Imodium for dogs for diarrhea dosage. What can you give your dog for diarrhea? Signs of chronic diarrhea

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A dog's digestive disorder can be an unfortunate episode that will not affect the dog's future life. But sometimes the four-legged has diarrhea pet indicates defeat internal organs(tumor formation in the liver or intestines, entry of a foreign object into the stomach, “invasion” of worms).

Before giving your dog enterofuril or a fixative herbal decoction, analyze what events could cause frequent bowel movements in the animal. After all, the medicine that helped your neighbor Tuzik or Pirate get rid of diarrhea may not be suitable for your pet. You should take a closer look at the general health of your four-legged friend.

For infectious diseases in four-legged pets, enterofuril is effective (it is better for dogs to give the medicine in the form of a suspension). But the medication will only help if the puppy’s stool disorder was caused by bacteria or viruses. In case of any dramatic changes in the animal’s condition (the appearance of blood in the stool, strange behavior), it would be wise to show the pet to a veterinarian.

Common culprits of diarrhea in dogs

Misunderstanding in dog work digestive system may be caused by several factors. We list the most common causes of diarrhea in four-legged pranksters:

  • Food intolerance. Dog owners should remember that allergies are a problem not only for people, but also for animals. If you notice that your dog behaves unusually after eating some treats (fish, porridge, boiled potatoes), do not offer him this “provocative” product in the future.
  • A sudden change in diet.
  • The dog eating stale food. To avoid tricking your pet into swallowing furazolidone or another anti-diarrhea drug, watch what your dog eats. In summer, food in an animal's bowl spoils quickly, so it is better to give the dog treats in small portions. Don't let food sit on your dog's tray for several hours.
  • Entry of worms into the body. Before giving your pet activated charcoal, observe the dog's behavior. A dog, exhausted by the activity of worms, often rubs its butt on carpets and grass. The animal may also vomit. If you suspect that your pet’s body is being exhausted by “guests,” take the dog to the nearest veterinary center. The specialist will take a stool test for helminths and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, will prescribe it for your dog. effective remedy from worms.
  • Stressful situation. In impressionable pets, diarrhea begins after the arrival of a new family member in the apartment (it could be the owners’ child or a newly acquired pet - a cat, guinea pig). As a rule, activated charcoal and rest return the four-legged patient to good health.
  • Bacterial diseases. Your pet can get sick by drinking dirty water or eating something on the street.
  • Foreign body in the intestine of an animal. Do not rush to use activated charcoal if loose stools are not your pet’s only problem. The animal’s convulsive attempts to regurgitate something can “scream” that the dog, during play, swallowed an inedible object (a ball, a fragment of a children’s construction set).

Other causes of diarrhea in pets

An attentive owner will not ignore such a nuisance as diarrhea in a dog. When a pet suffers from abdominal pain, defecates frequently, whines and refuses food, the owner can try to alleviate his pet’s condition by using “human” medications. But will the pills that relieved your diarrhea help your dog?

It is important to understand that treatment of diarrhea will not be successful if you begin to fight only the manifestations of the disease in your pet, without paying attention to the cause. After all chronic illness liver or intestines, remaining undetected, can bring the most unexpected and sad consequences for the life of a puppy.

Diarrhea in a pet can be caused not only by poisoning or stress. Let's name more rare (and more depressing) causes of diarrhea in dogs:

  • Inflammatory processes in the pancreas.
  • Tumor formations in the intestines, liver or other abdominal organ. If a dog vilifies for a long time, rapidly loses weight, and its behavior has become depressed and apathetic, it is possible that the animal’s suffering is caused by a malignant tumor. And it is not only the digestive disorder that needs to be treated, but the tumor itself.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body. Do not rush to give enterofuril to a sick puppy. Try to objectively assess how varied your pet's diet is. If you suspect your dog is deficient in nutrients, correct the situation. Otherwise, anti-diarrhea medications will have a short-term effect.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Fungal infections.
  • The effects of drugs and toxic substances on the animal's body. It is worth recalling that antibiotics, hormonal and antitumor medications have a rather harsh effect on the digestive system of dogs. To slightly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, you can use activated carbon. Owners give picky and overly cautious pets a charcoal tablet in a “conspiracy” form: for example, wrapped in minced chicken.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Viral diseases (canine distemper, coronavirus).
  • Rabies. How dangerous this disease, there’s probably no need to tell. Rabies always ends in the death of the infected animal. This disease is accompanied by diarrhea in dogs quite rarely. There is blood in the stool of a sick dog.

