The line of the Sun and its full characteristics, marks on it. Line of the Sun on the hand: signs, location, behavior and full decoding

Drawing of luck, or the line of the Sun meeting on the hand successful people, is a sign of extraordinary favor of fate. The ancient Greek sages, who discovered the secrets of palmistry, called such a line the sign of Apollo or Phoebus - in honor of the son of the powerful Thunderer Zeus, the god of the Sun, light, and luck.

It is easy to find the sign of good luck in the palm: it is located perpendicular to the longitudinal lines, under the finger of Apollo -.

Palmistry states: the line of the Sun is not given to everyone, but anyone who is endowed with it is a rare lucky person, the darling of fate. Features of the Apollo sign on the palm are as follows:

1. A bright, clear “sunny” line means attracting success, the implementation of the most daring plans, the fulfillment of dreams, new horizons in life, new heights behind which luck is hidden.

2. Just as the Sun gives joy, light and warmth, so the sign of Apollo contributes to the flowering of ideas, the embodiment of plans, and the fulfillment of the wildest desires. This is especially true for areas of human activity related to art.

3. A rare, but extremely favorable combination of lines - the Sun and - speaks not only of success in life, but also of the harmony of spiritual and material principles in a person’s destiny.

A picture of luck can take a person to the pinnacle of success and give him the laurels of a winner. The fame and fame of many public figures - actors, writers, artists, musicians - is explained by palmists this way. In their palm, right or left, there is sun sign success.

Basic interpretations of the sign of luck

To unravel the secrets that the “solar” pattern on a person’s hand holds, it is necessary to take into account many obvious and hidden factors. Thus, the general location of other fateful lines can strengthen or weaken the influence of the sign of Apollo. Other characteristics of a person that are taken into account by palmists are also important: the person’s age, gender, date of birth, and other significant information.

Palmists determine the influence of the Phoebus sign on fate and luck depending on which hand it is located on.

  • On right hand– the drawing means that all a person’s efforts aimed at achieving material goals will certainly bear abundant fruit. The sign of success acts as a kind of shield against failure: like a magnet, it attracts successful, productive projects.
  • The left side of the human body, the one where his heart is located, is responsible for the soul, for intangible development. The “solar” line, which is located on the left hand, is responsible for spiritual harmony, inner peace, and human well-being. At the same time, a person may not have a huge fortune, but live in harmony, in harmony with himself.
  • The lines of the Sun on both hands are a real gift of fate. Such lucky people live a rich spiritual life, have interesting hobbies, at the same time they are successful in business and creativity. Happy owners of the double sign of Apollo realize their full potential, especially if they are engaged in constructive work or creativity.

A sign of success in a person’s palm is a huge plus in all his endeavors, plans, and projects. Such people stand out from others in that they take on complex projects without fear and complete them brilliantly, receiving good dividends. The lucky ones are not afraid to take risks, to put everything they have on the line, because they are firmly convinced that they will definitely be lucky this time too. Indeed, the Sun, a symbol of fertility and good luck, always illuminates life path those who carry his line on the palm of their hand.

You can find such a sign among famous and unknown people, among geniuses and ordinary people. At the same time, success comes not only to good geniuses. A dark personality can also be endowed with the sign of Phoebus. Therefore, palmistry interprets this drawing ambiguously if the palm of a particular person is not taken into account as a whole.

The interweaving of other signs of fate on a person’s hands reveals knowledge about the secrets of his soul, the aspirations of his heart, his future and past. Only an experienced palmist can understand the meaning of the success line and evaluate its impact on a person.

The influence of other signs and lines on interpretations

The sign of Phoebus is rarely found without crossing other lines. When deciphering the line of success, you need to take into account other patterns on the palm. So, rhombuses or stars on it can tell a lot about a particular person.

1. If there is another intersection or intersections, short and long, on the Apollo line, this indicates the person’s naivety, his lack of practicality. The owner of such a pattern on his hand is inclined to blindly believe everyone and everyone; he is easy to deceive or use as a pawn in someone else’s game. The situation can be turned around: strengthen control over your social circle, be critical of new friends, and do not forget about your interests in common affairs.

