Sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion: forms of the disease, causes and diagnosis. Sinusitis without fever, are antibiotics needed? Special instructions for performing the “cuckoo test”

Sinusitis is one of the types that is characterized by inflammation of the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinus). The name of the disease comes from the name of the sinus, the defeat of which causes the disease (the maxillary sinus in medicine is called the maxillary sinus; these sinuses are located on both sides of the nose, just below the eyes). The inflammatory process affects one or both maxillary sinuses.

Sinusitis can develop at any age, including in children. The incidence of sinusitis increases significantly in the cold season and can occur in various forms. When the disease develops, the inflammatory process covers both or one maxillary sinus. In this article you will learn about what the symptoms of sinusitis may be and how to treat it.


Experts believe that the main reason for the formation of pathology is the presence of bacterial or viral agents in maxillary sinuses Oh. During the autumn-winter period, the immune system is weakened and the body is susceptible to the penetration of bacteria that can provoke illness.

The maxillary sinuses are located in the thickness of the bones of the upper jaw closer to the nasal passage and have a volume of about 30 cm³. They secrete a secretion that moisturizes the nasal passages, protecting them from dust, allergens and pollution.

The causes of sinusitis can be different. For example:

  • congenital disorders of the anatomy of the nasal cavity (deviated septum, enlarged nasal turbinates);
  • allergic diseases;
  • prolonged stay in a room where the air is too dry and heated to a high temperature;
  • being in a draft;
  • past influenza or;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • mechanical damage to the nasal septum (any physical impact, injury, etc.);
  • growth of polyps and;
  • dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis, fungal infection mucous membranes, radiation sickness, tumors, etc.

The incidence of sinusitis is very high. Among diseases of the ENT organs they occupy first place. According to statistics, about 10 million people get sick in Russia every year.

Types of sinusitis

Sinusitis can be catarrhal or purulent. In catarrhal sinusitis, the discharge from the maxillary sinus is aseptic in nature, while in purulent sinusitis it contains microflora.

In the photo you can see: unilateral and bilateral sinusitis

Depending on what caused the onset of sinusitis, there are several types:

  • varieties by degree of coverage distinguish between unilateral and bilateral sinusitis;
  • depending on the presence of inflammation in one maxillary sinus or in both;
  • according to the nature of the disease: acute, subacute and chronic sinusitis;
  • Depending on the cause of sinusitis, it happens: viral, bacterial, fungal, traumatic.

Most often, both sinuses become inflamed, so bilateral sinusitis is most common. However, there are cases when the left or right sinus becomes inflamed, depending on this they distinguish between left-sided and right-sided.

Any type of sinusitis is dangerous to human health. Because it can or cause a more serious illness. If characteristic symptoms of sinusitis occur, it is necessary to begin treatment to avoid serious consequences.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults

Often adults exhibit the following symptoms of sinusitis:

  • Weakness;
  • Constant nasal congestion;
  • Cough;
  • Chills;
  • Chronic courses of tonsillitis;
  • Fever;
  • Pain syndromes that radiate to the forehead, teeth, nose. Pain sensations depend on which side the maxillary sinus is inflamed and filled with pus. The head may hurt on the right side or on the left.

One of the symptoms of sinusitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane. The photo above shows how the air circulation in the sinuses is blocked due to the swollen mucous membrane.

Signs of acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis indicates that the infection develops quickly (over several days) and spreads throughout the body in a short time. Characteristic clinical symptoms of mild acute sinusitis are:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • mucous discharge, in rare cases mucopurulent;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • slight pain in the forehead or projection of the maxillary sinuses.

Acute sinusitis of moderate and severe course is characterized by:

  • general intoxication;
  • fever of 38ᵒC and above;
  • intense headache;
  • severe pain in the projection of the sinuses;
  • swelling of the eyelids and soft tissues of the face.

In moderate and severe cases of the disease, there is a risk of developing intracranial complications.

Symptoms of the chronic form

Chronic sinusitis in remission occurs with mild symptoms. Patients are usually concerned about:

  • slight weakness, fatigue;
  • intermittent headache without clear localization;
  • nasal congestion, as a result of which the sense of smell is impaired;
  • pain and sore throat when swallowing, caused by the irritating effect of mucus flowing from the inflamed sinus through back wall pharynx;
  • Often, especially in the morning, patients' eyelids swell and conjunctivitis appears.
  • some swelling in the area of ​​​​the projection of the sinus onto the face.

When chronic sinusitis enters the acute stage, the patient’s well-being worsens:

  • they note severe weakness,
  • slight increase in temperature (usually no more than 37.5–37.7 C);
  • The discharge changes its color most often a week after the exacerbation of the disease, it becomes yellow and sinusitis turns into a purulent form.
  • The headache becomes more intense, especially when tilting the head forward, and a feeling of heaviness appears in the head.

Due to blockage of the mucous glands in chronic sinusitis, true cysts and small pseudocysts of the maxillary sinus often form.

Allergic sinusitis

It is characterized by a paroxysmal course with unexpected nasal congestion, itching, frequent sneezing and copious discharge. Quite often the disease occurs as a bilateral lesion. The following symptoms are characteristic of allergic sinusitis:

  • headache;
  • copious nasal discharge;
  • chills, as well general deterioration well-being;
  • voltage and painful sensations in the sinus area;
  • purulent mucous discharge from the nose is noted;
  • Photophobia may occur;
  • itching in the nose.


The disease is asymptomatic in most cases (or rather, mixed with the symptoms of the underlying viral infection), although in some cases the following are noted:

  • Headache;
  • Putrid odor from the mouth;
  • Cough with mucous discharge;
  • Fever;
  • Toothache (upper jaw);
  • Decreased sense of taste or smell.


Bacterial sinusitis usually begins after a cold or runny nose. Feeling worse, weakness occurs, and temperature rises. Pus or light yellow mucus with unpleasant smell. There is a feeling of nasal congestion and heaviness inside it. These symptoms are especially aggravated when tilting or turning the head.


Usually occurs as a result of colonization of the mucous membrane by bacteria such as pneumococcus, streptococcus, against the background of weak body resistance. Depending on the type of inflammatory agent, the color of nasal discharge can vary from yellow to dark green. The main symptoms that accompany it:

  • the appearance of white-yellow, white cheesy, jelly-like or even brown and black nasal discharge;
  • sometimes - bloody streaks in the discharge;
  • cyanosis of the nasal mucosa;
  • swelling of the nose;
  • severe difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • nasal congestion becomes permanent;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • pain in the teeth, in the upper jaw;
  • loss of smell.

The appearance of temperature during sinusitis

A prerequisite for the development of sinusitis is the addition of bacterial flora (most often it is Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococcus), so with sinusitis there is almost always a temperature.

A high temperature during sinusitis is an indicator of the characteristics of its form, and not just a sign of the disease itself.

Temperature usually indicates the presence inflammatory process. To eliminate the source of infection, it is necessary to destroy the environment favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic organisms. Thus, a mandatory stage of restorative therapy is the removal of purulent mucus, which is carried out mainly by rinsing.

Basically, the temperature will depend on the stage of the disease, its etiology and the body's resistance.

  1. With acute purulent sinusitis in most people the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. That is, the rise figures depend on the severity of the disease and the body’s immune response.
  2. With an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, the temperature, if it rises, is not very high. It can stay at 37-37.5 degrees.

You should try to normalize the temperature when it has reached 38-38.5 degrees, which can already harm the body. If the fever is lower, the body should be given the opportunity to devote its strength to fighting the infection, which begins to die during such a temperature.

In any case, remember that antipyretic drugs, like any other, for sinusitis should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Only well-chosen treatment for sinusitis will allow eradication of the pathogen and complete recovery.


The fact that this is sinusitis cannot be immediately understood, since the disease tends to be hidden behind various other diseases. Characteristic symptoms most often make themselves felt when the disease worsens. The main complaints of patients with exacerbation of inflammation are:

  • Pain in the sinus area, which intensifies when chewing, tilting the head sharply, or sneezing.
  • Discharge from the nose mixed with pus.
  • Severe nasal congestion, which can cause headaches and fatigue.
  • A slight swelling of the skin over the jaw, which is accompanied by pain when pressed.
  • Increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.
  • Change in voice timbre, nasality.