Forms of diarrhea

There are two forms of stool disorder in dogs:

  • Acute form. If the dog's frequent bowel movements are not accompanied by additional complications (vomiting, fever), the veterinarian speaks of acute diarrhea. This unfortunate situation lasts five to twelve days. The most common cause of negative changes in dogs’ well-being is food allergy, stale food or stress. Gently eliminate symptoms food poisoning Linux will help your pet. This drug can be called a professional “tuner” of digestion in humans and animals. Dog owners respond well to the drug enterofuril. It is advisable to use it to eliminate infectious diarrhea.
  • Chronic form. If frequent and loose stools bother your four-legged friend for more than thirteen days (chronic diarrhea), you should take your dog to the veterinarian. Prolonged malaise indicates undesirable processes that have taken over one or more digestive organs. There is no need to wonder whether phosphalugel or rice water will help a suffering animal. Just take your dog to a veterinarian, where he will be examined. An experienced veterinarian will judge the danger of the identified disease.

Symptoms to watch out for

Many dog ​​owners are interested in whether it is possible to give their dog chloramphenicol for diarrhea. To minimize discomfort If you are tormenting your shaggy pet, you should take your dog to the veterinarian. Prescribing anything to a puppy without consulting a specialist is risky.

When worrying about the well-being of your faithful watchman, do not forget that some canine ailments (worms, leptospirosis) are also dangerous for people. While the pet owner is asking friends which anti-diarrhea tablets are good for dogs, the animal may develop more serious ailments...

Here are the symptoms your pet may have that should prompt you to consult a veterinarian:

  • Exhausting vomiting.
  • Black color of stool. This sign indicates bleeding in the stomach.
  • Streaks of blood in stool. This warning sign also “signals” about bleeding. But it happened in the large intestine.
  • Green mucus in dog poop. Some infectious diseases manifest themselves as such symptoms.
  • High temperature and fever.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • The animal's reluctance to drink water.
  • Aggression towards owners.
  • Apathy, fainting state.
  • Excessively pungent or putrid odor of dog feces.

What drugs can you trust?

To eliminate abdominal pain and painful diarrhea in your dog, you can offer your dog loperamide. But remember that fixative tablets are dangerous to give to dogs if you suspect an intestinal infection. It is important that toxins do not linger in the dog’s body. Otherwise, the animal’s liver and kidneys will be “attacked” by these toxic substances.

If the dog is diarrhea, refuses food, but in general its behavior has not changed, give the animal enterol. This probiotic has gained immense popularity due to its gentle effect on the patient's intestines. You will see an improvement in your dog’s well-being within a day. Let us remind you that the dosage of the drug is prescribed by a veterinarian.

In the case when the dog ate something from the trash can and was overcome by diarrhea, Linex is suitable for you. These pills eliminate inflammatory processes in the animal's intestines, stopping diarrhea. You will avoid problems if the dose of the drug is not prescribed out of the blue. Consult your veterinarian at least by telephone.

Puppy and adult dog Enterofuril may help. But this medication should be prescribed by a specialist only after examinations have been carried out.

“Nervous” diarrhea in dogs goes away quite quickly. Give the animal activated charcoal and provide the puppy with plenty of fluids. In a couple of days the dog will be healthy.

One of the most common diseases in dogs is diarrhea. Often our four-legged friends do not disdain food picked up on the street. It is important to correctly diagnose the cause of diarrhea and select the appropriate treatment in time.

Attention! It must be remembered that enterofuril is used in the treatment of infectious diarrhea. If you are unsure of the etiology of the disease, contact your veterinarian immediately, as diarrhea can lead to rapid dehydration. Severe dehydration can be fatal!


