Use of antihistamines during pregnancy. Allergy tablets: antihistamines, safe during pregnancy Antihistamines for pregnant women 3rd trimester

It has been proven that during pregnancy, a woman’s body produces increased levels of cortisol, which has antiallergic activity. Thus, pregnant women are less likely to suffer from symptoms, however, this is not always the case.

information IN Everyday life Antihistamines come to the rescue in the fight against allergies. There are quite a lot of them and they are all freely available without a prescription through the pharmacy chain. And if at first glance an allergy seems simple illness having a simple treatment, this is far from the case.

With any disease, it is especially difficult for pregnant women, since very few drugs are allowed to be used during this period, most drugs are not safe. This also applies to antihistamines.

Allergies during pregnancy and antihistamines

There are several generations of drugs with antihistamine action. Each new generation is more perfect than the previous one: the number and strength of side effects decreases, the likelihood of addiction decreases, and the duration of action of the drug increases.

First generation appeared back in 1936 and is still widely used in medicine. These include (the most famous):

  • Chloropyramine, or Suprastin. It is prescribed to pregnant women for the treatment of acute allergic conditions, although the annotation states that use during pregnancy is contraindicated. It can be used in and when the likely benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus;
  • Clemastine, or Tavegil. Pregnant women can only use it if vital signs(when it is not possible to use another drug), this is due to the registration of cases negative influence on the offspring of pregnant rats (heart defects, limb defects);
  • Promethazine, or Pipolfen. Not recommended for use during pregnancy;
  • Diphenhydramine. With extreme caution from the second trimester. May cause increased excitability uterus.

Second generation:

  • Loratodine, or Claritin. Its use is permitted with an adequate risk-benefit assessment;
  • Astemizole. Not recommended during pregnancy, because... has toxic effect to the fruit;
  • Azelastine . In trials of the drug using doses many times higher than therapeutic doses, no teratogenic effect on the fetus was detected. Despite this, the drug is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Third generation:

  • Cetirizine, or Parlazine, or Zyrtec. Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication. In studies of the drug Cetirizine on animals, no carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects on their offspring were registered. Yet concerns about its use remain the same;
  • Fexofenadine, or Telfast. Can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

As follows from the above, none of the antihistamines guarantees complete safety for your unborn child and peace of mind for you. You can take any drug only after consulting a doctor and under his strict supervision.

There are several reasons for this. Among them are hormonal changes the body, and the reaction to the tissues and waste products of the fetus, the seasonal factor is also added.

Fearing harmful effects for the fetus, women try to avoid taking extra pills. But at the same time they experience discomfort from allergies: difficulty breathing or itching interfere with proper rest and relaxation. What pills can you take during pregnancy?

A huge number of people face allergies. Men and women of any age are affected; children are highly susceptible to allergic reactions. Therefore, research in this area and the development of new drugs is very active.

Replaces allergy medications that require multiple doses and causing drowsiness, new generation formulas are coming - with prolonged action and a minimum of side effects.

Vitamin preparations for allergies

Do not forget that not only antihistamines, but also some vitamins can help. And pregnant women usually have a more trusting attitude towards them.

  • vitamin C can effectively prevent anaphylactic reactions and reduce the incidence of respiratory allergies;
  • vitamin B12 is recognized as a powerful natural antihistamine, helps in the treatment of dermatoses and asthma;
  • pantothenic acid (vit. B5) will help in the fight against seasonal allergic rhinitis and reactions to household dust;
  • Nicotinamide (Vit. PP) relieves attacks of spring allergies to pollen.

Traditional antihistamines: allergy tablets

Newly emerging drugs are effective and do not cause drowsiness. However, many doctors try to prescribe more traditional remedies to pregnant women.

For medications that have been on the market for 15-20 or more years, enough statistical data has been collected to talk about their safety or negative impact on the health of the fetus.


The drug has been known for a long time, is effective for various manifestations of allergies, is approved for both adults and children, and therefore is also approved for use during pregnancy.

In the first trimester, when the fetal organs are forming, this and other drugs should be taken with extreme caution, only if absolutely necessary. During the rest of the period, suprastin is allowed.

Advantages of the drug:

  • low price;
  • performance;
  • effectiveness for various types of allergies.


  • causes drowsiness (for this reason it is prescribed with caution in last weeks before birth);
  • causes dry mouth (sometimes dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes).


This drug does not have the same speed of action as suprastin, but it effectively relieves the manifestation of chronic allergic reactions.

It does not cause drowsiness, so there are restrictions on use only in the first 2 months of pregnancy; during the rest of the period the medicine is allowed for use.

Advantages of the drug:


  • short-term effect (requires taking 3 times a day).


Refers to new generation drugs. It can be produced under different names: Cetirizine, Zodak, Allertek, Zyrtec, etc. According to the instructions, cetirizine is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Due to the novelty of the drug, there is not enough data on its safety. But, nevertheless, it is prescribed to pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester in situations where the benefits of taking it significantly outweigh the risk of side effects.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • performance;
  • does not cause drowsiness (except for individual reactions);
  • dose 1 time per day


  • price (depending on the manufacturer);


The active ingredient is loratadine. The drug can be produced under different names: Loratadine, Claritin, Clarotadine, Lomilan, Lotharen, etc.

The same as cetirizine, the effect of loratadine on the fetus has not yet been sufficiently studied due to the novelty of the drug.

But studies conducted in America on animals showed that the use of loratadine or cetirizine does not increase the number of fetal development pathologies.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • performance;
  • does not cause drowsiness;
  • dose 1 time per day;
  • affordable price.


  • Use with caution during pregnancy.


Refers to new generation drugs. Produced in different countries under different names: Fexadin, Telfast, Fexofast, Allegra, Telfadin. You can also meet Russian analogue- Hyphastus.

In studies in pregnant animals, fexadine has shown side effects with long-term use in high doses (increased mortality due to low fetal weight).

However, when prescribed to pregnant women, no such dependence was identified.

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed for a limited period and only if other medications are ineffective.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action
  • performance
  • reception 1 time per day.


  • prescribed with caution during pregnancy;
  • effectiveness decreases with long-term use.

The drug in capsule form is currently not available on the Russian market. Pharmacies have drops for oral administration and gels for external use.

The drug is approved for use in infants, and therefore is often prescribed to pregnant women.

Gel for local treatment can be used without fear, it is practically not absorbed and does not enter the blood. Fenistil is part of antiherpetic emulsions.

Advantages of the drug:

  • safe even for infants;
  • average price range.


  • not very wide spectrum of action;
  • limited release forms;
  • Possible adverse reactions.

These drugs vary in price and form of release (tablets for daily use, injectable drugs for emergencies, gels and ointments for local application, drops and syrups for children)

Drug name Release form, dosage Volume/quantity price, rub.
Suprastin Tablets 25 mg 20 pcs 150
Injection 5 ampoules of 1 ml 150
Diazolin Dragee 50/100 mg 10 pieces 40/90
Cetirizine Cetirizine Hexal tab. 10 mg 10 pieces 70
Cetirizine Hexal drops 20 ml 250
Zyrtec tab. 10 mg 7 pcs 220
Zyrtec drops 10 ml 330
Zodak tab. 10 mg 30 pcs 260
Zodak drops 20 ml 210
Claritin Loratadine tab. 10 mg 10 pieces 110
Claritin tab. 10 mg 10 pcs/30 pcs 220/570
Claritin syrup 60ml/120 ml 250/350
Clarotadine tablet 10 mg 10pcs/30 pcs 120/330
Clarotadine syrup 100 ml 140
Fexadine Fexadin tablet 120 mg 10 pieces 230
Fexadin tab. 180 mg 10 pieces 350
Telfast tab. 120 mg 10 pieces 445
Telfast tab. 180 mg 10 pieces 630
Fexofast tab. 180 mg 10 pieces 250
Allegra tab. 120 mg 10 pieces 520
Allegra tab. 180 mg 10 pieces 950
Drops 20 ml 350
Gel (external) 30g/50g 350/450
Emulsion (external) 8 ml 360

Antihistamines with side effects on the fetus

Previously used antihistamines had a significant sedative effect, some also have a muscle relaxant effect. In some cases, it has been useful in the treatment of allergies and even, but the effect on the fetus can be extremely negative.

