Is it possible to drip camphor alcohol into the ear? How to use camphor alcohol in the ear for otitis, for acne, for joints, for coughs? How to properly instill camphor alcohol in your ear

Camphor alcohol- this is nothing more than a medical preparation with a local irritant effect. It is prepared on the basis of alcohol and camphor. The latter, in turn, is obtained from camphor laurel, as well as basil and some types of wormwood. This substance is part of various essential oils, which tone breathing and enhance the functioning of the sympathetic nerves. Camphor alcohol in the ear is used in a diluted state for various inflammations in the ears. Most often, during the cold season, people suffer from a disease such as otitis media. This is an inflammation in the ear, which can vary depending on the location. It can be external, middle and internal. And to treat such a disease, the following is successfully used for otitis media: a compress is made from two percent camphor alcohol. Thus, not only pain is relieved, but also swelling is resolved, and a warming effect is produced, thanks to which inflammation can be relieved much faster.

How to make a compress containing camphor alcohol? In his ear pure form do not bury it, but dilute it half and half with water and slightly warm it up. Then the resulting liquid should be soaked in gauze, in which a special hole had previously been made. The fabric should be placed around the ear, and then covered on top. Moreover, a hole should also be made in it in the middle, and then covered with cotton wool. The next stage is the bandage, it is secured with a bandage or scarf. It is very important that the ear remains open and no alcohol gets into it. Camphor alcohol is very effective for use. They do not put it in the ear, but only make a solution of sufficient concentration so that there is no burn. The compress should be kept near the ear for about two hours. To avoid getting burns during this procedure, you should lubricate the area around the ear with baby cream or Vaseline before applying the product.

Sometimes special baths are made, which include camphor alcohol. They help a lot with otitis media. For this procedure, you should lie on your side so that the ear that hurts is on top. There you need to drop six drops of slightly warmed and always properly diluted alcohol. After this, you need to lie in this position for about 20 minutes, and then sit down, before placing the cotton wool in the sink so that the medicine does not leak out. Then you should definitely keep your ear warm to prevent inflammation.

Despite the fact that nowadays there are many in various ways To treat inflammation, the most common remedy is camphor alcohol in the ear. When water, alcohol and camphor are mixed, it turns out effective medicine, which quickly relieves inflammation and warms the ear. Even if the disease is at initial stage development, this remedy is used for therapy, because with its help you can anesthetize and relieve inflammation. Thanks to compresses from this medication, you can relieve swelling and restore the functions of this organ.

It is very important to remember that camphor alcohol in its pure form, if it gets on the skin, can cause allergies, irritation and even burns. After all, camphor is a rather concentrated substance that should not be used in its pure form. Sometimes camphor alcohol even lowers blood pressure and causes excitement. It should be instilled into the ear only in diluted form. Start without prescribing a specialist self-treatment This method is not recommended.

As soon as you notice the first signs of otitis - shooting in the ear or pain, then immediately put a cotton wool soaked in diluted camphor alcohol in it. Be especially careful when treating children's ears. Be sure to consult your doctor about the use of the drug, as due to physiological characteristics structure of the body, a complication with otitis is possible.

Camphor (camphor) is a drug plant origin. It is used mainly externally and subcutaneously. In some cases, it can be used to fill certain cavities, such as the outer ear. Camphor oil and alcohol have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, stimulate metabolism, therefore these drugs are traditionally used for treatment colds.

Mechanism of action when introduced into the ear canal

When camphor enters the body, it has a selective effect on receptors of cardio-vascular system. It narrows the capillaries supplying the site of inflammation, as a result the swelling and pain subsides, and the patient feels relief.

However, it is also used for heating, i.e. for the exact opposite effect. This is achieved due to its effect on platelets . As a result, they do not interact with each other, and blood microcirculation becomes more intense. Thus, the desired effect is achieved without local fever which occurs when using other means. There is information that the drug can expand other blood vessels.

Camphor affects sensitive skin cells and relieves itching. It causes a cooling effect, similar to menthol. If your ear hurts, camphor placed inside the ear canal relieves discomfort. It has a general antiseptic effect, that is, it is active against all types of infectious agents - bacteria, viruses and pathogenic fungi.

Release forms

On this moment Camphor comes in three main forms:

At the moment, the following drugs are being developed, which include camphor:

There are also fees and preparations that include camphor, but not as the main component. Such products are used for bathing, rubbing, and applying compresses.

