How to protect yourself and your family members from negative influences and damage? Protection from the evil eye and how to install it: what will protect you from hostile magic

In our lives we encounter a huge amount of negative energy, be it the evil eye or an attack by an energy vampire, damage, etc. How to protect yourself and protect yourself from ill-wishers?

There are a sufficient number of methods of mental and bioenergetic protection; Let's look at the simplest of them, which could help in any communication with a hostile or unpleasant person.

Let's look at the main ones:

1. In a standing position, you need to turn to face a possible enemy, even if he is behind a wall or at a considerable distance.
Raise your arms up, straight palms facing forward. From this position, slowly lower your arms, outlining an oval to your left and right: your right hand a little ahead outlines one half of the circle, and the left repeats the synchronous movement on the other side.

The two palms face straight and forward at all times, and after they are joined together at the level of the knees, the knees can be slightly bent and the body can be tilted slightly forward.
Remaining in this position, you need to perform the exercise in the opposite direction, drawing an oval from bottom to top. Then - the starting position, and you need to repeat the exercise - oval down, then up.

2. While in transport, at work, in some crowded place, if the likelihood of stress increases (in the boss’s office, while in a group of employees), and you are in a sitting position, you need to perform some simple steps.

Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Connect your thumb with your index finger, forming a ring. The remaining unused fingers - the middle, ring and little fingers - should remain straight and pointing forward. The interaction of the right and left hands created in this way leads to the closure of the biofield, the aura becomes like a closed system.
If you reasonably need to isolate yourself from someone’s evil gaze, the position of the fingers of each hand needs to be changed: middle and thumb close in a ring, and the index, ring and little fingers remain straight and directed forward. It is advisable that the direction be the location of your alleged psychological enemy.

3. If, while on the street, you cannot get rid of the obsessive feeling of the presence of someone else’s field on you, it is necessary to remove the adverse energetic influence, and therefore you can resort to simple and effective measures.

The first way is to make several turns around the axis clockwise, looking from head to feet.
Another method is known and widespread among the people: spit over your left shoulder three times, turning to the left. What is the peculiarity of protection here? An alien astral is imposed on the left side of the cardiac plexus.

4. Hold your breath as you exhale - good way self-control if you need to remain calm in the face of shocking news.

List of exercises

To improve physical well-being, strengthen the nervous and mental protection from hostile thoughts and unfavorable energy, the following set of exercises will be effective. For the first two weeks, it should be performed thirty minutes before bedtime, after getting up, and during the day (especially when a meeting with a psychologically unfavorable person is approaching).

In the process of improving the condition, “protection” can be practiced in the morning and evening, and then only in the morning.
In the normal state, to enhance your own security, you can use one of the listed protection methods, but if this is still not enough, follow any of the above methods in increasing order.

1. Closure of the biological framework
One of the simplest techniques is to cross your arms and legs while talking to your interlocutor, expecting potential troubles. At the same time, the contour of your biofield closes, and the spectrum of energy dispersion narrows.

2. Ring protection
This technique is considered stronger than the previous one. Big and index fingers Each hand is symmetrically superimposed on each other and connected into a ring. The remaining fingers overlap each other.

3. Ring operation
Close the thumb and index fingers of one hand and place them in the palm of the other, then do the same with the opposite palm.

After doing about three such cycles, you will be able to feel how the atmosphere around you thickens, and you may feel as if there is something squeezing in the head area. Indian yogis often resort to the described technique. “Inserting a ring” not only closes a person’s biological circuit, but also makes it several times more powerful.

4. “The Magic of Mirrors”
Imagine a wall around you made of several rows of bricks, preferably two or three rows. On the outside, the wall is lined with a solid mirror, facing the outside world. And no matter from which side a person approaches you in order to hit you, he will definitely taste the blow reflected and reinforced by the mirror, returning with a ricochet.

