Trust limits and the WebMoney credit exchange, my opinion and reviews. All about Webmoney trust limits What is webmoney trust limit

Currently, Webmoney is not just a convenient electronic payment system, but also a means of generating income. This service provides its users with the opportunity to increase their existing capital. In this article we will look at the Webmoney trust limits service as an investment method.

Trust limits Webmoney is a specialized system that allows users to issue loans to each other.

This is a relatively new credit instrument that can only be used by clients of this service. According to their main criteria, Webmoney trust limits are similar to the credit exchange that this payment system has long existed.

At the same time, Webmoney trust limits are a more flexible system that can be used not only to satisfy personal needs for money, but also to attract investment in a variety of projects.

Webmoney users have the opportunity to open trust limits at almost any interest rate and for any project. This requires agreement on lending terms between the parties to the transaction.

Available to users various options repayment of the received loan. Loan payments can be made every 30, 15 or 5 days. By agreement of the parties, the loan can be repaid at the end of the term. In this case, at the end of the lending period, the borrower must return the body of the loan along with the accrued interest, after which the borrower will have the opportunity to take out a loan again.

Webmoney trust limits. Peculiarities

Currently, in the trust limit system you can find a huge variety of offers. This service is used by Webmoney clients who are engaged in currency exchange or any other type of business on the Internet.

Such clients prefer to receive loans for a period of more than thirty years at fairly modest interest rates of up to 10% monthly.

The loan term, as well as interest on the loan, directly depend on the reliability of the borrower. If the borrower has just started using this service and has not earned trust among lenders, then loans are available to him on less favorable terms. Loans are available for up to fifteen days at 20% per month.

Despite all the advantages of Webmoney trust limits described above, this system can hardly be called a full-fledged investment tool.

Immediately after the appearance of this lending system, it allowed investors to receive a good income with fairly moderate risks. This was due to the fact that at that time there were practically no fraudsters among the borrowers using the Webmoney trust limit system. Most of the borrowers of this system had their own projects that generated income, which allowed them to repay the loans within the agreed time frame.

Immediately after the start of the project, it was possible to take out a loan at fairly low interest rates. Over time, the number of potential borrowers increased significantly, which led to a sharp increase in loan interest.

This state of affairs led to the emergence of speculators who took out loans and issued loans with their help at higher interest rates. Webmoney management did not approve of such a system of work and blocked the largest speculators, which led to the collapse of the scheme described above. As a result, the turnover of Webmoney trust limits was halved.

The situation described above showed that investors who decided to issue loans using Webmoney trust limits are very poorly protected. Some lenders turned to law enforcement agencies, wanting to take money from unscrupulous borrowers, but they were unable to do this.

If you decide to use the trust limit system to generate income by issuing loans, then you should remember that Webmoney does not give you any guarantee of return of the loaned funds.

IN Lately The situation in the trust limit system has become much more stable. Of course, there are still dishonest borrowers in the system, but their number has decreased significantly.

In order to earn income by issuing loans in the Webmoney trust limit system and at the same time protect yourself, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Be as responsible as possible when choosing a potential borrower.
  2. You should invest your own money (it is necessary to divide the available capital into several parts and use them to issue loans to different borrowers).
  3. You should not recklessly trust even regular customers (even if you have been cooperating with a borrower for a long time, you should not give him too large a loan for a long period).

Webmoney trust limits are suitable for those investors who want to receive high income and are at the same time willing to take risks.

WM Debt Service- a very useful and, at the same time, very dangerous (read below) service of the WebMoney Transfer system. Allows you to give and take loans of electronic money (WMZ only) to participants in the WM system for specified periods and at an agreed interest rate. Loan amounts are limited to 10,000 WMZ between two parties to the transaction, and the type of certificate that allows you to use the service must be formal and higher.

Open or close trust limit, this is the name of the process of applying for a loan in the WM debt service system, has recently become possible directly on the website of the WM system debt service itself -, using only the Enum authorization system, that is, you can now set trust limit conditions and agree to them only after Enum authorization in the WM debt service - this has become prerequisite obtaining and issuing loans.

I hope you now understand that it is very dangerous to open your trust limits to strangers?!

