Red systemic lupus in women. System Red Volchanka (SLE) - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Disease All About Disease Red Volchanka

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Volchanka (System Red Volchanka, SLE) - This is an autoimmune disease in which the human immune system attacks the host cell cells as alien.

There are almost everywhere connecting tissue, and most importantly - in the ubiquitous vessels.

Inflammation caused by a lupus can affect a variety of organs and systems, including skin, kidneys, blood, brain, heart and lungs.

Volchanka is not transmitted from man to man.

Science does not know the exact cause of the occurrence of lupus, as well as many other autoimmune diseases.

These diseases are most likely caused by genetic disorders in the immune system, which make it possible to produce antibodies against its own owner.

The lupus is difficult to diagnose, because its symptoms are very diverse, and it can be masked for other diseases. The most distinguishing feature of the lupus is Erythema on the face, which resembles the wings of the butterfly, spread through both patient's cheeks (erythema-butterfly). But this sign is not found in all cases of lupus.

From the lupus there is no radical method of treatment, but its symptoms can be controlled by drugs.

Causes and Risk Factors

The combination of external factors can push the autoimmune process. Moreover, some factors act per person, and they do not act on the other.

Why this happens, remains a mystery.

There are many probable causes of lupus:

The effect of ultraviolet rays (sunlight) contributes to the occurrence of lupus or exacerbation of its symptoms.
Women's sex hormones do not cause lupus, but affect its course. Among them can be highly seen drugs for female sex hormones for the treatment of gynecological diseases. But this does not concern the reception of low-volume oral contraceptives (OK).
Smoking is considered one of the risk factors of a lupus, which can cause disease and exacerbate its course (especially damage to vessels).
Some drugs can exacerbate the flush flow (in each case, you need to read the instructions for the drug).
Infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), parvovirus (infectious erythema) and hepatitis C, can also cause lupus. Epstein-Barr virus is associated with the occurrence of lupus in children.
Chemicals can cause lupus. Among these substances in the first place trichloroethylene (narcotic substance, applied in the chemical industry). Paints and hair retainers, previously considered the cause of the lupus, are now fully justified.

The probability of the occurrence of lupus is higher in such groups of people:

Women face a lupus more often men.
Suites from Africa are more likely whisper than white.
People between the ages of 15 and 45 are sick most often.
Avoid smokers (according to some studies).
People with a burdened family history.
People constantly taking medicines associated with the risk of lupus (sulfonamides, some antibiotics, hydralazine).

Military Causes

One of the common causes of the occurrence of lupus is the use of drugs and other chemicals. In the United States, one of the main drugs causing the drug-induced SC is considered hydralazine (about 20% of cases), as well as procanamide (up to 20%), quinidine, minocycline and isoniazide.

Medicinal preparations, most often associated with lupus, include calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, FN-Alpha antagonists, thiazide diuretics and terbinafin (antifungal drug).

The following groups of drugs are usually associated with the occurrence of drug-induced SC:

Antibiotics: Minocycline and isoniazide.
Antipsychotic drugs: Chloropromazine.
Biological means: Interleukins, interferons.
Hypotensive drugs: Methyldop, hydralazine, captopril.
Hormonal preparations: Leprolid.
Inhalation preparations at the CHOS: Tiotropia Bromide.
Antiarrhythmic drugs: Prosanamide and County.
Anti-inflammatory: Sulfasalazine and Penicillamine.
Antifungal: Terbinefin, griseofullvin and voriconazole.
Hypocholesterolemic: Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, hemfibrosyl.
Anticonants: Valproic acid, ethosuximide, carbamazepine, Gidantoin.
Other drugs: Eye drops with Timolol, FN-Alpha inhibitors, sulfonamide preparations, highly seen preparations of female sex hormones.

An additional list of drugs causing lupus:

Gold and its salts.
Lithium and its salts.

Sometimes systemic red lupus occurs under the action of chemicals entering the organism from the environment. This happens only in some people, for incomprehensible while the reason.

These chemicals include:

Some insecticides.
Some compounds of metals.
Eosin (fluorescent liquid in lipstick).
Paramyinobenzoic acid (PABK).

Symptoms of Volchanka

The symptoms of the lupus are very diverse, because the disease can affect different organs. The symptoms of this complex disease are written entire volumes of medical guidelines. We can consider them in brief.

There are no two cases of lupus, which would be like exactly. Symptoms of lupus can occur suddenly or develop gradually, may be temporary or disturb the patient all his life. In most patients, the lupus proceeds relatively easily, with periodic exacerbations, when the symptoms of the disease become worse, and then calm or disappear at all.

Symptoms of lupus can be as follows:

Fatigue and weakness.
Temperature increase.
Pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints.
Erythema on the face in the form of a butterfly.
Skin lesions deteriorating because of the sun.
Rhino phenomenon (deterioration of blood flow in the fingers).
Breathing problems.
Chest pain .
Dry eye.
Memory loss.
Violation of consciousness.

It is almost impossible to suggest a lupist to a visit to the doctor. Contact your advice if you have an unusual rash, temperature, joint pain, fatigue.

Diagnosis of Volchanka

The diagnosis of lupus can be very difficult due to the variety of disease manifestations. Symptoms of lupus can change over time and resemble other diseases. For the diagnosis of lupus, a whole range of tests may be required:

1. Common blood test.

In this case, the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, hemoglobin determines the content of red blood cells. With a lupus, anemia can be detected. Low content of leukocytes and platelets can also talk about lupus.

2. Determination of the SE indicator.

The rate of sedimentation of red blood cells is determined by how fast the erythrocytes of your blood settle in the prepared blood sample on the bottom of the test tube. Soe is measured in millimeters per hour (mm / h). The rapid speed of the settlement of red blood cells can talk about inflammation, including the autoimmune, like in the Volchanka. But ESO also rises with cancer, other inflammatory diseases, even with a banal cold.

