

Poultry in the household yard

Chiktonik is given with water. For adults, 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water.. The period of taking the solution should be from 5 to 7 days.

Side effects

With due compliance with dosages and rules for taking the premix side interactions not happening. The tool is not new and it has passed all the tests in the laboratory, so we can definitely say that it is safe for the health of the bird.

If no improvement occurs after using this remedy, then it is advisable to increase the dosage, but not by much.


There are practically no contraindications for this remedy. Sometimes it is not recommended to give the drug if it causes individual intolerance or sensitivity of the body to the constituent components of the premix. It is imperative to give this remedy to laying hens, because it increases egg production.

Pharmacological properties

The appearance of the drug chiktonik has the appearance of a dark brown liquid, which is contained in small glass bottles. This remedy belongs to the group of prebiotics. Prebiotics ensure the normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the bird's body.

Chiktonik is helpful feed additive, which includes the following substances:

  • Tryptophan;
  • Lysine;
  • Tryptophan;
  • Lysine;
  • Methionine;
  • Choline chloride;
  • Retinol;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Phenylalanine;
  • Tyrosine;
  • Isoleucine;
  • Leucine;
  • Valine;
  • Colecalciferol;
  • Menadione;
  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Sodium pantothenate;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • Biotin;
  • Inositol;
  • cystine;
  • Histidine;
  • Arginine;
  • Aspartic acid;
  • Threonine;
  • Serin.

Thanks to the vitamin-complex composition the following indicators are provided:

  1. Regulation ratio of biologically active compounds that enter the body of individuals;
  2. All are replenished useful and nutritious;
  3. Normalized metabolism;
  4. strengthening immune system and increase the protective functions of the body;
  5. rises growth and weight gain bodies in young individuals;
  6. In laying hens, it increases egg production;
  7. Increases the body's resistance to stressful situations;
  8. Work is getting better reproductive system;
  9. Decreases embryonic mortality b;
  10. rises leather and feather quality.

During the autopsy of individuals that were grown with the help of chiktonik, it was found that in the intestines of birds there are 3 times more lacto- and bifidobacteria than in birds that were not given this remedy.

Chiktonik does not have a toxic effect on the body of warm-blooded animals.. It belongs to low-hazard substances and at high dosages does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic and sensitizing effects.

The full development of poultry is the key to obtaining a high number of individuals. That's why when growing poultry, it is necessary to use the drug Chiktonik. Due to it, you can increase the protective functions of the body, strengthen the immune system, improve the health of individuals. This drug is a necessary condition for the full life of poultry.

Even the best, most balanced feed for farm animals and poultry contains an insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, in order to prevent beriberi in cattle, small cattle, chickens, pigs and rabbits and eliminate the threat of disease conditions associated with this, apply special formulations- premixes. For example, owners of household plots often add the Chiktonik preparation to the feed of their wards. Instructions for the use of this particular tool will be considered by us further.

Release form and composition

Represents "Chiktonik" the balanced complex of vitamins and amino acids, useful to an organism of animals and a bird. It is supplied to the market in bottles in the form of an opaque concentrated solution. The color "Chiktonik" is dark brown. The uniqueness of this drug lies, first of all, in the fact that it contains immediatelysomeB group vitamins.

Instructions for use

The advantages of this drug include, among other things, the fact that it has practically no contraindications. The only thing is that it should not be given to animals with hypersensitivity to its components. But this happens, of course, extremely rarely.

If the farmer follows the instructions exactly, after completing the course he will be able to actually get excellent results. Applying this tool in practice is extremely simple.It is intended primarily for oral use. That is, for treatment or prevention, it is simply added to cows, sheep, chickens, etc. in drinking. Specific dosages depend on the variety of agricultural animals and poultry and will be discussed below. If necessary, "Chiktonik" can also be given to pets, for example, dogs.

The benefits of the components of the drug

So, as already mentioned, this tool includessomevitamins of group B. Each of them has a beneficial effect on the body of an animal or bird:

    In 1 (its composition includes 10 mg) prevents various kinds of skin diseases, as well as nervous disorders.

