Modern Anglicisms. Reasons for borrowing Anglicisms in modern Russian

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“Anglicisms in the modern Russian language”

Mytsyk Oksana, Russu Arina

Teacher: Khokhlova Tamara Grigorievna

Institution: Juventa Center for Intellectual Development.

  1. Main part

    1. English - Russian language contacts: stages in the history of borrowing vocabulary from in English.

    2. Stages of the borrowing process.

    3. External and internal reasons for borrowing.

    4. Sources of the appearance of Anglicisms in modern Russian language

    5. Current issues of lexical borrowings.

    6. Adaptation is phonetic, spelling, grammatical, semantic.

    7. Development of ideographic spheres.

    8. Study of language contacts.

    9. Methods of forming anglicisms.

    10. Groups of foreign borrowings.

    11. Classification of used anglicisms.

    12. The process of borrowing words.

    13. Modern Anglicisms of the 21st century.

    14. Cultural profile of the study.

    15. Social significance of English borrowings in the media.

    16. Slang.

  1. Practical part

    1. Perception of Anglicisms by the Russian-speaking population.

    2. Results of a sociological survey.

    3. The use of vocabulary of English origin in the everyday life of schoolchildren.

    4. Use of English-origin vocabulary in local media.


List of sources and literature used

The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by an expansion of the spheres of international contacts; English is becoming the language of international communication. The important political and economic role of English-speaking countries in the world, their superiority in some areas of activity contributed to the emergence of Anglicisms in the Russian language.

The tendency to use words that came from English instead of Russian ones began to appear in the 50s of the 20th century. It especially intensified in the 1980s-1990s and continues to this day. At the end of the 20th century, Anglicisms penetrated the Russian language rapidly and in large quantities. The Russian language has never experienced such a flow of foreign language vocabulary. This cannot but cause concern for the fate of the vocabulary of the language, especially now, when we are talking about the integrity of the literary language and the penetration of Anglicisms into it is alarming whether this is destroying cultural traditions and the originality of the native language. This problem worries Russian speakers not only of the older generation, but also of young people. After all, today we are closely faced with significant changes in the norms of our native language, not to mention its dominance by foreign language vocabulary.

The choice of topic is due to its relevance and importance in modern conditions. In addition, studying the problem makes it possible practical application acquired knowledge in the field of linguistics, both in English lessons and in everyday life: this is both broadening one’s horizons in general and introducing the culture of another language, in particular.
Goal of the work: identifying the specifics of the functioning of Anglicisms in the speech of the Russian-speaking population.
Object of work are borrowings of Anglicisms in the modern Russian language.
Subject of work: a study of lexical units of English origin and their derivatives in the Russian language.
To achieve the goal, the following tasks are defined:

  1. Determine the reasons for the borrowing of Anglicisms in the Russian language.

  2. Analyze the problem of borrowing words of English origin into the Russian language.

  3. Consider ways of forming Anglicisms.

  4. Classify the most commonly used Anglicisms by areas of communication.

  5. To identify the use of foreign language vocabulary in the press and speech of young people in the city of Noyabrsk and in Russia.

Methods and techniques for solving the tasks:

  1. Analysis

  2. Description, observation of a linguistic phenomenon.

  3. Systematization and classification of linguistic phenomena.

  4. Comparison

  5. Social survey, questionnaire.
1. Main part
1.English-Russian language contacts: stages in the history of borrowing vocabulary from English.

Based on the nature of contacts between Russia and English-speaking countries, several periods are distinguished in order to systematically reflect the process of borrowing lexical units from English into Russian:

1) XVI – XVII centuries: development of trade, science and technology in Russia and Western countries;

2) XVIII century: intensification of diplomatic relations between England and Russia, the emergence of a clear Anglophile orientation of government circles and the upper strata of the Russian nobility, as evidenced by the fact that among foreign languages in Russia, English ranks third in importance and prevalence after French and German;

3) 1800 – 1917: worsening relations between Russia and Great Britain, revival of Russian-English trade;

4) 1917 – 1953: a change in the ways of borrowing and the types of borrowed words, many borrowings have a negative connotation, the opposition “friend versus foe” appears, reflecting the opposition of socialism to capitalism;

5) 1954 – 1991: intensification of the borrowing process, which was caused by the thaw, small change socio-political situation and the emergence of new cultural movements;

6) from 1991 to the present: socio-political and economic changes in Russia lead to increased interest in English as a generally recognized language of science and international communication. Scientific and technological progress stimulates the development of mass media, which contributes to the penetration of Anglicisms into the lexical systems of different languages ​​of the world and gives rise to purist sentiments in these linguistic cultures.

The proposed periodization of language contacts allows us to conclude that modern stage There is an objective need to understand the state of the Russian language, which is adopting features characteristic of English linguistic culture. Therefore, right now it is important to conduct research in the field of lexicographic description of Anglicisms, which should streamline the norm and stabilize the language situation in Russia.

1.2. Stages of the borrowing process.
The borrowing process does not happen spontaneously and all at once. Following O.P. Sologub, we consider the process of borrowing as a long-term, gradual process, involving a number of stages and stages of acquisition of morphemic properties in Russian by a foreign language structural element.
O.P. Sologub identifies several such stages.

On initial stage foreign language elements stand out only as regularly repeated segments in a number of words. For example, in Russian Lately a large flow is borrowed English words with the suffix -ing- (marketing, kindnapping, holding, casting, bowling, leasing, etc.). However, on Russian soil this segment has not yet formed as a full-fledged suffix.
At the second stage a foreign language structural element is already beginning to form as an independent morpheme in the Russian language, since words that include this component are already clearly recognized in the language in terms of their composition and structure. They have not yet become widespread in the Russian language, but nevertheless their word-formation meaning has already been formed, and the producing base is distinguished and clearly recognized in the Russian language. The foreign language element -maker- (playmaker (in football), newsmaker, hitmaker, music video maker, image maker) also received a clear structure and meaning.
Third stage characterized by the further functioning of the foreign language morpheme in the Russian language.
Fourth stage the development of foreign language structural elements is characterized by a certain word-formation activity of foreign language morphemes in the Russian language, when single formations on the basis of the Russian language with the participation of Russian producing stems, often of an occasional nature, become possible.
At the fifth stage the foreign language structural element is already firmly gaining its position in the Russian language system. This can be said, for example, about the super-prefix (super-effective, super-elastic, super-negative, super-report, super-full house, super-computer - super-new, super-powerful, super-mom, super-bomb, super-personality, superhero).
At the sixth stage morphemes of foreign language origin begin to develop their word-forming activity, become more and more productive, attracting everything larger number foundations for the formation of new words, including on Russian soil, thereby expanding their meaning and developing polysemy. For example, the suffix -ist- has firmly established itself in the Russian language, since it is an extremely productive word-forming unit (journalist, metal worker, essayist, tanker, etc.)
As a result, foreign words are finally assimilated into the Russian language and are becoming increasingly widespread in various speech spheres, primarily in the language of the mass media.

