Five-pointed star (pentagram). Five-pointed star - Orthodox symbol

Every person on the planet knows this figure. The beginning of its use is rooted in antiquity. In the history of many nations, it has a certain semantic and religious load. The five-pointed star symbol meaning is different. Let's try to figure out all the subtleties together.

The five-pointed figure was one of the most important elements religions of many peoples of the world

The five-pointed figure was one of the most important elements of religion and worship among many peoples of the world. The meaning of the symbol among the Slavs, Muslims and Catholics has common features, but there are still some significant differences.

The first known use of the symbol occurred around three millennia BC. e. In Sumerian writing, they denoted a small room, a small pit, and also a corner.

Among the Pythagoreans, the figure was personified with a refuge in which the original chaos was enclosed in those times when our world was created. Then the receptacle of the dark forces was sent to Tartarus - the underworld. According to legend, the darkness, which was placed in a figure with five rays, was the soul of the world, as well as a real storehouse of wisdom. This symbol had two rays at the top.

The meaning of the Slavic symbol

IN Slavic culture wearing a star, which has 5 rays, helped the owner in his affairs. Such a charm attracted well-being, health and happiness. But how could it be interpreted differently, if each ray denoted very important concepts for the Slavs. The elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air merged in this figure. Spirit joined them. Therefore, the meaning of the symbol among the Slavs acquired a religious character rather than a magical or protective one.

A five-pointed figure in Slavic culture - such a talisman attracted well-being, health and happiness

The elders of the clan wore such a distinctive sign in the form of pendants, rings or embroidery on clothes. They interpreted it even more broadly - they argued that the star personified infinity, the relationship of the end and the beginning, since it is easy to draw a pentagram without breaking the line. This is the endless cycle that exists in the cycle of nature. The pentagram was placed with a beam up. In Rus', they believed that the inverted sign was used by witches in their witchcraft rites to induce damage and evil spells.

The meaning of the five-pointed star in various religions of the world

This sign is widely used in religious movements. So, the teaching of Kabbalah interprets it as an image of the messiah, if the figure is located so that one of its rays is directed vertically upwards. The pentagram denoted the sacred seal of the wisest of kings - Solomon. Also, in one of the historical periods, it was used as the official seal of Jerusalem.

In Muslim teachings, this sign is important. It is associated with the 5 pillars of the true faith, as well as the number of prayers that must be said every day.

Christian teaching in the European powers endowed the pentagonal figure with a number of meanings. To list just a few

  • five fingers of the hand;
  • health;
  • feelings;
  • number of wounds of Christ.

The sign was identified with Star of Bethlehem. In Russia, the night star, which pointed to the birthplace of Christ, had 7 rays.

The pentagonal star at the very beginning indicated that Christ was a man living among people.

The Renaissance is characterized by an interest in the essence of man, in his personality. The symbol with 5 faces was associated with a man whose limbs are spread wide apart, as shown in the drawing of the great Leonardo.

Important social symbol

The meaning of the five-pointed star also has a social and humanistic aspect. This symbol was most widely used during the period when the Great French Revolution “ruled” in Paris. With the advent of atheism, man was elevated to the main place in a new gradation of values. And the star becomes an important symbol. Especially its significance increased in military symbols, at first in revolutionary France, and then this phenomenon spread to other countries.

Over time, the star becomes one of the key signs in Masonic symbolism. At first it was ancient meaning occult kind. Gradually, the star acquired a wider meaning and began to be used to express the ideas of the Masonic movement. The star began to be used as a state symbol of those countries that were built according to Masonic drawings - it can be seen on the flag of the USA and the European Union. The five-pointed symbol is on the state flags of many powers. Here are just a few of them

  • China;
  • Vietnam;
  • Cameroon;
  • Liberia;
  • Cuba;
  • Congo-Kinshasa;
  • Panama;
  • Myanmar;
  • Puerto Rico;
  • New Zealand, etc.

The five-pointed symbol is on the state flags of many powers.

The meaning of the five-pointed star also has some symbolism in the civil direction. It is often used as a badge of distinction in many public organizations and movements.

negative value

The figure, which has two rays directed upwards, is considered almost the main symbol of Satanists. The inverted pentagram in this case means Tartarus. This is the name in their teaching of the place where the fallen angels are.

