Lunar horoscope for the year for Cancer

2017 promises to be prosperous for Cancers, but only when they are active and persistent in achieving their goals. The coming year of the Rooster will provide enough opportunities for realization, and success, as a rule, will depend only on Cancer. So you should not let your affairs take their course, but should take the initiative into your own hands.

The first half of 2017 is fraught for Cancers with outbreaks of serious conflicts between business and personal areas of life. It is very likely that loved ones will be corroded by resentment towards representatives of this zodiac sign for being overly enthusiastic about work.

Or a sudden hobby will create problems with performing one’s official duties at the appropriate level.

In any case, trying to keep up on two fronts will not lead to anything good. If such a situation arises, the stars recommend Cancer to prioritize his personal life and family, if he has one. Attention and care for loved ones will help establish spiritual harmony among Cancers, and in a balanced state, business issues can be easily resolved.

In November, Cancer is expected to feel tired and lack energy, so it is better to postpone all important planned activities a little later - to December, which will be the most successful for Cancers all year. In December, Cancer will be able to easily and naturally realize everything that has accumulated over the year.

Love horoscope for 2017 Cancer

In 2017, Cancer will be faced with the acute question of what is more important to him - family or work. The stars advise putting family first. Of course, you shouldn’t rush to extremes and quit your job, but for some women, the role of a housewife in 2017 will be very useful.

The stars draw the attention of Cancers to possible difficulties in the first half of the year between two important areas of life - career and family. If in such a situation you do not initially dot the i's, then Cancer will have to rush between desires and necessity all year. For single Cancers in 2017, there is a high probability of falling seriously in love, which will give his soul peace of mind and a charge of optimism, which will help him cope with problems in the implementation of business and material plans, and the contradictions that arise will subsequently be resolved.

Well, for those Cancers who have already found their soul mate, the horoscope recommends giving maximum attention to their loved one, since 2017 for Cancer will be fraught with a constant lack of time, care and attention towards loved ones. If there is a desire, Cancer can easily cope with this pressing issue.

Career 2017 Cancer

In 2017, the horoscope foretells Cancer the need to prioritize between personal life and work. And although there is no complete opposition between these spheres of Cancer’s life, nevertheless, in the year of the Rooster, the first role will belong to only one, while the other will play a secondary role. Although it is possible that this zodiac sign will change priorities throughout the year, and perhaps even more than once.

In any case, regardless of Cancer’s choice, the stars do not promise him great achievements in his work. The horoscope warns that in 2017 Cancer should not count on a successful combination of circumstances or luck, thanks to which he will be able to achieve success. From the same point of view, Cancer in the year of the Rooster is strongly discouraged from getting involved in dubious projects or risky adventures. Good results this zodiac sign can only achieve with daily work, dedication and perseverance.

To strengthen their position in society and prepare the foundation for subsequent achievements, the stars recommend Cancer to pay attention to such points as establishing business relationships with necessary people. It is likely that new acquaintances can subsequently play an important role in the future life of Cancer, for example, in the form of finding a new job.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Cancer

The altruistic motives of Cancer and his desire to help everyone can immediately play a cruel joke on a person of this zodiac sign. When lending money to your friends, it is important to understand that a person may turn out to be a fraudster and disappear along with the money, never repaying the debts. Cancer himself, in the name of helping his neighbor, can give away all the available money, which he can seriously worry about already in the middle of the year. But the Year of the Rooster is just right for Cancers to save money and acquire real estate and movable property at the end of the year.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Cancer

People born under the sign of Cancer should monitor the condition of their own skeleton, joints and skeletal system. The fact is that the desire to look beautiful will force many Cancers to sit on strict diet. By losing weight incorrectly and not receiving proper nutrition, these people will begin to leach calcium from the body, which, against the background of spring vitamin deficiency, will inevitably lead to fragility and brittleness of bones. For kids school age sign of Cancer, you should be wary of staphylococcus infection, which will lead to the appearance of rheumatism.

Horoscope 2017 Cancer man

Since the beginning of 2017, Cancer men need to gain self-confidence and make decisions quickly and clearly, as when bartering and choosing the best option these individuals can lose everything. In the middle of the year, a decline in activity is expected, caused by weakening health, which will lead to financial problems. It is important to strengthen the immune system from the beginning of the year and not expose the body to danger. At the end of the year, it is worth doing everything to improve relationships with relatives.