3. Evaluation of liver and kidney functions.

Blood tests can show how well your kidneys and liver work well. This is determined by the content of hepatic enzymes and the level of toxic substances with which the kidney should cope. The lupus can affect the liver, and the kidneys.

4. Urine tests.

In your sample, urine can reveal the increased protein content or red blood cells. This testifies to the defeat of the kidneys that can be observed during the Volchanka.

5. Analysis on Ana.

Antinuclear antibodies (ana) are special proteins that are produced by the immune system. A positive analysis on ana may indicate a lupus, although it may be with other diseases. If your test test be positive, the doctor can assign you to other tests.

6. Chest x-ray.

Getting an image of the chest helps to detect inflammation or fluid in the lungs. This may be a sign of a lupus or other diseases that are affected by the lungs.

7. Echocardiography.

Echocardiography (ECOCG) is a method that uses sound waves to get an image of a beating heart in real time. Ehoche can identify problems with cardiac valves and much more.

8. Biopsy.

Biopsy, sample taking an organ of analysis, is widely used in the diagnosis of different diseases. Volchanka often strikes the kidneys, so the doctor may appoint biopsy of your kidneys. This procedure is carried out using a long needle after preliminary anesthesia, so it's nothing to worry about. The resulting piece of fabric will help reveal the cause of your illness.

Treatment of Volchanka

Treatment of lupus is very complex and long. Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms of the disease and requires a serious discussion with the risk physician and the benefits of one or another therapy. Your doctor must constantly control your treatment. If the symptoms of the disease subside, it can change the drug or reduce doses. If an aggravation occurs - on the contrary.

Modern preparations for the treatment of lupus:

1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NSAIDs).

Neckless NSAIDs, such as Naproxen (Anadrox, Naltezine, Floginas) and Ibuprofen (Nurofen, IBUPROM), can be used to treat inflammation, edema and pain caused by lupus. Strong NSAIDs, such as diclofenac (Olfhen), are discovered by the appointment of a doctor. Side effects of the NSAID include abdominal pain, gastric bleeding, kidney problems and raising the risk of cardiovascular complications. The latter is especially characteristic of celecoxib and roofecoxib, which are not recommended to older people.

2. Antimalarial preparations.

Medicines, which are usually prescribed for the treatment of malaria, such as hydroxychlorookhin (placled), help control the symptoms of the lupus. Side effects: discomfort in the stomach and damage to the retina of the eyes (very rarely).

3. Corticosteroid hormones.

Corticosteroid hormones are potent drugs that are struggling with inflammation during the Volchanka. Among them methylprednisolone, prednisone, dexamethasone. These drugs are appointed only by the doctor. For them, long-term side effects are characterized: weight gain, osteoporosis, pressure increase, diabetes risk and infections susceptibility. The risk of side effects is higher than the big doses you apply and the longer course of treatment.

4. Immunosuppressors.

Preparations, overwhelming the immune system, can be very useful in lupus and other autoimmune diseases. Among them are cyclophosphamide (cytoxane), Azatioprin (Imuran), Mikophenolate, Leflomide, Methotrexate and others. Possible side effects: susceptibility to infections, liver damage, reduced fertility, risk of many types of cancer. A newer preparation, Belimumab (Benlysta), also removes inflammation during the Volchanka. Its side effects include heat, nausea and diarrhea. If you suffer a lupus, you can take a few steps to help yourself. Simple measures can make exacerbations less often, as well as improve the quality of your life.

Try the following:

1. Adequate rest.

People with a lupus experience constant fatigue, which is different from fatigue in healthy people and does not pass after rest. For this reason, you may be hard to judge when it is worth a suspender and relax. Work out for yourself sparing day mode and follow it.

2. Take care of the sun.

Ultraviolet rays can provoke the exacerbations of the lupus, so you should wear closed clothes and avoid walking under the scorching rays. Choose yourself sunglasses darling, and cream with SPF at least 55 (for particularly sensitive skin).

3. Adhere to a healthy diet.

A healthy diet should include fruits, vegetables, whole cereals. Sometimes you have to endure limitations in the diet, especially if you increase the pressure, problems with the kidneys or the gastrointestinal tract have arisen. Delive to this seriously.

4. Travel regularly.

Exercise allowed by your doctor will help you improve your form and quickly recover after exacerbations. In the distant perspective, the training is a decrease in the risk of heart attack, obesity and diabetes.

5. Discard smoking.

Among other things, smoking can worsen the defeat of the heart and vessels caused by the lupus.

Alternative medicine and lupus

Sometimes alternative medicine can help a patient with a lupus. But do not forget that she is alternatively because its effectiveness and security is not proven. Be sure to discuss with your doctor all alternative treatment methods that you want to try.

Famous in the West unconventional methods of treatment of lupus:

1. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

Dietary supplements containing this hormone can reduce the doses of steroids that receive the patient. DHEA facilitates the symptoms of the disease in some patients.

2. Flax seed.

Linen seed contains fatty acid, called alpha linolenova, which can reduce inflammation. Some studies have shown the ability of flax seeds to improve the functions of the kidneys in patients with a lupus. Side effects include bloating and abdominal pain.

3. Fish fat.

Dietary supplements with fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that can be useful during lupus. Preliminary studies have shown promising results. Side effects of fish oil: nausea, vomiting, belching and fish taste in the mouth.

4. Vitamin D.

There are some evidence that this vitamin facilitates the symptoms in patients with lupus. True, scientific data on this issue is very limited.

Complications of Volchanka

Inflammation caused by lupus can affect different organs.

This leads to numerous complications:

1. Kidneys.

Renal failure is one of the main causes of the death of patients with lupus. Signs of kidney problems include itching throughout the body, pain, nausea, vomiting, swelling.

2. Brain.

If the brain is affected by the lupus, the patient may experience headaches, dizziness, change behavior, hallucinations. Sometimes there are seizures, and even stroke. Many patients with lupus have problems with memory and expressing their thoughts.