1.3. External and internal reasons for borrowing
Borrowing words is a natural process of language development. Lexical borrowings enrich the language and, as a rule, do not harm its originality, since the basic vocabulary is preserved, and the grammatical structure of the language remains unchanged.

However, Anglicisms are penetrating the Russian language rapidly and in large quantities, and perhaps there is nothing wrong with the words “computer” or “byte”; they are appropriate in the Russian language. The problem is not the quality of a single word, but the number of borrowed Anglicisms. What are the reasons for such a huge flow of Anglicisms in Russian speech?

In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “Anglicism” is interpreted as follows: “A word or phrase in any language, borrowed from the English language or created on the model of an English word or expression.”

Famous linguists I.G.A. Veryanova, N.D. Agafonova, S.Yu.Adlivakina, E.G.Borisova-Lukashenets, A.Ya.Dyakov, T.K.Elizova, O.S.Mzhelskaya, E.I. Stepanova, L.P. Krysin, T.G. Linnik, E. Haugen, V.G. Kostomarov, I.O. Naumov and others today identify many reasons for the appearance of Anglicisms in the Russian language.

E Richter The main reason for borrowing words was considered:

- need for naming things and concepts.

M.A. Breiter will highlight the following reasons for borrowing:

- lack of a corresponding concept in the base of the receptor language. To the dictionary business man In the 90s, such anglicisms as badge, laptop, organizer,

timer, scanner, tuner, etc. He noted cases when borrowings were used for:

- designations of concepts new to the receptor language and not available in. For example, in a receptor language there arose a need to designate some phenomenon that is actively declaring itself in life; in one’s own language the exact word is not immediately found, but in another language there are two units that are combined in the Russian language and are suitable for naming. This is not so much borrowing as the formation of a new Russian word from non-Russian elements.

Shop tour is a term that is understandable to native Russian speakers, but it has no equivalent in English (and it cannot be called an anglicism in the full sense), because There is no practice in the West of traveling abroad to purchase a car,

therefore, the word was formed on Russian soil. The Russian travel agency Marktravel offers fur coat tours to Vilnius, replacing the English word shop with the Russian equivalent of fur coats.

Another reason for borrowing:

lack of a more precise name in the receptor language: top model, brand name, virtual, investor, sponsor, spray. The author includes in this group those borrowings that, for a number of reasons (easier to pronounce, more specific) replaced a previously mastered or native Russian language unit (price list instead of price list, image instead of image). Moreover, in some cases it is appropriate to use

only Anglicism (the image of a bank employee), in others (there are many more of them) - the image (of God, Tatyana, the beast).

L.P.Krysin emphasizes the scope of use of foreign language vocabulary and, at the same time, social aspects:

- development of the world market, economy, information technologies,

- participation in international festivals, fashion shows; foreign tourism,

- exchange of specialists, functioning of joint ventures.

In this regard, the need for intensive communication with people who use other languages ​​increases. This is an important condition for the direct borrowing of vocabulary from these languages ​​and the familiarization of Russian speakers with international terminological systems.

Analysis of theoretical material showed that the reasons for borrowing may be:

The global trend towards the internationalization of the lexical fund;

Need for a name new items, concepts and phenomena;

Lack of a corresponding (more accurate) name. 15 percent of the newest Anglicisms have firmly entered the vocabulary of a business person precisely due to the lack of a corresponding name in the receptor language;

The need to express polysemantic descriptive phrases with the help of anglicisms (thermopot-thermos and kettle in one, peeling cream - a cream that removes the top layer of skin, quiz radio - or a television game of questions and answers to various topics with prizes),

Replenishing the language with more expressive means

Perception of a foreign word as more prestigious and beautiful-sounding (presentation instead of presentation, exclusive - instead of presentation);

The need to specify the meaning of the word (sandwich - hamburger, fishburger, cheeseburger,

chickenburger, killer - professional killer, mercenary killer, player and player - are not equivalent in their semantics).

2. Sources of the appearance of Anglicisms in the Russian language

Today linguists note the following sources appearances in the language of anglicisms:

  • - advertising: the advertising genre is one of the main sources of Anglicisms in the Russian language. According to T.N. Lifshits, Anglicisms in advertising contribute to the appearance of the illusion of uniqueness,” i.e. impressions of uniqueness, significance of the advertised product or service. An important role is played by Anglicisms, the unusual and non-standard forms of which attract the attention of the consumer. In all advertising texts, Anglicisms successfully implement the function of attracting the attention of the future consumer to the advertised product. Some domestic advertisers do not have the experience that would allow them to create advertising by filling out Russian-language advertising tests with English words: steamer, roaster, trimmer, pager, immobilizer, locker, snooker, squash.

  • - Internet: the increase in the number of Internet users has led to the spread of computer vocabulary: homepage, e-mail, CDROM, bit, byte, cursor, flash drive.

  • - cinema: horror, blockbuster, western, prime time, terminator

  • - music: the perception of the USA as a center of musical fashion led to the appearance of such words as hit, single, remake, track, soundtrack, poster.

  • - sports vocabulary: bowling, diving, skateboard, snowboard, biker, shaping, fitness, curling, skeleton.

