Chinese gua sha massage negative effect. The effect of gua sha massage on the body. Contraindications and restrictions

Guasha massage is one of the oldest types of Chinese massage. The name translates as “scraping off all the bad things.” To carry out the procedure, special scrapers made of natural material are used. With the help of these plates, certain areas of the body associated with internal organs are treated. Reflex irritation promotes regeneration of skin tissue, restoration of organs and cleansing of toxins from the body. Mastery of the gua sha technique opens up new possibilities for healing and strengthening the immune system.

Indications for massage

Massage has a healing effect when:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joints, spine, bones);
  • impaired blood circulation and lymph flow (swelling of the extremities, constantly freezing hands and feet);
  • muscle spasms;
  • osteochondrosis of the back and neck;
  • excessive deposition of fat cells (anti-cellulite massage);
  • inflammatory processes in muscles and some internal organs;
  • age-related decline of certain body functions.

The gua sha technique has proven to be effective in the treatment of children with childhood cerebral palsy . After massage sessions with scrapers, spasticity in patients with cerebral palsy is alleviated and motor activity improves. Autistic children and children with delayed psycho-speech development are treated using this technique.

  1. In the field of sports medicine, gua sha is used for the speedy recovery of athletes after injuries and heavy loads(competitions).
  2. Chinese gua sha massage masters claim that this technique treats infertility, both female and male.
  3. Therapeutic gua sha massage is also used in beauty salons to improve skin condition.

Weight loss– another indication for Chinese massage. This technique thanks to combined effects It has a fat-burning effect on the tissues of the human body and helps to resolve even visceral fat, which is deposited on the internal organs and inhibits their functionality.

The cosmetic effect after gouache is visible after two to three days: the skin is rejuvenated, wrinkles are smoothed out, and complexion improves.

Impact on the body

The effectiveness of the gouache technique is predetermined by the instrument itself. The masseur operates with two scrapers. The raw materials for production are jade or natural horn plates. Each scraper is used for a wide variety of movements and effects on the human body. It influences the bioactive points of the human body, activating certain processes.

With these scrapers, a massage therapist can:

  • smooth the body;
  • scrape it;
  • press the handle on active points, etc.

The easy sliding of scrapers over the surface of the body is due to the use of oil (these can be either massage or aromatic oils, depending on the purpose of the massage). This method is useful for metabolic disorders.


You cannot do gua sha massage if there are any violations of the integrity of the skin:

  • microtraumas (abrasions, scratches, etc.);
  • burns, including sunburns.

Such massage is harmful for chronic inflammatory diseases and in cases where doctors diagnose the presence of a tumor. For example, you should not massage your belly if a woman has uterine fibroids. An absolute taboo for gouache is the mammary gland. You can massage only the sternum line with scrapers.

  • Moles, especially raised ones, warts and other convex formations on the skin are an obstacle to massage.
  • Guasha sessions are extremely undesirable during pregnancy and critical days among women. The consequence may be excessive, painful bleeding.
  • Skin diseases, allergic dermatitis also interfere with massage.

What you need to know

  1. Each session can be called stressful, it is so unusual. Water procedures Immediately after a gua sha session are contraindicated. A bath or shower can only be taken six hours after the massage. Until this time you need to drink non-carbonated mineral water, the bigger, the better. After the procedure you will be observed profuse sweating, urge to urinate. This fluid removes waste from the body.
  2. The best time for a massage is the second half of the day. It is advisable to do gua sha the night before the weekend to give your body a rest.
  3. It is not recommended to sunbathe on the beach or in a solarium before or after the procedure.
  4. After performing the massage, the body becomes covered with stripes or spots, they are also called shea spots. The color of these spots can range from bright red to black. These are not just bruises, they are evidence that the body is cleansing itself. You cannot proceed to the next session until the marks on the skin disappear. This will take no more than 3 days.
  5. A gua sha massage session should not last more than 25 minutes.

Video lessons

In this video, the massage master shows all the possibilities of using the gouache technique on the facial area. She treats the skin with the flat and side surface of the scraper, presses the bioactive points with the handle, and alternates stroking and kneading movements. When the head is treated, the technique is more gentle than that used for other areas of the body.

The effect on the body using the gouache technique in this video should not be scary: bright red stripes appearing on the skin of the back are a completely natural phenomenon. Most patients do not experience pain. Treatment of the body with scrapers made of natural materials allows you to activate the points responsible for the functioning of organs. Intense movements are replaced by lighter ones. After a massage session, a person experiences relief bordering on euphoria.

Some of the original treatments used by people included stone needles, massage, hot packs, and Gua Sha.
The earliest source that mentions Guasha method, is the “Huang Di Nei Jing” (Yellow Emperor’s Canon on the Internal) - the fundamental treatise of the traditional Chinese medicine, which is more than two thousand years old.
Much more mentions of Guasha contained in works on medicine of the Yuan (1271 -1368) and Ming (1368 -1644) eras.
In works on Chinese traditional medicine, this method is also called “Xia lyue” (夏掠).
By the time of the Qing era (1644–1911), descriptions regarding Gua Sha become more detailed.
For example, Guo Zhisui in the book “Jasper Balancer for Serious Diseases” (Sha Zhang Yu Heng) / 1674 / writes: “When using Guasha, measles rashes on the entire spine from the bones of the neck, to chest, shoulders, are scraped with a copper coin soaked in aromatic oil, or with the base of a woman’s hair comb; rashes on the forehead and legs are scraped out with a bunch of silk or hemp threads soaked in aromatic oil.”

