What is histology? Histology in gynecology: examination of the uterus and cervix. How are these materials processed for histological examination?

When a histology test is prescribed in gynecology, many patients are interested in what it is. This name scares some people, but it does not pose any threat female body. The presented type of diagnostics has been used for a long time and over this period of time has managed to prove itself. How is histological examination performed? What can moles signal? What are the features of the analysis being carried out?

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What is histological examination

Histology is a branch of science that deals with the study of tissue. After the invention of the research microscope cellular structures occupied new stage. In order to be able to study the structure and properties of many tissues, the materials were subjected to pre-treatment. Many women are concerned with the question of how histology is related to gynecology. The study is carried out by taking a smear from the cervix and its canal. It is best to observe a strict frequency of visits - 2 times a year. The resulting preparation will be used in cytological research. Within a few days, tissues characterized by certain properties begin to appear in the micropreparation itself: shape, structure, size. Decoding allows you to identify potential deviations. If atypical cells are identified, we can talk about the primary stage of development of the oncological process. Histology of individual tissues helps to establish the exact clinical picture. In this case, material for research is taken through a biopsy. Doctors pinch off a small part tissue from the affected organ and begin to conduct further research.

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Cervical biopsy

If problems with the cervix are detected, a number of similar procedures are performed. Histology is appropriate in the following cases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • dysplasia;
  • ongoing inflammatory processes;
  • moles, condylomas, etc.

Main stages

The above method of research has long been used in gynecology. It is one of the final stages comprehensive examination, after which an accurate clinical picture is established and an appropriate diagnosis is made. The main advantages of the presented method:

  1. Uterine tissue is analyzed directly, as opposed to ultrasound or x-ray.
  2. The study of the taken area begins immediately after the fence. A special dye is used that allows you to tint the desired parts.

Analysis results can be known within 1 day. In order for the clinical picture to become complete, it is necessary to use a biopsy. The collection of surgical material can be done on the same day. Histology is considered a universal method diagnostic study problems associated with the female reproductive system. It helps prevent the problem initial stage development.

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Cervical biopsy for erosion

The study becomes in demand in the case of a frozen pregnancy, an ongoing pathological process, infection, condyloma, mole, etc. When days are counting, this method must be used. It is distinguished by its effectiveness and can be used to accurately display pathological processes that can look different: neoplasms, moles that can develop into malignant tumors, condylomas. It is possible to form a complete clinical picture and build effective treatment on its basis. A study (biopsy) may be prescribed when the surface of the cervix is ​​curved and as a result, the formation of atypical vessels begins.

Histology is the science that studies tissue. Its achievements are used in medicine to detect pathology before it appears. clinical symptoms. Let's look at how histology in gynecology helps diagnose diseases of the reproductive organs after curettage.

In contact with

Direction in biology

What does histology study? This biological science uses a microscope to examine the structure of body tissues. This table describes the subsections of histology.

What general histology studies: the structure of the tissues that make up organs. In gynecology, the study is important conditions of the endometrium of the uterus. What private histology studies: the structure of organs, which consist of characteristic textures.

Subject of research

The subject of research is fabric material of different origins. It is examined under a microscope after pre-staining the preparation.

Microscopic examination allows us to detect the following processes occurring in tissues:

  • inflammation
  • blood flow disturbance,
  • internal hemorrhages,
  • vascular thrombosis,
  • detection of cancer cells,
  • presence of malignant tissue.

Important! Histology studies the microscopic structure of organs and textures. Using the method, it is possible to establish the presence inflammatory process, discover cancer cells before the appearance of clinical symptoms.

Preparation of material for analysis

The manipulation is carried out in inpatient conditions. Material for research is selected by biopsy - taking prints, smears, films or tissue sections. For each method, instructions have been developed, the exact execution of all points of which is mandatory. A tissue sample is fixed with ethanol or formaldehyde, sectioned, stained, and examined using an electron microscope.

To conduct studies under light, fluorescent, phase-contrast or scanning magnifiers, complex preliminary preparation is required. Tissue sections are placed in a specialized balm or filled with paraffin. Material collection from various organs either textures are carried out using a punctate needle, trepanation, or aspiration method.

