How to use candles from thrush. Review of the best candles for thrush - advantages, disadvantages. The best inexpensive candles for thrush

Candles from thrush are the most convenient drug for local drug therapy of vaginal candidiasis. The effectiveness of suppositories is aimed at deep penetration of antifungal components. Active substances have a sanitizing effect on the mucous membrane, destroying pathogenic microorganisms and eliminating inflammatory process.

Candles will help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of thrush

On a par with suppositories are vaginal tablets from thrush. They also have an almost instant effect, eliminating not only the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, but also destroying the cause of its development.

Discomfort in the perineum may be a symptom of thrush

Vaginal suppositories from candidiasis cannot fully cure the disease. This is possible only at the initial stages of the development of the disease and with a competent approach to treatment. As a rule, without a doctor, drug therapy is not only ineffective, but also unsafe. To obtain the proper result from the treatment, it is necessary to approach this competently. First of all, you need to find out the causes of the development of thrush and eliminate the predisposing factors:

  1. Correct changes in the vaginal microflora by normalizing the pH level.
  2. Stop taking antibacterial drugs and restore the protective functions of the body.
  3. Exclude sexual intercourse and monitor personal hygiene.

How to understand that thrush develops in women? What symptoms should you see a doctor for? Any discomfort should alert! Whether it is unpleasant, cheesy discharge, itching or burning. The sooner a woman sees a doctor, the more likely it is that the disease will be cured quickly. In some cases, only 2-3 days are enough to return to a full life. In advanced cases, treatment can be delayed for a long time.

Why is thrush dangerous, and what to do when it appears?

Frequent stress can cause thrush

Vaginal candidiasis is a fairly common disease that can occur in response to frequent stress and even during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body. The danger of thrush lies in the fact that this disease is often complicated by the addition of infectious processes. The fungus of the genus Candida creates favorable conditions in the vagina for the life and reproduction of such pathogenic microorganisms as chlamydia, bacteroids, gardnerella and fusobacteria.

Treatment of thrush is carried out using vaginal suppositories only in the first stages of progression. If measures are taken late, then oral medications cannot be dispensed with. This form of drugs affects pathogenic microorganisms through the blood, destroying them not only in the vaginal area, but simultaneously throughout the body.

Main characteristics of vaginal suppositories

Currently, pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs to combat thrush. in gynecology they occupy a leading place, since without them it is impossible to cope with many diseases.

Before choosing candles from thrush, you need to visit a specialist

Vaginal suppositories for thrush are a universal drug that is widely used for monotherapy and in combination with oral medications. Only a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis, can choose the most effective drug. It is not recommended to use suppositories against thrush on your own. This approach to drug therapy may not be effective enough. This is followed by the transition of the disease to the chronic stage of development.

After the appearance of the primary symptoms of thrush, for the appointment of effective treatment, you should visit a specialist. At the appointment, the doctor will take a smear for sowing and, after receiving the result, will shave a suitable product. Candles for thrush in women should have sufficient antifungal effects, in accordance with the resistance and stability of the pathogen.

What suppositories are best?

What candles from thrush are better? It is impossible to answer such a question without examining the results of a smear for bacterial culture. The most effective candles for thrush are those that are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the pathogen and the state of the patient's body. If you buy even the most expensive drug on your own, then it most likely will not have the desired result. Such an approach to treatment will not only lead to a violation of the microflora of the vagina, but will also cause the transition of the disease to the chronic stage of development.

Do not pull with a visit to the gynecologist. Timely delivery of tests and drug treatment- guarantee of health and preservation reproductive functions. The specialist will not only prescribe the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, but also tell you how to use suppositories from thrush correctly.

What drugs are most in demand?

How to decide on the choice of candles from thrush?

Candles from thrush - a list of names: "Zalain", "Livarol", "Irunin", "Makmikor", "Clotrimazole", "Miconazole", "Ifenek", "Pimafucin", "Polygynax", "Betadin", "Lomexin" , "Fluomizin". These drugs are highly effective against the fungus of the genus Candida. They are appointed at initial stages thrush and in combination with other drugs to combat chronic forms of the disease.

In order to understand which candles are better, it is necessary to study their description in more detail: composition and properties. It is not enough to know the name of the candles from thrush in order to effective treatment. It is mandatory to undergo a diagnosis and get recommendations from a specialist. Do not risk your health, but consult your doctor about which candles can be used specifically in your case.

Vaginal suppositories "Zalain"

"Zalain" is intended for single use

Vaginal suppositories against thrush, developed on the basis of benzothiophene and imidazole. Active substances destroy pathogenic fungal microorganisms and restore the natural microflora of the vagina. The drug is intended for a single sanitation. Just one candle from thrush can permanently save a woman from unpleasant symptoms.

Despite the fact that the drug has a number of contraindications and can cause adverse reactions, it is often prescribed during pregnancy. The doctor at the same time takes into account the possible risks to the fetus and compares them with the benefits for the mother.

The use of suppositories from thrush is not recommended for persons who have an individual intolerance to the components that make up the preparation. Among the adverse reactions, the most frequent can be distinguished - local burning and in the vaginal area. It is not excluded the possibility of developing an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes and skin.

With thrush, Zalain suppositories are recommended to be taken once. Before laying the suppository, you should wash yourself. The procedure is carried out as follows: the woman is in a prone position and does not get up after the introduction of the candle. This approach eliminates the possibility of leakage of the drug after dissolution under the influence of body temperature.

The cost of the drug varies from 380 to 480 rubles, which depends on regional allowances.

Suppositories "Livarol"

"Livarol" is very effective in the treatment of thrush

With candidiasis, Livarol candles are indispensable helpers. The active substance, which is part of the drug, has a pronounced and persistent effect on fungal colonies. The drug is absolutely safe, as it does not cause allergic reactions. Despite this, before using the drug, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

  • Dosage - 1 suppository per day.
  • Time of use - daily, at night.
  • The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

A long course of treatment can cause the development of resistance of the thrush pathogen to the active substances that make up the suppositories.

Candles "Livarol" for the treatment of candidiasis cost 365 rubles. (5 pcs.), 455 rubles. (10 pieces.).