The medicine is used for diarrhea of ​​bacterial origin, advanced dysbiosis, and colitis with diarrhea.

Release form

Enterofuril is available in the form of capsules (dosage 100 and 200 mg) and suspension (200 mg). Contains nitrofuran, corn starch, sucrose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, E171, E104, E122, E124, gelatin.

Suspension dosage

For convenience, it is best to use a suspension. The drug should be given at the rate of 1 ml per 2.5 kilograms of animal body weight. This dosage is suitable for both puppies and adult dogs.


Capsules are given to dogs at the rate of 40 mg per 2.5 kilograms of live weight. Enterofuril is given 3 times a day, both suspension and capsules, regardless of meals.

The dosage interval should be 8 hours. Such therapy should not last more than 7 days.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

The medicine is safe for both lactating and whelping bitches, due to the fact that it is not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and does not enter the circulatory system and into milk. Puppies can use the suspension from 1 month, capsules – from one year.


Enterofuril is not absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. No cases of overdose have been recorded, so the symptoms are unknown. If your pet has received an overdose of the drug, you should call a veterinarian to flush the stomach.

How to give correctly?

If the dog refuses to eat the suspension (most pets eat sweet mixture with pleasure) or tablets:

  1. Gently pick up the dog by lower jaw and press big and index fingers on the gap between the teeth (between the molars).
  2. Place the capsule (squeeze the suspension) onto the root of the tongue.
  3. Lift the animal's muzzle up and stroke its throat (this action will cause a swallowing reflex).
  4. Praise your dog, it is important that your pet has a positive impression.

If an animal shows aggression when trying to feed it a medicine, it is advisable to use an introducer (a special “syringe” for safely administering medicine to aggressive animals). Using thick gloves, place the medication into the introducer, carefully open the dog's mouth and place the medication on the root of the tongue.

You can also hide medicine in food.

Side effects

Side effects of this medicine are very rare, but they still occur:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • an allergic reaction (most often to the suspension, since flavorings are added), including asthma, which can be caused by the component of the drug E124.

Individual intolerance

Individual intolerance is quite rare, so it is quite difficult to recognize it. Symptoms negative reaction The body response to enterofuril is general malaise, weakness, nausea, diarrhea.

Due to the fact that the drug is used in the treatment of diarrhea, it is quite difficult to recognize intolerance in time, because these ailments can be caused by the disease itself. If you suspect that the above symptoms are caused by the medication, it should be discontinued and a different treatment regimen should be selected.

Allergic reaction

Manifests itself in the form of rash, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema.

If your pet develops any of these symptoms after consumption, another treatment should be considered.

Quincke's edema

Angioedema can occur in tissues with developed subcutaneous tissue (mucous membranes, soft fabrics, genitals). This reaction of the body is dangerous because transient edema may develop. respiratory tract and (or) lungs, which leads to asphyxia.

Symptoms angioedema are enlargement and swelling of the soft tissues of the head, neck, muzzle or limbs, while the color of the skin remains unchanged. Also common accompanying signs are increased sweating, tachycardia, low blood pressure, lack of coordination.

The first aid for Quincke's edema (except for swelling of the respiratory tract) is to give the animal a large amount of water, induce vomiting, then give it water again. If the animal refuses to drink from the bowl, draw water into a syringe without a needle and try pouring the water directly into the dog's mouth.

It is also necessary to ensure an influx fresh air and calm your pet. After this, you need to immediately go to the nearest veterinary clinic.

Anaphylactic shock

Allergic reaction of this type can develop in a few minutes. Symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, swelling oral cavity and larynx. If your dog has signs of laryngeal swelling, do not hesitate (blue tongue, hoarse, labored breathing, gray skin).

There are situations when there are no veterinary centers nearby, then it is necessary to purchase a glucocorticoid agent (prednisolone or an analogue) at a pharmacy. Prednisolone is administered subcutaneously at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of dog’s body weight.

But remember that this drug is hormonal, it can only be prescribed on an ongoing basis veterinarian, so you should not administer it to an animal unless absolutely necessary.