The selected material goes through the following processing steps:

  1. Fixation with formaldehyde or alcohol. Proteins coagulate, enzymes are inactivated, the cell dies, but does not disintegrate.
  2. Wiring. The sample is dehydrated and impregnated with paraffin.
  3. Filling. The container with the prepared material is filled with a hot liquid that solidifies at room temperature. A solid formation is created, which can be conveniently divided into thin layers using a microtome.
  4. Cutting. Different thicknesses are recommended for different microscopes.
  5. Mounting. The slice is placed on the surface warm water, from there - onto a glass slide to avoid wrinkles.
  6. Coloring.
  7. The final stage. The prepared section is covered (enclosed) with a protective film of Canada balsam or its equivalent. The drug can be stored for a long time.

How many days is the analysis done? This is a labor-intensive process taking, together with decoding, from 7 to 10 days.


What is the difference
between histology and cytology? The latter studies the vital activity of living cells.

Cytological analysis makes it possible to diagnose oncological pathologies, precancerous conditions, inflammatory processes and benign tumors.

In gynecology, mucus is collected for a smear from the urethra, vagina or cervix. The method is simple and safe.

Analysis is being done quickly, the result becomes known after a day. Cytology smears are recommended to be performed annually from the time a woman becomes sexually active.


Histology and biopsy are not different manipulations. For microscopic examination it is necessary to select a piece of tissue from the location of the probable lesion. is the process of collecting material for histology analysis. To carry out the procedure, a woman must do the following: preconditions:

  • exclude dietary supplements from the diet for 14 days;
  • abstain from intimate relations for 3-5 days;
  • donate blood and do a vaginal smear for genital infections;
  • carry out all tests before the planned menstruation;
  • if the patient takes medications, you should consult your doctor to avoid bleeding when collecting material;
  • two days before the procedure, you must stop douching, as well as using cosmetics genital care.

The following types of biopsy are available:

  1. Strokes are imprints.
  2. Punctures. The puncture is made with a thin needle.
  3. Trephine biopsy. The material is extracted using a thick needle.
  4. Stereobiopsy. For monitoring, ultrasound or another device is used, with the help of which the operator sees the tip of the sampling instrument.
  5. Brush biopsy. A sampling wire with small brushes is inserted through the catheter.
  6. Excision. Selection occurs from the affected organ during surgery.
  7. Transurethral. This is done using a cystoscope.
  8. Aspiration. It is performed through a needle with a syringe or using special devices.

Important! A biopsy is a method of collecting material intended for histological studies.

Significance in gynecology

Histology analysis necessary when the following situations occur:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • birth of a deceased child;
  • permanent endometritis;
  • questionable symptoms during colposcopy;
  • tumors on the uterus;
  • bleeding during;
  • infertility;
  • histology in gynecology after curettage.

If the fetus died on early stages, the gynecologist performs curettage to determine the cause of miscarriage or fading. After eliminating the pathology, the patient has a chance for a successful course of subsequent pregnancies. What a histological examination shows: the presence of diseases that prevent successful pregnancy.

These include:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • genital infections,
  • endometrial abnormalities.

Control of the endometrium after curettage

The operation is performed before the onset of the planned menstruation to identify altered cells. If during the manipulation there is a suspicion of oncological pathology, an express study is performed , the histology results will allow you to adjust the operation.

Important! Histological diagnostic methods in gynecology make it possible to identify the causes of infertility, miscarriage and detect tumor cells before the onset of pregnancy. clinical signs diseases.

Analysis transcript

If the analysis was carried out in a state institution on the direction of a gynecologist, then the woman will learn the results of the histological examination at a doctor’s appointment.

In a private clinic, the histology transcript is given to the patient on three forms. A woman who does not have a medical education should not try to understand the records.

Many histology results are written in Latin. It is reported what research methods were used - composition of solutions, brand of dyes. A long list of enumerations in the conclusion does not mean What is this Badly.