Horoscope 2017 Cancer woman

2017 promises to be a successful year for women born under the sign of Cancer. From the beginning of the year, these ladies will use their charm and all sorts of sexual tricks to charm and make the man they like fall in love with them. Already in the spring, harmony will settle in the souls of these women, which will significantly raise their tone and allow them to reveal all the talents these women have. It is quite possible that at the end of the year, Gemini ladies will even be able to earn good money doing creative activities. Meanwhile, these ladies will not keep track of their spending, and therefore their finances will quickly slip through their fingers.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


Being lazy is strictly contraindicated for Cancers this year. The fact is that a very promising year is coming, in which you can implement many ideas if you always stay in the center of events and are not afraid of responsibility.


Cancers born in the year of the Ox will need to learn to cope with their emotions. These individuals will turn their anger caused by business failures on their loved ones, which will lead to discord in the family, or even separation.


In 2017, the decisive role in the lives of representatives of the Cancer sign will be played by their sexual attraction. It is because of this factor that Cancers can go to another country or radically change their lives and their worldviews.


These people will not be in the best mood from the beginning of the year. The reason for everything will be Cancer’s dependence on his partner, whom he sincerely loves. The partner will take advantage of this position. The stars advise not to hesitate in making a decision.


The stars advise such representatives of the Cancer sign to devote more time to developing their own talent and not to spare money on training and advanced training, since at the end of the year these people will be able to demonstrate their extraordinary abilities in all their glory.


These individuals will not have the most successful year, and the reason for this will be a lack of understanding of Cancer in the family and lack of support from family and friends. It is important to learn to overcome difficulties alone, because this will unusually strengthen such people.


Handling finances and taking important management decisions recklessly and without consulting with colleagues, Cancers will only harm themselves. It is very important to have a person nearby who could teach and advise in difficult times for these individuals.


If these people want to achieve their goal in 2017, which requires considerable financial expenses, they should not count on outside help. It is better to start saving money from the first months of the year, rather than spending it thoughtlessly. Taking loans and advances is also not recommended.


If individuals of the Cancer sign want to avoid major problems in 2017, they should first of all learn to keep their mouths shut, since just one accidentally dropped word can cause a serious conflict after which Cancer will end up in the hospital.


The year will be very promising and promising for people of this intersection, since already in the second half of the year they will decide to tie the knot with wealthy people, which will also allow them to resolve their financial issues.


The coming 2017 will, first of all, be characterized by useful acquaintances that will allow Cancers, if not now, but in the near future, to have a strong and reliable shoulder nearby. It is also important to think about starting a family and children.


From the beginning of the year, these people should rely only on themselves. Their business qualities and the ability to negotiate with everyone and find mutual language will allow you to get a well-paid job or a serious promotion in 2017.

So, let's take a closer look at why representatives zodiac sign Cancer, which traditionally belongs to the element of Water, will find it very difficult in 2017 to adapt to the impending changes. Actually, the key astrological trend here is obvious: the signs of the element of Water are at this stage, in principle, will not be in the most advantageous position, since the current element of 2017 is Fire. However, there are always opportunities for success; you should not be particularly discouraged by the fact that 2017 will fundamentally go against your ideas about successful and planned development. Everywhere has its own nuances, and most importantly, there are always explicit or implicit patterns, taking into account which it is quite possible to emerge victorious from any, even the most difficult situation. In addition, struggle is almost always progress, and if Cancers have a really hard time this year, it will only make them stronger, without a doubt. Of course, if you yourself are active and dynamic, and if you take into account the characteristics of your sign, then there is no doubt that it will be so, something in the vastness of 2017 will push Cancers to a more active position. Also, you need to take into account that although the Rooster, the patron of 2017, will not be clearly on your side, nevertheless, the Moon, the personal ruler of Cancer, will be stronger than ever in many periods of the year. This point has two consequences. Firstly, it is logical to place the main emphasis throughout 2017 on the sphere of personal relationships (don’t worry, this area will interact as closely as possible with other areas). And secondly, now Cancers will have to become flexible, you need to learn to adapt to circumstances without bending to them. This is called adaptability, the ability to use changing conditions for one's own benefit. No special preparation is required here, external factors They will tell you what to do, and you will easily understand what is required of you and what choice you will have to make. The main thing is not to be afraid of change, but when changing in new conditions, remain yourself.