2. The appearance of a star sign in the place where the line of luck is located reveals the hidden motives of an outwardly prosperous person. This person is a refined gourmet, a connoisseur of special pleasures, a connoisseur of the arts, decisive and independent in decision-making, who at the same time knows how to put on the right mask that hides the true motives of his actions.

3. A sign that looks like a square says: the line of the Sun will bring incredible luck to its owner. The appearance of such geometric figure on the sign of Apollo is evidence of undoubted success in any endeavor of a person who also has an open and independent character, justice, and honesty. This true friend, responsible business partner.

4. The beginning of a clear line of the Sun from the island indicates that this is an idealist, energetic and principled, ready to ardently defend his position. Such people are captive of their own illusions for a long time, often ignoring real life. When choosing a life partner, they can often make the mistake of wishful thinking.

5. Branches from the line indicate the great potential of the individual, his ability to realize large-scale plans. How many branches of luck there are on a person’s hand, there will be so many great chances for success in life, even in the most risky, daring projects. This applies not only business sphere, but also extends to personal relationships.

6. Like others fateful lines, the Apollo line can also be double on one hand. This suggests that a person is used to easily earning a lot of money thanks to his luck, but he just as easily parts with it. Gold in the hands of such a person is a means of throwing dust in the eyes of others, sand that slips through his fingers. The owner of a double line of luck, if he does not pull himself together, will face financial collapse due to exorbitant spending.

7. A clear, even “sunny” line, without intersections or additional signs, speaks of strong character person. Such people are looking for weaker, driven personalities as companions, whom they can command, to subordinate to their will, to lead. They provide for their family well. They will not yield their leadership positions to anyone under any circumstances.

8. The drawing of the success line can be very short, barely noticeable. There is also a secret meaning here. Holders of this sign are people immersed in their inner world, keenly showing interest in music, painting, and any type of creativity. They are thrifty, but at the same time they know how to surround themselves with beautiful things.

9. The line of the Sun may have bends, which indicates the generosity of the soul and positive thinking of a person. Such natures face the blows of fate without bowing their heads, look to the future with optimism, and appreciate the present.

The ancient Greek god Apollo was especially revered among other gods of antiquity. Those who wear the sign of Apollo on their hands are marked with the special favor of the solar celestial. They are luckier than others, they achieve success more easily and fail less often.

Write your opinion

The ring finger on the hand is called the Apollo finger. Palmistry says that he is responsible for how a person expresses himself, attracts attention through his manner of dressing, taste, talents, etc.

By the lines on your hand you can find out about your chances of success

Right underneath ring finger There is the hill of Apollo, which is also called the “hill of the Sun”. Using it, you can easily determine whether this person has a chance to succeed in life.

Palmistry says that excessive development of the hill is not auspicious sign. But not in this case. The better developed it is, the better. This hill endows the owner of the palm with talent and enthusiasm; such people have a very strong desire for self-expression. He also shows a talented person who has a sense of beauty.

Carefully study the hand, its lines, pay attention to the Hill of Apollo.

Not pronounced hill

A person is not interested in understanding the world, is indifferent to contemplation, culture, art, and never shows initiative. He has no imagination. He is sure that painting is “daub,” and poetry is ordinary “rhyme weaving.” He is a realist, with a practical approach to life. Often he has to perform mechanical work that does not require mental abilities. Sometimes the absence of the Mount of Apollo speaks of heartlessness and cruelty.

Palmistry pays great importance hills - small hills on the hand

Not very developed, but noticeable

Here is an open, friendly and trusting person. He knows how to empathize and immediately understands other people. Usually he has well-developed intuition. He often has rich inner world, capable of strong affection. Such people love to do something with their own hands, to make things, and are so carried away by their work that they do not see anything around them.

They also enthusiastically furnish their home. The walls of their home are decorated with handmade paintings and embroideries; the house is decorated with sculptures and stone crafts. However, he may have problems in self-realization in life, and achieving success will be difficult. They do not strive to conquer the world, but simply enjoy their creativity and go about their business with passion. These are “unmercenary” people who are not interested in money.