  • - cosmetic terms: lifting, scrub, peeling.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that the number of Anglicisms in the Russian language is large. Among them, there are 2 main types of borrowing:
1. Words that came into the language to name new objects, a new reality or a term that has an international character. Their use in speech is justified in most cases. Although the meaning is not always correctly understood due to ignorance of the language: mixer, toaster, inauguration, cocktail, bowling.
2.Words of foreign origin that have synonyms in Russian. Their penetration into the language creates lexical redundancy and may interfere with understanding the meaning. The presence of lexical doublets of “own” and “foreign” names is eliminated over time: one of them is established in the active composition of the language, and the other fades into the background of the language system.

That. the borrowing of Anglicisms at the end of the 20th century meets the reasons listed above.

It is sad to realize that over time, the Russian language may contain a large number of words of English origin, replacing their original Russian synonymous equivalents. This could have been avoided by using Russian synonymous words and expressions


Currently, the history of linguistics is characterized by a period of increased interest in Russian-English language contacts, and there are good reasons for this. English is rightly called “Latin of the 20th century”: about 3/4 of all borrowings in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are Anglo-Americanisms. There is a special interest in these borrowings of the last ten to fifteen years. Therefore, this work is characterized by a cultural approach to the problem indicated in the title.

Novelty this study lies in the very interpretation of the topic, hence its relevance, which is determined by the significance of the English language in the life of Russian society. The subject of the work is the study of borrowings of Anglicisms in the modern Russian language of recent decades.

The object of the study was lexical units of English origin and their derivatives. Hence, the purpose of the work is to analyze the specifics of the functioning of Anglicisms in the speech of the Russian-speaking population. The general goal determined specific research tasks:

  1. Determine the reasons for borrowing English elements into the Russian language;
  2. Analyze theoretical materials related to borrowing;
  3. Consider ways of forming Anglicisms;
  4. Classify the most commonly used Anglicisms by areas of communication;
  5. To identify the use of foreign language vocabulary in the local press and in the everyday speech of young people in Kamenka;
  6. Find out the attitude of the population towards the phenomenon under study.

To solve the above problems, the following methods and techniques were used:

  1. Descriptive method with techniques for observing linguistic phenomena;
  2. Reception of taxonomy and classification;
  3. Sociological survey, questionnaire.

1. Reasons for borrowing Anglicisms in modern Russian language

At the turn of the century, time rushes at such a speed that you don’t have time to comprehend everything new that literally appeared yesterday and this morning. The language, or rather its vocabulary, that is, its vocabulary, is changing just as rapidly. In progress historical development human languages ​​have constantly entered into and continue to enter into certain contacts with each other. Language contact is the interaction of two or more languages ​​that has some influence on the structure and vocabulary of one or more of them. Currently, the interest of linguists is focused on Russian-English language contact. Appearance large quantity foreign words of English origin, their rapid consolidation in the Russian language is explained by rapid changes in social and scientific life. Gain information flows, the emergence of a global computer system The Internet, the expansion of interstate and international relations, the development of the world market, economy, information technology, participation in Olympiads, international festivals, fashion shows - all this could not but lead to the entry of new words into the Russian language. We, Russian people, are tolerant of external influences. The openness of our society leads to a significant expansion of the horizons and knowledge of Russians, to an improvement in knowledge in the field of foreign languages. Business, trade, and cultural ties have intensified, foreign tourism has flourished; Long-term work of our specialists in institutions of other countries and the functioning of joint Russian-foreign enterprises in Russia have become commonplace. The need for intensive communication with people who use other languages ​​has increased. And this is an important condition not only for directly borrowing vocabulary from these languages, but also for introducing Russian speakers to international (and more often, created on the basis of the English language) terminological systems. Thus, the borrowing of Anglicisms at the end of the twentieth century meets the reasons listed above.

The entry of foreign language vocabulary into the Russian language interested many linguists at the beginning of the twentieth century. They listed reasons that were different in nature - linguistic, social, mental, aesthetic, etc.

After analyzing all the theoretical material, we came to the conclusion that the reasons for borrowing may be:

  1. The global trend towards the internationalization of the lexical fund;
  2. The need to name new objects, concepts and phenomena (laptop, organizer, scanner);
  3. Lack of a corresponding (more accurate) name (or its loss with borrowing) - 15% of the newest Anglicisms have firmly entered the dictionary of a business person precisely due to the lack of a corresponding name in the receptor language (sponsor, spray, digest, virtual);
  4. The need to express polysemantic descriptive phrases using anglicism (thermopot - a thermos and a kettle in one, peeling cream - a cream that removes the top layer of skin, quiz - a radio or television game of questions and answers on various topics with prizes);
  5. Replenishing the language with more expressive means (image - instead of image, price list - instead of price list, show - instead of presentation);
  6. Perception of a foreign word as more prestigious, “scientific”, “beautiful-sounding” (presentation - instead of presentation; exclusive - instead of exceptional);
  7. The need to specify the meaning of the word (sandwich - hamburger, fishburger, cheeseburger, chickenburger; killer - professional killer, mercenary killer; player and player are not equivalent in their semantics).

1.2 Methods of forming anglicisms

The range of new concepts and phenomena of Russian origin is limited.

Therefore, borrowing an already existing nomination with a borrowed concept and subject is considered more prestigious and effective. You can select the following groups foreign borrowings:

  1. Direct borrowings. The word is found in Russian in approximately the same form and with the same meaning as in the original language. These are words like weekend- weekend; black- black person; mani- money.
  2. Hybrids. These words are formed by adding a Russian suffix, prefix and ending to a foreign root. In this case, the meaning of the foreign word - source often changes somewhat, for example: ask(to ask - to ask), make a fuss(busy – restless, fussy).
  3. Tracing paper. Words of foreign origin, used while maintaining their phonetic and graphic appearance. These are words like menu, password, disk, virus, club, sarcophagus.
  4. Half tracing paper. Words that, when grammatically mastered, obey the rules of Russian grammar (suffixes are added). For example: drive - drive(drive) “There hasn’t been such a drive for a long time” - in the meaning of “fuse, energy.”
  5. Exoticisms. Words that characterize the specific national customs of other peoples and are used to describe non-Russian reality. Distinctive feature of these words is that they do not have Russian synonyms. For example: chips(chips), Hot Dog(hot dog) , cheeseburger(cheeseburger).
  6. Foreign language inclusions. These words usually have lexical equivalents, but are stylistically different from them and are fixed in one or another area of ​​communication as an expressive means that gives speech a special expression. For example: OK(OK); Wow(Wow!).
  7. Composites. Words consisting of two English words, for example: second hand– a store selling used clothing; video salon- room for watching movies.
  8. Jargonisms. Words that appeared as a result of the distortion of some sounds, for example: crazy (crazy).