Vaginal tablets "Irunin"

"Irunin" is widely used to treat chronic thrush

The drug is intended for women suffering from the vaginal form of candidiasis. The drug quickly destroys pathogenic microflora and normalizes the natural level in the vagina. It is widely used for the treatment of chronic thrush in combination with drugs intended for oral use.

  • Candles should be laid once a day, before going to bed, after careful hygiene procedures.
  • The drug is not used in the first trimester of pregnancy and for the treatment of women who are breastfeeding.
  • If redness, burning and itching appear, it is recommended to stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Antifungal suppositories cost 300 rubles (pack of 10 vaginal tablets).

Candles "Makmikor"

Combined suppositories for thrush, which include active ingredients such as nystatin and nifuratel. The drug is absolutely harmless, so it can be used by pregnant women, but only after prior consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

"Makmikor" is assigned even to pregnant women

  • Candles should be laid before going to bed, after hygiene procedures.
  • The course of treatment for candidal vaginosis is from 5 to 8 days, depending on the stage of progression of the disease.
  • It is not recommended to take in the presence of a hyperreaction to the substances that make up the drug.
  • Adverse reactions include skin rash and itching. If they occur, the use of suppositories should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

The cost of the drug "Makmikor" in the form of suppositories is 420 rubles. (8 pcs.).

Vaginal suppositories "Clotrimazole"

"Clotrimazole" has a pronounced antifungal effect

An effective remedy that has a pronounced antifungal effect. The drug should be taken with extreme caution, as it has a wide range of adverse reactions in the form of increased urge to urinate, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, bouts of pain in the lower abdomen and the appearance of copious discharge. With a well-calculated dosage, adverse reactions are extremely rare.

It should be noted that long-term therapy with Clotrimazole suppositories is not carried out, since pathogenic microorganisms have the ability to develop resistance to the active substances that make up the drug.

The cost of vaginal suppositories is low, despite the rather high efficiency: a package of suppositories costs only 70 rubles.

Candles "Miconazole"

"Miconazole" is also used to treat various genital infections.

The use of suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis is unacceptable without consulting an experienced doctor. Despite the fact that the instructions for use contain recommendations for dosing, the duration of antifungal therapy should be calculated individually. With the help of this drug, various genital infections are treated, which makes it universal.

Suppositories "miconazole" quickly help to eliminate the symptoms of thrush and normalize the natural microflora of the vagina. In women, treatment with this drug is carried out quickly enough. In some cases, for complete cure it takes only 3 days from thrush.

  1. Before going to bed, the suppository is deeply inserted into the vagina.
  2. The course of treatment is from 3 to 7 days, depending on the stage of progression of thrush.
  3. Within 1-2 days is acceptable appearance of a lung burning and redness, diarrhea and pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are considered normal and do not require correction.

Among the contraindications are diabetes, liver dysfunction and herpes. It is not recommended to use these suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant and lactating women.

Advantages and disadvantages of vaginal suppositories

The best candles for thrush are those that quickly destroy the fungus, normalize the microflora of the vagina and do not cause side effects. Almost all suppositories are good, there are those that are intended for single use. And there are drugs that require long-term therapy.

Advantages of drugs for insertion into the vagina:

  • Local suppression of the activity of fungal colonies.
  • Low likelihood of adverse reactions.
  • A one-time mortgage is possible, which does not require additional correction.

But not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. The attending physician may not approve of this approach to the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. The fact is that the use of this form of drugs often does not have the desired effect. It is necessary to treat thrush using vaginal suppositories, strictly following the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Only in this way it is possible to achieve the expected effect and completely recover from thrush.

Candidiasis (thrush) is an infectious-inflammatory and fairly common disease caused by opportunistic microorganisms - yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Candles against thrush occupy one of the leading places in the treatment of thrush in women. Taking into account the fact that treatment should combine both local therapy (ointments, suppositories) and systemic use of antifungal drugs, it is important to determine which forms of drugs are more effective and cheaper.

The best candles for thrush

The list of names of suppositories from thrush is quite wide, but among them it is worth paying attention to the best preparations according to reviews:

  1. - especially often prescribed to pregnant women, since the remedy is harmless and does not give side effects.
  2. - this drug is most often prescribed to a patient for whom thrush appears for the first time.
  3. - quickly relieves the symptoms of thrush, but during treatment you can not drink alcohol.
  4. Nistanin - very effective and inexpensive candles, perfectly copes with the problem when the patient is diagnosed with chronic thrush, which recurs from time to time.
  5. Ginesol - more is an anti-relapse and prophylactic agent.
  6. Gyno-Travogen Ovulum is effective against both fungi and mixed infections, and this medicine is also easily tolerated by patients.
  7. - has a wide spectrum of action, but must be stopped for the duration of treatment sexual life.

As you can see, candles differ in terms of application and exposure time, therapeutic range and the presence of various active substances in their composition. The main active ingredients for thrush are: clotrimazole, isoconazole, natamycin and nystatin.

Pros and cons of using candles

Flaws :

  1. They act directly only when administered, that is, they cannot be applied externally;
  2. Candles for candidiasis cannot be used to treat thrush as part of monotherapy - a complex combination with other drugs is always necessary - tablets and creams;
  3. It is necessary to strictly follow the treatment regimen to achieve a positive and desirable result.

Advantages :

  1. With the introduction of the drug into the place of active reproduction of fungi, the effect of local treatment appears much faster, especially when using modern effective drugs such as Livarol or Zalain.
  2. Since the systemic absorption of topical preparations is low, the incidence of side effects is significantly reduced, in contrast to oral therapy.
  3. Modern antifungal agents can be used once.

Choosing candles for thrush: cheap and effective

What candles from thrush are better? There is one answer to this question - these are the drugs to which the Candida fungus is sensitive according to the result of bacterial seeding and determining the resistance, resistance or sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular drug.

Since in chronic, often recurrent thrush in women, treatment may not be effective due to the development of drug resistance in fungal agents.

