Basic methods for diagnosing syphilis and deciphering indicators. When is a false positive test for syphilis possible? Positive Wasserman test may be a mistake

Even venereologists with many years of experience periodically encounter difficulties in making a diagnosis based on the results of laboratory tests. According to research, for last years More than 14% of patients received a false positive test for syphilis when examined with non-treponemal tests (screening test). Just imagine: almost a fifth of the total number of subjects received a false positive result for syphilis in the complete absence of syphilis.

A false positive reaction to syphilis is most often observed during the initial study, when the patient takes tests during medical examination or appeals for prevention and testing. Such tests are indicated for everyone and are called non-treponemal or screening tests.

Due to the fact that a false-positive test for syphilis is quite common, starting treatment immediately after receiving the first positive result is prohibited. This is primarily due to the peculiarity of non-treponemal tests, which can react and give a positive result in other diseases, against the background of the process of inflammation and destruction of some tissue cells in the body. In this regard, it becomes possible to confirm or refute the fact of infection only after additional treponemal analyzes and modern immunological tests.

Within the walls of a modern venereology clinic, an experienced doctor always explains to the patient that in order to make a reliable diagnosis, it is necessary to donate blood for the first non-treponemal test and, after receiving the result, undergo a treponemal test again. Only with confirmation of the presence of treponemal infection in the body can one obtain a guaranteed correct conclusion and begin the necessary therapy.

Independently contacting the laboratory for testing is allowed, but is not recommended, since if you choose the wrong type of examination, the risk of obtaining a false result increases significantly. That is why in this article we will tell you how to avoid mistakes when examining for a syphilitic infection, how to recognize a false-positive test for syphilis and who to contact for correct diagnosis and observation.

Why can the test be false positive?

Situations when false-positive syphilis is given in tests most often occur with non-treponemal tests. Such tests include complement binding reactions, RSK, Wasserman test, and cardiolipin. Such tests are designed to detect antibodies to cardiolipin in the patient's bloodstream. And such a reaction can be observed not only with syphilis, but also with any other disease with the destruction of tissue cells, inflammation and an acute course.

The reason for this false positive result lies in the underlying response of this cardiolipin test. This analysis does not determine the pathogen (treponema bacteria), but antibodies that can be produced to a component of muscle tissue, cardiac and skeletal. Such a reaction can also be observed not only with syphilis, but also with another disease accompanied by destruction cellular structure fabrics. Consequently, non-treponemal tests give an answer not only when in contact with treponemas, but also when reagin antibodies appear against the background of an active, acute process. Therefore, if a positive result is obtained, the next analysis must be a treponemal specific test.

Can a treponemal test be false?

Specific tests for detecting syphilis are considered, which are extremely rarely incorrect. These tests make it possible to detect syphilitic infection both in the early stages and during long-term infection, which is achieved through the use of specific treponemal antigens and antigen-antibody reactions. These tests include reactions for immunofluorescent detection of treponemes, reactions passive hemagglutination, analyzes based on enzyme immunoassays, modern methods immunoblot and tests for immobilization, treponemes.

Situations when a patient receives a false-positive ELISA for syphilis or another treponemal test are very common. It is almost impossible to identify the causes of erroneous treponemal results, but leading experts associate this with rare systemic or dangerous infectious diseases. Also, some doctors believe that the causes of false-positive syphilis must be sought in the patient’s life history and medical history. This is explained by the fact that if there has been previous contact with the pathogen, but there is no infection, memory cells immune system can produce antibodies against treponema, and the patient can be completely healthy.


When does a false positive test for syphilis occur?

False-positive tests for syphilis by ELISA, RPGA, RIBT and other methods are most common in certain individuals. Among all cases of detection of primary positive tests, which were not confirmed during further examination, doctors identify groups of patients with a history of conditions such as:

  • systemic and autoimmune diseases, antiphospholipid syndrome, systemic lupus, collagenosis, dermatomyositis and scleroderma, insulin-dependent diabetes, rheumatoid, gouty arthritis;
  • oncology with damage to lymphoid tissue and blood cells;
  • infection with tuberculosis, pulmonary and extrapulmonary, intraorgan localization;
  • infection with hepatitis, mononucleosis, enterovirus infection;
  • infection with borreliosis, encephalitis, chicken pox, measles, malaria;
  • long-term use narcotic drugs, alcohol surrogates;
  • vaccination in the last 28 days;
  • age over 65 years;
  • pregnancy.