Antihistamines are not prescribed before birth to keep the newborn active.

It will be difficult for a lethargic and “sleepy” child to take his first breath; this risks aspiration and possible pneumonia in the future.

The intrauterine influence of these drugs can manifest itself as fetal malnutrition, which will also affect the activity of the newborn baby.

  • Diphenhydramine

may cause contractions ahead of schedule

  • Tavegil

has a negative effect on fetal development

  • Pipolfen
  • Astemizole (Gistalong)

affects liver function, heartbeat, has a toxic effect on the fetus

To avoid harmful effects on the fetus, antihistamines are not recommended for pregnant women during the first trimester. During this crucial period, when all the organs of the unborn child are being formed, the placenta has not yet formed and substances entering the mother’s blood can affect the health of the fetus.

During this period, medications are used only if the mother’s life is threatened. In the second and third trimester, the risk is lower, so the list of acceptable drugs can be expanded.

However, in any case, preference is given to local and symptomatic treatment, antihistamine tablets prescribed in small doses and for a limited period.

Carrying a child is not an easy and responsible mission; a woman’s body undergoes enormous changes, and sometimes what was always allowed turns out to be prohibited. Treatment with most conventional drugs is abruptly stopped and you have to be content with a limited range. Antihistamines can be taken during pregnancy, but the regimen and dosage of the drug must be strictly followed to avoid negative consequences.

The appearance of allergies in pregnant women

This is a fairly common disease, the symptoms of which appear as early as early age. There are also situations when a person finds out about the presence of an allergy unexpectedly, at a fairly mature age. It’s worse if the signs appeared while the child was pregnant.

Today, the percentage of allergy sufferers among pregnant women ranges from 5% to 20%.

Body signals

Any disease is accompanied by certain symptoms. They can be similar, but they can differ in minor details. The first allergic manifestations are sometimes difficult to distinguish from a common cold:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and a feeling of stuffiness;
  • sore throat and cough;
  • nasal discharge;
  • frequent sneezing.

Danger of an allergic reaction

The allergen can show its strength already in the first hours after exposure to the body of the expectant mother. The more severe the case, the more dangerous the consequences for mother and baby will be, which include:

  1. Hormonal rhinitis.
  2. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, or conjunctivitis.
  3. The appearance of rashes or redness on delicate areas of the skin.
  4. Detection of urticaria.
  5. Severe and sudden swelling of the mucous membranes or fatty tissue in the neck and face.
  6. Slump blood pressure and general deterioration in health.

A dangerous situation is when allergy pathogens accumulate. In this case, the effect of a time bomb appears, which is extremely negative for a woman in this position.

The effectiveness of medication

Antihistamines first appeared in the 30s of the 20th century. They are usually classified as the first generation. This:

These drugs have a sedative effect. The second generation includes Loratadine, Levocetirizine, Ebastine and other drugs that no longer cause drowsiness. Third generation - Fexofenadine, Cetirizine.

As medical technology develops, each generation of medicine increases the duration of its effect on the body and eliminates side effects.

What medications can pregnant women take?

Antiallergic drugs are allowed during pregnancy, otherwise girls with allergies should not give birth. This disease can have its most negative impact in the first trimester, because the fetus is just beginning to form, and the placenta cannot to the fullest show your protective purpose.

In the last months of pregnancy, taking medications is also not recommended without special instructions, since medications can trigger uterine contractions and premature birth.

The permitted list of anti-allergy drugs during pregnancy is quite diverse. They are presented in the form of tablets, drops, ointments, powder, sprays and even syrups:

  • Chloropyramine (Suprastin) in the form of tablets and drops;
  • Loratadine;
  • Nazaval;
  • Prevalin;
  • Cetrin;
  • Claritin;
  • Fenistil ointment and drops;
  • Diazolin;
  • Erius.

Effect on the fetus

Unfortunately, to date there is no completely safe allergy drug for pregnant women, despite their extensive list.

During pregnancy in the first trimester, taking any medications of this subgroup is taboo. It is very important to follow this rule, otherwise the consequences may be irreversible and will affect primarily the developing fetus.

The second trimester is safer, when the placenta is already so strong that it is able to protect a small life from attack by antigens.

Today, scientists have data on more than 600 chemical compounds that are so powerful that they can penetrate the protective placenta and affect the development of the baby in the womb. Up to 78% of deformities are caused by pharmacotherapy of expectant mothers, and in the case of abnormalities in pregnancy and childbirth, the figure reaches 25%.

Almost every second child has increased sensitivity to the drug that the mother was treated with during pregnancy. Which antihistamines are possible during pregnancy and which are not?, the obstetrician-gynecologist who guides the woman for the entire period decides unequivocally.

Most of the instructions attached to anti-allergy drugs describe the method of administration during pregnancy rather superficially, and it consists in the fact that use is possible only if the benefit from taking it is greater than the harm caused to the fetus.

Which remedy should I take?

None of the allergy medications on the Russian market provide a guarantee of safety for an unborn child. The prescription can only be given by the attending physician, who, in addition, must carry out continuous monitoring and observation of the mother and fetus. Most often used in pregnant women:

Russian scientists later, in 2004, experimentally proved that taking Cetrin, even at the stage of the first trimester, does not lead to disturbances in the development of the embryo. However, regarding the drug Tavegil, active substance of which - clemastine, laboratory research revealed a high risk of teratogenic effects on the baby developing in the womb. The negative effect extends to the developing nervous and cardiac systems.

It should be remembered that the risk of developing allergies during pregnancy, even in healthy woman increases by an average of 30%.

Allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, food allergies, itchy dermatosis - there is one answer to “a hundred troubles”. Which one you ask? Of course, an antihistamine.

Surely each of us at least once in our lives had to resort to the help of antiallergic drugs, be it a rash on the skin after eating citrus fruits, itching as a result of contact with a new detergent or swelling on the hand due to a bee sting. Say what you will, but without antihistamines it is extremely difficult to eliminate the manifestations of an allergic reaction, especially when it comes to life-threatening conditions, for example, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

Unfortunately, most antihistamines have a number of contraindications, one of which is pregnancy and lactation. Despite the widest range of antiallergic drugs on the domestic market, choosing the most suitable antihistamines during pregnancy is quite difficult.

So which drugs are approved for use to treat allergies during pregnancy? Let's try to find out which antihistamines are safe for pregnant women.

Antihistamines during pregnancy: mechanism of action and effectiveness.

To trigger the development of an allergic reaction, certain conditions must be met.

An allergy to “something” develops upon contact with one or another substance that acts as a provocateur - an allergen. This could be pollen, insect venom, pet dander, food, cosmetic, etc. It is contact with the allergen that triggers a cascade of reactions leading to the development of an allergic response.

2. Repeated encounter with the allergen. Anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema are immediate allergic reactions that can occur upon initial contact of the body with an allergen. In all other cases, the appearance of allergy symptoms is characteristic of a “second date” with the allergen (antigen), when the body begins to perceive it as an enemy, producing antibodies in response.

3. Effect of antibodies on mast cells. When an allergic reaction develops, mast cells (mast cells) are involved, which, under the influence of antibodies (IgE), release the contents of their granules, including histamine, into the surrounding tissues. In turn, histamine, passing into active form, just provokes the appearance of allergy symptoms: swelling, redness, difficulty breathing, runny nose, drop in blood pressure, etc.