Inside the inverted sign is often the goat's head of Baphomet. The main symbolism of this figure is anti-humanity, animal passion. Three beams directed downwards for those who profess the satanic teachings mean the rejection of the Holy Trinity.

In Russia

After the victory of the socialist revolution, the new state needed a completely different symbolism.

At first, a hammer and a plow were depicted on a red star. It was an emblem adopted as a badge of distinction among the Red Army, which was in dire need of its symbols.

The opposing sides in civil war, which flared up after October revolution, were similar to each other as two drops of water. They wore the same clothes, spoke the same language, and were similar in appearance.

So for the first time, among the symbols of the Land of Soviets, a five-pointed red communist star, which later became famous all over the world, appeared.

For the first time, among the symbols of the Land of Soviets, a five-pointed red communist star, which later became famous all over the world, appeared.

magical meaning

The five-pointed star is used as a very strong witch sign in witchcraft. In magical rituals, texts and formulas, it is called a pentagram.

For rituals, a pentacle is used. This is a special round disc that is made of wax, fired clay or other materials. The sign of the pentagram is applied to it. It can be engraved alone or in combination with other magical symbols.

The pentacle is used to draw the energy of the elements, earth, stars or people to it. Sometimes during magical rituals high priestesses themselves take the pose of a pentagram. They stand in a circle and spread their arms and legs to the sides, symbolizing a five-pointed star. In some teachings, this posture means rebirth.

Today, many modern magicians wear a pendant or ring on their finger with a five-pointed symbol on their chest. This is a sign of their teaching, and also protective talisman and an amulet. It is made of silver, less often of gold. Metal endows the figure with special strength and energy, which is enhanced by special spells. The magic sign is used by practicing magicians and sorcerers in order to cope with the elemental forces and entities from the afterlife that they invoke.

Pentagram as protection and help

The sign of a star with five rays is used by adherents of esoteric teachings for meditation. They associate each ray of the figure with a certain quality or name of the deity. In other situations, emotions or feelings are “attached” to the rays. Very often, the pentagram is used to denote any concepts in encrypted witchcraft formulas.

In addition to being used in jewelry, a star is embroidered on clothes, it is drawn inside a circle, into which participants in witchcraft rituals then become.

The star is used in jewelry, embroidered on clothes, drawn inside a circle, into which participants in witchcraft rituals then become.

The five-sided star is a very strong amulet. It not only protects against evil demons, but also gives power over them and allows you to subjugate the summoned spirits.

The symbol of a star with five rays was quite a powerful amulet even in pagan times. It was believed that the owner of such a talisman would be able to quickly achieve wealth and happiness.

In the same period in witchcraft, such talismans were ritual and were often used for revenge, inflicting damage, and witchcraft spells. In this case, an inverted pentagram was used, which was associated with hell and the power of powerful evil forces.

Stars have fascinated people's minds since ancient times. The five-pointed star, or, as it is also called, a pentagram, or a pentacle with rays intersecting at one point, corresponds to the golden ratio for Leonardo da Vinci and the addition of two and three, which means difference and perfection for Pythagoras. Top up, it means the divine principle, and down - satanic symbols. This is the matrix space man, the star of priests and alchemists. Among the Freemasons, it symbolizes the reborn person.

Light, spirituality, inspiration is personified by a five-pointed star with its apex upwards. It takes the exact opposite value at the top down. This is darkness, black magic and witchcraft.

In ancient Egypt, she meant the highest god Zorus. In the Bible, it is the key to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the peaks represent the five wounds of Jesus Christ and the Christmas star of Bethlehem. In Judaism, this is the Pentateuch that Moses received.

In Pythagoras, the addition of two and three, difference and perfection means a five-pointed star. The symbol in Ancient Greece meant five elements: air, fire, ether, earth and water.

And the red star of the Bolsheviks symbolized Mars - the god of war, as well as the peaceful labor of workers.

It is present among the symbols of many countries and means invincibility, strength and power. In addition to its detailed description, the article describes how to make a five-pointed star.

The stars are six-, seven-, eight-, ten-, twelve-pointed. Meaning

Stars can have a different number of angles and are endowed with different sacred meanings.

Triangular in the Bible means the Providence of God (the All-Seeing Eye).

Quadrangular - a symbol of light and guiding, a cross.