Well developed

Here is a man who loves art and admires beauty. He has a rich imagination. Such people dream of fame. An elastic and high hill can be seen in the hands of people of creative professions who have been able to achieve great success. It is also a sign of intelligence and developed intuition. Usually in the dreams of people with a developed Mount of Apollo, a house full of luxury. They have a good, peaceful character, they are charming and can be interesting conversationalists, often beautiful, with good manners.

The hill is too big

This is a shocking person who wants to be in the spotlight and strive for publicity. For him, his whole life is a holiday. However, he can be too proud, vain, and likes to exaggerate everything. If the Mount of the Sun stands out on the hand, then he has a great love for money. He can be a spendthrift, not just wanting fame and praise, but craving it like no one else.

Hill location

Palmistry pays attention not only to appearance hill, lines on it, but also draws attention to its location. The Mount of the Sun is not always where it should be; sometimes it can move a little to the side.

Located on the hand closer to the Mount of Saturn

If the Mount of the Sun has shifted to the Mount of Saturn, then this person is passionate about philosophy and psychology. A writer with such a sign will definitely engage in psychoanalysis, a composer will write music that will make you think.
The artist will also create unusual paintings that will cause a storm of feelings. He prefers to compose rather than perform on stage. This person is also patient and calm, does not like gossip and slander, but spends pleasant time in the company of children and animals. He is a devoted friend.

Located on the hand closer to the Mount of Mercury

Such a place on the hill of Apollo indicates that a person is not indifferent to money. He even perceives art as a source of money. He loves to be in public and craves fame. Great success awaits him in the field of art. Also, these people do not like restrictions on their freedom, including personal freedom. If the Mount of Mercury and Apollo merge, then this person directed all his creativity to increase capital.

Signs on the hill

When reading the signs on the hand, deciphering the lines, it is worth taking a closer look at the Mount of Apollo, which also influence the fate of the owner of the palm.

Cross. If a cross is clearly visible on the Mount of the Sun, these lines indicate some serious obstacle that will interfere professional activity. This could be some serious mistake in business or a wrong decision that will hinder career growth. This sign may disappear over time if a person is able to bring order to his thoughts and find inner harmony. He also shows that he himself is complicating his life with wrong relationships.

A cross on the Mount of the Sun predicts obstacles

Triangle. If the lines form a triangle sign, it is good for the owner of the palm. This person knows how to combine the incompatible – science and art. It is possible that someday he will make a great scientific discovery. Success awaits him in any activity, because he combines a tenacious mind, love for people and a balanced character. It can be recognized calm person with a gentle character, who has an aptitude for science.

Triangle and square on the Hill of the Sun

Square. If the lines form a square (see photo above), then financial success awaits the owner of the hand. Circumstances will be in his favor, and without much effort he will be able to achieve success and fame. The square also reveals character traits - straightforwardness and openness. They are very decent and energetic people who are against hypocrisy and gossip.

Trident. Sometimes the lines on the palm take the shape of a trident. This is also an auspicious sign that promises good luck to a person and the ability to earn big money. This will not require any effort on his part; wealth will fall into his hands. Such people have an analytical mind and should study the exact sciences.

A trident and a star on the Mount of the Sun are auspicious signs

Star. If small lines cross at one point, then this is a star sign (see photo above). On the Mount of the Sun it signifies good fortune, fame and prestige if one chooses a creative profession. In addition, it promises big money. He will be able to fully reveal himself in the form of art that he chooses. Some palmists believe that with a star on this hill, you must definitely go on stage - to the theater or cinema, because these people have the ability to charm everyone using their wonderful voice. Such people are inimitable, both gentle and independent. They also know how to manage their own money. This is a sign of success and wealth.

Sometimes the sign of the Sun appears on the palm, which indicates that this person will not only become popular, but will become world famous. This is a talented and hard-working person who will achieve a lot, despite failures and enemies.

