Erythrocytes in the blood are the norm in the analysis, the reasons for the increase and the negative consequences for the body. Erythrocytes of blood: the norm and deviations of indicators What is the danger of deviation of the level of erythrocytes from the norm

Erythrocytes are the most numerous elements of human blood, the main part of which consists of hemoglobin. Their main function is to transport oxygen and saturate many nutrients organs and tissues, carry carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs, and also maintain the acid-base balance in the blood. In addition, red blood cells are responsible for carrying specific antibodies that are involved in immune responses.

By the number of red blood cells, it is possible to identify some malfunctions and pathologies in the body. The content of red blood cells in adults and children is different, just as the level of red blood cells in the blood and the norm in women is different from that of men. In this article, we will take a closer look at what is the norm of red blood cells in women, what may be associated with deviations from the established boundaries and what this threatens.

Blood test for erythrocytes. The norm in women.

To determine the level of red blood cells, a person is assigned a general (clinical) blood test, that is, the material is taken from a finger. For research, just a few drops of blood are enough, after which a calculation is made in the laboratory using a microscope or an automated hematological analyzer. Measured in 10 12 pieces per liter of blood.

For an adult and healthy woman, the normal indicator is from 3.7 to 4.7 * 10 12 / l.

During pregnancy, especially on later dates, a slight decrease in the level to 3.5 or even 3.0 * 10 12 / l is permissible, this is due to excessive blood thinning due to fluid retention in the body.

Deviation from the boundaries of the norm may indicate the presence serious problems with health. A low content of erythrocytes is possible with anemia (anemia), after a large blood loss, or when a focus of inflammation occurs.

An increase in red blood cells in a woman's blood usually signals certain diseases or disorders. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Why are erythrocytes in a woman's blood increased?

The situation when erythrocytes are higher than normal in women is not uncommon. In medicine, this condition is called erythrocytosis and gives the doctor a reason to carry out additional examination for the presence of certain diseases.

However, not always elevated red blood cells in women, they indicate pathology. A slight deviation from the norm can occur in people living or for a long time in highlands, due to the lack of oxygen molecules in the air. A similar situation can be observed in heavy smokers. In addition, as a result of a blood test, a large number of red cells can be detected if the person has suffered an emotional shock the day before, was exposed to active physical activity, or experienced severe dehydration. Usually, after eliminating provoking factors and situations, the analysis shows normal performance erythrocytes in the blood after a few days.

In addition to physiological reasons, there are also pathological ones that can threaten the patient's health. The most common are:

  1. Erythremia. A disease associated with the excessive formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. The disease is also characterized by an increase in leukocytes, platelets, increased hemoglobin and red blood cells in women. Erythremia on initial stages may not manifest itself in any way and not affect the circulatory system and the body as a whole. But as it develops, the patient may develop some health problems, such as: head and joint pain, enlargement of the spleen and liver, redness and itching of the skin, excessive bleeding, and even thrombotic strokes and myocardial infarction.
  2. Heart defects or problems with cardiovascular system... With such violations, the speed of pumping blood and its volume decreases, and there is an insufficient amount of oxygen in it, which the body tries to compensate for by producing new red blood cells.
  3. Oncology of the kidneys, liver. These organs are involved in the process of decomposition and elimination of "old" erythrocytes. Due to the development of a tumor, they cease to fully perform their function. Therefore, an increased number of red blood cells in a woman's blood is associated with the accumulation of mature blood cells.
  4. Chronic respiratory diseases such as obstructive bronchitis, chronic bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema often entail the development of erythrocytosis.

To understand why elevated red blood cells are found in a woman's blood, the causes of erythrocytosis, it is recommended to go through additional. examination and pass the basic tests.

Prevention and treatment

V severe forms erythrocytosis will be exchanged emergency measures treatment such as: phlebotomy - bloodletting in order to reduce the number of red blood cells, or inhibition of bone marrow activity with special drugs.

If elevated level erythrocytes in the blood of a woman is a primary phenomenon and is not combined with other characteristic clinical symptoms, you will be offered to re-analyze after a while and take some preventive measures, such as:

  • to give up smoking;
  • increased attention to the quality of the water used (it should not be chlorinated and strongly carbonated);
  • good nutrition with a high content of vegetables and fruits;
  • timely treatment respiratory diseases.


The red blood cells produced by the bone marrow are called erythrocytes. Their function is to transport oxygen from the lungs throughout the body through the bloodstream. Cells take carbon dioxide from tissues and organs and deliver it to the lungs; they are an important component of the processes of water and salt metabolism. For the normal functioning of the human body, maintenance of a certain level of red cells is required.