Sinusitis is diagnosed and treated by ENT doctors, the diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints and examination, as well as x-rays paranasal sinuses nose Diagnosis of sinusitis begins with general examination, which includes:

  1. studying the patient's medical history(previous colds, results of recent laboratory research etc.);
  2. examination of the nasal cavity;
  3. physical examination, in which the doctor palpates the area around the nose, above and below the eyes to determine the presence of pain and its intensity.
  4. general blood analysis, which includes counting all types of blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets), determining their parameters (cell sizes, etc.), leukocyte formula, measuring hemoglobin levels, determining the ratio of cell mass to plasma
  5. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses. To clarify the diagnosis, as a rule, an X-ray examination is prescribed. With sinusitis, the image shows a darkening in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses - the accumulation of mucus in the cavities does not allow x-rays to pass through.
  6. CT scan of the sinuses. The situation is more complicated in the chronic form of the disease: you need CT scan paranasal sinuses to identify foreign body, polypous process, cysts and other changes. The examination of the sinuses is carried out within 5 minutes and is absolutely painless. This method involves the use of X-rays on the area being examined.

How to find out whether you have sinusitis or not on your own? Try to tilt your head down and hold for 3-5 seconds; usually with sinusitis there is a strong feeling of heaviness, pressing on the bridge of the nose and the eye area. Raising your head, the discomfort usually subsides, disappearing completely after a while. Of course, this is an approximate diagnosis; only an ENT doctor can establish the correct diagnosis.

Treatment methods for sinusitis

How and with what to treat sinusitis in adults? In the treatment of sinusitis, the most effective is an integrated approach. Its goal is to suppress the infectious focus in the sinus and improve its drainage. Non-puncture, painless treatment methods in combination with drug treatment lead to complete recovery, prevent the transition of inflammation to purulent acute, chronic stage.

  • Treatment of acute sinusitis

When the process worsens, comprehensive treatment should be carried out, the goals of which are to restore normal nasal breathing and destroy the causative agent of the disease. Mild acute sinusitis tends to resolve on its own. No special treatment regimens are used. Treatment is symptomatic. Apply:

  1. Anti-inflammatory medications – to combat common symptoms of inflammation.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drugs - to improve the natural communication of the sinuses with the nasal cavity.

To reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and restore normal ventilation of the sinuses, local vasoconstrictor drugs (sanorin, galazolin, naphthyzin, otilin, nazivin) are used for a period of no more than 5 days. In case of significant hyperthermia, antipyretic drugs are prescribed; in case of severe intoxication, antibiotics are prescribed. You can avoid adverse side effects and achieve a high concentration of the drug at the site of inflammation by using topical antibiotics.

With advanced inflammation, the outlet of the maxillary sinus is blocked by thickened accumulations of mucus and pus. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, the patient may only need one puncture of the maxillary cavity, followed by cleansing of pus and washing the sinuses with medicinal solutions.

  • Treatment for chronic sinusitis

The main goals of treatment are aimed at:

  1. Reducing inflammation in the sinuses;
  2. Restoring the patency of the nasal passages;
  3. Elimination of the cause of chronic sinusitis;
  4. Reducing the incidence of sinusitis.

The patient must be prescribed antibiotics, local rinsing of the sinuses with antiseptic solutions, antihistamines and vasoconstrictor nasal drops.

It is very important to get rid of the proliferation of microorganisms; for this, antibacterial drugs are used - Cefix, Cefodox, Ceftriaxone, Moxifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Gatifloxacin.

If a doctor prescribes antibiotics, it is important to complete the entire course. Typically, this means that you will have to take them for 10-14 or even more - even after the sinus symptoms have gone away. If you stop taking them early, symptoms may return.

Drug therapy

Bacteria that provoke the development of sinusitis are quickly suppressed by tetracycline and penicillin antibiotics. They cause the death of bacteria. Next, you will learn about tablets that help with sinusitis.

Mostly for sinusitis, doctors prescribe best antibiotics tetracycline and penicillin group, which are capable of destroying the walls of bacterial cells, causing their death. Their advantages include:

  • Wide spectrum of action;
  • Stability in the stomach environment;
  • A small number of side effects;
  • Minimum side effects.

TO effective antibiotics relate:

You need to remember that if a large amount of pus has accumulated in the maxillary sinuses (purulent sinusitis occurs) and it is not removed, the effect of the antibiotic will be weakened. In addition, the effectiveness is slightly reduced if there is swelling of the sinuses.
It is important to know that all of the above remedies relieve symptoms within 1-2 days after the start of treatment. But you should not stop taking antibiotics just because the patient feels much better. So sinusitis can turn into chronic form, and antibiotics will lose their ability to destroy or inhibit infectious bacteria.

It should be remembered that the entire period of treatment ( especially if you get sinusitis during the cold season ) the patient should wrap his face high with a scarf to prevent hypothermia. The full course of therapy for an acute process can last up to 2 months.

Nasal drops

Only a doctor who constantly monitors the patient should decide which drops to treat sinusitis. There is no need to use drops for sinusitis and sinusitis for more than 6 days. According to doctors, they are addictive if used longer than the specified time.

There are several types of nasal drops for the treatment of sinusitis. These groups include:

  1. Vasoconstrictors
  2. Anti-inflammatory Drops with antibacterial action
  3. Herbal nasal preparations
  4. Antihistamine drops
  5. Drops with sea ​​water
  6. Complex drops.
Nasal drops Instructions
Isofa The dosage of the drug should be determined by an otolaryngologist. The duration of treatment with this remedy can be from 7 to 10 days, no more. Otherwise, the body will stop accepting this medicine, and the bacteria will become immune to it. If a person feels better already on the 3rd day of therapy with these drops, then they still need to continue treatment. You cannot take breaks or stop using this antibiotic.
Tizin This drug is used for various acute and chronic respiratory diseases. Tizin treats sinusitis, rhinitis (both allergic and vasomotor), sinusitis, hay fever. Different forms of release determine special treatment regimens:
  • for patients with sinusitis over 12 years of age, the dosage is increased to 2 drops into the nasal passage, also three times a day;
  • spray 0.1% is used for children over 6 years of age, as well as for adults - in each nasal passage up to 3 times a day.
Naphthyzin A drug for instillation in adults and children, the active ingredient of which is naphazoline, belongs to the category of vasoconstrictors and is available without a prescription. Instillation of Naphthyzin is carried out three times a day. Adults and adolescents over 15 years old, drop 1-3 drops into each nasal passage,
Pinosol A product created on the basis of exclusively natural ingredients. It contains pine and peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil extract, alpha-tocopherol acetate and thymol. At acute course In the first two days of illness, one drop is administered into each nostril with an interval of 2 hours. In the following days, the medication is indicated in a dose of 2 drops up to three times a day.
Protargol As long-term ENT practice shows, protargol has a very effective therapeutic effect for sinusitis. For the treatment of ENT diseases: adults should instill 3-5 drops into the nose 2 times a day.
Nazivin Nazivin reduces the permeability of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. Excess fluid is no longer retained in the tissues. Thus, the anastomosis, the canal between the nasal passage and the sinus, is released. 0.05% concentrate for adults, 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus

When the form is running, when traditional methods they don’t help, a puncture is done. Puncture of the maxillary sinus is considered an operation, although not a particularly complicated one. Piercing the nose for sinusitis helps not only to alleviate the patient’s well-being, but also to finally recover from such an unpleasant illness

Indications for puncture for sinusitis are as follows:

  • Traditional treatment methods have not produced a therapeutic effect and the patient’s condition is only getting worse.
  • Nasal congestion is accompanied by severe headaches, aggravated by tilting the head forward.
  • An unpleasant odor emanates from the patient's nose.

Puncture of the nasal sinuses for sinusitis is carried out using a special Kulikovsky needle. Before this, the patient is given a fairly strong painkiller. A syringe is attached to the needle and the sinus is washed with it, thus removing its contents (pus, blood or mucus).

Washing is done with several types of solutions: antiseptic and decongestant. Then a special long-term medication is injected into the sinus to further combat the disease.

The selection of postoperative treatment must be carried out by the attending physician, and strictly individually.

Surgical treatment of sinusitis

In severe cases, surgery is necessary. But surgery is only recommended in cases where other treatment options have failed. These methods include:

  • Correction of the nasal septum (septoplaty) - surgery to eliminate a deviated nasal septum. The purpose of the operation is to improve nasal breathing;
  • Radioturbation of the nasal concha;
  • Partial or complete removal nasal mucosa (conchotomy) is an operation that involves removing the nasal turbinates. Another name for this operation is turbinectomy. Surgery is necessary when it is determined that enlarged turbinates are the cause of impaired nasal breathing, chronic rhinitis and inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (chronic sinusitis);
  • Removal of nasal polyps (polypotomy). The essence of the method is that the structure of the polyp sharply loses fluid under the influence of the laser. “Evaporation” of polypous tissue occurs, i.e. its reduction.