So, what kind of candles can you buy at a pharmacy? Here full list titles:

  • Nystatin.
  • Ginezol.
  • Gino-Dactanol.
  • Klion-D.
  • Macmirror.
  • Gyno-Travogen Ovulum.
  • Pimafucin.
  • Terzhinan.

Below we will take a closer look at inexpensive, but at the same time effective candles that cope with. Also leave your feedback in the comments to choose the best drug together.


Effective against fungi, but not at all active against viruses and bacteria. Fungi from the genus Candida very rarely develop resistance to this drug, so Nystatin is the drug of choice in those patients whose thrush has passed into the chronic phase, due to the resistance of fungi to the drug.

It gives practically no side effects. However, prolonged use of the drug can lead to suppression of the activity of healthy microflora. In this case, after treatment for thrush, you will have to be treated for dysbacteriosis. Price 50 rub.

Candles from thrush pimafucin

Pimafucin is an affordable and effective drug that has a pronounced antifungal effect and is most active against thrush pathogens - microscopic fungi of the genus Candida. The active component of suppositories is the macrolide antibiotic natamycin. The mechanism of action of this substance is based on blocking the synthesis of sterols that make up the cell membranes of the fungus.

In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, suppositories are injected into the genital tract once a day. The average duration of a therapeutic course can vary within 3-6 days. Pimafucin is approved for use by nursing mothers and pregnant women: contraindications to the use of suppositories are intolerance to the components of the drug and the menstrual period. Price 500 rubles.

This tool is recommended for exacerbation of candidiasis, suitable for use during menstruation. Betadine is an antiseptic drug widely used to treat vaginal infections in obstetrics and gynecology. Povidone-iodine, which is part of it, has a powerful antimycotic effect. Price 390 rubles.

The active ingredient in Livarol is ketoconazole. This drug, in addition to antifungal action, is active against certain types of staphylococci and streptococci. It is effective when a bacterial infection is mixed with candidiasis.

When using Livarol suppositories, the following side effects are possible: redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching and burning, allergic reaction rash, nausea. Livarol is suitable for those patients who have thrush for the first time. It is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the second and third it is used only on prescription, in rare cases. Price 480 rubles.

Suppositories are effective not only in the fight against candidiasis, but also in other vaginal infections. However, these suppositories should be used with extreme caution, as they have many side effects. You can use the product for no more than 5 days, it is unacceptable to use by pregnant women. Price 400 rubles.

Combined drug, a powerful antibiotic based on nystatin and neomycin.

Candles Polygynax, like Terzhinan, are a very effective remedy in the fight against thrush, but they are not widely used, as they cause disturbances in the natural microflora of the vagina, and also have a significant list of contraindications and side effects. Price 370 rubles.

Candles from thrush for pregnant women

No medicine during a woman's pregnancy should be toxic, as this will affect the development of the fetus, so if itching and white discharge occur, the doctor may prescribe expectant mother pimafucin suppositories or a drug called Terzhinan.

These medications are also used during breastfeeding, they are safe, do not cause allergies and dysbacteriosis.


Treatment with any of the above names of drugs can only be prescribed by a specialist, even if they have no contraindications or severe side effects.

Candles from thrush - effective solution uncomfortable problem. The action of these drugs is due to the fact that the active substance quickly penetrates into the vaginal mucosa, while the pathogen is completely destroyed. Today, the medical industry produces various suppositories against thrush. It is necessary to consider what vaginal suppositories are for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, what determines the features of their action and cases of appointment.

General instructions

Candles (suppositories) - a number of drugs that allow you to quickly cure thrush (candidiasis). with thrush in women, it is used intravaginally, so it is possible to destroy the causative agent of the disease and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process. All suppositories from thrush, a list of which is presented in pharmacies, differ in their effectiveness and degree of effect on the fungus, but their action is aimed precisely at killing the microorganism, and preferably in several sessions.

To provide the best effect, it is necessary that the active ingredient be the most active against pathogens. To choose the most effective remedy, before starting treatment, you need to contact a specialist. He will conduct a bacteriological examination of vaginal smears. Based on the results, it will be possible to reason about the name of the drug against thrush.

It is very important to carefully choose a remedy for chronic thrush. In this case, the fungus has already acquired some resistance. So individual medicines against such a fungus may be ineffective. Nevertheless, there are drugs on the market that will be active against this type of candidiasis. In treatment, it is necessary to focus not on one's own experience and recommendations of acquaintances who may have been helped by this or that remedy, but on the results of examinations.

So, which candles from thrush are better? If the pathology has just appeared and its symptoms are not too pronounced, then effective suppositories Livarol, Clotrimazole, etc. can be used. Instructions for the use of such drugs indicate that medications help to quickly and thoroughly get rid of candidiasis.

By using modern drugs even the most persistent type of disease can be cured. For this, Ketoconazole and other medicines are used, specially designed to affect the most resistant and aggressive strains of Candida fungi. Be careful: it is not recommended to use such suppositories on your own. Only a doctor can recommend them. Moreover, to prevent the development of dysbiosis, it is necessary to additionally treat special preparations. They contain restoring microflora.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of suppositories

The active components of such suppositories are active against a large number of fungi. They can also have an effect on staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogenic microorganisms.

All active components of suppositories perfectly cope with the manifestations of acute and recurrent varieties of vaginal candidiasis. Candles are mainly used intravaginally, although there are also dosage forms that can be injected into the rectum. At normal body temperature, they quickly dissolve in the body. After a while, a foamy mass forms in the vagina or in the rectum. It distributes the active substance well over the mucous membrane.

Some suppositories may contain cetyl alcohol. In some cases, it can cause allergic diseases, therefore, before each use of such drugs, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. In some cases, you should stop having sex. It is forbidden to use these medicines during the period of bearing a child.

Antifungal components violate the integrity cell membrane pest. This process quickly leads to the death of the organism. The active component of the suppository is quickly excreted from the body by the kidneys.

How to use suppositories

Some women find that any antifungal drug and even an antibiotic will do for them. Their decision is simple - immediately go to the pharmacy, buy "some" remedy for candidiasis and start taking it, preferably in large doses, so that the pathology goes away "now." Such treatment of thrush does not lead to anything good, as it contributes to the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Some women even practice douching, which is very dangerous with such an ailment.