The doctor who transcribed the analysis describes everything he saw: pathological changes and fabrics that meet the standard. What is histology in diagnostics gynecological diseases is an informative way that helps the doctor draw a conclusion about the state of health, prescribe treatment and preventive actions. The conclusion does not contain recommendations for the treatment of the detected disease. VKontakte

Women and men sometimes have to go through surgical treatment methods. Most removed during surgical intervention fabrics are sent to a special additional examination, which is called histology. A breakdown of the results of this analysis will be covered in this article.

What it is?

Before the histology results are deciphered, you need to find out what it is. Such a detailed examination means a thorough examination of the condition of organs at the tissue level. In other words, a piece human body sent for diagnostics.

How long does it take to prepare the result?

A transcript of histology results can be obtained within up to two weeks. In a public medical institution, the analysis is carried out within one week. Many private clinics promise to examine the resulting tissue within a few days. This histology is called urgent. It is worth noting that such research may be less informative.

Histology: interpretation of results

Before analyzing the data indicated in the conclusion, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the patient’s condition and complaints. Also, deciphering the histology results largely depends on what type of tissue was sent for analysis.

Most often, histological examination is carried out on persons who are suspected of having cancer. This diagnosis is also very common in gynecology. For example, the results of histology after curettage (decoding) will show possible diseases uterine cavity. If the cleaning was carried out due to a frozen pregnancy, then the transcript will indicate the reasons for the occurrence of such a problem.

Interpreting histology results is not an easy process. Persons without medical education are unlikely to be able to understand anything in prison. Almost everything is written in Latin using a variety of terms. If the tissue collection was carried out within the walls of a public hospital, then your result will be immediately sent to the doctor. In the case when you used the services of a private clinic, the histology results are given directly to you.

First point: data

On the received form you can see your personal data. They are usually indicated in the header of the sheet. Next, the type of tissue and the location of its collection will be indicated. Thus, the transcript of the results of histology of the cervix contains the following phrase: “A biopsy of the cervix and cervical canal was performed.” This indicates that the doctor took a piece of tissue from this organ. The material can be taken from absolutely any organ: the female ovary or mammary gland, kidneys or liver, heart or tonsils, and so on.

Second point: method of research

After this, the method of performing the analysis is indicated. This can be urgent histology (duration from one hour to two days) or a routine study (duration up to ten days). The solutions that were used to study the material are also indicated.

Third point: main conclusion

Below you can see many terms in Latin. Many patients believe that the more written as a result of histology, the worse. However, such a statement can be disputed. The laboratory technician indicates in detail all the names of the identified tissues. Thus, during a histological examination, records are made of the detection of pieces of the endometrium (embryo), parts of the placenta (if it has already formed by that time). Also in this field the detected pathological processes are indicated. If it was done, you can see records of the presence of polyps (benign diseases), all kinds of cysts (malignant or benign), and so on.

After receiving the results

If you receive the test result in your hands, you should first show it to your doctor. Remember that trying to decipher the analysis yourself can lead to stress and increased anxiety.

Currently, after almost every histological examination, treatment is prescribed. Its duration and complexity directly depend on the severity of the identified pathology.


Now you know what histology is and how to decipher it. Remember that self-medication can lead to severe complications and unexpected consequences. Always use the services of a doctor. Only in this case can you maintain your health. All the best!

Malignant neoplasms are a group of diseases that number several thousand types of tumors different types And to varying degrees malignancy. They are divided into large groups depending on what tissues they develop from: if from epithelial (barrier) tissues - then these are cancers, if from connective tissues (soft tissues and bones) - sarcomas, if from lymphoid (immune) - lymphomas/leukemias. The correctness and effectiveness of treatment depends on how correctly the tumor is verified (its type, degree of malignancy and other characteristics are determined). Histological studies play an important role in this.

The head of the pathology department with the prosectory department of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after A. N.N. Petrova, Ph.D. Anna Sergeevna Artemyeva.

What serves as material for pathomorphological (histological) studies?

A piece of patient tissue: skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, bones, head and spinal cord etc., the so-called biopsy.

The process of obtaining a tissue fragment (biopsy) - biopsy - is several different ways collection of material for histological examination.