In general, 2017, as applied to those born under the Cancer zodiac sign, can be divided into two stages, and the first stage will begin with the beginning of the Year of the Rooster - January 28. Literally from the first days of this time period, Cancers will need an outstanding effort of all their strength, mostly psychologically. You will have to quickly learn to control your emotions as clearly as possible. Yes, Cancers often have problems with this, but now these same problems will have to be taken under control, otherwise you risk, in the future, getting such negative situations in comparison with which all previous problems will simply fade. The main thing is not to doubt your abilities. Of course, the eccentric nature of the year Fire Rooster will resist you, but, believe me, his powers are not so limitless, in addition, he is not able to put an obstacle in front of you that you objectively cannot overcome. This little trick, which many people don’t know about, is actually one of the fundamental laws of the Universe, or more precisely, an aspect of this law. On this moment The important thing is that the most global changes will occur in the personal life of Cancers. There is no need to be afraid to move away from old relationships, which, and you clearly know this, as they say, have already outlived their usefulness. Everything that, instead of joy, brings only negativity must go away or change, and together with you continue the path in some new way. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid of new relationships, which may frighten you with their scale. This also happens to Cancers; you are quite capable of almost achieving your goal and suddenly stopping one step before victory. This trend will have to be abandoned, but otherwise the horoscope for 2017 recommends that Cancers simply be themselves. Overall, this stage can be incredibly productive if you act in proportion to the circumstances and do not slow down your decision making too much - this is the key moment of 2017.

The next stage will begin at the end of the summer season, approximately in the second ten days of August 2017. The time for sudden, abrupt changes is already behind us, so the transition will be smooth; you won’t really notice how the most significant situations will smoothly move from the personal area to the work area. Of course, this is a rather relative, very general interpretation, which may well have many nuances depending on your zodiac sign and specific personality. In general, the dynamics of the previous stage will remain, because the Fire Rooster, the patron of 2017, does not plan to give up until the very end. Therefore, Cancers themselves are advised not to slow down under any circumstances. If you are confidently moving towards victory, continue to do so. If everything only becomes more difficult, become stronger yourself, act even more actively. The main thing is not to play too much, because the dynamics here should be just another side of the coin. The other side is accuracy; you should not take actions that you are not sure of. Now the risk in most cases will be a losing one for you. Undoubtedly, it will not be easy for you, dear Cancers, to give up the good Russian tradition of relying on chance, but now, believe me, it’s not best time for this. On the other hand, of course, you shouldn’t be afraid, you won’t be driven into some exceptionally clear framework, you won’t be squeezed by the steel vice of circumstances. There will be room for maneuver, that’s a fact; it’s just that, taking into account the active developments of events, it will become a little less than you are used to. Sometimes, perhaps, it’s worth cheating, but sometimes, on the contrary, telling the truth straight out when it’s least expected of you. As already mentioned, your main weapon here is changeable adaptability and flexibility in everything.

In general, 2017 can be a very successful year for most representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign, although one thing is obvious: you will have to work hard. On the other hand, remembering the old man Nietzsche, it should be noted: if Cancer does not bend under pressure, it becomes stronger. In 2017, many Cancers will find true friends, and, perhaps, those whom it is fair to sincerely call their soul mate. On the other hand, for many, relationships will come to their natural ending, and here the key definition is natural (although this definition does not negate the sadness and sadness of such an event). The main thing is to remember that there are always opportunities. And you can always retreat from your goal by admitting defeat. But... in our opinion, this is the wrong path, and we are confident that in the soft power manner characteristic of Cancers, in 2017 you will lead your troops to victory!

We wish all Cancers happiness and success in 2017! May joy never leave you, and may your home always be full of fun!

In the period from June 2017 to mid-July 2017, Mars will be in your constellation, which will provide the opportunity to work closely on any endeavors that will be quite successful over the next two years. You will really like what you are working on, and all your thoughts will be directed only at this, because you will have enough courage and courage to even start it and the motive to continue working. The more diligently you take on a job, the more energy you will be given to successfully complete it and, accordingly, the more you will have time to do. At this time, a new moon will occur in your constellation, which will give you an even greater surge of strength.

