Physics preparation for the Unified State Exam from scratch. Competent preparation for the Unified State Exam in Physics: how to get an excellent result

Why is preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics most often preparation from scratch?

The Unified State Exam in Physics is an exam that includes all topics: mechanics, thermodynamics and molecular physics, electricity, optics, nuclear and quantum physics. IN Unified State Exam option elements of astrophysics are also included.

The version of the Unified State Exam in Physics contains 32 tasks, and 5 of them require a detailed and well-founded solution.

It is not enough to attend school physics lessons to pass this exam. Requires special training.

School lessons follow the same pattern: learn a paragraph, tell it, and that’s where it all ends. Problems in schools, as a rule, are not solved. Or they are solved, but the simplest ones, at the level of “substituted the data into the formula, got an answer.”

All this for passing the Unified State Exam not enough, because on the Unified State Exam in physics you have to solve problems. And these tasks do not come down to substituting numbers into a formula. In most of them, you also need to think about what to combine with what. To learn this, a high school student must solve quite a large number of problems on his own.

It is also important to understand what exactly you need to find in the problem.
This is specific Unified State Exam problem in physics. Often high school students misunderstand the terms of the problem. Both ordinary schoolchildren and math school students do this - after reading the condition, they often begin to solve a completely different problem, doing something that is not required in the condition. And only with experience comes the ability to clearly and correctly understand what the author of the problem wanted.
So, preparing for the Unified State Exam in physics from scratch is, first of all, solving problems, and on all topics of the Unified State Exam.

In the 11th grade, the teacher at school follows a certain program. For example, in September-October they take electrodynamics, then optics. At the same time, material from grades 9-10, for example, mechanics, is no longer repeated. There is no return to it. Not to mention hydrostatics, which was completed in 7th grade, and the heat balance equation, which was completed in 8th grade.

It is often difficult for children to master physics because they have difficulties with mathematics. First, the problems are purely algebraic. If a student has poor technical skills algebraic transformations, it is difficult for him to express one quantity in terms of another, and he makes stupid mistakes. High school students are characterized by a completely poor command of trigonometry. And you can’t do without trigonometry on the Unified State Exam in Physics - because there will definitely be tasks on vibrations.

It is necessary to have excellent knowledge of the topic “Derivative”, and on the Unified State Examination in Physics there are tasks where you need to be able to take the derivative of complex function, - the same problems for oscillations. For example, the law of change of coordinates with time is given, but you need to find the maximum speed.

And the third problem is geometry. In problems in mechanics and optics, it is necessary to construct drawings, for example, the path of rays in lenses, the position of a body on an inclined plane, where forces must be placed and projected on an axis. And then it begins - I forgot what a sine is, confused it with a cosine, and the error is ultimately purely algebraic. Therefore, preparing for the Unified State Exam in physics from scratch means that you also repeat mathematics.

If you decide in 11th grade to prepare for the Unified State Exam in physics from scratch, what should you do?
The first is to eliminate gaps in theory. As long as you have theoretical gaps, there is no point in working on problems. This is typical for physics.

And then – problem solving techniques.
To fully master the physics course, we recommend you the textbook by I. V. Yakovlev “Physics. A complete course of preparation for the Unified State Exam.” You can purchase it or read materials online on our website>>

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From self-study I warn you immediately and categorically about the Unified State Examination in Physics. Mastering physical ideas, clearly understanding the laws of physics, and learning to solve problems can only be done under the guidance of a qualified teacher.

Even if the child is very capable, I bet that he understands a lot of physics incorrectly or does not understand it at all. Why am I so sure of this? Yes, simply because from year to year I repeatedly observe this situation :-) Wonderful students, bright minds come to me. At school - straight A's. Real knowledge is close to zero.

It is from this scratch that we begin our preparations. Which benefits are better? I do not focus on manuals specifically for preparing for the Unified State Exam in physics. Yes, there are some good ones among them. But to succeed at the Unified State Exam, you must first study physics itself - and textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam are not helpful in this regard.