As can be seen from this list, a false-positive test for syphilis can be issued if various pathologies and states. That is why you should not try to do an independent examination. An experienced venereologist will always conduct a high-quality diagnosis and, if questionable results are obtained, will refer you for additional tests to accurately confirm or refute the diagnosis of syphilis.

You should not look in magazines or articles on the Internet about “how to identify syphilis without seeing a doctor,” or “what is the reliable indicator for a false-positive ELISA test for syphilis.” Such an examination may not only turn out to be completely unsuccessful, but also dangerous, since if an unreliable result is obtained, there can be no question of correct observation and therapy. In addition, choosing the wrong drugs to treat syphilis will only worsen the situation and cause great harm to the body.

Do not risk your own health; in our time, it is possible to cure syphilis. But for this you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to avoid false positive results in pregnant women?

They especially need high-quality diagnostics, which, when registered, can also receive a false positive result for syphilis. Most often, false tests are issued against the background of progressive antiphospholipid syndrome during pregnancy or other chronic diseases in the anamnesis. In such situations, only experienced venereologists should carry out examinations, since an accurate diagnosis will require a comprehensive examination, the appointment of additional tests and an accurate recording of all complaints and clinical symptoms of the patient.

Taking into account the extremely dangerous risk of the impact of treponemal infection on the fetus, treatment should be mandatory when the diagnosis is confirmed. In this case, the development of a treatment regimen should only be carried out by an experienced specialist who will monitor the health of the pregnant woman throughout the entire treatment.

Currently, doctors detect a false-positive test for syphilis extremely rarely, but such situations do occur. In this connection, examination for a sexually transmitted disease should be carried out only in a medical institution under the supervision of a venereologist. If you are concerned about the reliability of your tests, contact only experienced doctors.

We, the “Venereology Guide,” are ready to help you choose the best clinic and qualified venereologist in your city. Our specialists are guaranteed to help you accept the right decision and choose the most best option for observation and consultation.

There is no need to be afraid or worry. The sooner you pass full examination, the faster you will receive a reliable conclusion and an accurate diagnosis. And in case of a positive result, the success of therapy depends only on the time of initiation of treatment.

It is indeed possible to cure syphilis. Contact the Venereology Guide - we will help you!


Indicates that a person is infected and is an indication for specific antibacterial therapy. This disease is easily transmitted by contact and other mechanisms and often leads to damage to internal organs.

Types of analyzes

Blood is taken for syphilis if the disease is suspected. Indications for testing are:

  • initial examination of the patient;
  • identification of a latent form of the disease;
  • donor screening;
  • performing surgical interventions;
  • screening of the population.

Main tasks laboratory diagnostics are the identification of the genome of the causative agent of syphilis (treponema pallidum) and antibodies to them. The following tests may be positive:

Laboratory diagnostics are crucial in making the correct diagnosis.

Positive microscopy results

In identifying the pathogen of this disease Microscopic methods are widely used. These include dark-field microscopy, Romanowsky-Giemsa examination, and treponemal silver impregnation. The materials for the study are:

Dark-field microscopy is positive for syphilis. When light is directed onto a slide with a patient’s specimen, pale treponemas begin to glow against a completely dark background. They have a thin, spiral shape and are capable of various types of movements (translational, rotational, flexion). Treponemas have several whorls.

For syphilitic infection, analysis using the Romanovsky-Giemsa method is very informative. The preparation is stained with special substances, dried and examined under a microscope. An oil medium is used for this. The analysis is positive if microbial cells are visually detected. The pink color allows you to distinguish pale treponema from other spirochetes. Less commonly used in the diagnosis of syphilis is the silver impregnation method, in which the pathogen turns dark brown or black.