This is just one example, to put it mildly, of unsuccessful use of the service, and there are many more. Very often, scammers simply spam all WM users with requests to open a trust limit, hoping that someone will open it, out of ignorance or inexperience. And some themselves, in advance, can open a limit for you and you, having received a message from the service about this, will be very happy and, at the request of the scammer, will reciprocate. But you can be sure that there will never be any money in his wallet, but money will definitely be withdrawn from your wallet as soon as the fraudster’s TL increases, i.e. money will appear in your wallet.

It also often happens that ‘bad people’ mislead participants in the WM system, also offering to open a trust limit for them, supposedly to increase the participant’s status in the system. I can definitely say here that the value of your TL does not affect your status in any way and does not give you any preferences in the system, for example, for me and many other users of the system, the value of TL has never differed from zero. This only means one thing - people don't borrow money, so they don't need open limits. Although many, to be completely honest, argue differently - if your TL is much greater than 0, it means that other participants in the system trust you and you can be trusted more than others.

I think this is a misconception. Experienced and knowledgeable users of the system often rarely pay attention to the value of your TL, so you should not pay attention to your TL special attention- if it happens, then good, and if it doesn’t, that’s also good.

It is also worth noting here that with the help of trust limits, some services on the network attract funds for their turnover, so to speak, attracting investments. There is nothing wrong with this, just one small nuance - don’t go wrong with the service! Otherwise, one fine day you may not find this service on the Internet and, accordingly, lose your investment.

Of course, the trust limit open to any WM user can always be closed, that is, deleted, on the same website of the WebMoney debt service, but, as practice shows, a trusting user does not have time to do this before his money, from his own wallets, leaves to the desired wallets of the scammers. Only after this the user begins to think - what did he do wrong?

Therefore, I really hope that this article of mine will be read by a large number of beginners and users of the WebMoney system, so as not to fall for the tricks of scammers in the future, but to use the debt service of the system only for their own benefit, for which, in fact, the service was created.

From January 25, 2010, the WebMoney debt service has undergone significant changes! Firstly, the user interface of the service has been completely updated; it has become more understandable and informative. Secondly, it became possible to forcefully block the borrower's keeper not repaying the loan on time manually. Thirdly, the possibility of signing an Arbitration contract for the provision of loans according to WebMoney trust limits between the Lender and the Borrower has been added. Fourthly, the Lender's alert service is enabled for all monetary transactions of its borrower in the WM debt service - the Lender's keeper now receives service messages about new trust limits opened for your Borrower from other participants in the WebMoney system, as well as about all movements of funds (loans ) of your Borrower according to trust limits taken from other participants in the system. Fifthly, the most interesting thing is that new exchange in the WebMoney system to open limits of trust between any participants in the system.

With this option, WebMoney loans are issued through automated sites (loan machines) created by the users themselves and using specialized APIs of the WebMoney system. Above we provided a list of the most popular slot machines.

It is important to understand that the WebMoney system itself does not issue any loans; they are provided by some participants who have funds available for investment to other users who have financial problems or need to increase their working capital.

To control the process of issuing and repaying loans, special credit wallets of the following types are created in the system: WMC and WMD, only holders of personal and higher certificates can create them.

However, recently services have begun to appear that provide lending services through the so-called “ trust limits", using the WebMoney Debt debt service for this. This option makes it possible for owners of formal and initial certificates to receive loans in WebMoney without creating credit wallets.

WebMoney credit machines is a convenient mechanism for obtaining WebMoney in debt. On this moment There are few such services left, but they work properly and allow you to receive loans for WebMoney wallet in automatic mode.

Option 2. Loan exchange WebMoney Debt (trust limits)

You can borrow WebMoney with a formal and initial certificate directly from the debt service of the payment system itself - (link to website). The service is the most popular in terms of mass use.

This is not really a credit system, but rather a trusting relationship between the participants. Users can set each other the so-called “WebMoney trust limit”. This means that if you have such a limit, you can simply take any amount from your principal within the established limit. Users of any certificate, starting from formal, can receive loans.