What are red blood cells

These are red cells present in the blood. They represent a double curved disc, due to which their surface increases. Erythrocytes do not synthesize their protein, 71% consist of water, 10% falls on the membrane covered with a membrane. The cells feed on glucose. Erythrocytes in laboratory analyzes are marked with the abbreviation rbc. Among the main indicators: the rate of sedimentation of red cells (ESR). If the concentration of red blood cells exceeds the norm, then we are talking about some kind of failure. The functions of red cells are significant:

  • Protective. Erythrocytes remove toxins, toxic substances and waste products of pathogenic microorganisms from the body.
  • Transport. This function is basic. Taurus supplies oxygen, carbon dioxide, lipids, amino acids, proteins and other beneficial components to various “destinations” in the body.
  • Nutritious. Erythrocytes carry all the substances necessary for vital activity throughout the body.
  • Erythrocytes help in maintaining the acid-base balance, renewing the composition of the plasma, and are involved in blood clotting.

Erythrocyte rate

To understand whether the concentration of red blood cells is increased, it is important to know the indicators of the norm. They differ, the numbers depend on the person's age and gender. Erythrocytes in a blood test should have the following indicators:

  • In an adult male: from 4 to 5.1 million / μl, from 4 to 5.1 x 10¹² / l.
  • In a woman: from 3.7 to 4.7 million / μl, or 3.7-4.7 x 10¹² / l.
  • In a pregnant woman: may decrease to 3–3.5 x 10¹² / l.
  • In children under one year old, the concentration of red cells often changes, for each month it has its own norm. If the erythrocytes in a two-week-old baby are increased (up to 6.6 x 10¹² / l), then this does not mean pathology. In newborns, the norm (4.0 - 6.6 x 10¹² / l). Slight fluctuations can be observed even after a year of life. In adolescents 12-13 years old, the level of red cells corresponds to the norm of an adult.

The reasons for the increase in red blood cells

If the red blood cells in the blood are increased, then this signals the presence of pathology. An increase in the number of red cells occurs due to the following ailments:

  • Heart disease (congenital or acquired). Pathology leads to impaired blood supply, oxygen delivery to the tissues slows down, and an increased number of red blood cells is produced.
  • Respiratory system diseases (asthma, pneumonia, laryngitis, bronchitis). There is insufficient oxygenation of the cells because less air is supplied.
  • Neoplasms (organs of defeat: kidneys, adrenal glands, liver). The tumor leads to disruption of the functioning of organs, and the process of decomposition of old erythrocytes is also inhibited.
  • Sharp infectious diseases: whooping cough, diphtheria.
  • Aerza-Arrilag syndrome. A rare disease. Has another name: idiopathic pulmonary hypertension(ILG). The origin is unknown. There is an increase in pressure in pulmonary artery and increased pulmonary vascular resistance. The disease is accompanied by decompensation of the right ventricle of the heart, which is life-threatening.
  • Pickwick's syndrome. With pathology, there is respiratory distress, there is an increase in blood pressure. The disease is accompanied by obesity.
  • Vakez disease ( polycythemia vera(benign cancer)). A safe type of blood cancer, with the right therapy, the patient can live for decades. The disease is rare and affects the elderly.
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease. A neuroendocrine disorder arising from the excessive synthesis of corticosteroids (adrenal hormones). A rare ailment that often occurs in women.
  • Smoking. An increase in red blood cells in men is often accompanied by bad habits.

The reasons for the false and physiological increase

An increase in red cells does not always indicate pathology. Erythrocytosis is also distinguished physiological and false (or relative). The latter option occurs as a result of dehydration due to diarrhea, vomiting, burns, sweating. At the same time, the number of red cells is within the normal range, and in a drop of blood taken for analysis, there will be more of them, since the plasma content decreases. Physiological erythrocytosis results from:

  • active sports;
  • stress;
  • living high in the mountains (thin air contributes to the production of red cells so that a person does not suffer from a lack of oxygen);
  • drinking chlorinated or contaminated water;
  • beriberi (with a lack of vitamins, the body begins to vigorously produce red cells);
  • lack of enzymes responsible for the timely breakdown of food;
  • use of steroids for a long time.

The reasons for the increase in red blood cells in a child

The increase in the number of red cells in children is not pathological, but physiological in nature. One of the main reasons is intrauterine fetal hypoxia. There are a number of other factors:

  • Living in high mountain regions, with thin air, there is an increased production of red cells.
  • Physical and emotional stress, which is difficult for a child to cope with.
  • Dehydration (caused by sweating and gastrointestinal disturbances (vomiting, diarrhea)).

Symptoms of elevated red blood cells

Erythrocytosis is not an independent disease, it accompanies any ailment. If the number of red cells exceeds the permissible norm, then the pathological process will manifest itself as symptomatology:

  • redness of the skin, itching;
  • dizziness, chronic fatigue, weakness, loss of strength, headaches;
  • hypertension, nosebleeds;
  • ear ringing, muscle pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, cough;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • weight loss;
  • hormonal disbalance(An increased level of red blood cells in women is often for this reason).