At the same time, Uranus will be in the sector of the horoscope, which is responsible for your professional activities, and therefore you should not try to fight the trials that it will bring, because they will only benefit you. Pluto will be in the Relationships sector, which will bring positive changes in this area. Please note that throughout the year, Neptune will be located at the most favorable angle in relation to your constellation, which will significantly enhance your intuition, fortitude and imagination.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer about love

At the very beginning of the new 2017, it will seem to you that this year will be completely unpromising in terms of love, because Mercury will enter a retrograde phase (that is, it will move in the opposite direction) in your love sector in the first days of January 2017. You will think that love and relationships are not about you. Nevertheless, in August 2017, a lunar eclipse will take place in your sector of Intimacy, which will allow you to put everything in its place in this regard and rid you, temporarily or forever, of those people and intimate relationships that only caused you pain.

But everything can change with the arrival of Jupiter in your Love sector of the horoscope. This will happen in October 2017. And in the second half of December 2017, Mars will arrive there. At the same time, Saturn will ascend into your Relationship sector. Let us note that this Jupiter-Saturn pair will be the best help for creating new serious relationships and you, if you are still single, will need to make every effort to find your soulmate. If you already have a passion, then this relationship should be taken to a new level and work to make it stronger so that in case of adversity you would be able to cope with any difficulties together. If your relationship is not very good and you are unhappy, then even with the most serious efforts you will not be able to do anything as it will simply break. In any case, you should look for a soul mate so that this relationship is truly promising, and so that you really care about your partner.

Horoscope for Cancer for 2017 about money and career

Until December 2017, Saturn will be in your Work sector and this suggests that until the very end of this period you should be smarter and carefully think through every decision related to work, colleagues and the tasks that you perform. Only in this case will a positive effect await you. If you have decided to start something of your own that you have long dreamed of, then this is the time for such endeavors. Although from the very beginning of the year such a prospect will seem like an unbearable burden to you because Mercury will be in a retrograde phase (that is, moving in the opposite direction) in the first days of January 2017. By the way, at this time he will be in your Work sector. No matter what, we recommend that you concentrate on what you are doing.

Venus will also constantly put a spoke in your wheels since in March it will also be in a retrograde phase in the sector Professional activity. During this period, you will be especially lazy when it comes to professional goals and your ambitions and, as luck would have it, you will make a bad impression on those to whom you should not do this. You will also experience a lack of energy and loss of strength. But everything can return to normal when Mercury, continuing to be in the retrograde phase, ascends into the same sector. This will happen at the end of April 2017.

But in February 2017, Mars will be there and during this period you should concentrate on your goals in order to achieve results. Try to do everything you have planned during this month in order to calmly survive March and April, that is, all these retrograde phases.

As for money, in February 2017 a lunar eclipse is expected in your Money sector, and at this time it is worth giving up unnecessary spending and improving your financial planning system. Starting from the end of July 2017 and throughout August, Mars will be in this sector. At the same time, in August 2017 it is expected there solar eclipse! Know that these two events will help you improve financial situation and will significantly increase your financial capabilities. However, please note that in September Mercury will ascend into the Money sector in the retrograde phase and this is a reason to approach financial issue seriously and avoid any expenses and unexpected expenses.

Horoscope for Cancer for 2017 about home and family

Until October 2017 next year, Jupiter will be in your sector of Home and Family, and this will help in cases where you decide to direct all efforts to improve your home conditions, decide to move, or want to improve relationships with relatives and, thereby, provide for yourself reliable support. Be sure that you can do all this and you can do it while feeling supported and safe.

Even when Jupiter leaves this sector, it will be replaced by Mars and will be there from the end of October 2017 to December. In this way, you will be provided with additional support in order to pay increased attention to home comfort and family life, and from now on you will be able to devote to these responsibilities whole year. Try to make every effort and this will be the key solid foundation for future years and will provide you with worry-free family life and strong family ties. This applies not only to your immediate family members, but also to those whom you consider to be such.

Horoscope for Cancer for 2017 about the state of mind

In mid-October 2017, Mercury, which will be in a retrograde phase in your Consciousness Control sector from the second half of August, will be replaced by Mars. Yes, as Mercury is there, you may experience difficulties in communicating with others and problems in hearing, being heard and competently conveying your thoughts to others. This is due to the fact that your attention will be scattered, but with the appearance of Mars in this sector, you will have a chance to return everything to normal and find the right approach to communicating with others.

Until mid-October 2017, Jupiter will be in the sector of the horoscope, which is responsible for managing your emotions, which will help you remain optimistic and not lower your head during difficult periods. We advise you to pay more attention to yourself and try to listen to your own feelings.