The popularity of this type of lending is growing due to a number of features:

  1. Minimum requirements for the borrower's certificate.
  2. There are no restrictions on the country of registration of the borrower and lender. You can conclude a deal remotely, regardless of your geographic location.
  3. A clearly established scheme of work, a clear interface that even a novice user can understand.
  4. All operations in the debt service are free.
  5. A large number of real users, with whom you can agree on the terms of repayment of the WebMoney loan and the interest rates that are favorable to you. This makes it possible to receive the amount you need without intermediaries.
  6. Receiving loans on a WebMoney wallet in various electronic currencies (WMZ - dollar, WMR - ruble, WMU - hryvnia, etc.).
  7. The system stores information about all loans provided and their repayment deadlines. The debt can be repaid either in parts or in full.
  8. Opportunity to receive loans on the most favorable terms. You can choose for what period and at what percentage you want to take out a WebMoney loan. Place an application on your own terms and wait for approval from other exchange users.
  9. Providing lenders with the ability to issue loans both manually and through XML interfaces, which provides benefits from issuing loans to other users.

WebMoney Debt controls and records all transactions between the lender and the borrower. The service provides all the necessary information, convenient functionality, and facilitates the task of obtaining and issuing loans. If you need money for a WebMoney wallet, getting it will not be difficult. The main thing is to comply with the conditions for providing loans to the WebMoney wallet and not violate the deadline for returning funds.

Option 3. Credit exchange WebMoney Credit (loan to WMC wallet)

() – the exchange operates automatically, allows you to take and issue loans without personal contact participants. Anyone who has a good credit history with the service will be able to get title units on credit. Owners with a minimum personal certificate can use these services.

The exchange provides users with the ability to automatically process applications for WebMoney loans, sign agreements and transfer funds.

Creating a WMC wallet to work with the credit exchange is quite simple. In your WebMoney Keeper, in the “Wallets” tab, you need to click the “Create” function and select WMC - the equivalent of WMZ. Let us remind you what to create this type Only holders of personal certificates can access wallets.

Factors influencing loan terms, important nuances

Here are the main factors that influence the terms of lending in WebMoney:

  1. Business activity level (BL, business level), calculated by the WebMoney system automatically and depends on the amounts and frequency of transactions carried out by the user in the payment system. This indicator is one of the main ones; it is what lenders first pay attention to when deciding whether to issue a loan in WebMoney.
  2. Certificate type. The higher the certificate, the more confidence in the borrower. If you have a formal or initial certificate, we recommend getting a personal one.
  3. Credit rating. The system also has a trust level (TL) parameter. Which is related to your activity on previously received WebMoney loans. The higher your previous activity, the number of lenders and the size of the credit lines open to you from them, the higher this indicator and the higher your chances of approving an application from new lenders.

If you are just starting to work with the system, it is recommended to take out WebMoney loans for small amounts at first, which will increase the level of trust on the part of lenders.

How the type of certificate affects the terms of lending in WebMoney

Certification in the WebMoney Transfer payment system is carried out in order to identify the user. The certificate provides a lot of additional opportunities, which include not only obtaining a loan, but also the possibility of increasing the limits on transactions and trust in the user.

Ordinary individuals There are four types of certificates available for obtaining:

  1. Nickname. The simplest form, which is assigned immediately after registration in the payment system, without entering personal data. If you have this type of certificate, your ability to take out a WebMoney loan is zero.
  2. Formal. Can be obtained after entering your passport data. Now the system will allow you to borrow WebMoney from other participants. The certificate must be confirmed by your passport scan, which proves your identity.
  3. Elementary. Expands the range of possibilities. You can receive it automatically by additionally confirming your identity, for example, passing a VideoID verification.
  4. Personal (or seller certificate) gives clients the greatest opportunities. To receive it, you need to meet in person with any participant in the “WebMoney Certification Center Affiliate Program” and confirm your identity.

    You can also obtain it using notarized documents, during a personal meeting with a notary. Moreover, receiving is paid service and instills more confidence in the lender.

Consequences in case of non-repayment of a loan in WebMoney

Unfortunately, not all borrowers are responsible for repaying their debt. Let's look at some of the consequences of non-return:

    First of all, the creditor can block the debtor's WMID for expense transactions. But there are several nuances here.

    When issuing a loan to a WMC wallet, the block is placed automatically by the WebMoney system itself. All funds received to the wallet are automatically written off to pay off the debt. Unblocking is possible subject to the return of all existing debt.

    When issuing loans in the WebMoney Debt debt service through trust limits, the blocking is set at the request of the lender himself.

