Catheter for urine excretion. Catheter into the bladder Indwelling metal catheter into the bladder

Catheterization Bladder- a common procedure prescribed to patients when the natural outflow of urine is disrupted. In addition to cases of bladder dysfunction, this measure is used to control the composition and amount of urine released.

Catheters for the urinary system are used as a short-term auxiliary tool for removing fluid; devices are also provided for long-term installation in the development of a number of genitourinary diseases. There are two types of catheters: flexible, elastic, made of rubber and hard, made of metal.

Impaired urination leads to the development of hydronephrosis and can cause renal failure. Properly performed bladder catheterization does not cause pain or discomfort in the patient, although the recommended drainage of the urethra can alert and frighten the patient.

To avoid misunderstandings, men and women should know how to place a catheter in the urinary canal. Competently and timely information about the appropriateness of the procedure inspires confidence in the patient.

The sequence of actions of the specialist is described in detail below.

The patient is manipulated to install a catheter for diagnostic, hygienic or therapeutic purposes. Catheterization of the bladder with a soft catheter for diagnostic purposes is recommended for:

  • examinations for patency of the urinary tract;
  • obtaining liquid to determine the microflora inside the organ;
  • measuring the volume of fluid removed;
  • identifying the cause of urethral disease;
  • obtaining information about the residual volume of urine after urination;
  • studying the organoleptic characteristics of the liquid (color, smell, transparency);
  • determining the characteristics of the functioning of the organ during x-ray examination(a catheter is placed in the bladder to introduce the substance into the urinary system).

For therapeutic purposes, a catheter in the bladder is necessary:

  • to empty the bladder in patients who are unable due to past diseases urinate on your own (due to surgery, in a comatose state or weakness after a long illness);
  • with intermittent bladder decompression, when bladder catheterization is used as a mandatory part of therapy;
  • with sudden or prolonged retention of urine;
  • to introduce disinfectants and preparations into the bladder for local treatment of the organ;
  • to administer medications to the area of ​​immediate inflammation;
  • to organize flushing of the bladder with a medicinal solution at home in bedridden patients;
  • after surgical intervention, during the recovery period urinary tract.

For laboratory research Catheterization of the bladder for women and men is prescribed for the treatment of urinary tract diseases.

This is necessary to access the internal walls of the organ. When examining dysfunction of the male genital organs in order to exclude inflammatory diseases it is necessary to insert a catheter into the bladder. It is possible to collect urine for analysis using a catheter from women during menstruation.

Contraindications for the catheterization procedure

But placing a urinary catheter is not always acceptable; sometimes such manipulations have limitations. The procedure is contraindicated in:

  • patient complaints about the release of blood during urination;
  • detection of bruises in the perineal area;
  • fracture of the genital organ in men;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system of an infectious nature (gonorrhea, other sexually transmitted diseases);
  • exacerbation of prostatitis;
  • serious injuries bladder or urethra;
  • spasm of the urethral sphincter.

In order not to cause harm and pain to the patient, in these cases it is worth using other methods of treatment and diagnosis.

Types of bladder catheters

Based individual characteristics the patient, his state of health, the specialist will recommend an ideal catheter for the bladder. Tools are distinguished by:

  • material: soft - latex and hard - metal or plastic;
  • duration of stay in the body: permanent and short-term catheters for the bladder;
  • frequency of use - reusable for bedridden patients and disposable for a single procedure.

Some catheters are used as a rubber tube to deliver medication to the bladder. There are instruments that are installed not through the urinary tract, but through abdominal wall directly (suprapubic).

To choose the right tool, you need to pay attention to the diameter. Existing sizes are numbered from 1 to 30 inclusive, but for adults, products in the range from 14 to 18 are used.

Based on the anatomical characteristics of the patients, the length and configuration of such metal catheters differs. Characteristically curved and short, designed for women. Long devices (up to 25 cm) made of hard materials in the form of a hollow tube, the blind end of which has a rounded edge, are used for men.