So the best suppositories from thrush are those that have the maximum effect on the pathogen and at the same time do not violate beneficial microflora. And this is possible only after bacteriological culture of smears. This is why self-treatment of vaginal candidiasis is extremely dangerous.

When using vaginal suppositories for thrush, a woman should also take care that her partner treats the same disease. Men also have thrush, but in most cases it occurs without symptoms. As a result, the representative of the stronger sex is the carrier of such a disease. During treatment, you must either refuse intimate contact, or use condoms. Vaginal suppositories for candidiasis are administered deeply, at night (this improves the absorption of the active substance and the results of therapy).

During treatment, you do not need to wear tight synthetic underwear. It is necessary to carefully observe all the requirements of sexual hygiene. Undergarments should be changed daily. Do not use scented pads containing chemical substances. In such cases, even the most effective suppositories from thrush do not help.

Overview of the best anti-thrush drugs

Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of medicines against candidiasis. It is necessary to consider individual drugs for the treatment of the disease:

  1. Zalain. It is a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene. There is no data on whether such a remedy is harmful to the fetus today. The use of the drug in case of hypersensitivity is strictly contraindicated. May cause vaginal burning. These candles are placed at night.
  2. Livarol (Ketoconazole) is an effective antifungal agent. Not applicable in the first trimester of pregnancy. May cause rash, sometimes hives. The effect of using suppositories comes almost immediately - they help with acute candidiasis. Long-term (more than 10 days) administration of the drug is permissible only if chronic form illness. Candles are best placed at night. The tool can be effective in recurrent forms of candidiasis.
  3. Intraconazole is not used in the first trimester, with hypersensitivity, during breastfeeding. Treatment with these suppositories is usually short-lived.
  4. Nystatin is one of the medicines that can be used during pregnancy. Its only drawback is its rather high price. Very rarely, when using Nystatin, a rash, itching of the skin, etc. occurs.
  5. Clotrimazole is a high-quality and effective remedy for women suffering from candidiasis. Contraindications are hypersensitivity and pregnancy in the first trimester. A candle can cause such side effects like burning in the vagina, itching, cystitis, pain during intercourse. The medicine has one significant drawback - in the case of prolonged use, resistance (resistance) of fungi to the active ingredient occurs.
  6. Miconazole - effective, it is a combined remedy against candidiasis. It should not be used during pregnancy and diabetes. During therapy, the use of alcohol is prohibited.
  7. Povidone iodine - suppositories containing iodoxin and povidone. It is forbidden to use for thyrotoxicosis, kidney disease. Very carefully used during breastfeeding. May cause allergies.
  8. Lomexin is an effective remedy against candidal vaginitis. With individual intolerance to the drug and during pregnancy, the use of such suppositories is prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages of using suppositories

Drugs for the treatment of thrush, of course, have advantages. Among them are the following:

  1. If an active agent is introduced into the place of reproduction of fungi, then the result appears very quickly. This is especially true when using the newest drugs for the treatment of candidiasis.
  2. There are drugs that can be used 1 time. This reduces the likelihood of side effects.
  3. Candles for the treatment of this disease do not have a systemic effect. And this is much better than oral remedies for vaginal candidiasis.

Nevertheless, antifungal suppositories have certain disadvantages:

  1. They stain underwear and bed linen, lead to a restriction of sexual activity. Therefore, some patients do not want to use such drugs.
  2. good effect achieved only if candidiasis has light form. For the treatment of chronic thrush, such suppositories are not enough. They must be combined with systemic drugs. Moreover, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment.
  3. Often combined suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women can lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis. It requires further antibiotic treatment.

The use of suppositories during pregnancy

Thrush during pregnancy occurs very often. However, with such candidiasis, the use of certain drugs is contraindicated. Nevertheless, the following medicines are suitable for eliminating the pathology in such a period:

  1. Pimafucin suppositories (they contain the active substance pimafucin).
  2. Macmirror is a combination drug (with the active ingredients nystatin and nifuratel).
  3. Clotrimazole (in the second or third trimester has reduced activity).
  4. A mixture of borax and glycerin.
  5. Ginofort.
  6. Terzhinan. According to some experts, the use of Terzhinan with prednisolone as an active substance is undesirable and acceptable only if the expected positive effect on the body is higher than the possible risk of using such medicinal product.

Rectal suppositories

For the treatment of thrush, the doctor may prescribe suppositories that are applied rectally. They help with intestinal or vaginal dysbacteriosis. They can be placed during the period of bearing a child or during menstruation. Names of some means used in these cases:

  1. Viferon. This is a complex drug. The description of the drug indicates that the remedy has antiviral, antiproliferative and immunostimulating effects. Indications for its use are infectious or inflammatory urogenital pathologies, prevention of intrauterine infection. They can treat vaginosis, herpetic infection, chlamydia. Such suppositories can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The duration of therapy in some cases is up to 2 weeks. During pregnancy, it is permissible to use only from 14 weeks.
  2. Nystatin for rectal application- an effective remedy for an unpleasant disease. This name of suppositories from thrush is known to women suffering from recurrent candidiasis. The drug is poorly absorbed, and its bulk is excreted in the faeces. They can treat candidiasis of the vagina, skin, mouth, some internal organs. The drug is also effective in preventing the development of such a disease in case of prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, especially tetracycline and penicillin series.

Pimafucin has a wide range actions. The high sensitivity of fungi of the genus Candida to such a drug has been proven. Suppositories can also be prescribed for the treatment of organ candidiasis digestive tract. It has a positive effect on pathogens of fungal pathologies. Such suppositories are placed mainly at night.

General contraindications and side effects

All contraindications to the use of suppositories depend on what kind of active substance is in their composition. So, if a woman is diagnosed with candidiasis, vaginal suppositories are contraindicated during menstruation. Then you have to use rectal suppositories. A large number of these drugs may be prohibited during pregnancy in any trimester.