    Please note that the system does not provide for the possibility of extending the payment period for existing obligations. It is impossible to change the terms of the contract in the system.

    The creditor can file a claim against you in WebMoney Arbitrage. It will be displayed in your certificate, that is, information about your unfulfilled obligations will be available to other users.

    In addition, when receiving loans in WebMoney through private credit machines, additional agreements can be concluded, which are signed by the borrower with the equivalent of a handwritten signature when receiving a WebMoney loan.

    In this case, penalties (forfeit) may be applied, which increases the debt. Therefore, before you apply for a WebMoney microloan, make sure that you have the financial capacity to pay the entire amount before the end of the term.

If due to any circumstances the WebMoney loan cannot be repaid on time, you must contact the lender. Ask for a delay and not block your WMID. As a last resort, if you have open trust limits from other participants in the system, you can use them and refinance, paying off your current obligations. This way you can preserve your reputation and delay the payment deadline.

However, this is possible, as we already wrote above, only when working with trust limits, since when lending to WMC wallets, the block is automatically placed by the WebMoney system itself. We recommend that you fulfill your obligations in a timely manner.

WebMoney Credit and WM Debt– these are convenient platforms both for those who want to receive loans on a WebMoney wallet, and for those who are ready to provide their money and thereby earn money. Borrowers can offer conditions that are convenient for them, and lenders, in turn, can receive significant income from investing their funds.

How to issue loans yourself in WebMoney

Lending with WebMoney can be an excellent way to earn extra money, provided you have some start-up capital. But issuing loans always carries the risk of non-repayment and, as a consequence, loss of funds.

Many borrowers repay their debt on time, but there are also those who do not repay on time.

Such borrowers can be divided into several categories:

  1. Borrowers who, due to some personal circumstances, cannot repay the debt on time, for example: illness, unexpected trip, delay wages etc.
  2. Repeat borrowers who, in order to pay off old debts, take out even more new WebMoney loans. Debts accumulate, and their repayment becomes problematic and takes a lot of time.
  3. Risky borrowers who take out WebMoney loans for some kind of transaction or operation in the hope of making money and “burn out.”
  4. Credit scammers are borrowers who had no intention of repaying the debt from the very beginning.

The lender has several remedies against unscrupulous borrowers, including:

  1. In case of non-repayment of debt, WebMoney provides assistance tools for debt collection. You can block the debtor’s wallet, submit a claim to WebMoney arbitration, convert the debt into a Paymer check, etc.
  2. Opportunity to participate in collective lending. This is a great way to diversify your risks. You can issue only a portion of the funds necessary to satisfy the application, and thereby not risk a large amount.
  3. You can view complete information about the borrower (passport details, postal address, contact information, number of loans taken and repaid). In case of non-repayment, order from WebMoney a complete package of documents certifying the authenticity of the obligations and an analogue of the borrower’s handwritten signature to request payment through the courts of general jurisdiction.

According to the current Civil Code Russian Federation, a loan agreement concluded in electronic form has the same legal force, like an agreement drawn up in ordinary written form, and provides for a similar way of resolving pre-trial and judicial disputes.

Therefore, debtors receiving loans to a wallet in the WebMoney Transfer payment system should not hope that there will be no consequences if they fail to fulfill their debt obligations. When applying for a certificate, WebMoney users provide their personal data and confirm them, receiving a certificate. Only participants with at least a formal certificate who have uploaded scans of their passports into the system have the right to participate in credit operations.

The better your analysis of selecting borrowers, the less likely you are to fall for scammers from whom you will suffer. This is the only way to save and increase your investment.

Let's sum it up

WebMoney loans- this is an excellent alternative to numerous microfinance organizations (MFOs), which, although they are ready to provide money within a few minutes, without paying attention to credit history and the presence of outstanding debts, but do this on much less favorable terms of cooperation.

The ability to convert borrowed funds on a WebMoney wallet into cash makes the service of this type of lending more and more attractive. This type of loan is most in demand among freelancers - people whose work activities are directly related to the Internet.

To obtain a loan, you only need a formal certificate, but citizens can borrow WebMoney different countries, which provides borrowers with a certain freedom. They can repay the loan regardless of their location.

In this regard, the popularity of lending through WebMoney is increasing, and new services for obtaining loans are appearing. All electronic money represents a material value that can be used both on the Internet and in real life.