The purpose of the devices depends on appearance and material, like this:

  • The 2-way foley has an inflating reservoir for fixing the device inside the bladder and a tube for draining liquid, intended for long-term use;
  • Foley 3-way is actively used for treating the bladder cavity with drugs and removing blood clots;
  • the Mercier (Tiemann) catheter has a curved blind tip and is relevant for men suffering from prostate hyperplasia;
  • Nelaton urological catheter - a soft disposable straight instrument, has a rounded end and two drainage outlets;
  • Pezzera is a latex tube with a cap-shaped seal attached, used in cases where long-term suprapubic catheterization is required.

While catheterization of the bladder with a soft guidewire is performed by a nurse, insertion of a hard instrument into the urethra should only be left to an experienced doctor.

Preparatory stage

To carry out the procedure safely, medical staff must not only be fluent in the technique of bladder catheterization, but also properly prepare the patient and workplace. The patient is first washed with an antiseptic solution.

All instruments used must be sterile, as well as consumables used for manipulation. The nurse has the right to use a catheter in sealed factory packaging or an instrument processed in special sterilizers for catheterization of the bladder.

You should prepare for work:

  • diapers or oilcloths, latex gloves, gauze pads and cotton pads;
  • tweezers;
  • Vaseline oil, gel with an anesthetic effect;
  • reservoir for excreted urine;
  • syringe with a safety tip;
  • hygiene products for genital care.

It is recommended to wash the woman thoroughly and preferably syringe so that vaginal discharge did not enter the urethra.

When the procedure is performed correctly, patients do not experience discomfort or pain. To facilitate the advancement of the instrument, you need to inject a couple of drops of gel with an anesthetic effect into the urinary opening. After the manipulations, the instruments and catheter are treated with a chloramine solution.

Bladder catheterization in women: technique

By virtue of physiological characteristics special difficulties Catheterization does not cause any problems in women. It is recommended to use a soft latex instrument. The size of the device is selected in individually. The algorithm for performing bladder catheterization in women is simple.

The manipulations are carried out as follows:

  • the previously washed patient sits comfortably on the diaper, spreading her bent knee joints legs;
  • The nurse places a sterile napkin on the woman’s pubis, and carefully spreads the outer labia to gain access to the urethral opening;
  • The genitals are carefully treated with an antiseptic composition;
  • gloves are being replaced;
  • The urine catheter is grabbed with tweezers (it is shorter for women), the rounded part of which should be moistened in glycerin or petroleum jelly to improve sliding in the canal;
  • bladder catheterization is performed woman's lungs with rotating movements, the instrument is immersed into the urinary canal by 5 cm;
  • A well-performed technique for performing bladder catheterization does not cause pain to the patient, but if painful sensations you should take a catheter of a smaller diameter;
  • the outer end of the catheter is lowered into the reservoir;
  • signals correct location instrument in the cavity of the bladder, a stream of urine from the catheter;
  • catheterization performed using a soft conductor provides not only a urinary effect, but also allows you to effectively irrigate the bladder cavity with antiseptic or medicines;
  • you should know how to properly remove a catheter from the bladder in women, since you should not allow the organ cavity to completely empty;
  • when the flow of urine stops, you should, by rotating the device, carefully remove the catheter from the woman’s bladder;
  • the nurse gently presses on the stomach so that the remaining urine washes the urethra after removing the catheter;
  • then, using blotting movements, treat the opening of the urinary canal with a cotton pad previously moistened in a furatsilin solution.

The instruments used for manipulation are disinfected for an hour in a 3% chloramine solution. Knowing how to insert a catheter into a woman’s bladder not only in a hospital setting, you can make it easier to care for a bedridden patient at home.

After being instructed by medical specialists, self-catheterization is allowed for women who have difficulty urinating. But the initial installation of the catheter should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Carrying out the procedure in men

In addition to a length of up to 25 cm, the canal has 2 physiological narrowings. Manipulations are allowed to be carried out by healthcare workers who have extensive experience and are fluent in the technique of catheterization of the male bladder. Amateurs can only do harm.