Use in the treatment of ear inflammation

You should use camphor oil or alcohol after consulting your doctor. Many experts highly appreciate its therapeutic effect. As part of the prevention of disease caused by water getting into the ear, the drug can be used if it has been used previously and it is known that the body tolerates it well.

For the ears, you can use different forms of the drug. The choice depends on whether it is planned to be introduced into the ear canal or not. There are several types of use of camphor for ear inflammation.


For these purposes, a piece of gauze is moistened with camphor oil or alcohol and placed behind the ear. placed on top parchment paper. The compress is wrapped with a scarf. Wearing time – from several hours for one night (when applied before bedtime).

Important! The compress is not applied when high temperature and purulent processes. It may worsen symptoms. They do not cure the disease, but often help to quickly cope with its manifestations.


It is recommended for this purpose to use a 2% preparation, additionally diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The patient is instilled with 6 drops into the ear canal. The patient spends about 20 minutes in a lying position. After which, he is asked to bend over to remove the alcohol.

In another variation of the technique, he plugs the ear with a cotton swab, which he walks around with for several hours. The alcohol is not specially removed.

Camphor oil is also used for these purposes. It must be heated in a water bath to 37°-38°. Dosage: 2-3 drops of the drug. Sometimes it is recommended to dilute it half and half with alcohol.

Important! Not all experts approve of instilling camphor alcohol into the ear, believing that even in diluted form it can cause burns.

Laying turunda

Turunda is made from cotton wool or rolled from bandage (gauze). It is soaked in camphor oil or diluted alcohol. Turunda is inserted into the ear canal and worn until dry. The hole itself is plugged with a piece of cotton wool.

If the drug is being used for the first time, it is better to use it for a few minutes first. After this, the turunda is removed and the skin of the auricle and ear canal is carefully examined. The patient should also listen to his feelings; there should be no burning sensation, no pain, no itching.

Smart baths

This method of using camphor and a number of other plant extracts was introduced by Dr. A.S. Zalmanov. It is assumed that its intake stimulates the body's defenses and activates blood circulation through the capillaries - the smallest vessels.

Important!Taking a bath should be carried out for preventive purposes, after hypothermia, and not after the onset of inflammation in the ear!

To carry out the procedure, take about 200 liters of water at a comfortable temperature. Add 1 liter of hot (up to 70°) liquid with 30 drops of emulsion. The patient is immersed in the bath for 10 minutes. During the process you should feel a slight tingling sensation, but not a burning sensation. If such symptoms are not observed, next time you need to increase the concentration of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Use of preparations with camphor should be excluded when:

After consultation with a specialist, camphor can be used:

  1. In childhood;
  2. During pregnancy and lactation.

Important! Camphor penetrates into breast milk and may have an impact on the child. Therefore, when using it during lactation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby. At the first sign of an allergy, it makes sense to stop using the drug. It can manifest itself in red spots on the skin, rashes, and itching.

Camphor, like most herbal remedies, is a strong allergen. It can provoke swelling and cause hives in adults. Camphor causes tachycardia (increased heart rate) in overdose. When you find yourself this symptom need to call ambulance. Sometimes seizures may develop.

Price and patient reviews

The cost of preparations with camphor can be called more than affordable. The cheapest solution is an alcohol solution. Its price fluctuates for 2% concentration from 9 to 12 rubles, and for 10% – from 18 to 23 rubles. Camphor oil costs approx. 20-25 rubles. The highest price for ointment is on average 60 rubles.

Patients note low cost as one of the main advantages medicine. Other positive aspects included availability, effectiveness in preventing colds, and a pleasant smell. Among the disadvantages, users named the drying effect of camphor on the skin. For those who have a sensitive and delicate skin, this can be a serious problem.

Camphor does not belong to the first line of therapy, although its effectiveness is proven by patient experience. However, many doctors rate it highly medicinal properties. It can be a great help in preventing ear inflammation and easing the course.