In addition, even more detailed description specific purpose and use of Guasha: “When there are rashes on the muscles, it is better to scrape them off; on blood vessels, it is better to refrain from doing this.”

The doctor Wu Shiji (1806-1886) in his treatise “Discussions on purification in a parallel style” (Li Lun Pian Wen) / 1853 / also mentions the use of Guasha: “When Yang is exhausted and there is pain in the abdomen, you should scrape the spine with a porcelain spoon dipped in aromatic oil; strengthening the connections of the five organs. If you scratch, the harmful element decreases, the disease itself weakens.”

Thus, it is obvious that since ancient times, treatment with Guasha method was widely used and the tradition of its use has survived to this day.

Basic concepts of Guasha technique

TGuasha technique Since ancient times, it has been widely used by the population of Asia in conjunction with massage, acupuncture, vacuum therapy, bloodletting and other methods of treatment.

The term "Guasha"(Chinese: 刮痧; pinyin: guā shā) consists of two characters.

"Gua"- a verb that has a number of meanings:

1) plan, scrape, scrape

2) scratch, scrape, clean off; those. scrape

3) shave; shave off

4) rip off the skin, rip off

5) spread

6) touch, catch (while moving); rub

7) comb your hair

8) to blow, to blow (about the wind).

"Sha"- noun meaning

1) Chinese medical terminology- cholera

2) a popular name for a number of infectious diseases.

Literally, term "Guasha" means "clearance of fever", in a more free interpretation - “treatment of diseases by scraping the skin until it turns red (Sha)”.

A "Sha"- this is the substance of the disease, which emerges during the treatment on the surface of the skin in the form of specific reddish dots or spots - petechiae.

In Vietnam, this technique is called “gau yo”, loosely interpreted as “selecting (scraping) the wind.”

The canon “Su Wen” (Questions about the simplest) of the treatise “Huang Di Nei Jing” says: “The wind is the chief of a hundred diseases.”

Wind is the main external pathogenic factor, while the rest pathogenic factors very often enter the body along with the wind, causing sha syndromes.

Sha syndromes caused by wind (风 feng), cold (寒 han), dampness (湿 shi) lead to blockage of the meridians, which manifests itself in the form of chills, elevated temperature, pain and sensations of fullness, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tension and numbness in the extremities, etc.

The Gua Sha technique is also known in Laos as "khud lam", in Cambodia as "kos khyol", in Indonesia as "kerik" or "kerokan".

What is the ancient Guasha method from modern views?

At first glance, Guasha is positioned as an instrumental massage.

But in the process of studying and practical application of the Guasha therapy method, new facets of understanding, practical significance and applied effectiveness are opening up. this method.

Guasha therapy is a therapeutic and preventive method, unique in its effects.

The selection of treatment areas is determined according to the etiology of the disease and is determined by the basic concepts of Chinese medicine about the relationship between dense and hollow visceral organs.

The impact zones topographically coincide with the system of canals and collaterals (for more details, see G. Luvsan, 1986; M. Porkert, 1982).

In the process of performing Guasha manipulations, pronounced hyperemia forms on the patient’s skin, or extravasates are formed in the subcutaneous layer - a characteristic skin-vascular reaction to the effect in areas of pathologically altered tissues, which manifests itself in the form of red, bluish-dark, crimson-bluish-violet spots with large and small punctate petechiae.

Extractable liquid, rich in protein and cells of hematogenous and histogenic nature, which sweats from small blood vessels at the site of inflammation is called exudate.

The biological meaning of exudation is that immunoglobulins are released into the altered tissue along with the exudate, active ingredients complement, plasma enzymes, etc. biologically active substances that are released by activated blood cells.

Entering the site of inflammation, they, together with tissue mediators, ensure the activation of the pathogenic agent, thereby stimulating tissue immunity and ensuring subsequent tissue repair.

Together with the reflex effect, the processes of autohemotherapy and detoxification of the body are launched.

Intensive and effective binding and removal from the body of many toxic compounds of various chemical natures and metabolites occurs.

In this case, the nonspecific immunological reactivity of the body is stimulated (G.I. Kostina, 2006)

Often, by people unfamiliar with the technique, extravasation that occurs when exposed to Gua Sha is mistaken for a hematoma.

Hematoma is an accumulation of blood in a tissue cavity, which occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of vascular wall, that is, rupture of blood vessels.

Extravasation occurs on the skin or mucous membranes as a result of tiny capillary hemorrhages, which are a consequence of changes in the permeability of the vascular wall, and not a violation of its integrity.

Guasha therapy is essentially a complex effect on the body, consisting of non-invasive acupuncture effects on the skin, bloodletting procedures and massage.