How do I prepare for the Unified State Exam? Firstly, I give all the theory to the guys myself - my teaching materials help here. I discuss everything with them difficult places. I use examples to show how physical laws work. This is how, as a result of our joint discussion, my students develop a real understanding of physical theory.

Well, secondly, and most importantly, I teach the kids to solve problems.

We start each new topic with Rymkevich’s problem book. This is a well-known school problem book. It contains many simple tasks that are good to practice. After “Rymkevich”, the formulas are remembered by themselves, and there are no longer problems with using these formulas in elementary situations - such as problems of the Unified State Exam Part A.

But “Rymkevich” is only the first stage of development. We are preparing for parts B and C of the Unified State Exam in physics and for university Olympiads. Here I use a wide variety of problem books. Here are some of them.

  • Bendrikov G. A., Bukhovtsev B. B., Kerzhentsev V. V., Myakishev G. Ya. Problems in physics for those entering universities.
  • Bakanina L.P., Belonuchkin V.E., Kozel S.M. Collection of problems in physics: For grades 10-11 with in-depth study of physics.
  • Parfentyeva N. A. Collection of problems in physics. 10-11 grade.

Physics is a rather complex subject, so preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics 2019 will take a sufficient amount of time. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the commission will test the ability to read diagrams and solve problems.

Let's look at the structure of the exam paper

It consists of 32 tasks distributed over two blocks. For understanding, it is more convenient to arrange all the information in a table.

The entire theory of the Unified State Examination in Physics by sections

  • Mechanics. This is a very large, but relatively simple section that studies the movement of bodies and the interactions that occur between them, including dynamics and kinematics, conservation laws in mechanics, statics, vibrations and waves of a mechanical nature.
  • Molecular physics. In this topic Special attention focuses on thermodynamics and molecular kinetic theory.
  • Quantum physics and components of astrophysics. These are the most difficult sections that cause difficulties both during study and during testing. But also, perhaps, one of the most interesting sections. Here knowledge is tested on topics such as atomic physics and atomic nucleus, wave-particle duality, astrophysics.
  • Electrodynamics and special theory of relativity. Here you can’t do without studying optics, the fundamentals of SRT, you need to know how the electric and magnetic fields operate, what direct current is, what are the principles electromagnetic induction How electromagnetic oscillations and waves arise.

Yes, there is a lot of information, the volume is very decent. In order to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in physics, you need to have a very good command of the entire school course in the subject, and it is studied for five whole years. Therefore, it will not be possible to prepare for this exam in a few weeks or even a month. You need to start now so that you can feel calm during the tests.

Unfortunately, the subject of physics causes difficulties for many graduates, especially for those who chose it as their major for admission to university. Effective Study This discipline has nothing to do with memorizing rules, formulas and algorithms. In addition, mastering physics ideas and reading as much theory as possible is not enough; you need to be proficient in mathematical techniques. Often unimportant math training prevents a student from doing well in physics.

How to prepare?

Everything is very simple: choose a theoretical section, read it carefully, study it, trying to understand all physical concepts, principles, postulates. After this, reinforce your preparation by solving practical problems on the chosen topic. Use online tests to test your knowledge, this will allow you to immediately understand where you are making mistakes and get used to the fact that a certain time is given to solve a problem. We wish you good luck!

Physics comes to us in the 7th grade of a comprehensive school, although in fact we are familiar with it almost from the cradle, because it is everything that surrounds us. This subject seems very difficult to study, but it needs to be learned.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

You can learn physics in different ways - all methods are good in their own way (but they are not the same for everyone). School program does not provide a complete understanding (and acceptance) of all phenomena and processes. The culprit is a lack of practical knowledge, because the learned theory essentially gives nothing (especially for people with little spatial imagination).

So, before you start studying this interesting subject, you need to immediately find out two things - why you are studying physics and what results you expect.