Thus, neologisms can be formed according to models existing in the language, borrowed from other languages, and appear as a result of the development of new meanings for already known words.

1.3. Modern Anglicisms of the twentieth century

Recently, there has been an increase in the borrowing of foreign language vocabulary into Russian speech. This is closely related to changes in the political, economic, and cultural life of our society. The change of names in power structures indicates this, for example:

  • Supreme Council - parliament;
  • Council of Ministers – cabinet of ministers;
  • Chairman - Prime Minister;
  • Deputy - Deputy Prime Minister.

Mayors and vice-mayors appeared in cities; The Soviets gave way to administrations.

Heads of administrations have acquired their own press secretaries, who regularly speak at press conferences, send out press releases, organize briefings and exclusive interviews with their bosses. Everyone has heard of numerous economic and financial terms, such as: barter, broker, voucher, dealer, distributor, marketing, investment, futures loans. For those who love sports, new types of sports activities appear: windsurfing, arm wrestling, freestyle, skateboarding, kickboxing, and the fighter in kickboxing is replaced by the English word fighter. With the development of computerization, first in the professional environment, and then outside it, terms related to computer technology appeared: the word computer itself, as well as display, file, interface, printer, scanner, laptop, browser, website and others.

Active borrowing of new foreign language vocabulary also occurs in less specialized areas of human activity. It is enough to recall such widely used words as presentation, nomination, sponsor, video (and derivatives: video clip, video cassette, video salon), show (and derivatives show business, talk show, showman), thriller, hit, disco, disc- jockey. Many people believe foreign vocabulary more attractive, prestigious, “scientific”, “nice-sounding”. For example:

  • exclusive - exceptional;
  • top Model - best model;
  • price list - price list;
  • image - image;

Cases have been noted when borrowings were used to denote concepts that were new to the receptor language and not available in the source language: detector, virtual, investor, digest, spray, etc.

Exploring English vocabulary last decades of the twentieth century in the Russian language, we came to the conclusion: if a concept affects important areas of human activity, then the word denoting this concept naturally becomes common.

2. Cultural profile of the study

The culturological approach to the topic indicated in the title allows us not only to understand another culture, but also to improve spiritually on the basis of the new culture in its dialogue with our native one. In our work on the study of English borrowings in the Russian language, we included a wide variety of information about linguistic phenomena that school curriculum are insufficiently illuminated. Acquaintance with the culture of the country of the language being studied occurs by comparing previously existing knowledge and concepts with newly acquired ones, with knowledge about the vocabulary of one’s native language, about the sources of its formation and replenishment through units of English origin. We tried to reflect foreign language vocabulary as part of the Russian language, which includes borrowings from the category of “old”, already known to native speakers, and not perceived as foreign (analysis of the local newspaper “Prichulymsky Vestnik”, see Appendix No. 2). Particularly noteworthy are terms that reflect the current level of knowledge (see Appendix No. 1) and non-terminological, everyday vocabulary that is at different stages of development (see Appendix No. 3).

Comparing our language and someone else’s, we highlight the general and the specific, which contributes to unification, rapprochement, development of understanding and good attitude towards the country, its people and their language.

2.1. Social significance of English borrowings in the media

Borrowings, being for the most part bookish or special words, are used mainly in the genres of book speech, in texts of a scientific and technical nature. Recently, modern media have become the main source of linguistic material. Scrolling through newspapers or watching TV, any person inevitably encounters many words of English origin. As a rule, all these words found on the pages of newspapers and magazines can be divided into three groups:

  1. Words that have synonyms in Russian and are often incomprehensible to people, for example : monitoring– synonym for “observation”. The use of these words in many cases is not necessary and often only complicates the perception and understanding of the text.
  2. Words that usually do not have synonyms in Russian. They have taken root a long time ago, everyone understands them, and many people don’t even think about the fact that these words came to us from the English language, for example: athlete, football problem.
  3. Words printed in English newspapers in English letters. These words are even more incomprehensible to most people, for example: Non-stop.

We analyzed a number of newspaper materials (“Prichulymsky Vestnik” - all issues for October 2005) and found that most often words of English origin are used in the sections:

Articles on political and economic topics;
- articles about music;
- sports articles;
- articles about science and technology.

We also conducted a sociological survey among residents of Kamenka. The survey was conducted by telephone. We asked the question:

Are you satisfied with abundance? foreign words English origins in the media?

96 people were interviewed. Among them are people of different ages. Our survey gave the following results: 55% - no; 35% - yes; 10% - I don't know.

When asked why they didn’t like it, the majority, especially older people and children, cited insufficient knowledge of the English language. Many people are irritated by the use of English words that have quite suitable synonyms in Russian, and the ostentatious use of English words for headlines and section titles in newspapers to attract attention and for the purpose of creating advertising.

2.2. Results of a sociological survey (level of popularity of the subject “English” among students in grades 5-11)

In any city, all schools offer foreign language lessons. It is no secret that English is in first place in popularity among foreign languages. We decided to see how the students of our school relate to this language. Students in grades 5-11 were given a questionnaire.

A total of 70 people took part in the survey.

After analyzing all the responses received, we received the following data.

To the question: “ Do you like learning English? Why?" Some students (17%) could not answer clearly. At the same time, the vast majority enjoy learning English.

Results of the issue analysis: “Is English easy for you?” led us to the following conclusions. Among those who enjoy learning English, there are also those who find it difficult and do not understand it. We believe that understanding a language plays a big role in one's attitude towards it. Perhaps that is why there are so many ambiguous answers to the first question.