Wasserman reaction for syphilis

To establish the disease, the Wasserman reaction is used. Currently, it is rarely performed. In modern laboratories, the RW test has been replaced by the anticardiolipin test. The Wasserman reaction is... The disadvantage of the analysis is its low information content. A false positive result is often observed.

In the primary form of syphilis, RW becomes positive only 6–8 weeks after infection. For research, blood is taken from a vein. The essence of the reaction is that in response to the addition of a special protein to the patient’s blood, a complex is formed and a precipitate is observed. This happens if the material contains Treponema pallidum cardiolipin.

According to the results of the analysis, crosses are given. A false result is often observed if a person has other diseases (lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis). The result may be affected by:

The result in the form of 1 cross is regarded as doubtful. In this case, the hemolysis reaction is weakly expressed. 2 crosses are placed when the destruction of the patient’s red blood cells is partially delayed. This indicates a weakly positive test. 3 crosses indicate a pronounced delay in hemolysis. Wasserman's reaction is considered positive. The answer is possible in the form of 4 crosses. It indicates the presence of a disease.

Results of other studies

During examination large groups people for syphilis The RPR test is one of the most informative. It is more accurate than Wasserman's reaction. This study refers to non-treponemal methods, that is, it is aimed at searching for antibodies (immunoglobulins) against lipids of microbial cells or phospholipids of destroyed tissues.

When performing an RPR test, a false positive result is observed in 1–2% of cases. Antibodies in the blood of patients are detected within 7–10 days after the onset of chancre. Over time, the antibody titer decreases and by the 3rd period of the disease a false negative result is possible. Even if 4 crosses are given for syphilis, additional treponemal tests are performed (RIF, ELISA, RPGA, immunoblot and RIBT).

After nonspecific tests, serodiagnosis is performed. The immunofluorescence reaction and linked immunosorbent assay. These reactions become positive in last days asymptomatic (incubation) period. They are informative in diagnosing latent syphilis and identifying false-positive reactions.

People who have recovered from the disease have specific antibodies in their blood throughout their lives. RIF, RPGA and ELISA are not used to determine the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy. Decoding a blood test for syphilis is simple. The result is often presented as crosses or percentages. The “-” sign indicates that the person is not infected with Treponema pallidum. 2 crosses indicate a dubious result. A weakly positive analysis is equivalent to 3 crosses. 4 crosses indicate the presence of Treponema pallidum in the body.

Why are the tests positive?

You need to know the reasons for positive laboratory tests performed when syphilis is suspected. Detection of treponemes or antibodies indicates infection. The main causes of the occurrence and development of the disease:

The reason for positive results for syphilis may be improper preparation of the patient, the presence concomitant pathology and errors during the analysis itself.

What to do for sick people

If Treponema pallidum or immunoglobulins are detected in the patient's body, treatment is required. Additionally, the following studies can be carried out:

  • general and biochemical tests blood;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • MRI or CT;
  • radiography;
  • examination of mucous membranes and skin;
  • cerebrospinal fluid examination.

If the test result is positive for syphilis, the doctor must determine the timing of infection and the period (stage) of the disease. After this, a treatment regimen is selected.

If treponema pallidum is detected, systemic antibiotics (penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines) are prescribed. The most effective are Doxal, Dixicycline-Acos, Bicillin-5, Benzylpenicillin sodium salt, and Forte.

In the later stages, along with antibiotics, bismuth and iodine preparations, immunostimulants and physiotherapy are indicated. At the end of the course of therapy, control tests are organized. Thus, if syphilis is suspected, treponemal and non-treponemal tests are performed. In addition to the patient himself, his sexual partners should be examined.

The Wasserman reaction is the basis for diagnosing a disease such as syphilis. Classic version This research has not been used in the Russian Federation since the 1980s, but the laid foundation is used in analogues.

Syphilis is a disease infectious etiology, which causes Treponema pallidum (treponema pallidum). Infection with syphilis occurs predominantly through sexual contact; vertical transmission of infection is also possible (during childbirth from an infected mother to a child).

The course of the disease is characterized by constant progression, the presence of relapses, the frequency of clinical symptoms and the ability to affect all organs and systems of the body.