Negative consequences

Erythrocytosis is dangerous by the formation of blood clots, which lead to blockage of blood vessels. Perhaps the appearance of embolism (pulmonary or cardiac), the development of a stroke, heart attack. Bleeding occurs (nose, gums). The negative effect is the itching after taking a shower. Violations are noted in the work of all tissues and organs, erythrocytosis leads to cirrhosis of the liver, leukemia. The blood becomes thick, blood supply processes deteriorate, disturbances in the functioning of the cerebral cortex occur. The patient has enlarged spleen, liver and kidneys. Respiratory failure occurs.

Causes of low red blood cell count

With a reduced concentration of red blood cells, erythropenia occurs. This condition is possible with vasculitis (immunopathological vascular inflammation). Erythropenia is absolute (the bone marrow produces little erythrocytes) and relative (the number of cells decreases due to the greater intake of fluid). The reasons that lead to this condition are as follows:

Treatment of high and low red blood cells

Erythrocytosis requires taking measures to reduce the concentration of red blood cells. It is necessary to make the blood less viscous, for this medication is used. If erythrocytosis develops against the background of ailments associated with cardiovascular or respiratory systems, then the underlying disease should be eliminated. On the background of therapy, it is useful to consume a large amount of fruits and vegetables, vitamins and trace elements are necessary for the formation of red cells, they also help them to have the correct shape, avoiding the occurrence of spherical, elliptical and sickle-shaped deformations.

It is useful to do the analysis if there are clinical symptoms illness. Only a therapist or hematologist can understand what is happening in the body, a specialist must determine the disease and prescribe treatment. Erythrocytosis occurs against the background of other pathologies, and various tests and examinations may be required to determine them, but an accurate diagnosis and correctly prescribed therapy will help to quickly solve the problem, and the red blood cells in the blood will return to normal. It is also important not to forget about preventive measures:

  1. Reduce the amount of carbonated water; if consumed in large quantities, excess red cells will appear.
  2. Do not use tap water. Chlorine and harmful compounds increase the number of red cells even after boiling.
  3. Include fresh vegetables and fruits on the menu.
  4. Normalize the work of the digestive tract. If there are problems with the assimilation of food, the number of red blood cells increases. Gases and toxic compounds that neutralize oxygen accumulate in the blood, and in order to balance everything, the bone marrow throws out additional red cells.
  5. Identify the cause of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and start timely treatment.


The rate of erythrocytes in the blood in women - important indicator health conditions. Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow of red color and are 95% hemoglobin. The remaining 5% are lipid and protein compounds. Nature has laid down the presence of a large number of erythroid cells in the body. For this reason, if their indicator differs from normal, we can safely say that there is a failure in one or another system.

Optimal values ​​of erythrocytes in women of different age groups

To find out what the rate of red blood cells is typical for women, it is necessary to consider different age groups. Thus, the norm for women at the age of 30 differs significantly from the norm at the age of 65.

Indicators of the norm of erythrocytes in girls and girls under 18 years old

Differences appear as children grow up due to the fact that girls begin to puberty, expressed by the onset of menstruation, at the time of which the number of red blood cells in girls increases.

The optimal indicators for girls from 12 to 18 years old are:

  1. Minimum - 3.50x10¹² g / l.
  2. Maximum - 5.00x10¹² g / l.

Indicators of the norm of erythrocytes in the female age group from 18 to 65 years

After reaching the age of eighteen, the number of red cells in the body of girls begins to increase. The lower limit of the norm rises to 3.9x10¹² g / l, while the upper one remains at 5.00x10¹² g / l.

The latter rbc remains constant throughout life.

However, there is a period when the data is being revised. Such a period is the waiting time for the baby, when the blood test has to be taken quite regularly.

Indicators of the norm of erythrocytes in pregnant women

When a woman becomes pregnant, her total blood volume increases several times.

For this reason, as well as due to the frequent phenomena of anemia, the number of red blood cells in the blood of a pregnant woman falls to the lower limit of the usual norm:

  • A similar condition of rbc does not cause concern among specialists only if the number of reticulocytes does not decrease.

  • Otherwise, they begin to talk about the occurrence of some pathologies in the body of a pregnant woman.

After the baby is born, general state the body is normalized, and the number of erythrocytes returns to that which was typical for a woman in labor while waiting for a baby. For this reason great importance attached to the decoding of a woman's blood test at a given period.

Indicators of the norm in women over 65 years old

In the event that the age has passed over 65 years, they talk about several other indicators of the norm. So, the minimum number of erythrocytes can be about 3.50x10¹² g / l, and the maximum will be 4.80x10¹² g / l. Such a decrease in the maximum limit of the norm is dictated by the onset of the menopausal period, as well as age characteristics organism. In the presented age period, close monitoring of rbc indicators in the blood provides a woman with protection from many problems and ailments.

Causes and symptoms of an increase in the number of red blood cells

Cells of the erythroid series increase in their number to critical indicators of the norm for several reasons.