3. Blood.

The lupus can cause disorders in the composition of blood, such as anemia and thrombocytopenia. The latter manifests itself a tendency to bleeding.

4. Blood vessels.

With a lupus, blood vessels of various organs can be inflated. This is called vasculitis. The risk of vascular inflammation increases if the patient smokes.

5. Lungs.

Malchanka increases the likelihood of pleuriant inflammation - pleurite, which can make breathing painful and difficult.

6. Heart.

Antibodies can attack the heart muscle (myocarditis), a window-shaped bag (pericarditis) and large arteries. This leads to an increase in the risk of heart attack and other heavy complications.

7. Infections.

People with lupus become vulnerable to infection, especially as a result of treatment with steroids and immunosuppressors. The most common infections of the urogenital system, respiratory infections. Common pathogens: yeast fungi, salmonella, herpes virus.

8. Avascular necrosis bones.

This condition is also known as aseptic, or non-infectious necrosis. It occurs when the blood supply to bones is reduced, leading to fragility and light destruction of bone tissue. Often there are problems with a hip joint, which is experiencing heavy loads.

9. Complications of pregnancy.

Women with lupus have a high risk of miscarriage. Volchanka increases the likelihood of preeclampsia and premature genera. To reduce the risk, the doctor can recommend you to refrain from conception until 6 months have passed since the last outbreak of the disease.

10. Cancer.

Volchanka is associated with an increased risk of many types of cancer. Moreover, some drugs from lupus (immunosuppressors) by themselves increase this risk.

Volchanka - almost mysterious, about the causes of which scientists still argue. It manifests itself differently - from light skin rash to a serious damage to internal organs and death, and it is difficult to predict how the disease behaves. It is difficult to say whether one or another symptom has a sign of mysterious ailment or not and sometimes the months are required in order to make a diagnosis. So what is a lupus and can it be cured?

Such as a lupus is more common called "System Red Volchanka". This is severe belonging to autoimuminous. With such a disease, the immune system of the human body begins to behave inadequately, perceiving the "his" cells and fabrics as foreign and attacking them. Thus, it causes serious damage to those areas and tissues of the body, which seemed to her alien.

The process of "attacks" is accompanied by inflammation, which provokes pains, tumidity in areas affected by the disease, and with particularly acute occurrence, other diseases may also be provoked.

The lupus can manifest themselves in different parts of the human body and affect not only the skin, but also joints and even internal organs.

The lupus is incurable and, although often proceeds almost imperceptibly for a person, she all the time threatens to grow into a more acute form. To prevent the development of symptoms suffering from a lupus all the time, it is necessary to carefully monitor them and pass medical. With appropriate treatment, people with such a disease can freely lead an active, healthy lifestyle.

It is also known that women are 10 times more men at risk of lupus disease.

Varieties of Volchanka

The disease has several varieties depending on how it manifests itself and what areas amazes.

Three types of this disease are usually distinguished:

  1. Discoidal red lupus manifests itself on the skin and affects precipitated skin fabrics. It manifests itself in the form of a red rash, which may appear on the skin of the head and other parts of the body, and the affected areas acquire a thick, scaly crust. Such a rash can hold not only a few days, but for several months or even years, disappearing and after a while appearing again.
  2. Drug-induced red lupus appears as a result of drug use. Such symptoms like rash, arthritis, chest pain, etc. Appear when drinking drugs and disappear as soon as it stops.
  3. Neonatal lupus is extremely rare. As a rule, it manifests itself in newborns and, even if the mother is sick with a systemic red lupus, the likelihood that the disease is transmitted and the child is small. In addition, the doctors have the opportunity to diagnose the risk of the appearance of the disease from early age, therefore it begins in a timely manner. With this form, the toddler, anomaly and cytopenia (lack of blood cells) appear in the kid (lack of blood cells), as well as severe lesions, which is most dangerous.

Causes of occurrence

Despite the close attention of scientists to this disease, the exact causes of its occurrence are not yet established. Genetics plays an important role here, and very often the disease is inherited.

There are many other factors affecting the appearance of lupus. Most likely, it appears not under the influence of something concrete, but because of the whole set of certain factors since the environment and ending with the general condition of the human body.

These include the following:

  • Stress
  • Viral infection
  • Colds
  • Hormonal failures (for example, during puberty, postpartum period, menopause)
  • Excessively long stay in the sun
  • Allergies to medicines and any products

The cause of the disease can serve as a variety of factors, but still, with genetic predisposition, the risk of becoming the risk of lupus increases at times.


Systemic red lupus is distinguished by polysindromy. This indicates a variety of various symptoms that manifest themselves during the disease. The main symptoms are general weakness and fast fatigue, temperature increase and loss of appetite, skin rashes and joint pain.

Symptoms are classified from lungs and practically imperceptible to particularly serious, including serious damage in internal organs, including vital. Symptoms can pass, and appear again.

The following symptoms may be a sign of the disease:

  • Swimming joints
  • Muscle pain
  • Dusty fever
  • Breast pain with deep breath
  • Abundant hair loss
  • Increased lymph nodes
  • Hypersensitivity to the Sun
  • Entrance feet and area around the eyes
  • Causes
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Ozzles in the oral cavity
  • Poor, formation or excessive redness of the fingers during stress

Often, the lupus is accompanied by impaired nervous system and mental disorders. The patient is more susceptible to depression, headaches, constant unfortunate alarm. The appetite is also lost and rapid weight loss occurs.

In all patients, various symptoms appear in different ways.

Someone has the disease affects only one body system and manifests itself only, for example, on the skin or in the joints. In another patient, several systems will be affected and including internal organs and the severity of defeat disease will be much more.

Since the causes of the disease are not yet definitely known, and the symptoms are very diverse, it is very difficult to diagnose the lupus. Sometimes it can delay not only for several months, but also for several years. Some symptoms "ripen" in the patient gradually and manifest themselves immediately.

Immediately put an accurate diagnosis of one or even several symptoms is impossible.