The Sun sign speaks of great talent

Lattice. If the lines on the Mount of Apollo form a lattice, this indicates the insane pride of that person, due to which he will have a bad reputation. It can also end in madness. There may also be difficulties in personal life, because having many fans, he risks losing everyone and being left alone.

If the line of the Sun is present on the hand, this means that the person is marked by fate itself. The thread of the sun is responsible for achieving fame, prosperity and monetary success. But a lot depends on the behavior, location and symbols on it.

Like all other lines on the hand, the road of success is interpreted taking into account the person’s career and work and is read in conjunction with all the symbols and threads. This suggests that if a line manifests itself during a certain period and it coincides with some entrepreneurial activity, this does not mean at all that the fortuneteller will become rich overnight.

The solar line will indicate that a person will become successful in his business and rise one step above his competitors.

Other signs and lines will indicate the continuation of the favorable period.

Different beginning, different interpretation

Possible points of separation are the life line, the Mount of the Moon, Mars, the heart thread and the line of the mind:

  1. The path to success from life with an aristocratic type of hand - the owner will devote himself to art or something beautiful all his life.
  2. Apollo and the thread of life start from one point - a servant of art, who will achieve success in this area.
  3. From the Mount of the Moon - success directly depends on public opinion and influence. If the line of Fate also joins this point, a person will have a lot of admirers in his life.
  4. Palmistry, the line of the sun moving away from the plain of Mars is a constant struggle that will end in victory and great success. The addition of a fateful thread will only strengthen the situation; the person will begin to have incredible luck in his career and at work.
  5. If the beginning departs from the thread of the head, then no one will disrupt this success and external aspects will not be able to influence it.

Such people are endowed with powerful intellect, they always know what they want, and they will achieve success by mid-life.

  1. Starting from the heart thread will tell about talent for art and portends improvement, both in life and in the financial sphere.

If at the same time Fate is slightly turned towards index finger, then authority will be added to success.

The line of the sun on the palm and all sorts of shapes that are found in practice

Of course, it would be ideal if the thread of the Sun is located correctly on the palm and has a beautiful shape without damage. This is extremely rare.

Such a model will tell the owner that his life is spent under the auspices of strong and influential people. The person will always be the center of attention and surrounded by fans.

A clear and even thread of success

If such a pattern is found on a man’s palm, then it can be said that the man really values opposite field beauty, meekness and defenselessness.

For life together a man needs a wife who will constantly be in the shadow and admire her husband all the time.

The line is straight and short

Those with drawing are very subtle people and are interested in music and painting. They like to reflect thoughts correctly, clearly and clearly.

Such natures strive for everything sublime, love luxury and behave carefully in financial matters.

Wave shape

Here is a very charming and elegant person who prefers art and nature.

Despite his sophistication, such a person is prone to a pessimistic state. I am constantly haunted by a feeling of anxiety; if I do not overcome all these qualities in myself, I can become an irreversible bore.

Very short thread

The owners are distinguished by not very pleasant characteristics: mediocrity, a thirst for recognition at any cost, and envy to boot.

For some reason the owner is trying to make his way in art, but at the same time has absolutely no talent. When faced with problems, he begins to become embittered, which makes him unhappy.

A curved line connecting two hills

The model will indicate such qualities as patience and ease of character. They are not difficult people by nature and can be easily pleased.

Even a very difficult and difficult partner, with a shaky nervous system. The calmness and confidence of such a line of the Sun can even heal.

Starting from the Hill of the Moon

Such a sun sign (palmistry) will indicate a person who adores flattery and loves to be the center of attention.

If someone does not agree with an opinion, then the person will give a lot of arguments to convince him and will still remain right.

The thread leaves the mound of love

This combination indicates a self-sufficient person. A person will not be confused in life and will get along perfectly.

He is extremely picky when choosing a partner and is difficult to please. As a rule, by nature these are single people.

High line of the Sun

Such a drawing will indicate a fairly strong personality who loves to act as a patron in life.

Such people simply love to be admired and appreciated. If the brakes fail, he can turn into a tyrant and despot.

A small segment crossing the head thread

For people, both in love and work, concepts such as unity and cooperation are important.

