Speed \u200b\u200bprint. Check the text set speed on the keyboard using online services

With a long work with a computer, the user begins to notice that the text that is typked by it is written almost without errors and quickly. But how to check the speed of the set of characters on the keyboard without resorting to third-party programs or applications?

The print speed is usually measured by the written number of characters and words per minute. It is these criteria that make it possible to understand how well the person works well with the keyboard and texts that dials. Below are three online services that will help the usual user to find out how good his skill work with the text is.

Method 1: 10fingers

The 10fingers online service is fully aimed at improving and learning a person's skills on a set of text. It has both a test for a set of a certain number of characters, and a joint set of text that allows you to compete with friends. The site also has a huge selection of languages \u200b\u200bin addition to Russian, but the disadvantage is that it is completely in English.

In order to check the speed of the set, it is necessary:

Method 2: Rapidtyping

Raridtyping site is made in a minimalist, careful style and has no large number Tests, but it does not prevent him from being convenient and understandable for the user. The verifier can select the number of characters in the text to increase the complexity of the set.

To take a test test speed test, follow these steps:

Method 3: All 10

All 10 are an excellent online service for user certification that can help him when a device for work, if he test very good. The results obtained can be used as an application to a summary, or proof that you have improved your skills and want to increase. The test is allowed to undergo an unlimited number of times, improving its skills in the text set.

To go through certification and check your skills, you must perform the following steps:

All three online services are very simple in handling and understanding by the user, and even the English interface in one of them will not prevent a test for measuring the text dialing speed. They have almost no shortcomings, sticks that would interfere with a person in checking their skills. The most important thing is that they are free and do not require registration if the user does not need additional functions.

Most often, the unit of measurement of the dialing speed is the number of signs scored in 1 minute of time. Print speed measured in signs per minute, on english language denotes how CPM. CHARACERS PER MINUTE). So, if a person prints text in a length of 250 characters in 60 seconds, this corresponds to a speed of 250 VN / min or 250 CPM.

Sometimes the set speed is measured in shuffles per minute, given not only signs, but also pressing the auxiliary keys, like SHIFT and ALT. Such a unit of measurement was used for printed machines. It is important to note that on different computer keyboards or layouts, the set of one and the same text will be carried out with different quantity Clicks to auxiliary keys.

It is not necessary to confuse the print speed measured in signs per minute, and the print speed measured in blows per minute is different values.

In America, the unit of measurement is words, not signs. Such a print speed is indicated as WPM. (Words Per Minute). Good speed is considered to be from 50 cl / min to 80 cl / min. Average For one word in English-speaking countries - 5 characters, which is definitely not suitable for the Russian language, where the average word length is 7.2. Therefore, let's stop at signs per minute.

On one page of A4 format, text containing about 1,800 characters printed by the 14th Times New Roman font with a half-time interval between the rows. Suppose your print speed is 150 zn / min. This is the average result. With this speed in 1 hour, 5 pages of the text of the A4 format will be printed. Let's make a comparative table to see how many pages can be printed in 60 minutes of continuous set at different print speeds:

600 characters per minute and twenty pages in 1 hour. Such speed may seem incredible, but everything is not so difficult. Having mastered the method of the blind printing itself, you can work, trying to overcome your threshold of speed from time to time. Each time it becomes easier and easier, and the speed of 500-600 signs per minute is achieved by some people for six months.

How to check the speed of printing?

Of course, 940 zn / min - the rate is exceptional. But any person who has mastered the ten-legged braid print method can reach a speed of 300-400 zn / min in a couple of months, as you would slowly printed. And you can easily check the dialing speed right now. Take your favorite book from the shelf and print any of its fragment within 1 minute. Having finished, consider the number of characters scored. This will be your speed in signs per minute.

To get a more objective result, print not 1 minute, and 3-5 minutes. In this case, the print speed will be calculated by the formula <кол-во набранных знаков> / <кол-во минут> .

And if you want to check the print speed right now, you can pass the print speed test online.

Print speed championships on keyboard

Numerous championships by fast seal Every year held around the world. The largest competition takes place in Prague under the auspices of the World Internation and Communication Processing. The minimum allowable set speed for participants is 200 zn / min, and it is possible to be mistaken only in 1 symbol out of 100. The conditions may seem too strict, but not for those who own the blind method.

Who knows, maybe soon and you can fight in Prague for the first place?

Hello everyone. Writes Denis Cow.

And you check the text set speed per minute? If not, it's time to check yourself here - https://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/russian, and write the results below!

Personally, I never checked my text set speed on the keyboard. I am writing and writing, knowing that the speed of the set is kind of normal. In general, it became interesting, and decided to check myself in business ...

Here are my results ten fingers. I do not know howst))

My result is 327 keystrokes 63 words per minute, 3 incorrect words. Can you faster?

I think a very relevant marathon for bloggers who write texts quite often. Because, the more often the text is written, the results will be higher.

But there is still important moments. Obviously there is a limit for a set of recruitment for those who do not own the blind method. Probably it will be 150-200 characters per minute. What is also a very good result!