Video: is it necessary to put a compress on the ear for otitis media - Dr. Komarovsky

Many new drugs have been developed for ear diseases, against the background of which old, time-tested remedies are forgotten. It is the “old” generation of drugs that are safer because they contain a minimum of chemical components. Thus, the use of camphor alcohol for the ears in the treatment of otitis media and other ailments will not cause harm and will relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

The healing properties of camphor alcohol

Part medical product, known as camphor spiritus, includes essential oils camphor leaf and bark, ethyl alcohol (70%). There are no chemical ingredients in the composition; it is a completely herbal preparation. It acts as an antiseptic, relieving inflammation and pain. Therefore, using camphor alcohol as a compress on the ears is an effective and safe option for treating some ear diseases.

Apply it externally, using the properties:

  • ability to disinfect skin;
  • removal of inflammation processes;
  • relieving spasms and warming muscle tissue;
  • increasing the tone of blood vessels and capillaries to improve blood circulation;
  • reduction of pain;
  • relieving itching and swelling.

To avoid harm to health, a tolerance test for the components of the drug is carried out in advance. Apply a little tincture half and half with water to the elbow or wrist. If after 3 hours there are no signs of irritation on the skin, then its use will not cause harm.

Camphor alcohol for otitis media

Many people have encountered the problem of inflammation in the ear cavity, or more precisely, one of its parts. Therefore, the term “otitis media” is familiar to most. The development of this disease depends on many factors: the presence of colds, sinusitis, caries, sore throat. A correct diagnosis and understanding of the cause of the disease guarantee its effective treatment.

For ear pain, lotions, compresses, and baths are prescribed. All of these methods relieve swelling and slow down the inflammatory response, but most often as the most effective remedy apply a compress. We must not forget that such procedures are not basic, but auxiliary. They alleviate the patient’s condition, and cure will occur with simultaneous drug therapy.

Before use, the product is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, since camphor and alcohol are contained in the drug in significant concentration and can lead to irritation or itching, and in rare cases, to a burn of the skin epidermis.

Using a compress in treatment

A compress of camphor alcohol helps relieve ear pain, swelling and has a warming effect. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Heat Camphor spiritus diluted with water until warm (+36C).
  2. In a square piece of gauze we make a cut for the auricle.
  3. Apply baby cream or Vaseline to the parotid area to prevent burns during warming.
  4. We wet the cloth (gauze) in the heated mixture, wring it out and place it around the ear.
  5. We put a dry layer of oilcloth, polyethylene, paper on top and wrap it with cotton wool.
  6. A wool scarf or scarf will help secure the compress.
  7. For a child, the procedure lasts 1-2 hours; for an adult, a warming compress is recommended for 3-4 hours.
  8. After completion, carefully wipe the parotid area and cover it again with a warm cloth.

A compress on the ear with camphor alcohol should long time keep warm. If this does not happen, the compress was applied incorrectly. You need to remove it and try again. The goal and result of the procedure is a well-warmed ear area.

It is advisable to apply the compress before bedtime. The presence of alcohol vapors in the air is unacceptable: sensitive people and children, they cause manifestations in the form of nervous excitement, dizziness and attacks of nausea.

The instructions for the drug say that it is used in the treatment of the following diseases: myalgia, rheumatism, arthritis and bedsores. There is no mention at all about its use as a remedy for otitis media. Therefore, in the treatment of ears, the dosage of camphor alcohol and the number of procedures are prescribed by the doctor.

Baths with camphor alcohol

Special baths help treat the ear with camphor alcohol. To carry out the procedure, the patient is placed on one side. In this case, the auricle should be on top. Warm up to body temperature and dilute Camphor spiritus with water and instill 6 drops into the ear.

The patient remains in this position for 20 minutes. Before lifting, a turunda (tightly twisted cotton wool) is inserted into the ear canal so that the solution remains in the ear. We repeat the procedure, turning to the other side. You should feel a soft, warming warmth. When the warming effect wears off, the turunda should be removed.

Using lotions

With strong ear pain You can use turunda soaked in camphor alcohol. This procedure will also warm the ear, but will act more gently than alcohol instillation. We insert Turunda into the ear to a shallow depth and leave for 15-20 minutes.

The tampon will cause expansion of the capillaries, blood flow to the sore spot. Swelling will be relieved and pain will be reduced. The effect of lotions is considered no less effective than a compress. For younger children age group such a procedure is not provided.

Camphor spiritus is most often used for otitis externa. If the eardrum is inflamed and alcohol gets on its surface, perforation and deeper penetration of the medicine are possible, which can cause burns on the inner walls of the ear canal.

