What does it mean to dream about a Christmas tree? Why do you dream about a Christmas tree?

The Christmas tree is usually associated with winter and the New Year. But many people want to find out why they dream of a Christmas tree at any time of the year. For correct interpretation dreams, you need to remember all the details of what you saw. Great importance have appearance tree and the sensations that a person experienced from a dream.

The Christmas tree is usually associated with winter and the New Year

Most people wonder what the New Year tree is for. If such a dream was seen on New Year's Eve, then you should not attach much importance to it. It only reflects the experiences and emotions associated with preparing for the holiday. But it happened that I dreamed of a New Year tree, and the winter holidays were still very far away. Here you should take into account all the details of the dream. A tree can portend both joyful and sad events. See in a dream christmas tree- to the upcoming celebration organized in honor of the dreamer himself. A tree with toys seen in a dream means that this celebration will be very successful. I had a chance to decorate a Christmas tree in a dream - in real life get ready for a long rest.

If such a dream was seen on New Year's Eve, then you should not attach much importance to it

If decorated pine needles are accompanied by heavy snowfall outside the window, it means that the dreamer is in for a holiday that will not bring him satisfaction. In particular, the celebration will be spoiled by invited guests. A vision in which the Christmas tree has fallen and the toys have scattered across the floor and are broken promises trouble in the family. It is a mistake to assume in such a situation that broken glass fortunately dreams. Seeing a Christmas tree on which the lights have gone out in a dream means sexual attraction directed towards a stranger. If you manage to light the lanterns, then in life there will be a chance to renew your relationship with the offended person.

Why do you dream about a Christmas tree (video)

Type of tree

A cut down Christmas tree in a dream is a bad sign. Soon the dreamer will become the main character of a serious quarrel at work or in the family. Trouble will occur due to misunderstandings and existing problems. But planting a tree, on the contrary, means good luck and quick career growth. A person is entering a favorable period when luck will contribute in all areas of life.

The appearance of the Christmas tree plays a big role. Seeing a dried tree means withering of sexual energy. Intimate relationships with a partner will either cease altogether or become uninteresting. Dreamed spruce blue color foretells the dreamer a difficult choice that he will have to make in the near future. In addition, any of decisions taken will entail certain losses. Green spruce - to health problems.

The appearance of the Christmas tree plays a big role

The dreamer's excessive gullibility and kindness is what dreams of an artificial Christmas tree mean. If you do not change your attitude towards the people around you, then there is a chance of becoming a victim of a conspiracy or serious deception. I dreamed that a pleasant smell emanated from the Christmas tree - to the recovery of the dreamer himself or one of his relatives. If you dreamed of a Christmas tree whose needles are falling off, then you should prepare for the fact that the current situation will not be resolved in your favor.

Christmas tree in a dream (video)

According to different dream books

Why does a girl dream of decorating a Christmas tree? The answer to this question can be found in Miller's dream book. For an unmarried lady, such a vision promises an early marriage. According to the same dream book, a New Year tree from which toys fall and break into small pieces is considered a bad sign for family people. Soon the marriage will face troubles and betrayals, because of which the spouses will quarrel for a long time.

Family dream book - dreams of a Christmas tree bring joy

Family dream book - dreams of a Christmas tree bring joy. In the near future, the whole family will gather at the table for a special occasion. Betrayal from the outside loved one- this is what dreams of falling trees mean family dream book. You should generally be wary of dreams with broken New Year's toys - this is a sign of trouble. Removing a tree from the house also means sad events or news. I dreamed of a forest with a lot of fir trees, which means you should prepare for deception.

decorate the Christmas tree according to the dream book

Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream promises imminent, joyful events in your life. But if you watch the decorations being removed from the tree, this foreshadows sadness and grief that will replace fun.