Algorithm for performing bladder catheterization in men:

  • a previously prepared patient lies on his back on an oilcloth, slightly bending and spreading his knees, between which the reservoir is installed;
  • with a hand with a sterile napkin, the specialist supports the penis under the head, providing access to the opening of the urinary canal;
  • wipe the head of the penis with a cotton pad soaked in a disinfectant solution;
  • a few drops of gel are applied to the opening of the urethra when catheterizing the bladder with a soft or hard catheter for pain relief;
  • a flexible catheter is grabbed with tweezers, the rounded edge of which is moistened in Vaseline or glycerin, after which, supporting the head, the tube is inserted 5 cm;
  • subsequent insertion of a catheter into men requires care. Grasping the instrument with tweezers, it is carefully moved further along the canal;
  • if muscle spasm occurs due to resistance when passing the spongy and membranous section of the canal, you should wait a couple of minutes and continue advancing the catheter;
  • the next resistance is felt when the instrument is inserted into the bladder through a physiological narrowing;
  • the outer end of the catheter should be lowered into the tray, flowing urine signals successful drainage of the urethra;
  • when the process of urine excretion is completed, using a Janet syringe, 150 ml of furatsilin is injected through the tube to disinfect the inner walls of the bladder, after which the remaining liquid is removed through the drainage;
  • rotational movements remove a tube 25-30 cm long;
  • Gently wipe the head of the penis with a cotton pad soaked in a disinfectant solution;
  • all devices are disinfected.

If it was not possible to install a flexible catheter, the doctor independently inserts a hard metal one. This happens in exceptional cases.

The installation technique of such a device requires skill from a specialist. If pain occurs in the patient, the specialist must be informed immediately.

Possible complications

The bladder catheterization procedure prescribed by specialists rarely leads to complications in women.

They are mainly associated with non-compliance with sterility during manipulations, which leads to infection in the urinary tract.

Improper bladder catheterization in both women and men can cause pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urethritis. Serious complications can arise when the urethra is injured by a metal catheter, so this device is installed in extreme cases and only by a doctor.


A urinary catheter is installed to alleviate the patient's condition if the outflow of urine is impaired. To avoid the development of hydronephrosis, this procedure is vital.

Competent work of specialists with patients preparatory stage and during catheterization, the correct selection of instruments - all this eliminates the possibility of complications.

Bladder catheterization is a medical procedure that involves inserting a catheter into the... This procedure is carried out regardless of the age and gender of the patient. Catheterization is performed only in hospital settings.

This manipulation ensures normal urine flow. The device is inserted into the external opening of the urethra. It is gradually advanced along the urethra.

When urine appears in the catheter, one can judge that the procedure was performed correctly and successfully. The manipulation should only be performed by a specialist who has the appropriate medical education.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Catheterization must be carried out in strict accordance with the indications. Manipulation is prescribed if there are signs in the organ blood clots. A variety of diagnostic procedures are performed using catheterization.

The device is used to administer contrast medications. This manipulation is recommended to be performed before cytourethrographic examination.


The catheter is made from hard material and is characterized low level flexibility. The use of the device is recommended for one-time urine collection.

Robinson (Nelaton) catheter

The device is characterized by a high level of rigidity and is used for one-time urine collection. The catheter is intended for patients who cannot empty themselves. Procedures using the device are carried out 4 to 5 times a day.

Tiemann catheter

The Tiemann system is used when there is a need to collect urine in patients with. The device is used for short-term catheterization. The end of the device is characterized by the presence of a special bend, which ensures the most effective drainage of urine.

Foley catheter

Thanks to the universal design of the device, long-term catheterization is carried out. The maximum period of use of the device is 7 days. The production material of the device is hypoallergenic rubber, which makes it possible to use it for various categories of patients.