High professionalism of the doctor is required, full information about the entire medical history of the patient, many analyzes and laboratory.It is possible that you will have to seek help even to several doctors of different directions.

The diagnosis with a detailed survey of the patient about all the symptoms, previous diseases, as well as about relatives and their diseases, follows, follows the full examination of the patient from the legs to the head.

Laboratory studies include the following:

  • and counting all cells: platelets, and
  • Skin and kidney biopsy

Unfortunately, it is impossible to diagnose on the result of any single test. This requires long and painstaking work, which can delay for a long time.


Treatment comes immediately after diagnosing the disease. Any delay can cause an exacerbation that can threaten not only the overall health of a person, but also his life.

The treatment is purely individual and depends on how the disease proceeds which organism systems it affects and how hard it is its influence for the patient, which symptoms are and what is the condition of the patient at the time of diagnosis.

Medicinal preparations are prescribed exclusively by the doctor and, depending on which symptoms are disturbed by the patient. The doctor chooses exactly the medicines that are aimed at combating those or other manifestations of the disease.

If the disease has gone too far and already directly threatens the life of a person, the doctors go to extreme measures. The patient has a stem cell fence, and then its immune system is completely destroyed to subsequently restore it again. The patient introduces previously obtained stem cells, and thus the immune system is restored, which can completely get rid of it from dangerous. But there are still many disputes about such a method, it is not developed enough and requires a lot of cash.

It is important to remember that it is better not to try to struggle with the disease yourself.

Appeal to the doctor is obligatory, because only the intervention of doctors and professional treatment can help prevent the development of the disease. But to choose folk medicines that will work together with drugs can be. However, they can only be used with the consent of the doctor.

Interesting information from the video about what system is a red lupus.

For the treatment of lupus, the infusion of Eleutherococcus is used. This remedy positively affects the operation of the adrenal glands and reduces pain in the joints:

  • It will take 100 grams of the root of Eleutherococcus (crushed) and half-liter vodka.
  • Fill the root into a bottle with vodka and put in a dark place at room temperature. Before use, the tincture should be held for 7 days.
  • Take the tincture you need 2-3 times a day to half a teaspoon.

The affected areas of the skin can be smeared homemade ointment. You can make it from crushed birch kidneys:

  • A glass of kidneys must be mixed with 0.5 liters of interior fat.
  • This mixture must be kept in the oven at a small temperature for three hours a day for 7 days.
  • The resulting ointment can also be dissolved in warm milk and take inside before eating.

The fatal outcome of the disease with a systemic red lupus is possible, but only with a strong lesion of the liver or, which begins, if it is thoroughly run. Medicine has all the necessary drugs that are able to prevent damage to the disease of the internal organs with a timely manner.

The lupus is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and when treating, side effects are possible, but most patients can lead a normal, active lifestyle. But this does not mean that the disease always proceeds easily.

Possible complications that manifest themselves in the defeat of the internal organs are possible. At this point, the disease passes to a more serious and dangerous stage, requiring timely and thorough treatment.

Volchanka can negatively affect the work of the kidneys. For example, each 4th patient suffering from this disease occurs, the kidney work occurs. Blood or blood cylinders appear, legs swell - it serves as the main symptom. If the kidneys are amazed by the disease too much, they may refuse.

Volchanka can also cause serious heart, lungs and blood diseases.

However, even if any serious complications began, a competent specialist may appoint effective treatment and prevent the spread of the disease.

Volchanka is a serious and unpredictable. The disease is incurable, but it may not be disturbed by the patient for years, and then hit with a new force. They can change all the time and move to more serious. It is extremely important to understand that without regular medical and help specialists do not do here. Only professional and can give truly positive results and forever prevent the development of the disease.

Systemic red lupus (SLE) is the hardest autoimmune disease in which the human immune system produces antibodies that destroy the DNA of their own healthy cells that make up the base of the connective tissue. Connecting tissue in the body is everywhere. Therefore, the inflammatory process caused by a lupus is striking almost all systems and internal organs of a person (skin, blood vessels, joints, brain, lungs, kidneys, heart). The symptoms of the lupus are very diverse. It can be masked for other diseases, so in many cases the correct diagnosis is difficult.

A characteristic feature of the lupus is a rash on the cheeks and the nose in the form of a butterfly. In the Middle Ages, they believed that these manifestations resemble the places of the wolf bites, hence the name of the disease. Systemic disease Red lupus is considered incurable, but modern medicine is capable of controlling its symptoms and appropriate treatment to support patients and extend their lives. The disease proceeds with difficult practitioned periods of exacerbations and remission and affects mostly women aged from 15 to 45 years.

In the frequency of the arms of the lupus, not only sex, age, but also racial features are traced. So, men sick with a lupus 10 times less often than representatives of weak gender, the main peak of morbidity falls at age from 15 to 25 years, and according to the data of American researchers, the SC is more often striking representatives of the Negroid race and Asians.

Children are also subject to this disease, at an early age of SCB proceeds much harder than adults and leads to serious damage to the kidneys and heart. We will tell you more about the reasons that contribute to the development of alert, its symptoms and methods of disease therapy.

Systemic red lupus is a complex multifactorial disease, the exact cause of which is still unknown. Currently, most scientists tends to the viral theory of origin of the disease, according to which the body begins to produce a large number of antibodies to certain groups of viruses.

At the same time, it is noted that not all patients with chronic viral infection are ill with a lupus, but only those who have a genetic predisposition to this disease. Researchers believe that heredity plays an important role, and there are specific genes that increase the susceptibility of the body to this pathology.

It is also noted that the lupus is not a consequence of immunodeficiency, a type of oncological lesions or a contagious infectious disease that can be transmitted from person to man. In addition to the main reason, there are many concomitant factors capable of provoking the development of the disease:

  • The beginning of the disease or exacerbation of already existing symptoms causes excessive ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Hormonal restructuring of the body (especially in women in the reproductive or menopacteric period).
  • Infectious and colds.
  • Bad habits. Smoking can not only provoke the occurrence of the disease, but also complicate its flow due to damage to the vessels.
  • Use of drugs. The development of the symptoms of the lupus can provoke the reception of such medicines as antibiotics, hormonal drugs, anti-inflammatory and anti-grapple agents, hypotensive, anticonvulsant and anti-arhydramics.