Brief monthly horoscope for Cancer for 2017

Cancer Horoscope for January 2017

This period will begin with you focusing only on others and on work and not paying attention to yourself. However, over time, everything will fall into place, and you will be able to get new positive experiences and what you wanted before. Yes, you will become positive again and you will not wait to find out how it will all end.

Cancer Horoscope for February 2017

Finally, you will be able to solve all the problems and find out what made you feel insecure and unsafe. At the same time, you will understand yourself better, and you will not need advice from others. All this will give you the opportunity to be more open to new experiences, which will significantly increase your life potential and open your eyes to what is happening and, as a result, you will want to get more from life.

Cancer Horoscope for March 2017

Yes, as soon as you think about the purpose of your life during this period in 2017, you will immediately find yourself in a stupor. You will also face problems with management, parents, teachers and other adults you encounter in life. You will try to avoid responsibility and feel empty from work, and in this regard, we recommend that you establish a clear daily routine during this month so that the feeling of complete defeat from what is happening cannot overtake you.

Cancer Horoscope for April 2017

Despite the fact that during this period, by and large, you will be indifferent to what is happening, and you will not have much desire to do anything, you will still be able to think through plans for the future. You can calmly talk about life path and the direction in which you are moving and dream about the future. However, you should not jump straight into action, as your attitude towards these dreams may change dramatically.

Cancer Horoscope for May 2017 2017

At this time you will be more creative. At the same time, your imagination will be heightened. And therefore, if you are thinking about some new business in 2017 that requires these qualities, then know that you will easily achieve results. Of course, for some time you will want to be alone and you certainly will not like it if others interfere with your plans. You may need a short rest to gain strength and energy.

Cancer Horoscope for June 2017

During this period, you will be literally charged with energy and therefore you should immediately decide where to put this energy. If you don't do this, you will waste it trying to do everything at once, which will not lead to anything good. Make a plan in advance and stick to it.

Cancer Horoscope for July 2017

At the beginning of this month, you will still be very energetic, but then you will simply exhaust it and take a short break in order to then switch to something else. Take time for introspection and often try to understand what exactly you want and what you are doing to get it.

Cancer Horoscope for August 2017

This will be a rather difficult period, given the lunar eclipse in the most important sector for your sign. At this time, it is better to pay attention to those problems that are deeply embedded in your mind and that are still worth solving. As soon as you do this, you will immediately become calmer, all worries will pass, and you will return to reality.

Cancer Horoscope for September 2017

This month your consciousness will be distinguished by activity, sharpness and the ability to concentrate on one thing. Perhaps during the new moon you will be able to find something to do to your liking. You will be more optimistic and will be able to think through any plans, as you will be able to see the same situation from different angles.

Cancer Horoscope for October 2017

At this time, you will realize that you have been paying too much attention to your family and home life all the time. last year and it’s time to pay attention to yourself and leave all seriousness aside for a while. At this time, it is better to devote yourself to entertainment and spend time with those who are interesting to you and around whom you are always in a great mood.

Cancer Horoscope for November 2017

Throughout this month you will be more sociable than before, but you will still prefer to spend time with those from whom you feel support and constant approval of any of your actions. At the same time, you will significantly expand your circle of acquaintances and easily find those with whom you feel more comfortable spending time. Social connections will also be significantly expanded and useful contacts will appear, which will come in handy in the future.

Cancer Horoscope for December 2017

During this period, not everything will be so rosy both at work and in Everyday life. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to your relationships with others. Indeed, for some time you may fall out of the work process, but this is only because you will direct all your efforts to understand who from your environment is really worthy of communicating with you and who is not.

Next year for Cancers will be successful on almost all fronts. The stars predict for this zodiac sign that 2017 will be a good time to improve finances and self-realization. But Cancers can also often feel sad because of sentimentality, and they will have to solve difficult situations on their own.

Cancers are born from June 22 to July 22. Among the famous Cancerians are John Rockefeller, Tom Cruise, Erle Stanley Gardner, Pierre Cardin, Giorgio Armani, Anna Akhmatova, Erich Maria Remarque, Princess Diana, Patrice Lumumba, Sylvester Stallone, Nikola Tesla, Harrison Ford, Rembrandt, Evgeniy Yevtushenko, Hermann Hesse, Ernest Hemingway.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

The horoscope for 2017 for Cancer recommends getting more involved in your work in February. Otherwise, while you are rocking, a worthy position will be given to another employee. Then don’t be offended that, alas, you were not appointed responsible for the project. Cancer will need initiative and activity not only in the work sphere, but also in the love sphere. If you sit at home and dream of a prince on a white horse, he will gallop past your window. Therefore, go to the beauty salon, then to the boutique for fashionable clothes and not then, happiness in your personal life will not pass by Cancer.