Types of biopsy:

  • A puncture biopsy is a “poke” with a thin or thick needle. Puncture biopsies rarely have a diameter greater than 1-2 mm.
  • Knife biopsy – open or endoscopic (minimally invasive), including laparothoracic-mediastinoscopy.

A biopsy of internal organs is performed under ultrasound guidance or through surgery.

Surgical material is everything that is removed during surgery, usually an organ or part thereof, or several organs and/or parts thereof, with or without formation (tumor).

How are these materials processed for histological examination?

Stage 1. Fixation - “preservation” of the biopsy material in special formalin chemical solution, which prevents rotting and allows you to preserve the structure of the fabric.

Fixation of the biopsy can take from 6 to 24 hours, depending on its type and size.

The surgical material is fixed longer, in several stages. First, preliminary fixation, which takes approximately 12 hours. Then cutting out the necessary fragments and re-fixing for another 24 hours.

The ratio of the volume of material to the volume of formalin should be 1:20.

The fixation time cannot be reduced!

Stage 2. Processing is the process of dehydration, degreasing and impregnation of the material with paraffin. The machine moves a piece of material from solution to solution.

The following solutions are used: absolute isopropyl alcohol (6-8 shifts), xylene (2 shifts), molten paraffin (2 shifts).

The program differs for “fatty” material (which includes, for example, breast tissue) and “non-fatty” material - 36 and 24 hours, respectively.

The process of obtaining paraffin blocks.

Stage 3. Making a paraffin block. A piece of material is placed in a mold with molten paraffin (different than during processing - with more high temperature melting) and cools. Performed manually, difficult to speed up.


Stage 4 Making slices. The thickness of the sample - a piece of fabric embedded in paraffin - is 1-3 mm. The thickness of each section is 4-5 µm (0.004-0.005 mm). Performed by a laboratory assistant using a special instrument - a microtome.

The sections are mounted on glass and must dry.

Despite the fact that some of the material is lost during alignment in a microtome, with proper professionalism, from one sample - material from one biopsy, surgical material from one tumor, it is possible to make about 100 slides (micropreparations).

Why are the cuts made?

Sections are taken for routine hematoxylin and eosin staining, immunohistochemistry, and other studies.

The sections used for all studies are the same, the coloring varies, the glasses on which they are mounted may differ, so for IHC and FISH special adhesive glasses or charged glasses are needed.


Blocks and glass can be stored long years and be used for additional histological studies, revisions, as well as for scientific purposes.


An archive of histological materials is collected at the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after. N.N. Petrov since 1927 and contains more than 10 million storage units (micropreparations - glass, paraffin blocks, archival cards, wet archive).

What types of histological studies are the most informative?

  • Histological examination
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
  • Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), can be chromophobic (same principle, different type of label)

What do different types of histological studies allow us to determine?

Histological examination - what is it?

Allows you to verify the tumor - that is, determine what cells it consists of (what tissue it develops from), the degree of its differentiation (maturity).

Routine staining performed during histological examination allows us to identify pathological process in the analyzed material (biopsy, surgical material):

  • inflammation,
  • specific inflammation
  • developmental anomaly,
  • tumor.

Also, in most cases, thanks to routine staining, it is possible to determine the degree of malignancy of the tumor and, if it is mature enough, what its nature is.

Stained sections under a microscope

Invasive ductal carcinoma er 100%.

Sigmoid colon carcinoma.

Large cell neuroendocrine tumor.

MTS large cell neuroendocrine tumor.

Nonspecific breast cancer. Area of ​​in situ carcinoma within the duct, cribriform type.

Poorly differentiated esophageal cancer.

With a histological examination of the biopsy and surgical material, it is possible to assess the extent: the size of the tumor and invasion into surrounding tissues, how affected the lymph nodes are and whether there are metastases to distant organs (if all these structures are sent for histological examination). When consulting ready-made microslides - glasses, this is usually impossible if the tumor more sizes histological cassette or dissected by a previous investigator and no macroscopic examination data were provided.

