Caracal home. Exotic cat caracal. How to equip an aviary for a caracal

Those who consider the caracal a wild animal are right. People who consider him a pet are not mistaken either. Caracals are unique representatives of the cat family. You can see them both in natural, natural conditions, and in homes. Domestic caracals are exotic cats, there are not too many owners of such pets.

Man did not have to breed this breed of cats, nature did it for him. Caracals live in African and Asian territories, where forests and steppes border, in the zones of the Caspian coast. Animals do not like arid deserts, they prefer steppe plains, where the color allows them to go unnoticed. Caracals peacefully coexist with, but they do not have a relationship with cheetahs.

This is a predatory animal leading a nocturnal lifestyle. Wild cats move freely along the branches of trees, can swim, run fast, the length of the jump exceeds 4 meters. This allows them to easily overtake any prey. Caracals are not limited to the inhabitants of fields and forests, they do not refuse to eat small livestock. Therefore, they were actively hunted, which turned wild cats into an endangered species. The opening of sanctuaries and nature reserves made it possible to save animals.

The ability to domesticate allowed caracals to move into the category of pets. But do not think that you can safely take a wild kitten and bring it into the house. Such an animal retains hunting habits, there are no habits of a domestic cat, a desire to caress, communicate with a person. Only a caracal cat from a home cattery can please with a complaisant character.

The name of these animals takes its roots in Turkish. The word "karakalak" is translated as "black ears". This is a kind of visiting card of the animal. At the caracal big ears black in color with sharp tips, on which tassels flaunt.

  • a small head with a muzzle stretched forward with white, dark spots;
  • large ears set high, black in color, tassels at the tips;
  • eyes almond-shaped yellowish, edged with a black stripe;
  • the body is muscular, slender, 65-85 cm long;
  • height at the withers about half a meter;
  • paws are slender, of medium length;
  • wool is short, dense, dense;
  • the tail is movable, long.

On average, the weight of an adult caracal ranges from 15-20 kg. But there are larger individuals, the mass of which can reach 25 kg.

The whole gamut is found in the color of caracals Brown color. The most common shade is sandy. The belly is light, may be almost white with round spots.


The caracal has preserved natural features: courage and love of freedom. But domestication instilled in the animal the ability to be affectionate, attached. If you buy a kitten raised in a cattery, you will have a chance to get a faithful and devoted friend.

By its nature, the habits of the caracal are more like a dog than a cat. The animal gets used to the house easily. It should be noted that caracals not only have big sizes, but differ in activity. It is impossible to create comfortable conditions for them in a small apartment. For such a pet, a large country cottage or an aviary will be good options.

The caracal cat breed is friendly, domesticated animals do not show aggressiveness. However, if a baby grows up in the house preschool age, take such a pet is not worth it. There is certain rules handling caracals, which only a grown child can learn.

This domestic cat will not cause trouble if the owners pay attention to its upbringing. It is similar to that practiced in raising puppies. The pet must remember a few taboos. He cannot:

  • chew on shoes and electrical wires;
  • jump on the table;
  • eat from the owners' plates.

It is impossible to beat an animal, but strictness should be exercised. While the caracal is growing up, you need to carefully monitor that dangerous things do not remain unattended: poisonous plants, household chemicals, plastic bags, cords.

Breeding and care

Caracal is an active, large animal, it needs movement, periodic walks in the fresh air. If the house has an aviary, you can leave the cat in it for a certain time. Otherwise, you will have to walk your pet on a harness. Caracal easily gets used to such a restriction. Walking near the dog walking area is not allowed. The cat may attack the dog even if the dog is stronger.

Caracals are easily accustomed to the tray. The toilet should be located in a secluded place, as far as possible from frequently opening doors, active areas. The deep tray is filled with wood pellets or silica gel. You need to change the content every day.

The pet will shed all year round, in the summer months this process is activated. The cat needs to be periodically cleaned with rubber brushes, you can put a silicone glove on your hand, run it over all parts of the body, and remove the hairs. The tips of the claws should be periodically removed with round cutters.