The six-pointed star of David, which is two intersecting triangles, served as a talisman for the Jews. In Hebrew, it was called the "shield of David." In Kabbalah, she protected from evil spirits. And now it is a symbol of the Zionists.

The six-pointed star of Bethlehem is a sign of the Nativity of Christ.

Seven-pointed - the star of the East.

Eight-pointed, like doubled four-pointed, symbolizes the cross. Since ancient times, such a star has been in Rus'. It meant not only the essence of being, but was also the fundamental principle of other magical signs. Later, under Christianity, such a star was not rejected, but began to bear the name of the Virgin.

A star consisting of twelve rays means perfection.

The symbol of the ancients

Even primitive people used this symbol in ritual drawings and totems.

In ancient times, these signs were also known in Sumer and Egypt. On the one hand, they meant peace and protection, and on the other, power over the whole world. The upper corner personified the ruler, and the rest - the cardinal points submitting to him.

Pythagoras imagined that the five-pointed star is perfection, and his students believed that the world consists of the elements - five elements: air, water, earth, fire and ether. These elements, in their opinion, means a five-pointed star. A symbol of strength and fortitude, she protected and defended people. For the Druids in Gaul, Ireland and Britain, it meant the same thing. Called the Druidic cross, the pentagram could be found on many window panes of Gothic buildings.

She was revered even by the Japanese and American Indians.

The Saami of Russian Lapland considered it a talisman, and in North Karelia, hunters defended themselves from forest predators with it.

The magic pentacle is a five-pointed star in a circle, which is also called the star of Solomon. It symbolizes the divine power of God or man. Magicians embroidered it on their clothes and drew it inside or outside the circle. Such amulets protected from the attack of demons.

Symbol of Leonardo da Vinci

The Italian genius associated the star with the human body, in which the top of the star was assigned to the head, and the remaining four corners meant arms and legs. He was called the Vitruvian Man.

The figure of a young man is located inside a circle with outstretched arms and legs. This drawing and explanations of da Vinci are sometimes called canonical proportions, the ideal person.

Symbol for Christians

In Christianity, this star is also revered.

The seal of the Roman emperor Constantine, who created the official Christian religion, was in the form of a pentagram because he believed that it was she who showed him the way.

The five-pointed star means not only the five wounds of Jesus. These are also Mary's five joys in serving Christ. No wonder the sign has long been used to decorate Christmas trees.

The symbol of the Masons

Another, ominous meaning was received in the Middle Ages by a five-pointed star. The meaning of the inverted two ends up is the sign of Satan. It was used in the rituals of sorcerers and witches, taking it as a symbol of Satan. In this form, it looks like a horned goat.

As a seal of Freemasonry and Kabbalah, the star became known to many not so long ago.

In the fourteenth century, it was shown to the world as a symbol of the god Allah and Mohammed.

Freemasons during their spells put on a headdress with a pentagram and a tetragram. As they themselves say, the five-pointed star is a symbol of the power of Reason, depicting Satan upside down.

Sometime in the late eighteenth century in France and Italy, Freemasons passed in public magnificent processions through the city. Pope Leo Thirteen protested against such brazen praise of Satan. However, the Freemasons calmly objected to him in the magazine they published. Thus, the cult of Satan spread throughout the world.

For example, in New York, the Club of Thirteen was formed, in which Satan was elected a life member.

The whole of Europe was embraced by the teachings of the Masons. However, it came to Russia only after Peter the Great cut a window to Europe.

Symbol in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR

In Russia, until 1917, such stars were used in symbolism infrequently. But after the revolution, the pentacle was chosen as such. Some believe that the military commissar Nikolai Polyansky was the first to offer the star, others say that it was Konstantin Yeremeev. But Leon Trotsky finally rooted it as a symbol of the Bolsheviks.

Having truly spread first during the French Revolution, the five-pointed star was perceived as a symbol of the god of war, Mars. In the same interpretation, it was picked up by the Soviet revolutionaries in the Red Army, as, indeed, by many other armies of the world, although in our country it was introduced by Nicholas the First in the first half of the nineteenth century.

Few people know that initially the soldiers of the Red Army had an inverted red star as a distinction. It was only later changed, since such an image caused much indignation among the people, who associated it in this position with the horns of the devil.