Get a loan from WebMoney– it’s simple, comfortable, modern and profitable, try it yourself!

Fig.1 TRUST LIMIT conditions entry form

After saving the TRUST LIMIT, the service sends the correspondent a letter via WM mail with an invitation to read and accept the terms of the TRUST LIMIT. If he agrees, the correspondent can use the means of the open TRUST LIMIT at any time using the service interface. TRUST LIMIT parameters can be changed by the owner at any time. Once amended, the new terms and conditions will only come into force upon acceptance by the correspondent.

The procedure for obtaining a loan under the TRUST LIMIT

The form that allows you to receive a loan under an open TRUST LIMIT can be called from the “Correspondent Properties” dialog, “Debt Service” tab. To receive a loan, you must indicate your wallet, amount and period within which you plan to return all funds. The amount and period should not exceed maximum values, specified in TRUST LIMIT.

Fig.2 Form for receiving funds under TRUST LIMIT

After determining the volume and term of the loan, the correspondent must accept the agreement for the release of obligations and register obligations to repay funds on the website The amount of returned funds is calculated by the service based on the interest rate of the TRUST LIMIT used, the volume and term of the loan. Obligations are automatically exchanged and extinguished as funds received under the limit are returned. In case of failure to return the funds within the established period, the obligation is transferred to the ownership of the WMID owner who opened the TRUST LIMIT.

The procedure for repaying a loan you received under the TRUST LIMIT

A form with a list of LIMITS for which you received loans can be called up from the "Information about yourself" dialog, the "Debt service" tab, the item "Trust limits open to me\more...".

Fig.3 List of TRUST LIMITS

When you click the “details” link in the “used” column on the selected TRUST LIMIT, a list of loans appears for the selected TRUST LIMIT. By left-clicking, each entry in the log can be viewed in detail (see)

Fig.4 Detailed information on the use and return of funds received under TRUST LIMIT

This form displays the conditions under which you used funds from the TRUST LIMIT, a list of transactions (both receiving funds and returning them), the amount that needs to be returned at the current time and the full amount to be returned. Depending on the refund condition, both a refund of the current amount and a refund of the entire amount are available. For convenience, the form displays the current amount in the wallet from which the refund should be made. To get a refund, you must use the “make another return” or “return everything” options. In this case, funds will be returned only from the wallet to which they were received.
Attention! Refunds must be made only using the interfaces provided by the Service. Direct transfer of WM from the keeper is not considered a refund of the amount received under the TRUST LIMIT.

The procedure for repaying a loan received from you under the TRUST LIMIT

At any time, you can initiate a return of funds received from you under the TRUST LIMIT, using the “make another return” or “return everything” items. If you attempt to return funds before the end of the period of use, the reward for using TRUST LIMIT is lost. When returning funds, the required amount is debited from the wallet to which they were received. If there are not enough funds in this wallet, the required amount will be debited from other wallets (starting with the wallet with a large balance). If there are not enough funds in all wallets, the TRUST LIMITS opened to the debtor by other system participants will be used for the return (starting with the TRUST LIMIT with the lowest interest rate).
If the repayment period expires, the Lender may suspend servicing the Borrower's WMID until the Loan is returned to them.
If the funds that can be received under open TRUST LIMITS are not enough, and the return period has expired, then the obligation to return the remaining amount registered in the PAYMER system can be transferred to you (in the form of the Paymer check number and code) into ownership. In this case, the accounting of debt in the Debt Service ceases.

Fig.5 Lender Refund Form

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. At the request of my readers Natalya and Alex, I decided to write an article, not even one, but probably a series of articles on the topic of how to make money on loans. Therefore, subscribe to blog updates in any way convenient for you, so as not to miss the entire series of articles.

In the process of writing a series of articles, I will consider the following questions:

  1. Why money should work.
  2. A little about WebMoney and how to create a wallet.
  3. Credit exchange and WebMoney trust limits, a brief overview.
  4. How to open a trust limit.
  5. How to choose borrowers so as not to be left without pants.
  6. Risks in lending and why.
  7. Short review lending services
  8. Conclusions about earning money from lending

These issues will be discussed in more detail below.