Sometimes red lupus develops as a result of adverse environmental factors and interactions with some metals and insecticides.

The course of the disease may be different:

  1. Acute form. It is characterized by the sudden beginning and the most difficult flow. It has a rapid progression, sharp increase in symptoms and damage to vital bodies for 1-2 months. This form of the lupus is seriously amenable to therapy and for 1-2 years can lead to a fatal outcome.
  2. Prostrate form. Most often, the disease is found in this form, which is characterized by a calmer current and is accompanied by a slow increase in symptoms. From the first manifestations to the unfolded picture of the disease with the damage to the internal organs, there is an average of 1.5 to 3 years.
  3. Chronic form. It is considered the most favorable option in terms of therapy. It is distinguished by the wave-like nature of the flow, the periods of remissions are replaced by exacerbations that treat drugs. Such a form of lupus can flow for a long time, which improves the forecast and increases the life expectancy of the patient.


The clinical picture of the disease can be different - from minimal symptoms to severe, associated with the defeat of vital organs. The manifestations of the disease may arise suddenly, or develop gradually.

The general symptoms of red lupus are:

  • Fast fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome)
  • Inexplicable fever
  • Painful swelling of the joints, pain in the muscles
  • A variety of skin rashes
  • Painful feelings in breast with deep breathing
  • Lack of appetite, weight loss

On the cheeks and the nose, the characteristic rash in the shape of a butterfly appears. In addition to this red, red can appear on any part of the body: on the chest, hands, shoulders. Other lupus symptoms include increased sensitivity to sunlight, anemia development, breast pain, hair loss, deterioration of blood flow in the fingers on their hands and legs under the influence of cold.

Patients have overall weakness, irritability, headaches, insomnia, depression. In some patients, only joints and skin may be affected, and other disease affects many organs, manifested by heavy symptoms. Depending on which organs and systems of the body were affected by the manifestation of the disease.

With the appearance of a characteristic rash, temperature, articular pain and strong weakness, it is necessary to urgently ask for advice to the doctor, to survey and establish the cause of malaise. In many patients, the initial symptoms of red lupus are moderate character, but it should be understood that this disease is chronic and over time, as the disease further progression, symptoms will become very serious, which threatens with severe consequences and fatal outcome.

In most cases, modern medicine is capable of controlling the course of the disease and prevent serious complications caused by the defeat of the internal organs. Adequate drug treatment significantly improves the forecast and allows for a long time to maintain normal well-being. The prognosis for life with the systemic lupus is unfavorable, but the latest achievements of medicine and the use of modern drugs give a chance to extend lives. Already more than 70% of patients live for more than 20 years after the primary manifestations of the disease.

At the same time, doctors warn that the course of the disease is individually, and if one part of patients with SC develops slowly, then in other cases it is possible a rapid development of the disease. Another feature of the systemic red lupus is the unpredictability of exacerbations that may arise suddenly and spontaneously, which threatens with severe consequences.

Most patients retain everyday physical activity, but in some cases it has to stop active labor activities due to severe weakness, fatigue, articular pains, mental disorders and other symptoms. Life expectancy will largely depend on the degree of damage to vital organs (lungs, hearts, kidneys). In the nearby past, patients with systemic lupus died at a young age, now the use of modern effective drugs allows you to fight with severe manifestations of the disease and predict normal life expectancy.


For systemic red lupus, multiple manifestations are characterized, which are similar to the symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, the recognition of the disease is extremely difficult and for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis may be needed for a long time. Scientists have developed 11 major criteria, the presence of which will indicate the development of the disease. Experienced doctors are able to put the correct diagnosis on the basis of only 4 characteristic features.

Characteristic criteria:

  1. Break on the face in the shape of a butterfly.
  2. Discoidal manifestations are peeling, coin-shaped rash on face, chest, hands, neck, after the disappearance of which scars remain on the skin.
  3. Rash on the skin appearing under the influence of sun rays (photosensitization).
  4. The appearance of painless yasers on mucous mouth or nose.
  5. Articular pains, swelling and violation of mobility of 2 or more peripheral joints.
  6. Deviations in urine analysis, expressed in increasing protein, renal cells and red blood cells.
  7. The inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane surrounding the heart (pericarditis) or light (pleurisy).
  8. Disorders of the nervous system, in which capeless convulsive seizures or psychosis are possible.
  9. Changes in blood composition associated with an increase in the number of leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells.
  10. Immunological disorders contributing to high autoimmune activity and increasing the risk of accession of secondary infection.
  11. The appearance of specific antibodies to the cell core (such autoantibodies act against the nuclei of their own cells, erroneously taking them for foreign).

If there is a clinical symptoms of SLE and analysis of the presence of antibodies positive, it will definitely testify to the presence of the disease and further examination, as a rule, is not required. In addition, surveys can be appointed, allowing to identify kidney lesions (biopsy), heart and lungs (CT, MRI).

Disease therapy Long and complicated, the main efforts of doctors are aimed at facilitating the symptoms and suspend autoimmune and inflammatory processes. To date, it is impossible to fully care from the lupus, with intensive treatment it is possible to achieve remission, but it is usually short-term and soon replaced by exacerbation. Moral support for patients and clarification of the peculiarities of therapy and the course of the disease is important. The patient receives recommendations for compliance with the diet, reducing psycho-emotional loads and the treatment of related infections.

Drug therapy with systemic red lupus will depend on the activity of the process and severity of symptoms, the treatment process should be constantly monitored by the doctor. If the manifestations are elected, it is necessary to adjust the treatment regimen, reducing the dose of drugs, with the development of exacerbation - on the contrary, increase the dosage.