    B 2 (10 mg) is a necessary component of protein metabolism and hemoglobin synthesis. Also, this vitamin contributes to the normal functioning of vision and gonads. In chickens, it increases egg production.

    At 3 or, D-panthenol (30 mg) is a necessary component of protein metabolism in the body of animals and birds.

    In 6 (5 mg) - also involved in protein metabolism. In addition, vitamin B 6 improves appetite in animals and poultry,increases the egg production of chickens and the hatchability of chickens.

    B 12 (2.5 mg) - is a necessary component of blood formation and an anti-anemic agent.

Nicotinamide, which is part of Chiktonika, promotes the formation gastric juice in animals and birds. Also, this ingredient has a beneficial effect on the liver of cows, pigs, chickens, etc.

Another useful component of the drug is biotin. This ingredient contributes to the normal development of the skin of animals and birds.

This tool also contains other useful components. At the same time, it is believed that all the ingredients of the drug without exception are completely safe, and therefore can be used for living creatures of any age. It is believed, for example, that you can absolutely freely use "Chiktonik" for chickens. The instructions for the drug say this unambiguously. The same applies to calves, rabbits, and suckling pigs. It also cannot harm them in any way.

Indications for use in livestock and pigs

For such farm animals, the Chiktonik tool is used especially often. It is indicated for cattle, small cattle and pigs if they have problems such as:

  • myopathy;
  • general weakness and lethargy;
  • shipping stress;
  • avitaminosis group B.

Instructions for use "Chiktonika" for pigs

Piglets are given this remedy with a drink once a day. In this case, the dosages for animals are provided as follows:

  • ordinary pigs - 5-10 ml per head;
  • pregnant pigs - 8-10 ml;
  • lactating sows - 10-15 ml;
  • suckling pigs - 1-2 ml;
  • weaners - 2-3 ml;
  • adult piglets - 3-4 ml.

In drinking for pigs, according to the instructions, "Chiktonik" should be added within 5-7 days.An exception to this case are only very small pigs. For suckers, this remedy is soldered for about 3-4 days. For the first time, the course is carried out on the 3-8th day of the life of the babies, in the second - 5-7 days before weaning from the sow. Transferred to self-feeding piglets, this drug is given for 3-5 days.

Pregnant pigs should receive "Chiktonik" for the first time at the end of the third month of pregnancy. The second time, prophylaxis using this drug is carried out 5-7 days before delivery.

Livestock instruction

Cattle and MRS also give this remedy once a day. Adult cows and bulls are soldered with 10-15 ml of the Chiktonik preparation per head. Calves up to 4 months old are given 3-5 ml. The course of cattle prophylaxis in both cases lasts 4-5 days.

Sheep should receive, of course, this drug in smaller dosages. Adult animals are given no more than 3.5-4 ml of the drug per head per day. For lambs, a dosage of 2-2.5 ml is provided. In the same way, they carry out prevention and treatment using Chiktonik for goats.

"Chiktonik" for poultry: instructions for use

For broilers and laying hens, this drug is also used quite often. The main indications for its use in this case are:

  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • group hypovitaminosisIN.

Also, according to the instructions, "Chiktonik" for poultry can be used during treatment.antibiotics. In this case, the drug is used to maintain the body of chickens, geese, etc. In addition, "Chiktonik" is also a good stimulator of laying hens' productivity.

Doses of the drug for poultry are small. Each individual should receive 1-2 ml of the product daily. The course of prevention for poultry is 3-4 days. This is how it is used, according to the instructions, "Chiktonik" for broilers, laying hens, geese, ducks, turkeys.

Use for rabbits

For these animals, the drug is used at a dosage of 2-4 ml per liter of water. The course for them is 4-6 days. The instructions for "Chiktonik" for rabbits mention that it should be used:

  • during the treatment of animals with antibiotics;
  • with stress and nervous disorders at the animals.

