Characteristics of dogs of the Brussels Griffon breed with reviews and photos. Belgian Griffons: description of the breed, character and photos Griffon puppies

Although these cute dogs have gained great popularity among decorative breeds, Brussels Griffons are not of “royal origin” at all. Dogs of this breed were actively used as excellent rat catchers, first among peasants, then their fame reached the royal court. Since then, she has been loved by noble people and gained popularity among the upper echelons of society.

History of the origin of the breed

In the distant 17th century, the ancestors of these dogs were actively used by peasants to hunt rats, which coped with their duties no worse than cats. Over time, for many reasons, this quality was lost and the Brussels Griffon finally became a decorative dog.

Those old Brussels Griffons were slightly larger than the current ones and had a longer muzzle. To give them a more noble appearance and preserve their qualities, these dogs began to be crossed with other breeds. They played a certain role here, who participated in the formation of the modern Brussels griffin, which we are accustomed to seeing in the hands of wealthy ladies. Today this is a fairly popular breed in Europe, but little is known in Russia.

Description of the Brussels Griffon

Despite the fact that this is a decorative dog breed, they are quite strong and well built. The weight of the Brussels Griffon ranges from 3.5 to 6 kilograms. Height at the withers is 17-20 centimeters. The coat is very hard, with a red tint. This scares many, but in vain: it is very pleasant to the touch. The eyes are set wide apart. The head is quite large, the ears are pointed and stick up.

There is a mustache and beard on the face, making them look like evil old men. Lower jaw pushed forward, this gives them an eternally angry and dissatisfied look, but this is a deceptive impression; in fact, the Brussels Griffon is a sweet and friendly breed of dog. This dog will be yours faithful companion and a true friend.

Breed standards

The latest breed standard for the Brussels Griffon was introduced in 2003. The color of the coat is red in various shades, the coat itself is hard with undercoat. The nose is black, at the same level as the eyes. The head is quite large relative to the body. The tail is carried high and carried upward.

Important! A serious fault is a tail that is too short or curled.

The lower jaw is pushed forward. A serious drawback of the breed is crooked teeth, because of this the dog may not be allowed to participate in the exhibition. The limbs are parallel to each other and widely spaced. The fingers are tightly clenched and merging is not allowed.

Character of the Brussels Griffon

These small dogs have a sense of self-esteem, it is in the Brussels Griffon's blood. They are very active, friendly and playful. They have a rare instinct for guessing the mood of their owners and are ready to follow them everywhere. Despite its miniature size, this dog breed is devoted to its owner and is ready to protect him even at the cost of his own life.

The Brussels Griffon usually gets along well with other pets, be they larger dogs or cats. Separation from the owner is difficult to bear, so if you are rarely at home or your work involves traveling, then this will not be the best option pet. Some owners note that Brussels Griffons are restless; they react violently to every rustle, but with proper training, this can be easily eliminated. It is worth noting the intelligence and intelligence of these dogs; they are highly trainable and easily remember commands.


In general, the Brussels Griffon dog has a fairly strong immunity, characteristic diseases Hardly ever. Some problems with the eyes and ears should be mentioned, but these affect the quality of life rather than its duration. With proper care and feeding, such dogs can live from 8 to 12 years, this average in purebred animals. There were also real centenarians who lived up to 16 years.

Keeping the Brussels Griffon at home

A dog of this breed can be kept in a city apartment or a country house; he will be equally comfortable everywhere. A short 20-40 minute walk is enough to give your Brussels Griffon the exercise it needs. This is not a couch dog breed as it might seem at first glance; they need to run and jump over small obstacles appropriate to their size.

Important! After a walk, the wool needs to be cleaned; you can use a rough rag, this will be enough to remove dirt.

In cold weather, especially in autumn, when it is damp and wet, it is worth wearing a Brussels Griffon. This will help keep the coat clean and protect the animal from hypothermia. So that your pet does not get bored at home, he needs to have several toys, so the Brussels Griffon can while away the time when he is left alone, then the furniture and shoes will remain intact.

Care, hygiene

Although the Brussels Griffon is considered a decorative dog breed, it is not that difficult to care for. The coat should be combed once every 10-15 days, and during shedding - once a week. Ears and eyes should be cleaned as needed. Don’t forget that the Brussels Griffon’s eyes are a weak point, and if you notice that something is wrong with your pet, contact your veterinarian, this will help quickly solve the problem if it arises.

Teeth deserve special attention; they should be cleaned using special pastes. In severe cases, you can resort to the help of a specialist, where the problem will be quickly and safely solved using ultrasound. Brussels Griffons can be bathed once every 3-4 months, but more often is not necessary.