With a light form of the disease, to eliminate the symptoms of Malgia, arthritis is used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NVPS) and salicylates. It should be borne in mind that the long-lasting intake of NVPS may cause kidney damage, stomach and contribute to the development of serous meningitis.

With pronounced weakness, fatigue, skin lesions, antimalarial preparations (hydroxychloroquine, chlorookhin) are used. The side effect of the admission of these means is associated with the defeat of the eyes (retinopathy, myopathy), so the patient should examine the ophthalmologist at least 1 time per year.

The main method of treatment of lupus remains corticosteroid therapy, which is used even at the initial stage of the disease. Corticosteroids belong to potent drugs, they have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but their long-term use in large doses provokes serious side effects.

With a small activity of the disease, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed to intake in moderate doses, with a gradual cancellation of the drug to a minimum supporting dosage. In the activity of the process and severe complications, threatening life, in high doses, appoint such preparations such as prednisone, dexamethasone, methylprednisolone. Take them before the eknation of the process, usually for 4-10 weeks. With serious exacerbations of the disease, a good effect gives pulse-therapy with methylprednisolone appointed intravenously.

The doctor needs control over the development of side effects and their prevention, since with long-term treatment and use of large doses of glucocorticoids, osteoporosis, bone necrosis, diabetes, arterial hypertension, infectious complications are possible.

In combination with hormone therapy, cytostatic drugs are used, which allow to reduce the frequency and force of exacerbations and reduce the dose of glucocorticoids. Cytostatic preparations (cycloofosphamide, azathioprine, methotrexate) are prescribed in the case of severe lesions of the central nervous system and renal failure.

In the development of complications, antibacterial, antifungal (with candidiasis) drugs are used. In the development of diabetes, the diet is prescribed, insulin drugs are introduced. When the tuberculosis infection is attached, anti-tuberculosis drugs are treated, with a lesion of the gastrointestinal tract of anti-sized therapy. Patients with severe complications accompanied by lesions of vital organs make plasm farmesis procedures and software hemodialysis apply.

Systemic Disease Red Volchanka - This is a severe ailment leading to disability and threatening fatal outcome. But still, modern medicine is successfully fighting with the manifestations of the disease and is able to achieve remission periods during which the patient can live in a normal life. Sacred patients should strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician, to inform him of all changes in its condition and avoid negative factors that can aggravate the course of the disease.

Folk remedies

Nature is rich in natural substances that can support and restore the body by suppressing the inflammatory process.

Remember that before starting treatment with the use of folk recipes, a doctor's consultation is needed, it will save from unwanted complications.

Red lupus - autoimmune pathology, in which the damage to blood vessels and connective tissue occurs, and as a result - the skin of man. The disease is systemic, i.e. There is a violation in several systems of the body, providing a negative impact on it in general and on individual bodies in particular, including the immune system.

The exposure of women's disease is several times higher than men, which is associated with the characteristics of the structure of the female organism. The most critical age for the development of a systemic red lupus (SLE) is the period of puberty, during pregnancy and some interval after it, until the organism has a recovery stage.

In addition, a separate category for the occurrence of pathology is considered children's age in the period of 8 years, but this is not determining the parameter, because the congenital type of disease or its manifestation in the early life of life is not excluded.

What is this disease?

System Red Volchanka (SLE, Libmen-Sax disease) (Lat. Lupus Erythematodes, English Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) - diffuse disease of the connective tissue, characterized by the systemic immunocomplex damage to the connective tissue and its derivatives, with the damage to the microcirculatory vessels.

The system autoimmune disease in which the antibody generated by the immune system is damaged by the DNA of healthy cells, the connecting fabric with the mandatory presence of the vascular component is mainly damaged. The name of the disease received because of its characteristic sign - rash on the nose and cheeks (the affected section of the form resembles a butterfly), which, as they believed in the Middle Ages, reminds the places of wolf bites.


The red lupus name received its name from the Latin word "Lupus" - a wolf and "erythematosis" - red. This name was assigned due to the similarity of the skin signs with damage after the bite of a hungry wolf.

The history of the disease Red Volchanka received its beginning in 1828. It happened after the French dermatologist Biett first described skin signs. Much later, after 45 years, the doctor Dermatologist Kaposhi noted that some sick-sick-sick signs have disease internal organs.

In 1890 Osler's English physician was discovered that systemically red lupus can flow without skin manifestations. The description of the phenomenon of Le- (Le) cells is the detection of cell fragments in the blood, in 1948. allowed to identify patients.

In 1954 Were found in the blood of sick-based specific proteins - antibodies acting against their own cells. This detection began to be used in the development of sensitive tests for diagnosing systemic lupus system.

Causes of occurrence

Causes of the disease are completely unclear. Only alleged factors contributing to the occurrence of pathological changes are established.

Genetic mutations - a group of genes associated with specific impairment impairment and predisposition to systemic red lucan is revealed. They are responsible for the process of apoptosis (getting rid of the organism from hazardous cells). With the delay in potential pests, there is a damage to healthy cells and tissues. Another way is to disorganize the immune defense management process. The phagocyte reaction becomes excessively strong, does not stop with the destruction of alien agents, their own cells are accepted for "strangers".

  1. Age - people from 15 to 45 years old to 45 years old, but there are cases that have arisen in childhood and in elderly.
  2. Heredity - cases of family disease are known, probably transmitted from older generations. However, the risk of birth of a sick child remains low.
  3. Race - American studies have shown that the black population is already 3 times more often than white, also this cause is more pronounced in indigenous Indians, Mexico, Asian, Spaniards.
  4. Gender - among the famous sick women 10 times more than men, so scientists are trying to establish a connection with sex hormones.

Among the external factors, the most pathogenic is intensive solar irradiation. Passion for tanning can provoke genetic changes. There is an opinion that people are more often ill-dependent people, professionally dependent on the activity in the sun, frost, sharp fluctuations in the temperature of the medium (sailors, fishermen, agricultural workers, builders).