All experienced poultry farmers know that while raising poultry, it is necessary to monitor its health. It is imperative for normal development and to maintain health that birds, starting from a young age, need to be given vitamin preparations that are designed for the full growth and development of individuals. These drugs include chiktonik. This tool is in great demand among many farmers because it has good properties. Before you start using this tool, you need to familiarize yourself with its features and instructions for use, which will be described below.

For what diseases is it used in veterinary medicine

Chiktonik is a prebiotic. Thanks to this tool, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal. Means of this type ensure the maintenance of an optimal balance of intestinal microflora, and change it if necessary.

The main indications for taking Chiktonik:

1. To saturate the body with vitamins, useful components;

2. With stress and unbalanced nutrition;

3. Often given before vaccination;

4. Give to birds after poisoning with toxic substances;

5. During long-term use of antibiotics;

6. To enhance the growth and development of chicks;

7. During the period of active growth of young individuals.

Thanks to this drug, the following indicators are provided:

- Improving the tone of the bird;

- Improves the quality of the feather cover;

- Appetite improves;

- Normalizes the work of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract;

- Increases egg production;

- Has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of birds.

According to scientific data, chiktonik has a beneficial effect on the state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, the immune system is strengthened several times. In addition, useful components from food are absorbed much better.

What are the dosages of Chiktonik

Chiktonik, like gammatonic, is taken orally, the agent is diluted in water for drinking. For 1 liter add 1-2 ml of premix. Drink this solution for 5 days. For ease of reception, many poultry farmers use automatic drinking bowls.

On large poultry farms, before vaccination or before the start of a situation that can lead the bird to a stressful state, the premix is ​​bred in large quantities - 1 liter of the product per ton of water. Usually this solution is given 3 days before the onset of a stressful situation and 3 days after it. If the owner needs to transport or transplant young animals, then the drug is given in the same doses (1-2 ml per 1 liter of water) 2 days before the intended event and in the next 3 days.

The drug can be given in conjunction with other drugs and nutritional supplements, the interaction of the drug with them has not been identified.

How to apply for chicks

For chickens

Chiktonik for chickens is a necessary tool to ensure the full growth and development of the body. Unlike adults, chicks have a weak immune system and almost no resistance to various diseases. To increase the protective functions of the body, starting from the age of 7 days, chickens are given chiktonik.

Due to the drug, the following indicators are provided in chickens:

    Increases the body's resistance to the effects of infectious and viral diseases;

    Improves the condition of the skin and plumage of young animals;

    Saturation of the body with essential vitamins and nutrients from food;

    Improved tone and appetite.

For chickens, the drug is taken by oral route. Add it to drinking water. It can be given in two ways - 1 ml per 100 ml of water or 1 ml per 1 liter of water. Many veterinarians advise giving it at a dosage of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. They argue that if the intake is carried out at this dosage, the absorption of the drug increases, and there is no overdose. The drug is given for 5-7 days, but no more.

For goslings

Chiktonik for goslings is used to improve the protective functions of the body, increase immunity. In addition, the remedy normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and also normalizes the functioning of the urinary tract.

In addition, starting from the age of 7 days, the goslings are given the drug to improve health, ensure full development and growth. The tool ensures good absorption of nutrients and nutrients from food.

The drug is given with water. In 1 liter, dilute 1 ml of the product. Chicks are fed with this solution. The duration of admission is from 5 to 7 days, but no more.

For turkeys

Turkey poults, unlike goslings and chickens, are rather weak and more susceptible to the effects of various diseases. The use of chiktonik for turkey poults should be started from the age of 7, sometimes it is started to be used from 4-5 days of chicks' life.

Thanks to chiktonik, turkeys normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to various viral and infectious diseases. It enhances growth, accelerates the absorption of vitamins, amino acids and useful components by the body of young animals. The product improves the quality of leather and feathers.

According to the instructions, Chiktonik is diluted in drinking water. 1 ml of the product is added to 1 liter of water. The solution is given once a day for approximately 5-7 days.