Diet - what to feed the Brussels Griffon

Despite its small size, this cute dog has an excellent appetite, all thanks to its activity. She is not in danger of overeating, since all the excess goes away during active walks. If you are a supporter of ready-made food, then small dog breeds will be suitable for your pet. From natural food, Brussels Griffons can be given boiled beef, rabbit, chicken - if, various porridges in meat broth. The main thing is to avoid fatty foods, this is not good for even the healthiest dogs.

Diseases, breed defects

Worth your time Special attention eye condition, this is a weak point in Brussels Griffons; they are often susceptible to cataracts, conjunctivitis and progressive retinal atrophy. Dropping out eyeball- also a defect of this breed.

Important! In damp and cold weather, they should be worn, as they can become hypothermic and catch a cold.

The Brussels Griffon's teeth also need to be looked after; they are prone to excessive tartar formation.

Before you decide to purchase a puppy, be sure to look at the conditions in which the animals are kept. Examine the puppy you like. Healthy baby The Brussels Griffon should be moderately well-fed. A sure sign of health is the eyes; they should be clear and clean.

Where to buy, what to look for

Buy puppies like this rare breed, as the Brussels Griffon is better from trusted breeders. In this case, you will receive a healthy, strong and vaccinated puppy. They will also always help you with advice if problems arise.

This is interesting! When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to appearance both the children themselves and their parents.

A conscientious breeder will not interfere with this.

Brussels Griffon dog price

The Brussels Griffon has become known in Russia since the early 90s, but has never become a very popular breed. Prices for puppies range from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles. It all depends on the class of the puppy, its gender and color. A Brussels Griffon can be bought for 10,000 rubles, but of course there is no guarantee that this is a healthy animal with a good pedigree.

Some people like large fighting dogs, while others prefer small decorative ones. Dwarf dog breeds are most suitable for city apartments. Among them, Griffon especially stands out. These funny creatures are very popular. The article will tell you what they look like and what are the features of caring for them.


Miniature dog breeds are still in demand today. But not everyone knows that there are subspecies of Griffons. They have some differences in appearance and character. Let's look at which ones exactly.

So, the mini Griffon dog breeds are described below:


Some believe that Griffon is the most beautiful dogs in the world.

And indeed their appearance is very unusual. The animal is small in size. An adult reaches a height of 28-30 centimeters. Weight ranges from 3 to 6 kilograms. The width and length of the body are equal.

The Griffin dog breed has the following standards:


It should be noted that the Griffin is a very friendly and energetic dog. Can't stand loneliness.

Therefore, it is better to choose this breed for those who have time to regularly exercise with their pet: walk, play with it.

Below are distinctive features character, compiled based on reviews from owners of this variety:

However, if the Griffon dog is not trained from puppyhood, it becomes spoiled, sassy and complacent.
Therefore, in order for your pet to grow up obedient, you need to work with it. Fits this breed for families with children. After all, dogs love babies very much. True, if you squeeze them excessively and cause pain, the animal may growl. But Griffon will not allow himself to bite a child.

These small, smooth-haired dogs are an excellent option for a city apartment or country house. Many people planning to buy a pet end up choosing the Griffon. After all, this dog is easy to care for and has a good disposition.

Nuances of care and maintenance

It is important to know how to care for a Griffon dog. Veterinarians advise brushing your pets daily. And during molting, it is better to trim them. Although the Griffon's coat is tough and does not get dirty or wet, it still needs to be cleaned after a walk. For this, use ordinary water. Detergents do not use.

It is important to monitor the health of your pet. This dwarf breed often suffers from periodontal disease. Teeth need to be kept clean. To do this, use a special toothpaste. The procedure should be carried out carefully and with patience. You cannot shout or hit Griffon.

It is important to organize a balanced and nutritious diet. The diet should include everything essential vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements. Feeding can be dry or wet. It is better to buy ready-made super premium kits. It is not recommended to mix dry food and natural homemade products.


The Griffon dog breed is very expensive. So, the price for puppies reaches 25,000 rubles. Purebred pets are not easy to acquire. After all, few people breed these funny creatures. This explains the high cost.

When choosing a puppy, it is important to pay attention to the behavior of the animal; it must be adapted and accustomed to human hands.
Do not show shyness, aggression, or hysteria. The ears and eyes should be examined for discharge. A healthy individual has a wet nose. You also need to feel your stomach. If it is swollen, there are probably digestive problems or worms.

After purchase you need to start veterinary passport and a card. Get all necessary vaccinations. Regular preventive examination is the key to good health and longevity of your pet.

Griffons are smart and brave dogs that once performed the dangerous work of rat catchers. Today they are exclusively an ornamental breed and are valued for their lively temperament, intelligence and unusual appearance.

