Why do you dream about a bull being carried away by a river? Why do you dream about a bull? Attack me: general meaning

The world of dreams is so unpredictable that sometimes you can dream about a wide variety of and rather strange incidents and events.

In some dreams, not only people, but also animals can appear. Why do you dream of a bull with horns? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a bull with horns - basic interpretation

Worth paying Special attention that in many ancient cultures the bull was considered a sacred animal.

He personified the wisdom and secret knowledge that a person could comprehend.

Nowadays, people do not treat bulls with such trepidation, so dream books advise to fully interpret dreams in which the image of a bull appears.

It is worth paying special attention to the following details of the dream:

Was the animal healthy?

For what reason did the bull attack?

Did he attack you or someone else;

Was the attack fatal?

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you dream that a bull with horns turned out to be dead in a dream- sadness and melancholy await you; you yourself will provoke similar emotions in yourself if you dream that a bull died in your house. If you dream that the bull was white, joyful events await you, the culprit of which will be one of your loved ones.

Why do you dream charging bull with horns– you should be wary of betrayal and trickery on the part of loved ones. It is also important to remember the reason why the bull decided to attack you. If you see a rabid animal attacking you, you will witness a rather unpleasant event; you could have avoided the incident if you had been more careful yourself.

If the bull attacks you due to the fault of another person– you will become a victim of fraud and deception. It’s too late to do anything if the bull attacks you after your provocation. You will personally become the culprit of your own troubles.

If you dream harnessed bull with horns– you will experience quite difficult events in the near future. You will be burdened with work and household chores. But in order to achieve what you want, it’s always worth working hard, so you don’t need to get upset, you just need to achieve your goal and don’t give up. Most likely, you will find yourself alone on your path.

It is also important to remember the animal’s health status if the bull is absolutely healthy and even seems huge- good luck and profit await you. If you see an animal grazing peacefully in a meadow and not paying attention to you, you will soon have the opportunity to realize everything you previously planned.

If a bull is chasing you in a dream- envy and competition await you. In order to overcome all difficulties, you need to think through all your actions in advance, only then will you get the desired result.

If a woman dreams of a snow-white bull grazing peacefully in a meadow– she will meet a worthy gentleman, the relationship will bring her only joy, she will finally be able to find peace and start a family.

if you dream of a whole herd of bulls– success and recognition await you, you will be able to strengthen your position in society, you will be able to receive significant income from everything you have long dreamed of doing.

Why do you dream of a bull with horns according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a bull with horns is dreamed of as a symbol masculinity, symbol male power. For a woman, such a dream can mean the emergence of a new admirer. Why do you dream of an attacking bull with horns? Such a dream symbolizes, first of all, active changes in personal life. If you dream that a bull is attacking someone else rather than you - you will have to witness other people's showdowns.

Do not take sides in this situation, because the lovers will make peace, and you will become extreme. If you dream that a bull is attacking you, most likely you will have to listen to a number of unflattering statements addressed to you, but you should not worry too much, most likely, the conflict will soon exhaust itself, and you can calmly continue communicating with this person.

If a young girl dreams that she suddenly meets a bull on her way, and he is angry - she will meet a partner in reality who will actively seek her attention. But you should not count on the active continuation of the relationship; the partner may even propose marriage, but will soon lose interest in the girl, because he himself succumbed to the impulse of feelings.

If a man dreams of a bull attacking his beloved, most likely he has a a rival will appear, but in this situation it is worth showing wisdom and perseverance. Otherwise, he himself will destroy the relationship and push his beloved into someone else’s arms.

If a bull attacked your beloved in a dream and killed her with its horns - Other people's caustic words and gossip can destroy your relationship. How to avoid this? Stop washing dirty linen in public, and let strangers know everything that’s going on in your personal life.

If a girl dreams of a wild bull that she is trying to tame - she will put a lot of effort into a relationship with a very wayward man. Most likely, all her efforts to establish mutual understanding with him will not be crowned with success.

Why do you dream of a bull with horns according to the esoteric dream book

IN esoteric dream book, it is said that a bull with horns in a dream can represent future difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving the desired goal. What kind of obstacles there will be - he will tell you about it full interpretation dreams. It is important to remember what color the bull was, whether it was angry and whether it attacked you or another person.

If the bull was black and behaved very aggressively, beware of unexpected reproaches and quarrels, they can ruin your reputation forever;

If the bull was white and attacked you only after your provocation, you do not value those people who create comfort for you;

Seeing a bloody charging bull means health problems;

Seeing a bull at a watering hole - you should not rush things and panic, problems will resolve themselves;

Seeing a sleeping bull with horns means a delay in business, use this time to develop yourself;

If there are several bulls, you will have to choose from a huge number of options.