At the end of the device there is a special cylinder into which water, air or saline solution is released. Thanks to this design of the device, it is fixed as securely as possible in the bladder.

Pezter system catheter

The device is made of rubber, which provides it with a high level of flexibility. The tip of the device is made in the form of a plate, which makes it possible to securely fix it in the bladder. The device can be used for long-term urine collection.

Catheter insertion technique

To ensure the effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary to insert the catheter in accordance with certain rules. Specialists use special equipment to perform the manipulation.

Among women

U inserting a catheter into a woman's bladder consists in performing certain manipulations:

In men

The procedure for inserting a urinary catheter for men is slightly different, which is explained by the anatomical features of their genitourinary system. It consists of performing the following manipulations:

In children

IN childhood catheterization is carried out according to the same scheme as in adult patients. With the help of this manipulation, the normal outflow of urine is restored. The catheter is inserted into the small patient as carefully as possible. This is explained by the fact that the mucous membranes are overly sensitive.

If the device is inserted incorrectly, the risk of damage increases. For catheterization of children, devices of small diameters are used.

What are the possible complications?

Catheterization must be carried out in strict accordance with established rules. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing complications, which manifest themselves in the form of:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

These diseases are those that arise from improper disinfection of the urinary tract during the period of manipulation.

Improper manipulation can lead to accidental or damage to the walls of the urethra. Some patients experienced a sharp decline blood pressure.

During the procedure, development or perforation of the urethra may be diagnosed against the background of damage. When the mucous membranes are damaged, bleeding develops.

Urinary tube care

To avoid complications, it is necessary to properly care for the urinary tube. The urine bag must be rinsed with water regularly. To provide effective cleaning It is recommended to add a small amount of vinegar to the water.

The urine bag should be emptied every 3 hours. It should remain below the bladder at all times. If urine leaks from under the device, it is recommended to immediately inform your doctor.

If you experience pain in the abdomen or a feeling of fullness, it is also recommended to consult a doctor. If the device is clogged, it must be urgently replaced.

Probe removal process

Removal of the probe should be carried out in a hospital setting. Absolutely forbidden self-execution this procedure.

Before removing the probe, hygiene procedures external genitalia, as well as treatment of the urethral canal with furatsilin. After this, the probe is removed with rotational movements.

At the next stage, the urethral canal is re-treated with an antiseptic solution.

Catheterization is an effective manipulation that ensures the outflow of urine from the bladder. The manipulation must be carried out in accordance with certain rules, which will eliminate the possibility of complications.

A urinary catheter is a special device that is used in urology to control the amount of urine excreted and check its composition.


Problems with urine excretion occur mainly in people who suffer from urological diseases such as prostate adenoma, renal abnormalities, and cancer diseases and problems with urination. In the treatment of all these diseases, a catheter is necessarily used, thanks to which the bladder is drained and the process of urination is facilitated.

Appearance of the catheter

A urinary catheter is a curved or straight tube. There are holes at the ends. The catheter guide is made mainly of latex, rubber, plastic and metal. Depending on the material used in the manufacture of the catheter, they can be soft or hard. Soft catheters are respectively made of silicone or latex and have a soft oblique cut on both sides, and hard catheters are made of metal or plastic with handles, beaks and rods located at the end.

All catheters are classified according to the time they stay in the patient’s body, the material from which they are made, the number of channels and organs into which it is inserted. As for the length of the tube, it completely depends solely on the physiological characteristics of the patient. As a rule, catheters intended for males are shorter than those used for catheterization of women.

Urinary catheters, depending on what material they are made of, are as follows:

  • elastic - made of rubber;
  • soft - made from silicone and latex;
  • hard - made of metal or plastic.