Cynologists distinguish three varieties of griffons: Belgian, Brussels and Petit Brabançon (Brabant or small griffon). The FCI has a separate standard for each of them; in some countries they are recognized as separate breeds, and in others they are merged into one. Griffons differ from each other only in color, structure and long coat. They are often used together in breeding, so one litter can contain puppies of all three types.

Origin story

Dog handlers agree that griffons originated from miniature wire-haired terriers from Flemish (a region of Belgium). For the first time, their images are found on canvases of the 15th century, for example, in a painting from 1430 by the painter Jan van Eyck entitled “The Arnolfini Couple.” In addition to the spouses, the canvas depicts them small terrier, who is considered the progenitor of the breed. Another, no less reliable source is the portrait of Henry III with a dog in his arms, which belongs to the brush of Jacobo de Empoli, painted at the end of the 16th century.

During their existence, these miniature dogs They lived not only in the chambers of noble people, they were also kept by ordinary peasants to guard stables, docks in port cities and fight rats.

Griffons were first presented as a separate breed at an exhibition in Brussels (1880) under the name “small terrier with rough hair.” After the exhibition, active work began to improve the breed; they were crossed with pugs, Yorkshire terriers, Affenpinschers, King Charles and ruby ​​spaniels. As a result, the breed was divided into three types.

At the beginning of the 20th century, griffins attracted the attention of the royal family and became a very popular breed in high circles, but the military disasters of the last century sadly affected their fate. In their homeland, these dogs have become even rarer than in Italy, France or Switzerland.

Video review about the Belgian, Brussels and Brabant Griffon dog breeds:

Appearance and standards

The Griffon of any variety is a well-balanced dog of almost square format with well-developed bones. At the same time, a certain elegance can be traced in the constitution and movements, and the muzzle is distinguished by an almost human expression. Height at the withers is 26-32 cm, weight is 3.5-6 kg.

Head and muzzle

The head of the griffin is quite large in relation to the body, the skull is wide and rounded. The forehead is convex, the transition to the muzzle is well defined. The black nose with wide open nostrils is located in line with the eyes, the tip of the nose is slightly tilted back. The muzzle is very short, no more than 1.5 cm in length. The lower jaw is wide, the bite is undershot. With the mouth tightly closed, the teeth or tongue should not protrude. The eyes are widely spaced, round, large, but not protruding. The color of the iris is as dark as possible, it is desirable that the whites of the eyes are not visible. The ears are small, set high at a moderate distance, hanging on cartilage.


The neck is of medium length. The back is short, strong, straight. The croup is slightly sloping. The tail is set high and carried upward. The limbs are parallel, strong with good bones. The paws are small and round. The fingers are tightly clenched. Pads and claws are dark in color. According to the standard, 2/3 docking of the ears and tail is allowed.

Coat and colors

The coat of Belgian and Brussels Giffons is hard with an undercoat, and may be slightly wavy, but not curly. Longer hair on the face forms thick beard mustache and eyebrows.

Belgian Griffon Can only be black or black and tan. The tan marks should be of a stable, pure color, located on the front legs up to the wrist, on the hind legs up to the hock joint, and also on the chest, inside limbs, chin and cheekbones, under the eyes, around the anus and on the inside of the ears. Black can be mixed with brown, this is allowed by the standard, but preference is given to dogs with a rich, regular color.

Brussels Griffon It only comes in red color. A small amount of black hair may be present on the face: in the eyebrows, beard and mustache.

Braban Griffon(petit Brabançon or petit Brabançon) differs from previous varieties also in the length of the coat, most of its length is 2 cm. The hair is hard, straight and shiny, lying tightly to the body. The colors can be the same as those of the Brussels or Brabant Griffon: red, black, black and tan, but there is also a fourth option, unique to it - mixed, a mixture of red, black and brown. Such dogs look very elegant, and their fur shimmers in the sun.

All three varieties allow a small amount of white chest hair.

A griffon is a dog for every “taste”, if you want a bearded and shaggy one, a red one or a black one – the Brussels and Belgian griffon please. If you want smooth fur, without a mustache or beard, there is one like this – a Brabançon. There is one breed, but several options.

Character and psychological portrait

Griffons are very smart, quick-witted and attentive dogs. They are people-oriented and very attached to the owner, trying to follow him everywhere and please him in every possible way. In addition, they perfectly capture a person’s mood and adapt to the pace of family life. The dogs are hardy and active, and rarely cause trouble when traveling.

Griffons are very playful and friendly, but they are wary of strangers. They have outstanding security qualities and may not do anything to an ill-wisher, but they will definitely warn about the intrusion with a ringing bark. In normal circumstances they are quite silent.

The pet will be happy to take part in all family affairs. With proper upbringing, puppies grow up to be obedient, tactful and neat dogs, but if you give in some slack, the griffon will try to climb onto your neck with its innocent expression. Griffins will be happy in a family with children, because then they will be able to be constant and tireless participants in games.