How do antihistamines work during pregnancy?

The main purpose of any antiallergic drug is to eliminate allergy symptoms. This effect is achieved in one of the following ways:

  • by reducing the concentration of histamine in mast cells;
  • by neutralizing already released histamine.

It should be remembered that the effectiveness of allergy treatment depends on preventing re-exposure immune system with an allergen. Not a single antihistamine during pregnancy will work if the effect of the allergen on the body is constant (for example, keeping a pet with an allergy to pet fur, errors in the diet with intolerance to specific foods, etc.).

Few people know, but antihistamines during pregnancy can be used not only to treat allergies. Reversing side effects In favor, medications are used as a means of combating insomnia, acute respiratory viral infections, severe vomiting during pregnancy, etc.

Antihistamines for pregnant women. Which ones are possible and which ones are not?

There are several generations of antihistamines, each of which is different from the previous one best effect, while the development of side effects becomes less likely.

All antihistamines during pregnancy affect the fetus to one degree or another. Self-medication during gestation is unacceptable! Before starting any medication, you should consult your doctor.

Antihistamines during pregnancy. First generation.

The use of such antihistamines during pregnancy is highly undesirable. All representatives of this group (Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Suprastin, Pipolfen, Diazolin, Fenkarol) can provoke complications during pregnancy.

Side effects: drowsiness, dry mucous membranes, development of heart defects in the fetus.

Antihistamines during pregnancy. Second generation.

Just like their predecessors, antiallergic drugs of this group are used extremely rarely during pregnancy, for health reasons on the part of the mother.

Representatives of the second generation of antihistamines are Claritin (Loratadine), Astemizole, Fenistil, Cetirizine, etc.

Advantages: in therapeutic doses they do not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, therefore, they do not cause drowsiness, migraines and dizziness.

Antihistamines during pregnancy. Third generation.

Unlike the first two generations, third generation antihistamines do not have cardiotoxic effects.

Representatives: Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, Fexofenadine.

These antiallergic drugs can be used during pregnancy only after consultation with your doctor.

Antihistamines during gestation, the use of which is permissible in rare cases.

contraindicated in the first trimester and at the end of pregnancy; used in rare cases.

appointment during gestation only for health reasons.

It is allowed to take antihistamines during pregnancy only under the supervision of a doctor; can pass into breast milk.

It is allowed to take therapeutic doses of the drug under the supervision of a physician.

refers to indirect-acting antihistamines. Approved for use from the second trimester of pregnancy under medical supervision.

A general contraindication for taking all antihistamines during pregnancy is the 1st trimester.

Prohibited antihistamines during pregnancy.

prohibited throughout pregnancy; affects the contractility of the uterus.

absolutely contraindicated at all stages of gestation.

contraindicated throughout pregnancy.

contraindicated during gestation; there is a risk of developing defects in the fetus.

contraindicated; appointment only for health reasons.

contraindicated; there is no exact data on the effect of the drug on the fetus.

contraindicated; has a teratogenic effect.

As a result of such a thorough analysis, the conclusion suggests itself that during pregnancy, antihistamines can be taken only in cases of extreme necessity, when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to her unborn baby. In any case, even before a single dose of any antiallergic drug during gestation, you should consult your doctor.

Is it possible to take allergy pills during pregnancy?

Allergy – a big problem modernity. People encounter it at different periods of their lives: some in childhood, others in adulthood. A special category of the population deserves close attention – pregnant women. At such a crucial period of life, each of them is more concerned about the baby’s health than their own. U expectant mother If you have allergies, a logical question arises: is it possible to take anti-allergy pills during pregnancy?

  • Treatment of allergies in pregnant women

Allergies and pregnancy

Doctors say that allergic reactions affect about a third of all women in " interesting position" Each case is individual. Some expectant mothers encounter allergies for the first time during pregnancy. Such a reaction of the body to external stimuli can be considered one of the signs of a new life emerging.

Antiallergic medications along with antibiotics - Doctor Komarovsky

But what if allergies are a constant companion? When it comes to seasonal allergic reactions, which are associated with the blooming of certain plants and last about two months a year, it is strongly recommended to plan for pregnancy.

Ideally, pregnancy and allergies of this kind should not coincide in time at all. In any case, every woman should remember that in the first and last trimesters (1–3 and 7–9 months of pregnancy) taking medications is practically prohibited. Exceptions are very rare and are allowed only in severe cases.

If allergic reactions do not depend on the time of year, the situation can develop according to two completely different scenarios.

During pregnancy, a woman's level of one of the hormones, cortisol, increases several times. It is produced by the adrenal glands and performs many important functions in regulating the functioning of the body. The important thing is that it is a natural antiallergic remedy.

Thanks to these changes in the body of a pregnant woman, the strength of allergic manifestations noticeably decreases. The immune system (responsible for allergies) becomes much more “loyal” to irritants.

Alas, there are exceptions to every rule. Some women complain that their allergies become more severe during pregnancy. It is impossible to say in advance how the situation will turn out in each specific case.

Intrauterine development of a child

Why is it so dangerous to take many medications during pregnancy? The risk is especially high in the first and last trimesters. During the first weeks of intrauterine development, a full-fledged organism is formed from two fused cells.

All processes proceed very quickly. Every day, serious changes are recorded in the baby’s body. For example, already on the 21st day (!) the first heartbeats are observed in the embryo, and with the help of ultrasound they are noted already at the 5th or 6th week.

Important events also occur in the last months of intrauterine development. The child’s sense organs are formed, the brain is actively growing, the lungs, liver and kidneys are maturing.

Any external influence can disrupt the correct course of events. A drug taken by a pregnant woman quickly appears in her blood, penetrates the placenta (the organ inside the uterus that connects the mother and child) and reaches the fetus. The medicine can interfere with the “construction” processes in the baby’s organs, accumulate in these organs, and interfere with their normal functioning.

The effect of antiallergy tablets on fetal development

Many allergy medications are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. Taking Tavegil is prohibited while pregnant and breastfeeding. U of this medicine a negative effect on the fetus has been identified: it inhibits the development of the nervous system. Only a doctor can prescribe it, and only for health reasons.

“Old acquaintance”, diphenhydramine, affects the tone of the uterus and later can provoke premature birth. About drugs such as Erius and Zyrtec, there is not enough data on their safety for the baby. Claritin (aka loratadine), cetirizine and suprastin were treated clinical researches, but their use during pregnancy is possible only as prescribed by a doctor!

Modern drugs in the form of a spray (nazaval and prevalin) have no contraindications. Their action is not to combat symptoms, but to create a barrier on the surface of the nasal mucosa. Of course, we are only talking about allergens that are in the air.

Allergy prevention

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, prevention is the best remedy for allergies for pregnant women. Yes, it requires some effort in organizing everyday life and some time investment, but it frees you from taking medications.

Prevention of seasonal allergies is carried out in several ways. During the flowering period, it is necessary to limit the time spent in gardens, squares and parks. If the allergy is severe, you need to spend less time outdoors and keep the windows and doors in the house tightly closed.

In case of heat, use air conditioning. Before turning it on, do not forget to rinse the filters of this electrical appliance! This manipulation is carried out once every few weeks. Another way out is to take another vacation while the “allergen” is blooming and leave your place of permanent residence.

If you can’t stay at home, wash your face and hands every time you return from the street. Ideally, wash your hair and put your outdoor clothes in the wash. Rinse your nose and throat with water. The smallest particles of pollen settle on fabric, skin, hair and enter the house with them.

Prevention of non-seasonal allergies is the same at any time of the year. It is very important to regularly carry out wet cleaning in residential areas and change them more often. bed sheets, do not allow the use of feather pillows and other “dust collectors”.