Answers to the question: “Should every student learn English?” we analyzed from the perspective of attitudes towards the English language. The overwhelming majority of respondents (85%) are in favor of learning a foreign language, as they believe that English is necessary (it will be useful at university, when working with a computer, when communicating with a foreigner). Thus, the work done made it possible to establish a relationship between the attitude towards a foreign language in the process of learning it and the level of its understanding, and hence the acceptance and understanding of another, in particular, Anglo-American culture. After conducting the research, we became convinced that the culture of other countries, in particular the Anglo-American one, inevitably penetrates many areas of life even in such a small village as Kamenka and causes ambiguous attitudes towards it.

The use of vocabulary of English origin in the everyday life of schoolchildren

The passion for Anglicisms has become a kind of fashion; it is due to the stereotypes and ideals created in youth society. By adding English borrowings to their speech, young people in a certain way become familiar with American culture and lifestyle. There are also social differences in attitudes towards English terminology, especially new ones. People of the older generation, on average, are less tolerant of other people's vocabulary than young people; As the level of education increases, borrowing becomes easier to master. Anglicisms used by young people give them higher recognition in certain circles, emphasizing their level of awareness and their superiority over others. Foreign words in the speech of young people can play the role of original quotations: a term belonging to some special field can be quoted, deliberately played out, distorted. It is in this group that the Russian or simply incorrect reading of the English word takes place. Sometimes a mistake becomes so attractive that it takes hold of the masses.

Accordingly, the origin of these words is associated with sound distortion in the process of mastering these borrowings. A kind of play with sounds takes place.

Such words are formed by subtracting, adding, or moving some sounds in the original English term. The speech of young people easily incorporates English units, for example: shoes from shoes - shoes; superman from superman - superman; haer from hair - hair (patlas).

Our school teaches two foreign languages, one of which is English. Eighty students from grades 3 to 11 were under our observation. Our task was to include in the object of consideration English elements occupying different positions on the mastery scale.

With the development of computer technology, English words are increasingly replenishing the vocabulary of schoolchildren. Many of the existing professional terms are cumbersome and inconvenient for daily use.

Therefore, there is a desire to shorten and simplify the word, for example:

Motherboard ( motherboard) – “mother”;

CD-Rom Drive (laser disc drive) – for young people

the equivalent of “sidyushnik” appeared. Recently there has also been a craze for computer games, which again has served as a powerful source of new words.

The exclamation “Wow!” has become very common among young people, expressing the emotion of amazement or delight.


The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the consideration of problems associated with the theory and practice of borrowings is especially significant in modern conditions, since today serious concerns are being expressed about the powerful influx of borrowings, which can lead to the devaluation of the Russian word. But language is a self-developing mechanism that can cleanse itself, get rid of the superfluous and unnecessary. This also happens with foreign words, the borrowing of which was presented during the study.

In general, foreign language terminology is a very interesting linguistic phenomenon, the role of which in the Russian language is very significant. English-Russian language interaction constantly attracts research attention aimed at studying the general influx of foreign language vocabulary into the Russian language. The practical value of this work is that this material can be used in the process of teaching English and Russian languages ​​in schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums. In these educational institutions, it is necessary to carry out systematic work to instill in schoolchildren a culture of handling foreign words and good language taste. And good taste is the main condition for the correct and appropriate use of linguistic means, both foreign and one’s own.

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In recent decades, in speech modern man Many words have appeared, the meanings of which are not always known to a wide range of people. In oral and writing the use of foreign words has increased, most of which are borrowed from English. All media are literally flooded with Anglicisms.

Becoming market relations, the emergence of foreign goods on wide sale, the formation of joint ventures, the development of the latest information and computer technologies, and the emergence of the global Internet have influenced the popularity of the English language.

While communicating with friends, I noticed that their speech often contains English words, which are often not understood by everyone. For example: aggro (get angry, from the English angry - angry, angry), play (play, from the English game), use (use, from the English use), swipe (slide your finger across the screen, from the English swype - slide) . Many words of English origin are found in textbooks, as well as in newspapers and magazines, and in the speech of radio and television announcers. And I wondered how many words from the English language are used in the Russian language, and whether all of them are used justifiably. Therefore the topic research work I chose “Anglicisms in the modern Russian language.”

Relevance The topic is determined by the increased popularity of the English language and the interest of Russian society in it.

Practical significance The work consists in the possibility of using the material and results of this study to improve the educational level in Russian language lessons, English lessons and in extracurricular activities.

Field of study- vocabulary of the Russian language.

Subject of study- words borrowed from English.

Purpose This work is to identify modern English borrowings in the Russian language and study the features of their use. To achieve this goal, the following had to be decided tasks:

    study the literature on the research topic;

    identify the reasons for the borrowing of Anglicisms in the modern Russian language;

    analyze the ways of forming Anglicisms,

    find examples of Anglicisms in the media;

    classify borrowings by topic;

    conduct a sociological survey among school students and find out the attitude of peers towards the phenomenon under study;

    using the research material to identify justified and unjustified borrowings.

Hypothesis: the use of Anglicisms in Russian is not always justified.

To conduct this study we used methods:






  • generalizations;

    Anglicisms in modern Russian language

First of all, it is necessary to consider the concept itself and answer the question: what are Anglicisms? Anglicisms are English words or expressions that are borrowed from other languages. Ozhegov S.I. gives the following definition: Anglicism - “a word or figure of speech in any language, borrowed from the English language or created on the model of an English word or expression.”

English loanwords are lexical units that are taken from the English or American literary language. L.P. Krysin notes that: “Borrowing is generally considered to be:

    the transition of elements of one language into the system of another language as a consequence of more or less long-term contacts between these languages;

    a word or phrase that entered the language as a result of such a transition.”

Neologisms used in Russian are for the most part words of foreign origin that came into the modern Russian language along with new objects and concepts. Foreign words make up 10% of commonly used vocabulary, the main part of which are nouns.

Anglicisms can be recognized by the following signs:

    paired consonants at the end of a word: diving (k), imizhd (tsh);

    dividing soft sign: sec b legality;

    letters e, e: ri uh ltor, post e R;

    presence of combinations tch, j: ma tch, j az;

    unchecked vowels and consonants: pr O Wider;

    final combinations ing, men, er: mit ing, superm en, time er.