Application for other birds

For young animals of other bird species - ducks, quails, pigeons, the use of chiktonik is a prerequisite for normal development and growth. In addition, it is needed to maintain the normal state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. Thanks to this component, the chicks receive useful substances, vitamins, amino acids from food, which are necessary for the full development of the young organism.

Chicks begin to give chiktonik from 7 days of age. It is also given along with water. Add 1 ml of product to 1 liter of water. The reception period is 5-7 days no more.

Instructions for use for adult birds

For broilers

Chiktonik for broilers is a necessary tool for the implementation of important conditions for normal life, namely:

1. Increasing the protective functions of the body;

2. Normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system;

3. Improving the quality of leather and feathers;

4. Beneficial effect on the reproductive system of individuals;

5. Improvement of appetite;

6. Increased egg production;

7. Helps with stressful situations;

8. Be sure to use before vaccination;

9. Thanks to this tool, the absorption of vitamins, amino acids, nutrients and nutrients from the feed is increased;

10 Normalization of metabolism

Therefore, this tool must be given to broilers. It is diluted with water. For adult birds, the solution is diluted according to the following scheme - 2 ml per 1 liter of water. This solution is given for 5-7 days.

For others

For other types of poultry - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, the purpose of this remedy is the same. It is intended to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. Increases protective functions, strengthens the immune system, ensures the absorption of useful and nutritious substances from food by the body, and also improves the skin and feather cover. And this is certainly not all of its properties. Therefore, the use of chiktonik for adult birds is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of individuals.

Chiktonik is given with water. For adults, 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water. The period of taking the solution should be from 5 to 7 days.

Side effects

With due observance of dosages and rules for taking the premix, side interactions do not occur. The tool is not new and it has passed all the tests in the laboratory, so we can definitely say that it is safe for the health of the bird.

If no improvement occurs after using this remedy, then it is advisable to increase the dosage, but not by much.


There are practically no contraindications for this remedy. Sometimes it is not recommended to give the drug if it causes individual intolerance or sensitivity of the body to the constituent components of the premix. It is imperative to give this remedy to laying hens, because it increases egg production.

Pharmacological properties

In appearance, the drug Chiktonik has the appearance of a colorless liquid, which is contained in small glass bottles. This remedy belongs to the group of prebiotics. Prebiotics ensure the normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the bird's body.

Chiktonik is a useful feed additive, which includes the following substances:





    Choline chloride;













    Sodium pantothenate;







    Aspartic acid;



Thanks to the vitamin-complex composition, the following indicators are provided:

1. Regulation of the ratio of biologically active compounds that enter the body of individuals;

2. There is a replenishment of all useful and nutrients;

3. Metabolism is normalized;

4. Strengthening the immune system and increasing the protective functions of the body;

5. Increased growth and weight gain in young individuals;

6. In laying hens, egg production increases;

7. Increases the body's resistance to stressful situations;

8. The work of the reproductive system improves;

9. Reduced embryonic mortality;

10. The quality of the skin and feather cover is improved.

During the autopsy of individuals that were grown with the help of chiktonik, it was found that in the intestines of birds there are 3 times more lacto- and bifidobacteria than in birds that were not given this remedy.

Chiktonik does not have a toxic effect on the body of warm-blooded animals. It belongs to low-hazard substances and at high dosages does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic and sensitizing effects.

The full development of poultry is the key to obtaining a high number of individuals. Therefore, when growing poultry, it is imperative to use the drug Chiktonik. Due to it, you can increase the protective functions of the body, strengthen the immune system, improve the health of individuals. This drug is a necessary condition for the full life of poultry.

There are many preparations used to increase the productivity of poultry and animals. One of the most popular and widely used is Chiktonik. Instructions for its use do not include too many steps, moreover, it is an absolutely harmless and very effective remedy.

general description

It is a drug "Chiktonik" dark brown liquid, bottled. Give it to animals and birds orally - usually added to drink. The beneficial effect of this remedy is due to the high content in it of various kinds of vitamins (A, B, D) and very useful amino acids.