If you dream that someone turns into a bull before your eyes and begins to behave very aggressively, beware of intimacy with this person in reality. If a young girl dreams of playing with a bull on the lawn, she will flirt with a handsome man, but most likely this relationship will not progress beyond flirting.

If a woman dreams that a bull is attacking her child, it is time for her to think about how to strengthen the baby’s health in every possible way. Most likely, the mother is busy with her own affairs and problems and she simply does not have time left for the child. Because of this, the baby not only suffers physically, but also emotionally, which can lead to chronic diseases.

Why do you dream of a bull with horns according to other dream books?

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a bull dreams of sorrows and illnesses, but if you dream of a calf following on your heels, happiness and good luck will also follow you. If the bull in your dream is snow-white, expect income. If a bull raises its horns high in a dream, recognition and glory await you.

The Persian dream book says Oh, that a bull in a dream symbolizes a person’s ability and skills to conduct business and be responsible for his words. If the bull is handsome and happy, then things will go uphill, but if the bull is dissatisfied with everything that is happening and is very aggressive, aggression should be avoided when communicating with subordinates. Seeing a lot of bulls on the street means your career will go uphill. Don't listen to gossip and gossip - move forward without fear.

If a young girl dreams of bulls fighting, she will become a target for several men. On the one hand, she will be pleased with such attention, but it can subsequently ruin her reputation. You should be attentive to your feelings and emotions. There is no need to make empty promises, because the likelihood of being left alone is huge.

E if a bull attacks a pregnant woman in a dream This means that you are subconsciously afraid of becoming dependent on another person. You lack self-confidence, so you view the other person as your enemy. Even if he really has feelings for you. Despite such negative interpretation sleep, it gives a hint on how to qualitatively change your life so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Dreams always carry some hidden meaning that a person does not want to see in his life. Having solved the mystery, a person receives the key to a new life, a life in harmony with himself.

Bull dream book, see a bull in a dream

Miller's Dream Book Bull

Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your circle and women will seek your company. Seeing fat bulls on a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you never dared to dream about before. If the bulls lean towards the grass, this means that your fortune will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you. If you see selected purebred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover. Seeing a dead bull is a sign of sadness. If bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream, a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you. If a woman has such a dream, she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover. Especially happy dream, in which you see a white bull.

A herd of dirty bulls wandering along a dusty road is a chance to get married successfully or to get back the confession of someone who once underestimated you.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole on the river bank on a summer day is an opportunity to gain true friend and a lover in the person of a man, impeccable in every way. For a young girl, this means that she will accept her lover's proposal.

Seeing a dead bull means sadness and adversity.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

It denotes a stereotype of a woman’s strength and aggressive position, imposing her negative dominant role.

If bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream- a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you.
If a woman has such a dream- she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover.
If a bull appears in a pregnant woman's dream- She will give birth to a son. A bull is chasing you:· you will have an enemy or rival who will greatly annoy you;
· get ready for problems in business provoked by the envy of competitors;
· warning against carelessness;
· be careful when entering into transactions.

Ox - A dream about a bull promises you a strong and deep feeling, passion. If you dream of a butting bull, be prepared for the fact that your name will end up on the tongues of talkative gossips and envious people. Giant

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Bull according to the dream book:

Bull - B men's dreams- gross sexual impulses. For women, it is a reflection of fear in relationships with a partner. Seeing an angry bull means being punished for your own recklessness.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Ox:

Bull - Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your circle and women will seek your company. Seeing fat bulls on a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you never dared to dream of before. If the bulls lean towards the grass, this means that your fortune will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you. If you see selected purebred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover. Seeing a dead bull is a sign of sadness. If bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream, a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you. If a woman has such a dream, she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover. A particularly happy dream in which you see a white bull. “And the king said to them: I dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled; I wish to know this dream.” Bible, book. Prophet Daniel, ch. II, 3

Assyrian dream book

A dream in which a bull is strong and strong foreshadows your self-confidence. A weak, thin animal speaks of your shyness and modesty.

A woman dreams of a red bull with white spots for an important, fateful event. And for a man - to mistrust on the part of his beloved. Chasing an animal in a dream means waiting for help from friends in reality.