interpretation of the dream of decorating the Christmas tree

If you dreamed of a spruce tree decorated by you, this dream proves that you are in real life you are trying to prove to yourself, first of all, and to everyone around you that without heartfelt affection, sexual relations are not at all acceptable for you. Since you are a romantic person, this may prevent you from giving yourself completely to your partner in order to experience maximum pleasure from sex.

interpretation of the dream of decorating the Christmas tree

Dressing up a beautiful, fluffy, green spruce means prosperity and good luck in the household. This dream is especially good for people in maritime professions. An elegant Christmas tree in the house symbolizes happiness, family well-being, love, friendship, achievements in all endeavors. If needles suddenly fall off a spruce tree or toys are removed, all sorts of difficulties may arise. A beautiful spruce tree has grown around the house in your dream - you will carry out a romantic act in reality.

interpretation of the dream of decorating the Christmas tree

Most likely, someone around you gives or will be able to give you proper advice that is worth listening to.

decorate a Christmas tree in a dream

Decorating a Christmas tree in a dream means a person’s secret subconscious desire to solve everything life problems without his participation, that is, by themselves. Italian dream book interprets such a dream with something hypocritical, false, insincere. This kind of dream suggests that a person is wishful thinking, deceiving himself. In a word, he lives in a fictional, unreal world.

The Christmas tree is a symbol of the main winter holiday - the New Year, which many associate with the beginning of a new stage of life.

According to the dream book, a Christmas tree in a dream is also a harbinger of change.

Whether they will be good or not depends on the nuances of your dream. Remember all the details of what you saw and read the interpretation of your dream!


The dream book interprets a Christmas tree growing in the forest as the approach of a turbulent period. A lot of troubles await you, which will fall on your shoulders.

But you shouldn’t be too upset - worries will be everyday, mostly household ones. You just need a little more strength and patience.

A dried up Christmas tree foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings in the family. To avoid them, you should pay close attention to your partner’s wishes. Don't abuse his kindness and trust. If you act wisely and measuredly, the dream book writes that scandals can be avoided.

  • Dreaming of spruce branches - to recovery.
  • A decorated Christmas tree in the forest is a surprise.
  • Walking around her means doubting yourself.
  • A lonely spruce in a clearing means loneliness.
  • A green tree with pine cones means additional income.

If in a dream a tree grows in the yard, then the dream book promises you the arrival of relatives. A green Christmas tree indicates that it will be nice people. And the blue one warns that guests you don’t want to see will come to your house.

New Year

You dream of a New Year tree decorated with toys when you are on the verge of interesting events. If a tree stands in your house, then changes will come in family life. And to see a Christmas tree in a store means to feel changes in the financial sector.

A pleasant holiday with loved ones is what you dream of about the Christmas tree that you decorate. The tall New Year's beauty says that the time spent with family will not be overshadowed by any troubles. A small tree warns of upcoming conflicts in the family.

The New Year tree against the backdrop of a snowy landscape is interpreted in the dream book as the arrival of guests and a luxurious feast. Everything will work out well if you don’t get into pointless arguments and drink too much alcohol. Otherwise, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible.

  • Seeing a bright garland means a new love affair.
  • A Christmas tree with balls of the same color - your partner is faithful to you.
  • A lot of “rain” means empty talk.
  • Cotton wool in the form of snow on branches - best friend not being sincere with you.
  • An artificial Christmas tree means deception.

If in a dream about a Christmas tree Santa Claus and Snow Maiden were present, then the dream book recommends that you pay more attention to your friends. In your worries, you may not notice that they are in trouble. If you continue to maintain warm relations with your comrades, be sure to take part in solving their problems.

Your actions

Planting a coniferous tree is enough auspicious sign in the dream book. In the coming days, fate will give you a chance to take a new, promising position. Don't be afraid of the difficulties that will arise at work. By overcoming them, you can make a stunning career.

Cutting a Christmas tree in a dream means being the head of a family in reality. Your loved ones always listen to your opinion, respect and love you. If you answer them in the same way, the dream book guarantees that family life will be long and happy enough.