Star in the modern world

For example, the flag of Israel features the six-pointed Star of David of Judaism.

The coat of arms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia depicts an eight-pointed star - a symbol of the Virgin.

The Turkish flag has a five-pointed star next to the crescent.

Azerbaijani - eight-pointed, and Malaysian - fourteen-pointed.

How to draw a five pointed star

Take a ruler, pencil, eraser and paper. The first corner is drawn. This is the pinnacle. Next, a perpendicular line is drawn under it, protruding equally on both sides, and the same angles are drawn downward from the ends, but the lines should be longer. After that, the lines coming from the top of the corners are connected, forming the bottom corners. Then, armed with an eraser, they erase the inner arrows.

Since you can draw a five-pointed star in a simple and complex way, at this stage they stop or do it further. For the second option, lines with all angles are drawn exactly from the middle of the figure. To give a three-dimensional shadow effect, every second triangle is shaded. So the complicated drawing of the star is ready!

How to make a star

A do-it-yourself five-pointed star can be made from just a square paper sheet using scissors.

To do this, you first need to fold it in half with the fold line at the bottom. The two resulting squares are again bent twice diagonally. The fold lines this time should be in the opposite direction. The lower left corner connects to the center of the diagonals. Its corner is bent back. Then Right side the sheet is connected to the bend that has turned out, and the corner is bent, as with the left side. The resulting figure resembles an airplane.

Smaller corners are bent from the last corners that need to be cut off. As a result, after straightening, a five-pointed three-dimensional star is obtained.

Applying a Star Template

To make a five-pointed star out of paper according to a pattern, you will need: paper of any density, scissors, a printer and glue.

Cardboard, book or magazine sheets may well be suitable for this purpose. However, if the construction of a five-pointed star is planned big size the paper must be thick enough. To do this, five cardboard sheets are taken, blanks of rays of the pattern you like are printed, cut out, glued first separately, and then together. That's all. The final touch of the beams is decorated with all sorts of sparkles, beads and sequins.

How to make a three-dimensional five-pointed star

In another version of the craft, you will need colored or patterned paper, glue and scissors, a ruler, a protractor and a pencil, and a printer.

First, a five-pointed star template is made or downloaded from the Internet. Then two transverse axes are outlined - vertical and horizontal. Further, lines are drawn every thirty-six degrees. From every second line, segments are outlined, cutting them out, they get the depressions of the future star. The resulting segments are connected at the separation points with adjacent lines at the intersection of the circle.

After the template is cut out, the five-pointed paper star is folded in half along the lines.

Turning the star up, repeat the same with the depressions.

Having made two such stars, we glue them for special paper tongues inside out.

After drying, volume is carefully added, gradually and slowly the craft is filled with air from the inside. This is how the correct five-pointed star is obtained.

The star refers to the ancient symbols of humanity, adopted by heraldry different peoples, and belongs to the astral signs. Her image is perceived as eternity and aspiration. In heraldry and emblematics, the symbol "star" differs in the number of angles and color. Their combination gives different national nuances of meanings.

Eight-pointed star - symbol meaning

What does the eight pointed star mean? In various teachings, the octogram symbolizes the symbol of the harmony of spirit and matter. The image of an eight-pointed star is considered as two squares, which are superimposed at an angle on each other, has been associated since ancient times as balance, solidity and refers to the symbol of proportionality. The octagon is also seen as two crosses, combined in the center, which are the basis of the universe. The symbol "star" with eight rays is a common order sign in many Christian states.

The symbol of the number of rays is the endless circular motions of energy in space -. Eastern philosophy explains the merging of two crosses as the law of karma, which represents the seven incarnations of the human soul, and the eighth ray is getting into paradise. An octogram in the form of a "star" symbol with eight rays has a different meaning:

  • on the zone;
  • in Orthodoxy;
  • among the Slavs;
  • in Islam.

Five-pointed star - symbol meaning

Since ancient times, wearing a figure with five rays has protected the owner and was considered a talisman of well-being. The fusion of the elements of Earth and Air, Fire and Water, united with the Spirit. What does the five pointed star mean? The pentagram is a symbol of life. Its protective properties determine the relationship with the beginning and the end. The pentagram can be drawn on a sheet of paper without taking your hand off. This process is characterized as a continuous cycle in which the beginning merges with the end and can be repeated. The pentagram is located with the tip up, the symbol inverted is used by witches.