Rigid metal catheter

But depending on the length of stay, they can be permanent or one-time. They differ in that the disposable one is administered for a short period of time and is fully responsible for it. nurse, but permanent requires certain skills and knowledge of information from the patient himself and is introduced for a fairly long period. In addition to those already listed, there are also suprapubic catheters. They are installed through the abdominal wall directly into the bladder. This type is mainly used for diseases such as complete or partial urinary incontinence, as well as after surgical intervention. The main purpose of this catheter is to empty and eliminate the risk of infection. These catheters need to be replaced at least every four weeks.

The main indications for carrying out such a procedure as bladder catheterization are the following situations:

  • urinary retention, which manifests itself in patients with tumor blockages of the urethra, with disturbances in the innervation of the bladder;
  • diagnostic studies;
  • postoperative period.

Despite all the positive aspects that occur after the insertion of a urinary catheter, there are sometimes situations where such a procedure is contraindicated. In general, catheterization is not permitted if the patient is diagnosed with infectious urethritis, anuria, or spastic narrowing of the sphincter.

Catheterization is indicated for acute urinary retention

Note! If you suffer from any diseases of the genitourinary system, if you need to install a urinary catheter, be sure to inform your doctor about your problems, who will be able to professional level exclude the presence of contraindications for this procedure.

Most patients not only feel nervous before this procedure, but also fear. This happens mainly because not everyone has an idea of ​​how to place a catheter directly into the bladder.

In order for the installation of a urinary catheter to be carried out correctly, in addition to the catheter itself, you also need to purchase a standard kit for its insertion. It includes:

  • sterile gauze wipes;
  • cotton balls;
  • diapers;
  • glycerin or 2% lidocaine gel;
  • syringe with a blunt tip;
  • sterile tweezers;
  • urine collection container;
  • Furacilin or Povidone-iodine.

Before inserting a catheter into the bladder, the patient must undergo some procedures, which include:

  • washing with a light antiseptic solution;
  • treatment of the urethral opening with furatsilin solution;
  • If a catheter is inserted into a man, a lubricant is injected into the urethra.

An example of inserting a catheter into a man

After completing these procedures, the process of inserting a catheter into the bladder area begins. In men, this process is more subtle and sensitive. Due to the fact that the male urethra is a narrow muscular tube through which not only urine but also sperm is excreted, the procedure may be contraindicated if the canal is damaged. In this case, insertion of the catheter may lead to rupture of the drainage tube.

A bladder catheter in the male population is installed as follows:

  • first, the foreskin is moved with a sterile napkin and the head is exposed;
  • after this, the catheter is inserted with a rounded end into the canal to a depth of about six centimeters;
  • then he slowly moves it about another five centimeters.

When urine appears from the free end of the catheter, we can say that the installation process is complete.

Installing a catheter in women is almost painless

As for installing a female catheter, the whole process is a little easier and does not cause pain. This happens because the urethra in women is wider and shorter, and its opening is clearly visible.

To install a catheter, the nurse treats the woman's labia with an antiseptic, lubricates the inner end of the catheter with Vaseline and inserts it into the opening of the urethral canal. To do this, it is enough to spread the patient’s labia and insert the tube to a depth of about six centimeters. This is absolutely enough for urine to begin to flow.

Important! If the patient is diagnosed with areas of physiological narrowing, then when there is resistance to the movement of the catheter, it is necessary to take a deep breath about five times. These manipulations will lead to relaxation of smooth muscles.

The most difficult thing is installing a catheter for a child

The most difficult process is undoubtedly the process of installing a catheter in children. After all, all actions in this case must be carried out with extreme caution. In addition, children can create difficult conditions for its introduction. In most cases, they not only cry, but also break out.

For this procedure, only soft catheters are selected, which, when inserted correctly and carefully, are not capable of damaging the sensitive tissue of the urethra. Also Special attention It is worth paying attention to the size of the catheter for the child. It is selected depending on the age of the child, to which, in turn, must be added by eight.

When installing a catheter, all actions are performed according to gender in the same way as for adults. Be sure to ensure compliance with all hygiene standards, sterility of instruments and hands. Since at a young age the child’s immunity is not yet properly developed, the risk of infection is very high, so the entire process must be carried out with extreme caution.