The surgical intervention aims to create a permanent connection between the nose and the maxillary sinus. Radical surgery is used for severe forms of sinusitis.

Nutrition for sinusitis

Products that should be in the diet for sinusitis:

  • Fresh juices especially from carrots, beets, spinach and cucumber. Juices from these vegetables can be drunk either individually or in the form of a cocktail. For example, in proportions 3:1:2:1.
  • Herbal teas based on chamomile, string, St. John's wort, tea rose and others. Warm drink and steam from a cup moisturize the mucous membranes, facilitate the outflow of mucus and breathing through the nose.
  • Natural mineral water– maintains normal mineral-water balance in the body, improves blood composition, increases the body’s resistance.

As the severity of clinical symptoms decreases (with successful treatment of acute sinusitis), a three-component basic diet is recommended. The diet should consist of three food groups: seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits.


The procedure for cleansing the sinuses and nasal cavity significantly reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, tones the capillary system, and also improves immune functions epithelium, which in turn begins to fight the problem on its own. The main function of nasal rinsing is not only to remove stagnant mucus, but also to restore the full natural process of its removal.

  1. Before you start rinsing your nose with the solution, you need to relieve congestion with vasoconstrictor agents. After 10 minutes, you can begin rinsing;
  2. A popular method of rinsing is using a syringe or syringe without a needle. But it is more convenient to rinse your nose with a special device called a jala neti teapot, or using a special nasal syringe purchased at a pharmacy;
  3. Tilting your head to the side, you need to insert the device into the nostril and begin to pour liquid into it. Then you need to slowly tilt your head to the other side for the solution to come out. The same action is repeated with the second nostril.

The most common are rinses with drugs - saline solution and sea water; also often used:

  • dioxidine
  • dolphin
  • furatsilin
  • propolis tincture

Is it possible to warm your nose if you have sinusitis?

Sinusitis does not go away on its own or just from warming up, so under no circumstances should it be started. And even a common runny nose must be treated, since the likelihood of it developing into acute and then chronic sinusitis is quite high.

Sinusitis should not be treated by heating acute stage its development. Heat leads to increased swelling, congestion will not go away, it will only increase. It is heat, acting on purulent inflamed areas, that activates the process of pus coming out. But the sinuses are blocked, and the movement of pus will be in a completely different direction: the infection will spread to the teeth, ears, eyes, and brain.

As you can see, the possibility of using warming depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of its course in a particular patient.

In general, if you are not sure whether it is possible to warm your nose during sinusitis at your stage, you should contact a specialist to avoid various kinds of complications. After all, prompt and correctly selected treatment will give extremely positive results.

What happens if sinusitis is not treated: consequences and complications for humans

This disease should be considered a very insidious disease. Symptoms begin suddenly. The patient complains of poor general health: weakness, drowsiness, high body temperature. The main complaint is headache and purulent nasal discharge, so you definitely need to understand that sinusitis is dangerous.

Complications after sinusitis can be divided into two large groups. The first group includes negative consequences that are associated with the ENT organs and the respiratory system.

Among them we can distinguish such pathological processes as:

  • Transition from acute to chronic;
  • Inflammatory phenomena in the pharynx and tonsils;
  • Spread of sinusitis to other sinuses;
  • Inflammation of the middle ear ().

Complications from other organs:

  1. . A very serious complication of chronic sinusitis is inflammation of the soft membranes of the brain and spinal cord, i.e. meningitis. The disease can be acute (symptoms appear within a couple of hours from the onset of the disease) or be sluggish.
  2. Sepsis. Sinusitis can lead to sepsis. When too much pus accumulates, it leaks out of the sinuses and spreads throughout the body. It often enters the bloodstream, which causes sepsis.
  3. Osteoperiostitis. Limited inflammation of the bone and periosteum of the orbit, clinically usually diagnosed as periostitis. It can be located in any department and can be either non-purulent or purulent in nature, up to the formation of an abscess.

Always treat illnesses on time, consult a doctor and do not forget about an annual preventive examination.


Immunologists say that it is imperative to prevent sinusitis during a runny nose, since people with this symptom are especially susceptible to developing this disease.

For this reason, experts strongly recommend that during the autumn-winter period, people with weakened immune systems consume as many vitamins as possible, and sometimes the use of special medications, mainly vitamin complexes, is allowed to prevent sinusitis in adults.

Sinusitis in adults often occurs against the background of other diseases, so to prevent it, you should be treated in time and avoid factors that provoke colds:

  1. Treat teeth immediately when signs of a problem appear.
  2. Brush your teeth 2 times a day.
  3. Treat allergies.
  4. Wash your hands after going outside and before eating.
  5. Don't get too cold.
  6. Carry out wet cleaning regularly.
  7. Get vaccinated.

On frosty days, make sure that the indoor air is not only warm, but also humidified. It is recommended to place a vessel with water next to the battery - this will be enough to prevent the climate from being dry. After all, this can lead to drying of your nasal mucous membranes, which can trigger the onset of the disease, because in winter we suddenly go from a warm room into the cold.

If it is still not possible to avoid sinusitis, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately so that the disease does not become chronic. It is extremely difficult to cure chronic sinusitis: the disease will return again and again after any cold or the slightest hypothermia. To prevent this from happening, acute sinusitis should be completely cured.

According to medical definition, sinusitis is an inflammatory disease that involves the maxillary sinuses in the pathological process.

The etiology of the disease is almost always infectious, and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms; somewhat less often, an autoimmune, allergic process occurs.

By its nature, the disease in question can also be viral and fungal. Almost never the lesion of the maxillary sinuses is primary; as a rule, it is secondary to the underlying disease. These are acute respiratory viral diseases provoked by rota and adenoviruses.

According to the data medical statistics, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs in approximately 30% of clinical cases. Moreover, 85% of all situations are secondary to acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

The disease is considered polyetiological and multifactorial. In fact, this means that the development of the disease occurs for many reasons. All of them can be divided into three groups.

  • The first and most common microorganism is Staphylococcus aureus. These structures are representatives of the pyogenic flora and, accordingly, are found in almost every person.

According to research, everyone or almost everyone is infected (about 98%). Staphylococcus is a conditionally pathogenic agent that lives on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and genitals.

It creates complexes resistant to antibiotics, complicating therapy.

They can provoke complex and serious consequences for health and even life, such as meningitis, sepsis, tonsillitis, acute tonsillitis, etc.

  • Streptococci. They are found as causative agents of the disease somewhat less frequently. They provoke sinusitis that is mild in nature, which rarely gives the severe complications described above.
  • Herpes viruses. Herpetic agents are the culprits of sinusitis several times less often. They are not homogeneous in nature, so variations are possible.

Herpes of the first type provokes classic inflammation with intense runny nose, flow of purulent mucus, discharge large quantity exudate.

Herpes of the second type causes indolent forms of the disease, the fourth type, as well as the fifth, provoke generalized lesions. In this case, a runny nose is the least of the problems.

  • Mycoplasmas, urepalisms, chlamydia. Can cause mild forms of sinusitis.
  • Rotaviruses. Considered to be the most common viruses that cause severe forms sinusitis. These are absolute record holders of their kind: they account for up to 65% of all cases of the disease.

Somewhat less commonly, the disease in question is caused by adenoviruses. In a situation like this clinical picture scant, however, there is a high probability of dangerous complications.

Clinically, the most common are streptococci, staphylococci, rotaviruses and adenoviruses. Everything else in the practice of an otolaryngologist is almost casuistry.

How the disease is transmitted

The routes of transportation from person to person for these microorganisms and viral agents are multiple, but only two are common.

Among them:

  • Household way. Most often occurs when touching the mucous membranes of a sick person. This happens with handshakes, kisses, and other physical non-sexual contacts. Therefore, as part of prevention, it is recommended to avoid physical interactions with sick or infected people. In no case should you interact with the patient’s biological fluids. Washing handkerchiefs should be done with gloves, etc.
  • Airborne transmission of agents. It is almost the main one when it comes to sinusitis. For a person to become infected, it is enough to be in the same room with a sick person for some time. Viruses are abundantly released into the environment when sneezing and coughing with mucus particles.