Life in a group of other animals usually does not cause difficulties. Griffins are very friendly and peaceful, they will not enter into conflict or sort things out, and will try to get along with their neighbors. In rare cases, they are jealous and stubborn.

Owners of small dogs, one and all, leave only positive reviews about your charges. They write that they are unpretentious, very smart and balanced, which is important for small breeds. I’m always ready to go on a trip, lie on the sofa, please, play with great pleasure. Griffons are called monkeys because of the special structure of their faces and the ability to work with their front paws and pick up toys or light objects.

Education and training

There is no special training for decorative breeds, but the dog must know and carry out a basic set of commands upon the owner’s first request. It is necessary to raise a griffon and teach it obedience with early age, otherwise the dog’s independence will prevail. Griffons are very easy to train various tricks, quickly remember them and happily perform them.

Griffons are small, energetic and very playful dogs; they require walking twice a day, but without excessive stress. In addition to walking on fresh air, you need to spend some time playing games at home. With a griffon you can participate in agility.

Little ones decorative dogs will feel great in apartments of any size. Of course, the dog should have its own place with a bed and toys. They get along well with other animals, even with cats, if they don’t mind their company. Sometimes griffons are jealous if they see that their owner devotes less time to them than to other pets. Dogs get along well with children, but with older ones. To a small child It’s hard to explain that you need to be very careful with a miniature griffon.

We can recommend this dog breed to anyone who needs a small, playful and loyal companion. The dogs do not require complex care and are perfect even for beginners, and their cheerful disposition will fit perfectly into a family with small children.


Usually, griffons are fed with dry ready-made food, which is selected taking into account the age and physiological condition of the dog. Feeding can be arranged if desired. natural products. Griffons are not picky when it comes to food, they love to eat, they are not prone to being overweight, but they have no need to overeat. If you prefer ready-made food, it is better to use high-quality holistic food or at least super-premium food.


It is not difficult to care for a griffon, the dog is brushed weekly, it needs trimming and a haircut twice a year, and if it is planned to participate in an exhibition, then the procedures are done more often. Bath as needed. Griffons rarely have time to wear their claws down while walking, so they need to be trimmed. After each feeding, the dog's beard is washed and combed.

Hygiene issues

The eyes should not be cleaned or put in anything unless necessary. Care consists of carefully monitoring their condition, promptly removing the secretions that have accumulated in the corners, and making sure that the hair does not get on the cornea. Ears must be kept clean and dry. Clean if necessary auricle from accumulations of sulfur. You can use special lotions for cleaning.

Dental care is primarily necessary to prevent such common problems as plaque and tartar. Some dogs never experience the disease, while others are more susceptible to it. Both are recommended to brush their teeth at least once a week. Alternatively, you can give special treats, chewable enamel tablets, or use an oral spray.

For some dogs, the anal glands become a real problem. These are two small glands located on either side of the anus, in which excess secretions often accumulate and cause inflammation. The first sign that it is time to pay attention to the tail is the dog's restlessness, itching and redness in the anal area.


In wire-haired dogs, shedding is weakly expressed, and therefore they have to be helped to free themselves from overripe hair and remove it manually. The procedure of plucking the awns and undercoat is called trimming or stripping. It is usually carried out 3-4 times a year and at least 2 times. Between full trips, show dogs are plucked according to the standard scheme. At the end of trimming, a light haircut is performed. Hair trimming is the final stage, the hairstyle takes on a neat and finished look. It is strictly not recommended to cut dogs all over the body with scissors or clippers; this negatively affects the quality of the hair and color.

The Lesser Brabançon, unlike its wire-haired counterparts, does not need trimming, but does shed. Coat care involves regular brushing with a natural bristle brush.

Health and life expectancy

For the most part, griffons have good health. The diseases to which they are most predisposed include:

  • Eye diseases (eyeball loss, cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, distichiasis);
  • Cryptorchidism occurs in males;
  • Very rarely a spinal cyst is reported;
  • Narrowed nostrils;
  • Difficult childbirth (in this case, a veterinarian is often needed to perform a Caesarean section);
  • Like other miniature breeds, the Griffon is susceptible to hydrocephalus (water on the brain).

Choosing a puppy and the price of a griffon

You can start choosing a puppy by visiting an exhibition, getting to know kennels and representatives of the breed. Nothing speaks better about a puppy's prospects than its parents. And it is advisable to see them not in photographs, but in real life, evaluate the disadvantages and advantages, look at their character and behavior.

They take the puppy home from 2-2.5 months, and you can come for the first viewing when they are 30-40 days old. Attention is paid to the conditions of detention and exterior data, which already at this age should largely correspond to the standard. Puppies should be active, inquisitive and healthy, with no signs of fear or aggression.