It is important to reduce contact with irritating factors and not provoke the immune system, which works in a “special mode” during pregnancy. Following a hypoallergenic diet will help with this. Citrus fruits, red fruits and berries, honey, chocolate and other foods that can cause allergies are excluded from the diet.

Thus, preventive actions- These are the main remedies for allergies during pregnancy.

Treatment of allergies in pregnant women

So, what can pregnant women take for allergies? In the instructions for medications, you can often find a standard phrase that the use of this drug during pregnancy is possible only if “the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.” Many allergy medications contain this wording in their instructions.

The phrase is very streamlined. What mother would want to risk the health of her unborn child? Only a doctor can adequately assess the severity of allergies in a pregnant woman and the need for drug treatment. In most cases, you will have to endure it, especially if we are talking about seasonal allergies.

Natural antiallergic remedies cannot be ignored. These include some vitamins and microelements: zinc, ascorbic acid, pantothenic and nicotinic acid, cyanocobalamin.

To combat allergy symptoms, they are often used along with tablets. eye drops and nasal sprays. They help accordingly allergic conjunctivitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes) and allergic rhinitis (runny nose). It would seem that such drugs act locally, only in the area of ​​application, but even they have restrictions on use during pregnancy. Self-medication is dangerous!

Allergies during pregnancy

Allergies during pregnancy are very common. An allergy is always an unpleasant reaction of the body to external or internal irritants, accompanied by specific symptoms. Allergies are the body's reaction to the environment. According to statistics, allergic conditions in various forms are characteristic of half of humanity.

Pregnant women are often found among allergy sufferers. Their total number is close to 20 percent. Women are very worried about the dangers of allergies during pregnancy; wondering how to deal with it?

Various phenomena can cause an allergic reaction, and the symptoms that appear in pregnant women are treated.

Many pregnant women suffering from allergic diseases worry about the child, since they need to constantly take antiallergic medications. In case of acute allergic rhinitis that occurs during the flowering period of plants, antiallergic drugs should be used very carefully. Medicines can harm the unborn child.

If a pregnant woman has a history of bronchial asthma, then this should be reported to the doctor, since only he can control it throughout the difficult period of pregnancy.

Controversial issues arise regarding the negative impact of allergies during pregnancy.

Some believe that this condition does not pose a great danger to the child, but the presence of allergies in a pregnant woman is a possible predisposition of the fetus to various allergic diseases. First of all, they pose a danger medications, used by the mother, which negatively affect the fetus. Therefore, we eliminate the factors that provoked an exacerbation of allergies.

Often it is not possible to avoid taking antiallergic drugs for pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss treatment with an allergist.

If a pregnant woman is prone to allergic reactions, prevention comes to the fore. An allergy test is prescribed, with the help of which it is established what exactly an allergic reaction occurs to. In any case, treatment must be selected together with an allergist, taking into account safety for the pregnant woman.

What foods can trigger allergies? The most common causes of allergies are fish, black and/or red caviar, red berries, nuts, seafood, honey, cocoa, chocolate, citrus fruits, smoked and pickled foods, carbonated drinks, juices, questionable yoghurts, very sweet and spicy foods.

Some vitamins and microelements can act as natural antihistamines, such as zinc, vitamins B12, C, nicotinic acid, and pantothenic acid.

Smoking during pregnancy similarly contributes to the appearance of allergies, so try to permanently get rid of your attachment to cigarettes, as this negatively affects the baby and can actually provoke sudden infant death syndrome.

To prevent allergies, it is necessary to systematically ventilate the room; it is recommended to get rid of carpets, curtains, soft toys, wet cleaning, and limit communication with animals. After the baby is born, it would be good to continue breastfeeding for as long as possible, and introduce complementary foods from six months.

There is also good news for moms who suffer from various allergic reactions. During pregnancy, the production of the antiallergic hormone cortisol increases and therefore pregnant women are less likely to suffer from allergies, bronchial asthma, hay fever, or the symptoms of diseases bother them more. soft form. When the birth of the child is over and the cortisol level returns to normal, the allergy returns.

Statistics show that nasal congestion and runny nose cause trouble for every second expectant mother. If you see that the body reacts to the flowering of plants, the appearance of animals, a violation of the diet, then a allergic rhinitis.

Bronchial asthma appears and worsens in expectant mothers between 24 and 36 weeks. Currently, bronchial asthma is being treated and is not a contraindication to having a child. The most important thing is to keep your health under control

Allergies during pregnancy - treatment

How to treat if an allergy occurs and causes discomfort during pregnancy? We do not recommend treating yourself, but only under the supervision of an allergist.

Allergy pills during pregnancy are prescribed very carefully. Doctors advise taking Diazolin. These are good, proven tablets, but don’t get carried away.

But Tavegil, as a medicine for allergies during pregnancy, should be avoided. There is verified animal evidence of negative effects on the fetus.

Allergy medications during pregnancy are currently very diverse.

Pipolfen as an antiallergic drug is not recommended for pregnant women.

Allertek is prescribed strictly by a doctor and is taken only under supervision.

Claritin can be used, but very carefully.

Fexadin is also prescribed in exceptional cases.

Diphenhydramine should be avoided, it is dangerous for the uterus - it can cause contractions.

Terfenadine is not prescribed to pregnant women; it has a detrimental effect on the weight of newborns.

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Allergy pills during pregnancy

In the modern civilized world everything more people facing problems such as allergies. It’s not for nothing that it is also called the “disease of Civilization.” Today, there are many anti-allergy medications that effectively eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms of the disease and significantly improve the patient’s well-being.

But the issue of treatment is especially acute when it comes to women in an interesting position who bear double responsibility - for themselves and for the baby under their hearts. After all, everyone knows that taking any medications is not recommended during this period. Accordingly, expectant mothers who are prone to allergies are interested in the question, which anti-allergy pills are safe to use in their situation?

Pregnancy and the “disease of Civilization”

From the first days of pregnancy, the female body begins to actively produce the hormone cortisol, which is a natural protective agent against allergies. Thanks to the changes that occur, the strength of allergic manifestations during the period of bearing a baby is significantly reduced, and the immune system reacts more “loyally” to irritants.

However, according to medical indicators, almost a third of expectant mothers suffer from allergies. There are cases when a woman first encounters this problem during pregnancy. By the way, the reaction of the female body to various stimuli is often considered to be the first signs of pregnancy.

But at the same time, doctors strongly recommend that women with allergies for whom this condition is common (for example, seasonal allergies) take into account this fact when planning pregnancy, since taking medications in the first and third trimesters is extremely undesirable.

However, it also happens that allergies occur regardless of the time of year. It is very difficult to make any predictions about the course of the disease, since each case is individual. Self-medication in this situation is strictly prohibited, therefore, if you have an allergy at the most crucial moment in your life, be sure to discuss the methods of its treatment with a specialist.

Why should you be wary of taking antihistamines during pregnancy?

The first and last months are especially important during pregnancy. It is during the first and third trimesters that it is dangerous to take any medications, including antiallergic ones.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a new life is formed, in which vital events occur every day. important changes. In recent months, internal organs and systems. Any external influence, for example, reception medications, can disrupt the natural development of the process in the child’s body and negatively affect the baby’s health.

How to treat allergies during pregnancy?

As you already understand, most anti-allergy medications have contraindications during pregnancy. Therefore, self-medication is out of the question. After all, every mother puts the child’s health first.

If you experience symptoms of the “disease of Civilization,” then first of all go to the doctor for a consultation. Only a specialist will be able to adequately assess the severity of the disease and prescribe (if necessary) the safest treatment possible. But in most cases, expectant mothers have to “endure it,” especially if it is a seasonal reaction.

What drugs can and cannot be used during pregnancy?

Most antihistamines are prohibited for pregnant women. For example, Tavegil cannot be used not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation. The fact is that this medication can significantly disrupt the development of the baby’s nervous system.