Caracals are very fond of swimming. Periodically, you need to give them a bath with hypoallergenic cat shampoo. From spring to autumn, the cat should wear anti-flea collars. Regularly it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis against worms, to do mandatory vaccinations prescribed by the veterinarian. If mating, breeding of animals is not planned, it is necessary to castrate the male in a timely manner, sterilize the female. During sexual activity, the behavior of these animals can become unpredictable, aggression is not excluded.

These animals have excellent immunity, they do not have specific diseases. Provided that the pet is properly kept, up to 15-16 years old your domestic cat will maintain its cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and activity.

What to feed the caracal

This cat predator, therefore, he needs protein food. The basis of the diet of this cat is meat. Depending on the size, weight, personal characteristics, an adult pet can eat up to a kilogram of meat products per day. The best options for them are: beef, chicken, turkey, liver. You can boil some of the products, but more is given raw. The meat should contain bones, cartilage, which are needed to train the jaws, supply calcium to the body.

There are many lovers of raw eggs and dairy products among caracals. Should be included in the menu:

  • sea ​​fish, raw
  • zucchini,
  • cabbage,
  • pumpkin.

Caracal does not need to cook soups or cereal porridges. It is recommended to feed the cat once or twice a day. Uneaten food should be removed. Two days a month, a caracal should go on a hunger strike. Animals adhere to this regime in wild nature.

Do not give your pet food fatty foods, smoked meats, sweets. Pork is not included in the diet of caracal.

You can occasionally give your cat dry food. This should be a premium class product intended for breeds: Norwegian.

Where to buy a caracal kitten

Do not buy a pet in dubious places, even if the kittens are offered at an attractive price for you. Often without documents, certificates, sick animals are sold. In addition, in this way one can implement wild babies. Contact nurseries to professional breeders.

Everyone who wants to get such a pet wants to know how much such a kitten costs. This is an exotic cat, so its purchase will require significant costs: the price in Russia is about 450 thousand rubles, the price in Ukraine is about 210 thousand hryvnias.

Among the Turks, this cat was called the Black Ear, and we know it as a caracal or steppe lynx. The animal has a very exotic appearance, which immediately attracts attention. Outwardly, it looks like something between a cougar and a lynx. These cats look great both in the wild and at home.

Anyone who calls the caracal a wild animal will be right. But call him domestic cat also not a mistake. This feature makes representatives of this breed unique. There are few nurseries in the world where you can see a domestic caracal.

This breed is not artificially bred. In the wild, caracal can be found on the Caspian coast, as well as in areas of Asia and Africa, where the steppe borders on forests. These animals do not like deserts. They prefer the plains. In such an area, a cat can remain invisible due to its color. Caracals are nocturnal predators. They can run fast, jump far and even swim.

Caracals were domesticated by humans, but this does not mean that you can take home any cat of this breed. The animal will have all the habits of a wild cat. If you decide to get a caracal, then you can take it only from a special nursery.

Fact! The ears of the caracal have sharp tips with a tassel. This distinguishing feature is the hallmark of the breed.


There are 9 types of caracals, but it is impossible to distinguish them with the naked eye, without having professional knowledge. They all have enough high growth. At the withers, height reaches an average of about 50 cm.

With this growth, the cat does not look large, as it has a very graceful build.

  1. The head is elongated and small. The muzzle is extended forward and covered with spots.
  2. The ears of the animal are narrow and long, located at a great distance from each other, stand upright. Ear color is black. There are brushes on the sharp tips. On the back of the ears are black, sometimes with a slight gray color.
  3. The eyes are almond-shaped and yellowish in color. They are edged with a black stripe.
  4. The cat's body is slender and muscular. The body length is approximately 65-85 cm.
  5. Caracal has slender large paws of medium length.
  6. The tail is long and quite mobile. It is shorter than half of the cat's body in length.
  7. Short thick coat has a red or sandy-red color. It is slightly longer on the belly and on the chest. There is a yellow stripe under the cat's eyes. Males and females have the same color.

An adult cat can weigh approximately 16-20 kg. Caracals live for about 15 years.