"Mirror Wall" - effective method protection in any condition. Do not let the “attacker” understand that you are using protection. Be calm and friendly, which will make him try to hit harder and harder while he comes back at you with increased force.

5. Cocoon rotation
To be able to use this technique, you first need to develop the ability to sense an object at a good distance. The first thing you need to learn is “touching with your gaze,” that is, mentally touching objects and getting a vivid impression from it. As a practice, you can touch an object with your hand, and then try to reproduce the sensation received in your memory as clearly as possible. After this, regardless of the object, touch it again in this way. Perform the exercise with open eyes.

When the exercise is successful, you can start building a “cocoon”. First you need to imagine and then feel that at the level of the intercostal space, on each of the four sides there are four golden peas that radiate heat and form a cross lying in a horizontal plane, the center of the cross is fixed on the axis of the body, running vertically.
As the cross rotates, an outline of a hoop appears, which can be mentally transformed into a cocoon that envelops your body and prevents any energies from penetrating inside. Building the cocoon may take approximately a minute.
The cocoon has very dense walls, which were formed by layering biofield shells. Shells can be various colors. It's good to imagine golden, orange or blue shells. While performing the exercise, it is important to imagine each action in detail. Touch training is a labor-intensive process, so you need to do it no more than seven times a day, limiting each to ten minutes.

6. “Rotation of the biofield”
When building such protection, you need to start with four peas, only during the rotation of the peas you need to form not a dense cocoon, but fill the space between the body and the boundary of the shell with a viscous energy medium rotating around an axis counterclockwise.

If the exercise is performed correctly, then your own body is not felt, but a sensation of a rotating homogeneous object, reminiscent of a cocoon in shape, arises. Some people have a different point of view regarding this exercise. As soon as a feeling of negative impact comes, you need to imagine that your biofield is a dense and invisible network. Then you need to start twisting it - clockwise from top to bottom. Let the biofield rotate all the time until the danger of a psychological attack goes away. By rotating, your aura will repel anyone's energetic interference. These tentacles simply cannot penetrate your biofield to suck out energy.

7. Information-biofield ball
First, a protective shell is built, but in the shape of a ball. The ball should be filled with biological energy of a silver-violet hue.

On the outside of the ball there are meridians and parallels, on which in the form of ribbons there are inscriptions: “You don’t need me.”

8. "Crosses"
In this case, you need to surround yourself on each side with crosses, bringing them close to the body.

Then you should slowly and with effort, starting from your head, clear a space near you at a distance of one meter. Compare your own well-being before and after moving the crosses, and then feel how the combination of two states forms one whole.

It's hard to live positive life surrounded by negative people

Dealing with negativity can be tantamount to the concept of “making your life difficult.” At my last job, I had a coworker with constant negative energy, and she took it all out on me on a daily basis. In our conversations, she constantly complained about everything - about the work process, about friends, about her health, or about anything else that she could think about at the time of the conversation. She was constantly cynical about other people, doubting their intentions and judging them very harshly. The conversations were unpleasant and exhausting.

So, protection from negative energy, 7 effective steps:

How to cleanse yourself of negativity? Set communication boundaries

It is difficult to deal with negative people who are mired in their problems and cannot focus on solving them. They want to involve people from outside in their 24/7 self-pity party, it increases their self-esteem, because someone empathizes with them. You understand that you are simply forced to listen to their complaints, but you cannot do anything about it, because... You don’t want to seem callous or rude. But you must keep a clear line between being a "vest" and being drawn into their emotional drama.

You can avoid this drama by setting limits and pulling away when necessary. Imagine if a person smoked cigarettes one after another, would you sit next to him all day and inhale second-hand smoke? Of course not, you would move away. The situation is similar with complaints, when you realize that you have already listened to them enough, step away for a while to restore your energy level.

If you can't move away soon, another great way to set boundaries is to ask. negative person how he plans to solve the problem he is complaining about.

Usually, after this question, negative people calm down or move the conversation in a more harmonious direction, at least temporarily.