The list of prohibited drugs includes the well-known Diphenhydramine. The danger is that the medicine can increase uterine tone and in the later stages provoke premature birth. It is not recommended for expectant mothers to take Astemizole, which has a toxic effect, and Terfenadine, which can reduce the baby’s weight.

As for such antiallergic drugs as Erius and Zyrtec, today there is no data that would confirm their safe effect on the body of mother and baby. But drugs such as Clearitin, Suprastin, Cetirizine, Loratadine, although they have passed all the necessary studies, can be used by pregnant women only with medical approval. That is, only when the mother’s condition may threaten the baby, and the only way to eliminate the danger is to take antihistamines.

Preventive actions

The most the best remedy Allergies during pregnancy are preventable. It may take a lot of your time and effort, but in this way you will protect yourself and your baby from irritants, as well as from taking medications.

If you have seasonal allergies, doctors recommend spending less time in places where plants bloom: parks, squares, gardens. Also, do not forget to wash your face, wash your hands and change clothes after your walk.

If you know that you are prone to allergies, then make sure that your home has an air conditioner installed, which will maintain normal humidity in the room, which will reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Regularly wet clean the house and change bed linen. Try not to use feather pillows or other dust collectors.

During pregnancy, it is important to minimize contact with various allergens and not to test the immune system, which is already weakened special status. Following a hypoallergenic diet will help you with this. To do this, you need to exclude all kinds of allergens from the nutritional menu: citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc.), berries and fruits with red pigment, as well as honey, chocolate, seafood, etc.

Be healthy and take care of your baby!

Allergy tablets: antihistamines safe during pregnancy

Pregnant women often experience allergies.

There are several reasons for this. These include hormonal changes in the body, and the reaction to the tissues and waste products of the fetus, and the seasonal factor is also added.

Fearing harmful effects on the fetus, women try to avoid taking extra pills. But at the same time they experience discomfort from allergies: difficulty breathing or itching interfere with proper rest and relaxation. What pills can you take during pregnancy?

Allowed drugs during pregnancy: what medications can you take?

A huge number of people face allergies. Men and women of any age are affected; children are highly susceptible to allergic reactions. Therefore, research in this area and the development of new drugs is very active.

Allergy medications, which require multiple doses and cause drowsiness, are being replaced by new generation formulas with a prolonged action and a minimum of side effects.

Vitamin preparations for allergies

Do not forget that not only antihistamines, but also some vitamins can help in the fight against allergy symptoms. And pregnant women usually have a more trusting attitude towards them.

  • vitamin C can effectively prevent anaphylactic reactions and reduce the incidence of respiratory allergies;
  • vitamin B12 is recognized as a powerful natural antihistamine, helps in the treatment of dermatoses and asthma;
  • pantothenic acid (vit. B5) will help in the fight against seasonal allergic rhinitis and reactions to household dust;
  • Nicotinamide (Vit. PP) relieves attacks of spring allergies to pollen.

Traditional antihistamines: allergy tablets

Newly emerging drugs are effective and do not cause drowsiness. However, many doctors try to prescribe more traditional remedies to pregnant women.

For medications that have been on the market for 15-20 or more years, enough statistical data has been collected to talk about their safety or negative impact on the health of the fetus.

The drug has been known for a long time, is effective for various manifestations of allergies, is approved for both adults and children, and therefore is also approved for use during pregnancy.

In the first trimester, when the fetal organs are forming, this and other drugs should be taken with extreme caution, only if absolutely necessary. During the rest of the period, suprastin is allowed.

  • low price;
  • performance;
  • effectiveness for various types of allergies.
  • causes drowsiness (for this reason it is prescribed with caution in the last weeks before childbirth);
  • causes dry mouth (sometimes dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes).

This drug does not have the same speed of action as suprastin, but it effectively relieves the manifestation of chronic allergic reactions.

It does not cause drowsiness, so there are restrictions on use only in the first 2 months of pregnancy; during the rest of the period the medicine is allowed for use.

  • affordable price;
  • wide spectrum of action.
  • short-term effect (requires taking 3 times a day).

Refers to new generation drugs. It can be produced under different names: Cetirizine, Zodak, Allertek, Zyrtec, etc. According to the instructions, cetirizine is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Due to the novelty of the drug, there is not enough data on its safety. But, nevertheless, it is prescribed to pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester in situations where the benefits of taking it significantly outweigh the risk of side effects.

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • performance;
  • does not cause drowsiness (except for individual reactions);
  • dose 1 time per day
  • price (depending on the manufacturer);

The active ingredient is loratadine. The drug can be produced under different names: Loratadine, Claritin, Clarotadine, Lomilan, Lotharen, etc.

The same as cetirizine, the effect of loratadine on the fetus has not yet been sufficiently studied due to the novelty of the drug.

But studies conducted in America on animals showed that the use of loratadine or cetirizine does not increase the number of fetal development pathologies.

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • performance;
  • does not cause drowsiness;
  • dose 1 time per day;
  • affordable price.
  • Use with caution during pregnancy.

Refers to new generation drugs. Produced in different countries under different names: Fexadin, Telfast, Fexofast, Allegra, Telfadin. You can also find a Russian analogue - Gifast.

In studies in pregnant animals, fexadine has shown side effects with long-term use in high doses (increased mortality due to low fetal weight).

However, when prescribed to pregnant women, no such dependence was identified.

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed for a limited period and only if other medications are ineffective.

  • wide spectrum of action
  • performance
  • reception 1 time per day.
  • prescribed with caution during pregnancy;
  • effectiveness decreases with long-term use.

The drug in capsule form is currently not available on the Russian market. Pharmacies have drops for oral administration and gels for external use.

The drug is approved for use in infants, and therefore is often prescribed to pregnant women.

The gel for local treatment can be used without fear; it is practically not absorbed and does not enter the bloodstream. Fenistil is part of antiherpetic emulsions.

  • safe even for infants;
  • average price range.
  • not very wide spectrum of action;
  • limited release forms;
  • Possible adverse reactions.

These drugs vary in price and form of release (tablets for daily use, injectable drugs for emergencies, gels and ointments for topical use, drops and syrups for children)

Release form, dosage

Antihistamines with side effects on the fetus

Previously used antihistamines had a significant sedative effect, some also have a muscle relaxant effect. In some cases, it was useful in treating allergies and even relieved nausea. but the effect on the fetus can be extremely negative.

Antihistamines are not prescribed before birth to keep the newborn active.

It will be difficult for a lethargic and “sleepy” child to take his first breath; this risks aspiration and possible pneumonia in the future.

The intrauterine influence of these drugs can manifest itself as fetal malnutrition, which will also affect the activity of the newborn baby.

may increase uterine tone. cause layoffs ahead of schedule

has a negative effect on fetal development

affects liver function, heart rate, has a toxic effect on the fetus

To avoid harmful effects on the fetus, antihistamines are not recommended for pregnant women during the first trimester. During this crucial period, when all the organs of the unborn child are being formed, the placenta has not yet formed and substances entering the mother’s blood can affect the health of the fetus.

During this period, medications are used only if the mother’s life is threatened. In the second and third trimester, the risk is lower, so the list of acceptable drugs can be expanded.

However, in any case, preference is given to local and symptomatic treatment; antihistamine tablets are prescribed in small doses and for a limited period.

Allergic danger is a real dirty trick

The manifestation of allergies is most to be feared in the first trimester, since all the main organs and systems of the fetus are just beginning to emerge, including nervous system. The placenta, which protects the fetus from harm environment, in the first months it is not fully formed, and does not fully perform its original function.

In addition, the reaction in rare cases can threaten the life of the child, and taking large amounts of antihistamines during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester can lead to the development of various defects and other diseases in the fetus. It is imperative that even at the slightest sign of a reaction that has begun, you should immediately contact a gynecologist first. If he considers it necessary, he will refer you to an allergist.