Other ways are less common.

Why does the immune response decrease?

A lot of them:

  • Frequent hypothermia. Stenosis of large main vascular structures affects.
  • Frequent distress, psycho-emotional stress, severe mechanical overload. They provoke the production of large amounts of corticosteroid hormones: norepinephrine, cortisol and others.
  • Acute respiratory viral infections. They are responsible for reducing the intensity of the body’s entire defense system.
  • There are other factors as well.


  • Tonsillitis.
  • Sore throats.
  • Oral diseases, including caries.
  • Other pathologies.

The first signs of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

The first signs of sinusitis begin 3-5 days after infection.

In general, the incubation period lasts about 5-15 days and even a little more.

The manifestations are as follows:

  • Pain in the sinuses. They are observed constantly and are characterized by a pressing, bursting character. The more intense the pain syndrome, the more complex the pathological process. This correlation has been noticed by many doctors and specialists medical science. The respiratory passages hurt more severely if a person bends over.
  • Nasal discharge. At the first moment (from several days to a week), the mucus is transparent, colorless and odorless. Subsequently, the exudate darkens and thickens, it becomes purulent in nature and has an unpleasant odor. Everyone is probably familiar with it.
  • Nasal congestion. A classic sign of sinusitis and other respiratory diseases. Occurs as a result of swelling of the paranasal sinuses and filling them with purulent exudate.

These are only the first symptoms of sinusitis, by which one can suspect the disease.

Acute symptoms

The first signs of sinusitis in adults have been described, but in reality the number of manifestations is much higher.

Recognizing late manifestations of the disease is not so difficult.

Considering the number of signs that add up to a single clinical picture.

The following symptoms develop:

  • Mucus discharge from the nasal passages. Purulent, transparent character. However, in the acute form of the disease, most often the discharge is green color and an unpleasant, pungent, putrid smell.
  • Congestion of the upper respiratory tract. It is affected, as already noted, by swelling and filling of the maxillary sinuses with exudate.
  • Feeling of pressure in the sinuses, bridge of the nose. Intensifies in an inclined position of the body. Swelling affects.
  • Pain syndrome in the area of ​​the nasal passages. Why it develops and how it is characterized has already been noted.
  • Difficulty breathing. Inhalation and exhalation are difficult, possible only through the mouth in particularly difficult cases.
  • Hyperthermia. The thermometer readings are at 37-38 degrees Celsius. An increase in body temperature is a natural result of the inflammatory process.
  • Chills, a feeling of goose bumps running through the body. As a rule, along its upper part.
  • Paroxysmal cough when mucus flows into the throat and nasopharynx.
  • Intense pain in the head area. It is almost the leading symptom of sinusitis.
  • The acute form of the disease can also be recognized by loss of appetite.
  • Finally, manifestations of general intoxication of the body occur. Nausea, possible vomiting, possible weakness, drowsiness, feeling of body wobbliness.

All these symptoms are observed in combination and form a single clinical picture.

Manifestations of unilateral and bilateral inflammation of the sinuses differ only in the number of manifestations and their intensity.

Symptoms of the chronic form

Sluggish form, observed in most cases after transfer acute type diseases. All the symptoms described above are present, but to a lesser extent.

In addition to the main manifestations of sinusitis, long-term changes in the nature of well-being also occur.


  • Deterioration of short-term and long-term memory due to compression of brain structures. This is an unfavorable sign that can indicate cerebral edema and even meningitis.
  • Sleep disorders. Manifests itself in the form of insomnia.
  • A sharp decrease in performance.
  • Feeling tired easily.

Manifestation of secondary (or even tertiary) diseases. These are pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other ailments of inflammatory and infectious nature.

Allergic symptoms

Allergic sinusitis manifests itself with the same symptoms as the classic form of the disease. The only exception is the absence of elevated body temperature.

Can sinusitis occur without symptoms?

This is practically impossible. It is possible to change the number of symptoms and their intensity, but a complete asymptomatic course is impossible.

Another thing is that the patient may not monitor his condition closely enough. A minimal runny nose may already indicate sinusitis.

What needs to be examined

Diagnosis of sinusitis is carried out by otolaryngology specialists (ENT doctors).

At the initial consultation, an oral interview and anamnesis are taken.

As a rule, an experienced specialist can, with a quick examination, make an approximate diagnosis, which, upon verification, will turn out to be correct.

Typical routine studies are required.

Among them:

  • Examination of the nasal passages using a special rhinoscope apparatus.
  • Functional tests.
  • Palpation (determining by touch the degree of swelling of the maxillary sinuses).
  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses without contrast enhancement (the most informative method).

In total, these studies are sufficient to make and confirm a diagnosis. It is important to start timely treatment.

General principles of therapy

Therapy is carried out by the same specialist. You may need to consult an infectious disease specialist. It is important to keep in mind that treatment should be comprehensive, but not surgical.

The so-called puncture or is an outdated and dangerous method.

This in itself leads to a worsening of the condition and causes a lot of unpleasant consequences, such as bleeding and inflammation of the puncture wound. Modern treatment conservative, medicinal.

The following drugs are prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Vasoconstrictors in drops.
  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Sinus rinsing is possible.

The common disease sinusitis is familiar to many. It is an inflammation of the sinuses. Accompanied by unpleasant phenomena: constant liquid discharge flows from the nose, often purulent. But sometimes you can find other types of the disease. It’s worth figuring out whether sinusitis can occur without a runny nose and nasal congestion.

Causes of the disease

The nasal mucosa is very vulnerable. A great variety of pathogenic microorganisms get here. The human immune system successfully copes with them, but there are also more resistant viruses, which are the cause of the disease. Reduced immunity and weakened body defenses also provoke sinusitis.

Sinuses are normal and with sinusitis

During colds, viral microorganisms directly affect the mucous membrane. The upper layer of the epithelium is damaged and its functions are impaired. Sinusitis occurs.

What is the difference between sinusitis and a runny nose?

Another name for a runny nose is rhinitis. This is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane. What does this mean? The disease with rhinitis completely covers the entire space of the upper respiratory tract: the nasopharynx, nasal passages, and equally all the paranasal sinuses.

When you have a runny nose, people complain of a stuffy nose and discharge, which can be of different consistency. How to distinguish sinusitis? It happens that with sinusitis there is no runny nose. How does the disease progress? During sinusitis without a runny nose, the entire opening that connects the sinus to the rest of the nose becomes completely blocked. The disease does not spread, remains and matures almost asymptomatically, especially at the initial stage.

Why does sinusitis occur without a runny nose?

Infections. If influenza, rubella, acute respiratory viral infections and other viral diseases are not treated in time, complications can develop. Even improper treatment leads to a worsening of the situation. It is enough to endure a severe cold on your feet. Everything happens as follows: during the main illness, the mucous membrane swells; nasal congestion appears; the passage to the maxillary sinuses narrows or is completely blocked; there are disturbances in the outflow of secretions; mucus accumulates in the sinuses.

At the same time, the symptoms of the underlying viral disease begin to disappear. The person feels better and thinks he is getting better. And the pus gradually accumulates and fills the entire sinus completely.

Dental diseases. If diseased teeth are not treated promptly, the infection will begin to spread from the tooth to the maxillary sinus. The disease is caused by: periodontitis; untreated or severely advanced caries; cysts of the upper jaw.

Toothache with sinusitis

However, the symptoms may not be immediately noticeable.

Injuries, damage. Deformation of the nasal septum leads to blockage of the sinus and impaired outflow of secretions. Sinusitis develops without a runny nose. Atrophic course of the disease.

If there is no snot with sinusitis, it means that the ciliated epithelium has been damaged. In such a situation, the mucous membrane becomes thin and loses its functions. It cannot clean the inhaled air, cannot warm it, and does not produce mucus. The shell cannot fight pathogenic bacteria. This condition does not just appear; it requires long-term, protracted inflammation and persistent infectious diseases.


Now that it is clear whether sinusitis occurs without a runny nose, it is worth identifying the symptoms. They are different in young children and adults, so diagnosis and treatment are individual. Age must be taken into account; this will help to effectively get rid of the disease.