During a histological examination, all glasses from one sample are examined - material obtained from one intervention - one operation or one biopsy, regardless of their number, this is considered one consultation.

The timing of a histological examination depends on the number of microslides and on the category of complexity of the process that is detected in them; the timing can be extended, especially if it is necessary to use additional research methods and analyze additional information. The timing of the histological examination is influenced by the completeness of the clinical information provided by the patient, including data from studies already performed.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

A complex multi-stage study is performed after a histological examination on the same material. Tumor sections are stained with antibodies that are able to bind to antigens (proteins) carried by tumor cells. Different tumor cells carry different antigens, and an antibody fits to each of them like a key to a lock.

One of the stages of IHC

IHC research is combinatorics. Markers that are 100% specific and sensitive to any tumor do not exist, but there is a set of antigens that should be present in a certain type of tumor and a set of those that should not be there, so the IHC panel is constructed to include several antibodies that should be positive and a few that should be negative. These sets of positive/negative markers differ for different tumors.

When carrying out prognostic IHC - identifying markers of sensitivity to therapy, a set of such markers is determined for specific tumors, for example, breast cancer: receptors steroid hormones(estrogen, progesterone), epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2) and Ki67 proliferative activity index (cell division rate).

The glasses are stained sequentially - sets of markers are stained with different antibodies in several stages; the process of staining glasses with one antibody takes 48 hours.

Thus, each antibody is applied to a separate tissue section mounted on a separate glass, usually with appropriate external control, the number of reactions (antibodies used) and staining steps can vary significantly depending on the specific diagnostic situation, it all depends on individual characteristics tumors. The number of stains required is required to identify the most characteristic set of positive and negative markers for a particular tumor.

For some, 5 antibodies will be enough for this, while for others, 20 stains or more will be necessary. Maximum amount the colors we had to do were 212.

Therefore, the exact timing and cost of this study cannot be determined in advance. Tumors that differ in course and prognosis can be very similar to each other; only minimal differences in staining, taking into account clinical data and data from other examination methods, can make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis.

There are a number of benign tumors that simulate malignant ones, including highly aggressive ones, and some highly differentiated malignant tumors are difficult to distinguish from inflammatory and reactive processes. In such situations, only the experience and qualifications of a pathologist, analysis of the entire range of available information (CT images, MRI, X-rays, surgery protocol, etc.) allow a diagnosis to be made.

In the competent interpretation of IHC results, the role of an expert is very important, because the cases with which one has to work are, for the most part, complex. There are practically no antibodies that can act as 100% markers of a particular tumor; the doctor always has to weigh different probabilities.

What is determined by IHC?

  • The presence of receptors for the hormones progesterone and estrogen in breast cancer;
  • Expression of HER-2/neu in cells of breast cancer, gastric cancer;
  • To identify Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas - it is currently impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis of lymphoma without the use of this type of research.
  • Determine whether it is a primary tumor or metastases, and the tissue affiliation of the metastases.

Immunohistochemistry allows one to assess the potential rate of tumor growth and response to chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormonal therapy.

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH test)

This is a method of molecular genetic diagnostics in tissue.

FISH is carried out in a tissue section and allows you to link a genetic rearrangement to a specific tumor cell.

This test also uses special dyes that bind only to certain areas of the chromosomes. These are called probes, which can be labeled with a fluorescent or chromogenic dye and visualized using a fluorescence or light microscope.

Technical operations to prepare histological slides for this study take 2 working days.

Analysis of the drug using a multi-head microscope.

The resulting microspecimens are very sensitive to external environment– they may fade over time, to avoid loss of information, all FISH preparations are scanned and a digital copy is created, which is available for external review. Specialists view the fluorescent material in a dark field; at least 2 specialists take part in the analysis of the drug. If necessary, digital analysis is also used.

What is determined by the FISH test?

The FISH test will allow you to diagnose certain types of tumors and determine the advisability of using certain chemotherapy drugs.