How to get rid of negative energy? Don't react - respond consciously

In most cases, we overreact to something during a period of emotional overstrain. Usually the reaction is controlled by our ego, this is our human nature.

There is a split second to choose to react or respond consciously. When you feel angry or agitated, it means you have reacted to a provocation rather than responding consciously. By responding mindfully, you gain a sense of balance and consider your words.

To sum it up, when you confront someone negative attitude, do not respond to him with insults, keep them to yourself. Don't forget your dignity and don't stoop to his/her level. As they say, you have to be brave enough to walk away from stupidity with your head held high.

Provide lungs Topics For discussions

People's negative attitudes usually stem from seemingly harmless issues. For example, one of my friends becomes very difficult to manage when it comes to work. And no matter what I say, he complains about everything related to work, and when I try to make positive comments, he reacts even more strongly to them. And our conversation becomes very difficult.

In general, if you find yourself in a similar situation, and your interlocutor gets stuck on some topic, understand that perhaps the problem lies very deep inside him, change the topic once and do not touch on it again. It's best to change the topic to talking about simple things, such as funny memories, personal successes, or other light topics. Keep the other person in a positive frame of mind.

Focus on solutions, not problems

Where you focus your attention determines your emotional condition. By focusing on problems you can create negative emotions and prolong stress. But if you shift your attention to actions that can improve current circumstances, a feeling of self-worth, effectiveness and a kind of self-pride arises, which brings with it positive emotions and reduces stress.

The same thing happens with negative people, focusing your thoughts on how difficult and stressful they are only increases the suffering, giving them power over you.

If you stop thinking about how problematic a person is, focus instead on how you can present their behavior in a positive way, choose something for yourself. It is much more profitable to put yourself in the position of managing the situation; this can significantly reduce the amount of stress. Try to find answers and solutions, put yourself in the position of a problem solver, and don’t go with the flow.

Maintain a level of emotional detachment from other people's opinions of you.

Maintaining a level of emotional detachment is vital to keeping stress at bay. Don't let negative people (or anyone else) put your problems on your shoulders, it's very important for your emotional health and happiness. Solving this problem comes down to how much you value yourself and how much you believe in yourself.

People who effectively manage their lives, as a rule, they work on the “inner self”, i.e. those people who know that success and prosperity come from within.

Negative people usually survive at the expense of others, i.e. blaming other people or external circumstances for everything that happens or doesn’t happen in their lives.

When your sense of satisfaction or well-being depends on the opinions of others, you are no longer in control of your happiness. Know this. When emotional strong people feel good about the things they have done, they do not allow anyone to spoil his feeling of victory over a new task.

In truth, others either underestimate or overestimate you; only you can evaluate your strengths. Remember this. It doesn't matter if you lose or win, you have invaluable experience. This is important.

Let go of the desire to change other people's negative tendencies

You can help some people by being a good example, but others may not. Remember this, and you will be able to achieve a balance between helping and retreating. If people don't perceive good examples, then step back from your idea of ​​setting the person up in a positive way. It just won't work.

Don't fall for energy vampires, manipulators, and emotional blackmailers who are desperate to control other people's behavior.

With that said, if your loved one is exhibiting negative tendencies and you think they will change over time. better side, take off your rose-colored glasses, this won’t happen.

If you really want to change him for any valid reasons, be honest and lay all your cards on the table, at least this person will know how you feel and why.

For the most part, although you can't change them, you shouldn't try to. Either you accept the person for who he is, or live without him. This may sound a little harsh, but it is true. When you try to change people, they often resist, but when you don't try to change them - you support them and give them the freedom to be themselves, they gradually change miraculously. Because the only thing that moves them is how you see them.

Dedicate enough time every day to working on yourself

You should neglect yourself just because others do. and, if you are forced to live or work with a negative person, make sure you have enough time alone to rest and recover.

Playing the role of the "focused rational adult" in the face of negativity can be very draining, and if you're not careful, the negativity can consume you.