The price of a griffon puppy depends on the class and prospects, ranging from 300 to 1000 dollars.


Photos of the Belgian, Brussels and Brabant Griffon.

The Brussels Griffon, little known in Russia and Ukraine, is popular in European countries. This cheerful dog has aristocratic manners and an unusual appearance. The dog's beard and upturned nose give the breed extravagance and cute perkiness.

Breed characteristics

History of the Brussels Griffon breed

In Belgium, by crossing the local breed Smousje with small dogs, three similar breeds were obtained: Pit Brabançon, Belgian and Brussels Griffons. The difference between dogs is the coat color and the presence of a beard in griffons. This is a decorative breed that belongs to the group of companion dogs.

The breed was registered in 1883. The breed standard was first approved at the end of 1998 at an exhibition in Brussels. The standards were later changed in 2003. Dog handlers made adjustments to them that related to the colors of the breed. Before the changes, Brussels Griffons could only have a red color; according to the new rules, the addition of black is allowed.

Description of the breed

The Brussels Griffon is a small indoor dog with an upturned nose like a pug and a shaggy head. Because of their unusual appearance, these dogs are compared to brownies.

This perky dog ​​has a cheerful and friendly disposition. Its small size makes the breed dependent on humans, but the dog is self-confident. Small Brussels Griffons are not afraid large dogs, so it is better to keep your pet on a leash when outdoors.

The energy of a dog with a funny appearance is enough for several dogs. The breed loves active, but not noisy games, jumps well and loves to chase a ball or stick. The cheerful dog is liked by children and adults, but in Russia and Ukraine the breed has just begun to appear and is little known to our dog breeders.

The Griffon is suitable as a companion for an elderly single person or couple, and will also become a devoted friend for a child. But you should not get a puppy in a family with very young children. The dog is small and a child can inadvertently injure the puppy.

Breed standard (appearance)

  1. Body. Compact, dense, square shape. The height of the dog at the withers should be equal to the distance from the shoulder blade to the top hind paw animal.
  2. Back. Straight, not narrow. The withers are slightly higher than the croup.
  3. Paws. Straight, thin, but with well-developed muscles. The pads and claws are graceful and tightly packed. The front ones are widely spaced, parallel to each other. Turning the paws in any direction is unacceptable.
  4. Neck. Dense, short. Forms a right angle with the body.
  5. Head. Almost round in shape, all covered with coarse wire-like wool.
  6. Forehead. Wide, rounded, well defined.
  7. Muzzle. Flat and round.
  8. Nose. Short and upturned, the length of the back is no more than 1.5 cm. A big drawback is the location of the nose below the line that can be drawn along the bottom of the eyes. The lobe is black with open and wide nostrils. The tip of the nose is located in the same plane as the most convex point of the forehead.
  9. Lips. Located close to each other, thin without flying wings. The lower lip is open and does not overlap with the upper. The edge of the lips is painted black.
  10. Bite. Non-standard. The lower jaw is wider and protrudes forward. An underbite is considered the standard, but an overbite is also allowed. The animal's mouth is always tightly closed, the teeth do not stick out, and the tongue does not fall out.
  11. Eyes. Absolutely round, large, slightly convex. Dogs with almond-shaped and small eyes are rejected. The color of the pupils is dark. Light eye colors are not allowed.
  12. Ears. Triangular in shape, small, set high. Semi-erect on cartilages, tips falling forward. Puppies are rejected from long ears, since large tips can fall to the side. In some countries, the ears are cropped, in which case small erect ears remain.
  13. Tail. Docked at ⅔, set high. A curled tail is not allowed.
  14. Wool cover. The outer coat is hard and hard. There is a thick undercoat. The awn is slightly wavy, but without curls. Long hair on paws elbow joint and on the head. The griffon has a thick mustache, beard and eyebrows.
  15. Color. Red and bright brown color. According to the new standard, some black hairs on the head are allowed. Black and tan only comes in the Belgian variety. Gray, chocolate and liver colored pets are rejected. The presence of white inclusions or spots is also unacceptable.
  16. Dimensions. According to the standard, height at the withers is not precisely specified. Average adult dog at the withers from 26 to 32 cm. Mini representatives of the breed no more than 25 cm.
  17. Weight. By the age of two, the griffon weighs from 3.5 to 6 kg.