To diagnose syphilis, special tests are used:

  • non-treponemal (precipitation microreaction (RPR - anticardiolipin test), Wasserman reaction, microscopic VDRL test, syphilis AgCL and others),
  • treponemal (ELISA, RIF, RPHA, treponemal immobilization reaction, immunoblotting, etc.).

The most “classical” test is the Wasserman reaction.

For reference. The Wasserman reaction is an immunological method for diagnosing syphilis, based on the complement fixation reaction.

The essence of RW is that the blood of a patient with syphilis, when a special aggressor protein is added to it, is capable of forming complexes with it that absorb complement, which will precipitate.

How is a Wasserman blood test performed?

In fact, the Wasserman reaction is explained by the presence of cardiolipin in the white treponema. This is an antigen that stimulates the synthesis of antibodies, which are detected in the blood using RW.

That is, an artificial analogue of treponema (cardiolipin antigen) and a special binding protein (compliment) are added to the patient’s blood serum. If antibodies (specific protective proteins) to Treponema pallidum are present in the blood, then the binding of cardiolipin antigen and these antibodies occurs with the participation of complement. The resulting compound precipitates, assessed as ++++.

Normal, in serum healthy people hemolysis of red blood cells occurs. That is, there are no antibodies in the blood with which the cardiolipin antigen can react, and, therefore, the adsorption and complement fixation reaction does not occur in the serum. Free complement is involved in hemolysis, the appearance of which is assessed as a negative Wassermann reaction, that is, “-“.

The blood test for the Wasserman reaction has five answer options:

  • – (indicates that complete hemolysis of red blood cells has occurred in the serum, which means the test for syphilis is negative);
  • + (such an answer is interpreted as doubtful, one + evaluates a mild delay in hemolysis);
  • ++ (observed with partial delay of hemolysis and is regarded as a weakly positive Wasserman reaction);
  • +++ (this result is regarded as a positive RW, indicating a significant delay in hemolysis);
  • ++++ (sharply positive RW, complete absence of hemolysis and precipitation indicates the patient has syphilis or other diseases that caused a false positive RW).

A false-positive test for syphilis does not provide an objective picture of the patient’s condition. There are various factors due to which laboratory tests do not give a clear result. The reason for this may be somatic diseases or pathological changes in organism. In any case, there are measures to clarify the situation and understand whether a person is sick or whether his health is not in danger.

Reasons for false analysis

Treponemal and non-treponemal tests are used to diagnose syphilis. The first group of laboratory tests is more accurate; it is aimed at determining the DNA of microorganisms and their metabolic products. Analyzes show high accuracy, but are not carried out everywhere, since this requires special equipment and reagents.

Nontreponemal tests are considered nonspecific; they are performed to detect antibodies that the body produces in response to the proliferation of microorganisms.

In the first case, the error is only 5%, but when performing nonspecific tests, false-positive tests are much more common.

This may be due to one or more of the following factors:

  • degeneration of a benign formation into a tumor;
  • enteroviral diseases;
  • progression of tuberculosis;
  • any type of hepatitis;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • tick-borne borreliosis;
  • the body’s reaction to the vaccine, which was completed within a month;
  • development of diabetes mellitus.

False results for syphilis are common in pregnant women due to severe changes in the body. Also, the cause of an ambiguous condition can be advanced age, which is faced by patients who are over 70 years old.

Incorrect results are not a cause for concern. After receiving the tests, the doctor will prescribe a repeat examination. Nonspecific tests for syphilis are done again after 2 weeks. The lack of a clear result forces doctors to send the patient for treponemal tests.

How to avoid false positive results

So that the doctor can diagnose the patient the first time, it is recommended to prepare in advance for laboratory research and comply with all requirements put forward by specialists. A false positive test occurs due to improper preparation. The body produces antibodies, so the doctor cannot confirm or detect the disorder.