Symbol "four-pointed star"

The star, which has four rays, refers to the symbols of guiding (light in the darkness of the night). It is used by a number of organizations that determine the right path. What does the four-pointed star mean? The form associated with the cross is mainly adopted in Christianity. It is used on orders of departmental service. The four-pointed star is a symbol of good luck in career growth. It serves as the emblem of combat sports and club badges. The four-beam principle is preserved for all teams. Emblems differ in the angle of rotation, size and color.

Star of David - symbol meaning

Two triangles with equal sides, superimposed one on the other, look like a six-beam shape. This ancient image is present in the culture different countries and has many names: Solomon's seal, hexagram, Magendovid. According to one version, its name is associated with King David, who used the star for his talisman. The letter "D" had the image of a triangle, and there are two of them in the king's name.

The symbol "star of David" is placed on ancient religious and magical books. For Christians, the hexagram served as a decoration for the temple. The image of the symbol was present on amulets and amulets. The hexagram has not always been recognized by Jewish culture. The star of David became the symbol of Israel in the early 18th century, when it was used by the Zionists. There is no single interpretation of the sign. This is very ancient symbol, whose history is confused. From different sources he was assigned magical, cult and mythical properties.

Star of Solomon - symbol meaning

One of the ancient and powerful symbols in magic is the star of Solomon. It is suitable for rites of protection and influence. round disk, what does the star symbolize, It has magical power. Engraving is applied to pendants and rings worn by sorcerers. Mostly they are made of silver, less often - of gold. The pentacle is used in the rituals of witches and white magicians, therefore it was called the "Solomon Star".

It can represent God or a person. Five points of the star is the number of wounds that were inflicted on Christ at the crucifixion. points human body- head and prostrate in different sides arms and legs. The pentacle is embroidered on clothes by magicians and drawn around and inside the magic circle when performing rituals and ceremonies. Amulets depicting the Star of Solomon protect magicians from evil spirits. They act as a talisman and allow communication and command over demons.

Inverted Star Symbol

Not every person knows the meaning of symbols that may catch the eye. What does an inverted star mean? This is the pentagram of Satan. A very powerful symbol that has existed for many centuries. It was used in ancient rome and Egypt. The pentagram of the black devil was depicted in different ways. She could look like a goat's head, where the beard is the corner of the star below, and the top two are the horns of the animal.

This sign symbolizes the superiority of material values ​​and black magic over spiritual power and elements. A star that has correct location, it was used in magical rites and rituals. The symbol of black devils is often used in horror films and mystical books. IN modern world the symbol of an inverted star refers to the occult sciences.

Slavic symbol - the star of Rus'

Knowledge of ancient talismans has survived to this day. One of the strong amulets of the Slavs is the star of Rus'. He was well known in ancient times. The amulet has another name, which means the star of Svarog (square). By creating this amulet, the ancient Slavs glorified the memory of their ancestors, restoring the connection between other worlds and the current generation. The ancient Slavs had three of them: Rule, Reveal and Navi. It meant the world of gods, people and the dead.

They must be perceived as a unity in order to maintain the balance of prolonging life on Earth. This connection runs through the past generation, present and future. The symbol "star of Rus'" flaunted on the decoration of princes Vladimir and Svyatoslav. The amulet is an eight-pointed star, which consists of interlaced squares and pointed ovals. They are a symbol of the fertility of the earth, justice and honor.

Star of England - symbol meaning

What does the star of England mean? Amulet of the ancient Slavs. It represents a star with nine rays, consisting of three triangles with equal sides, is the main symbol of the Inglin. The amulet unites the Body, Soul and Spirit of a person and connects it with three worlds: Rule - Gods, Reveal - people, Navi - the underground world of ancestors. A circle containing three elemental triangles: Air around Fire, Water and Earth. The amulet has strong energy and helps to keep in touch with the ancestors, receiving their wisdom and vitality. The runes that decorate the star help to strengthen its effect.

Erzgamma star - symbol meaning

IN difficult situation a person turns to higher powers, praying for help. It is believed that the symbol of the Erzgamma star is the main talisman. It helps to keep in touch with the universe. What is an Erzgamma star and what does it look like? It unites the human soul and space forces. The amulet is a star with twelve rays. They are formed by four triangles with equal sides, which create harmony in the soul and body. In the center of the amulet there is a cross, which symbolizes the resurrection of Christ after his death, and 12 rays are the apostles.