The practical significance and therapeutic effectiveness of this method is confirmed by a number of articles and publications:

  • Positive dynamics in diseases of the musculoskeletal system with various vertebrogenic lesions (Boreichenko, I.V., 2004);
  • Positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of cervical spondylosis (Gou X, 1995;Wu FL, 1996);
  • Beneficial effects on the spine during hernia intervertebral disc(Wang ZG, Tao Y, Wu NT, 2004);
  • High effectiveness of application compared to acupuncture (Li J, Li GZ, 1996; Tang SM, Liu EL, LIu ZW, 2008); Analgesic effect in fibromyalgia (Tang SM, Liu EL, LIu ZW, 2008);
  • Positive dynamics in chronic neck pain (Braun M, Schwickert M, Nielsen A et al., 2011), etc.

Theoretical aspects of the application of the Guasha therapy method

The Guasha therapy method involves the use of a special plate made of various materials: Asian water buffalo horn, semi-precious stones, tortoiseshell, rattan, shells, porcelain and metal, which is used to treat certain anatomical areas of the body for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The surface of the skin is disinfected.

A thin layer of oil with a complex, multi-component composition (angelica Chinese; cassia; Chinese cinnamon; camphor oil etc.), which has a therapeutic effect due to diffusion and manipulations are performed in certain areas using a Guasha plate.

Treatment of affected areas using the Guasha therapy method has certain specifics.

Guasha therapy includes three main methods of influence:

Se-gua - movements are fast, with strong pressure (dispersion method);

Bu-gua - slowly with gentle pressure (stimulation method);

Pin-bu, pin-se - slowly with strong pressure (harmonization method).

Direction of movements: from top to bottom, from the center to the periphery.

The head and back are treated first, then the stomach and limbs.

The angle of inclination of the Guasha plate, the applied force, and the duration of exposure depend on the syndrome and severity of the disease.

The gouache plate repeatedly covers the area of ​​the used acupuncture point, capturing nearby tissue. The therapeutic effect is not diminished.

If possible allergic reactions on the components of the oil, it can be replaced with wine, aqueous infusion or water.

One of the main criteria when conducting a Guasha session is the need to keep the body warm, due to the need to prolong the effect of enhancing hemomicrocirculation and drainage of harmful substances of endogenous and other origin.

In this connection, it is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids after Guasha therapy.

Scraping plates can be disinfected, washed with soap, and then wiped dry with a towel. Their surface can also be wiped with alcohol.

The duration of a Guasha treatment session is 25-30 minutes.

Guasha therapy is prescribed in five to ten sessions per course, depending on the indications.

The sessions are repeated as the “Sha” petechiae disappear.

It can also be performed as a preventive procedure twice a year.

Indications for Guasha therapy therapy are:

1. Violation of trophism and functions of peripheral nerve trunks: radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, neuralgia sciatic nerve, as well as spasm and paralysis facial nerve, neurodermatitis, etc.

2. Diseases of the central nervous system: neurosis, neurasthenia, epilepsy, hysteria, etc.

3. Injuries of the musculoskeletal system: bruises of joints and soft tissues, damage to ligaments and tendons, tunnel symptoms, desmogenic contractures of joints, periarthritis of the shoulder, aseptic bursitis and tendovaginitis, contusion of the chest, abdomen, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints, senile cervical spondylopathy, periarthritis of the shoulder, etc.

4. Arrhythmias, heart disease, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

5. Thromboangiitis obliterans, atherosclerosis, consequences of stroke.

6. Colds, rhinitis, tracheitis, asthma, rehabilitation after pneumonia or bronchitis.

7. Acute and chronic nonspecific gastroenteritis, reflux esophagitis, dyspeptic disorders, stomach ulcers and duodenum, cholecystopancreatitis, prolapse of the stomach, adhesive intestinal disease, constipation, diarrhea.

8. Urinary tract infections, cystitis, prostatitis, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, enuresis, anuresis, etc.

9. Algomenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine prolapse, pelvic inflammation, menopausal syndrome, mastopathy, etc.

Guasha therapy can be used to improve the patient's condition:

For swelling

Muscle spasms

Insufficient joint mobility

Insufficient blood supply or lymphatic drainage

Inflammatory processes in tissues

Decreased functional activity of organs and systems of the body

Contraindications to Guasha therapy are:

1. Tendency to bleeding caused by diseases of the blood or microvascular bed (thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, acute anemia of various origins).

2. Exacerbations of chronic somatic diseases cardiovascular system (stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism).

3. Serious infectious diseases(severe hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, etc.; infectious diseases during hyperthermia).

4. Women during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation in the lumbosacral region and in the anterior region abdominal wall, as well as in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

5. For pustular skin diseases, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes in the acute stage.

6. For children in the head, neck, spine area.

7. In weakened chronic patients of elderly and senile age.

8. People with availability mental illness, under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Scraping should be avoided birthmarks, tumors, surgical scars, etc.
  • Avoid scraping the eye area ears, nostrils, tongue, mouth and lips, external opening urethra and anus, navel, etc.
  • You should refrain from performing a session if you feel hungry, oversaturated, thirsty, or very tired in order to avoid dizziness or fainting.

In case of fainting, it is necessary to lay the patient on his back with his legs elevated, loosen tight clothes, and ensure an influx of fresh cool air.

We ensure peace and control of the victim’s condition.


Currently widespread geographical distribution treatment and prophylactic method Guasha speaks of its popularity and is based on the therapeutic effectiveness of this method.

Guasha therapy is distinguished from other methods of traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture, acupressure, moxotherapy, etc.) by its relative ease of implementation, which makes it accessible to mastery and widespread use by Russian specialists.