To obtain correct results, the following rules must be followed before testing for syphilis:

  1. All studies are carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. The patient is prohibited from eating, but drinking water is allowed.
  2. It is prohibited to drink alcohol 2 days before the blood test. Alcoholic drinks put a strain on the liver, so the test reaction will be positive or false positive.
  3. An hour before the collection of biomaterial, the patient should refrain from smoking.
  4. You will have to follow a diet for 2-3 days before the tests. It involves avoiding spicy, fried and fatty foods.
  5. Taking blood from a vein involves a short rest (10 minutes) beforehand.
  6. Women should not donate blood during their period due to hormonal changes.
  7. Testing for syphilis cannot be preceded by physiotherapy or radiology.
  8. In the presence of chronic diseases you should make sure that they are in remission.

If you take any medications on a regular basis, you should tell your doctor about it. Some medications have a weak or strong effect on the body, which makes it difficult to assess the clinical picture. Sometimes it is advisable to take a break from taking medications to get all the necessary tests.

What to do in case of a false positive result?

If you receive a false positive result, do not panic. Keep in mind that even laboratory tests can make mistakes.

The absence of a clear result means that you may be healthy. The doctor is obliged to send the patient back for tests.

To do this, contact a dermatovenerologist. After examination and questioning, repeat examinations are scheduled. To obtain an unambiguous result, it is recommended to resort to another method for determining syphilis. Regardless of whether the result was negative or positive during the second study, further tests will be performed using the treponemal and non-treponemal methods. When combining these methods, the error is less than 1%.

Ineffective tests

The doctor determines the method of diagnostic examination based on the patient’s condition and the presence concomitant diseases. Methods are improved every year clinical trials, so some methods of detecting infection are becoming obsolete.

The Wasserman reaction is considered ineffective. Serological study blood test determines the presence of the disease in a few minutes, but has low accuracy. These tests for syphilis are offered in free clinics due to their low price. The test uses blood or cerebrospinal fluid. Patients often receive a false positive or false negative result.

The microreaction of recipi- tion determines the presence of antibodies in the body. To test for syphilis you need a large number of material. Blood or cerebrospinal fluid is analyzed. The microreaction is used only as a screening test; it cannot confirm the diagnosis, since the production of antibodies can occur not only with syphilis. A false positive result occurs when sterility is compromised.

Among treponemal tests, enzyme immunoassay shows low efficiency. The synthesis of immunoglobulins occurs not only during syphilis; in addition, the analysis can be positive even after completion of treatment.

RIF (immunofluorescence reaction) is used only as a confirmatory method. The technique is effective in the early stages, but in other cases the results are unreliable. False positive results appear in pregnant women and patients with impaired integrity connective tissue.

RPGA is considered a reliable method, but it can detect syphilis only 28 days after infection. If you evaluate the blood condition earlier, the test will be negative or false positive.

Usually, doctors immediately prescribe tests with high sensitivity to detect syphilis, where the error is minimal. Compared to other methods, they can be more expensive and take longer, so not everyone agrees to carry them out. Among the highly accurate and sensitive methods for diagnosing syphilis are:

  • PCR, thanks to which DNA sections of microorganisms are determined;
  • immunoblotting, this combined method determines immunoglobulins in human blood;
  • RIBT, a specific analysis that detects Treponema pallidum, has high accuracy and is therefore used throughout the world.

False positive reaction in pregnant women

An ambiguous test for syphilis in pregnant women is more common than in all other cases. During pregnancy, a test to detect treponemas is taken 3 times. First, the blood is studied in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, then again at 30 weeks and the final one just before birth.

Most pregnant women have a regular partner, and after seeing a false positive result, many begin to doubt his fidelity. You should not suspect your man of cheating, since most likely the analysis turned out to be false.

While carrying a child, strong hormonal changes occur, and the immune system begins to work differently. The woman’s body tries to provide maximum protection to the child, so active production of antibodies occurs. All tests for syphilis react to protein compounds in blood plasma. Therefore, if a false positive result appears during a non-treponemal analysis, the woman is again sent for examination, but for a more precise methods detection of microorganisms.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, pregnant women are prescribed a course of antibiotics; timely detection of the disease allows the infection to be eliminated without negative consequences for a child.

Upon receiving a positive or negative analysis For syphilis, the current state of a person becomes immediately clear. A false positive result indicates a small amount of antibodies in the blood. This may indicate the presence incubation period infections, other diseases, exacerbation of chronic disorders, talk about late syphilis (3-4 years after infection a small amount of antibodies remains in the body) or violation of the rules of analysis. In such a situation, additional treponemal tests are performed, which give an unambiguous result.