Installation of a urinary catheter is carried out only by medical personnel if indicated. Installation of a rubber catheter can be carried out by junior medical personnel, but a metal catheter is inserted only by a doctor, since this procedure is considered quite complex and if such a catheter is inserted incorrectly, the risk of developing allergic reactions is very high. possible complications. To carry out the procedure, a quiet place is selected and its complete sterility is created, and a trusting relationship is established between the specialist and the patient. These measures are the key to a less painless and faster catheter insertion.

The main purpose of installing a catheter in the bladder is to clean and rinse it. Thanks to this procedure, elements of tumor formations and stones are also removed from the organ. small size. The washing process involves injecting an antiseptic solution. This procedure is carried out only after the collected urine has been removed from the bladder.

The procedure for entering and removing the rinsing liquid is repeated until it becomes transparent and clean. Depending on the situation and severity of the disease, according to indications, the patient may be additionally prescribed antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the bladder

After these procedures, the patient needs to remain in a horizontal position for some time.

Possible complications

If the bladder catheterization technique is violated or hygiene standards are not followed, this can cause unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • the occurrence of various infections, cystitis, carbuncle, urethritis and others;
  • inflammation or swelling of the foreskin, which can develop into paraphimosis;
  • the occurrence of fistulas;
  • bleeding;
  • injuries to the walls of the urethra or rupture of the urethra;
  • non-infectious complications.

Non-infectious complications include the possibility of the catheter being pulled out or becoming clogged with blood clots.


Since the algorithm for catheterization of the bladder in this period of time has been worked out on top level, and there are also many types of catheters, a similar procedure is quite actively used in the treatment of various diseases and does not lead to complications. Thanks to this, it is possible not only to facilitate the process of treatment and diagnosis, but also to improve the quality of life of the patient.

A urinary catheter is a device that is often inserted for urological diseases, problems with urinary system and after surgery. To drain the organ, several tubes are installed in the bladder through the urethra, through which urine will be excreted. Catheters help restore urination in case of urinary dysfunction and make life easier for the patient.

The catheter in the bladder can differ not only in the main material, but also in the type of device and location in the body. Catheterization of the bladder in both men and women is carried out taking into account the channels and characteristics of the organs where the device is placed. The size of the tube is also selected taking into account individual characteristics (for women the ideal length is 14 cm, for men - more than 25 cm)

The urinary catheter may differ in the material of manufacture:
  • made of special rubber;
  • latex and silicone;
  • solid (main material is plastic).
The device for urination also differs in the length of time it remains in the ureter:
  • constant. This type of urine catheter can be placed on long term;
  • disposable. Placement is carried out in emergency situations (in case of injury to the urinary organs or infection).

The catheter placed in the bladder in men and women differs in the type of insertion and location. The internal urinary device is completely located inside the organ, and the external one is only partially located. Also, catheters through which urine is excreted are divided into single-channel, double-channel and triple-channel.

Whether it is painful to insert a catheter into the bladder and how long you will have to walk with it depends on what pathology the patient is faced with. Adaptations various types They cost differently, they also need to be cared for in a certain way, and it is not recommended to take ideas out of thin air without consulting a doctor.

The device for catheterization of the bladder may vary depending on what function it will perform. The price of the device also varies depending on this factor and the material used. If the catheters are made of poor quality material, the patient may develop allergies or rejection.

The most common types of catheters:
  1. Foley. It is permanent and includes one blind end and two holes. A Foley catheter can be used to flush out the organ and drain urine and accumulated blood.
  2. Nelaton. It has a smaller diameter than the previous version, is more elastic and has a rounded end. Installation of this type of catheter to remove urine is only temporary.
  3. Timann. Insertion of the catheter and after removal of the catheter into the bladder is used only for pathologies prostate gland.
  4. Pizzeria. Made of rubber, has 3 holes and a bowl-shaped tip. The technique of bladder catheterization with a soft catheter is used to drain the kidneys when they are dysfunctional.
  5. Poisson. Installation is carried out using a metal probe. This placement technique is extremely rarely used to treat the genitourinary system.