Character traits

A small decorative dog has the following features:

  • dependent on the owner and strongly attached to the family. A change of family is unacceptable, as the dog becomes depressed and may die of melancholy;
  • practically does not bark. He gives his voice in the rarest of cases;
  • is good with other animals and can be kept with cats and other breeds. But he will not play with them, but will stay apart, trying not to notice other pets;
  • a discreet dog and will not chase cats and birds on the street;
  • loves active games, but is always reserved and does not show excessive emotionality;
  • Cables are not cowardly and will not back down from large breeds. But they will never be the first to get into a fight or bully;
  • the dog has a stable psyche, it is not afraid of sharp sounds and tolerates climate change well;
  • treats children well, but will not show special interest in them. The dog does not like too noisy games; the griffon will stay away and watch. Happy to bring a ball or favorite toy;
  • loves long walks.

The Brussels Griffon can. In bad weather, it is not necessary to walk the dog; it is enough to teach the baby to wear a disposable diaper or. In good weather, the breed needs to be walked two to three times a day.

For small dog A separate place is allocated in the house. Usually the animal itself chooses a place in the owner’s chair or bed. A small dog does not need special grooming; it is enough to follow simple rules.

  1. The Brussels Griffon has a smooth coat, but the hair on the face and paws is longer and requires brushing. Coarse and short hair on the body is combed once a week with a special brush to remove undercoat.
  2. In spring and autumn, dead guard hairs are plucked out. It is easier to trim a dog using a special knife and a thumb attachment.
  3. Trimming of the beard and eyebrows is allowed. You can’t completely trim your dog’s hair, it will ruin the correct height guard wool.
  4. Once every two weeks they are trimmed with special clippers. It is important to remove only the very tip of the claw, without affecting the living part of the plate.
  5. The dog's eyes can become inflamed due to thick and long eyebrows. Once a day, wipe the eyes with cotton pads soaked in chamomile or calendula infusion. As a preventive measure, anti-inflammatory drops are instilled.
  6. Ears are scanned once a week. For treatment, boric alcohol or a special antiseptic is used.

The animal is provided with separate bowls for liquid and dry food, under water. The decorative breed does not tolerate drafts well, so the bed is located in the warmest and most quiet place in the house.


The Brussels Griffon's immunity is no worse than that of other decorative breeds. Before changing baby teeth, the puppy is vaccinated against diseases: hepatitis, enteritis, plague. It is not necessary to vaccinate a small dog against rabies, with the exception of animals that live in the private sector and near forested areas.

The breed is predisposed to diseases of the organs of vision:

  • retinal atrophy - develops against the background of repeated inflammatory disease eye. The pathology progresses quickly, so at the first signs you should consult a specialist;
  • cataracts - develops in pets in old age;
  • profuse eyelashes or distichiasis;
  • displacement of the eyeball - prolapse is caused by shallow bony orbits, but can occur due to injury;
  • bitches often have bad labor activity. An animal cannot give birth on its own; the help of a specialist is required.


The reserved dog is easy to train. The dog remembers any commands for a long time and is capable of performing the most complex tricks. Training begins immediately after the puppy gets used to its name and new owner.

For an ornamental breed, it is enough to know a few basic commands: come to me, walk, sit, place, next to me, fu. It is necessary to train a puppy in game form. You cannot punish a puppy if something doesn’t work out for him. The little dog takes any punishment hard.

Any command executed must be rewarded by the owner. As a reward, you can use ready-made treats: Chewell Dental, Triol, Mnyams.

The breed is quite picky about food and is difficult to please your pet. It is recommended to keep the dog on dry specialized food for decorative breeds. Suitable brands: Hills with lamb and rice, Royal Canin X-Small Adul, Pro Plan OPTI Digest Sensitive Digestion Small & Mini Adult, Adult Adulte.

The diet of a dog on natural food includes the following products:

  • lean meat: beef, veal, turkey, rabbit;
  • cereals: corn, buckwheat, rice;
  • eggs: quail, chicken;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt without dyes;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Attention! The peculiarities of the bite and the miniature size of the teeth make it difficult to chew hard food, so all foods are boiled or stewed until soft. The meat is cut into small pieces.

An adult dog eats no more than 500 ml of liquid food per day. It is recommended to feed the dog twice a day. For puppies up to three months old, liquid porridge with milk mixture is prepared. Feeding frequency: every 3–4 hours. Serving size is no more than 150 ml. Gradually added to the diet dairy products and boiled meat. Eggs and vegetables are introduced gradually, one product per week. When allergic reaction new product is excluded. By 6 months, the dog is transferred to four feedings a day. At eight months, the number of servings per day decreases to three. By the age of one year, the pet is transferred to two feedings a day.

For a pet on natural food, vitamins are added to the diet: 8 in 1 Excel Multi Vitamin Small Breed, Unitabs Immuno Complex with Q10, Radostin for small dogs, Biorhythm.



The photo shows red color. A dog with a shaggy face and a look like a living person.

Black Belgian Griffon with tan marks. The dogs are distinguished only by the color of their coat.