  • the presence of HER2 amplification is determined in cases of borderline results according to IHC data, which is necessary for prescribing targeted therapy;
  • diagnostics are carried out, that is, the identification of genetic rearrangements specific to a certain type of tumor, when it is impossible to definitively establish the diagnosis using simpler methods, most often these are soft tissue sarcomas and brain tumors;
  • genetic abnormalities, causing cancer of one or another organ;
  • in lymphomas, this technique is used for diagnostic purposes and to identify unfavorable prognosis factors, that is, indications for early intensification of treatment.

Carrying out a histological examination, and first of all a FISH test, is an expert work that depends on the qualifications of the specialist. Many mutations that are detected in tumors are not always tumor markers; they can also be found in benign tumors or normal tissues.

Over the course of a year, the pathological department of the National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Petrova performs about 20,000 histological studies (patients), of which about 5,000 are advisory cases (revisions), more than 30,000 IHC studies, and also participates in the NordIQ external quality control program for IHC studies.

The department's specialists have extensive experience in conducting histological studies and expert competencies.

Remember! Histological studies are the starting point; the accuracy of the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment depend on how competently they are performed.

The speed of performing histological examinations and the adequacy of the histological conclusion depend on a number of factors:

  • Quality of glass and blocks;
  • Completeness of glass provision (all glass and blocks must be provided);
  • Patient provision additional information, which will help to correctly interpret the data of histological examination, IHC and FISH test, namely: data on the medical history, data on concomitant diseases, primarily infectious (HIV, hepatitis); all data from all examinations and interventions performed: images - x-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound, surgical reports, extracts.

After performing a histological examination, the patient receives a histological report/protocol for the examination of histological material.

Interpretation of histological examination: what to pay attention to?

The histological report includes several headings (fields):

Macroscopic description

Filled out both for biopsy specimens - which is not necessary - and for surgical material, for which it is extremely important in a number of cases.

Microscopic description

A description of changes at the microscopic level is not required to be filled out, since all the necessary information can be reflected in the “conclusion” field.

Results of immunohistochemical study

This field describes which antibodies were used in in this case and what is the result of the staining: the presence or absence of staining, localization in the cell if necessary, and the percentage of positive cells and the intensity of the reaction, when relevant.

Pathological report

Contains a nosological/classification unit, if it can be established from the studied material, that is, it provides answers to the questions:

  • Is this a primary tumor or a metastasis?
  • Where is the primary tumor site located?
  • What is the histological type of the tumor (what type of cells does it consist of).

All necessary prognostic data are also provided: the degree of differentiation, parameters affecting the stage, the condition of the resection margins, if possible to evaluate them, etc.

The field may contain comments regarding the possible direction of further examination, the likelihood of a particular diagnosis, the need to familiarize yourself with certain clinical data, etc.

We do not recommend that patients independently decipher histological examination parameters using information obtained on various Internet sites and patient forums, since the interpretation of data is influenced by a large number of factors, including the patient’s age, data from other studies, etc.

Only a specialist – an oncologist specializing in the disease’s profile – can decipher the study!

What you need to do

  1. If you want to learn more about the free opportunities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after. N.N. Petrov Ministry of Health of Russia, get face-to-face or correspondence consultation on diagnosis and treatment, make an appointment, read the information on the official website.
  2. If you would like to communicate with us via social media, pay attention to accounts in

The most important thing at the beginning is to determine the nature of the disease, how far the tumor affects the organ, the degree of differentiation, and whether there is invasion. People far from medicine often ask the question: “Histology - what is it in oncology, what is it for and what does it show?” The question is interesting and quite extensive, but we will try to answer it as clearly as possible.


Histology is a branch of science that studies the structure of tissues in the body, both in humans and in veterinary animals. Histological examination shows pathological abnormalities in the structure of the tissue. The doctor performs a biopsy - this is a procedure where a small piece is taken from an organ or other surface soft fabric, suspicious in appearance and behavior, and then sent for examination.

What does it reveal and show?

Next, the doctor looks under a microscope at the structure and position of cells in the tissue. Each tissue in the body must have its own order and arrangement of cells. In addition, they must have their own structure, size and structure. If there is any deviation, this may indicate disease, inflammation or oncology.

In addition to histology and histological examination, there is so-called cytology. Many patients confuse these two concepts and do not know what the difference is between cytology and histology.