Each of these products has its own strengths and weak sides. If catheterization of the bladder in women and men is carried out for a short time, best option- Nelaton device, it is quite easy to install and remove. But if the urinary product is placed for a long period of time, and the patient must remove not only urine, but also the breakdown products of medications, a Foley catheter will be optimal.

If the patient is unable to independently excrete urine, it is recommended to install a Pizzera product for excretion.

How to properly place an indwelling urinary catheter?

  • the physician will need to prepare everything necessary in advance. To do this, take: a syringe with a blunt tip, anesthetic, napkins, gauze, cotton wool, a container for collecting urine, an antiseptic;
  • All instruments must be disinfected, otherwise not only will the restorative effect not be achieved, but it may also cause harm to health.

But in any case, no matter what installation technique is used, patients say that the procedure is very painful. After urine is collected by the device, the patient needs to use painkillers to help relieve the sensation.

Catheterization of the bladder with a metal catheter or a soft one is much more difficult for representatives of the stronger sex. If the patient does not relax when installing the bladder product, the procedure will take longer and the patient will suffer from severe pain. The device is installed very slowly; if the installation is completed correctly, urine will immediately begin to flow into the container, which means that it will be successfully catheterized.

It is much easier to catheterize the bladder with a soft catheter in women; the insertion is carried out while lying on your back, you cannot lie on your stomach. If the doctor follows the algorithm of actions, the patient will not experience severe pain, complications will also not arise.

How to care for an indwelling catheter

Care urinary catheter is not difficult, the main rule is that the patient needs to keep it clean at all times.

The following rules must also be observed:

  1. If the organ is catheterized, after each bowel movement it is necessary to wash the genitals.
  2. Male and female catheters should be cleaned daily with soap. Such procedures remove germs and bacteria, which promotes a speedy recovery.
  3. Catheterized patients should also be monitored for tube changes. Replacement should be carried out once a week, and the product should also be moved periodically.
  4. To prevent the occurrence of urinary diseases, the patient must be administered antiseptic drugs (prescribed by a doctor).

If you properly care for the catheter, the patient will be able to avoid possible complications. The main thing is to ensure that urine flows steadily (if it does not flow crookedly, but evenly, without delays, then the device is working correctly).

If the device is not installed correctly, it may become clogged, in which case doctors will remove it. If it is not possible to completely remove urine with a catheter, there will be no positive effect, and health will not be restored either.

In order for urine output to be restored, the doctor must strictly follow the installation algorithm, but the patient must also adhere to the care recommendations.

If you do not follow these rules, you may encounter the following complications:
  1. Introduction of infections.
  2. The occurrence of inflammatory processes (pulling out the catheter will be very problematic and painful).
  3. Formation of fistulas.
  4. Heavy bleeding.
  5. Accidental pulling out (the risk increases especially if you use the wrong device for installation).

The catheterization process is quite complex and painful and should only be performed by an experienced physician. It is also not recommended to purchase the device yourself. If the patient bought the wrong catheter, it may simply not fit anatomical features and doctors will not diagnose it.

The procedure of inserting a hollow plastic, rubber or metal tube - a catheter into the internal cavity of the bladder through the urinary canal is called catheterization.

The technique for catheterizing the bladder of men differs significantly due to its characteristics.

Catheterization of the urine bladder is often performed for diagnostic purposes:

  • urinary tract patency studies;
  • study of the organoleptic properties of urine;
  • determination of the amount and composition of urine;
  • for microflora analysis.