These include:

  • heart failure and respiratory types caused by problems in the work of the heart and lungs;
  • the need to live in an area where air pollution is increased, as well as where it does not have a high oxygen content;
  • defective production of erythrocytes, in which the membrane walls are disrupted, as well as a weak enzyme system that does not replenish the human body's need for oxygen;
  • the process of clogging of the renal artery with an atherosclerotic plaque, as well as prolapse of the kidneys and their hypoxia;
  • hormone-producing kidney tumors;
  • stress, experiencing situations, which in itself increases the amount of catecholamines produced, which interfere with the normal organization of the hematopoiesis process;
  • diseases associated with insufficient activity of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland;
  • damage to the parts of the bone marrow responsible for the production of red cells.

Erythrocytosis, accompanied by an increased number of red blood cells, most often has symptoms that affect the person's appearance.

Symptoms of erythrocytosis that occur immediately include:

  • the appearance of cyanosis in the complexion of the skin;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • shortness of breath during physical exertion, which was not previously observed;
  • frequent ARVI, ARI, flu;
  • bruising for no apparent reason;
  • severe headaches;
  • emerging bleeding of the gums.

Symptoms of erythrocytosis that appear several years after the onset of the underlying disease include:

  • constantly high blood pressure;
  • changes in the color and odor of urinary secretions, especially in the morning.

Having found at least two similar symptoms, do not hesitate. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor: he will definitely send for a blood test, by the decoding of which it will be possible to judge how critical elevated condition erythroid cells.

Causes and symptoms of a decrease in the level of red blood cells in the blood

In the event that the transcript of the study shows that the rbc level is below normal, they begin to talk about erythropenia. Given the fact that it is accompanied by a reduced hemoglobin level, common disease is called "anemia". Quite often, a similar phenomenon is common among pregnant women, as well as children whose catering does not correspond to the main recommendations of specialists.

Erythropenia, like erythrocytosis, is accompanied by certain symptoms.

These include:

  • increased fatigue and drowsiness;
  • darkening in the eyes with sudden movements;
  • the appearance of weakness at the time of great physical exertion (constantly);
  • the appearance of unhealthy pallor of the skin on the face;
  • the appearance of transverse stripes on the nail plate;
  • increased dryness and fragility of hair;
  • cracks in the corners of the lips, appearing with enviable regularity.

In the event that a person has managed to find at least a few symptoms at home, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Erythropenia can lead to complications of the body, such as:

  • a global decrease in the body's immunity as a whole;
  • nervous disorders;
  • depletion of the myocardium;
  • decrease in skeletal muscle mass;
  • decreased vision;
  • violations of the normal functioning of the heart;
  • disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • early termination of pregnancy.

If a blood test showed an increased or decreased number of erythroid cells, it is necessary to contact a specialist of a narrow nature. Of course, general recommendations to improve the condition of the body and its treatment, a therapist can give, however, it is better if the patient seeks a hematologist.

If necessary, he will refer the person further - to a cardiologist, nephrologist and other specialists. Erythrocytes, the norm for a woman is the doctor's "concern". You should not self-medicate and select drugs to your taste. This is fraught with complications that can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Women are more likely to pay attention to their health than men. Having received the result of the analysis, they immediately begin to study it, hoping to learn useful information about the state of your body. The rate of erythrocytes in the blood in women is a value that reflects the total number of blood cells for healthy body... By the number of erythrocytes in the blood, one can judge the performance and well-being of a person.

What are red blood cells

All cells inside the body are important for its vital functions. They perform their functions, interact with other cells and are part of unified system organism. Erythrocytes or red blood cells in adults form in the bone marrow of the spine and skull. After completing their basic functions, cells are destroyed. Also, after physical injuries, the destruction of red blood cells occurs. Visually, this can be seen by the appearance of bruises at the site of the impact.

Functions of red blood cells in the body:

  • The transport of oxygen or the function of respiration is considered the main task of red blood cells. Moving along circulatory system cells deliver essential oxygen from the lungs to other organs and tissues. Carbon dioxide is transported back.
  • Red blood cells act as adsorbents and protect the body from the effects of toxic substances.
  • Participation in immune and autoimmune processes contributes to the improvement of general immunity.
  • In the process of circulation, blood gets to all internal organs and human tissues. Red blood cells provide the movement of nutrient amino acids to other cells.
  • Enzymes attach to the surface of red blood cells and cells take part in enzymatic metabolism.
  • Erythrocytes regulate acid-base balance.

The life cycle of cells is about 125 days. Altered cells are destroyed faster. To replace the dead erythrocytes in the body, new ones are produced. Thus, a certain balance is maintained in terms of the content of the total number of red blood cells in the body.

Allowable indicator limits

The quantitative and qualitative indicators of blood cells will help determine the general clinical analysis of blood. Delivery of the sample is carried out within the framework of the planned medical examination or as directed by your doctor.