Cat character

From a wild cat, a domestic caracal left courage and a love of freedom. But domestication made them more affectionate, able to become attached to a person. If you take a kitten of this breed in the cattery, you will get a good true friend. Domesticated caracals are playful and curious. The character is distinguished by calmness, balance. These animals are very kind and devoted to their owners, and can be trained.

By habits, the caracal sometimes even resembles a dog. He adapts well to a new home, but when buying a pet, you need to consider that these cats are active. It is better for owners of cramped apartments not to purchase caracals. Under such conditions, it will not be possible to create all the conditions that the animal needs. For them, a spacious aviary or a large country house is more suitable.

Previously, people used caracals for hunting. The cat performed the same functions as the husky or the dachshund on the hunt. Nowadays, domesticated caracals behave like the most affectionate domestic cat. She will sleep and eat with the person.

Caracals are very friendly, they have not seen the appearance of aggression. But do not buy this cat if the house has Small child. If you want such a cat, then wait until the child grows up and can learn all the rules of treatment that the animal requires.

If you properly raise a caracal, then an adult animal will not cause much trouble. The rules of upbringing are almost the same as if you were raising a puppy. The animal must learn that it is strictly forbidden for him to gnaw on the wires and shoes of the owners. Also forbid him to jump on the table and eat from your plates.

Advice! Do not beat the cat, but be strict in your upbringing. If you have a caracal growing in your house, hide objects and substances from it that can harm the animal. Electrical wires, chemical detergents and poisonous plants.

Is it possible to keep a caracal at home?

The answer is yes! If you believe the reviews of the owners, then we can say that with the right upbringing of a kitten, there will be no problems in adulthood. The main thing is to survive the first two years. Until this age, his behavior can be mischievous, but be consistent and strict in order to get a "educated" cat as a result.


Fact! A big plus of this breed is that its representatives almost do not get sick. They have strong immunity like their wild predecessors.

If you castrate a cat or a cat in a timely manner, this will help get rid of many problems that may arise when mating season. At this time, the caracal may become uncontrollable, and even show some aggressiveness.

Caracals have excellent immunity. They rarely get sick. If you take care of the cat properly and feed it properly, then until the age of 15 it will be active and healthy.

What to feed the caracal

The cat is a carnivorous animal. For normal life, she needs to eat animal protein. An adult caracal is able to eat up to one kilogram of meat products daily. The amount depends on the age and size of the animal. best food for caracal will be beef, chicken or turkey meat or offal. Basically, caracal meat should be given raw. But you can partially boil food. It is best if the animal eats meat with cartilage and bones. This will provide them with calcium and help train the jaw. Many representatives of this breed are very fond of eating raw eggs and milk.

In addition to animal proteins, vegetables such as cabbage, pumpkin or zucchini should also be included in the diet. In addition, raw fish should be present in the diet. Do not feed these cats soup or cereals. Make sure that food does not remain in the animal's bowl. If the cat has not finished eating, it is better to throw away the leftovers.

Twice a month it is recommended to arrange a one-day hunger strike for the caracal. This mode will mimic the one that is inherent in wild animals. Do not feed your cat human food such as candy, smoked meats, and fat. It is not recommended to feed them pork. Sometimes you can feed the animal with dry food, but it must be of excellent quality. Choose a food that is specially formulated for the Norwegian cat or Maine Coon.

Where to buy a kitten

Do not buy a caracal in an unreliable place, even if you are offered to buy a kitten at an affordable price. It is often possible to fall for deception by acquiring an animal without proper documents. This is how sick cats are usually sold. Also, by purchasing a caracal from an unreliable buyer, you can get a wild animal instead of the desired domesticated one. Such a cat is not suitable for living in a house or apartment. It is necessary to contact special catteries where cats are bred by professionals.

Anyone who is interested will want to know the cost of a homemade caracal. These cats are considered exotic, so their cost is high. In Russia, a homemade caracal can be bought for 450,000 rubles. In Ukraine, this price will be about 210,000 hryvnia.