The pentagram as a symbol in the mind of an Orthodox person has acquired negative character. The star is interpreted as an absolutely non-Christian symbol, associated with evil. But this is completely untrue, since the meaning of the five-pointed star in Orthodoxy is very important.

What does a star mean in Orthodoxy

For the Jews, the star means the Pentateuch given by the Lord to Moses. These are books in which the basic laws are concentrated and the very rhythm of the life of the Jews is determined: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. They are the essence of the Old Testament faith.

The pentagram is used in the interior of the Cathedral of the Nativity in Bethlehem

But the pentagram embodies all the main tenets of Christianity, and is also their visible designation:

  • the star has five rays, the main ray is directed upwards, the five rays of the pentagram indicate the full implementation of the basic tenets of Christianity;
  • two beams mean that Jesus Christ God and man are simultaneously unmerged, inseparable, unmerged;
  • three rays are the designation of the Most Holy Trinity, one of the main doctrines of the Christian Church, on which the entire dogma rests.
Interesting fact! Mankind has known the pentagram for over 3000 years. IN different cultures and religions this symbol is found. And the use of a star as a Christian symbol is due, among other things, to the fact that it is similar to the cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified.

The five-pointed star is also associated with Christmas. After all, it was she who was seen by the magi and she brought them to the baby Christ. Therefore, the five-pointed star in Orthodoxy also has the meaning of the Star of Bethlehem.

The pentagram is associated with the Transfiguration of the Lord. The gospel event, when Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor was transformed in front of his disciples, so that a dazzling radiance of Divine light emanated from him.

Icon "Transfiguration of the Lord" with the image of a pentogram

In iconography, this moment is reflected in the icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which was painted by St. Andrei Rublev. There, Christ is depicted against the background of a five-pointed star, and it is a symbol of that very Divine light and at the same time is a visible expression of the main Orthodox dogmas: the Holy Trinity and the God-manhood of Jesus Christ.

Important! Among Catholics, the five ends of the pentagram also symbolize the five wounds of Jesus Christ: two on the hands, two on the legs and one from a spear under the ribs. This is a sign of the suffering of the God-man for people. In Orthodoxy, this interpretation of the star is less common, but also has its adherents.

Where and how is it shown

The pentagram is often found in the design Orthodox churches, especially those built before 1917.

Here are just a few of them:

  • Bethlehem Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ;
  • Savior on Blood in St. Petersburg.

The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood has an image of a star even on the facades, and not only on the interior painting of the temple. The icon-painting images of the Mother of God also give us the opportunity to see the pentagram on the maphoria (outer garment) of the Mother of God.

IN this case three stars are depicted: two on the shoulders and one on the forehead. They symbolize that the Mother of God was a virgin before the birth of Christ, while carrying the fetus and after His birth.

Three stars on the maforia of the Mother of God are traditional elements of the iconography of the Mother of God

Draw a pentagram Orthodox tradition in the following way:

  • all five rays are equal in size;
  • the upper beam is highlighted;
  • the two lower beams are spaced evenly to the sides.

In general, a rather harmonious figure is obtained, which really resembles a cross. On the icon of the Transfiguration by Andrei Rublev, the star is inverted, the upper beam is lowered down.

So the pentagram has ancient origin, but is a Christian symbol, which embodies the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and the Incarnation, as well as the virginity of the Virgin before, during and after the birth of Jesus Christ.

In addition, it is a symbol of the suffering of Christ for humanity. We can say that the star briefly and succinctly outlines in one image all the main doctrines of Christianity.

Where else is the pentagram used

Currently, the five-pointed star is highly discredited in the eyes of the Orthodox for the following reasons:

  • the inverted pentagram began to be used by occultists to compile special pentagrammatoms, spell symbols, including those to summon unclean spirits;
  • the star became a symbol of the most godless Soviet state in the history of mankind, the existence of such a regime became the reason for repressions against millions of believers.

But still, despite the use of the star by forces hostile to Christianity, it continues to be a symbol that organically belongs to Christianity. This means that the stars above the Kremlin towers, and on the shoulder straps of the military, should not cause rejection and rejection.