Black bull

Bull - The bull is a symbol Agriculture and hard work. A dream about a bull may mean your desire to live closer to the land or indicates a lot of things to do in real life. Before interpreting a dream, think about it: do you feel someone else’s burden on your shoulders, undeservedly placed on you? If you saw a well-fed bull, you will become a leader in your circle and will enjoy success with women. A dead bull is a sign of sadness. Bull, drinking water from a clean pond or stream will bring you a meeting with a sweet and devoted person. Dreaming of a white bull brings great happiness.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about the Ox according to the dream book:

I am familiar with your situation. I was wearing the “crown of celibacy” until I was 25 years old. Until that time, I had never dated anyone or even kissed anyone. I was already on the verge of despair, my mother put pressure on me, married friends I was jealous. One day, a colleague advised me to consult a psychic, and I started looking for one. Here

The first consultation is free. I then chose the first one I came across, without even reading the reviews. And she chose well. The psychic called me herself and we talked. During 3 consultations we worked a lot, she advised me the necessary literature and the right people. After 1.5 months I started meeting young people)) Now six months have passed, there is a permanent young man, we meet and everything is fine.

The appearance of the bull

symbolizes stereotypes associated with feminine. For example, the desire for power and strength, the aggressive position of a woman, the desire to dominate.

Correct dream book

If in a dream you see a bull chasing you, this is a sign: your competitors are jealous of you, and this promises trouble in business matters. If

she dreams of a bull, soon she may be asked for her hand in marriage. However,

there is a chance that such a proposal will not The best decision. A dream in which a bull tries to gore a person warns: you should not get involved in resolving property issues. You may fail due to the unwise disposal of someone else's

After reading the article, every person will be able to answer for themselves at any moment why the bull is dreaming. But as with any other dream, you should remember that this is all just a dream and you shouldn’t believe in everything as a holy truth. Dream interpretations should only suggest how and where to be more attentive.

The bull has always evoked conflicting feelings. On the one hand, it is a large, beautiful, proud and strong animal. With another - rare person will not experience fear and horror when looking at a huge angry beast with sharp horns. Why do you dream about bulls? Such dreams can be like good sign, and a harbinger of trouble.

Data from famous dream books

Dreams in which bulls appear are generally considered a positive sign for a person. But interpretations different sources are still different.


Miller's dream book claims that this animal can be dreamed of mainly for positive changes.

Vanga: see, ride or kill

U clairvoyant Vanga I also have my own opinion on this matter. She believes that a bull in a dream represents hard and persistent work, which will eventually be rewarded - you will achieve your goal.

  1. A person who saw an aggressive and enraged bull in a dream will soon meet someone in reality who will be delighted with independence and strong character dreamer
  2. And the one who has ridden a horned animal in life does not need to be afraid of the upcoming complex and painstaking work, since in the future it will be appreciated.
  3. Killing or butchering a bull carcass means that you need to take a close look at your immediate surroundings. The person you trusted the most may cheat.

Classic dream book

Today the Modern Classic Dream Book is very popular. He interprets the appearance of a bull in a dream in his own way.

  1. If you dreamed of a harnessed animal, a person should think carefully about whether he has offended any of his relatives or friends. Such a vision is a sign of sadness for someone close to you.
  2. But the dreamer who admired the bull, in reality, enjoys great respect from those around him.
  3. A single bull in a meadow portends a big profit. Perhaps we are talking about a decent inheritance or winning the lottery.
  4. Animals that drink water in a dream report the loyalty and devotion of their other half.

What does hunting, pursuit or herd mean according to Freud?

Perhaps the most interesting interpretation dreams about bulls - from Sigmund Freud. The German psychoanalyst considers these animals a symbol of self-confidence. And identifying oneself with this horned beast speaks of belief in one’s own seductiveness. However, be careful in your intimate contacts.

  1. Anyone who hunts a bull in a dream, in reality dreams of getting rid of his competitors in love affairs.
  2. The person being pursued by this animal should be wary of sexual harassment and be careful to avoid violence (including homosexual violence).
  3. But if representatives of a large cattle there were a lot, then this is a signal that you need to be more selective in choosing sexual partners. Constant casual connections will not lead to any good.

Dreams about bulls for girls, women and men

When interpreting any dreams, the gender of the dreamer is important.

The connection between bull sleep and pregnancy

It turns out that a dream about a bull tells a pregnant woman that she can find out the gender of the child.

During pregnancy, a woman should pay attention to a dream in which she met a bull. According to many beliefs, such a vision prophesies the birth of a boy.

How did you dream about a bull?

Remember in detail appearance bull in your dream.

Black or white

A white bull always appears in a dream good sign. For a man, such a vision portends rapid career growth, a successful deal, or just a promotion. wages. The girl sees a white animal for a quick happy marriage.