Guasha therapy is essentially a complex effect on the body, consisting of non-invasive acupuncture effects on the skin, and it is a consequence of the various effects of acupuncture-zonal effects (for more details, see Vogralik V. G., 1961; Vogralik V. G. ., Vogralik M.V., 1978; Tykochinskaya E.D., 1979; Tabeeva D.M., 1982; Luvsan G., 1986; Chang H., 1979; Richter K., 1983; Heine H., 1988) and the totality of the effects of the bloodletting and massage procedures.

The obtained research results give grounds to recommend the use of the Guasha therapy method for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for use in sports and rehabilitation practices.

It should be taken into account that the Guasha therapy method requires further scientific and practical study.

Boreychenko I.V.

Employee of the research laboratory of biomechanics and kinesiology

Surgutsky state university Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, rehabilitation specialist.

Saint Petersburg.

Chinese Guasha massage is little known in our country, but interest in the original oriental technique and the number of followers is growing every year. In the article you will become familiar with the intricacies of performing Chinese massage, learn about indications and contraindications for use.

Chinese traditional medicine is unique and original. Its main principle is not only in treatment, but also in the desire to use a unique technique to activate the reserve forces of the human body itself.

Guasha massage is one of a kind, translated as “scraping off the bad.” Initially, a coin was used as a scraping tool, and any person without special training or skills could do the massage.

The entire technique consists of directed movements of the plates along reflex points. If we rub two solids about each other, heat is released - this is known from a physics textbook. When rubbing the upper layers of the epidermis, blood and lymph circulation increases and metabolic processes in the body are launched.

The method was loved for its accessibility and simplicity. In China, Indonesia, and Vietnam, Gua Sha massage has become a common procedure for colds, but its capabilities are much wider, it all depends on the goal.

Guasha massage comes in three types:

  1. Prophylactic, to prevent diseases such as the common cold. It is good to do a massage in the autumn-winter period before an epidemic of influenza and ARVI.
  2. Cosmetic massage to improve skin health, get rid of wrinkles, age spots and excess weight.
  3. Therapeutic massage is the fight against diseases and their diagnosis based on “sha” spots that appear after the session.

For home massage Guasha requires: a scraper, hands, desire and ability to perform the exercises correctly. In beauty salons, depending on the time spent on gua sha massage, the price starts from 1000 rubles.

Scraper for Guasha massage

Initially, massage was done with the edge of a coin; now a wide variety of scrapers are used for this procedure. The shape, degree of curvature and number of teeth of the scraper have no certain limits, the main thing is that it exerts the necessary pressure on the body, does not have sharp edges and does not scratch the skin.

The scraper (plate) - an indispensable assistant for massage - is selected carefully. It should be comfortable, beautiful, and working with it should bring pleasure to the master and the client. A tool for performing Guasha massage is made from various materials:

  • stone (most often used is jade, agate, shungite)
  • buffalo horn or bone
  • turtle shell, shell
  • sandalwood
  • metal (copper, silver)

Professional massage therapists often order scrapers self made, selecting material taking into account personal horoscope, signs of the Zodiac and kinship in spirit.

The shape of the plate can be very diverse:

  • rectangular - for the body
  • fish and drops - for face and neck
  • combs - for head massage
  • triangular legs - for limbs
  • spoons - for the final stage of the session.

You can buy a scraper for Guasha massage in specialized salons and online stores that sell a variety of tools and oils necessary for massage sessions. Most often, lovers of oriental traditional medicine perform a massage with Guasha stone (byanishi) - a type of jade. The price of a jade scraper starts from 800 rubles, if you choose a tool made from buffalo horn, then around 400 rubles.

Guasha massage oil

Initially, for better sliding of the scraper along the body, they used coconut or olive oil, now various components with a disinfectant and aromatic effect are added to it. Guasha oil helps open skin pores, prevents the penetration of bacteria and infections, and has an analgesic effect. Online stores offer:

  • aromatic oil for body massage
  • Facial massage oil, moisture retaining, anti-wrinkle
  • oil that moisturizes the skin after the session

The composition of cosmetics includes a combination of oils and natural ingredients that have undergone purification and processing.

Exotic Guasha massage: technique

It is advisable to undergo Guasha massage 1-2 times a year, 5-6 sessions with a break of several days are enough.

The main rule of performing Guasha massage:

  • the lines of movement of the scraper should go from the center to the sides and from top to bottom
  • When massaging the limbs, we direct the movement vector of the scraper to the toes
  • back massage - with the direction of the scraper from the spine to the periphery
  • We start the abdominal massage from the visual line - the meridian with the center where the navel is located - to the sides

The scraper is placed at different angles to the surface of the body:

  • The first scraping method is called “gua”, we place the plate at an angle of 30-45°

  • The second “tui” method is to push; we make intermittent pushing movements with a scraper, gradually moving it along the surface of the body. In one place we repeat the movements 5-7 times, holding the scraper almost parallel to the body.

  • The third “mo” method is ironing. Gentle movements without strong pressure are used for cosmetic Guasha massage of the neck and face. In some cases, such a massage lasts one and a half hours.

  • The fourth method is “tribute” - point pressure on a certain place at a scraper angle of 90°

  • The fifth method “sha” is knocking out the disease by tapping the movement of a scraper.