A blood test is performed on an empty stomach in a laboratory setting.

The red blood cell count is measured in ppm and can be referred to as RBC. The percentage of blood cells in the blood (hematocrit), as a rule, is 36–42%, this value can also be indicated on the laboratory test form.

In the blood, the norm of these cells varies depending on the age category of women:

  • From the age of 12-13, girls start puberty, the body is rebuilt and the number of red blood cells in the blood changes. There is a slight decrease in these cells due to the onset of menstruation, the test results may fluctuate. The norm is 3.8–4.9 × 10 12 / l.
  • For adult women of childbearing age, the study result depends on menstrual cycle... If the sample is taken at the beginning of menstruation, there may be a slight excess of the norm due to the fact that the bone marrow is actively producing red blood cells at this time. During ovulation, the number of red blood cells decreases. The normal level is in the range of 3.5-4.7 × 10 12 / l.
  • After about 45 years, the female body begins to prepare for menopause. The normal content of erythrocytes in women also changes: 3.6–5.1 × 10 12 / l.
  • In the blood of women after 50 years, a condition is reflected, which doctors call a decline in activity. This is due to the onset of menopause, the body is rebuilt. However, despite the hormonal changes, the RBC level should not change and remains in the range of 3.6-5.1 × 10 12 / l.
  • After 60 years of absence serious illnesses and pathologies, the number of erythrocytes in the blood is 3.5–5.2 × 10 12 / l.

For women "in position" there are separate norms for the content of blood cells. What norm corresponds to the patient depends not on age, but on the trimester of pregnancy. A blood test in the 1st trimester should show 4.2-5.5 × 10 12 / l. In the second, the level of erythrocytes decreases to 3.9-4.8 × 10 12 / l. As the time of childbirth approaches, the body begins to increase the production of blood cells and their content can reach 4.1–5 × 10 12 / l. Weakening female body in the process of childbirth, it reduces erythrocytes to 3–3.5 × 10 12 / l. Over time, the balance is restored.

Exceeding the norm

As a rule, the permissible rate for the blood parameters under study is indicated next to the patient's indicators. Women can determine deviations from the norm by such an analysis result, but only a qualified doctor can understand why the indicators are increased. There are a number of reasons that cause an increased level of red blood cells (erythrocytosis).

  • Lack of oxygen caused by diseases of the heart or blood vessels leads to an increased production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. As a consequence, there is high level red blood cells.
  • Low oxygen content in the mountains or settlements with polluted air.
  • Oxygen deficiency due to blockage of the renal artery.
  • The production of altered red blood cells entails a decrease in their functionality. Deformed cells cannot fully provide oxygen exchange in the body. In this case, the body compensates for the quality with the number of cells.
  • Strong stress and excitement.

When erythrocytes in the blood are increased, the woman feels it physically. There is constant fatigue, shortness of breath after active actions, frequent headaches. Sometimes there is a change in the skin to a "cyanotic" color. Several years after the development of the disease, erythrocytosis is accompanied by an increase in pressure and abnormalities in the analysis of urine.

Red blood cells and the rate in women in terms of their total number also depends on non-medical factors (phase of the menstrual cycle, intake hormonal contraceptives etc.). Under the influence of severe stress or heavy physical work, the total blood cell count fluctuates. Heavy sweating or lack of fluid also affects blood composition. When considering the result of the analysis, all conditions that can increase or decrease the indicator should be taken into account.

Reduced level

In some cases, a blood test may show too low a red blood cell count. This condition is called erythropenia. Red blood cell deficiency can occur due to various reasons... To maintain health, it is necessary to diagnose and prescribe treatment as soon as possible.

  • Bleeding (internal or external)
  • Bone marrow damage that affects red blood cell production
  • Condition after surgery
  • Abundant periods
  • Deficiency of B vitamins
  • Lack of iron in pregnant women
  • Heavy metal poisoning
  • Malnutrition

Every girl over 18 years old must undergo a medical examination and donate blood to determine the number of red blood cells at least once a year, and after 40 years - every 6 months. With a possible risk of hereditary or exacerbation chronic diseases blood is examined 2-3 times a year or more often on the recommendation of a doctor. Women's health requires constant attention, in case of any ailments or deterioration in health, you should consult a doctor.

In contact with

A general blood test is referred to as routine research in any clinical laboratory - this is the first test that a person takes when he undergoes medical examination or when he falls ill. In laboratory work, the UAC is referred to as general clinical research methods (clinical blood test).

Even people, far from all laboratory wisdom, full of a mass of difficult to pronounce terms, had a good understanding of norms, meanings, names and other parameters until the leukocyte cell (leukocyte formula), erythrocytes and hemoglobin with a color index appeared in the answer form. The widespread settlement of medical institutions with all kinds of equipment did not pass the laboratory service, many experienced patients were at a dead end: some kind of incomprehensible abbreviation from Latin letters, a lot of different numbers, various characteristics erythrocytes and platelets ...