The meaning of the five-pointed star

Five pointed star (pentagram)

A symbol always contains more than its obvious and immediate meaning.

Carl Gustav Jung

Since ancient times, symbols have been the quintessence of human knowledge, the absolute of information, the expression of a higher idea that reveals the nature of things. Being present in the architectural design of buildings, in the image of logos and names of famous brands, on state emblems and emblems of various organizations and societies, ancient signs and symbols bring their hidden meaning into our lives, their idea of ​​the world order and world order. Being deep in our subconscious, they affect our life and psycho-emotional state.

Amiens Cathedral, France

Here is the meaning of some of them:

Five pointed star (pentagram)

Contrary to a common stereotype, the five-pointed star (pentagram) is not a symbol of the devil or Satan. His "negative" The meaning of the five-pointed star is due to the demonologists of the times of the Inquisition. It was during the period of the witch hunt that the popular symbol began to be identified with the devil and Baphomet, associated with witchcraft and the forces of evil. Echoes of those times form the core of today's stereotype of the five-pointed star as a symbol of Satan.

In astronomy- the pentagram is the trajectory of the planet Venus.

The oldest documented evidence of the use of a five-pointed star found at the site ancient city Ur in Mesopathamia and dated to 3500 B.C.

The pentagram is ubiquitous in the design of buildings, structures and household items in the Ancient East, Egypt, India, China and Japan.

In ancient Babylon, they believed that the image of a five-pointed star on the doors of shops and warehouses would protect goods from damage and theft.

evangelical church

IN ancient greece, a five-pointed star (pentagram) or pentalph (since it can be decomposed into five letters "alpha"), with the light hand of Pythagoras and his followers symbolized the harmony of the sacred union of heaven and earth. It was a symbol of the goddess of health Hygieia and served as a sign of the five human feelings. For the Pythagoreans, such a star was a symbol of mathematical perfection, since it hides in itself golden ratio(φ ≈ 1.618).

In 300-150 years. BC e. The pentagram was the emblem of Jerusalem.

Seal of the city of Jerusalem - 300 to 150 BC

The early Christians used the five-pointed star as a reminder of the five wounds of Jesus, inscribed in a circle symbolizing the beginning and the end in Christ.

Under various names (the Star of the Microcosm, the star of the magicians, the pentacle of Will), the drawing of Agrippa Nettesheim is widely known, representing the figure of a man, with outstretched limbs, inscribed in a five-pointed star. This image is considered as an image of a holistic personality (Man-Microcosm), whose spirit and will dominate over the materiality of the four elements and their own passions (limbs).

In his desire to embrace the whole world (quadrangle) and, thanks to the knowledge of the laws governing it, such a person strives to go beyond its limits (upper ray) to a new happy being.

The inverted pentagram represents the figure of a man turned head down - a symbol of the will conquered by passions or a passive person who allows evil spirits bend to his will

The pentagram is present on one side of the seal (and/or amulet) of Emperor Constantine; on the other - the Constantine Cross is depicted

The center of the Order of the Templars (Rennes du Chartres, France) is surrounded by several miles of mountain peaks that form an almost regular pentagon. In the monuments that have survived from the Order, traces of the use of the pentagram as a symbol/matrix of the golden section are found.

Eliphas Levi wrote: "The flaming (flaming) star" as a symbol of initiation has been known since 1735. This sign is received by a Mason, having reached the degree of Apprentice. It symbolizes a person who has reached Illumination (quintessence, the release of the essence of the Self) as a result of painstaking work on oneself, as well as a thought free (purified) from all prejudices and superstitions. Usually such a star carries the image of the letter “G” in its center, and flames or beams of rays radiate from its corners. This radiance "reminds us of the sun, which illuminates the earth with its rays and allows its blessings to become the property of the human race, giving light and life to all on earth." The letter is interpreted in various ways, referring to the concepts of knowledge and teaching - Greek. gnosis; geometry, God gott; glory - fr. la gloire; etc. “The pentagram, which in Gnostic schools is called a fiery star, is a sign of omnipotence and spiritual self-control ... The letter G, which free masons inscribe in the center of a fiery star, recalls two sacred words of ancient Kabbalah: “gnosis” and “generation”. The pentagram also means "great architect" - because no matter from which side we look at it, we see capital letter A".