Brussels Griffon puppies

Being decorative dog, the Brussels Griffon does not display the same aristocratic appearance as the Maltese, Pekingese or Yorkie. On the contrary, the ragged, self-confident dog creates the impression of an arrogant and uncouth big-faced hillbilly. Although upon closer acquaintance it turns out that in front of you is a gentle and vulnerable creature, capable of showing signs of shyness in the company of strangers.

Historical reference

It is believed that the Brussels Griffon breed owes its appearance to two breeds - the pug and the Affen pinscher. Although the breed originally originated from the Smousje dog, which lived in the vicinity of Brussels. From the pug, the Brussels Griffon dog received the shape of its head and adopted its smooth coat. The pug endowed the dogs, which are more reminiscent of monkeys, with funny faces capable of making unforgettable faces. Thanks to the pug, griffons have a shortened muzzle. From them the dogs inherited a specific bite.

Recognition of the breed's independence occurred only at the end of the 19th century, when in 1880 the dogs appeared at an exhibition in Brussels. The Brussels Griffon breed is ideal for graceful ladies who want to look fashionable. The funny creatures were recognized by the Queen of Belgium, after which the standard was approved in 1904.

Description of the breed

Today the world knows about three beautiful Belgian Griffon dogs, the differences are only in the type of coat and color:

  1. Brussels Griffon;
  2. Belgian Griffon;
  3. Brabant blenny (Petit Brabançon).


  • The Brussels Griffon dog breed has medium-length hair, similar to that of the Belgian Griffon.
  • The breed is capable of learning quickly; its ancestors endowed the dog with a sharp mind that easily grasps knowledge on the fly. Love for the owner and desire to learn allows training without difficulties.
  • Purchasing a Brussels Griffon will require a prior appointment with a breeder or kennel. The dog is rare, but there are many who want to buy it.


The breed belongs to classification 9.3, Toy and companion dogs, subcategory - small Belgian dogs. Breed characteristics:

  • 26-32 cm height;
  • 3-6 kg weight;
  • Visible tongue and teeth;
  • The presence of a crest;
  • The claws are brown;
  • Small eyes, light;
  • Fused fingers;
  • Dry build;
  • Round head, convex forehead;
  • Presence of an overbite;
  • High set ears;
  • Short body;
  • High set tail;
  • Wide chest;
  • Straight limbs;
  • Rust-red color;
  • Smooth coat, medium length.

Deviations from recognized standards are perceived as shortcomings. Dogs exhibiting physical or mental abnormalities are subject to disqualification. Dogs with white spots and other colors that do not meet the standards will be disqualified.

Griffon character

No matter how small and cute the Brussels Griffon may seem, you have to remember that these are terriers. Genetics influences the development of character. When describing dogs, we proceed from the specified factor. Like all terriers, Brussels Griffons become very attached to their owners. When purchasing a dog, be prepared to acquire a “tail” that follows the owner everywhere.

  • Vulnerability

Dogs have a vulnerable character. They are affectionate and friendly, love their family madly and are devoted until the end of their days. They love children and are always happy to play and have fun. They become loyal comrades to the owner.

  • Shyness

The amazing thing about dogs is their inherent shyness. The character trait manifests itself, more often than not, in the company of strangers. However, the life position of the creatures is cheerful.

  • Intolerance of loneliness

The dog is not a house dog, but a constant companion. The Brussels Griffon cannot tolerate loneliness and needs the constant presence of its owner. If it is not possible to carry out most time is near, it is better to give up the desire to have a dog of a similar breed.

The Brussels Griffon's dependency is directly related to its sensitive nature. Griffons are far from being cowards or timid; they easily become spoiled if their owners mostly play with the dogs, fulfilling their whims and not paying attention to their upbringing. Pets need stability around them and constancy - then they become happy. Change is not for these dogs!

Brussels Griffons are now considered favorites at dog shows and favorites of gentle ladies. The first representatives of the breed looked different - they had an elongated muzzle and looked as dirty as only a rat catcher could look, constantly roaming around in basements and hot spots in search of prey. Modern griffons have lost the skill of rat catchers, but have retained courage and an active life position.

  • Activity

Fatigue and sleepless nights will not keep the baby in place; the dog strives to explore the world. The quality is noticeably evident during trips or hikes - the pet will be happy to keep the owner company, even when conquering Elbrus. The cheerful disposition and temperament of a sanguine person makes dogs favorites in the house. Brussels Griffons love to be the center of attention and are great with children.

Brussels Griffons are recognized as selfish in nature; they can be demanding and capricious.

  • Domination

Owners are supposed to give their dogs no more attention than is required. Griffons, despite their small size, show a tendency to dominate. It makes no difference to dogs whether they dominate their owner or a relative who is significantly larger in size. The earlier a griffon is socialized, the calmer life will be in the future.