In case of diarrhea, it is necessary to provide the dog with constant access to fresh and clean water, if necessary, you should water your pet yourself. To avoid dehydration, in case of severe diarrhea, you must stop feeding your dog for 24 hours.

In contact with

In humans, Imodium plays an antidiarrheal role medicine. However, in a dog it does not perform such a function. Moreover, loperamide (the main active ingredient medicinal product trade name Imodium) can cause severe colon bleeding.

Imodium can be given to a dog if a veterinary doctor has proven the presence of colitis of non-infectious etiology. In this case, the correctly selected dosage will relieve spasm, inflammatory processes and pain syndrome, which will significantly improve the well-being of your four-legged friend.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you choose the dosage yourself at home! This should only be done by a certified specialist in the field of veterinary medicine.

It is also strictly forbidden to take Imodium when pathological condition pet caused by general intoxication syndrome due to infectious and inflammatory diseases. Diarrhea in in this case is a kind of method of “cleansing” the body of toxins that have entered the gastrointestinal tract.

If diarrhea can be stopped using the described medication, then all the harmful substances will eventually end up in the dog’s bloodstream and will continue to affect his body stronger and stronger.

The puppy is bleeding

Under no circumstances should these categories of dogs be given, since Imodium is a drug that is dangerous to the life of even an adult and strong dog, not to mention the weakened organisms of expectant mothers, those who have not yet been born and puppies that have already been born.

If blood clots are present during diarrhea, then most likely this is evidence of a serious pathology. In this case, you need to take your dog to the doctor as soon as possible.

During the period of illness, the animal usually feels unwell. If a dog refuses to eat, then you cannot force feed it. In this case, the pet should drink plenty of water.

Nutritional rules to follow during illness:

  • on the first day, it is better not to feed the sick animal at all, but if the dog still has an appetite, then you can give it a little boiled rice;
  • on the second day you can add fermented milk products so that the digestive process returns to normal;
  • if the animal’s condition begins to improve, then on the third day you can introduce foods with a small amount of fat into the menu - boiled eggs, fish, chicken.

For all three days, the pet can be fed boiled rice.

It is important to always remember that a sick animal needs drinking plenty of fluids. Even simple water in this case will serve as a medicine, and tea with sugar, rice water, infusions of medicinal herbs.

If a dog develops diarrhea, many novice dog breeders do not know what to do. Any beginning diarrhea in a dog, treatment begins with a diet.

For half a day or a day, your pet should be given exclusively fresh water, without offering food. Next, the animals are offered boiled chicken, thermally processed shredded beef, boiled rice.

The four-legged friends are transferred to a regular diet after a few days. It is advisable to prescribe medications in the form of antibiotics, anthelmintics and other strong drugs after tests.

As a rule, an animal with diarrhea feels weak, unwell, and most often refuses food. This is completely appropriate behavior for a sick pet. In this case, the owner must also comply certain rules:

  • For the first day, it is recommended not to feed the dog at all. If the animal has an appetite, offer some boiled rice.
  • The second part of the diet includes kefir, yogurt, and yogurt without additives - this will help normalize the digestive processes.
  • If on the third day the pet is recovering, you can feed it low-fat food - a boiled egg or an omelet, pieces of boiled chicken, turkey, rabbit, sea fish, gray bread crackers.

Boiled rice can be given from the first day, just like congee.

Special diet - part complex therapy diarrhea in a dog. Let's look at the brands of industrial feed that are recommended to be given for diarrhea, and talk about the products that should make up the medicinal natural diet.

Ready-made feed

Healthy puppy It has a good appetite, grows quickly and gains weight, looks active and cheerful. The baby has normal stools - hard, uniform consistency, yellowish-brownish in color. The puppies' feces should not contain mucus, foam, bloody substances, particles of undigested food, or other uncharacteristic inclusions.

If you notice that the baby has begun to diarrhea, or the puppy has frequent loose stools, you need to understand that indigestion for a small dog can end very badly, especially if the diarrhea does not go away within 24-48 hours.

Therefore, you need to adequately assess the situation and understand what caused and provoked diarrhea in the dog.