Money is a resource that is used to realize one’s goals and ideas. Why money? It’s very simple: money is the only resource that can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, regardless of whether you are sleeping or relaxing; money works and earns you more money. Money is your “workers” who don’t eat, don’t drink, don’t demand wages and don’t go on vacation. They don’t need weekends, holidays, just the dream of any businessman

So why restrict such workers and prevent them from working? Why just let them gather dust in wallets or under mattresses. Isn't it better to give them free rein and set them on course so that you can realize your dream? Money is an irreplaceable thing in modern world.

Well, how to make money work, what needs to be done for this?

One way to make money work is to give it to someone else at interest. You have free money, but someone doesn’t, and this someone wants to give you money so that your money can work for him. Kind of a pun, but that's how most bank loans work. People pay money to the bank for letting them use their money.

Why are we worse? Indeed, in the modern world, almost any person who has “excess” money can lend money to another person whose money is more difficult and receive their income from this investment. Therefore, we must do this and lend our money to others. Well, you will learn how to do this further as you read this article. This article will talk about how to find people on the Internet who need money and get income from it. For this knowledgeable people use credit services and other tools. In this article I will tell you about one of such services. This is a service for issuing trust limits (loans) from one person to another, I use the WebMoney service for this, as a guarantee that the money will be returned (this is in theory), but in fact it is more and more complicated.

What is web money and how to use this credit service, we will talk about this below. Let's not waste time and continue. Of course, I wanted to write a separate article about webmoney, but as usual I put it off, so I will write about this payment system within the framework of this article.

A little about WebMoney and how to get yourself an electronic wallet.

Webmoney is an international on-line payment system that was founded in 1998. All users registered in this payment system have a unique WMID number. To each WMID, users can link an unlimited number of wallets in which they can store various electronic currencies.

Money in the system is called title units and, depending on the name of the wallet, they contain the corresponding money. Money from one currency to another can be transferred simply by transferring money from one wallet to another. And you can easily convert dollars to euros, and euros to rubles or vice versa, easily and simply. But in this case, the money will be transferred according to the rates of the webmoney payment system, but it is not always good. In order to choose a good course for yourself at the moment, use the special service that I wrote about in the article - “”.

Today, 7 types of wallets are available in webmoney, but we will be interested in only three:

  • R-wallet WMR - ruble wallet.
  • Z-wallet WMZ - wallet in US dollars;
  • E-wallet WME - wallet in euros;

WMID management can be carried out different ways at the choice of the System participant, find out more about the programs that can be used on the website.

To become a member of the system and receive your WMID, you need to register on the WebMoney website, download a special program for your computer, mobile phone(optional) and in this program create a wallet R (ruble) and Z (dollar).

By the way, to issue loans through trust limits, since they can be obtained without a special certificate, a dollar wallet is used; this service does not work with a ruble wallet. After you get yourself a wallet, if you don’t have one, you can move on.

If you have any questions about working with WebMoney, or about registering a wallet in this system, then ask them either in the comments to this article or using the feedback form. I try to help.

Credit exchange and WebMoney trust limits, a brief overview.

In order for some participants in the webmoney system to be able to issue loans to other participants in the webmoney system, there is a special credit exchange. The essence of the exchange is to select a reliable borrower and give him a loan at a pre-agreed interest rate; usually the borrower indicates in advance the percentage at which he is willing to take out a loan.

The only negative, although for some it may be a plus, to work with the credit exchange you need to obtain a special personal certificate. In order to receive it, you need to contact special person(attestator) who is given the right by the system to issue these certificates, pay a fee for obtaining this certificate. The fee depends on the name of the attester. Some people charge $10, others $50 or more. After this, print out a special statement, which can be found on the WebMoney website. After this, you need to meet with this person, give him all the documents that are needed, and within a few days you will receive a personal certificate. Read about all the advantages of this certificate on the WebMoney website.

There is also a special debt service, trust limits (through which I work). Trust Limits, a service that allows you to lend your hard-earned money to people. Essentially, you open access to your wallet and the person who used this right, you choose this person yourself (I will write about how to choose these people later) and give him the right to withdraw the amount that you are ready to give him (you also choose the amount yourself). By the way, discuss the percentage you set in advance and the deadline too. I work with people for a period of no more than a month, usually 15 days, this is necessary so that there is capitalization of interest