    Reasons for borrowing Anglicisms

Anglicisms began to penetrate the Russian language at the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries, but until the 90s of the 20th century their influx into the vocabulary of the Russian language remained insignificant. At this time, an intensive process of borrowing both words for which there were no corresponding concepts in the native language, and the replacement of Russian lexical units with English ones began.

There are several reasons for the penetration of English words and expressions into the Russian language and their successful adaptation. In the 90s of the last century, along with the collapse of the USSR, a stream of American and European films and music poured into Russia. Business, trade, and cultural ties have intensified, and foreign tourism has flourished. Long-term work of our specialists in institutions of other countries and the emergence of joint Russian-foreign enterprises in Russia have become commonplace. It was from this period that the active use of Anglicisms began.

The appearance of a large number of foreign words of English origin and their rapid consolidation in the Russian language is explained by rapid changes in social and scientific life.

Strengthening information flows, the emergence of the Internet, the expansion of interstate relations, the development of the world market, economy, information technology, participation in Olympics, international festivals, fashion shows - all this could not but lead to the appearance of new words and concepts in the Russian language.

After analyzing the theoretical material, we can conclude that reasons for borrowing can be:

    The need to name new objects, concepts and phenomena (printer, laptop, scanner).

    Lack of a corresponding (more accurate) name in Russian (sponsor, spray).

    The need to express polysemantic descriptive phrases using anglicism (thermal pot - thermos and kettle in one).

    Replenishment of the language with more expressive means (image instead of image).

    Perception of a foreign word as more prestigious and beautiful-sounding (presentation instead of representation).

    The need to specify the meaning of the word (killer - professional killer, mercenary killer).

    Methods of forming anglicisms

Based on the methods of forming anglicisms, the following groups of borrowings from the English language can be distinguished:

    Direct borrowings- words that appear in the Russian language in approximately the same form and with the same meaning as in the original language. For example: weekend (weekend) - weekend, money (money) - money, teenager (teenager) - teenager.

    Hybrids- words formed by adding a Russian suffix, prefix or ending to a foreign root. For example: creative (creative), ask (ask - ask).

    Tracing paper- words used while maintaining their phonetic and graphic appearance. For example: football, menu, disk.

    Exoticisms- words that characterize the customs of other peoples and do not have Russian synonyms. For example: cheeseburger, chips, hot-dog.

    Foreign inclusions. These words usually have lexical equivalents, but are stylistically different from them and are fixed in one or another area of ​​communication as an expressive means that gives speech a special expression. For example: wow (Wow!), okay (OK).

    Composites - words consisting of two English words. For example: supermarket, secondhand.

    Jargon - words that appeared as a result of the distortion of any sounds and exist for the rapid transmission of information in certain circles of people. For example: easy (easy), cool (clever) - smart, crazy (crazy) - crazy, crazy.

    Classification of Anglicisms

Borrowings are most often used in scientific and technical texts. One of the sources of English borrowings is modern media. Reading newspapers and magazines, sitting in front of a TV or computer screen, you constantly come across words of English origin. Having analyzed the materials of the newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Arguments and Facts”, “Altaiskaya Pravda”, “Talmenskaya Zhizn”, magazines for teenagers “I’m 15” and “Romeo and Juliet” for 2016, I found 179 Anglicisms in them.

After distributing the words by topic, it turned out that most of them are socio-political vocabulary (36 words) and vocabulary from the field of art, fashion (31 words), and youth vocabulary (41 words). This is followed by technology, computer science (28 words), sports (19 words), professions (13 words). The least number of words were found related to the topics “Food” and “Advertising” (see Appendix 1).

Based on the thematic classification, we can conclude that the largest number of Anglicisms that have come to us in the Russian language are nouns and were borrowed mainly as the names of new objects, professions, and services.

    Results of a sociological survey

To find out their attitude to the problem of Anglicisms, teenagers were asked to answer questions in a questionnaire (Appendix 2). 98 students in grades 5-11 of the municipal educational institution "Srednesibirskaya sosh" of the Talmensky district of the Altai Territory were surveyed. Conclusions from the survey:

    Most schoolchildren use Anglicisms when communicating

    Reasons for using Anglicisms:

making conversation easier - 49%

maintaining a conversation - 28%

learning English - 23%

    Most often words of English origin are used

when communicating with friends - 24%

    In everyday life, respondents encounter Anglicisms

on the Internet - 58%

in stores - 15%

    The most used words in the speech of school students:

Internet - 23%

computer - 19%

smartphone - 11%

shopping - 9%

respect - 5%

relaxation - 4%

    According to students, it is impossible to do without Anglicisms in the following areas:

computer technology - 47%

household appliances - 24%

    Justified and unjustified borrowings

Throughout the history of a language, new words constantly appear in its composition, but not all of them are fixed in its vocabulary. Some new words can no longer be thrown out of your tongue; they have acquired social significance. The remaining words undergo significant changes, adapting to the phonetic, grammatical and lexical system of the language. We can say that Anglicisms occupy a strong position in the Russian language. Our task is to learn how to use them correctly.

Considering the problem of borrowings in the Russian language, all Anglicisms can be divided into two groups: justified borrowings and unjustified borrowings.

Justified is a borrowing, which means in a language a concept that did not previously exist in it. For example, a computer, a mixer, a toaster. These things came into our world, and along with them, words denoting them appeared in the Russian language. The vast majority of borrowed words remain in use when there is a communicative need for them. Most often, justified borrowings are found in medicine, science and technology.

Thus, justified borrowings enrich the language with new concepts.

Unjustified A borrowing is a word that is introduced into the language as a synonym to define a particular concept, despite the fact that Russian words defining this concept are already available. For example: manager (manager), babysitter (nanny), teenager (teenager), present (gift), login (password).

Unnecessary English borrowings are now used by politicians, radio and television announcers, entrepreneurs, and young people. Some people use them in order to look more impressive, smarter in the eyes of others, others blindly follow all the new products, without thinking about the appropriateness of using certain words.

The ability to correctly use borrowed words in speech indicates the speaker’s respect for his language. The fashion for prestigious foreign words often leads to language clogging and hinders understanding.

In accordance with the results of the study, it should be noted that, along with words denoting new objects, processes, and concepts, words appear in the Russian language whose borrowing was not necessary.