If you want to quickly and truthfully interpret a dream about a spruce, a dream book will help you with this. Author: Vera Drobnaya

The only tree that evokes direct associations with the New Year is the Christmas tree, and if we draw a parallel with this magical holiday, then it may well become a symbol of change, especially if you saw a Christmas tree in a dream. But dream books are not so clear on questions about what the “prickly beauty” is in a dream about, and for the reliability of interpretations it is important to remember all the details.

You should pay attention to the purpose for which the prickly tree was intended, whether it was a holiday decoration, or simply growing wild. It should be noted whether there was any damage to the spruce branches; its naturalness or artificiality is also of no small importance.

Christmas tree as a symbol of the New Year

Undoubtedly, the greatest semantic load falls on dreams in which you saw a Christmas tree decorated in a New Year's style, but only if the significant date of the end of December is still very far away. Therefore, what you dream of about a New Year’s tree with toys on New Year’s Eve is only a consequence of the pre-holiday hustle and bustle.

Why do you dream of a decorated New Year tree? The dream book claims that such a plot in a dream foreshadows the celebration of a significant date, with which you will be completely satisfied. But you should not overdo it with alcohol, it can lead to disastrous consequences.

If you happen to decorate the New Year tree, then you will arrange a luxurious holiday for yourself, in which your closest relatives and friends will take part. When creating a fun atmosphere, do not forget about relaxation, otherwise the celebration will only be fun for those around you.

The combination of a New Year tree with snowfall outside the window in a dream is an ambiguous symbol of the dream book. as in previous interpretations, you will have a fun time, but it may well be overshadowed by the behavior of the guests. Perhaps you will discover negative qualities in someone around you that you had not paid attention to before.

Appearance of the Christmas tree

If in a dream you saw a dried-out Christmas tree, then psychoanalytic dream book correlates this plot with withering in sexual sphere. What such a dream means foreshadows a lack of variety, a fading passion in sex with a regular partner.

Blue Christmas tree - symbol difficult choice which you will have to accomplish in the near future. Moreover, the dream book claims that any decision you make will bring collateral losses, but one of them will be much better than the other.

Why do you dream of a green Christmas tree? If in a dream you are amazed by the brightness of emerald needles, and it seems to you that you have never seen such a beautiful spruce tree, then the dream book warns you of physiological problems. Your body is in dire need of vitamins, the balance inside is disrupted, and this can lead to serious complications.

An artificial tree, too brightly and pretentiously decorated, symbolizes the dreamer’s gullibility. You should rely on your intuition when choosing your friends, and not on what a person shows. You will be sadly mistaken about the person who previously seemed the best.

Why do you dream of a living Christmas tree? If in a dream she was in the forest, and you inhaled the invigorating smell of pine needles, then in reality the dream book promises a chance for recovery. If you are not sick, it will improve significantly physical activity and tone.

Unpleasant incidents

If you realize with horror that the tree next to you is on fire in a dream, then you should not think that this plot promises trouble. In fact, you will get a chance to rebuild your relationship with the person you care about the most. According to another interpretation, you will experience sexual attraction to an unfamiliar person.

WITH negative side the dream book interprets a dream in which a decorated Christmas tree fell, and toys and garlands flew off it with a rattle. Troubles in the family await you; for some time, a tense atmosphere will reign in the house due to misunderstanding between the spouses.

According to Miller’s dream book, a Christmas tree from which glass balls fall and break in a dream is a bad sign, especially for family people. You are in the middle of a scandalous situation, and you will not resolve it if you make decisions based on emotions. Take a little break from squabbles and quarrels, look at the state of things with a new look.

Plant or cut a Christmas tree

A dream where you happened to plant Christmas trees is a good omen. The dream book predicts that the most favorable period for career growth will come in the coming days. You may be promoted, and if you have your own business, you will find new ways to optimize it.

Why dream of planting a Christmas tree at home? Such an action in a dream will also have a favorable effect on future events. The dream book predicts that there will be changes for the better in the family related to their financial situation.