Family horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

In March 2017, Cancer will want to open his own business, which is quite reasonable and on time. After all, for a personal business you have everything you need - finances, knowledge and profitable connections. The horoscope for 2017 for Cancer predicts a “golden time” when money will fall into his hands. The Rooster will help you find reliable business partners, while Cancer will help you with original ideas and a plan of action. If Cancer does not rely too much on his memory, then you can trust your thoughts to a blank piece of paper. Carefully write down everything or sketch it in a notebook, so that you can later pass on your ingenious creations to inheritance.

The horoscope for 2017 advises Cancer to take a vacation in May and go to a resort. Although, you can go to a sanatorium to improve and strengthen your health. Thrifty by nature, Cancer will choose exactly the route that will be not only the shortest, but also the least expensive. By the way, traveling with your loved one will become even more interesting and romantic. Well, if Cancer has children in the family, then they can be taken to the village to visit their grandmother for the summer holidays. At the beginning of summer 2017, the Rooster will present Cancer with a lot pleasant surprises, and will also open up a sea of ​​opportunities for achieving goals and increasing capital.

Health horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

Horoscope for 2017 advises Cancer to go medical examination so as not to miss serious illnesses. The Rooster, of course, will make sure that Cancer has fewer problems with his well-being, but he himself needs to be more careful and meticulous. In September, new horizons in love will open. Romantic encounters and unforgettable acquaintances are possible, which can lead to serious relationship and marriage. The main thing is that Cancer does not shirk work, immersed in experiences and suffering from love. Moreover, the boss really values ​​such an invaluable employee as you.

Horoscope for 2017 career and business for Cancer

The fall of 2017 will be a “fruitful” year for business trips for Cancer. Before you have time to return from one business trip, your boss will send you on another. Your loved one will miss you and even make a scandal about Cancer’s frequent absence. Negotiations, establishing connections with foreign partners and a huge amount of urgent work are expected. The horoscope for 2017 for Cancer predicts a good, highly paid position. Take the Rooster under his wing and go shopping for a solid suit, tie and briefcase. Now your place is in a separate office and on a high chair.

So that relatives do not feel sad that Cancer is completely immersed in work, they need to come up with some kind of hobby. The smart Cockerel will definitely sort everything out, so at the end of the year don’t forget to say “mercy” to him for this. Cancer will start renovations in the apartment, for which he has enough strength and money. The horoscope for 2017 advises Cancer to involve older relatives in household chores. Firstly, they have experience, and, secondly, they themselves will be happy to make bright changes to the interior of the home.

Features of the horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

The horoscope for 2017 predicts that Cancers will feel the power of lions all year long, as they continuously pursue their prey. Life will become more intense in all areas. Sometimes it may seem to Cancers that their usual life and environment are in one place and cannot move in order to take important steps to achieve their goals. This will lead to unpredictable reactions to the actions of loved ones.

If Cancers do not want to feel surrounded by complete strangers by the end of the year or find themselves completely alone, they should control their emotions and actions. But it is worth remembering that 2017 is a time of pleasant changes that will happen only with the input of the Cancers themselves; it is they who will build their destiny. Representatives of this sign will be given great chances, but a very low start may not lead to the expected finish. The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Cancers carefully restrain their impulses and activity.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer man

The horoscope for 2017 advises representatives of this sign to be self-confident. This year is for fast, faithful and independent decisions. You should not think about each action for too long in order to achieve success, and waste a lot of time on each step.

A sharp decline in strength will occur in mid-2017. Most likely this will be caused by a sharp weakening of the immune system and loss of strength, which can lead to some problems in the professional and financial sphere.

The horoscope for 2017 advises Cancers to be more attentive to their health and significantly strengthen it from the very beginning of the year. In order not to spoil your health, you need to approach your lifestyle correctly, this will help you avoid many problems.

If Cancer men have strained relationships with loved ones in the new year, at the end of the year they should make an effort to improve them.