There are many Guasha massage training schools. There are conservative ones, where teachers adhere to the classical canons of the direction of movement of the plate from top to bottom. Modern centers and solo followers often offer individual schemes treatment and diagnosis.

Sha spots: what do they indicate?

After a Guasha massage session, patterns of hemorrhages appear on the body; they are called “Sha” spots. Each client's bruises vary in color intensity and area.

They resemble spots that appear during vacuum therapy; these two methods are often combined to achieve greater results. Experts examined what microhemorrhages are and established the presence of:

  • blood cells
  • blood plasma
  • biologically active substances, enzymes, hormones

All of them have a stimulating effect and the body itself begins to fight ailments, this process is called autohemotherapy. While spots are visible on the body, the self-healing process continues using the body’s internal resources. After a few days, the “sha” spots practically disappear, and you can continue your wellness massage sessions again.

Except useful substances stimulating effect, harmful compounds leave the body through “sha” spots. Where bruises appear, there is a diseased organ. After 5-7 sessions, bloody spots stop appearing on the body after the next massage, or they become almost invisible.

Even after the first sessions of Guasha massage, people's reviews are positive. At the end of the course, they feel a surge of energy, their mood and well-being improve.

Back Guasha massage

The duration of a Guasha massage for the whole body is more than an hour, and for the back it depends on the area of ​​the treated area, on average 20-30 minutes. Massage on the reflex zones of the spine improves blood circulation in the affected area, removes pain symptoms, relieves muscle spasm.

Technique for back Guasha massage:

  • Distribute the oil evenly over the entire back area with smoothing movements.
  • Let's feel cervical vertebra and with the angle of the scraper begins processing the spine in small sections (7-10 cm) up to the tailbone.
  • We choose the pressure and speed of the scraper ourselves.
  • We repeat the movements on each segment an average of 8 times.
  • We step back from the spine and use the edge of the scraper to draw two strips parallel to it on each side and begin movements from them to the sides. We do not change the speed and pressure.
  • We feel the areas between the ribs and the acute angle of the scraper and carry it from the spine along all intercostal spaces 5-6 times.
  • The final exercise is to run the wide edge of the scraper from the spine to the sides along the entire back, along the shoulder blades, passing through the armpits.

Anyone who has mastered the wisdom of Guasha massage well can use two scrapers at once and massage two zones at the same time.

Guasha massage for the abdomen

We know how quickly deposits are deposited on the stomach overweight, this is facilitated by the “syndrome” widespread in modern society office worker“When you sit at a desk all day without movement or physical activity. Guasha massage will help remove wrinkles on the stomach and waist. It is also recommended for women who have stretch marks after childbirth and whose abdominal muscles have not regained their previous shape.

  • It is better to do a Guasha massage in the morning, after drinking a cup of tea and eating a light breakfast. If you decide to have a session after lunch, then wait a couple of hours after eating.
  • The bladder and rectum should be empty before the start of the session; abdominal massage improves bowel function and Bladder.
  • We start the session from the central meridian, which divides the body into left and right sides
  • First, scraping movements are made with the plate below the navel from top to bottom, affecting areas associated with the genitourinary system.
  • Then - above the navel from top to bottom, touching the areas of the digestive system, without touching the navel.
  • Stepping back slightly from the meridian, we make scraping movements from top to bottom to the sides above and below the navel.

After the session, weakness and fatigue may occur, so it is better to carry out the procedure in your free time so that you can rest. For two days after the session you only need to drink warm water in large quantities to enhance metabolic processes and the release of toxins from the body.

Avoid sessions during menstruation, pregnancy and 5 months after birth.

Guasha facial massage

Our face, like a mirror, reflects health problems, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress and age-related changes in the form of a network of wrinkles, sagging oval face and dry skin. Guasha facial massage is carried out for cosmetic purposes; it is called rejuvenating.

  • The movements are of low intensity, gentle, without strong pressure.
  • Apply nourishing Guasha oil or moisturizing cream or milk to your face. Some masters prefer to massage a clean face without any cosmetics.
  • We divide the forehead into two parts and begin smoothing movements from the center to the temples 7-10 times along lines parallel to the eyebrows.
  • We lower the scraper lower and begin to scrape from the wings of the nose to the temples - 1-2 times on each side of the face.
  • From the corners of the lips and chin, we move the scraper towards the temple 20 times, on one side and the other. Can be repeated 2-3 times.
  • Use the edge of the scraper to move from the nose to upper lip repeatedly.
  • From lower lip- to the chin, and down to the clavicular fossa.

At the end of the session, you can apply nourishing cream to your face. Guasha massage increases elasticity and improves skin color, removes pigmentation and acne.

Benefits of Guasha massage and contraindications

Guasha massage is used to treat diseases associated with dysfunction muscle tissue, skeleton and internal organs.

Application of Guasha massage:

  • headache relief for chronic migraine
  • for joint diseases, reduces swelling and improves their movement in the joint capsule
  • for colds and respiratory diseases: temperature decreases, cough, wheezing and shortness of breath decrease
  • with cholecystitis, spasm is relieved, pain is reduced
  • massage of the lower abdomen normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, removes adhesions, heals women's diseases and restores reproductive function
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system and intestinal motility
  • blood pressure is normalized and restored heartbeat shortness of breath disappears
  • after the session, a person sleeps better, his appetite is restored, and his mood improves
  • The skin is cleared of acne, age spots and age spots, wrinkles are smoothed out, and skin color improves.