Causes of diarrhea in puppies:

  • poisoning from low-quality feed, stale products, chemicals;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • too much fatty food(smoked meats, fatty meat);
  • metabolic disorder;
  • teething, changing teeth;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • intolerance to any food components;
  • indigestion, consumption of poorly digestible food, products from our table;
  • habitual overeating;
  • intestinal infections(colibacillosis, dysbacteriosis);
  • viral, bacterial, invasive diseases;
  • neoplasms in the digestive tract.

Diarrhea in puppies can be caused by an allergic reaction to any irritant, foreign objects in the gastrointestinal tract, severe stress, a sharp transition to a new type of diet.

Acute diarrhea in newborn puppies is very alarming symptom. The immune and digestive systems of babies are not fully developed. The gastrointestinal tract does not contain all the enzymes and beneficial microorganisms responsible for digestion. Therefore, the digestive tract of small puppies is very vulnerable. Any negative factors can cause various systemic and functional disorders and cause disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If one month old puppy is located artificial feeding, if the feeding regime is violated, overfeeding, and also if the baby does not receive high-quality, low-quality nutrition (mother's milk substitutes, formula), diarrhea is very often noted.

Stomach upset in one-month-old puppies can be caused by milk. Puppies receive immune protection, useful material, vitamins mother's milk. Therefore, if a lactating bitch is sick, weakened, or receives a poor-quality, unbalanced diet, this will affect not only her health, but also the condition of the babies.

Before helping your puppy, make sure that the dog's diarrhea is not due to infection or any disease. Analyze what could have caused it intestinal disorder, after which the dog became worse.

Answer the following questions:

  • Whether the pet was switched to a new diet or received familiar foods.
  • What kind of bowel movements were there yesterday, the day before yesterday.
  • How long ago was deworming and immunization carried out?
  • Has the puppy had contact with other animals (stray cats, dogs, birds).
  • Could the dog pick up something on a walk?

Symptoms and form of diarrhea

There are a number of varieties of the disorder, thanks to which it is possible to determine why a dog has diarrhea.

  1. Acute diarrhea is characterized by the duration of loose stools (2 weeks). If additional symptoms did not appear (lethargy, fever), the disorder could be caused by the consumption of dairy and fatty products, poor-quality food, or perhaps suitable for the breed. This disorder can be easily corrected on your own, but if the result is negative (diarrhea has not gone away or worsened on the 3rd day of treatment), a visit to the veterinarian is required. Small ornamental breeds Chihuahuas have a sensitive stomach and are often susceptible to this disorder.
  2. Second form acute diarrhea typical for unvaccinated puppies. It is caused by the presence in the body various diseases– from enteritis to plague. The cause is poisoning with various poisons and chemicals. An urgent visit to the veterinarian is necessary.
  3. The chronic form of diarrhea is characterized loose stools lasting more than 2 weeks. This form manifests itself as a result of the appearance and development of chronic diseases in the dog (pancreatitis, gastritis, salmonellosis, dysbacteriosis, the appearance of helminths, etc.).

As a rule, pet owners experience an acute form of diarrhea. It appears suddenly and is usually short-lived. Acute diarrhea in dogs does not last longer than three weeks, but this does not make it any less dangerous disease and it needs to be treated promptly.

Reasons acute form diarrhea are the same factors that cause ordinary stomach upset. Symptoms include liquid feces, sometimes they may contain blood.

In this condition, the dog defecates frequently, resulting in a large volume of fluid being lost, which leads to significant dehydration.

If a dog's diarrhea lasts three or more weeks, then we are talking about chronic process. In this case, mucus or blood is often observed in the stool.

With prolonged diarrhea, the animal’s body weight decreases, its appetite worsens, its fur becomes dull or falls out, and the dog stops enjoying life.

A dog may have diarrhea additional symptom serious illness, and ordinary digestive upset. But you shouldn’t let the situation take its course; the owner’s intervention is still required. It is possible that you can cure diarrhea at home, without consulting a veterinarian, but it is possible that you will need his qualified help.

Why did the diarrhea happen?

There can be many causes of indigestion, and some diseases are accompanied by diarrhea.