A serious contraindication to the use of vaginal suppositories during pregnancy is individual intolerance. If a woman is diagnosed with thrush, candles are selected only by a doctor based on a thorough examination. It is forbidden to use flavored hygiene substances, which significantly worsen the symptoms of the disease.

Usually side effects with correct application vaginal suppositories are quite rare. This is due to the fact that suppositories are a local medicine. Side effects can be mainly in the form of itching, rash or flushing (that is, reminiscent of an allergic reaction).

Some varieties of such candles can cause more severe side effects:

  • diarrhea
  • constipation;
  • chills;
  • hyperthermia.

To eliminate unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the administered medication. After it is canceled, all unwanted symptoms will disappear by themselves within 3 days. Usually, symptomatic treatment not recommended, because the unpleasant condition is eliminated on its own.

During the use of these drugs, there have been no cases of overdose, since their form, in principle, excludes this. Nevertheless, if a woman uses candles in excessive dosages, then she can significantly increase side effects. They disappear after correction of the volume of the drug.

All suppositories for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis help to quickly get rid of unwanted symptoms. In order to enhance the impact active substances on a pathogen, doctors may prescribe vaginal. In order for such deliverance to be most effective, it is very important to use candles correctly and only as prescribed by a specialist, since self-medication during vaginal candidiasis is categorically contraindicated.

Features of the development of candidiasis are in several aspects: this is a localized lesion of the mucous membrane and the creation of favorable conditions for the attachment of a secondary infection. The most effective and at the same time safe pharmacological form are vaginal suppositories for candidiasis. medicinal substance suppositories penetrate deeply into the affected tissues, have a detrimental effect on Candida fungi, relieve inflammation without negative impact to other organs and systems.

For the treatment of candidiasis in women, as well as other vaginal infections, modern pharmacology has a wide selection of all kinds of antifungal and antimycotic drugs. These are ointments, gels and suppositories against thrush local application, as well as tablets and capsules of systemic action. The appointment of the latter allows you to cope with the advanced chronic form of thrush, using drugs simultaneously with other methods of treatment.

IN clinical practice it is believed that candles from thrush are effective and safe medicines. But it is possible to say which of them is better only after receiving a response to the bacteriological analysis of the smear. The drug to which the strains of the pathogen will be most sensitive, and will be the most effective. If the pathogens of the primary uncomplicated form of thrush are sensitive enough to a large number drugs, then the agents of the causative agent of chronic recurrent genital candidiasis are highly resistant and resistant to the effects of many drugs.

Practicing gynecologists do not tire of repeating that a frivolous attitude to thrush, self-diagnosis and self-treatment ultimately leads to a chronic course of the disease and severe microflora disorders.

Thus, the popular in Lately douching antiseptic solutions. Gynecologists unanimously claim that this is a very harmful and dangerous method. In addition to the fact that candida does not react in any way to such solutions, which means that the thrush will only progress, the irritating effect on the affected areas of the mucous membrane aggravates the situation by a strong imbalance of the microflora (see).

If a woman values ​​her health and the health of her partner, it is necessary to discard false shame and immediately consult a doctor as soon as the first feeling of discomfort appears. Only a specialist can adequately assess the situation, diagnose thrush, treatment, drugs, their dosage and dosage form. Moreover, even an experienced specialist, before deciding on the method of treatment, will collect an anamnesis, establish the degree of the clinical picture and conduct tests for the sensitivity of fungi.

Features of the use of candles from thrush

If such a security measure is not ruled out, then the infection of a woman will be repeated regularly with every unprotected intercourse, despite all therapeutic measures.

Be sure to exclude all sexual intercourse for the entire period of treatment and increase the requirements for personal hygiene.

Diagnosis of candidiasis begins with the collection of anamnesis. All questions asked by the doctor are important in determining the cause that caused the hurricane reproduction of candida (see). The task of the patient is to answer as frankly as possible all the questions of the doctor, even if they seem to her not related to the disease. Only by accurately establishing the cause and eliminating all negative factors, it is possible to carry out adequate treatment and completely get rid of it.

Candida do not like to be alone, in 99% of cases, along with their reproduction, other infections from the STD group appear. These can be diseases such as:

  • gardnerellosis (see),
  • gonorrhea,
  • mycoplasmosis.

Depending on the form of the disease and the degree of damage, the course medical measures can last from a single dose of the drug to several months of daily procedures. Primary genital candidiasis with minor symptoms with early seeking help is easily stopped by a single administration of long-acting suppositories. And the chronic form of thrush with extensive areas of spread of candida colonies requires the simultaneous use of oral drugs, topical drugs and auxiliary procedures.

  • Candles from thrush should not be placed during menstruation. If the course of treatment falls within this period, suppositories with the active substance Iodine - Povidone or Sertaconazole - Zalain, Betadine and Yodoxide are prescribed.
  • Single use drugs - Lomexin and Zalain.
  • Means prescribed for administration no more than 3 times per treatment course - Livarol, Pimafucin and Ginopevaril.
  • For long-term treatment regimens, drugs such as Irunin, Polizhmnaks, Yodoxide, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole, Macmirror, Ginezol are prescribed.

A prerequisite successful treatment is the exclusion of negative external influence, it is:

  • tight underwear from synthetic fabrics;
  • strict observance of personal hygiene;
  • daily change of bed linen and towels;
  • exclusion from use of aromatic pads, tampons and perfume liquids for intimate hygiene.

Antifungal drugs in the form vaginal suppositories, differ in composition, activity, duration of administration, contraindications and side effects. The following is a description of drugs used in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. Before deciding which suppositories from thrush are more suitable than others, you need to know all the information about them in order to prevent the development of allergies or negative side effects.

The most effective candles for thrush

See also: "" and ""

Zalain (Sertaconazole)

An agent based on imidazole and benzothiophene.

Use during pregnancy Assessed by the attending physician depending on the expected benefits and possible harm to the fetus. According to clinical research the presence of a negative effect on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy has not been established.

If we take into account that the drug is intended for a single dose, and its local administration, then it cannot cause serious harm to either the mother or the fetus.