Contraindications for Guasha massage:

  • wounds, injuries, allergies and skin infections
  • non-healed bone fractures
  • hypertension and blood clotting problems
  • large varicose veins
  • postoperative period
  • women during pregnancy and lactation
  • oncology
  • mental illness during exacerbation

You can do massage yourself at home, without seeking help from specialists. Guasha massage: photos and training videos can be found on the Internet.

If you are tired, the body is subjected to physical and emotional stress, you need rest, Guasha massage will come to the rescue. Those who take care of their health should head to the East, because the average active life expectancy of the Chinese is 80 years. To treat diseases and relieve nervous tension they turn to folk medicine, choosing Chinese Guasha massage, proven by many generations.

Video: “Chinese Guasha massage”

I have already written briefly about Tok Sen, and even developed detailed video instructions for clients, so in this article I will pay more attention to Guasha massage.

I also wrote about Guasha, but in that article I mainly focused on. Here we will focus more on gua sha body massage, as one of the mandatory principles of Buddhist healing.

Guasha massage is popular in Thailand, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Laos, Malaysia and other countries in Southeast Asia.

I don’t know how it is in other countries, but Thai Guasha is different from the Chinese familiar to many. They even have different scrapers and massage lines in different places.

In this article I will use new materials translated from Thai. The article is a continuation of the series of materials “9 principles of healing of Buddhist monks”, see the beginning.

Guasha, or as the Thais call it, Guuasa, Guua massage, is very light and uncomplicated. To use it, you do not need to undergo lengthy training. It is enough to know the principles and basic schemes of “scraping”. It is quite possible to perform gua sha massage yourself where you can do it yourself - face, head, shoulders, arms, legs, stomach and chest.

Of course, it is much more convenient (and more enjoyable too) to do this in pairs with each other. I will try to tell you below how to do a gua sha massage at home. All you need is (better even a set of 2-3 scrapers of different shapes) and, master the principles - and practice.

Regular scraping massage helps get rid of migraines, coughs, and body aches. Activates the immune system, improves the absorption of oxygen by cells, and cleanses cells of toxins. Improves blood quality and starts the processes of removing “pollution” from the body.

The effect of Guasha massage can be enhanced by using. In the cold season, it is better to use balms with a warming effect.

The Chinese mainly use stone scrapers, while the Thais love wood and metal. It is believed that stones absorb negative energy and are difficult to cleanse on an energetic level. With wood and metal it is easier in this regard.

You can use special scrapers made of wood or horn - they are created in a convenient shape. But if there is no scraper at hand, Thais can do this massage with a coin, a spoon or a metal lid from Thai balm.

This massage can also be done through clothing.

And in the traditions of Lana ( Northern part Thailand) Guasha is made with the tip of a horn... This is much more painful than a massage with a regular scraper. And it is considered more effective. But there are some nuances there, without knowing which you can do harm.

Guasha massage technique

During the massage, do not press hard so as not to damage the skin. Scrub until red marks appear on the skin, but no more than 50 times in one place. It is recommended to go through 10-50 times in one place.

Guasha head massage

The head massage begins with the face along the lines in the figure above, then the scalp is scraped from the forehead to the neck, moving downwards.

Very carefully pass the scraper in the eye area, without much pressure, so as not to damage the skin. You should be comfortable.

When massaging other parts of the body, also do not forget that you should very carefully scrape the delicate areas of the skin: neck, inner side hands, stomach.

This type of massage is mentioned in the Tipitaka body of Buddhist scriptures.

Back gua sha massage

To work out your back, you can no longer do without the help of a partner. The massage can be performed both while sitting and lying on your stomach. Use the massage lines that you see in the picture above. When working with the back, you can apply stronger pressure than on more tender areas of the body.

Using scraping movements, treat each area along massage lines, making no more than 50 movements in one place. The skin may turn red after the procedure, and bruises after a gua sha massage are considered normal, the nature of which can be used to diagnose the condition of the body.

Some salons or masters practice gua sha massage for weight loss or anti-cellulite gua sha massage. But in traditional Buddhist practice, gua sha is still considered primarily a means of general healing of the body - it removes waste and toxins from it. Of course, you can do a gua sha massage for cellulite, as well as combine it with other procedures.

Massage with a gua sha scraper of legs and arms

Perform the procedure from top to bottom along the massage lines from the drawing. Make no more than 50 scraping movements in one area. On less sensitive areas, you can apply more pressure; on more tender areas, reduce it.

Work the left limb first, then the right. Be especially careful on areas of the skin located above the veins. If you have vein diseases, you cannot massage them.

Gua sha massage of the feet and hands is best performed with the corner of a scraper or a massage horn. These can be purchased from our website. The effect can be enhanced by working on active points on the feet and palms with a massage stick.