In a significant portion of patients, clinical signs of systemic lupus appear in the period of hormonal changes, against the background of pregnancy, Klimaks, reception of hormonal contraceptives during intensive puberty.

Also, the disease is associated with the suffered infection, although to prove the role and degree of influence of any pathogen (targeted works on the role of viruses) is not yet possible. Attempts to identify communication with immunodeficiency syndrome or establish infectiousness while unsuccessful.


How does systemic red lupus develop in a healthy person at first glance? Under the influence of certain factors and the reduced function of the immune system in the body, a failure occurs, in which antibodies against the "native" cell cells begin to be produced. That is, the fabrics and organs begin to be perceived by the body, like alien objects and the self-destruction program is launched.

Such an organism reaction is a pathogenic nature, provoking the development of the inflammatory process and oppression of healthy cells in different ways. Most often, blood vessels and connective tissue are subject to change. The pathological process leads to a violation of the integrity of the skin, the change in its appearance and a decrease in blood circulation in the focus of the lesion. In the progression of the disease, internal organs and systems of the whole organism are affected.


Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bdamage and the nature of the flow, the disease is classified into several types:

  1. Red lupus caused by the reception of some drugs. He leads to the appearance of symptoms of the SLE, which can spontaneously disappear after the abolition of drugs. Drugs capable of leading the development of red lupus, preparations are becoming drugs for the treatment of arterial hypotension (arterilation vasodilators), antiarrhythmic, anticonvulsants.
  2. Systemic red lupus. The disease is prone to rapid progression with the defeat of any organ or system of the body. Sheets with fever, malaise, migraines, rash on face and body, as well as pains of different nature in any part of the body. The most characteristic of migraines, arthralgia, kidney pain.
  3. Neonatal lupus. It occurs in newborns, often combined with heart defects, serious impairment of the work of immune and blood systems, anomalies of the liver development. The disease occurs extremely rarely; Conservative therapy measures make it possible to effectively reduce the manifestations of neonatal lupus.
  4. Discoidal lupus. The most common form of the disease is the centrifugal erythema of the beetyette, the main manifestations of which are skin symptoms: red rash, thickening of the epidermis, inflamed plaques transforming into scars. In some cases, the disease leads to the affix of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. A variety of discoid is the deep lupus of Caposhi-Irgagra, which is characterized by the recurrent flow and deep lesion of the skin. A feature of the flow of this form of illness becomes signs of arthritis, as well as a decrease in human performance.

Symptoms of red lupus

As a systemic disease, red lupus is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • swelling and soreness of the joints, as well as muscle pain;
  • inexplicable fever;
  • breast pain with deep breathing;
  • increased hair loss;
  • red, skin rashes on the face or changing the color of the skin;
  • sensitivity to the Sun;
  • swelling, swelling of legs, eyes;
  • an increase in lymph nodes;
  • the formation or whimslets of the fingers on the hands, on the legs, staying in the cold or at the time of stress (Reino syndrome).

Separate people experience headaches, convulsions, dizziness, depressive states.

New symptoms are able to appear years and after diagnosis. In some patients, one body system (joints or skin, blood organs) suffers, other diseases are capable of touched upon many organs and carry polyorgan character. The severity itself and the depth of the lesion of the body's systems is different. Often, muscles and joints are affected, while causing arthritis and Malgia (muscle pain). Skin rashes have similarity from different patients.

If the patient has polyorgan manifestations, then the following pathological changes occur:

  • in kidneys inflammation (lupus jade);
  • inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis);
  • inflammation of the lungs: pleurisy, pneumonite;
  • heart disease: coronary vasculitis, myocarditis or endocarditis, pericarditis;
  • blood diseases: leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, risk of blood formation;
  • brain lesions or central nervous system, and it provokes: psychosis (change in behavior), headache occurs, dizziness, paralysis, memory violation, vision problems, convulsions.

What does a red lupus look like, a photo

The photo below shows how the disease is manifested in humans.

The manifestation of the symptoms of this autoimmune disease can differ significantly among different patients. However, the general places of localization of the lesions, as a rule, become skin, joints (mostly hand and fingers), heart, light and bronchi, as well as digestive organs, nails and hair, which become more fragile and inclined to fallout, as well as brain and nervous system.

Disease flow stage

Depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the systemic red lupus has several flow stages:

  1. Acute stage - At this stage of development, the red lupus is dramatically progresses sharply, the general condition of the patient worsens, it complains of constant fatigue, an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees, fever, pain and lomit in muscles. The clinical picture develops rapidly, for 1 month the disease covers all organs and tissues of the body. The forecast for the sharp shape of the Red Volchanka is not comforting and often the life expectancy of the patient does not exceed 2 years;
  2. Subacious stage - the rate of progression of the disease and the degree of severity of clinical symptoms is not the same as in the acute stage and on the moment of the disease before the appearance of symptoms may pass more than 1 year. At this stage, the disease is often replaced by periods of exacerbations and stealing remission, the forecast is generally favorable and the patient's condition directly depends on the adequacy of the prescribed treatment;
  3. Chronic form - the disease has a sluggling flow, clinical symptoms are poorly expressed, the internal organs are practically not amazed and the body is generally functioning normally. Despite the relatively light flow of red lupus, to cure the disease at this stage is impossible, the only thing that can be done is to facilitate the severity of symptoms with the help of medicines at the time of exacerbation.

Complications of SKV

The main complications that provoke SLE:

1) heart disease:

  • pericarditis - inflammation of the heartbag;
  • the rejection of the coronary arteries feeding the heart due to the accumulation of thrombotic clots (atherosclerosis);
  • endocarditis (infection of damaged heart valves) due to the sealing of the heart valves, the accumulation of blood clots. Often conduct valve transplants;
  • myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation), causing severe arrhythmias, heart muscle diseases.