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effects Allergy, .
Method of application Before setting the Zalain candle, a thorough hygiene procedure, the suppository is inserted lying on the back, deep into the vagina. Placed once. Re-introduction is possible only in the absence of effect, and not earlier than a week later. Zailan can be placed regardless of the presence of menstruation.
Advantages Prolonged action, one suppository is enough for the entire course of treatment. Enhanced effect on the pathogen colonies. Independence from the menstrual cycle during application.
Flaws High cost, there is only one candle in the package, the price of which, depending on the regional surcharge, ranges from 380 rubles. up to 480 rubles
Livarol (Ketoconazole)
Benefits A highly effective drug with a strong effect on fungal colonies. Does not cause allergies. It is prescribed for primary thrush, which does not have complications and concomitant infection.
Flaws At long course pathogens develop resistance to the drug.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of Livarol, the first months of pregnancy are not recommended to be used at all, then with great care.
Side effects Skin rashes, allergic urticaria, vaginal hyperemia, irritation
Application features One candle is introduced at night, to the maximum depth. The course of treatment of primary thrush is up to five days. In the chronic form of candidiasis, the number of injections increases to 10 days.
Price Levarol is available in packs of 5 candles, the cost of which is 365 rubles, and in packs of 10 candles, the cost of which is 455-515 rubles.
Irunin (Itraconazole)

The drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets.

Application features Tablets against thrush are placed at bedtime, lying on your back in bed. One tablet is administered every evening for one or two weeks.
Advantages effectively destroys Candida colonies in the chronic form of thrush and if the fungi are resistant to most antifungal agents.
Contraindications Do not use in the first months of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. In the last months of pregnancy, treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.
Side effects Skin rashes, burning sensation, sometimes itching. The appearance of these reactions does not require discontinuation of treatment, since everything stops on its own.
Price The package costs 300 rubles, each package contains 10 tablets.
Macmirror complex

Combined drug, the active substances of which are Nifuratel and Nystatin.

Advantages Approved for use at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Application features Macmirror candles are placed immediately before going to bed, one at a time, lying in bed. After setting the candle, it is advisable not to get up for about an hour. The course of treatment is up to 8 days.
Side effects Occasionally, itching or rashes on the skin may occur, which disappear within a day without discontinuing the remedy.
Contraindications Hyperreaction to candle components.
Price The package contains 8 suppositories, the cost of which, depending on the regional margin, ranges from 421 rubles. up to 499 rubles

Pharmacological preparations: Candibene, Candid B 6, Yenamazol 100, Antifungol, Candizol, Kanesten.

Advantages Affordable price with sufficient efficiency.
Flaws A large number of side effects that occur more often than other drugs. Candida strains rapidly develop resistance against the active ingredients of these agents.
Application features Candles are placed at bedtime one at a time during the week.
Side effects Pain during sex, frequent urination, headaches, symptoms of cystitis, abnormal discharge, itching and burning sensation, bouts of pain in the lower abdomen.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the funds, the entire period of pregnancy and feeding.
Price Prices for these drugs do not exceed 70 rubles. for packing.

Pharmaceutical forms: Ginezol-7 and its analogues - Mikozon, Daktarin Gynodactanol.

Effective suppositories for candidiasis in women in primary and chronic forms. Available in packs of 3 and 15 suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg and 150 mg of the active substance.

Primafungin, Pimafucin (natamycin)
Polygynax, Tergynax (nystatin)
  • Polygynax composition: nystatin, polymexin B, neomycin;
  • Terginax composition: nystatin, ternidazole, neomycin, prednisolone.
Application features Preparations are prescribed with great care in combination with probiotics and eubiotics, as they actively influence the state of the microflora. Two candles are prescribed per day for 2 weeks.
Advantages Candida is not able to develop resistance to nystatin, so the drugs are effective for the treatment of severe chronic forms of candidiasis. Price availability.
Flaws Severe side effects, duration of treatment, staging twice a day.
Side effects Nausea and possible vomiting liquid stool, pain in the lower abdomen, fever and chills.
Price Nystatin - 55 rubles; Terzhinan - 219 rubles. - 339 rubles; Poliginix - 349 rubles. - 449 rubles.
Iodoxide, Betadine (povidone-iodine)
Advantages The use of candles does not depend on the menstrual cycle. Effective in associated bacterial infections.
Side effects Redness of the mucosa, hypersensitivity to the drug.
Contraindications Diseases thyroid gland, poor kidney function, individual intolerance, pregnancy, especially the first months.
Application features Acute period of primary candidiasis - 2 times a day, duration 7 days; chronic form of thrush - once a day, lasting 14 days.
Price Yodoxide - 249 rubles; Betadine - from 220 to 350 rubles, depending on the number of suppositories in the package.
Lomexin (Fenticonazole)

Release form - vaginal capsules in a soluble shell, dosage 600 mg. and 1000mg.

Application features Lomexin capsules are intended for single administration. For special indications, a triple administration of 600 mg is possible. or double administration of 1000 mg.
Advantage Highly effective remedy for genital candidiasis of prolonged action.
Contraindications The entire period of pregnancy, during menstrual bleeding, and in case of hypersensitivity to the drug substances.
Side effects Unexpressed irritation of the mucous membrane, skin rashes, erythema, urticaria.
Price The cost depends on the number of capsules in the package: 1 capsule 1000 mg - 329 rubles; 2 capsules 600 mg. — 449 rubles.
Fluomizin (dequalinium chloride)

The drug is available in the form of tablets for vaginal administration. It is used as an antiseptic for the treatment of such diseases in gynecology as:

  • preoperative period,
  • genital candidiasis,
  • bacterial vaginosis,
  • Candida vaginitis.

In addition to vaginal suppositories, capsules and tablets, ointment forms of antifungal drugs are also used to treat candidiasis:

  • clotrimazole,
  • Econazole,
  • isoconazole,
  • fenticonazole,
  • Butoconazole.

At the end of the course of treatment with antifungal agents, it is imperative to undergo a course of therapy to restore the microflora of the vagina. To achieve this goal, drugs are prescribed that help restore the normal concentration of lactobacilli in the vagina:

  • Bificol (oral tablets),
  • Laktozhinal, Acilak (capsules for vaginal administration),
  • Vagilak (vaginal suppositories).