This symptom is not uncommon when helminthic infestations, during poisoning and allergic reactions.

If a dog has diarrhea, the reasons are often related to disruption of the stomach and, as a consequence, decreased secretion gastric juice. Oncological diseases may also be accompanied by diarrhea. To pick up effective treatment, you need to make a correct diagnosis. Diarrhea is dangerous because it leads to dehydration.

Diarrhea that was caused by childbirth or vaccination deserves special attention. In this case, you cannot do without a veterinarian examination. If vomiting and elevated temperature no, then such changes may be a variant of the norm.

Chemical poisoning is also accompanied by diarrhea. Sometimes owners recklessly exclude this option. An animal can swallow something on the street, and this outcome should not be discounted either. It's better to play it safe and take your pet to the vet.

Is it possible to give Smecta to dogs?

To do this, you need to take the required amount of the drug (for example, if a dog has a body weight of 20 kilograms, then it needs to receive 4 milligrams active substance, which is equivalent to two tablets of Imodium), if necessary, dissolve in a small amount of pure drinking water and let the dog drink the suspension.

Or you can let the dog swallow the tablets on its own without additional dilution.

Attention! It is prohibited to give to dogs whose size is considered small by standards (the animal's body weight is 10 kilograms or less).

Medicines for diarrhea are given strictly as prescribed by the veterinarian at the recommended frequency and in the indicated dosage. On the first day of the disease, therapeutic fasting is recommended (for puppies, a strict diet lasts 10-12 hours). At the same time, the animal is offered plenty of fluids and medicinal water-salt solutions.

What to do if your dog has diarrhea and refuses to eat the medicine:

  1. Try hiding the pill in your favorite treat.
  2. Gently grasp your pet by the lower jaw. Press with your index finger and thumb on the gap between the molars.
  3. Gently place the medicine on the root of the tongue.
  4. Lift your dog's muzzle up and stroke his throat.
  5. Be sure to praise and pet your dog after the procedure.
  6. If aggression occurs, use a syringe to administer medication.

Diarrhea in a dog can be caused either by poisoning or by the appearance of a more serious disease. Dog breeders who ignore this ailment in their pet are doing wrong. Under no circumstances should any illness in a dog, including diarrhea, be left to chance.

It is important to remember that this disorder of the digestive system clearly indicates internal problems in the animal’s body. It is also important to remember that untimely or inappropriate treatment of the disease can result in negative consequences for the health and life of the dog.

All symptoms of the disease directly depend on the severity and neglect of the disease. Symptoms of diarrhea may include the following:

All of the above symptoms can appear either alone or with the presence of several signs.

If even a single symptom of illness appears, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian.

Diarrhea with blood

If the animal has diarrhea with various inclusions blood clots, then this may indicate the presence of a serious disease in the dog’s body. As an emergency, your pet should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. What diseases have this symptom?

  • Poisoning. The dog often picks up various small objects on the street or in some other place if foreign body or poor-quality food enters the animal’s stomach and causes severe irritation of the intestinal walls, then the dog develops diarrhea with blood.
  • Parvovirus enteritis. It is mainly present in babies from 2 months to one year. Unfortunately, the disease often leads to the death of a puppy, especially if medical care is not provided to the latter in a timely manner.
  • Traumatic enterocolitis. Diarrhea with blood in a dog can occur if the animal has eaten a small foreign body, and it inside the body has damaged the walls of the intestines or stomach.
  • Side reflex to taking painkillers.

Acute form

In veterinary practice, acute diarrhea is most often encountered in dogs. The disease is characterized by its sudden appearance and short-term action. It has been noticed that acute diarrhea in dogs does not last more than 3 weeks, but, nevertheless, the disease is serious and requires timely treatment.

The causes of acute diarrhea are identical to ordinary indigestion. Symptoms include watery feces, sometimes mixed with blood.

This condition of the animal is especially dangerous because as a result of frequent bowel movements, the body can lose a significant amount of fluid, and this leads to dehydration and imbalance in the body.

Chronic form

This chronic illness recognized when the dog has diarrhea for 3 weeks or more. Feces in chronic diarrhea are often accompanied by mucus and blood.