Decryption on your own

Difficulties for patients are a general blood test, produced by an automatic analyzer and meticulously copied into a form by the responsible laboratory assistant. By the way, the "gold standard" clinical research(the microscope and the doctor's eyes) have not been canceled, therefore any analysis performed for diagnosis must be applied to the glass, stained and viewed in order to identify morphological changes in blood cells. In the event of a significant decrease or increase in a certain population of cells, the apparatus may not cope and "protest" (refuse to work), no matter how good it is.

Sometimes people try to find the differences between a general and a clinical blood test, but there is no need to look for them, because a clinical analysis implies the same research, which for convenience is called general (this is shorter and more understandable), but the essence does not change.

General (detailed) blood test includes:

  • Definition of content cellular elements blood: - red blood cells containing the hemoglobin pigment, which determines the color of blood, and which do not contain this pigment, therefore are called white blood cells (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes);
  • Level ;
  • (in a hematological analyzer, although it can be approximately determined by eye after the erythrocytes spontaneously settle to the bottom);
  • calculated by the formula if the study was carried out manually, without the participation of laboratory equipment;
  • , which was previously called the reaction (ROE).

A general blood test shows the reaction of this valuable biological fluid to any processes occurring in the body. How much does it contain red blood cells and hemoglobin, which perform the function of respiration (transferring oxygen to tissues and removing carbon dioxide), leukocytes protecting the body from infection, participating in the clotting process, how the body reacts to pathological processes, in a word, the UAC reflects the state of the organism itself in different periods life. The term "detailed blood test" means that, in addition to the main indicators (leukocytes, hemoglobin, erythrocytes), the leukocyte formula (and cells of the agranulocytic series) is studied in detail.

It is better to entrust the decoding of the blood test to the doctor, but if there is a special desire, the patient can try to independently study the result issued in the clinical laboratory, and we will help him with this by combining the usual names with the abbreviation of the automatic analyzer.

The table is easier to understand

As a rule, the research results are entered into a special form, which is sent to the doctor or handed over to the patient. To make it easier to navigate, we will try to present a detailed analysis in the form of a table, in which we will enter the rate of blood counts. The reader in the table will also see cells such as. They are not included in the mandatory indicators of a general blood test and are young forms of red blood cells, that is, they are precursors of red blood cells. Reticulocytes are examined to determine the cause of the anemia. In the peripheral blood of an adult healthy person there are very few of them (the norm is given in the table), in newborns these cells can be 10 times more.

P / p No.IndicatorsNorm
1 Red blood cells (RBC), 10 cells at 12 degrees per liter of blood (10 12 / L, tera / liter)

4,4 - 5,0
3,8 - 4,5
2 Hemoglobin (HBG, Hb), grams per liter of blood (g / l)

130 - 160
120 - 140
3 Hematocrit (HCT),%

39 - 49
35 - 45
4 Color Index (CPU)0,8 - 1,0
5 Average erythrocyte volume (MCV), femtoliter (fl)80 - 100
6 Average hemoglobin content in erythrocyte (MCH), picograms (pg)26 - 34
7 Average erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), grams per deciliter (g / dl)3,0 - 37,0
8 Erythrocyte anisocytosis (RDW),%11,5 - 14,5
9 Reticulocytes (RET)

0,2 - 1,2
2,0 - 12,0
10 Leukocytes (WBC), 10 cells at 9 degrees per liter of blood (10 9 / l, giga / liter)4,0 - 9,0
11 Basophils (BASO),%0 - 1
12 Basophils (BASO), 10 9 / l (absolute values)0 - 0,065
13 Eosinophils (EO),%0,5 - 5
14 Eosinophils (EO), 10 9 / l0,02 - 0,3
15 Neutrophils (NEUT),%

Rod neutrophils,%
in absolute values, 10 9 / l

Segmented neutrophils,%
in absolute values, 10 9 / l

47 - 72

1 - 6
0,04 - 0,3

47 – 67
2,0 – 5,5

16 Lymphocytes (LYM),%19 - 37
17 Lymphocytes (LYM), 10 9 / l1,2 - 3,0
18 Monocytes (MON),%3 - 11
19 Monocytes (MON), 10 9 / L0,09 - 0,6
20 Platelets (PLT), 10 9 / l180,0 - 320,0
21 Average value of platelet volume (MPV), fl or μm 37 - 10
22 Platelet anisocytosis (PDW),%15 - 17
23 Thrombokrit (PCT),%0,1 - 0,4

1 - 10
2 -15

And a separate table for children

Adaptation to the new living conditions of all systems of the body of newborns, their further development in children after a year and the final formation in adolescence makes the blood parameters different from those in adults. It should not be surprising that the norms of a small child and a person who has stepped over the age of majority can sometimes differ markedly, so there is a table of normal values ​​for children.