Important Reminders for Women's Consciousness

A pregnant woman should remember that if she often had allergies before, then being pregnant, it is important to prevent its development, and for this it is necessary to tell the doctor about the problem. If signs of the disease are detected, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Taking anti-allergy medications on your own is strictly prohibited.

Medicines are used only in a situation where the doctor is completely confident that it will not harm either the mother or the child. Most medications and other medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. For example, Diphenhydramine has a negative effect on the body of mother and child, but Suprastin, on the contrary, is allowed to be taken. For treatment, all drugs are selected strictly individually for each woman.

It is clearly defined what is prohibited for pregnant women

There are allergy medications that should not be taken during pregnancy. For example, one group of drugs may be absolutely contraindicated regardless of the duration, while other drugs may have significant restrictions when taken.

Prohibited medications during pregnancy for allergy symptoms:

    1. Terfenadine has a negative effect on fetal weight.
    2. Diphenhydramine can provoke premature birth or miscarriage, as it provokes strong contractions of the uterus much earlier than the due date. Diphenhydramine during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, as well as earlier, is prohibited.
    3. Astemizole is not in the best possible way affects the intrauterine development of the baby.
    4. Allertek and Fenkarol are strictly prohibited in the first months of pregnancy.
    5. Tavegil is used only in very extreme situations, when the mother’s life is at risk and there is no choice between the fetus and the woman’s life.
    6. Pipolfen stimulates the development of fetal defects.

Approved medications, necessary components

You need to understand what pregnant women can do to treat allergies, and what antihistamines are allowed during such a special period in every woman’s life. Let's see others first dosage forms, which carry with them a minimum of danger.

The most safe drugs for expectant mothers are:

    1. Nasal sprays to suppress allergic rhinitis Aqua Maris, Salin. Pinosol for rhinitis.
    2. Ointment with zinc Physiogel is used for inflammation of the skin.
    3. Homeopathic remedies - Rinitol EDAS 131, Euphorbium Compositum. They have a positive effect on the general state of the immune system, suppress the symptoms of runny nose and other rhinitis.
    4. Lactofiltrum, Enterosgel and Activated carbon used at the first signs of allergy.

Such remedies are especially helpful in the first period of a baby’s development. During the second trimester of pregnancy, therapy has a broader scope, since the placenta and fetus are more formed, so the negative impact of approved medications is minimized. What you can do for allergies in the 2nd trimester, names:

    1. Diazolin, Pheniramine– antihistamine tablets for use during pregnancy.
    2. Dexamethasone, Prednisolone– hormonal agents.
    3. Vitamins C and B12 are considered natural antiallergic agents. Suppresses symptoms different kinds allergic dermatitis and bronchial asthma.

Which good pills can be prescribed to pregnant women in the 3rd trimester:

    • Zyrtec;
    • Fenistil;
    • Fexadine.

The table provides a list of antiallergic drugs that can be used during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Trimester Name Action How to use
1 Ascorbic acid Can prevent the occurrence of a reaction and significantly reduce its manifestations. Take one tablet three times a day after meals.
1 Pantothenic acid Suppresses the severity of allergies and can have a positive effect on the development of the child. Take one tablet twice a day after meals.
Take only from the second trimester Suprastin It is used only once as an emergency medicine to relieve an acute allergic attack. Take 30 minutes after meals.
Claritin A fast-acting antihistamine, symptoms go away two hours after taking it. Helps eliminate redness and itching of mucous membranes, suppresses sneezing and allergic cough. Take once a day after meals.
3 Diazolin It has a slight effect on the tone of the uterus and is not sedative. It works quickly. Eliminates external signs of a reaction (rash, redness of the skin, watery eyes). Take one tablet once a day with meals.

Wanting to understand what you can drink for allergies in the 3rd, 2nd or 1st trimester, which antihistamines good drugs, tablets and other medications are allowed during pregnancy, you need to understand that an experienced, caring doctor can make a good prescription.

How to take medications

The main thing that must be done is to go to a gynecologist and an allergist. They will tell you how and what to take to eliminate the reaction. It is important to know not only what pills you can take against allergies during any pregnancy, but also how to do it:

    1. Any, even approved antihistamines should be taken with great caution. It is important to monitor your condition.
    2. Antiallergic drugs during pregnancy should be used depending on the term and trimester, the weight and height of the woman, the type of reaction and contraindications.
    3. It is worth considering intolerance to certain substances. In such a situation, medications cannot be used.
    4. Be sure to read the instructions before use.

By following all the above recommendations, the reaction will occur in a lighter form or disappear altogether. If, when using antihistamines during pregnancy, side effects, you must stop taking it and consult a doctor immediately.

Prevention of the problem

You need to think not only about what good antiallergic drugs pregnant women can take. It is important to know how to reduce the risk of a reaction.

This mainly concerns food. It is necessary to reduce contact with the allergen throughout pregnancy, otherwise a reaction may occur not only in the mother, but also in the child in utero. The main provocateurs can be: meat, red vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, seafood, citrus fruits. But this does not mean that these products should be completely excluded from your diet, especially meat and vegetables. They are not only healthy products, but also building elements that are simply necessary for the full development of the fetus.

Beyond Data preventive measures a woman needs to completely stop using decorative cosmetics. It contains a large number of chemicals that do not have the best effect on the human body. You should not buy new unknown shampoos, shower gels and other hygiene items for yourself.

You should avoid tobacco smoke, as it is not only harmful, but can also cause allergies. Of course, the woman herself should not smoke. In another situation, this leads to the development of asthma, bronchitis and atopic dermatitis in the child.

If before pregnancy a woman had seasonal or chronic allergies, it is necessary to change bed linen as often as possible, wet clean the room, and vacuum well, including furniture. It is advisable to start using a humidifier or ventilate the house frequently. If you are allergic to plant pollen, you should minimize walking outside during the flowering period.

To know in advance what can be taken and what pills for allergy symptoms expectant mothers need to consult a doctor. After examining the patient, he will tell you what she can drink for allergies and whether she can use the pills that she took previously.

A, B, C-therapy
Some vitamins - so-called natural antihistamines - can somewhat reduce allergic symptoms. Taking them allows you to relieve the manifestations of allergies with minimal risk to the unborn child. Here are the most common antihistamine vitamins and the dosages needed to achieve positive results.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). About 1-4 g ascorbic acid per day allows you to minimize attacks of respiratory allergies (rhinitis, mild bronchospasm) and prevent the occurrence of anaphylactic reactions. You should start taking vitamin C gradually - 500 mg per day, gradually increasing the dose to 4 g over ten days. To ensure dosage accuracy, it is recommended to use the crystalline (powdered) form of ascorbic acid instead of tablets or capsules. Vitamin B12 is the most versatile natural antihistamine. Taking it reduces symptoms of allergic asthma, dermatitis and sensitivity to sulfites (egg yolk). For achievement good result You should take 500 mcg of this vitamin for 3-4 weeks.

Pantothenic acid is effective for allergic rhinitis. It is recommended to start taking it with 100 mg at night. The first signs of symptom relief may occur within 15-30 minutes. If the drug relieves symptoms, the dose can be increased to 250 mg once or even twice daily.

Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) helps reduce the severity of various allergic symptoms. Its most effective use is for attacks of allergies to pollen of various plants. Expectant mothers are recommended to take nicotinamide (200 to 300 mg per day) for a month if allergic symptoms appear.

Zinc reduces the manifestation of allergies to various chemical compounds(household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes, etc.). You should start taking this microelement with 50-60 mg per day in the form of a complex compound (picolinate, aspartate). Caution: taking zinc in ionic form (not complexed) from inorganic compound, such as zinc sulfate, can cause copper deficiency, leading to anemia. Oleic acid, which is part of olive oil, inhibits the release of histamine. To prevent allergic reactions, it is advisable to cook exclusively with olive oil.