The horoscope for 2017 advises Cancer to look back less and focus more on current affairs. If you close the door to the past, the present will be more interesting and happier. Cancer lacks determination and confidence, which often slows down important things and interferes with career growth. At the end of the year, you should radically change your views on familiar things.

Until the middle of the year, Cancer will chase bright impressions, so everything ordinary will not even be noticed. Although, it is in the little things that the secret of your professional success. The horoscope for 2017 for Cancer predicts romantic acquaintances and new friends. In the fall, a craving for loneliness will appear. Well, sometimes it’s good to be in silence, dream and analyze your life.

This year Cancer will face many disappointments and disappointments, which will be mainly related to their personal life. Alas, many situations will not work out in your favor, as the Cancer horoscope for 2017 predicts. Sometimes you need to show persistence and even ambition to become more successful. In July you will have the chance to dramatically change not only external image, but all my life.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer women

The horoscope for 2017 promises great success for Cancer women. Cancer girls and women will use their charm and many of them will be able to use sexual tricks and tricks. Cancer women can attract attention by any means the right man and make him fall in love with you.

At the beginning of spring, Cancers will have enough spiritual harmony, which will lead to a surge of new strength and energy. The stars will give Cancer women many different opportunities to show off their talents, which no one knows about yet.

Most Cancer girls will begin to realize their creative abilities and will receive great pleasure from their activities. The financial income of Cancer women will also increase significantly, but towards the end of 2017.

Considering that Cancer women will not control their spending and try to save, it will turn out that almost all of their income and quite large sums will simply be thrown away.

The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Cancer more often seek advice not from friends, but from an inner voice. You have excellent intuition that will help protect you from problems. The summer period will bring success in business to Cancer. Just don’t deviate from the plan, then everything will work out. The best time for a vacation is autumn, so don’t miss the opportunity to soak up the seaside.

This year Cancer will want to create, compose and draw. Your heart is open to everything new and unknown. The horoscope for 2017 for Cancer predicts a lot of troubles around the house and financial difficulties. But you will come out of any situation with dignity if you do not lose optimism. Closer to autumn, Cancer will be offered to lead an original project, which will strengthen his position in the team.

Shopping for Cancer in 2017

Cancer in the year of the Rooster will not be able to calmly pass by shops. You will want to buy everything - from cakes to blouses. If possible, do not skimp on fashionable items, quality shoes and purchases for home interiors. The horoscope for 2017 for Cancer recommends slowing down and becoming more economical in the summer-autumn. It’s better to invest in education, and also find a good tutor for your child.

Classes for Cancer in 2017

The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Cancer take up accounting. If before this this area was of little interest to you, now you will immerse yourself in it headlong. Cancer will carefully study all Internet programs related to debit, credit and financial investments. Already in the fall you will “advance” so much in this area that you will be able to give valuable advice to colleagues and friends.

Friendship horoscope for Cancer for 2017

Cancer knows the value of friendship, so this year there will be even stronger and more sincere communication with those with whom he has been walking along the same path for a long time. It is possible that you will have a common business with one of your friends. The main thing is that he does not deceive you different sides and did not introduce alienation into the relationship. The 2017 horoscope for Cancer promises to meet people with whom he has long dreamed of establishing friendly relations. In the summer, you will have a great time relaxing and communicating with people from another city or country. In the fall, on the contrary, Cancer will be too picky and secretive. This will be a reason for some friends to say goodbye.

After analyzing the location of the stars and planets, astrologers prepared a detailed one for Cancers. Get ready for the Fire Rooster to test your strength. You may experience a strong shock, and in order to cope with the circumstances that have befallen you, you will have to use all your strength. However, it is this experience that will help you easily cope with similar situations in the future and will help you re-evaluate a lot in life.


Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer men

The beginning of the year will be busy. Many will want to take advantage of your kindness and compliance. At such moments, Cancer must remember that healthy egoism is needed - without it you simply cannot achieve your goals. Sometimes you have to refuse even the closest people, and this is absolutely normal.

Family and relationships

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At the beginning of 2017, Cancers may feel outbursts of jealousy. Moreover, most likely groundless: sometimes a conversation with a work colleague is just a conversation. Other negative qualities, such as suspiciousness and indecisiveness, can also get in the way of family happiness. The love horoscope for 2017 for Cancers advises not to delay the proposal too much - there is a risk that your significant other will simply get tired of waiting.