For men, a catheter is also inserted for medicinal purposes:

  • when it is impossible to urinate independently (in a comatose state);
  • with acute retention of urine outflow associated with prostate adenoma, narrowing of the lumen of the urethra, blockage of the urethra due to a tumor;
  • when squeezing the bladder;
  • for introduction medicines: antibiotics or disinfectant solutions, directly into the urine bladder.

The catheterization procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • acute inflammation or injury of the urethra and bladder;
  • presence of blood in the scrotum, urethra;
  • urine does not pass into the urinary bladder (anuria);
  • presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

Features of the procedure for men

The catheterization procedure in men is complicated by two circumstances:

  1. the urethra in men reaches a length of 20 to 25 cm;
  2. The urethra in men is narrower than in women and has two physiological narrowings (the area between the spongy and membranous parts of the urethra and the area of ​​entry into the urinary bladder), which makes it difficult to insert a catheter.

Only a trained person can perform the procedure on men. medical worker, preferably with a higher medical education, who is fluent in the skill of inserting a catheter.

At the end of the procedure, you must remain in a supine position for at least 1.5 hours until the discomfort completely disappears.

Required Tools

To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare all the tools that may be useful:

  • rubber medical gloves;
  • medical instrument tray;
  • medical diaper;
  • sterile gauze wipes (at least 2 pieces);
  • sterile cotton balls (at least 2 pieces)
  • 0.5% chlorhexidine solution;
  • furacillin solution (up to 1.5 liters);
  • glycerin or petroleum jelly;
  • sterile tweezers;
  • Janet syringe;
  • sterile soft catheters of different diameters (at least 2 pieces);
  • container for collecting urine (if it is necessary to collect urine for analysis, the container must be sterile).

Execution algorithm

When performing a procedure such as bladder catheterization in men, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • medical worker washes hands and sanitizes them disinfectant solution(0.5% chlorhexidine solution);
  • prepare the place for the procedure: all the instruments necessary for the procedure are placed in a sterile tray: catheters, the ends of which are pre-lubricated with sterile glycerin or Vaseline oil, tweezers, sterile cotton balls soaked in furatsilin, sterile wipes, Janet syringe with a heated furatsilin solution. A medical diaper is placed on the couch where the patient will be;
  • prepare the patient: he is washed, then placed on his back with his legs slightly apart and bent at the knees. A container for urine is placed between the legs;
  • the medical worker puts on sterile rubber gloves and stands to the patient’s right to perform the procedure;
  • the penis is wrapped in a sterile napkin below the head. Foreskin moves away. The head of the penis is treated with a cotton ball soaked in a furatsilin solution in the direction from the urethra to the periphery;
  • open the external opening of the urethra with your fingers and pour in a couple of drops of sterile glycerin;
  • Using sterile tweezers, take the required catheter at a distance of 5-6 cm from the rounded end;
  • the catheter is inserted into the urethra 5 cm, then the catheter is intercepted with tweezers and inserted another 5 cm, while carefully pulling the penis onto the catheter;
  • the appearance of urine means that the catheter has reached the bladder. The tip of the catheter is lowered into a urine container;
  • at the end of urine output, a Janet syringe filled with 150 ml of furatsilin is attached to the catheter. Rinse the bladder until the fluid released from the catheter becomes clear;
  • the catheter is removed slowly with rotational movements;
  • the external opening of the urethra is again treated with a sterile cotton ball moistened with furatsilin.
It is necessary to carefully monitor your sensations during the procedure. Catheterization should cause discomfort caused by the catheter being in the urethra, but there should be no cutting, pain, or burning.

Possible complications

Bladder catheterization with a soft catheter in men is associated with high danger the occurrence of complications, therefore it should be performed only in cases where there are indications that require catheterization beyond doubt.

Complications can occur for several reasons:
  • insufficient preliminary examination of the patient, missed inflammatory processes, which provoked a secondary one;
  • unscrupulous sanitary and hygienic measures for antiseptics and asepsis of devices can cause inflammatory processes in urethra and bubble;
  • technically incorrect execution leading to injuries and ruptures of the urethra