P / p No.IndexNorm
1 Erythrocytes (RBC), 10 12 / l
first days of life
up to a year
16 years
6 - 12 years old
12 - 16 years old

4,4 - 6,6
3,6 - 4,9
3,5 - 4,5
3,5 - 4,7
3,6 - 5,1
2 Hemoglobin (HBG, Hb), g / l
first days of life (due to fetal Hb)
up to a year
16 years
6 - 16 years old

140 - 220
100 - 140
110 - 145
115 - 150
3 Reticulocytes (RET), ‰
up to a year
16 years
6 - 12
12 - 16

3 - 15
3 - 12
2 - 12
2 - 11
4 Basophils (BASO),% in all0 - 1
5 Eosinophils (EO),%
up to a year
1 - 12 years old
over 12

2 - 7
1 - 6
1 - 5
6 Neutrophils (NEUT),%
up to a year
1-6 years old
6 - 12 years old
12 - 16 years old

15 - 45
25 - 60
35 - 65
40 - 65
7 Lymphocytes (LYM),%
up to a year
16 years
6 - 12 years old
12 - 16 years old

38 - 72
26 - 60
24 - 54
25 - 50
8 Monocytes (MON),%
up to a year
1 - 16 years old

2 -12
2 - 10
9 Platelets 10 9 cells / l
up to a year
16 years
6 - 12 years old
12 - 16 years old

180 - 400
180 - 400
160 - 380
160 - 390
10 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), mm / hour
up to 1 month
up to a year
1 - 16 years old

0 - 2
2 - 12
2 - 10

It should be noted that the values ​​of the norm may differ in different medical sources and in different laboratories. This is not due to the fact that someone does not know how many certain cells should be or what normal level hemoglobin. Just, using different analytical systems and methods, each laboratory has its own reference values... However, these subtleties are unlikely to be of interest to the reader ...

Erythrocytes in a general blood test and their characteristics

Or red blood cells (Er, Er) - the most numerous group of blood cell elements, represented by non-nuclear biconcave discs ( the norm for women and men is different and is 3.8 - 4.5 x 10 12 / l and 4.4 - 5.0 x 10 12 / l, respectively). Red blood cells lead the complete blood count. Having numerous functions (tissue respiration, regulation of water-salt balance, transfer of antibodies and immunocomplexes on their surfaces, participation in the coagulation process, etc.), these cells have the ability to penetrate into the most inaccessible places (narrow and convoluted capillaries). To accomplish these tasks, erythrocytes must have certain qualities: size, shape and high plasticity. Any changes in these parameters that go beyond the norm are shown by a general blood test (study of the red part).

Red blood cells contain an important component for the body, consisting of protein and iron. It is a red blood pigment called. A decrease in erythrocytes in the blood usually entails a drop in the level of Hb, although there is another picture: there are enough red blood cells, but many of them are empty, then the content of red pigment will be low in the CBC. In order to find out and evaluate all these indicators, there are special formulas that were used by doctors before the advent of automatic analyzers. Now the equipment is engaged in such matters, and additional columns with an incomprehensible abbreviation and new units of measurement have appeared in the general blood test form:

An indicator of many diseases - ESR

It is considered an indicator (non-specific) of the most diverse pathological changes in the body, therefore this test almost never bypassed in the diagnostic search. The ESR rate depends on gender and age - absolutely healthy women it can be 1.5 times higher than this indicator in children and adult men.

As a rule, an indicator such as ESR is recorded at the bottom of the form, that is, it seems to complete a general blood test. In most cases, ESR is measured in 60 minutes (1 hour) in the Panchenkov's tripod, which is irreplaceable to this day, however, in our high-tech time there are devices that can reduce the determination time, but not all laboratories have them.

determination of ESR

Leukocyte formula

Leukocytes (Le) are a "motley" group of cells that represent "white" blood. The number of leukocytes is not as large as the content of red blood cells (erythrocytes), their normal value in an adult it fluctuates within 4.0 - 9.0 x 10 9 / l.

In the UAC, these cells are presented in the form of two populations:

  1. Cells-granulocytes (granular leukocytes), containing granules that are filled with biologically active substances (BAS): (sticks, segments, young, myelocytes),;
  2. Representatives of the agranulocytic series, which, however, can also have granules, but of a different origin and purpose: immunocompetent cells () and "orderlies" of the body - (macrophages).

The most common reason an increase in leukocytes in the blood () - an infectious and inflammatory process:

  • V acute phase the neutrophil pool is activated and, accordingly, increases (up to the release of young forms);
  • A little later, monocytes (macrophages) are included in the process;
  • The stage of recovery can be determined by the increased number of eosinophils and lymphocytes.