The color of a bull in a dream may be different

A black animal is most often a bad omen. Such a dream bodes bad news. If in the vision there was not just one, but a whole herd of these bulls, then a person needs to be more careful when choosing work partners, since one of them may become a competitor in the future.

If a girl dreams of a black bull, then she may soon meet a brutal and hot guy who will take liberties and cheeky behavior.

Red, yellow, tan or brown

A red bull will appear in a dream if a person should think about his own selfishness. Perhaps excessive pride prevents the dreamer from normally assessing what is happening around him.

A yellow animal may reflect inner distress and fear of failure. Such a dream means that it is time to turn on rational thinking and get rid of unnecessary emotions.

Red bulls and Brown symbolize health problems.

An alarming sign will be a bright red bull, which portends an epidemic. Moreover, if he was loaded, then it will be difficult to get rid of the infection.

Big or small

The size of an animal from a dream will only matter if a person paid attention to it and was impressed by it.

Herd of bulls

A person should pay attention to how many bulls he saw in his dream. Herd behavior usually reflects career status and work situation.

Goby butting and other animal behavior

  1. An angry bull in a dream is a sign that a person is restraining aggression within himself. You need to direct your irrepressible negative energy in the right direction. For example, playing sports and being active will help you learn to control yourself.
  2. If an animal butts the dreamer, in the near future he will face trouble from a person who enjoys universal respect and popularity.
  3. A bull chasing a sleeping person in a dream also does not bode well. In this case, a person needs to carefully monitor all upcoming transactions and check the signed papers.
  4. Dreams in which an animal attacks warn the dreamer not to provoke others into conflict, because this way one can easily acquire a sworn enemy.
  5. A calm bull walking peacefully on a chain or grazing in a meadow means material well-being and prosperity, good health and family happiness.
  6. A tamed and harnessed animal speaks of the dreamer’s inner harmony.

A calm bull is a harbinger of material well-being

Where is the bull in a dream?

Taking the bull by the horns and other human actions

Head with horns and interpretations of other dreams

Meeting a bull with a ring in his nose in a dream means that a person is ready to take control of everything. His inexhaustible energy by nature will allow everyone around him to rely on him.

It is considered a good sign if only the animal’s head was present in the vision. Such a dream promises good health to the dreamer and a speedy recovery in case of illness.

A minotaur or a man with a bull's face will be dreamed of by someone who has a rather strong rival.

Minotaur - symbol of the rival

An animal with powerful branchy horns speaks of excessive stubbornness, which only interferes with business. And if the bull was completely deprived of horns, then in life the dreamer will have to win a victory that will not bring joy.

An animal with red eyes can be seen by someone who is too ambitious in life. It would do well for such a person to change his strategy.

Dreams in which we see the future: video

In dream books there are many interpretations of visions with a bull. This animal is a symbol of strength, good health, hard work and struggle. You can get a valuable hint from fate if you correctly interpret the dream in which a bull appeared.

Did you dream about a bull with horns? In a dream, this is a reflection of skillful housekeeping and business. In addition, the image symbolizes motherhood, fertility and aggression. Why do you dream about this animal most often? The dream book will tell you about all the cases.

Miller's opinion

If in a dream you happened to see a well-fed bull with big faces, then Mr. Miller claims that one day you will become a generally recognized leader.

Enemy or worthy spouse?

Have you seen purebred bulls with big faces? To a young guy the vision promises a profitable match with a wealthy girl; for ladies, the dream book promises a worthy spouse.

Why else do you dream of a bull with big horns? If you were able to see blood on them, you will take leadership position. This is also an indication of a ruthless enemy.

To money and happiness

Why do you dream of a white bull with horns? The dream book prophesies boundless family happiness and mutual understanding in relationships.

Did you dream about a white buffalo? Wait for the receipt big money. For family people, a white bull may appear as a sign of future fatherhood and motherhood.

Be careful!

What does a black buffalo mean in a dream? This is a clear sign of danger. You may have a serious opponent or competitor.

If you dreamed of not just one black bull, but a whole herd, then you are guaranteed a prosperous and happy marriage.

Sometimes a black bull with horns symbolizes the benefits that can be obtained from a certain assignment.

Think through your actions!

Why do you dream that a bull with horns is attacking? Unfortunately, the dream book believes that you are destined for serious illness. In a dream, this is also a hint of fierce competition or the activation of envious people who spread malicious gossip.

Did you dream that a horned buffalo was attacking? You will have to pay for your own rashness and recklessness. This is also an indication of meeting an influential person who can provide an invaluable service.