Cutting down a Christmas tree in a dream is in any case a bad symbol, even if it is done for the purpose of decorating the house. Because of your uncompromising nature and inability to resolve matters amicably, you will become the epicenter of a serious quarrel.

Wood parts

If, while decorating a tree in a dream, you saw needles from a Christmas tree falling off, then the dream book predicts a bad outcome of current events. The problem that worries you most will be resolved very soon, but unfortunately, not in your favor.

Why do you dream about a Christmas tree with pine cones? The dream book claims that fate will give you a lucky chance, and only you can decide whether to miss it or catch luck by the tail. No less favorable is the meaning of a dream of a Christmas tree in the snow. You will receive an inheritance or a big win.

Decorated Christmas tree

If a young lonely girl happened to decorate a Christmas tree in a dream, then the dream book predicts that she will soon meet her betrothed. For those who are not alone, such a dream portends pregnancy. Seeing a Christmas tree with garlands in a dream - good sign. Shining lanterns represent what you are striving for. better life, and you will succeed very soon.

Why do you dream of a decorated Christmas tree? If you yourself did not take a direct part in decorating the green beauty, then the dream book foretells good news and a cheerful holiday that will follow.

Why do you dream about a New Year tree? In a dream, this is an expectation or need for some joyful event. In addition, the appearance of this attribute indicates the approximate time of the dream’s fulfillment. The sign is always kind and bright, but the dream book advises taking into account other details.

Miller's Prediction

Did you dream about a Christmas tree? Miller's dream book guarantees that truly happy and joyful events will happen soon.


Did your dreams include a particularly beautiful spruce? The vision does not at all promise that something future will be associated with the efforts of the dreamer himself. Most often, this is an indication that existence will change on its own, as if by magic.

In a dream, a beautiful Christmas tree hints at pleasures of a carnal nature. The dream book suspects that you will soon wish for variety in sex and in life in general.

Happiness or problems?

Did you dream of a wonderfully decorated Christmas tree? Changes in personal life there will be a field of some noisy celebration.

If in a dream a decorated New Year tree suddenly fell, then problems will happen in the family. serious problems, or you will be completely disappointed in your loved one.

Did you happen to see a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? Fate favors you.

Why do you dream of a dressed-up beauty after the holiday? The dream book reminds us that after fun there is always a streak of difficulties.


What does it mean if you dreamed of a Christmas tree in the summer long before the New Year? This is a reflection of the desire to get closer to people important to you, and this is best done during the holidays.

Why does this New Year's attribute appear in a dream in the summer? The dream book suspects that the intended wish will come true during the New Year holidays.

Boredom will come later...

Why do you dream of a New Year tree with toys? Soon you will meet a very extravagant young man who, however, will bring you a lot of sorrows.

Did you dream of a spruce tree with toys? The dream book is sure that you will receive a gift that will be a pleasant surprise.

Decorating a Christmas tree yourself in a dream with toys means stability in family life, but removing decorations from it is worse. Joy will soon give way to sadness, and life will be filled with endless gray everyday life.

Caution doesn't hurt!

Why else do you dream of a bright New Year tree in the house? This is a sure sign that things will soon go uphill and you won’t have to worry about finances.

If you dreamed that you were buying a spruce tree in order to arrange a holiday in your house, this means that in reality you are trying to improve your relationship with one of your household members or relatives.

Seeing someone putting up a Christmas tree is a sign of negligence loved one. Moreover, the dream book believes that it will lead to real injury.


What does it mean if in a dream you personally dress up a forest beauty? A big holiday is coming with a magnificent feast, wild fun and pleasant communication.

Have you ever decorated a Christmas tree with your children? The dream book promises mutual understanding and harmony in relations between generations. This is also a harbinger significant events, which will affect all loved ones.

Did you have to put up and decorate the Christmas tree alone? The plot calls for immediate change in life. Otherwise, you will get sick or simply lose your vitality.