So ours the hypothesis was confirmed .


The relevance of the study is that consideration of the problem of English borrowings in the Russian language in modern conditions is especially significant. There is concern about a powerful influx of borrowings, which could lead to the devaluation of the Russian language. But language is a self-developing mechanism that can clean itself, get rid of unnecessary, superfluous things. This also happens with foreign words, the borrowing of which is unjustified. .

Using knowledge of theoretical material related to the study of the object, viewing the media and studying the speech of students at our school in everyday life, the assigned tasks were completed:

    analyzed material related to the research topic;

    ways of forming Anglicisms are considered;

    a classification of foreign language vocabulary was made;

    the frequency of use of Anglicisms in the media was identified;

    a dictionary of the most commonly used words of English origin in the everyday life of students in our schools has been compiled

Thanks to this study, we come to the conclusion that currently the process of borrowing from English into Russian is intensifying. On the one hand, this process is inevitable, but on the other hand, the cultural basis of the language must be preserved. Therefore, Anglicisms must meet the following requirements:

    any borrowing must be necessary if it is impossible to do without it in the Russian language;

    a foreign word must be used correctly and precisely in the meaning that it has in the language source;

    it must be understandable to those who use it.


    Krysin L.P. Foreign words in modern life // Russian language of the late 20th century. - M., 1996

    Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language - M., 2003

    Newspapers: “Arguments and Facts”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Altaiskaya Pravda”, “Talmenskaya Zhizn”

    Magazines: "Romeo and Juliet", "I'm 15"

    Electronic dictionary Wikipedia [electronic resource]. - http//

Annex 1

Classification of Anglicisms

Society, politics (36)

Parliament, president, prime minister, deputy prime minister, mayor, governor, department, leader, speaker, rally, press conference, resident, coordinator, rating, briefing, summit, broker, default, experiment, grand, investor, investment, volunteer , shopping, certificate, brand, business, import, holding, distributor, dealer, tender, office, holding, barter, business.

Art, fashion (31)

Image, image maker, make-up, lifting, peeling, piercing, scrub, spray, top model, art design, DJ, casting, production, superstar, thriller, show, presentation, decoration, composer, video clip, music video maker, showman , remake, block buster, body art, hit, cardigan, top, stretch.

Youth vocabulary (41)

People, loser, outsider, campus, boyfriend, teenager, gamer, nickname, bike, biker, skinhead, rap, college, mobile, trend, label, super, relax, respect, videos, like, weekend, selfie, party, smiley, drive, happy ending, shoes, hair, SMS, corporate party, picnic, hype, hate, aggro, swipe, gamble, food, stream, use, user.

Engineering, computer science (28)

Toaster, mixer, blender, cooler, air conditioner, speedometer, trailer, timer, computer, printer, scanner, processor, browser, interface, laptop, Internet, display, monitor, website, file, blog, login, online, click, browser, cartridge, gadget, hacker.

Sports (19)

Fitness, skeleton, street racer, diving, bowling, biker, sprinter, marathon, match, penalty kick, snowboarding, arm wrestling, forward, bodybuilding, windsurfing, freestyle, kickboxing, timer, water park.

Profession (13)

Merchandiser, manager, security, washer, cleaning company, broker, realtor, provider, ecologist, designer, farmer, businessman.

Banner, poster, bestseller, slogan, copywriter, marketing, label.

Food (5)

Fast food, hot dog, sandwich, cheeseburger, chips.

Appendix 2

Sociological survey among students of the municipal educational institution "Central Siberian Secondary School"

    Do you use words of English origin when communicating with friends?

    For what purpose do you use Anglicisms in your speech?

To make conversation easier -

To learn English -

To keep the conversation going -

Another variant -

    In what situations do you most often use words of English origin?

When communicating with friends -

Another variant -

    Where in everyday life do you encounter Anglicisms?

In the Internet -

In shops -

Another variant -

    What words of English origin do you use in your speech?

    In what areas, in your opinion, can we do without borrowing?

Completed by: Dudrova Polina, student of class 7A

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 19 of Stavropol

Head: Grazhdankina Yulia Nikolaevna,

English teacher

Anglicisms in modern Russian language


Introduction page 3

1. Reasons for borrowing Anglicisms

in modern Russian p. 4

2. Methods of forming Anglicisms p.

3. Modern Anglicisms of the twentieth centuryIcentury

Conclusion page 13

Bibliography page 14


Currently, the history of linguistics is characterized by a period of increased interest in Russian-English language contacts, and there are good reasons for this. English is rightly called “Latin of the 20th century”: about ¾ of all borrowings in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are Anglo-Americanisms. There is a special interest in these borrowings of the last ten to fifteen years.

The novelty of this study lies in the very interpretation of the topic, hence itsrelevance , which is determined by the importance of the English language in the life of Russian society.

Subject of work is a study of borrowings of Anglicisms in the modern Russian language of recent decades.

Asobject of study served as lexical units of English origin and their derivatives. From herepurpose of work is an analysis of the specifics of the functioning of Anglicisms in the speech of the Russian-speaking population. The general goal determined specific researchtasks:

1. Determine the reasons for borrowing English elements into the Russian language;

2. Analyze theoretical materials related to borrowing;

3. Consider ways of forming Anglicisms;

4. Classify the most commonly used Anglicisms by areas of communication;

When solving the above problems, the following were usedmethods and techniques :

1. Descriptive method with techniques for observing linguistic phenomena;

2. Method of taxonomy and classification;

1. Reasons for borrowing Anglicisms in modern times

Russian language

At the turn of the century, time rushes at such a speed that you don’t have time to comprehend everything new that literally appeared yesterday and this morning. Language, or rather its vocabulary, that is, its vocabulary, is changing just as rapidly. In the process of historical development, human languages ​​have constantly entered into and continue to enter into certain contacts with each other.Language contact is the interaction of two or more languages ​​that has some influence on the structure and vocabulary of one or more of them.