If in a dream a bull with horns is chasing you, then rejoice! You will soon receive an unexpected inheritance.

Have you ever run away from an angry animal? There is a possibility that you will become a victim of sexual harassment.

An attacking bull warns that you risk suffering from your own negative emotions. The dream book advises to be more restrained and calm.

Fame or intrigue?

Did you dream of a bull with horns attacking a bullfighter? Feelings and relationships will become brighter and more fiery.

If in a dream a bull raised it on its horns, then in the future you will become a famous person.

The vision can also symbolize the intrigues of colleagues and a possible change of job.

To a happy marriage!

Why does a woman dream of a bull with horns? Initially, this is an indication of a person who was born under a certain sign or has recognizable character traits.

In any case, if a bull appears to a woman, she will accept the marriage proposal and will be happy in marriage.


Why do you dream of a bull with only one horn? The dream book is sure that an event awaits you that will become a real miracle and will bring a lot of good. The interpretation of sleep is especially relevant if the animal is light in color.

Seeing an animal with one horn in a dream literally means that your loved one will cheat on you. If a one-horned one appears, then you will have to work hard to achieve a specific goal.

Victory or deception?

Did you dream of a bull completely without bone growths? The dream book considers this dream favorable. It guarantees victory in any confrontation.

Seeing a beast without a head is much worse. This is a sure sign of an insidious deception that will deprive you of everything.

To make a more complete interpretation, the dream book advises taking into account the actions that you may have performed in a dream.

  • To take by the horns is to endure.
  • Take it - avoid danger.
  • Hold – exercise caution when entering into transactions.
  • To break - to victory over enemies by circumstances.

Dream book reminder

But remember that in a dream a bull with horns is a symbol of aggression and strength. The dream book suspects that there is a person next to you who is capable of crazy things and often suppresses those around him with his enormous will.

If this is a friend or spouse, then you will receive protection and support. If the enemy is the enemy, then a serious confrontation awaits, in which you, alas, may find yourself among the vanquished.

If you are being chased by an angry bull in a dream, you will wake up in a cold sweat of horror. And then you will start to worry, thinking all day why you had a nightmare. Almost all dream interpreters are unanimous in the opinion that the bull is a symbol of strength, power, and energy. If he has found a victim and rushes towards it, then this dream may portend danger. But there are many other explanations, depending on the details and details of the dreamed plot.

Danger warning

You dream of a meadow in which a herd is grazing peacefully, and suddenly the huge bull. You rush to your heels, but the strong animal is not far behind. Freud, describing such a picture, believed that the sleeper subconsciously behaves like a victim. And therefore, there will be a hunter who will actively and brazenly seek intimacy.

A conflict is brewing in the team, which the dreamer will witness, this is what the whole story is about. At the beginning of it, a certain man teased the bull, and then when the animal became furious, he ran away from him. The Dream Interpretation strongly advises not to interfere with outsiders in feuds. It's better to pretend that you don't notice anything. A vision in which a bull rebelled against a shepherd predicts that one of your comrades will find himself in difficult situation and will ask you for help.

Urgently find time to communicate with your children! They now really need your attention and protection, advice - this is what, according to Miller’s dream book, they dream of a black buffalo chasing a child.

At the mercy of emotions

In a dream, you became a participant in a bullfight, rushing down the street, and behind you, who was also deliberately teased? Ms. Hasse recommends that you restrain your negative emotions: rage, aggression. Now, for the benefit of the matter, you need to learn to be softer, more lenient towards your family and colleagues.

A dream in which you admire yourself as a bullfighter, gracefully moving around the arena, escaping the rage of a hunted bull, suggests that you are actually very tired. You need proper rest. You need to disconnect for a while from the frantic rhythm of your everyday life.

If you just watch young bulls running briskly somewhere, then, most likely, in reality you are dreaming of something bright and unusual. There is only one obstacle to their desires - your indecision and fear of making mistakes.

You have endured for too long, accumulated negativity in yourself, this is what the bull dreamed of throwing the matador over the side of the arena. The time has come to slam your fist on the table, otherwise a nervous breakdown is possible.

About victories and defeats

Watching a mating game in a dream, during which a young buffalo chases a heifer, means contacts with strangers. Moreover, Miller’s dream book states that these people, unknown to you so far, will do something that will bring you joy.

Spiteful critics are not asleep, but are inventing new tricks against you, that’s why you see in a dream how a dark bull is chasing a light relative. But if a light animal victoriously drives away a dark one, then you are out of competition. The dream book promises you success in all your endeavors.