Already in the first months, Cancers will notice that friends and relatives often turn to them for advice and ask for help. But try to get rid of the “vest” role, and guide people to real actions that will help them cope with problems.

Single Cancers will be able to find a partner in winter. But perhaps your feelings will not be reciprocated. Don't despair, but try to channel your emotions into a creative direction.


Career Horoscope 2017 - Cancer | Astrology and Zodiac Signs

Things won't go smoothly. There may be periods of downtime in business, and old mistakes and unresolved matters will “resurface” at the most inopportune moment. The main thing at this moment is not to look for those to blame, but to try to quickly resolve the issues that arise. Find the courage to admit that you are wrong.

In addition, the horoscope for 2017 advises Cancer men to pay attention to improving relationships with colleagues. People who previously seemed unprofessional and slowing down your work process will open up to you from a completely different perspective. Perhaps it is at work that you will make a couple of great friends.


We Heart It

But Cancers will not experience any problems with money in 2017, the year of the Fire Rooster. You will receive a stable income, which will be enough even to save part of it for a bank deposit. Do not neglect this opportunity, because Cockerel likes thrifty and far-sighted people.

The financial horoscope 2017 advises Cancers to be careful with the preparation of various documents. Problems can be created not only by bureaucratic formalities, but also by simple illiteracy. Read all contracts carefully before signing.



Take an interest in various methods of cleansing the body of waste and toxins. In 2017, the body, tired of constant stress and poor nutrition, may fail. A cleansing course will help Cancers improve not only their physical well-being, but also emotional condition- you will be recharged with energy for new achievements.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer women

The busiest periods in all plans are expected to be the beginning of February and April. You will constantly be invited to parties and celebrations. The first half of the year will be filled with new impressions and emotions, but starting in May you will have to seriously get down to work and resolve current issues.

Family and relationships


Being torn between career and home is not easy. But according to love horoscope for 2017, Cancers will almost constantly rush from one to another. Although your loved one will not do mean things on the sly, he may eventually get tired of this state of affairs. Try to make up for it on the weekends. And choose “ entertainment program” is better, taking into account the interests and desires of your half - even if you are not at all interested in the next rock concert in the nearest pub.

In the bustle of everyday life, Cancers will begin to pay less attention to their parents. Of course, you need to build your life, but remember that they, like no one else, need your attention and support. Therefore, be sure to call them at least several times a week.

Cancer women who dream of meeting their love will be able to do this in the summer. Light flirting during the holidays can develop into something more - first a passionate romance, and then a lasting union. But in order not to miss your destiny, you should be active: attend various festivals, parties or educational events.


The Year of the Rooster is not the best time for radical changes. Horoscope 2017 emphasizes that Cancer women are more at risk of losing a stable income than others in the coming months. The optimal strategy is to simply perform your duties conscientiously. Don't turn down extra projects and extracurricular assignments. Now Cancers must actively earn points so that later their reputation will begin to work for them.

There is a possibility that management will change at your place of work. Cancers must be willing to adapt to new format work and establish contact with new management.

Your intuition will help you see the optimal solution in the most difficult situations. The excellent instinct that Cancers have will help them conclude a particularly profitable deal closer to autumn.


Valentine's Day

In order to improve their financial situation, Cancer must work hard. However, there is also a nice bonus - the Rooster will help you learn how to plan a budget, thanks to which you will begin to save good amounts every month. By the way, already in 2018 these funds can be used to develop your own business. Avoid desired but unnecessary purchases. The best investments Cancers can make are investments in their own development.



Unlike men, Cancer women will feel an energy boost and an increase in overall tone from the very beginning of the 2017 Fire Rooster. The good news is that feeling great will delight you throughout the year, and even chronic diseases(especially headaches) will bother you much less often. However, watch how much alcohol you drink at parties - if you overdo it even a couple of times, you can seriously harm your body.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer-Rooster


The owner of the year opens all doors for his wards, and your universal key will be the ability to negotiate. The horoscope for Cancer-Rooster for 2017 is extremely favorable. Already at the beginning of spring you will receive several profitable offers.

However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to work “for your uncle.” The Year of the Fire Rooster is ideal for starting your own business or implementing a global one. creative project. Try writing a book or . The main thing is to start, and the Muse will come to you.

Don't try to pull everything on yourself. You will spend a lot of time and energy, but you will never achieve the desired result. In 2017, Cancers must learn to work in a team and trust other people.