The Brussels Griffon is considered an interesting dog that arouses the admiration of others. People try to pet or get closer to the dog, which causes an understandable reaction from the dog. Early socialization will help to avoid unpleasant behavior or minimize aggression towards strangers.

  • Fearlessness

Description of the Brussels Griffon breed includes character traits: recklessness and fearlessness. The authority of the owner is above all else for the griffon. However, devotion requires a human response. The dog knows its worth and demands respect.

Pet care

Caring for the Brussels Griffon is easy; the dogs are clean and not picky. You just need to follow the rules:

  1. Combing. Brush the coat thoroughly and gradually every week. The procedure has a good effect on the regeneration of the coat and promotes skin restoration through massage. When purchasing a Brussels Griffon, buy a special glove for grooming, avoiding difficulties with the coat during periods of intense shedding.
  2. Cleaning wool. This is done using a brush to remove dirt if the dog lives in the city. Griffons are active and love to wallow in the grass. After walks, wet clean the coat either with a sponge soaked in water or by bathing. However, apply hygiene products Not recommended.
  3. Trimming. Brussels Griffon puppies and adults require trimming during molting periods to remove dead hairs. After trimming, the coat becomes smooth and soft.
  4. Mustache and beard. The hair on the face is plucked, then the mustache and beard are given the desired shape with scissors.
  5. Folds on the muzzle. Brussels Griffons have folds on their muzzle; they will need to be inspected and cleaned regularly to prevent arguing, the cause unpleasant odor or a source of infection.
  6. Ear cleaning. Proper care involves regular cleaning of the ears and trimming of hair near the hearing organs.
  7. Dental health. You should carefully monitor your teeth, brush them on time and, at the slightest appearance of periodontal disease, take them to the veterinarian. It is advisable to carry out cleaning yourself using a special brush and paste.

The Brussels Griffon sometimes resists during grooming, nail trimming, and ear cleaning. If you indulge their whims, the dogs will never allow the owner to bring the pets into proper shape. You will need to suppress the possibility of resistance, show the dog who is boss, or redirect the little sly one.

The lap dog requires constant and long walks to frolic and play. This practice is the prevention of obesity. As you know, tame little pets that sit for hours in the arms of their owners turn into barrels. The Brussels Griffon requires active walks.

What to feed your dog

Griffons are active, love to eat well, dog experts recommend feeding the animal exclusively with balanced ready-made food designed for small breeds leading an active lifestyle. You should approach the choice of food carefully, choose high quality, premium, super premium food.

Do not overfeed babies. Do not overindulge in treats, which dogs are capable of absorbing in unprecedented quantities. It is recommended to follow similar advice when feeding Brussels Griffon puppies.

It is important to wash your pets after eating; their shaggy muzzle collects dirt and food debris, provoking the development of infections. You should lightly wipe the face with a damp cloth, then dry the fur with a dry towel. After eating, it is recommended to remove the bowl so that the dog does not poke its muzzle in search of food - this action causes a constant appetite in the pet.

Training Basics

Training the Brussels Griffon is fun and interesting; kids strive to learn a lesson in a short time. Don’t underestimate the intelligence and intelligence of dogs; they grow up quickly and understand what is and isn’t possible. You should not scold children or raise your voice when training - the change in the owner’s mood is felt by the pets. As a result, the dog begins to get nervous and stops obeying. Try to show respect to the creatures - dogs know their worth.

Curiosity and a love of learning can help you master common and necessary commands within a few days:

  • "To me!";
  • "sit";
  • "lie";
  • "stand";
  • "voice" and others.

A good trainer is able to teach a dog so that it instantly carries out a basic set of commands, without delay. Each performance should be rewarded; non-compliance suggests a change in the training method. It is shown to communicate with the dog and demonstrate love. Pushed by reciprocal feelings, the pet will learn basic commands and funny tricks.

The breed is active; after tiring training, it is recommended to go for a run or play an outdoor game. Being small dogs, griffons do not need physical activity, the need for movement is satisfied by running around the house. But short walks and noisy games on the street will be a joy.

Brussels Griffons are perfectly adapted to apartment life; they bark when the doorbell rings, but do not disturb with vocal noise throughout the day. Dogs prefer peace and peaceful coexistence.

Diseases of the breed

The unusual anatomy of the dogs' faces makes them exotic, but becomes the cause of the disease - retinal atrophy, which gradually progresses. Narrowed nostrils, the appearance of additional eyelashes, cataracts - this is an incomplete list of diseases of the breed. Like other dogs with protruding eyes, Brussels Griffons are at high risk of eyeball prolapse.

Excessively small dogs are likely to have difficulty giving birth, C-section not uncommon for dogs.

An additional scourge of miniature dogs is hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain), which accompanies Brussels Griffons.