False-positive syphilis is a common problem that anyone can encounter. Moreover, we get tested for this disease quite often. When determining for inpatient treatment, before leaving for a sanatorium, when applying for a job. It’s natural that people get scared when they see positive results. They think that they have a serious disease that is dangerous to others.

In what cases is it possible to diagnose false-positive syphilis, patients ask their doctors, and which tests can be trusted.

Who should be notified of the results, and what should I do if they are positive in a pregnant woman?

Syphilis: types of tests for Treponema pallidum

Before understanding why a false positive reaction to syphilis was obtained, it is necessary to understand what tests are used today to diagnose this disease.

Syphilis is a pathology caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. It is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. But when it enters the body, it has the ability to affect not only the genitals, but also the body as a whole. At advanced stages of the disease, the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems suffer from it, and the person often does not survive. Earlier diagnosis illness was unreliable.

However, today doctors are making efforts to introduce new methods into use that make it possible to make a diagnosis with a minimal probability of error.

There is a whole group of different tests that help them in this difficult task.

Non-treponemal techniques

Research by this group is not aimed at identifying the pathogen itself, but at searching for its traces. This is done by identifying special proteins produced either by the body or directly by the bacterium. The methods of this group have a high probability of error, but they make it possible to understand how severe the infection is.

  • Precipitation microreaction. Based on reactions that occur between antigens and antibodies. It has controversial specificity, which is why it is also used as a screening method and not as a confirmation method. Has several analogues.
  • Wasserman reaction, also known as RW. The technique is widespread due to the fact that it is inexpensive and quick to perform. Both venous and arterial blood, as well as cerebrospinal fluid. Belongs to a group of screening tests popular in all laboratories.

Treponemal tests

Analyzes from this group are highly accurate.

The likelihood of getting a false positive result for syphilis when using these methods is minimal.

The methods are quite expensive. They are not recommended for screening, but they are excellent for confirming or denying a diagnosis.

High accuracy diagnostic methods

The methods of this group are characterized by high reliability and minimal risk of obtaining incorrect results. However, they are also known for their high cost due to the need to use specific equipment.

  • PCR. A method based on searching for the microorganism itself, or rather its DNA particles in the human body. Requires the use of special equipment and reagents.
  • Immunoblotting. A combined technique based on a combination of electrophoresis and ELISA. Thanks to electrophoresis processing of blood elements, it is possible to significantly increase the reliability of ELISA testing.
  • RIBT. An analysis that is highly specific. The likelihood of a positive result if the patient is completely healthy is minimized. Used to diagnose complex forms of syphilis that occur with damage to the nervous system.

False-positive syphilis: why and when changes occur

A person may receive false-positive results from standard free tests for a number of conditions not associated with Treponema pallidum infection. For example, this is possible with a cold, with autoimmune diseases, injuries various localizations etc. All these conditions are united by the fact that during them the body begins to intensively produce antibodies designed to fight the antigens of the pathogenic microorganism. Moreover, some antibodies resemble in structure those produced during infection with Treponema pallidum. This gives rise to the possibility of false positive results.

Doctors call a number acute conditions, which can provoke a long-term increase in antibody titer. These include:

  • ARVI and other similar ailments that occur with an increase in body temperature;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • injuries;
  • period after vaccination;
  • acute poisoning.

Separately, there are also a number of conditions in which the test for syphilis can be chronically positive. Such conditions include autoimmune diseases, liver pathologies, age-related deformations of the body, HIV infection and viral hepatitis and etc.

What tests for syphilis can you trust?

False-positive syphilis is quite rare due to its high specificity modern research. However, the possibility of obtaining incorrect results still exists.

The accuracy of the analyzes largely depends on how the biological material was collected and how it was stored immediately before the start of the study. The accuracy of the equipment and the reagents used for various reactions are also of considerable importance.

It is also important whether Treponema pallidum itself or its analogues are taken for research. In the first case, it is possible to obtain more accurate results. Since the likelihood of a reaction with similar antibodies is minimized.