Video: cat breed caracal

Caracal is a special breed of cat. They are distinguished by unique grace, nobility and kindness. Caracals come from the wild, but many adapt perfectly to domestic conditions. How do caracal kittens behave at home, what are the features of caring for them and how much does a kitten of this breed cost, we will tell below.

History and description of caracals

Caracal kittens, like other kids, love to play and show tenderness towards others. However, they differ from ordinary kittens exotic appearance. They are somewhat reminiscent of Bombay cats.

In many countries there are hunting breeds of dogs, but in Africa there are also hunting cats. For example, in ancient times, cheetahs and caracals were taken for hunting. Cats of this breed perfectly caught hares, pheasants, peacocks and other small animals.

They were quickly tamed by man. Even small kittens of this breed distinguished by intelligence and obedience. Over time, they began to start not only as hunting animals, but also as pets.

Now it is also considered prestigious to have these kittens, because it is rare exotic breed, the price of which is considerable.

There are several varieties of caracals there are 9 types. However, an unprepared person is unlikely to be able to distinguish them from each other. In character and other characteristics, they also differ little from each other.

Character traits

When purchasing a kitten of this breed as a pet, do not forget that he is still will remain a predator, even in such "greenhouse" conditions.

When raising such a kitten, you need to maintain consistency and clearly give out your requirements, while not rushing to teach him everything you need. Help your pet understand what subordination is and develop rules of behavior in your home.

Key character traits of the caracal, which are noticeable even in kittens:

  1. Balance - these kittens will not surprise you with sudden bursts of activity, and then rest for half a day.
  2. Kindness - the nature of the animals is very soft, here they are in many ways similar to domestic cats.
  3. Energetic - you need to let the kittens splash out their energy, otherwise they can direct it in the wrong direction.
  4. Love for games - kittens will be happy to play with children.
  5. The instinct of the owner - cats of this breed, regardless of age, will protect the home from other animals with great jealousy. However, with other pets that live with them, they will find a common language.
  6. Curiosity - Caracal kittens want to know everything and always be the first so where something new has appeared or something has happened. They run immediately to the door when the bell rings or to the bushes as soon as they stir.

Features of choosing a caracal kitten

Of course, not everyone can buy a caracal kitten because of the high price. But even if you are ready to shell out a substantial amount for it, you should contact to a home type nursery, and not where animals are kept in enclosures. It is also not recommended to purchase kittens younger than 4-6 months.

Remember the following when buying: if in the future you do not plan to breed caracals, then preferably an animal sterilize or castrate. When the kittens grow up, they will stubbornly mark the territory, while giving you constant trouble and discomfort.

Before purchasing a kitten, carefully study how it looks. Pay attention to the following:

  • the kitten's coat was shiny and thick;
  • the skin should not peel off and have rashes, and it should also be clean;
  • from the eyes, nose or ears should not smell unpleasant and ooze something.

Care tips for caracals

Naturally, when a kitten of this type appears in the house, he will need in special attention and special care. Below we consider some aspects of caring for representatives of this breed.

How comb and bathe the caracal. You should brush your pet at least once a week. Bathing is also not often necessary, only when the coat is very dirty. Caracals are very fond of water, and will gladly play with rubber balls in the pool or bath.

Caracal claws on the front paws can be removed at the kennel using a laser. The animal does not like the procedures associated with their removal. It is advisable to take care of the claw clipper. At least once a week check your eyes and ears cat, clean them if necessary.


Caracal is conditionally a domestic animal and belongs to the category of accustomed. In many ways, you can pay attention to their love of independence and freedom.

In particular, caracals love Fresh air, so they need to walk more when the weather is nice outside. And so that the caracal does not accidentally harm anyone, it is better to keep it on a leash.

Naturally, the fenced area next to a country house, equipped with devices for active kitten games, will be the optimal habitat.

Nutritional features of the caracal

Caracal primarily requires lean meat in its raw form. It contains vitamins and microelements necessary for the animal. Perfect fit whole carcasses of rodents or birds. No more than once a week, the caracal should be offered raw sea fish.

Kittens up to a year old are given food twice a day. And after a year, in order for the animal's intestines to work normally, it eat once a day but tight. Once a week, a fasting day without meat is arranged. This does not apply to pregnant and lactating females.