Symptoms in adults:

pressure is felt in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. If you tilt your head forward, the pressure will increase; painful feeling in the nose area. The pain spreads to other areas of the face and tends to intensify when chewing food. It's uncomfortable to talk. The unpleasant condition begins in the morning after a long stay in one position. By night or evening the symptom goes away slightly; Many people are wondering: can you have sinusitis without a runny nose and fever? It never goes above 37.8 degrees. headache. Worse when lying down for a long time; swollen cheeks. The swelling spreads throughout the face, affecting the cheeks and eyelids.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Other symptoms.

If the main symptoms do not manifest themselves, you can determine your condition using additional ones. At all stages of the disease you can feel:

constantly stuffy nose; insomnia, bad dream; deterioration of general condition; the appearance of lethargy, fatigue; reduced performance; deterioration or complete loss of appetite; the occurrence of photophobia.

Symptoms in a child

In children, the disease manifests itself differently. What can they complain about?

severe congestion, difficulty breathing; pain that always gets worse at night; painful sensations in the ears; hearing impairment; fatigue, absent-mindedness, weakness; bad smell from mouth.

Now we know whether sinusitis can occur without a runny nose. The symptoms are different, but they will help to recognize the disease and not let it worsen.

It is worth paying attention: sinusitis without snot, the treatment of which is not easy, is not detected in the first stages. That is why the disease quickly develops into more severe forms.


It is almost impossible to determine sinusitis on your own. It is necessary to visit an experienced otolaryngologist who will help recognize the disease. The doctor will check the nasal cavities and mucous membranes. This will help identify the disease at an early stage.

Diagnosis for sinusitis

If suddenly the symptoms are not enough, additional techniques are prescribed. Modern methods help prevent sinusitis:

X-ray. Allows you to see inflamed areas in the image. They are indicated by dark spots. CT scan. A more advanced way. Allows you to notice not only areas of inflammation, but also find out the stage of the disease. Diaphanoscopy. The nasal sinuses are illuminated with a tube with a light bulb at the end. This makes it possible to conduct research for the presence of areas of inflammation.


Many people do not pay enough attention to sinusitis and consider it frivolous. There is no need to think that everything will go away on its own. If left untreated, you may encounter more serious consequences: the spread of infection to the membranes of the brain, the appearance of meningitis, and sepsis.

Treatment is carried out in two ways:

surgical method; conservative option.

The first method is rarely used. It is used in situations where conservative treatment has not helped and the disease progresses. Surgeon intervention is also required when polyps or formations are found in the paranasal sinuses or nasal cavity.

Conservative technique includes:

fever-reducing medications. Appointed when high temperature. Must be in bed; for severe headaches, painful sensations in the ears - painkillers; for symptoms of intoxication, antimicrobial agents are prescribed; if allergic reactions occur, antihistamines are prescribed.

Medicines for sinusitis

The cause of the disease may be a deviated nasal septum or severe caries. In this case, it is these phenomena that need to be eliminated. Medicines are needed that improve the outflow of fluid from the maxillary sinus, reduce swelling and improve well-being.

In some cases, traditional medicine can help, but they should not be taken without consulting a doctor. It is necessary to treat sinusitis comprehensively; medicinal herbs alone cannot do it.


Sinusitis at first glance seems harmless, but it threatens with serious complications on the brain. It is better to monitor your health and prevent illness in time.

timely treatment of all colds and especially the runny nose. Even such a harmless state cannot be triggered; If children have adenoids or a deviated nasal septum, timely intervention is necessary. Birth defects should be closely monitored; A competent blowing technique is required: cover one nostril with your finger. Then the mucus will not leak into the sinus; Drops into the nose need to be instilled in a special way: tilt your head slightly back, in the direction in which nostril you want to instill the drops. Then the solution does not enter the nasopharynx, but into the nasal passage; Hypothermia must be avoided. In cold weather, wear a hat; indoor air humidification. You should try to avoid dry air; maintaining immunity, consuming vitamins, fruits, vegetables; regular visits to the dentist. It will help in the first stages to cure caries and other processes that also lead to sinusitis.

Finally, you need to take good care of yourself and not develop chronic diseases. Can sinusitis exist without snot? Certainly. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the disease. At the first signs of illness, immediate consultation with a doctor is required.. If a person monitors his health, he can avoid acute problems. The main thing is to take everything seriously.

There are many diseases of the nasopharynx. Most often they are trivial and, apart from discomfort, do not cause any inconvenience. But how many people think that a common runny nose can lead to dangerous consequences? Sinusitis - dangerous disease, which often develops precisely because of untreated rhinitis. Can you have sinusitis without a runny nose? Read the article.

Do not start diseases, as they are fraught with complications.

Is it possible to have sinusitis and not have a runny nose? His reasons

There are two types of sinusitis without a runny nose:

acute - most often develops as a complication after suffering an acute respiratory infection; chronic - is formed from incorrect, untimely and incomplete treatment of the acute form of the disease.

Due to the fact that sinusitis often occurs without a runny nose, it can be difficult to notice in a child, since not everyone will report feeling unwell, and temperature is not a necessary symptom of this disease. Because of this, the chronic form of the disease is most often acquired in childhood.

A runny nose does not always accompany sinusitis. There are cases when it occurs closed. The causes of this form of sinusitis are:

caries in the mouth; incompletely cured colds (not necessarily just respiratory infections, but also rubella, for example), the treatment of which affected the thickening of the mucus secreted by the nasopharynx. This leads to the accumulation of purulent mucus in the maxillary cavities; injury to the nasal septum - such a displacement interferes with the removal of mucus from the nose, causing it to flow into the maxillary sinuses.


The absence of a runny nose does not affect therapy for sinusitis. Only a complex effect can cope with the disease. Despite the fact that the disease causes only minor discomfort, it is dangerous, since purulent mucus, in which pathogenic microorganisms accumulate, can enter the blood vessels or brain. Therefore, sinusitis without a runny nose must be diagnosed in time.

The most common method after a visual examination and history taking is an x-ray. It shows that in the maxillary sinuses there are some darkened dense areas, this is pus. Diaphanoscopy is a method in which the ENT uses a thin long tube to illuminate the sinuses of the nose. It is inserted into the oral cavity and held with the lips. In this case, a good specialist can see inflammatory processes in the nasal cavities.

CT scanning is not used as often as other methods, but with its help the otolaryngologist can see at what stage the disease is.

It follows from this that it is impossible to diagnose sinusitis yourself. Only a doctor will be able to analyze the state of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, at what stage the disease is progressing, and prescribe the correct therapy.


The first signs for an urgent trip to the doctor are:

discomfort from nasal congestion, especially in the morning, for more than two weeks; a slight increase in body temperature, up to 37.8 C, but most often it stays in the range of 37.1-37.3 C for a couple of days; discomfort in the maxillary cavities when chewing ;headaches in the forehead, in the area between the eyes, in the temples and the back of the head. The pain is especially acute with sudden movements, chewing, or tilting the head back and forth.

The child may complain that he:

nasal congestion; there is discomfort in the nasopharynx; feels a constant headache; pain in the ears and gums; begins to hear worse; gets tired quickly; bad breath.

If children are ill at the chronic stage, they have more than several months of weakness, fatigue, runny nose, no appetite, and often the child refuses to eat at all. The face becomes slightly asymmetrical, swelling of the face appears in the morning. A cough and trouble sleeping may occur.

The symptoms of sinusitis and sinusitis are similar, the difference is that the former develops more rapidly and the symptoms are more vivid. These symptoms are not all necessary at the same time, since each organism is individual, but if you notice several of them, you should be wary and consult a doctor for advice, because sinusitis can occur without a runny nose or fever.


Sinusitis without a runny nose is not only a condition that causes discomfort. This is a dangerous disease. Therefore, therapy should be started immediately. Pus entering the brain or blood vessels can lead to meningitis or sepsis.

Today there are two ways to get rid of sinusitis:

conservative therapy; surgical intervention.

Surgical method

Puncture of the maxillary sinuses is an exceptional measure. They are used only when conventional therapy does not produce results or if polyps are found in the patient’s nose and appendages, etc. The operation is short and uncomplicated. The wall of the maxillary sinus is pierced and purulent mucus is pumped out. After this, the cavity is washed with antiseptics, and an antibiotic and antimicrobial substances are injected there.

Conservative therapy

Is as follows:

antipyretics for fever; painkillers for headaches, any analgesics are suitable; if the process of intoxication is started - an antibiotic or other antimicrobial agents; antihistamines are often prescribed; if sinusitis without a runny nose develops due to diseased teeth, caries is first treated; a crooked septum is corrected ;drugs that help thin and tear; sprays and drops to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane; homeopathy is often prescribed (for example, Sinupret); physiotherapy (most often UHF, Sollux); rinsing the sinuses for a runny nose.