When treating women with vaginal candidiasis, suppositories are considered the most convenient. Their effect is due to the strong penetration of the active antifungal component into the mucosa.

In the process of such penetration, the pathogen is destroyed, the inflammatory process is eliminated, and the signs of thrush are reduced.


IN present time the field of pharmaceuticals has a huge range of various antifungal agents in the field of gynecology. This medical preparations for oral use, suppositories for topical therapy, which can be prescribed by a doctor for a complex course of the condition, as well as for a chronic form as part of complex treatment.

What are the most effective means to eliminate this condition? These are the agents to which the Candida fungus is sensitive. Sensitivity is determined by conducting a bacterial culture, determine the stability, resistance of the pathogen to a particular drug. Since in a chronic, and often progressive disease, therapy may be ineffective due to the appearance of drug resistance in fungi.

If thrush is treated on its own, without doctoral control, then this provokes the formation of candidiasis in a chronic form, and it also provokes a violation of the vaginal microflora. In addition, many patients actively use douching to eliminate a disease such as thrush.

And this is very dangerous, because such actions become the reason that the disease begins to progress, and the vaginal microflora begins to break down even more. Only a specialist, starting from the history of women and from the clinical picture, taking into account the sensitivity of the fungus, can prescribe the correct treatment regimen. Even if all the signs of the disease disappear, complete recovery is considered to be the state when, during laboratory research be detected that the fungi are absent for the next three months.

How to use suppositories against thrush

Usually a doctor is prescribed to treat both sexual partners, since in men this condition is common, but without symptoms. Men are carriers of thrush, they pass this disease on to women. If there is no treatment for a permanent sexual partner, then after a complete recovery, the woman picks up the infection again after the first sexual intercourse (unprotected).

During treatment, sexual intercourse should not be, and if they are, then condoms must be used. Candles should be inserted into the vagina before bedtime, try to make the introduction as deep as possible. So that the components of the drug are better absorbed.

When a woman is diagnosed with vaginal candidiasis, then she, in parallel with the doctor, needs to analyze the reasons that provoked the development of this condition. If you do not minimize or eliminate the factors that provoked this condition, thrush can return many times.

Often the presence of candidiasis indicates the presence of other sexually transmitted infections. It can also indicate the development of gardnerellosis and bacterial vaginosis.

Depending on the strength of the symptoms, the acute or chronic course of the disease, therapy may differ in the course of treatment, sometimes the use of one candle is enough, and if the process has chronic course, the therapy will require longer.

  • It is forbidden to use vaginal suppositories during menstruation. the only exception is Sertaconazole and Povidone-Iodine.
  • It is allowed to use one candle of such means as Lomexin, Zalain.
  • For three candles, you can use the following drugs - Pimafucin, Gino-pevaril, Livarol.
  • From 5 candles to 14 - Irunin, Ginezol, Macmirror, Yodoxide.

During the period of therapy, it is not necessary to wear underwear that is very tight, which is made of synthetic materials. You should also adhere to intimate hygiene, do not use scented pads, which contain any chemical elements You need to change linen and towels every day. You should also avoid liquids for intimate hygiene, which contain chemicals, as this will only worsen the condition.

Since suppositories include various active ingredients in their composition, they differ in their effectiveness and periods of therapy, as well as adverse reactions and contraindications for use.

The best candles for the treatment of thrush

Zalain. This remedy is an imidazole derivative. There is not enough information about possible harm for the baby and during breastfeeding. But if we take into account the single use case and the absence of systemic exposure to this remedy - during gestation, it may be used if the possible benefit to the patient will significantly exceed the risk to the baby.

Contraindication is hypersensitivity. When using the drug, such side effects may develop - burning, itching in the vagina, allergic manifestations, but all this does not require the cancellation of the remedy. Method of use - one candle must be inserted once into the vagina.

It is best to do this before going to bed at night. If the symptoms of thrush persist, then after seven days you need to reuse the drug. Before use, it is important to wash the genitals with a neutral soap. Can be used during menstruation.

Disadvantages and advantages - the advantage of this drug is a one-time use, the ability to use it during menstruation, and the only drawback is a very high price.

Livarol. This remedy is effective for eliminating such a condition in women as a milkman. Among the side effects, it should be noted the occurrence of urticaria, redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching, rash on the skin, irritation. The use of this drug should be abandoned by persons who have a high sensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, do not use Livarol in the first trimester of gestation. As for the third trimester, you need to be careful during this period. apply funds.

Application - while lying down, it is necessary to insert a candle as deep as possible into the vagina. Do this for four to five days. If thrush has a chronic course, then treatment should be continued for 10 days. The advantage of this drug is that the effect of its use is rapid, almost does not cause allergies. It is usually prescribed when the diagnosis is established for the first time; with frequent and prolonged use, drug resistance appears in the pathogen.

Irunin. These are vaginal tablets that actively eliminate thrush. The tool is forbidden to use in the first trimester of gestation, in the remaining trimesters it is used with caution. Among the adverse reactions should be noted a rash on the skin, burning. itching, redness. It is recommended to carry out the treatment at bedtime, for one to two weeks.

The tool is highly effective for recurrent disease and resistance to other antifungal drugs, among the shortcomings it should be noted that the drug is forbidden to be used in the first months of gestation.

Nifuratel, Nystatin. When carrying, these funds are allowed for use, the only contraindication of these candles is the presence of hypersensitivity. Side effects include a rash on skin, occurrence .

Candles are used intravaginally, for 8 days, one candle before going to bed at night. The main advantage is the possibility of treatment during pregnancy. Of the minuses - overpriced.

Clotrimazole. These suppositories are effectively used to treat thrush. It is forbidden to use them in the first trimester of gestation, as well as for patients who are breastfeeding. When using the drug, certain side effects may occur, including cystitis, soreness of the head, pain during intercourse, and frequent urination.

Clotrimazole is used for a six-day period, the suppository is inserted before bedtime as deep as possible into the vagina.