Giving all their strength, in return such people receive success, love and talent.

Strong bend

This pattern will bring prosperity and reliability to your home. Such people are reliable for cooperation.

They will move stubbornly towards their goal, the only “but” is self-doubt.

What does a star on the line of the Sun mean?

Such a drawing belongs to art, which promises success in this direction.

Such individuals do not resist others and often suppress their feelings, which can lead to depression and mental illness.

The meaning of the square on the thread of the Sun

Such a pattern determines clear luck in a person’s life. As they say, such people struggle with any task that is brought to completion.

Independent character, decisions are made harshly. Such people never adapt, but live as they please.

Island on the line of the sun and its meaning

If you find such a design in your palm, congratulations, you are an incorrigible idealist. If such a person falls in love, he will place his chosen one or chosen one on a pedestal.

The problem is that the fortuneteller does not see any flaws in his ideal. Then the illusions may dissipate and the person will be faced with reality, which may serve as an impetus for divorce. According to palmistry, a point on the hill of the sun portends bad fame.

Lines from the line of the Sun and their meaning

Drawing where the process extends to the hill of mercury. The owner really does not like to remain in the shadows.

Such people are not very worried about tomorrow; they do not like lazy and petty people.

Fork at the end of the thread

If the hill of the sun (palmistry) includes a fork, then we have a person who loves praise and admiration.

Such people perceive only positive information and do not like to look at many things realistically. Sometimes they sincerely believe in lies and look at the world through a rosy prism.

Transverse wavy line

If such a combination is found in the palm, then this clearly indicates mental acuity. People are agile and curious, resourceful and help others find their place in life. The person is a dreamer, but very quickly comes down to earth when necessary.

Palmistry, signs on the hill of the sun in the form of dashes

A pattern with short lines indicates a trusting person. He always sincerely believes everything that people tell him.

Warning. Don't confuse professionalism with friendship. Otherwise, one fine day you may be left without a penny of money.

Several branches extending from the line of the Sun

The number of threads in a given pattern will indicate the opportunities that fate presents itself for implementation.

Other signs and lines will tell you in which area the implementation of plans is provided.

Thin long branches in the form of a tree

These are individuals who can calmly cope while doing several things at once.

In this situation, sometimes unfinished, pressing tasks appear. A person is constantly busy and does not feel like a free person.

Threads from the Apollo line going down

This pattern indicates unnecessary connections. A person cannot free himself from the ballast of contacts that irritate him.

Several parallel broken lines

Two duplicate threads with an interruption will warn the owner to stop wastefulness. A person easily says goodbye to the money he earns.

Advice. In this situation, the enterprise can very quickly fail.

At the end of the line there are many threads in the form of strokes

Such people are alien to such a feeling as tender affection, but they know how to very cleverly simulate it.

These are very charming people who use all their skills when they need support, protection or finance. In a nutshell, dangerous seducers.

Line from the line of the Sun towards Jupiter

True leaders are natural and always strive for this. Depending on the general pattern on the palm, sadists may also be found.

Often they choose followers as their partners, and the partner must come to terms with this, otherwise friction will arise all the time.

A clear branch that heads towards the Mount of Saturn

Here is an optimist who loves to be the center of attention. He is distinguished by his wit and loves people who are distinguished by intelligence.

IN professional field He is active and loves to be a pioneer in business.

This is the palm of an idealist, who is distinguished by his fighting character and passion. By nature, a person is loyal and values ​​the opinions of others.

The owner of the palm is distinguished by tenderness and fidelity only towards his partner. Qualities do not prevent him from breaking ties that drag him down.

Branch going to moon hill

He is very romantic and sentimental towards his partner. Next to such a person you feel protected, since the person likes to take on the role of a caring “daddy” or “mommy”.

The thread goes to the Mount of Venus

If you have such a drawing, then you are enough successful man financially.

They like to surround themselves with luxury and beautiful things, they adore comfort. The finances earned are enough not only to provide for your family, but also to make some reserves.