The use of traditional medicine for sinusitis is a controversial issue in its therapy. Some doctors support such means as auxiliary ones, while others are categorically against their use. Therefore, if you want to use your grandmother’s methods to treat a disease, you should consult your doctor.



Mix 10 g of the plant with a fifth of a glass of sunflower oil and let it stand for 1.5 weeks in the dark and cool. Don't forget to apply the remedy every day. After the required time has passed, you need to instill the solution into your nose once a day, a couple of drops. The mixture is suitable for other diseases of the mucous membrane, it will help cope with a runny nose.


Pour a small amount of clay warm water and mix until dough consistency. This mass should be placed on a bandage (gauze, linen) and placed on the maxillary sinuses. The procedure must be carried out for up to an hour. Uncomfortable painful sensations may occur. The procedure should not be interrupted.

Plantain, lemon balm, lemongrass

Dry plants are mixed in equal proportions and poured with a glass of water. The mixture should stand for 24 hours in a dark place, after which it must be filtered. The resulting liquid is instilled into the nose three times a day, 3 drops.

Gargling with decoctions

Decoctions of propolis, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, etc. are also suitable. Sinusitis without a runny nose is also treated with aloe, sea buckthorn oil, and bay leaves.


Treatment of sinusitis is not only a long, but also quite expensive process. Preventive measures that will not give a chance to sinusitis:

The most important preventive action is timely treatment of nasal diseases, regardless of whether they are caused by colds, or are an allergic reaction; correction of a crooked nasal septum; learn yourself and teach your child to blow his nose correctly - each nostril in turn with the second one closed; treatment of adenoids in a child; correction of a defect in the nasal passage; bury the nose correctly: the head is tilted back and towards the nostril that you are burying . It is this position that will help the drug get into the nasal passage; control the humidity in the apartment, especially in the bedroom, during the heating season; maintain normal temperature conditions. 28 C is not a comfortable temperature for the human body, but 18−22 C is optimal. If you are cold at this temperature, get dressed, but the air should be cool; do not freeze, protect your head from freezing; treat your teeth in a timely manner.

Sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion requires early diagnosis and timely treatment to reduce the risk of life-threatening complications.

Violation of the outflow of contents from the maxillary sinus against the background of inflammatory processes leads to destructive changes in the bones of the facial skull.

The erased form of the disease without specific treatment turns into a chronic inflammatory process with a predominance of proliferative changes, provoking the growth of polyps in the maxillary sinus and nasal passages. The accumulation of pus in the chronic form of the disease leads to the gradual destruction of the mucous membrane, sinus plates and the lower wall of the orbit.

Sinusitis or maxillary sinusitis is an acute or chronic disease resulting from bacterial, viral or fungal invasion. Inflammation is accompanied by edema, swelling of the sinus mucosa, and increased formation of first serous and then purulent exudate.

Forms of the disease are classified according to etiology, pathogenesis, and course.

According to etiology, the following forms are distinguished:

  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • odontogenic;
  • post-traumatic;
  • allergic.

According to the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms, sinusitis is:

  • subacute(edema-catarrhal, vasomotor, allergic);
  • spicy(serous-purulent, purulent);
  • chronic(granular, papillomatous, polypous, hypertrophic, trophic).

The causes of sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion in children and adults are due to the following changes:

  • excessive swelling of the anastomosis of the maxillary sinus with the nasal concha;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • severe deformation of the nasal passages;
  • postoperative scars, synechiae;
  • polyps;
  • cysts;
  • tumors.


Impaired mucus secretion with complete or partial obstruction of the lumen and blockage of the maxillary cavity leads to the rapid growth of bacterial flora with the formation of pus, which, due to the lack of drainage, destroys bone structures and soft tissues.

Sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion develops with influenza and ARVI against the background of rapid swelling of the mucous membrane, when the patient only a few days after the onset of general intoxication shows symptoms of sinusitis (impaired nasal breathing due to low air flow, discharge of pus, mucus).

Symptoms of sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • headache, toothache;
  • puffiness of the face;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • swelling of the lower eyelids and cheeks;
  • heat;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • expansion of small blood vessels below the eye socket.

Diagnosis of sinusitis without runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • X-ray reflects the violation of pneumatization of the sinuses, the fluid level, and is the most informative method of examination;
  • Diaphanoscopy of the maxillary sinus with a purulent lesion will reveal impaired light transmission and areas of darkening;
  • computed tomography in layer-by-layer sections will display changes in the mucous membrane and bones of the facial skeleton; sinus contents.

The doctor chooses a diagnostic method depending on a number of factors - the severity of the disease, the age of the child, and the patient’s condition. Reviews from doctors on forums about the use of diaphanoscopy note the low diagnostic significance of this study.

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose: signs, course of the disease and treatment with prevention

Is there sinusitis without a runny nose? Signs of the maxillary sinus in case of impaired mucus outflow are characterized by the predominance of general cold symptoms at the onset of the disease.

As purulent contents form, local symptoms begin to appear.

Sinusitis most often develops against the background of cold viral diseases; incipient inflammation can be suspected by the characteristic local manifestations of inflammation.

At the first signs of sinusitis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. general practice or an otolaryngologist.

Common symptoms include:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • temperature above 37.8;
  • decreased performance;
  • muscle pain.

Local symptoms of sinusitis without a runny nose include:

  • feeling of fullness in the projection of the sinus;
  • pain in the paranasal area when tilting the head forward;
  • redness of the cheek from the eye socket to the wings of the nose;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • nasal voice;
  • swelling of the face;
  • photophobia;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • toothache.

Local symptoms develop against the background of increasing inflammatory changes and infiltration of soft tissues by leukocytes. Carrying out rhinoscopy at a doctor’s appointment allows you to accurately determine the presence of the disease and begin specific therapy.

The course of sinusitis without a runny nose differs from classic inflammation paranasal sinus formation high pressure in the maxillary sinus. Timely X-ray examination and rhinoscopy will allow one to suspect the presence of obstruction of the lumen of the maxillary orifice.

Late diagnosis increases the risk of an abscess breaking into the soft tissues of the face, damage to the outer meninges with the development of meningitis, and rhinogenic sepsis. When the clinical picture is erased, long-term inflammation passes into the atrophic stage, during which destructive and degenerative changes in the mucous membrane and bone tissue develop.

Treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose includes surgical methods, conservative therapy and traditional medicine.

The surgical method is a puncture of the maxillary sinus, which is a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure that provides high-quality drainage with the discharge of pus. The puncture is carried out in a medical facility, performed in the office of an otolaryngologist or operating room.

After the puncture, drainage is installed, and the sinuses are washed with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics. Puncture is the most effective method of treatment by emptying the sinuses and inhibiting the growth of pathogenic flora.

Conservative therapy is carried out immediately after diagnosis, consists in a complex effect on the lesion. For acute sinusitis without a runny nose, treatment is aimed at quickly suppressing the growth of bacterial flora, relieving swelling, and restoring the patency of the nasal passages.

Antihistamines are used to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane. Nasal rinsing saline solution or a spray with sea water increases the rate of mucus discharge, the release of pus and the removal of swelling. The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent proliferative processes; the use of nasal glucocorticosteroids is often required to prevent inflammation from becoming chronic.

Systemic antibiotics are prescribed in a course, are selected depending on the class of the drug and the sensitivity of the pathogenic flora. In the presence of viral and fungal invasion, interferon-based drugs and antimycotic agents are used.

Traditional medicine is aimed at increasing general immunity and strengthening human health. Warming up the maxillary sinus is strictly contraindicated, as this stimulates the growth of bacteria.

Prevention of sinusitis with a runny nose involves early treatment, the use of vasoconstrictor drops and rinsing the nose. Sinusitis develops as a result of the reflux of turbulent flows of mucus through the maxillary anastomosis into the maxillary sinus.

It is not recommended to blow your nose if you have a stuffy nose., it is preferable to rinse your nose with seawater spray after using xylometazoline-based drops. Preventive flushing under pressure is carried out in medical institutions using the Proetz (cuckoo) movement method; high-quality drainage prevents the accumulation of mucus and pus, and gently cleanses the sinus of pathological secretions.

What is the difference between rhinitis and sinusitis?