However, non-treponema tests are the most commonly used. This is explained by their low cost compared to the treponemal research option.

Treponemal test options may give incorrect results with a 1% chance. Non-treponemal methods give an error with a probability of up to 10%. The difference is noticeable.

How to tell if a syphilis test result is wrong

Patients mistakenly believe that if the results indicate “positive” or “negative”, then everything is clear with the results. However, any doctor will tell you that even clear results should be treated with suspicion. If, for example, there is a discrepancy clinical picture results.

The inscription in the results column “dubious result” completely puts people far from medicine into a stupor. The first thought in this case is research error.

A questionable result does not always indicate a test error. Sometimes, as doctors note, it is possible after suffering from syphilis. Or if the disease has just begun to develop and has not yet had time to provoke a full-fledged reaction from the body’s immune system.

If a non-treponemal study shows questionable or strongly positive results, the patient is required to undergo an additional treponemal test. Based on it, full conclusions are already being drawn about whether infection has occurred.

A negative result indicates health, and a positive result indicates the need for therapy. In any case, it is recommended to retake questionable tests. The average interval between tests should be at least 14 days.

False-positive syphilis: the importance of spreading awareness

Patients are often interested in the question of where to go if a syphilidologist has determined that it is not syphilis, but the reaction is positive.

First of all, you should notify your sexual partner about the results. He is recommended to undergo testing for purely preventive purposes.

The patient is referred from the syphilidologist to other specialists. Among them:

  • a therapist if there are signs of an obvious infectious process such as ARVI;
  • infectious disease specialist if more serious cases are suspected infectious diseases, for example, for leprosy, HIV, viral hepatitis;
  • immunologist for suspected problems with immunity, its decrease due to reasons of any kind;
  • rheumatologist if there is a suspicion of connective tissue disease, etc.

It is important to remember that even a positive result with subsequent confirmation of the diagnosis is not grounds for dismissal from work. After all, treated syphilis does not pose a danger to others. And if you take care of the disease in time, then complete recovery occurs.

Doctors draw the attention of adolescents to the fact that they can also undergo examinations and tests at the medical checkpoint at their place of residence. Moreover, information about their illness will not be disclosed even to their parents if the diagnosis is confirmed.

Is it possible to have a false test for syphilis in pregnant women?

False-positive syphilis during pregnancy is a situation that any woman carrying a baby in her womb may encounter. Whether you should worry about your health and the health of your baby is up to the doctor to decide. Any representative of the fair sex during pregnancy must undergo testing at least three times. The first time it is performed is at 12 weeks. Then it repeats several weeks before childbirth and, finally, immediately before the birth itself. Naturally, receiving positive results from the Wasserman reaction, used in this case, the woman worries about where she got the disease from. If after pregnancy or generally in the last six months there has been no change in sexual partners and there is complete confidence in his health, then the fears are in vain. The analysis is highly likely to be false. The fact is that pregnancy is a process accompanied not only by powerful changes in the hormonal sphere, but also by a pronounced restructuring of the immune system.

The immune system must prepare for the presence of an essentially foreign organism in the body for an extended amount of time. Naturally, at this time, many antibodies are produced, some of which are similar in structure to antibodies to syphilis. They give positive reaction when checking.

Preparing for a test for syphilis to avoid incorrect results

What set of tests to take if false-positive syphilis is suspected, patients ask their doctors. As already mentioned, treponemal tests are recommended. They allow you to make a correct diagnosis with 99.9% accuracy.

A little preparation is recommended before the tests. Firstly, you should stop drinking alcohol, fatty and fried foods at least 24 hours before testing. Secondly, you should come to the clinic or hospital to donate blood in the morning, on an empty stomach. Before the study, a short rest is recommended so that the body does not experience stress.

Diagnosing syphilis still presents some difficulties due to the possibility of obtaining false test results. Naturally, patients need to know in what cases tests can give incorrect results and how to double-check.

After all, ignoring the disease, as well as treating an absent pathology, can lead to serious complications!

If you suspect false-positive syphilis, contact the author of this article, a venereologist in Moscow with many years of experience.