The main effect provided by the drug "Chiktonik" (instructions for use for birds, cattle, small cattle, rabbits, etc. will be discussed by us a little lower) on the body of agricultural and ornamental animals is the normalization of metabolism. Using this tool allows you to:

    Increase the productivity of poultry and animals in terms of weight gain. The preparation "Chiktonik", the instructions for use for broilers of which are exactly the same as for laying hens and any other household animals, stimulates the growth and development of young animals by replenishing the missing vitamins and amino acids in the body.

    Reduce embryonic mortality. When using the "Chiktonik" tool, for example, the percentage of hatching of chickens during incubation increases significantly.

    Reduce lunge of young animals due to various diseases. "Chiktonik" not only stimulates the development muscle tissue, but also strengthens the body, and also increases its resistance to infections.

    improve condition skin in animals and plumage in birds.

    Significantly increase the egg production of laying hens.

    Quickly restore the body of poultry and farm animals after taking antibiotics that are harmful to health.

    Reduce the risk of cannibalism. In this regard, it is very useful to use "Chiktonik" for birds. Instructions for using it are simple, and it will not be difficult to introduce it into the body of the same chickens. In this case, the sulfur that is part of the preparation has a beneficial effect. After all, as noticed by summer residents, it is the lack of this substance that causes such a pathology in a bird as pecking.

    Increase the appetite of the young.

What is worth knowing

It is especially useful to solder this drug to chickens, ducks, rabbits, goats and cows in winter. After all, it is during this period that a serious lack of vitamins is observed in the feed. In summer, "Chiktonik" is most often given to those living creatures that should quickly gain weight. It can be, for example, broilers, meat breeds of rabbits and goats, etc.

"Chiktonik": instructions for use

As already mentioned, they give "Chiktonik" to animals and birds along with drinking. At the same time, 1-2 ml of the drug is mixed with one liter of water. The frequency of receptions should be 1 time per day for 5-7 days. 1 ml of the drug per liter will be enough for young animals, it is better for adult birds and animals to drink 2 ml each.

This is how the drug "Chiktonik" is used. Instructions for use for birds and animals are absolutely identical. It is almost impossible to cause any harm when using it. Some homeowners, for example, give 2 ml per liter of the drug even to day old chicks. And nothing bad happens. However, we do not recommend doing so. For chickens, follow the recommendations given by the manufacturer for young animals.


The opinion about the preparation "Chiktonik", the instruction for the use of which is elementary, was very good among the owners of suburban household plots. Experienced gardeners advise to solder the preparation of living creatures in the morning. At the same time, not too much water should be poured into the troughs. It should be just enough for the animals to drink it all. Then it will be possible to pour just clean water into the drinkers.

Since this drug is still unnatural, experienced livestock breeders are not advised to get involved in it. Giving "Chiktonik" to rabbits, goats, chickens, etc. should be done only as needed. For example, in the event that the living creatures do not gain weight, after treatment with antibiotics, with a decrease in the egg production of chickens, etc. Of course, this drug should not be used for prophylaxis or as a regular vitamin supplement.

Side effects and contraindications for use

As already mentioned, the drug "Chiktonik", the instruction for the use of which was considered by us above, is considered absolutely harmless. Subject to the doses and rules of soldering, no side effects he doesn't call. You can give "Chiktonik" to absolutely any household animal and bird. Some pet lovers drink it even to dogs (mainly to improve appearance wool). A contraindication to taking this remedy can only be individual intolerance in an animal or sensitivity to the ingredients that make up the drug.

Goats and chickens that have taken "Chiktonik" can be produced without any restrictions. It is not necessary to wait for some time after his last dose.

How to store

Chiktonik is for sale, the instructions for using which, as you can see, are completely simple, it can either be in liter bottles or in penicillin. For home gardening, of course, the latter option is much more suitable. The fact is that in a closed bottle this drug can be stored for up to 2 years. In an open or sealed, not too hermetically sealed, it can lose its properties quite quickly. In any case, bottles with Chiktonik should be stored in a cool, dry place and, of course, away from children.