The relationship between the thread of success and the lines of the mind, heart and destiny

The short line rests on the path of the mind. Before you is a domineering nature, which is distinguished not only by energy, but also by grumpiness.

This is a very self-confident type, but there is a drawback, in case of defeat he goes into shouting and scandal.

The thread of the Sun is short and rests on the heart road

This nature is distinguished by devotion, generosity and generosity. They are very trusting and often make mistakes in choosing their partner.

His impulsive state often irritates his partner, which can undoubtedly lead to a break in the relationship.

The thread of the Sun comes from below and ends on the line of the soul

By nature, he is a selfish type with a high opinion of himself. At first glance, it will seem to you that the person is friendly and sincere.

In fact, behind the mask there is a person who looks down on everyone.

The line of success is connected to the thread of Fate

Before you is a person whom God has endowed with a lot of talents. These are well-mannered people, very reserved and noble.

They differ the most best qualities. But when difficulties arise, they cannot cope with them on their own. Often, outside help is sought.

A short connecting thread between the line of Fate and the Sun

This pattern indicates good luck in business. A person has a special talent: to calculate several steps ahead.

Trade is his main hobby; he can achieve especially success in the field of selling paintings or works of art.

Line of the Sun, or Good Luck

The line of the Sun tells us about the degree of our success and luck in a variety of matters. Sometimes this line contains information about future fame and glory. this person. But often the line of the Sun tells how plans and ideas for the future will be translated into reality.

This line protects a person from misfortunes and charges with positive and bright energy. This line helps a person stand on the right way and not make a mistake when choosing the road. This line is one of the most mysterious lines on the human palm. Those who have the line of the Sun on their hand are almost always rich and happy. Such people are surrounded by success, fame and fortune everywhere, especially in business and personal life. Moreover, these people may belong to different social strata.

Usually the line of the Sun appears at birth and accompanies the person chosen by it until death.

The line of the Sun should be on the hand without damage, marks, dashes, intersections, crosses, islands under the ring finger area. Such damage will only bring negativity, weakening the effect of luck. If there is a cross or an island on the line of the Sun, this means that on the path to fame and success this person will encounter difficulties, trials that may not be passing, but permanent. It is important that after such damage the line of the Sun continues to be clear and bright.

If a star-shaped sign is found under the ring finger on the line of the Sun, this means that fame, success and financial independence await this person. If the line is double or triple, then such a sign will significantly enhance the effect of the line of the Sun, and will also endow its owner with talents in the field of art.

But you shouldn’t be too happy, since sometimes this sign indicates a weakening of the Luck line. Looking at the beginning of the line of the Sun, you can determine how soon the most cherished desire of a given person will come true. This line can become the line of Art and thereby determine the beginning of the most successful period for the activities of people closely associated with creativity, for example, such a forecast for the future will be very important for artists and actors.

If there is no such line, it means that such a person, although he has talents, will face many failures and disappointments in life. If such a line is present, but unclear and blurry, this means that such a person lacks concentration and is wasting his energy in vain.

If the line is clear and straight, this means that its owner is a person with a light character who confidently walks through life without creating problems for himself or others.

If the line of Luck begins on the line of Life or the line of Fate, it means that the success that accompanies a person is the result of his own talent and expended energy.

If the line of the Sun begins between the Mounts of Venus and the Moon and ends on the Mount of the Sun, this means that the person is very purposeful.

If the Sun line begins on the Head line, this means that the person will achieve success in adulthood due to his hard work.

If the line begins on the line of the Heart, this means that material well-being awaits the person in old age.

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If the line begins on the Mount of Venus, this means that the person has a talent for painting.

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Line of the Sun or Apollo The Mount of Apollo or the Sun is crossed by one or more lines called the lines of the Sun or glory. However, the real line of the Sun begins on the line of life or the hill of the Moon. The line of Apollo, which is born on the hill of the Moon (see Fig. 3.6, f),

From the author's book

Life line Maria: – And if I see in another person something that I don’t like, then I have it too? Elena: – Not always. This can be tracked by how you feel about it. If it’s annoying, then it’s very possible that it’s in you. You can see and treat differently. I