At prolonged diarrhea the dog loses a lot of weight, its appetite deteriorates, the quality of its coat changes, its vigor and joy for life disappear.

Causes of diarrhea

A variety of reasons can lead to disruption of normal performance, examples include:

Before treating a disease, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the cause of its development. Only after this is treatment prescribed and urgent measures taken to heal the dog.

How to treat diarrhea

When the first signs of illness appear, a sick dog must be taken to a veterinary clinic or a doctor called to your home. After identifying the causes of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes medication to the patient.

All of the above medications can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the animal. You cannot treat your dog with medications on your own.

What to give your dog for diarrhea?

At home, you can also help your animal cope with the disease. For this purpose, gentle, harmless, but effective means are used.

  • Rice water. Boil rice groats in a small amount of water, then remove the grounds, and give the resulting broth to the dog.
  • Herbal infusions. An infusion of medicinal herbs is prepared and given to the animal. As medicinal plants you can use: alder fruits, blueberries, sage, St. John's wort.

Feeding a dog with diarrhea

During the illness, the dog always feels unwell. If she refuses to eat, it is forbidden to force feed her. The animal needs to drink a lot.

What rules of nutrition exist during illness?

  • On the first day of illness, it is better not to give the animal any food at all; if it asks to eat, then you can give a small amount of boiled rice.
  • On the second day, you can offer the dog dairy products to normalize the digestive process.
  • On the third day, if the animal feels better, then low-fat foods are introduced into the diet: boiled eggs, chicken or fish. During all 3 days, the dog can be given boiled rice.

It is important to remember that a sick dog needs plenty of fluids. Simple water, sweet tea, herbal infusions, and rice infusion are suitable as a medicinal liquid.


As prophylactic agents against diarrhea, pet owners are advised to comply with the following requirements:

We always remain responsible for those we have tamed. This truth is familiar to everyone from childhood. The slightest ailment in an animal should be treated immediately. For your dog to always be happy, playful and healthy, it requires only responsible and high-quality care.

Dogs, like people, are mammals. Anatomical structure and the physiology of many organs and systems between us and our best four-legged friends is very similar. In particular, this applies to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dogs' digestion is not as sensitive as humans'. This can be seen when eaten raw meat, game and dog scraps. However, troubles in the form of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting also happen to pets. Is it possible to help our smaller brothers in such a situation with ordinary human Imodium? We'll figure out.

In humans, Imodium plays the role of an antidiarrheal drug. However, in a dog it does not perform such a function. Moreover, loperamide (the main active ingredient of the drug with the trade name Imodium) can cause severe colon bleeding.

Imodium can be given to a dog if a veterinary doctor has proven the presence of colitis of non-infectious etiology. In this case, the correctly selected dosage will relieve spasm, inflammation and pain, which will significantly improve the well-being of your four-legged friend.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you choose the dosage yourself at home! This should only be done by a certified specialist in the field of veterinary medicine.

It is also strictly forbidden to take Imodium if the pet is in a pathological condition caused by general intoxication syndrome due to infectious and inflammatory diseases. Diarrhea in this case is a kind of method of “cleansing” the body of toxins that have entered the gastrointestinal tract.

If diarrhea can be stopped with the help of the described medication, then all the harmful substances will ultimately end up in the dog’s bloodstream and will continue to affect its body more and more.

Since Imodium, even in humans, is an antidiarrheal drug, the action of which is aimed at the large intestine, it cannot help either a person or a dog with nausea and vomiting.


Like all medications in veterinary medicine, Imodium is given to the dog in a dosage corresponding to the dog’s body weight. No more than 0.2 milligrams of Loperamide should be given per kilogram of animal weight, no matter what trade name it is produced under (including Imodium).

Important! Accurate weighing and prescription of the drug should only be carried out by a veterinarian!

How to give?

To do this, you need to take the required amount of the drug (for example, if a dog has a body weight of 20 kilograms, then it needs to receive 4 milligrams of the active substance, which is equivalent to two tablets of Imodium), if necessary, dissolve it in a small amount of clean drinking water and let the dog drink the suspension.