Thoughts about negative people can fill your life even at night, when you constantly ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I doing the right thing?
  • Am I really that terrible that people talk to me like that?
  • I can't believe he did this
  • I'm in so much pain

Such thoughts can keep you agonizing for weeks, months or even years. Unfortunately, sometimes a negative person's goal is to drive you crazy and will stoop to their level so they won't be alone. And because you can't control what they do, it's important to take care of yourself, then you can stay in the center of negativity while feeling healthy and full of energy, when it is necessary.

A bit more…

Even if it is difficult for you to admit the fact that you are a negative person, you need to do it. Sometimes it is your own negativity that hurts you more than anything else.

If your inner critic is eating at you, try to get rid of all the thoughts and thoughts that hurt you, or at least some of them, and you will feel better.

Remember, you don't need negative thoughts.

Get started and watch how this little tip changes your life.

And finally, a little cartoon...

In the life of every person, various troubles happen - conflicts, illnesses, problems that bring with them destructive negative emotions. And modern life rhythms involve a lot of personal and work contacts, movements, visits to public places, where you can always get another portion of negativity. And it is important to know how to protect yourself from the negative energy of people and take certain preventive measures.

The energy of life is in continuous movement and circulation. This dynamic concerns people, their thoughts, feelings, objects environment. The influx of positive energy gives a person strength, good mood, vital activity. The effect of negative energy is completely opposite.

It is impossible to see it, but every person felt the negative effect on himself, being in some unpleasant place or communicating with someone. Of course, everyone’s level of sensitivity is different, but people who have studied themselves well try to avoid such “contagious” situations.

Characteristic signs of exposure to negative energy may include the following sensations:

  • feeling tired and overwhelmed;
  • decreased performance;
  • lack of air, dizziness;
  • anxiety, bad mood.

People call this condition the evil eye or damage. If a constant source of negative energy appears, then the symptoms grow like a snowball and lead to serious consequences, disrupting the energy balance, taking away health and happiness.

Personal sources

Human emotions and feelings can generate negative energy: envy, disappointment, hatred, contempt, fear, jealousy, guilt, hostility, neglect. Here you can add a state of fear, panic, horror, anger; sad mood, lack of faith, boredom; the habit of feeling like an unfortunate victim, constant criticism. People themselves create entire streams of destructive negative energy, and it can be very difficult to get out of them. You can blame anyone for your hardships and problems, from family members to world politics, but in fact, the environment only returns personal negativity.

There are many sources of negative energy coming to us from the surrounding space:

  • crowded places - crowds, parties, work;
  • communication with sick people;
  • communication with a “toxic” person prone to skepticism and criticism;
  • media sources;
  • buildings and places filled with negative energy.

Many people experience mood swings. Willingly or unwittingly, everyone can throw out their irritation on loved ones or even the first person they meet. This happens all the time at the most inopportune moment. A caustic remark in a queue, an unfriendly look from a stranger, or coffee spilled on a business suit can throw you out of your usual rut.

Not all people are susceptible to negativity energetic influence- there are naturally stress-resistant, strong individuals who achieve success in life and do not get upset over trifles. They are not inclined to listen to the opinions and comments of incompetent people when they are confident that they are right.

There are different techniques and ways to protect yourself from a negative person by establishing energetic protection to repel negative influences.

Live consciously

First of all, you need to learn to control your emotions, and if you are provoked, to react consciously, without forgetting your sense of dignity and without stooping to the level of the offender. By responding with rudeness to rudeness, throwing a tantrum, you unknowingly feed energy vampires who just need to get a portion of splashed-out energy.

Therefore, before you start showing a violent reaction, you need to pause and answer off-script. There are people who master this technique and can extinguish conflicts at their very bud. Living consciously means protecting your nerves and maintaining your health. Don’t be afraid of criticism and depend on other people’s opinions, learn to say “no.”