Caracals are forbidden to give such products:

  • Any food from the human table.
  • Sweet confectionery.
  • Spicy, spicy and salty dishes.
  • Smoked meats, sausages or sausages.

Feeding with dry food is allowed, but it must be chosen very carefully, in advance in consultation with a veterinarian. You need to choose only high-quality food. Regardless of the type of feeding, leftover food after a cat's meal should always be thrown away.

Animal price

As mentioned earlier, the price of a representative of this breed is very high. In Russia, this animal can be purchased on average for 400 thousand rubles. In Ukraine - from 45 thousand hryvnia.

Such a high price makes caracals one from most expensive pets. Naturally, this significantly limits the circle of potential owners of such a kitten. In most cases, they keep it in the conditions of private country houses, where the animal has a place to walk.

Caracals are bred not only by lovers of exotic animals, but also by those who are not afraid of difficulties in terms of their upbringing and accustoming to home conditions. These cats themselves are wild, and sometimes they are not so easy to train.

Today we will talk about caracal. The name of this animal comes from the word "karakalak". Translated, it means "black ear". Caracal - domestic lynx medium size. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary lynx, but is slightly smaller in size. Now we will tell you in more detail about such an animal as a caracal, we will present a photo of it below. We will also touch on the topic of choosing a kitten and its maintenance. In addition, consider how to feed such a lynx at home.

Caracal: description

The body length of a caracal is on average 75 cm. Its tail is smaller - about 27 cm. The weight of such an animal is about 17-18 kg. Although there are more major representatives. The coat of such mammals is thick and short. The colors are different, varying from color to brownish-sandy, and the belly is white. The outer side of the ears and the area around the eyes are black. There are black spots on the muzzle. The ears are set high on the head, stand upright, reach five centimeters in length, and have tassels at the ends.

Choosing a Kitten

In order for the caracal to be tame and affectionate, you need to choose it in home-type nurseries. If an animal is kept in enclosures, then one can hardly hope that a kind child will grow out of such a baby. pet. It is necessary that the kitten be in contact with a person from childhood. At what age can you buy a baby? It is best to do this before six months. How much does a caracal cost? On average, such an animal will cost 300 thousand rubles, but the price depends on the age of the animal and the region.

Before making a purchase, you must decide what you need a miniature lynx for. Caracal is not a domestic cat. He has his own characteristics. Therefore, if you do not plan to breed such cats, then you need to castrate the animal in time (about four months), otherwise there will be problems with marks.

Do you want to breed? Then get ready for the fact that the caracal, regardless of gender, will mark its territory.

If you are planning to buy homemade lynx, then bypass dealers. Very often, these people illegally acquire animals from poachers, usually without documents. Such caracals are usually poorly socialized, not accustomed to the tray, it is even possible that they are sick. It is better not to buy animals for the house in this way, especially if you have a child.

You should not get a caracal if:

  • The area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing is small, since the animal needs space to move around.
  • You have children under the age of five. If the child is older, but does not know how to communicate with animals, then you should not start such an animal either.

What is the nature of the caracal home?

This lynx has high intellectual abilities. Such a beast is very playful, as a rule, affectionate. He chirps and purrs beautifully. You need to educate this beast from the first days of its appearance in your home. Caracal games are both communication and learning. With pleasure, the beast hunts for a ball suspended on a rope.

He loves to swim very much. With great pleasure, the domestic lynx will bring you the ball. By the way, the caracal can be taught to a leash without any problems. As you could understand from the article, the domestic lynx is very similar to dogs in character and in games, but at the same time it also has a feline grace. If the caracal ran in, then he breathes rapidly with open mouth, just like a dog. He gets along well with other animals, especially if they have been together since childhood.

You can accustom this beast to the tray. Doing his "business" in such a toilet, the caracal does not bury excrement, it leaves them on the surface.

Pet toys. How to make the right choice?

Toys must be safe for the health of the animal. Small, plastic and foam products are not suitable for a pet. Since such things can be swallowed by a homemade caracal. This lynx is a bit similar in character to a dog, therefore the best option for her - natural. Only periodically such products need to be hidden so that interest in them does not disappear.