When performing Guasha massage, it is worth keeping in mind some nuances:

  1. In many areas of the skin, it is necessary to apply force and make rapid, continuous movements until the redness of the skin begins to appear.
  2. After a few days, you can determine the state of health by the color of the marks left by the scraper:
  • Pink or slightly reddishlow level slagging, BUT there are exceptions. This may also indicate hypochromic anemia. This can also happen in obese people, in which case it may indicate a severe disorder metabolic processes in the skin and the body as a whole
  • Redinitial stage stagnation, the beginning of the accumulation of toxins (literal translation - poisons)
  • Dark inclusions- long-term accumulation of poison, in Eastern medicine this is called “wind”
  • Blue- serious stagnation, excess of toxic substances
  • Black or purple— extreme stage of pollution, threat of cancer

If you still have black marks, it is not a fact that you have cancer, but it is worth getting examined for cancer.

According to the observations of a Thai monastery, 80% of those who had black and purple traces suffered from cancer.

Guasha massage - contraindications:

  • allergies to the oils used;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • injured skin surface on the treated area;
  • high blood pressure;
  • poor blood clotting, thrombocytopenia;
  • kidney problems;
  • dropsy that developed against the background of liver cirrhosis;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • a large number of moles, especially convex ones;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe heart failure;
  • acute mental disorders;
  • non-healed fractures;
  • anasarca (extreme degree of edema syndrome);
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • menstruation.

A small addition: not all Gua Sha masters believe that it is impossible to scrape out fractures that have not healed; some, on the contrary, recommend it. I had a Guasha massage done on a broken toe with a crushed bone, just sooooo carefully. If you do a Guasha massage correctly for a fracture, it speeds up regeneration. But if you don’t know the technique, it’s better not to take risks.

There are always questions about how often you can do a Guasha massage. Thais recommend conducting the next session after the discomfort from the previous scraping massage session has passed.

And in between you can do: it stimulates tissue metabolism, accelerating regeneration, softens muscles and tendons, relieving tension. It’s very good to combine Guasha and Tok Sen: first “tap” the whole body with a hammer and a peg, and then go through it with a scraper. These 2 massages complement and enhance each other.

I have several Thai Gua Sha regimens for various diseases. If you are interested, write in the comments to this article, and I will formalize this knowledge into an article.

*The information on our website is translated from Thai by resources that collaborate with doctors and specialists to provide reliable information. However, the content on this site is intended for additional, general educational information only.

The site materials are not intended for diagnosis or self-treatment in any way and do not replace qualified medical examination and diagnostics.

If you have illness or discomfort, consult your doctor. We are against self-medication, we are for a reasonable approach to healing.

To treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, brain and lungs, you can use the ancient Chinese Guasha massage. Its effectiveness has been proven by practice, and if massage rules are followed side effects occur extremely rarely. But how exactly is massage performed? What tools will the master need to perform all the necessary movements? And can you make it yourself at home? These issues will be discussed below.

What is Guasha massage?

Guasha massage is a massage technique that is used to treat certain human diseases, and also helps to remove waste and toxins from the body. A characteristic feature of this technique is the use of special scrapers, which are made from silicon, jade, copper or animal bones. Guasha massage was invented in Ancient China about 2500 thousand years ago, and its effectiveness has been proven by many years of practice. The name “Guasha” is translated as follows: “gua” means “scrape”, and “sha” means something bad and harmful, so in general the name of this technique can be translated as “scraping off harmful substances”.

Guasha massage is usually performed on the back, but if necessary, this technique can be extended to the face, neck, arms, legs and other parts of the body. It is usually performed in a medical or cosmetology clinic, but if desired, anyone can master this technique themselves, since it includes only three basic movements. It can be used for both therapy and prevention, however, in some cases the technique may be contraindicated. Doctors speak quite well of massage, but it must be borne in mind that it does not treat all diseases, so its effectiveness should not be overestimated.

The main advantages of Guasha massage in comparison with other types of Chinese massage:

  • Simplicity. Only three simple movements are used for treatment, and you can master these movements even at home.
  • Almost complete versatility. Massage can be used by almost all people - old people, adult men and women, children over the age of 10, and so on. It can be done even for people with chronic serious illnesses (although in this case it is recommended to consult a doctor in advance).
  • Good therapeutic efficacy. Medical research show that the Gua Sha technique is well suited for the treatment of mild and moderate diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This technique can also be used to strengthen the cardiovascular system, to remove harmful toxins from the body, and so on.
  • Complete safety if treatment rules are followed. During the massage, special reflexogenic points are affected, which determines the therapeutic effect. If such influence is carried out in the right way, then in this case no side effects will occur.

Date and time of gua sha courses

GroupTermNumber of hoursDaysTimeTeacherPrice
January 242 academic hoursFriday19:00-20:30 For free Sign up
January 29 - February 516 academic hoursMon, Wed, Fri19:00-22:00 7900 rub. Sign up
February 22 - February 2916 academic hoursSaturday11:00-17:00 7900 rub. Sign up

Medicinal properties

Scraping massage has the following healing properties:

  • When exposed to reflexogenic points, internal immune processes are activated. This leads to detoxification of the body, which leads to the elimination of harmful wastes and toxins from the body. These harmful substances appear in the body as a result of consumption junk food, as well as in case of poor environmental conditions. If there are a lot of them in the body, then in this case there is a deterioration in the functioning of many internal organs. Guasha massage is very effective against toxins, and the detox effect lasts for 10-15 days.
  • During the massage, the blood vessels in the brain dilate, so this technique can be used to treat mild neurological disorders (headaches, memory impairment, decreased intelligence, fatigue, and so on).
  • During joint massage, lymphatic drainage and blood circulation improve, so Guasha can be used to treat certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, various osteopathic disorders, etc.), as well as to relieve the symptoms of these disorders (back pain, impaired joint mobility, inflammation in areas of muscle fibers and others). Improving blood circulation also has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system generally.
  • During the massage, a number of reflexogenic points are also affected, which control the functioning of the lungs. If you are sick with any bacterial or viral disorder of the pulmonary system, which is accompanied by the appearance of edema and damage to the mucous membrane, then reflexogenic effects will help remove toxic mucus from the body.
  • In the case of a facial massage, the skin pores are cleaned of dust. Due to this, it improves appearance face, and also eliminates light wrinkles and acne.