Also, the dialing speed depends on those factors - as far as the familiar text is typing, print it from the book, or can write directly from the head, your thoughts.

So, if you dial yourself completely, then what I think now - then the results will be the highest. I did not check myself on this method, but I think up to 500 keystrokes, you can make sure you can approach, if you prepare a little morally))

An unfamiliar text, as on the screen above, I think it is not real for me to beat above 370 keystrokes. Especially accuracy can be below 90%. It will clearly be mistakes. Because here, you have to hurry, and you will still be mistaken.

Also, I noticed a small glitch from a text set online on that service. The fact is that some letters change already along the way, or do not have time to change. Then how did you enter the word correctly. And for some reason it shows not true. You will see it yourself. Be sure to write your result below ...

p.S. To improve the skills of the set, and learn to the blind method of printing, at one time I studied according to the Solo program on the keyboard - Shahyjanyan (find on the network). She passed more than 10 years ago. Overlooking for about 2 months simply doing 1 hour per day. Therefore, you can also go on this path too, and improve the results in the very near future. It will come in handy!

Proper printing on the keyboard How to check and improve

Dear readers of the site of all-work. Today I would like to talk about such an important PC user property and copywriter as text Set Speed \u200b\u200bon Keyboard. Many of you would like to improve your text print speed or check, at what speed you dial text. In this article we will try to give answers to all these questions.




What should be the print speed on the keyboard

Let's start our story with the definition of how quickly a text set on a computer keyboard should be. Many users have never thought about how many characters per minute are good indicatorAnd many on the contrary want to hear the answer to this question. Let's give exemplary set speeds.

Up to 100 characters per minute - a rather weak indicator.

You need to learn to print more quickly, otherwise everyone will have to wait until you get the desired text.

From 100 to 200 characters per minute - the average.

You are not bad for typing the texts on the keyboard, but still to relax early. Your indicator is already approaching the optimal, there is still a little earlier.

From 200 to 300 characters per minute - a good indicator.

You are pretty quickly typing texts on the keyboard, which can not but rejoice. Probably, you have already written not one hundred pages in various text editors.

From 300 to 400 characters per minute - a great indicator.

Your speed of printing on the keyboard can be envied. Such a speed of the text set is owned by people who often have to dive various texts on the keyboard.

Over 400 characters per minute - just great.

If your dialing speed on the keyboard exceeds 400 characters per minute, then you are just a genius of the keyboard set. In the light of such people, more than 1 percent is hardly.

And finally. If your text set speed on the keyboard is over 750 characters per minuteYou're time to contact the Guinness Book of Records. Because this particular record was established in 2005.

Finger layout on the keyboard and a decade set method

Many have heard about a ten-handed text set method on the keyboard. This method Indeed is one of the best. At the same time, the main thing is to correctly arrange your fingers on the keyboard and then you will type the text much more convenient. Although still many users who know how to print 300-400 characters per minute, not all fingers use. Sometimes you just do not want to retrain if the result is so suite.

But this article is all, is devoted to the correct set of text and training techniques (although the author of this article uses no more than 5 fingers for writing). So, let's give the drawing to the correct folding of the fingers on the keyboard to use the method of a decade set.

As you can see everything is quite simple. It will be more convenient to print this picture and hang it on a prominent place to always take a look at how correct the fingers on your keyboard are.

It is such a layout of the fingers on the keyboard will allow you to proceed to study the method of blind printing.

5 tips for improving text set speed

Now I would like to give a few tips to users who want to learn the blind printing method on the keyboard. Now on the Internet there are quite a few sites that offer to take advantage of special programs and quickly learn to print on the keyboard. It is difficult to talk about how effective these techniques are. As for the author of the article, I never used special services to train printing, and just practiced in writing texts. But talking bad about the services that I personally did not use, I am not going, as many people really mastered the set of text using these applications and can now print several times more efficiently.

Although B. lately began to notice that on the expanses of the Runet appear and negative feedbackwhich basically write on various blogs and personal sites. I do not know what purpose the authors of these articles are pursued, but specialized services for a set of text can not harm the user in mastering the text set. In this section, I just would like to give a few tips to improve your text set speed.

1) landing in front of the computer.

Let's start with the Azov. Landing a user in front of the computer monitor plays not the last role. In addition to the fact that you can speed up the text set, the correct landing will allow you to keep your eyesight and posture.

Sit preferably on a rotating chairs with a back. The angle between the spine and your hips should ideally be 90 degrees. The angle between the thigh and the shinship should also be 90 degrees. The glance should be sent to the monitor center.

2) Location of the keyboard.

The middle of the text area of \u200b\u200bthe keyboard must be parallel to the monitor center. That is, the G and H keys must be opposite the monitor center.

3) Selecting a convenient keyboard.

And another Council regarding the keyboard. The most convenient to print on the keyboard, which has the minimum convex keys. Check such a keyboard in the store, and after a couple of days of addiction you will be pleasantly surprised that the seal has become much more convenient, and the speed has grown.

4) Use the diagram for a ten-chand print.

Well, do not forget that we spoke a little higher. We reiterate for you the location of the fingers on the keyboard. This scheme, in my opinion, is optimal. By the way on the keyboards, usually make special risks on the keysF and J. . It is there that your index fingers should be located.