The caracal, whose photo you see in our article, is a very curious animal, so he will be happy with something new. A potato, an apple or a plastic bottle are the best toys for a domestic lynx. Do not allow the animal to play with your hand or foot. Remember that human hands are for petting only.

Feeding an exotic pet

Caracal, as you understand, is a predatory animal, so the basis of its diet is meat (chicken, poultry, rabbit and beef). Sometimes you can give a raw egg and fish. In no case do not feed the caracal with pork. This meat causes the animal serious illness. Also, do not add spices and salt to the food of a domestic lynx. You can use special high quality. In any case, nutrition should be balanced. For the first three years of life, the caracal needs to be additionally given vitamins and calcium.

If you plan to feed the animal with meat, then know that a caracal, which weighs ten kilograms, needs 400 grams of food per day (4% of its own body weight). You need to feed twice a day, and at the same time. The caracal should feel hungry. Everything that the animal did not eat should be removed after feeding. Once every two weeks, you need to arrange a fasting day for the caracal.

A small conclusion

We found out who the home caracal is. It is not difficult to maintain such a lynx, you just need to educate it correctly. Then you will grow a beautiful, obedient pet.

Caracal kittens, as well as servals, savannas, ashers are exotic wild cats. The cost of such beauties is quite high and only wealthy people can afford to buy them.

But still, they are beautiful!
Let's see a small photo selection of these charms)))

caracals- wild predators of the cat family. Many call them the steppe lynx, but there is something in them from the cougar, and from the serval.

Black tassels on the ears hallmark caracal. The back of the ears is also black. From this came the name of this predator (from Turkish Caracal is translated as "black ear").

AT North Africa The caracal is called the Barbary lynx.

In the wild, caracals are found in the deserts and savannas of Africa, Central Asia, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. Also, caracal can sometimes be found on the territory of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Dagestan (Russia).

Photo of caracal kittens from Instagram.

The weight of a caracal can reach 18-19 kg. At the same time, the weight of an ordinary lynx ranges from 18-30 kg.

Price of a caracal kitten

By ads you can buy on Avito a caracal kitten for 400-600 thousand rubles. The price is not small, because for this price you can buy yourself quite a decent car.

Caracalata in the wild:

Charming caracal kittens

adult caracal:

And here is what breeders and owners of caracals write about them in ads on

Price: 550 thousand rubles

"We offer a tame caracal. Accustomed to the tray. Ready to move to new parents. All information by phone. Will be small. Vaccinated, worms persecuted. Kitten 2 months old. Goes to everyone's hands, fed from a bottle. All habits are like a puppy."

Price: 550 thousand rubles

Great baby caracal! Very sweet and smart! He is 4 months old. Ross in loving family. Looking for their owners!

Price - 550 thousand rubles

Caracal Sultan is a wonderful kitten. He is affectionate and playful. This is not only an incredible pet. HE is also high-status and will immediately attract new acquaintances to you, and even friends - the owners of these rare animals. There are not many of them in the world. Our kitten has a rare character, he loves people. Looks like a puppy. The biggest drawback is that you have to remove the slippers. Do not miss the opportunity to purchase this wonderful miracle in the Leonardo Nursery. Beware of buying from unverified places. There are a lot of scammers!!!

Price: 600 thousand rubles

AntoNika nursery has a new addition - charming babies of Caracal have been born. 1 boy and 1 girl available. The kids have amazing personalities. They are affectionate, playful, and ideal pets. will be transmitted to new house vaccinated by age, chipped, with a full ❗️❗️❗️ set of import documents. For purchase of kittens, contact the phone number indicated in the announcement. Also in the presence of Serval kittens (different ages), Savannah F1 and Chausie F1. There are also formed pairs for breeding.

Caracal price: 600 thousand rubles

We are selling a very nice baby caracal! 2 months old, tame and very kind. Kid with a lovely playful character, smart. Ready to move. Waiting for new parents!
Is there a video!


Would you like such a kitten?
Would you buy one if you had an extra million dollars?