It has long been known about diseases such as rhinitis and sinusitis, but most often people do not know what the difference is between them, and many have no idea what it is. These are diseases that affect almost every person on the planet, so you need to know what symptoms indicate a particular disease and how to cure it.

Basic information about rhinitis

Rhinitis is also called a common runny nose. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in a person’s nose. Most often, a patient’s runny nose is one of the symptoms of an underlying disease that is of viral, bacterial, mechanical or immune origin.

When rhinitis appears in the nose, a slight burning sensation may be felt, and mucous secretion occurs. Dryness in the nasal cavity may also occur, due to which a person partially or completely loses his sense of smell.

Rhinitis is divided into acute and chronic.

If a person does not treat acute rhinitis, then the disease can become chronic, which will require a long time of treatment and large material costs. There are about 200 types of different viral infections on the planet, and almost all of them have a runny nose as the main symptom. Also, everything depends on hereditary predisposition, environmental living conditions, the frequency of hypothermia, the characteristics of the immune system and the allergic pathogens themselves.

Often in medical practice the following types of rhinitis can be encountered:

  • atopic rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor allergic rhinitis;
  • inflammation due to hyperplasia;
  • infectious rhinitis;
  • catarrhal rhinitis;
  • drug-induced rhinitis;
  • psychogenic rhinitis.

Symptoms of rhinitis

It all depends on what type of rhinitis a person has and at what stage it is. Symptoms can range from a simple dry irritation to severe mucous with added pus and blood. With a chronic runny nose, a headache occurs, an unpleasant odor is felt, bleeding, itching, sneezing, drowsiness, and snoring are possible. The difference between acute rhinitis is that a person will feel dryness or burning in the nasal cavity, mucous discharge will appear, redness of the area around the wings of the nose, and partial loss of smell.

Knowing your body and symptoms, a person can independently diagnose rhinitis. But what is important in this case is not the presence of a runny nose, but finding the source of the disease. After all, a runny nose can be a signal of a very dangerous illness. Eliminating a symptom is not eliminating the entire disease. Rhinitis is a very common occurrence in children under 10 years of age, since before this age the body learns to cope with various infectious diseases and continues to form an immune system that in the future will fight viruses and bacteria.

Regardless of age, you need to show up good specialists, so that they make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medications.

Very often, in the absence of fever, it is recommended to apply mustard plasters to the calves and make foot baths with the addition of special essential oils. But if the doctor diagnoses bacterial or viral rhinitis, then you cannot do without the help of antibiotics. It is clear that for allergic rhinitis, completely different medications are prescribed and it is advised to stay as far as possible from the source of the allergy. Experts point out that you should not blow your nose too much: it may happen that mucous discharge gets into the middle ear and, as a result, inflammation (otitis media) develops. This is one of the most dangerous complications of a runny nose.

The main rules for eliminating the new occurrence of rhinitis are as follows:

  • strengthen the immune system (vitamins, sports, hardening);
  • do not develop any kind of runny nose;
  • treat various pathologies nose, for example, a deviated nasal septum.

The main goal of the doctor is to make sure that the patient breathes correctly and without any obstacles.

General information about sinusitis

Rhinitis and sinusitis are very similar, since they relate to the same organ in which various inflammatory processes occur.

But there is also a difference. Sinusitis is an inflammation that is accompanied not only by mucous discharge, but also by pain on the face, fever, and the sinuses located in the forehead, nose, eyes and cheeks are filled with mucus.

Humans have four groups of paranasal sinuses:

  1. The frontal sinus, which is located in the frontal bone.
  2. The maxillary or maxillary sinus is the largest sinus, located in the upper jaw.
  3. The ethmoid labyrinth is formed using the cells of the ethmoid bone.
  4. The sphenoid sinus, which is the main sinus and is located in the body of the sphenoid bone.

Sinusitis occurs when the sinuses become clogged due to a runny nose, colds, flu and other infectious diseases. Under favorable conditions, bacteria begin to multiply quite quickly, which leads to an inflammatory process.

There is a classification of sinusitis, which depends on the duration of the disease:

  1. Spicy. It develops in less than 4 weeks. Caused by a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, namely ARVI. In most cases it goes away on its own.
  2. Subacute. Develops from 4 to 12 weeks. It is considered undertreated acute sinusitis.
  3. Chronic. Its duration is from 3 months or more. Frequently recurring acute and subacute sinusitis can cause chronic sinusitis. In addition to them, asthma, allergies, immune disorders, and abnormal nasal structure can be added to this list.
  4. Recurrent. It is repeated more than 3 times within one year.

Symptoms of sinusitis affect a person's life. Due to pain and fatigue, mood is disturbed, and there is a need to reduce your presence at work and school.

Treatment of sinusitis

The main goal of treatment for sinusitis: the desire to resume the work of all the channels that connect the sinuses and nasal passages. In this case, mucus will drain out and breathing will be restored. If the inflammation is viral, then the use of potent medications is often not required. Experts usually recommend taking an antipyretic, drugs that relieve swelling and constrict blood vessels.

If the inflammation is bacterial or fungal, then doctors prescribe antibiotics that specifically act on a certain group of microorganisms and eliminate it. Medications that are often used in such cases are aerosols, sprays, tablets and sometimes injections. But it happens that all means have already been tried and not a single medicine helps a person. In this case, surgical intervention, the so-called puncture, is required. It is performed using an endoscope.

The basic rule of every patient: if something bothers you, you need to go to the doctor. This rule applies to any, even the slightest suspicion of sinusitis. If a person suspects he has this disease and consults a doctor at the first symptoms, then it will quickly be cured. If the disease is brought to an advanced form, it can lead to quite serious consequences.

You need to understand that all human sinuses are very close to the brain. If the infection spreads further, it will trigger meningitis, and then the person may get an abscess.

Any disease is a weakened immune system, so first of all you need to take care of it. A person must be aware of what food he eats so that his diet is balanced. The vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits will help you quickly improve your health. It is necessary to constantly move, preferably in the fresh air. The room in which a person lives must be humidified and ventilated.

It doesn’t matter if a person has rhinitis, sinusitis or another similar disease; The important thing is that a runny nose cannot be ignored. If this is an ordinary seasonal ARVI, then its treatment should not be postponed until later. You need to try to get to the doctor as quickly as possible. After all, heavy workloads make the immune system weak. Therefore, even after a mild cold, you can completely ruin your health.

Symptoms and treatment of sinusitis without nasal discharge

Sinusitis without nasal discharge is less common than in the usual form, accompanied by a profuse runny nose. The latter is not necessary; there is sinusitis without a runny nose. It is an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the upper paranasal sinuses. They are located under the bridge of the nose, just above the place where the nasal cartilage attaches to the bones of the skull, in the upper jaw. The disease, as a rule, is accompanied by copious secretion of mucus and pus, with its release into the nasopharynx. Nevertheless, sinusitis in dry form is also not so rare.

The age of the person who gets it practically does not matter; it poses the same danger to both children and adults. If treatment is not treated in a timely manner, the disease may become chronic and curing it will require much more effort and time.

Symptoms of the disease and their identification

It is somewhat more difficult to distinguish sinusitis without a runny nose than the classic form, and in this case you need to focus on a combination of a number of signs. First of all, this is the appearance of nasal congestion, which lasts for weeks and is accompanied by a slight rise in temperature in the first days. In this case, discomfort occurs in the part of the face located above the upper jaw, which turns into pain during dynamic loads, especially chewing food or talking. The negative sensations themselves directly depend on the position in which the head is located. They become strongest when a person lies on his back.

It should be borne in mind that sinusitis without a runny nose in children may have slightly different symptoms and manifestations than in adults. The absence of nasal discharge should not deceive parents. When a child has a stuffy nose, the timbre of his voice changes, he begins to complain of discomfort inside the nose, and gets tired quickly.

His upper jaw gums begin to hurt. Then the pain begins to spread to the ear area. An unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, which does not disappear even after brushing the teeth. If these signs occur, the optimal solution is to perform fluoroscopy of the sinuses. In the photographs, dense opaque spots are clearly visible in their area, and these are true objective signs of the development of sinusitis.

Treatment of the disease and its forms

As with many other inflammatory processes, ways to cure sinusitis can be either conservative or surgical. In this case, the treatment procedure must certainly be completed until complete recovery, otherwise not only relapses of the disease are very likely, but also the spread of the inflammatory process to the bone walls of the sinuses and even to nearby parts of the brain. With a medicinal form of treatment, sinusitis without a runny nose requires almost the same medications as those accompanied by discharge.