For what diseases is it prescribed?

Main indications for the use of Gausha massage:

  • Back diseases that are accompanied by back pain (osteochondrosis, various dorsopathies, and so on). During the massage, inflammation is eliminated and the regeneration of intervertebral discs is activated, which leads to the disappearance of pain and recovery. The duration of the treatment course is 5-7 sessions.
  • Infectious diseases of the pulmonary system (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and others). Massage improves lung function, which leads to the death of pathogenic viruses and bacteria that cause these disorders. The duration of the treatment course is not standardized, and therapy can be carried out until complete recovery (but no more than 15 sessions).
  • Mild neurological disorders. During the massage, reflexogenic points are activated, which affect the functioning of the brain. In this case, the effect on the brain is double - a direct effect through points that are connected to the brain, as well as an indirect effect, in which the reflexogenic effect is exerted on spinal cord, which in turn affects the functioning of the brain. However, please note that Gua Sha massage is only effective against mild neurological disorders (impaired concentration, memory problems, insomnia, slight decline in intelligence, and so on). The duration of the therapeutic course is 4-5 sessions.
  • Some disorders of the bladder and uterus. Massage can also relieve inflammation in the uterus and bladder, so it can be used to treat cholecystitis and similar disorders. The duration of therapy is 2-6 sessions.
  • Dermatological disorders of the facial skin. Guasha massage has also found its application in the field of cosmetology, since it can help eliminate some facial skin imperfections (wrinkles, pimples, mild irritation, and so on). The duration of therapy is 1-3 sessions.

Side effects, contraindications and special instructions

Let's now look at the special instructions:

  • Side effects. After a Guasha massage, wide red marks may appear on your back, which may ache a little. The pain goes away completely after 3-4 hours, and the redness disappears after about 5-7 days. It should be understood that such a reaction is completely normal, and redness usually indicates that the activation of reflexogenic points was successful. It is recommended to treat red marks with hydrogen peroxide 2-3 times a day, and in case of pain, you can additionally apply various creams with the addition of painkillers. Other side effects are quite rare (0.1-1% of cases); main examples are dizziness, headache, fatigue, dehydration and so on.
  • Contraindications. Guasha massage is not recommended for use in the following cases: fever, heat bodies, open wounds skin, open fractures bones, kidney and liver failure, oncology and others. Please note that during the preliminary stage, the skin is often essential oil, to which some people may be allergic, so it is recommended to first test such oil for allergic compatibility with the body.
  • Childhood and pregnancy. Guasha massage is contraindicated for children under 7 years of age. During pregnancy, only massage of the face, legs and arms is allowed, since to massage the back, the woman will have to lie on her stomach, which can cause damage to the fetus.
  • Preliminary agreement with a doctor. Before carrying out all necessary procedures It is recommended to consult a doctor.

Massage technique

During a Guasha massage, the surface of the body is massaged using a small hard scraper. There are three main movements:

The back massage technique looks like this:

  • Essential oil is applied to the back to relax the person and moisturize the skin.
  • Then a series of stroking movements are made, which should warm up the skin.
  • Now you need to take a scraper and perform 6-8 longitudinal movements along the spine from the first to the last vertebra.
  • On both sides of the spine we draw two parallel lines and “clean” them with a scraper using 6-8 longitudinal movements.
  • The person's arms are spread in different directions. After this, using a scraper, 15-20 “scraping” movements are made from the shoulder blades to the armpits.
  • Using your fingers, we find the spaces between the ribs and make 5-10 movements with the scraper along the ribs.
  • At the end, the wounds are treated with a soothing cream.
  • After the massage, it is recommended to drink water for 5-6 hours so that toxins can freely leave the body.

The face is massaged as follows:

  • For facial massage, only a soft scraper is used.
  • Conditionally divide your forehead into two equal parts.
  • Make 5-7 scraping movements from the center of the forehead to the right temple, parallel to the eyebrow. Repeat the procedure for the left side of the forehead.
  • Make 4-5 arc-shaped movements with the scraper from the temples to the nose.
  • Make 15-20 arcuate movements with the scraper from the corners of your mouth to your temples.
  • At the end, make 4-5 movements with the scraper from the lower lip to the neck.
  • Apply protective cream to your face.
  • After a massage, it is not recommended to drink water for 3-4 hours so that toxins can freely leave the body.

Is it possible to do Guasha massage at home?

Guasha massage can also be done at home. However, doctors recommend that you first complete special massage courses, since without full training a person may various errors, which will reduce the effectiveness of therapy and can also harm the body (in case of serious errors).