Protect personal boundaries

There are negative people who constantly complain to others about their lives, are fixated on problems, blame everyone around them, are always unhappy and at the same time expect sympathy from their interlocutor.

You shouldn’t waste your time on such “toxic” people and listen to their complaints. This is how you can get stuck headlong in a swamp of negativity. If it is not possible to abruptly end the conversation, try to change the topic by asking a distracting question. You can use the phrases: “I believe that you will solve all your problems,” “What do you want to do?” This can neutralize the annoying whiner. It’s better to immediately isolate yourself from the vampire, directly saying that you are not interested. Not finding sympathy and pity, such a person will leave you alone and begin to look for a new “victim”.

You should not allow energy vampires and any manipulators to disrupt your energy balance. It is better to avoid unpleasant communication if possible., but with loved ones you need to be honest and explain what doesn’t suit you. Although this will change little, because people always resist change. Therefore, you need to accept people as they are or part with them.

Often people are forced to live and work next to a source of constant negativity, then they need to learn to protect themselves from negativity, find time to rest and restore their strength. Negative waves can come from parents, children, friends, colleagues, boss.

There are different techniques to protect yourself from negativity at work, V in public places. They are simple, but beneficial to humans.

The word is considered a powerful energy force. And conspiracies and prayers have always been used to protect against negative people. They must be said before leaving the house or returning home.

Amulets and amulets can be a good protection against negativity at work, in a crowded place. It could be a cross, a ring, an amulet bought in the church. It is useful for believers to go to church regularly to cleanse themselves of bad energy.

You can make a talisman for protection yourself. For example, on standard size paper, draw a circle with your name in the middle. Write the symbol “S” at the top, “F” at the bottom, “A” at the right, and “Z” at the left. Take the cut out circle with you, and upon returning home you should burn it, imagining that you are burning all the negativity accumulated during the day.

Many people think about how to protect themselves from negativity at work when they return after a day of work completely exhausted by the nagging of their boss or nervous colleagues. Here, stones - hematite or carnelian, which can be worn with you or in the form of bracelets on both hands, will help to remove other people's energy. Upon returning home, they should be lowered under the stream for a few minutes. cold water. But the stones need to be changed periodically, as they lose their protective properties within two months.

There has always been water in a reliable way relieving tension and negativity. After a difficult day at work, it’s good to take a shower immediately, and once a week it is recommended to take a salt bath. You can simply wash your face while reciting a cleansing spell.

The priests advise washing and Wipe your body morning and evening with holy water while reading a prayer. It will be reliable protection from the evil eye.

Recovery peace of mind need to spend more time on fresh air, walk near natural reservoirs. Nature perfectly cleanses us of negativity and charges us with positive vital energy.

An old, proven method of protection is an ordinary pin, fastened to the clothes from the inside out and, preferably, closer to the heart.

How to clear space

When moving to a new place of residence, you need to take care of clearing the space of bad energy previous residents or for preventive purposes. To do this you need:

Every person can learn to protect themselves from flows of destructive negative energy in any situation. Much depends on our thoughts and emotions, because like attracts like. Manage your emotions, see positive sides In life, not allowing negative people to shift their problems onto your shoulders is the key to emotional health and well-being.

Energy protection – very important element energetic and psychological invulnerability of a person, as well as a comfortable state and well-being. How to learn to set up energy protection?

Types of Energy Protection

Energy protection is divided into several types:

  • Protection, which is part of the structure of human energy.
  • Energy protection that a person creates himself, with his own will and thoughts, giving it a certain program of work.
  • Energy protection, which is given by the Higher Powers, namely the Patrons of man.

Here we will consider the second type of energy protection that a person can create independently.

What is energy protection based on?

Any energy protection is based on energy management.

To successfully install energy protection, you need to master a simple visualization method¹.

Visualization is based on the fact that a person creates and imagines the desired image and puts energy into it. When creating an image, it is necessary to feel the event and the presence of protection, after which the thought materializes.