Or you can let the dog swallow the tablets on its own without additional dilution.

Attention! It is prohibited to give to dogs whose size is considered small by standards (the animal's body weight is 10 kilograms or less).

What to do if things get bad?

This is a common occurrence in veterinary medicine among dogs that have been given this drug. To the main clinical manifestations Conditions worsened by Imodium include the following:

  1. A sharp increase in the dog's body temperature.
  2. Increased fatigue, apathy.
  3. Increased general intoxication syndrome, manifested in increased vomiting.
  4. The appearance of bleeding from the thick part of the dog’s intestinal tube (often!).
  5. Refusal of food and water, provided that there is at least a slight appetite before using the drug.
  6. Anemic syndrome (visually determined by blanching of the mucous membranes and tongue of the animal).

If these symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently take your pet to the veterinarian, since heavy bleeding and intoxication of the body will inevitably lead to death.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Under no circumstances should these categories of dogs be given, since Imodium is a drug that is dangerous to the life of even an adult and strong dog, not to mention the weakened organisms of expectant mothers, those who have not yet been born and puppies that have already been born.

Breed characteristics

  • Pomeranian and Japanese;
  • varieties of Pyrenean Shepherd;
  • dachshund;
  • moody;
  • pumi;
  • Schipperke;
  • sheltie (not to be confused with collie!);
  • Affenpinscher;
  • Danish-Swedish Guardhund;
  • Dutch Griffon;
  • miniature pinscher;
  • miniature schnauzer;
  • Norwegian Lundehund;
  • most (Toy, Australian, Bedlington, Border, Cairn, Czech and others);
  • Peruvian Hairless Dog and many, many other breeds, as well as mixed breeds that meet the criteria stated above.



“Once upon a time, my Elizaveta (royal poodle breed) began to get very sick. It was night and there were no 24-hour pharmacies nearby. At home I only had Imodium for diarrhea. I gave her a pill.

Lord, I wish I hadn’t! How my beauty started to vomit! She felt so bad that I took a taxi and went to a nearby town to a 24-hour veterinary clinic! We spent a lot of money, of course, but we managed to save the baby.

She started bleeding (fortunately, not severely) in her intestine. I had to have surgery. It would be better to give her some coal and wait until morning. I will no longer give Imodium to any animals (I have another dog and three cats at home) and I don’t recommend it to anyone!”

“We had a female Pomeranian (dwarf) Spitz. Somehow she began to vomit violently. Then she went out to relieve herself. The stool turned out to be the consistency of water. I was afraid. I found Imodium at home. Well, I think the dog is small, I’ll give her half the tablet.

Gave. We didn't have time to save. Intestinal bleeding. I killed my beauty. If your pet’s life is valuable, it is better to consult a doctor for normal medications!”


“Not only in ours, but also in others veterinary clinics We veterinarians do not prescribe Imodium. It has long been proven that it only harms the dog (and the cat too). It is best to use the usual one to help with diarrhea: it’s easier to give and has more benefit.

Then there is no need to save animals from bleeding and severe intoxication. Even if the animal has diarrhea, it is better to wait for the opportunity and consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.”

What to replace it with?

The most the best substitute is . This powder is a sorbent that does not affect intestinal motility, but binds all toxins in gastrointestinal tract(selectively toxic substances) and removes them from the body.

If there is no smecta, it is better to give the usual one. It also adsorbs all toxic substances and removes them. It is best to discuss the dosage with your doctor, even though it is impossible to achieve an overdose of charcoal. The standard dose is 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of body weight.

Important! Activated carbon can be given to all dogs without exception (even pregnant and lactating bitches and newborn babies).


Imodium is an unsafe drug for our little brothers. It can lead to the death of an animal even if there is only minor poisoning. You should not give it to your pet. Moreover, this should not be done without consulting a doctor.

Imodium can be used only in the presence of intestinal hyperperistalsis and non-infectious colitis, when it is necessary not to stop diarrhea, but to calm the intestines. It is best to take your pet to the veterinarian so that he can prescribe the correct treatment.

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