Currently, the interest of linguists is focused on Russian-English language contact. The appearance of a large number of foreign words of English origin and their rapid consolidation in the Russian language is explained by rapid changes in social and scientific life. Strengthening information flows, the emergence of the global computer system of the Internet, the expansion of interstate and international relations, the development of the world market, economy, information technology, participation in Olympiads, international festivals, fashion shows - all this could not but lead to the entry of new words into the Russian language. We, Russian people, are tolerant of external influences. The openness of our society leads to a significant expansion of the horizons and knowledge of Russians, to an improvement in knowledge in the field of foreign languages. Business, trade, and cultural ties have intensified, foreign tourism has flourished; Long-term work of our specialists in institutions of other countries and the functioning of joint Russian-foreign enterprises in Russia have become commonplace. The need for intensive communication with people who use other languages ​​has increased. And this is an important condition not only for directly borrowing vocabulary from these languages, but also for introducing Russian speakers to international (and more often, created on the basis of the English language) terminological systems.

Thus, the borrowing of Anglicisms at the end of the twentieth century meets the reasons listed above.

2. Methods of forming Anglicisms

The range of new concepts and phenomena that have Russian origin, limited. Therefore, borrowing an already existing nomination with a borrowed concept and subject is considered more prestigious and effective. The following groups of foreign borrowings can be distinguished:

    Direct borrowings.

The word is found in Russian in approximately the same form and with the same meaning as in the original language. These are words likeweekend- weekend;black- black person;money- money.

    Hybrids .

These words are formed by adding a Russian suffix, prefix or ending to a foreign root. In this case, the meaning of the foreign word - source often changes somewhat, for example: to ask (to ask), buzz (busy - restless, fussy)

    Tracing paper.

Words of foreign origin, used while maintaining their phonetic and graphic appearance. These are words like menu -menu, password -password, disk -dick, virus -virus, club –club.

    Half tracing paper.

Words that, when grammatically mastered, obey the rules of Russian grammar (suffixes are added). For example: drive - drive (drive) “There hasn’t been such a drive for a long time” - in the meaning of “fuse, energy.”

    Exoticisms .

Words that characterize the specific national customs of other peoples and are used to describe non-Russian reality. A distinctive feature of these words is that they do not have Russian synonyms. For example: chips, hot dog, cheeseburger

    Foreign language inclusions .

These words usually have lexical equivalents, but are stylistically different from them and are fixed in one or another area of ​​communication as an expressive means that gives speech a special expression. For example: okay (OK); wow (Wow!).

    Composites .

Words consisting of two English words, for example: second-hand(secondhand) – a store selling used clothing; video salon (video- salon) - a room for watching films.

    Jargonisms .

Words that appeared as a result of the distortion of some sounds, for example: crazy (crazy).

Thus, neologisms can be formed according to models existing in the language, borrowed from other languages, and appear as a result of the development of new meanings for already known words.

3. Modern Anglicisms of the twentieth century I century

Recently, there has been an increase in the borrowing of foreign language vocabulary into Russian speech. This is closely related to changes in the political, economic, and cultural life of our society. The change of names in power structures indicates this, for example:

Supreme Council - parliament;

Council of Ministers – cabinet of ministers;

Chairman - Prime Minister;

Deputy - Deputy Prime Minister.

appeared in the citiesmayors, vice-mayors; adviсe gave wayadministrations . Heads of administrations acquired their ownpress - secretaries who regularly perform atpress conferences, send outpress releases , organizebriefings and exclusive interviews their bosses. Everyone is familiar with numerous economic and financial terms, such as:barter, broker, voucher, dealer, distributor, marketing, investment, futures loans, etc.

For those who love sports, new types of sports activities are appearing:windsurfing, arm wrestling, freestyle, skateboarding, kickboxing, and the fighter in kickboxing is replaced by the anglicism fighter. With the development of computerization, first in the professional environment and then outside it, terms related to computer technology appeared: the word itselfcomputer , anddisplay, file, interface, printer, scanner, laptop, browser , website and others.

Active borrowing of new foreign language vocabulary also occurs in less specialized areas of human activity. It is enough to recall such widely used words aspresentation, nomination, sponsor, video (and derivatives:video clip, video cassette, video salon), show (and derivativesshow business, talk show, showman ), thriller, hit, disco, disc jockey.

Many people consider foreign vocabulary more attractive, prestigious, “scholarly,” and “beautiful-sounding.” For example:

exclusive – exceptional;

top Model – the best model;

price list – price list;

image - image;

There have been cases when borrowings were used to denote concepts that are new to the receptor language and not available in the source language:detector, virtual, investor, digest, spray etc.

Studying the English vocabulary of the last decades of the twentieth century in the Russian language, we came toconclusion : if a concept affects important areas of human activity, then the word denoting this concept naturally becomes common.


The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the consideration of problems associated with the theory and practice of borrowings is especially significant in modern conditions, since today serious concerns are being expressed about the powerful influx of borrowings, which can lead to the devaluation of the Russian word. But language is a self-developing mechanism that can cleanse itself, get rid of the superfluous and unnecessary. This also happens with foreign words, the borrowing of which was presented during the study. Using knowledge of theoretical material related to the study of the object, and examining the speech of schoolchildren of MOUSOSH No. 19 in everyday life, we completed the tasks:

1. analyzed the material related to the research topic;

2. examined the sources of formation of Anglicisms;

3. gave an overview of the classifications of foreign language vocabulary activated nowadays.

In general, foreign language terminology is a very interesting linguistic phenomenon, the role of which in the Russian language is very significant. English-Russian language interaction constantly attracts research attention aimed at studying the general influx of foreign language vocabulary into the Russian language.


1. M.A. Breiter Anglicisms in the Russian language: history and prospects: A manual for foreign students of Russian studies. Vladivostok: Dialogue Publishing House, 1995

2.G.O.Vinokur Notes on Russian word formation.-M., 1996

3. L.P. Krysin Foreign words in modern life // Russian language of the late twentieth century. - M., 1996

4. L.P. Krysin Foreign words in modern Russian. - M.: Education, 1968

5.E.A.Burova Lexical Gallicisms in the modern Russian language. Rostov-on-Don, State Economic University, 2004

6.A.I.Dyakov Reasons for the intensive borrowing of Anglicisms in the modern Russian language. - “Language and Culture”. - Novosibirsk, 2003

7. Modern dictionary of foreign words. "Russian language", 1992