2) Renal pathologies (nephritis, nephrisosis) develop in 25% of patients suffering from SD. The first symptoms are swelling on the legs, the presence in the urine of protein, blood. It is extremely dangerous for life kidney refusal to work normally. Treatment includes the use of strong preparations from SLE, dialysis, kidney transplant.

3) Domestic diseases, life-threatening.

  • reducing the erythrocytes (oxygen feeding cells), leukocytes (overwhelming infections and inflammation), platelets (contribute to blood coagulation);
  • hemolytic anemia caused by the disadvantage of red blood cells or platelets;
  • pathological changes in blood formation organs.

4) lung diseases (in 30%), pleurisites, inflammation of the muscles of the chest, joints, ligaments. The development of acute tuberculosis lupus (inflammation of the lung tissue). Pulmonary embolism - blockage of the arteries of embols (blood clots) due to increased blood viscosity.


The assumption of the presence of red lupus can be made on the basis of red foci of inflammation on the skin. External signs of Erytheatosis can change over time, so it is difficult to put an accurate diagnosis on them. It is necessary to apply additional surveys complex:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • determining the level of hepatic enzymes;
  • analysis on antinuclear bodies (ana);
  • radiography of the chest;
  • echocardiography;
  • biopsy.

Differential diagnosis

Chronic red lupus differentiate from red flat linguring, tuberculosis leukoplakia and lupus, early rheumatoid arthritis, SHEGREEN syndrome (see dry mouth, dry eye syndrome, light-free). Under the defeat of the red border of the lips, chronic SLE differentiates from the abrasive precancerculous Haylita of Manganotti and Aktinic Haylita.

Since the damage to the internal organs is always similar in course with various infectious processes, the SD differs from the Lyme, Syphilis disease, mononucleosis (infectious mononucleosis in children: symptoms), HIV infection.

Treatment of systemic red lupus

Treatment should be as suitable for a particular patient.

Hospitalization is needed in the following cases:

  • with an increase in temperature raising without a visible cause;
  • in the event of threatening life of states: fast-horizontulous renal failure, acute pneumonite or pulmonary bleeding.
  • when neurological complications appear.
  • with a significant reduction in the number of platelets, erythrocytes or blood lymphocytes.
  • in the case when the aggravation of SLE is not able to cure in the outpatient conditions.

For the treatment of systemic red lupus during the exacerbation, hormonal preparations (prednisone) and cytostatics (cyclophosphamide) are widely used according to a specific scheme. Under the defeat of the organs of the musculoskeletal system, as well as with increasing temperature, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac) are prescribed.

For adequate treatment of a disease of one or another body, a specialist consultation is required.

Nutrition rules

Dangerous and harmful products for lupus:

  • a large amount of sugar;
  • all fried, fat, salted, smoked, canned;
  • products that are allergic reactions;
  • sweet sodes, energy and alcoholic beverages;
  • in the presence of kidney problems contraindicated food containing potassium;
  • canned food, sausages and sausages of factory preparation;
  • shop mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, refueling;
  • confectionery with cream, condensed milk, with artificial fillers (factory jams, jams);
  • fast food and products with unprofitable fillers, dyes, rippers, amplifiers of taste and smell;
  • products containing cholesterol (buns, bread, red meat, high fatty dairy products, sauces, refueling and soups, based on the preparation of cream);
  • products that have a large shelf life (meaning those products that quickly deteriorate, but due to various chemical additives in the composition, can be stored for a very long time - here, as an example, you can attribute dairy products with an annual expiration date).

Using these products can be accelerated by the process of progression of the disease, which may entail a fatal outcome. These are the maximum consequences. And, at a minimum, the sleeping stage of the lupus will go into active, because of which all the symptoms are exacerbated and well-being will deteriorate significantly.

Life expectancy

Survival 10 years after the diagnosis of a systemic red lupus is 80%, in 20 years - 60%. The main causes of death: Lupus jade, neuro-lupus, intercurrent infections. There are cases of survival of 25-30 years.

In general, the quality and duration of life with systemic red lupus depends on some factors:

  1. The patient's age: the younger patient, the higher the activity of the autoimmune process and aggressive the disease proceeds, which is associated with greater immunity reactivity at a young age (more autoimmune antibodies destroy their own tissues).
  2. Timely, regularity and adequacy of therapy: with long-term reception of glucocorticosteroid hormones and other drugs, it is possible to achieve a long period of remission, reducing the risk of developing complications and as a result - improving the quality of life and its duration. Moreover, it is very important to begin treatment even before the development of complications.
  3. A variant of the course of the disease: the acute flow proceeds extremely unfavorable and after a couple of years there may be severe, life-threatening complications. And with a chronic current, and this is 90% of the cases of the SC, you can live to an old age of a full-fledged life (if you comply with all the recommendations of the doctor of the rheumatologist and the therapist).
  4. Compliance with the regime significantly improves the disease forecast. To do this, it is necessary to constantly observe the doctor, adhere to its recommendations, to directly contact the doctors when any symptoms of exacerbation of the disease, avoid contact with solar rays, limit water procedures, lead a healthy lifestyle and comply with other rules for the prevention of exacerbations.

If you are given a diagnosis of lupus, this does not mean that life is over. Try to defeat the disease, maybe not in the literal sense. Yes, you probably will be limited in something. But millions of people and with more severe diseases live bright, full impressions of life! So you can and you.


The purpose of prevention is to prevent the development of recurrences, to support the patient for a long time in a state of remission. The prevention of lupus is based on an integrated approach:

  1. Regular dispensary surveys and consultations at the rheumatologist.
  2. Reception of drugs is strictly in the prescribed dose and after the specified periods of time.
  3. Compliance with the regime of labor and recreation.
  4. Full sleep, not less than 8 hours a day.
  5. Diet with salt restriction and sufficient protein.
  6. Hardening, walking, gymnastics.
  7. The use of hormone-containing ointments (for example, advantan) with lesions of the skin.
  8. The use of sunscreen (creams).