The calculation of the leukocyte formula, as mentioned above, is not completely trusted even by the most high-tech equipment, although it cannot be suspected of making mistakes - the devices work well and accurately, give a large amount of information, significantly exceeding that when working manually. However, there is one tiny nuance - the machine is not yet in to the fullest can see morphological changes in the cytoplasm and nuclear apparatus of the leukocyte cell and replace the doctor's eyes. In this regard, identification pathological forms nevertheless, it is carried out visually, and the analyzer is allowed to count the total number of white blood cells and divide leukocytes into 5 parameters (neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes), if the laboratory has a high-precision analytical class 3 system.

Through the eyes of man and machine

The latest generation of hematology analyzers are not only capable of performing complex analysis representatives of granulocytes, but also to differentiate cells of the agranulocytic series (lymphocytes) within the population (subpopulations of T-cells, B-lymphocytes). Doctors use their services successfully, but, unfortunately, such equipment is still the privilege of specialized clinics and large medical centers... In the absence of any hematological analyzer, the number of leukocytes can be counted by the old grandfather's method (in the Goryaev chamber). Meanwhile, the reader should not think that this or that method (manual or automatic) is necessarily better, doctors working in the laboratory monitor this, controlling themselves and the machine, and, in the slightest doubt, will offer the patient to repeat the study. So, leukocytes:

Platelet link

Next abbreviation in general analysis blood refers to cells called platelets or. The study of platelets without a hematological analyzer is quite laborious, the cells require special approach to staining, therefore, without an analytical system, this test is performed as needed, and is not a default analysis.

The analyzer, by distributing cells, like erythrocytes, calculates the total number of platelets and platelet indices (MPV, PDW, PCT):

  • PLT- an indicator indicating the number of platelets (platelets)... An increase in the content of platelets in the blood is called, a reduced level is qualified as thrombocytopenia.
  • MPV- the average volume of platelets, the uniformity of the size of the platelet population, expressed in femtoliters;
  • PDW- the width of the distribution of these cells by volume -%, quantitatively - the degree of platelet anisocytosis;
  • PCT() - analogue of hematocrit, expressed as a percentage and denotes the proportion of platelets in whole blood.

Elevated platelet count and the change one way or another platelet indices may indicate the presence of a rather serious pathology: myeloproliferative diseases, inflammatory processes infectious nature, localized in various bodies and also about the development malignant neoplasm... Meanwhile, platelet count can be increased by: physical exercise, childbirth, surgical interventions.

Decrease the content of these cells is observed in autoimmune processes, angiopathy, infections, massive transfusions. A slight drop in platelet counts is observed before menstruation and during pregnancy, however a decrease in their number to 140.0 x 10 9 / l and below should already be a cause for concern.

Does everyone know how to prepare for analysis?

It is known that many indicators (especially leukocytes and erythrocytes) vary depending on the preceding circumstances:

  1. Psycho-emotional stress;
  2. Food (digestive leukocytosis);
  3. Bad habits in the form of smoking or mindless consumption of intoxicating drinks;
  4. The use of certain medications;
  5. Solar radiation (it is undesirable to go to the beach before taking tests).

No one wants to get unreliable results, in this regard, you need to go to the analysis on an empty stomach, on a sober head and without a morning cigarette, calm down in 30 minutes, do not run or jump. People are obliged to know that in the afternoon, after exposure to the sun and during hard physical labor, some leukocytosis will be noted in the blood.

The female sex has even more restrictions, therefore, the fair half must remember that:

  • The ovulation phase raises the total number of leukocytes, but decreases the level of eosinophils;
  • Neutrophilia occurs during pregnancy (before and during childbirth);
  • The painful sensations associated with menstruation and the menstruation themselves can also cause certain changes in the test results - you will have to donate blood again.

Blood for a detailed blood test, provided that it is carried out in a hematological analyzer, is now in most cases taken from a vein, simultaneously with other analyzes (biochemistry), but in a separate test tube (vacutainer with an anticoagulant placed in it - EDTA). There are also small microcontainers (with EDTA) designed for taking blood from a finger (earlobes, heels), which are often used to take tests from babies.

The blood counts from the vein are somewhat different from the results obtained in the study of capillary blood - in the venous blood, the hemoglobin is higher, there are more erythrocytes. Meanwhile, it is believed that it is better to take KLA from a vein: cells are less injured, contact with skin, besides, the volume of taken venous blood if necessary, it allows you to repeat the analysis if the results turn out to be doubtful, or to expand the range of studies (what if it turns out that reticulocytes also need to be done?).

In addition, many people (by the way, more often adults), completely unresponsive to venipuncture, are terrified of the scarifier with which they pierce their finger, and sometimes fingers are blue and cold - blood is obtained with difficulty. The analytical system, which produces a detailed blood test, "knows" how to work with venous and capillary blood, it is programmed for different options, so it can easily "figure out" what's what. Well, if the device fails, then it will be replaced by a highly qualified specialist who will check, recheck and make a decision, relying not only on the capabilities of the machine, but also on his own eyes.

Video: clinical blood test - Dr. Komarovsky