Linoleic acid and fish oil prevent inflammatory processes of allergic origin - runny nose, lacrimation, red eyes, itching and redness of the skin, rash. General recommendations there is no advice on taking these medications - it all depends on individual characteristics body. However, during pregnancy you should always consult your doctor before taking any vitamins.

Manifestation of allergies during pregnancy

In pregnant women, allergies can manifest themselves in three forms:

  1. The course of allergic reactions improves due to pregnancy.
  2. The course of allergic reactions worsens due to pregnancy.
  3. The course of allergies does not depend in any way on pregnancy.

In the first case, cortisol, mentioned earlier, softens the course of the allergy, helping women endure its manifestations in a milder form.

The second case is the opposite of the first, and women who have not previously suffered from allergies, after 12 weeks, observe signs of allergic rhinitis - the usual form in the form of a stuffy nose, swelling of the mucous membrane and sneezing. In addition to allergic rhinitis, allergies during pregnancy can manifest themselves in other forms - both mild and severe.

The third option indicates that allergies during pregnancy behave the same way as before. This means that if you are planning to conceive a child and the expectant mother is not aware of allergies, then you should consult an allergist and conduct a series of special tests that, using the technologies available today, will identify allergens and help plan your pregnancy. Typically, allergies worsen from mid to late spring - this is when most plants bloom. Treatment of allergies during pregnancy begins with prevention. In addition to visiting a doctor who will prescribe the patient comprehensive examination, will identify allergens and write out recommendations for treatment, it is also worth using a hypoallergenic diet that excludes foods that can cause an allergic reaction from the expectant mother’s diet. Then allergies during pregnancy and the chances of its occurrence will be minimized.

Treatment of pregnant women for allergies

Taking medications during pregnancy should be done with extreme caution.

Antiallergic drugs are no exception. Treatment of allergies during pregnancy with drugs requires special attention. You should take such drugs only if the benefits of taking them exceed the risks. Constant consultations with a doctor should take place throughout pregnancy, since it is not recommended to take any medications in the first trimester.

Starting from the second and third trimester, restrictions are relaxed. Allergies during pregnancy should be treated with antiallergic drugs only under the supervision of the attending physician, since there is no complete guarantee of the child’s safety. If any allergic reaction occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication, including taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy and excessive use of antihistamines, can lead to irreversible consequences. It is up to the attending physician to decide which drugs to use in treatment.

If an allergy occurs during pregnancy, how to treat it in this case?

  1. Suprastin. In cases where the condition of the expectant mother threatens the health of the fetus more than taking the drug, after assessing the risks by a doctor, it can be prescribed in the second or third trimesters. Self-use is strictly not recommended.
  2. Pipolfen. Despite the fact that it is prescribed by doctors, the drug is not recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women.
  3. Allertek. The drug is used under the same conditions as taking Suprastin. In addition, it is prescribed no earlier than the second trimester.

  4. Tavegil. When tested on pregnant rats, it caused paw defects and heart defects in the pups. The use of this drug, due to its negative effect on the fetus, should only occur during a threat to the life of the expectant mother and there is no opportunity to take another drug.
  5. Claritin. Despite the absence of a categorical ban on use by women expecting a child, it is prescribed under the same conditions as Suprastin and Allertek.
  6. Fexadine. Treatment of an expectant mother with this drug is possible after a doctor has assessed the risks - if the effect of therapy predominates over the risk to the fetus.
  7. Astemizole. Use is not recommended due to toxic effects on the fetus.
  8. Diphenhydramine. At doses exceeding 50 mg, it may cause contraction or increased irritability of the uterus. Use is not recommended.
  9. Terfenadine. The consequence of use may be a decrease in the weight of the newborn.

Regardless of the signs of allergy present or absent in the expectant mother, during pregnancy it is worth paying great attention to healthy image life – frequent walks, refusal bad habits, proper nutrition and staying clean.

You should also avoid stressful situations and heavy lifting. Allergies during pregnancy can result in extremely unpleasant consequences for unprepared women. However, with a planned visit to the doctor and following the instructions given by him, pregnancy will create exactly the feeling that it should - the expectation of a miracle. Be healthy!

Drug groups

All antiallergic drugs can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Antihistamines;
  • Hormonal agents;
  • Mast cell membrane stabilizers;
  • Leukotriene receptor blockers.

information Each of these groups has its own advantages and disadvantages in a specific area of ​​application. Thus, antihistamines have little effectiveness in bronchial asthma(BA) and Quincke's edema, but they help well with allergic rhinitis and skin itching. On the contrary, hormonal agents have particular success in the fight against asthma and anaphylactic shock, and can be used in the treatment of dermatitis. The last two groups are used for allergic conjunctivitis, hay fever and bronchial asthma.

Indications for use

Often, women who are pregnant and suffer from any manifestations of allergic reactions are faced with the problem of choosing antiallergic drugs, since taking any of them is allowed only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. It should be immediately noted that before using any drug during pregnancy, you should consult a specialist doctor.

Pregnant women also need to know that among antiallergic drugs there is not a single drug with completely proven safety in use.

Short review

Drug groups Names of medicines Possibility of use during pregnancy Notes
Antihistamines Suprastin (I generation) Can be used in the second and third trimester under strict medical supervision In the first trimester only for strict indications
Loratadine (II) Should not be used during pregnancy and lactation In studies at medium therapeutic doses, it did not have a negative effect on the fetus, but at high doses, some fetotoxic effects were observed
Azelastine (II) Despite the fact that no evidence of teratogenicity was obtained when testing azelastine in doses many times higher than the therapeutic range, its use in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation is not recommended
Cetirizine (III) It is recommended not to take it in the first trimester It has proven itself well in studies: neither carcinogenic, nor teratogenic, nor mutagenic effects have developed with its use.
Hormonal(glucocorticoids) Beclomethasone (Clenil) Contraindicated in the first trimester, in the second and third - only when the benefit outweighs the risk Used for asthma. Newborns whose mothers used beclomethasone during pregnancy should be assessed for the presence of adrenal insufficiency.
Betamethasone (Akriderm) Use during pregnancy is possible, however, adequate and strictly controlled studies have not been conducted. Contraindicated - in the presence of symptoms of placental damage The potential teratogenic hazard of using external forms of the drug has not been assessed. Intramuscular administration betamethasone in rabbits at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg caused developmental defects in the offspring ( umbilical hernias, cleft palate)
Hydrocortisone Can be used in short-term therapy and in minimal dosages Studies have suggested that corticosteroids may cause fetal developmental problems, although there is currently no clear evidence to support these observations.
Mast cell membrane stabilizers and leukotriene receptor blockers Ketotifen With special caution in the first trimester Used to treat asthma
Montelukast (Singular) Only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus No specific studies have been conducted on pregnant women. Cases of development have been reported birth defects limbs in newborns whose mothers took Singulair during pregnancy for the treatment of asthma

additionally Of course, most people suffering from allergies are well aware of the list of medications that can be used to relieve symptoms. But still, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor. It is difficult for a non-professional to keep track and understand the constantly expanding variety of antiallergic sprays, ointments and tablets.

Women planning pregnancy and having a history of allergy history, it is recommended to consult a specialist in advance.

  1. Which allergy medications can be taken during pregnancy and which ones absolutely cannot be taken?

Allergy medications during pregnancy: to take or not

Let's first find out how dangerous allergies are for the mother and unborn child. What can cause more harm, allergy pills during pregnancy or the allergy itself? The disease occurs due to the pathological reactivity of the body. When a foreign protein enters the blood, an antigen-antibody complex is formed. These complexes are attached to the surface of specific basophil cells. As a result, histamine, serotonin and other factors are released from the cells, provoking a specific allergic reaction. Any remedy for allergies during pregnancy is aimed at stopping this particular reaction and does not affect the formation of an antigen-antibody complex.