First of all, you need to determine the nature of the disease, which most often is either infectious or allergic. Only a qualified specialist can determine this accurately, so consulting a doctor is strictly necessary. Self-medication can only worsen the disease. Together with antihistamines or antibacterial drugs, agents are prescribed that stimulate the process of outflow of pus and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. At elevated temperatures, antipyretic and painkillers are added to them. Together with medicines Medical procedures are used, of which warming up using a UHF device is considered the most effective.

Surgery is prescribed only when other means do not give the desired effect. This usually happens when the disease is extremely advanced or its cause is a deviated nasal septum. The main type of surgical intervention is a puncture of the outer walls of the maxillary sinuses with subsequent suction of the accumulated sinuses in them. purulent discharge. After this, the cavities are washed with an antiseptic solution. It happens that the cause of the disease is advanced caries of one of the teeth, most often the molars. Then its removal eliminates the source of infectious infection and eliminating the consequences becomes easier.

Folk remedies for treating sinusitis

Folk remedies can also help cure sinusitis without a runny nose.

The optimal effect can be achieved by combining such drugs with drug treatment.

One of the most effective means of traditional medicine in curing ailments of the mucous membranes, including in the maxillary sinuses, is considered to be an infusion of vegetable oil from a herb called wild rosemary. Putting three drops into the nose every day throughout the day has a very positive effect, relieving inflammation and swelling.

Another remedy that combines extreme simplicity and high effectiveness is a clay compress. A lump of raw clay is kneaded in hot water until it becomes a dough for bakery products and is applied to the face in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. It should sit there, slowly cooling, for about an hour. The effect of such heating is very beneficial.

Another proven one folk remedy, can be considered a daily water infusion of a collection of herbs, consisting of lemon balm, lemongrass and plantain leaves. Three drops of this infusion should be instilled into the nose three times during the day. As a result, the inflammatory process calms down.

Can you have sinusitis without a runny nose?



Everything people say is correct, but if frontal sinuses, and not maxillary - run to the ENT! X-ray will show everything. The brain is close, and there is no guarantee that the contents will not go inside!
p/s I saw such a Koasav with a screw in his forehead, and a drainage hole in the screw, it looked very beautiful!


one of my patients had this
visit Laura


Lobnye pasuhi - eto sinusit, begi k wra4u, a to sabolit kak sleduet, wragu ne pozhelaju

Olga Yurievna

Try salt. Heat it in a frying pan, and a rag bag, or at worst, in a sock, and it is advisable to heat it in the evening. Course 10 days. I highly recommend it!


maybe... she got sick herself


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which are also called the maxillary sinuses. The main cause of the disease is that the opening that connects the sinuses to the nasal cavity closes. Because of this, the natural process of cleansing the sinuses is disrupted, microbes multiply in them, and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs. First, the secretion of mucus increases - a runny nose begins, and then pus forms. Long-term swelling of the nasal mucosa is usually due to inflammation or allergies. If a person has a common runny nose for a long time, most likely, sooner or later he will develop sinusitis as a result of a cold. The cause of sinusitis can be dental caries or any other pathology of the teeth and jaw system. It is especially dangerous when the upper teeth are affected, the roots of which are in close proximity to the wall of the maxillary sinus.


But you don’t need to heat it, because if you have a purulent process, you can heat it for yourself!! ! Moreover, the cause of the pain has not yet been clarified!! ! Go to the ENT specialist, take a picture, and then you’ll see!!

Vladimir Trushin

DO NOT THINK OF heating anything!!! Go to an ENT specialist, you need to have a look. Sinusitis can occur without a runny nose or headache. You may also have simple trigeminal neuralgia. This is why you need to contact an ENT specialist.


irs 119
rinse with salt water
drink vitamins

Why does my runny nose not go away?

Most people don't consider a runny nose (rhinitis) serious illness. The usual one-week period can be postponed without loss. You don't have to lie in bed. You can choose a convenient treatment and stock up on enough napkins. If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, it changes in two weeks. general state, ability to work suffers. It is necessary to consult a doctor to clarify the cause of rhinitis. A specialist will draw conclusions.

Causes of prolonged persistent runny nose

The most common reasons to think about if a runny nose lasts a month or two include:

  • with the condition of the nasal vessels (vasomotor rhinitis);
  • with allergic inflammation;
  • with a complication of a common runny nose with sinusitis (sinusitis or frontal sinusitis).

Why does vasomotor rhinitis occur?

Most often, the cause of vasomotor rhinitis is the addiction to vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. If the instructions for use of Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin say that they are not recommended for use for treatment longer than a week, then this should be done.

In this case, a reverse reaction of the vessels to irritating factors occurs: if previously they narrowed, they now expand, causing swelling and nasal congestion. This kind of runny nose is also called “false” because it is not caused by an infectious pathogen.

Other causes of vasomotor rhinitis are:

  • dustiness and gas pollution environment or work premises (including being in a smoky room);
  • stressful situations;
  • dependence on weather conditions, changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • alcohol abuse makes blood vessels very sensitive;
  • eating very hot or cold food;
  • hormonal levels (decreased function thyroid gland, menopause, pregnancy, taking hormonal contraceptives).

Vasomotor rhinitis is observed in old age, when various combined cardiovascular drugs are used for more than a month to treat changes in blood pressure.

Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis

The diagnosis of “vasomotor rhinitis” is beyond doubt:

  • if mucous contents flow from the nose when the temperature changes (entering the room from the street or vice versa);
  • if half of the nose is stuffy, on the side on which the person lies;
  • if difficulty in nasal breathing occurs due to nervous tension;
  • if insomnia and headache are associated with a runny nose.

Treatment, when a runny nose with vasomotor rhinitis does not go away for a long time, comes down to advice on stopping the use of vasoconstrictor drops, a healthy lifestyle; doing anything else is not recommended. False rhinitis can cause the appearance of nasal polyps within two months and promote inflammation in the maxillary sinuses.

Allergic runny nose

Occurs when an allergen reacts with immune cells, occurring on the nasal mucosa. Another name is “Hay fever”.

Allergies can be caused by:

  • medications;
  • food products;
  • smells of food and flowers;
  • plant pollen;
  • house dust;
  • pet hair.

A runny nose goes away when it comes into contact with the allergen. Symptoms appear upon contact with an allergen in the form of copious mucus discharge from the two nasal passages, sneezing, and watery eyes. When associated with the flowering of certain plants, it is seasonal and occurs in winter. An immunologist-allergist will help determine the allergen after special tests. Parents should contact this specialist if their child’s runny nose does not go away within a month.

If left untreated for one or two months, an allergic runny nose in a child can cause bronchial asthma. This confirms why pediatricians always take baby runny nose very seriously.


The transition of inflammation from the nasal mucosa to the paranasal sinuses (sinuses) occurs if the pathogen is strong enough and the immune system is weak. In adults, the immune system suffers from chronic diseases, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, smoking, carious teeth. From listing the possible reasons, it becomes clear what to do.

In a child’s body, the immune system develops gradually, and hereditary deficiency is possible. The cause of sinusitis can be difficulty breathing due to nasal adenoids or tonsillitis.

Of the four possible sinusitis, two most often occur: sinusitis of the frontal sinuses (frontal sinusitis) and maxillary maxillary sinusitis (sinusitis).

Manifestations of sinusitis

Symptoms are associated with the localization of the sinuses, acute or chronic course. If a runny nose lasts one or two months, acute sinusitis without treatment becomes a chronic process.

  • Prolonged runny nose (more than a week) with the release of mucopurulent contents;
  • pain on both sides in the forehead, above the eyes, in the cheekbones and eyebrows;
  • in children, pain often radiates to the ear;
  • increased pain in the evening and when tilting the head forward;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • insomnia due to lack of nasal breathing.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor; urgent anti-inflammatory therapy, antibiotics, rinsing of the sinuses and nasal passages, and physiotherapeutic treatment will be required. It is possible to perform a puncture of the maxillary sinuses, even surgical treatment.

The proximity of the sinuses to the brain makes it necessary to take quick and concrete steps towards recovery, to make the most of available methods treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment are used for a long time (two or more months), but they give a good effect and serve as an addition to medications. It is recommended to rinse the nasal passages with sea salt, herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula), and onion juice two or three times a day. The excellent effect of compresses with a decoction of bay leaves was noted.

An otolaryngologist will recommend what exactly to do in case of a prolonged runny nose after examination and examination.