Checking Print Speed

IN new Ere Technologies, computers, telephones, tablets have almost everyone for everyone. The main component of all these gadgets is the keyboard, somewhere it is virtual, that is, on-screen, and on a personal computer, a laptop or netbook standard, with real keys.

In order to determine the speed of printing on the keyboard, we will need online services or programs that I describe below. But first we will deal with questions: Why check the speed of printing and why you need high print speed, types of printing, what good print speed.

Why check the print speed and why do you need high print speed?

Quickly print - this is an important skill for many professions. Programmers, secretaries, consultants, copywriters, writers - all of them are obliged to print at a decent level. Even the usual user needs this skill, because possessing such a skill many small things you can perform faster, therefore, the valuable time will be maintained. At the same time, it is extremely important not only to print quickly, but also not to allow errors, or typos.

There are norms that indicate your text set level. The assessment is made on the basis of the indicators: the number of characters per minute, the number of errors.

Print types

You can print as you like, even fingers. However, if it is serious, then two completely stands out of different ways A set of text, different from each other level of user skill.

Mural way of printing, balse.

This is a popular option of a set of characters. He needs to study only if you have never been printed, that is, if you are full zero. But there are such cases when a person is used to typing with two fingers, and does it quite successfully. It seems everything is not bad, but this is not professionally.

To become a really steep and productive kit, you need to master the blind way of printing. IN this case Essential factors such as proper statement fingers, correct body position relative to the keyboard. This method can be learned if you try. There are even special courses, trainings.

What is good print speed?

There are established rules that help determine your approximate level.

  • Less than 100 characters per minute. Low indicator requiring permanent practice.
  • 100-200 characters per minute. The average indicator that enshrines the participant level "Newbie".
  • 200-300 characters per minute. This can be said, hurt! A completely good indicator that direct text declares: I am not a newbie and printed for my life not one page of messages or texts.
  • 300-400 characters per minute. An indicator that speaks for himself. This result comes due to targeted training, or due to active activity at the keyboard.
  • 400 characters per minute and above. Brilliant result. The percentage of people who are printed at such a speed are small.
  • There are few people in the world who are capable of such speed.

The official record of the world in the speed of printing is more than 750 characters per minute, but this indicator, in my opinion, nothing! After all, on simple sites to determine the speed of printing, people are placing 1000 characters per minute. However, everything is not so simple, for the texts are different: simple, comfortable, without complex characters and complex, with ineffective long words.

How to check the print speed on the keyboard?

Check your print speed on the keyboard is required, at least for curiosity. So, here is the list and characteristics of all sites where the print speed check will be an interesting point for you. The main thing is not angry due to the fact that typos need to be edited immediately, otherwise the process will never end.

Service 1: Solo on the keyboard online

Clear, simple service for setting text from keyboard. Offers choose the language on which the speed measure will occur. Languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian, German, Italian, French. On the same site you can find courses on improving printing skills.

So, how to start passing a test test test:

    1. Select a language, such as Russian.

Service 2: 10Fastfingers

Foreign site, but there is an entrance for Russians. Cool service to check the print speed on the keyboard. One minute and many phrases that are not related to each other are given. It is easier than to dial the whole text, but in fact all tastes are different. There is also a rating of 24 hours, thereby you can compare your achievements with other users.

I went to the site on request. Entrance for Russians, however, if you go to the main page, the view will be a little different, the panel is shown on the second screen.

Service 3: Speeding

The simple site is similar to the previous one, as it is also given 60 seconds for a set of text. But at the same time, not a set of incoherent phrases, but is a meaningful paragraph, with its content.

After passing the test, you will see the print speed and how many words were and how much is correctly written.

There is your own service "Book of Records"The 5 best users are displayed there, with the highest results.

Service 4: Bomb

Cool simulator checking the bombing speed. Suitable for children and adults. The original design is definitely impressive. For a set provide poems.

In the screenshot, it is shown how in the search engine get to the speed measurement service.

After entering the site, I click "Start" and boldly pick up a poem. Using this site, I realized that it was very easy here. Really much easier than on other services.

What is the advantage?

If you write with errors, the cursor does not run forward and do not need to press the Delete or left key, the cursor is on the spot. Large letters You can enter small, that is, SHIFT should not clamp either.

In general, my result here was much better compared to other test sites.

Service 5: CLABLIDS.

Popular Clavogonki Print Speed \u200b\u200bCheck Tool. Positioned as an online game. Here you can see the ranking of the best for today and for the week. Indicators are impressive.

Why is the game?

Everything is trite simply. Racing between users are arranged, and those in real time compete at the speed of a set of one text or incoherent words. You can enter a variety of texts, phrases, sets of letters, an assortment is wide. Competition always makes fight, therefore, develop. Therefore, the service deserves respect.

How does everything happen?

Sign up first, but it is optional. Without an account you can participate in races as a guest.

Follow the instructions, of course, it is possible, but everything is simple and I think everyone can figure out.


Go to the site, click "game" or immediately "Quick Start".