The complexes themselves do not penetrate the placenta to the baby. Therefore, the mother’s allergies are not transmitted to the baby in any way. The supply of inflammatory factors is also limited, because the placenta is a fairly reliable barrier for them and it is not worth taking allergy pills during pregnancy to protect the child from them. But some manifestations of allergies can still affect the development of the child. This mainly applies to such serious conditions as allergic asthma, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, severe allergic rhinitis or urticaria affecting the entire surface of the skin. A common allergic runny nose, mild rash or conjunctivitis has a more negative impact on the mother’s condition than on the baby. In most cases, it is not allergic reactions that are dangerous for the unborn child, but the medications themselves for allergies during pregnancy that the mother takes.

Allergies during pregnancy: causes

Identifying the causes of allergies is quite difficult. This is a non-standard reaction of the immune system to completely non-hazardous environmental factors. The immune system recognizes regular food, pollen, dust, wool as hostile factors, therefore giving a response in the form of allergies.

During pregnancy, you may encounter various allergic reactions that were not observed before, or, on the contrary, the allergies that plagued you before are smoothed out. It is impossible to predict this in advance.

Antiallergy medications for pregnant women will help relieve symptoms, but not all of them are allowed. The effect of the allergy itself on the fetus is difficult to determine. It depends on the severity of the reaction. Anyway bad condition mother affects the condition of the child. Serious manifestations such as asthma, severe swelling, cough, laryngeal edema, anaphylactic shock can lead to death, and therefore require constant monitoring and treatment.

During pregnancy, allergies can occur as a reaction to the fetus. Immediately after conception, the body may react to the fetus as a foreign body; as a rule, toxicosis develops. After some time, the body adapts to the embryo, and the reaction disappears by itself.

If the allergy has already existed before, it can either worsen or smooth out during pregnancy - the exacerbation is associated with the hypersensitivity of the body.

The presence of allergies should not affect the desire to have a child. With proper monitoring and timely elimination of symptoms, there is a likelihood of healthy child big enough. Even the presence of asthma does not interfere with pregnancy and childbirth. However, you need to visit an allergist and get tested for allergic reactions before conception occurs in order to prepare the body for pregnancy.

More information about allergies during pregnancy can be found in the video:

It happens that pregnancy has a positive effect on the body of an allergic person, weakening allergic reactions due to cortisol. In this case, even asthma may disappear. But all allergic reactions will return after the birth of the child.

Allergy is not a disease that can be eliminated once and for all. The immune system will always react to certain irritants if a failure has already occurred. But it is important to stop the symptoms in time so that there are no complications for the mother and child.

Signs of allergies

Allergy symptoms are usually easily recognizable and do not change over time. However, during pregnancy, symptoms may intensify or be complemented by others if there is a severe allergic reaction.

The severity of symptoms depends on the strength of the allergic reaction, the duration of contact with allergens and the individual reaction of the woman’s body to a particular factor.

Allergy symptoms:

  • Runny nose and nasal congestion. When an allergen gets on the nasal mucosa, it begins to swell and irritation occurs. As a result, the woman sneezes often and for a long time, which increases blood flow and increases swelling. Mucus production during allergies is common. Sometimes the swelling is so severe that it requires the use of vasoconstrictors, which are often undesirable to use during pregnancy.
  • Cough. Coughing also often occurs due to allergies, when irritating particles enter the larynx and lungs.
  • Asthma. Asthma is a severe allergosis. During an asthma attack, shortness of breath, lack of air, and panic occur, which cannot but affect the child. Pregnant women with asthma attacks should be closely monitored.
  • Quincke's edema. During a severe allergic reaction, some of the liquid component of the blood seeps into the tissues, causing swelling in the face, cheeks, eyelids, hands and ankles. Swelling can also affect the larynx area, which is especially dangerous as it can lead to suffocation.
  • Anaphylactic shock. Most dangerous symptom, requiring immediate medical care. Symptoms develop within half an hour and can be fatal if left untreated. With anaphylactic shock, shortness of breath occurs, blood pressure drops, the pregnant woman loses consciousness, and blood flow to the placenta and fetus practically stops.
  • Rash, itching. Skin rashes can occur on the face, abdomen, arms, and chest. The rash can itch and cause a lot of discomfort.
  • Nausea. A nonspecific but common symptom during pregnancy, when a woman is forced to refuse certain foods due to nausea and vomiting.
  • Burning and itching in the eyes, lacrimation. As a rule, these symptoms appear simultaneously with a runny nose and swelling and are the body's reaction to irritation.

Antiallergic drugs for pregnant women

Taking medications during pregnancy is limited. Antihistamines can affect the fetus and, if taken for a long time, lead to heart defects and other abnormalities.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, organs are formed, so taking any medications is prohibited.

Any medications should be prescribed by a doctor after examining and examining the pregnant woman:

  • Vibrocil. These are nasal drops that have an antihistamine and mild vasoconstrictor effect due to the content of phenylephrine. They can be used a little longer than other vasoconstrictor drugs, but during pregnancy you should consult your doctor and not exceed the dosage and course of treatment. Any vasoconstrictor can affect the nutrition of the placenta, so it is used with caution and only as needed.
  • Suprastin. A common allergy drug, it is often taken as a single dose rather than in courses to relieve swelling and if the potential benefit exceeds possible harm for a child. Take the drug without a doctor's recommendation and long time Not recommended.
  • Cetirizine. The drug relieves all allergy symptoms (swelling, runny nose, rash), but is prescribed extremely rarely during pregnancy, since it does not affect the fetus and causes various abnormalities.
  • Tavegil. This drug is not advisable to take during pregnancy due to its toxic effects on the fetus. Only a doctor can prescribe Tavegil in case of emergency and for health reasons.
  • Aqualor, Aqua Maris. Harmless preparations for rinsing the nose based on sea ​​water. They cleanse and moisturize the nasal mucosa, wash out allergens, and help relieve runny nose and nasal swelling. They are recommended to be used after every possible contact with an allergen.

Any antihistamine is not advisable during pregnancy due to negative impact on the fetus and is taken only on the recommendation of a doctor in case of emergency. Taking allergy medications during pregnancy is monitored by a doctor. If side effects are observed while taking it, the drug should be discontinued and replaced with an analogue.

It is impossible to completely prevent allergies, especially during pregnancy, when the body's reaction is unpredictable.

But you can protect yourself from allergies with preventive measures, or at least reduce the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

  • Watch your diet. During pregnancy, you need to be careful about what you eat. Even if earlier food allergies there were no, various allergenic products such as honey, exotic fruits, yoghurts with dyes and additives should be consumed in limited quantities in order to determine in time what the body reacted to.
  • Avoid contact with pets. Pet hair is a strong allergen that should be avoided. It is very difficult to clean an apartment of fur, even if the animal is no longer there, so the allergy may persist for some time.
  • Do not use cosmetics with fragrances and dyes. Any cosmetics can cause allergies. During pregnancy, you need to be careful with decorative cosmetics, herbal lotions, creams with a large number of additives and essential oils.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking during pregnancy is not only harmful, but also dangerous. This is due not only to an allergic reaction, but also to the effect of nicotine on the fetus. Passive smoking is no less harmful.
  • Avoid self-medication. A pregnant woman strives to cure almost any disease with home remedies, but a passion for herbs and juices can lead to a severe allergic reaction.
  • Don't forget about personal hygiene. During allergies, you need to keep your body clean. If you are allergic to dust, pollen, or wool, you need to regularly cleanse your skin, washing off allergens, and also rinse the mucous membranes of your mouth, nose, and eyes. This will help alleviate the woman’s condition and eliminate the need to take any medications.
  • What can a nursing mother drink for allergies? Strong antihistamines of the new generation