Energy protection “Aura rotation”

Aura rotation² – very effective method fight people who like to absorb other people's energy.

When you feel an outside influence, you need to imagine that your biofield is an invisible mesh, dense to the touch. After this, you need to unwind it clockwise, that is, from left to right. You should mentally rotate the aura until the danger of psychological attack passes.

Your spinning aura will throw anyone's energy tendrils away, they will have nothing to cling to, and thus you will conserve your energy.

Energy protection “Whip Strike”

The “Whip Strike” defense option is a very fast, burning look in the eyes. energy vampire, associated with the release of a compressed clot of energy through one’s eyes.

After this type of protection, the energy vampire has a feeling of “sand in his eyes”, and he is simply forced to stop “sucking” energy in order to bring himself to a normal state. He may even experience temporary partial visual impairment.

Energy protection “Crystal Dome”

This is a powerful and effective short-term energy protection. If you need to quickly and effectively protect yourself for a short time, you can safely use it.

A blue ball is formed in the area of ​​the solar plexus, which, with a sharp exhalation, enlarges and “squeezes” out all the negativity, forming a protective shell around the body, consisting of a transparent “crystal material”. Simultaneously with the expansion of the ball, your arms need to be sharply spread to the sides.

This method not only creates energetic protection, but also performs a cleansing function. The crystal dome can be installed quickly, but it does not last long.

Energy protection “Egg”

To successfully use this energy protection technique, it is necessary to develop the ability to sense any objects at a considerable distance.

First you need to master “gaze touching”, i.e. mentally touch objects and capture the sensation from them. Having mastered “touching with your gaze” and without looking at the object, “touch” it, without closing your eyes. It is necessary to warn that training in “probing” objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

After mastering this exercise, we build an “egg”. You need to feel, and not imagine, that at the level of the ribs in front, behind and on the sides, at arm's length, there are four warm golden peas, i.e. the result is a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along the midline of the body.

When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which can easily be turned into an egg that surrounds your body and does not give any negative impacts get inside. The walls of the egg are very dense, the layers of the biofield wrap around each other for about a minute. Shells can be one-color, two-color (imaginary).

It is advisable to use colors such as gold, blue, and orange. It is very important to clearly spatially sense all your actions. It is necessary to warn that training in “probing” objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

Information-biofield energy protection

First, the protective shell is visualized, but not in the shape of an egg, but in the shape of a ball.
Then the ball is densely filled with silver-violet bioenergy. By outer surface The balls pass in the form of parallels and meridians of the tape, on which it is written “You don’t need me (don’t need me).”

Energy protection “Mirror wall”

Very good energy protection! You need to imagine yourself surrounded on all sides and from above by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. On the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world.

And no matter from which side they try to attack you, the aggressors will always receive retaliatory blows reflected and reinforced by the mirror. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once.

When using the “mirror wall,” never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are defending yourself. Your calmness and friendliness will make him inflict more and more strong blows, which will return to him with increasing force.

This technique is the simplest to perform and does not require special physical and energy costs, because you do not feel the barrier as part of yourself or your biofield. It seems to exist separately, and this is its advantage. However, the main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to visualize this barrier when you are moving.

Energy protection “Shield of Perseus”

One of the most powerful energy protection techniques. It allows you to repel a narrowly targeted attack, returning it to the enemy, without covering your entire body. A round mirror shield is visualized on the left (right) hand, with which energy attacks are reflected, placing it in the path of the release.

This is very quick method energy protection and does not require special costs, but it has low strength. Correct calculation of the angle of attack is required for effective reflection.

Energy protection “Cross”

You need to surround yourself on all sides with crosses, placing them close to your body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, move the crosses away from you to a distance of 1 meter. Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses, feel how they are strengthened and form a single whole.

Combined energy protection:

First, perform a “cross” defense, moving the crosses to a distance of 1-1.2 meters. After this, make protection using a “shell” or “rotation of the biofield”.

How to work with energy protection?