Camphor alcohol in the treatment of children

Children should be careful when dripping camphor alcohol into the ear for otitis media. In some cases, doing this is strictly prohibited:

  • children under 2 years old, since oil and alcohol vapors can be absorbed into the skin and cause poisoning;
  • for epilepsy, since camphor oil causes convulsions and other manifestations of this disease;
  • at allergic reaction, which often appears on delicate children's skin.

Warming oil compresses are more suitable for a child. They are safe and do not cause side effects. If a camphor compress is used, then after applying it you should carefully examine the skin. If there is redness, it should be lubricated with baby cream or oil. If a rash or itching occurs, you should consult a dermatologist.

Children have delicate and sensitive skin, so the concentration of camphor alcohol in the solution should be lower than in adults. The use of a compress is unacceptable without medical consultation from an otolaryngologist. When prescribed to a child, it is applied twice: before lunch and before bedtime.


The use of warming procedures with camphor alcohol in the ear helps in the fight against pathogenic microbes, normalizes metabolic processes and removes toxins. Due to the irritating effect, the body's defenses are activated.

Camphor alcohol can be harmful if a person has the following symptoms:

  • various allergic reactions;
  • lactation period;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • tachycardia;
  • dermatitis and furunculosis.

Ear diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, treat colds in time, perform ear hygiene, and cover your ears from wind and frost.

Treatment of external and middle otitis must be completed, otherwise internal otitis is possible. This is the most dangerous form, which can result in hearing loss or the development of meningitis. Therefore, it is important to complete the course of treatment. And if the doctor recommended the use of camphor alcohol, then its use will significantly alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

There are as many opinions as there are people on earth. Therefore, it can sometimes be difficult to choose a treatment that is more suitable for you. After all, one doctor may say one thing, another another. But all doctors in the world agree that camphor alcohol is quite effective remedy. Camphor alcohol. What is this? How to use it? Where? In what quantities? And with what result? What medications are most compatible with?

It is a well-known natural remedy in medicine. Even in childhood, most of us were given and treated by our mother with this drug. The main ingredient, camphor, is extracted from plants such as camphor laurel and camphor basil. Performs several functions at once: destroys microbes, relieves pain, removes inflammation. Used in various fields.

Camphor alcohol, application

Used in various fields of medicine. Can be used both externally and subcutaneously.

Areas of use:

Camphor alcohol has shown fairly good results when used for ear diseases. One of the most common diseases is otitis media. Causative agents of otitis: viruses that have entered the ear, diseases such as tonsillitis, caries.
Therefore, camphor alcohol should be used immediately and not precipitate the disease.

Here are several causes of otitis media:

  • Outdoor. Occurs due to improper care auricle, when scratching and from insect bites,
  • Middle ear. Occurs when viruses and infections enter. Attention! If this type of otitis is not treated, it can develop into a very complex form.
  • Internal otitis. The most terrible form. Inflammation can occur in the brain and lead to a serious illness - meningitis. And it, in turn, can end in death.

Read more about the symptoms of otitis in the article Symptoms of otitis in children and adults.

Camphor alcohol will help prevent such a result, but rather gently relieve inflammation and improve the condition.

Important! Camphor alcohol should not be used in its pure form by anyone, neither children nor adults. Always dilute with water. The proportions for dilution are 50:50.

The most common method is a compress with camphor alcohol.

Sequence of treatment:

  1. Dilute alcohol with water.
  2. Warm up, make sure that it is no more than 36 degrees.
  3. Make a hole in the gauze for the ear.
  4. Place gauze into the heated mixture and wait a few seconds.
  5. Gently apply the cloth to your ear.
  6. Cut a hole for the ear in the compress paper and place it on top.
  7. Apply cotton wool on top.
  8. Secure everything tightly with a bandage, you can also use a scarf.

Advice! Before applying the compress, it is important to lubricate the area with either Vaseline or baby cream.

This will help avoid irritation and stains.
After preparing the compress, you need to keep it on your ear for an hour or two, while making sure that it retains heat. If the compress suddenly gets cold, change it immediately. This happened because you did something wrong, please try again.

Doctor's advice! Dr. Romanenko strongly recommends never dripping camphor alcohol into the ear itself.

Why can't you drip? Because when otitis media is acute, the eardrum becomes inflamed. If camphor alcohol gets in, it will cause a burn. The pain will intensify and it will be even more difficult to cure otitis media.