The advantage of this tool is that it is not expensive, the disadvantage is the frequent manifestation of negative reactions of the body. the rapid emergence of resistance in fungi.

Miconazole. Contraindications to use is high sensitivity, caution should be taken when using this remedy in lactation period as well as while waiting for the baby. At the time of treatment with the drug, it is recommended to suspend breastfeeding. in addition, it is worth refusing to use these funds for people who have impaired liver activity, diabetes mellitus, herpes.

Side effects include diarrhea, nausea, itching, abdominal pain, and discomfort. Usually, all of these symptoms occur at the beginning of therapy. Method of use - for one week, one candle, during therapy, drink alcoholic beverages. Among the advantages - the effect occurs quickly enough, a large spectrum of activity, a highly effective remedy for frequent appearances diseases, does not provoke dysbacteriosis. The disadvantage is the danger in using it while waiting for the crumbs and during the period of breastfeeding.

Miconazole. It is not recommended to use this drug in the first trimester, in the second, as well as in the third trimester, use is allowed, but with great care. During the period of use of the drug, you should stop breastfeeding the baby for a while. Among the side effects are itching of the skin, rash, local irritation.

Use - treatment is carried out for two weeks. Even if the signs of the disease disappear, treatment should still be continued. These candles according to reviews is enough effective tool to eliminate a disease such as thrush.

Nistanin. Complex means containing nystanin. This remedy is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance, as well as at any stage of pregnancy. When used, such negative reactions of the body may occur - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills.

Candles are recommended to be used for two weeks twice a day - in the morning and evening time. Among the advantages, it should be noted that the drug is cheap, compared to other drugs, Candida does not develop resistance to the active component of the drug, so it is often recommended for the treatment of a recurrent, chronic disease. Among the disadvantages of this tool is the presence of complex side effects, twice a day use, a long course of use.

Yodoxide, Povidone-Iodine. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of thrush. If the disease has an acute course, then it is prescribed to use one candle for one week, if the disease has a chronic course, then the treatment is prescribed for two weeks, one candle each.

Among the contraindications for use are the first trimester of gestation (in the second and third - with caution), thyroid adenoma, thyrotoxicosis, kidney failure, individual sensitivity, while breastfeeding, the drug is used with caution. Candles can provoke local hyperemia, allergic manifestations.

The drug can be used during menstruation, as part of complex therapy with bacterial vaginosis.

Contraindications for use is the period of expectation of the child, it is prohibited to use during menstruation, if the woman has an individual intolerance to the nutrients of the drug. Among the side effects, allergic manifestations should be noted - erythema, urticaria, rash on the skin, not strong signs of irritation, which pass very quickly on their own and do not require treatment to be stopped.

Fluomizin. This tool is presented in the form of vaginal tablets with antiseptic effects. It is used to treat candidal vaginitis, with bacterial vaginosis, and also before delivery.

Means e is suitable for use by girls who have not yet begun to have sex, with ulcers of the uterine neck, with ulcers of the vagina, as well as in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Fluomizin is able to provoke such adverse reactions on the part of the body, like erythema, urticaria and rash. Tablets are used for six days, at night. During menstruation, therapy must be completed, and at the end - resumed.

In addition to suppositories, there are creams that have an antifungal effect - Econazole cream, Butoconazole, Lomexin, Travogen, Ecodax.

Pros and cons of using suppositories for the treatment of thrush

  • When the agent is injected into a place where fungi multiply with great activity, the result is local therapy will be provided much faster than with the current highly effective agents such as Zalain or Livarol.
  • Current antifungal drugs can be used once.
  • Since local drugs have low systemic absorption, the frequency of adverse reactions is significantly reduced, in contrast to the use of oral agents.

Cons of local therapy:

  • local therapy is a little inconvenient - sexual life is limited, linen is constantly dirty.
  • A good effect from such treatment can be shown only in the treatment of not complex forms of candidiasis, when the course of the condition is aggravated, prolonged, then local treatment must be prescribed together with the intake of antifungal tablets. For this reason, it is often necessary to repeat the therapeutic course after a certain time period.
  • When using combined antimicrobial agents, often a negative reaction of the body manifests itself in the form of vaginal dysbacteriosis. This condition requires additional therapy.

Often in women during the period of gestation, a physiological deterioration in activity occurs. immune system. The body becomes weakened and this causes the development of thrush, and many funds during this period are prohibited for use, or there is no accurate information about the safety for the child. Among large selection local medicines, such candles can be used while waiting for the baby:

  • Candles, Primafugin and Pimafucin;
  • Combined funds called Macmirror complex.
  • Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Gynofort - all these remedies are allowed to be used in the second and third trimester of gestation. The doctor appoints them if the possible risk to women's health is much higher than the potential risk to the fetus.
  • Some doctors recommend a combination remedy called Terzhinan. The remedy is allowed for use only if the possible benefit for the mother is higher than the risk for the baby, since the remedy contains hormones and it can provoke the development of many negative reactions of the body.


If you follow all the rules of hygiene and adhere to doctor's recommendations, then the prognosis is favorable. It is no secret that this disease occurs against the background of adverse factors. These are weakened immunity, beriberi, severe hypothermia, non-compliance sanitary norms hygiene.

To exclude the development of thrush, it is necessary to conduct healthy lifestyle life, increase the protective functions of the genitourinary system and the whole organism as a whole through the use of immunomodulatory drugs.

You should not often change sexual partners, since the microflora each time begins to adapt to new conditions, protective functions decrease and there is no barrier to infectious processes.

The consequences of thrush

If this disease is not treated, then it can provoke the development of cystitis, the occurrence of ulcers and erosions on the uterine neck, a change in the structure of the genital organs. and sometimes even infertility! Therapy should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Comprehensive treatment, which includes the use of candles, will help overcome the disease.

When appointed medications, which contain antifungal components, candles are far from the last place. But you need to understand that even the most highly effective candles cannot replace a set of measures that are aimed at stopping the growth of the fungus. Before you start using any antifungal products.

It is imperative to consult a doctor. Only he can choose the right treatment. In some cases, you need to use several funds at the same time, but only the doctor decides all this.