Remember that each person has their own version of protection. Not all of the above methods are suitable for everyone. Try to determine which method is more suitable for you.

Try to use the barrier everywhere, this will protect you from troubles, negative energy and ensure your safety. In order to always preserve it, it is enough just to know about it, to feel it. Just say to yourself: “I am in a protective barrier! Try to get to me.”

This statement should cut off all attempts to psychically influence you, since you will be 100% confident in your defense.

I wish you good luck in applying the protection. And at the same time I wish you never to be energetically attacked!

Stas Romashenkov

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Aura in esotericism and parapsychology - invisible by the human eye the shell that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

Interacting with large numbers of people on a daily basis always involves risk. Our actions and deeds often lead to negative reaction environment. This is why it is important to protect your biofield from negative influences.

Each of us has been in a situation where a casually thrown word spoiled our mood and affected our performance. Ill will and malice give rise to envy and the desire to harm a more fortunate person. There are several ways to protect yourself and your energy. First, you need to understand what impact is on your biofield, and based on this, choose a strategy to combat the negative.

The simplest thing you can do to protect yourself is to stop communicating with negative people or keep such interactions to a minimum. Special amulets and amulets also help protect yourself from energy attacks. They neutralize the impact and protect the biofield from unwanted intrusion.

Covering Shield

A popular protective practice among many psychics is the creation of an energy cocoon that prevents the outflow of your energy and protects you from outside influences. For the ritual, you need to stock up on a thin candle and a white cloth, which serves as a symbol of the cocoon. In the dark, light a candle and peer into its flame. Remember the negative moments that weakened you. Don’t hold back your emotions and throw out the accumulated resentment and fatigue. You can say out loud what is bothering you, scream and even cry. The candle flame will cleanse energy channels and burn out resentment and pain.

After you have accepted the situation and the resentment has subsided, throw the cloth over yourself. Wrap your head in it and say the following words:

“I protect myself, I protect myself from evil words and glances. I cover the dirt with white, as if I were covering the ground with snow. My enemies and ill-wishers will not see me. My word is strong, my faith is firm. No one will hurt me again."

Blow out the candle and sit in darkness and silence for a few minutes. After the ceremony, take the fabric to Fresh air and shake three times. Then soak it in a basin with added salt and rinse it in running water - it will wash away all the negativity. Leave the candle at home and light it every time you feel low in energy.

Evil on lock

The ritual consists of two stages and is aimed at neutralizing the negative impact. During the period, buy a pin and a piece of black fabric. Light a candle and place the cloth on a hard surface. Say out loud everything that worries you, looking at the candle, extinguish it and wrap it in a piece of paper. Secure the edges with a pin, squeeze in your hands and say:

“I lock up hatred and anger, pain and disappointment with a strong lock. A strong gate will not let strangers into the yard. Evil thoughts cannot reach me, the evil eye and damage cannot reach me. No one sees me and won’t hurt me with a bad word.”

Leave the amulet at home in a secluded place so that it continues to operate, periodically ask it for help and protection. Use this spell for the second stage of the ritual. The clothes you fasten on yourself, zippers, laces and studs also provide protection. It is enough to say the words of the conspiracy when you dress and button up. The negative impact will encounter a wall of protection and will not be able to harm you.

Amulet for protection

The power of thought

Not only prayers and rituals protect from outside influence. The desire to protect oneself generates a strong surge of energy flows, which is expressed in thought form. Programming yourself for success with the power of thought and faith in well-being will help strengthen your biofield and steadfastly endure all the blows of fate. Every time you encounter negativity, say the following words to yourself: “Whoever comes to me with bad thoughts will take them for himself.”

Every word of defense you utter must be backed by faith in what you are doing. Everyone can protect themselves from bad influences. Remember that your well-being depends on yourself. Tune in to perceive the world around you in bright colors and look at everything from a positive perspective. A cheerful attitude and fortitude will help you avoid all adversity. We wish you well-being and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and