But you can insert a cotton wool slightly moistened into your ear alcohol solution. Then more blood will flow to the ear. And all because camphor irritates the skin. And there will also be a warming effect.

Important! You can make a compress only if there is no runny nose. If you suddenly find it difficult to breathe through your nose, you first need to clear your nasal passage.

You can drip camphor oil into your ears. But with extreme caution, especially for children. But it is strictly forbidden to give it to infants under one year of age.

Expert advice: you cannot use camphor oil when you have a disease - epilepsy. This can cause a new attack.

The baby may sometimes become irritated by the oil. Don't be alarmed. You need to lubricate it with either Vaseline or baby cream. But if it gets worse, you need to see a doctor.

10 percent alcohol is a good help for treating ears. It improves the trophism of organs and tissues. It is well excreted: by the kidneys, with bile and through the lungs.

Important! Pay close attention to the expiration date of camphor alcohol. If it passes, there will be no benefit, but on the contrary – harm.

Be careful not to get alcohol into your eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes with plenty of water until complete removal drug.

For what diseases can it be used?

If you decide to be treated with camphor alcohol, be sure to consult your doctor.

Treatment of otitis with camphor alcohol (video)

Camphor alcohol is a local irritant, antiseptic, and disinfectant. This tool is a good help in home medicine cabinet and can help out if .

Camphor alcohol should not be instilled into the ear, even if it hurts greatly, and there is no way to use other medications.

Use the drug for warming compresses when and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Release form and composition

The medicine is produced in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 25 ml, 40 ml. The medicine is an aqueous-alcoholic solution of camphor at a 2% concentration. 100 mg of a 2% aqueous-alcohol solution of camphor contains 2 g of camphor, 70 ml of 90% alcohol, distilled water up to 100 ml.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect. These qualities of camphor alcohol have found application in ear treatment. The drug has an irritating effect on nerve endings located on the skin and locally improves tissue nutrition.

Camphor is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, which account for 70% of the total portion of the drug entering the body. People with kidney dysfunction, as well as young children, are not recommended to use the drug. 20% of camphor alcohol is excreted through the lungs, promoting the separation of sputum. 10% of the drug is excreted in bile.


  1. Myositis;
  2. neuralgia;
  3. bedsores.


  1. Kidney failure;
  2. skin diseases accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin;
  3. epilepsy;
  4. individual intolerance.


Used topically to treat bedsores, rubbing,. For otitis, use a 2% solution of camphor alcohol. The drug is used to make a warming compress. To make a compress:

  1. 2% camphor alcohol is diluted in equal parts with heated water;
  2. cut a hole in a gauze napkin to the size of the ear;
  3. moisten a napkin in diluted 2% camphor alcohol, wring it out lightly;
  4. put on sore ear so that the ear fits into the hole;
  5. cover the top with paper for compresses with a hole in the middle, put cotton wool so that alcohol does not get inside the ear;
  6. secure with warm cloth;
  7. keep for 2 hours.

Before the procedure, the skin around the ear can be lubricated with baby cream to reduce irritation from the drug. A compress with camphor alcohol has an effective effect on a sore ear:

  1. relieves pain;
  2. warms;
  3. reduces swelling.

2% camphor alcohol is used to apply to gauze, which is then shallowly inserted into the ear canal. This method of treatment can only be used for adults, provided that the eardrum is intact. You need to keep the turunda with camphor alcohol for 20-30 minutes; it is not recommended to leave it longer to prevent burns.

Camphor alcohol for children

To treat a child over 2 years of age, use diluted in half with caution. warm water 2% camphor alcohol for preparing compresses. In children under 2 years of age, camphor vapor can cause poisoning.


  1. Camphor ointment;

Side effects

For external use the following are possible:

  1. allergy;
  2. skin irritations.

When administered subcutaneously or accidentally released into the blood, dizziness, fat embolism, and headache were observed.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Once in the blood, it easily penetrates into breast milk and the placenta, affecting the developing fetus. You can use the external product if its integrity is intact. skin, carefully.

Vacation conditions

Camphor alcohol is available without a prescription. The price of a 40 ml bottle of 2% aqueous-alcoholic camphor solution is 12 rubles.

Duration, storage conditions

When stored in a dark place, at temperatures up to +15 o C, camphor alcohol retains its properties for 3 years.