Cytology is a field medical science, which studies the structure of one cell, its nucleus, functioning, as well as other organelles. The tissue collection is the same. Usually the doctor looks and checks the structure of the tissue.

During diagnosis, he observes that the structure is not of the correct shape and there are atypical cells (these are cells that are very different in structure from healthy ones). For example, they have an enlarged nucleus or are irregularly shaped.

Now we need to determine the degree of malignancy and whether these cells are cancer. The fact is that atypical cells, or those that differ from healthy ones, may not always be cancer. IN benign tumors There are the same tissue anomalies.

This is precisely what histology shows the structure and type of cell. The doctor examines the structure of the atypical cell under a stronger microscope and determines the degree of its malignancy.

Why is differentiation needed?

If the cell is cancerous, you need to find out the degree of differentiation - that is, how different it is from healthy cells. Usually there are several types:

  1. Highly differentiated - cells are slightly different from healthy ones. This pathology does not develop quickly, and the cancer is not so aggressive.
  2. Moderately differentiated - more different from healthy tissues. Average speed of growth and aggression.
  3. Poorly differentiated is a very aggressive form of oncology.
  4. Undifferentiated - pathological cells cancer cannot be distinguished from healthy people.

As is clear from the definition, the doctor must know how dangerous the tumor is and how quickly it develops in order to roughly calculate the treatment strategy and know how much time the patient has.

Also, based on the degree of differentiation, it is possible to determine which chemotherapy drug will be most effective. Often the most aggressive species tumors are more sensitive to strong chemicals and radiation.

Indications for use

In particular, it is almost always prescribed in order to more accurately know the nature of the cancer. This is especially decisive in the first stages, when it is impossible to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Histological examination helps:

  • Make an accurate diagnosis;
  • Monitor treatment and screening after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy;
  • Speed ​​of the pathological process;
  • Degree of differentiation;
  • The presence of a malignant tumor.


This is a procedure where the doctor takes a piece of suspicious tissue for histology and cytology. Several options can be used for this. If the tumor is in a reachable area, they can simply excise a piece with a scalpel. Otherwise, an incision or surgery may be performed.

For example, in the case of a neoplasm in the uterus, a special device is used to penetrate the organ and take a sample of the endometrium. Based on the degree of atypicality, one can observe whether it is cancer or endometrial hyperplasia. The tissue sample is placed in a special tube in a sterile environment.

Next, in the laboratory, the section is impregnated with paraffin. After which it can be stored for quite a long time. Before examining the material under a microscope, it is necessary to perform a microtomy - that is, make a small section so that it is convenient to examine it under the microscope.

Afterwards it is covered with glass, and it can be stored this way under any conditions. The histological glass can be taken and stored at home. Patients often do this so that they can go to other clinics.

NOTE! Histological slides can only be stored in a dark, dry place at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius.

Histology in gynecology

Gives a clear picture when making a diagnosis. If a woman complains of heavy bleeding or pain in the ovarian area, then the doctor may take a tissue sample during the examination. After the study, you can immediately understand the nature of the disease and the presence of precancerous or cancer in the cervix of the endometrium.

Diagnostic procedure

Often, the same tests are performed for all cases of oncology. We will try to explain how important histology is.

  1. A possible patient comes to the doctor with complaints, or it may be a routine examination.
  2. The doctor palpates, examines and interviews the patient.
  3. If there is a suspicion of cancer, then he is sent for tests - general and biochemical analysis blood and feces
  4. If there are abnormalities in the tests, the patient is referred to an oncologist.
  5. An X-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity are performed.
  6. If the patient has clear symptoms, then the diagnosis of a specific organ begins.
  7. If a pronounced tumor is present, a sampling is made.
  8. And then a biopsy is performed and a piece of tissue is sent for histology.
  9. Afterwards, a CT or MRI may be performed. This is necessary to determine the degree of invasion - how much cancer tumor affects healthy nearby cells and tissues.

Only after a thorough diagnosis does the doctor make a final diagnosis and come up with a strategy to combat the disease.