Do you want to pass the Unified State Exam and enroll in technical university? Great - you can start distance learning in the Internet. Now many universities or simply professors conduct their online courses, where they present the entire school physics course in a fairly accessible form. But there are also small disadvantages: first, get ready for the fact that it will not be free (and the higher the scientific title of your virtual teacher, the more expensive), second, you will only teach theory. You will have to use any technology at home and independently.

If you simply have problematic learning - a discrepancy in views with the teacher, missed lessons, laziness, or the language of presentation is simply incomprehensible, then the situation is much simpler. You just need to pull yourself together, and pick up the books and teach, teach, teach. This is the only way to get clear subject-specific results (in all subjects at once) and significantly increase the level of your knowledge. Remember - it is unrealistic to learn physics in a dream (even though you really want to). And very effective heuristic training will not bear fruit without a good knowledge of the basics of the theory. That is, positive planned results are possible only if:

  • qualitative study of theory;
  • developmental education in the relationship between physics and other sciences;
  • performing exercises in practice;
  • classes with like-minded people (if you really feel like doing heuristics).


Starting to learn physics from scratch is the most difficult, but at the same time the simplest stage. The only difficulty is that you will have to remember a lot of rather contradictory and complex information in a hitherto unfamiliar language - you will need to work hard on the terms. But in principle, this is all possible and you don’t need anything supernatural for this.

How to learn physics from scratch?

Don't expect that the beginning of learning will be very difficult - it is a fairly simple science, provided you understand its essence. Don’t rush to learn a lot of different terms - first understand each phenomenon and “try” it on your own daily life. This is the only way physics can come to life for you and become as understandable as possible—you simply won’t achieve this by cramming. Therefore, the first rule is to learn physics measuredly, without sudden jerks, without going to extremes.

Where to begin? Start with textbooks, unfortunately, they are important and necessary. It is there that you will find the necessary formulas and terms that you cannot do without in the learning process. You won’t be able to learn them quickly; there is a reason to write them down on pieces of paper and hang them in prominent places (no one has yet canceled visual memory). And then in literally 5 minutes you will refresh your memory every day until you finally remember them.

You can achieve the highest quality results in about a year - this is a complete and understandable physics course. Of course, it will be possible to see the first changes in a month - this time will be quite enough to master the basic concepts (but not deep knowledge - please do not be confused).

But despite the ease of the subject, don’t expect that you will be able to learn everything in 1 day or in a week - it’s impossible. Therefore, there is a reason to sit down with textbooks long before the start of the Unified State Exam. And it’s not worth getting hung up on the question of how long it will take to memorize physics - it’s very unpredictable. This is because different sections of this subject are taught in completely different ways, and no one knows how kinematics or optics will “suit” you. Therefore, study sequentially: paragraph by paragraph, formula by formula. It is better to write down definitions several times and refresh your memory from time to time. This is the basis that you must remember; it is important to learn how to operate with definitions (use them). To do this, try to apply physics to life - use everyday terms.

But most importantly, the basis of each method and method of training is daily and hard work, without which you will not get results. And this is the second easy rule studying a subject - the more you learn new things, the easier it will be for you. Forget recommendations like science in your sleep, even if it works, it certainly doesn’t work with physics. Instead, get busy with problems - not only is it a way to understand the next law, but it's also a great workout for the mind.

Why do you need to study physics? Probably 90% of schoolchildren will answer that it is for the Unified State Exam, but this is not at all true. In life, it will come in handy much more often than geography - the likelihood of getting lost in the forest is somewhat lower than changing a light bulb yourself. Therefore, the question of why physics is needed can be answered unequivocally - for yourself. Of course, not everyone will need it in full, but basic knowledge is simply necessary. Therefore, take a closer look at the basics - this is a way to easily and simply understand (not learn) the basic laws.

c"> Is it possible to learn physics on your own?

Of course you can - learn definitions, terms, laws, formulas, try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. It will also be important to clarify the question - how to teach? Set aside at least an hour a day for physics. Leave half of this time to get new material - read the textbook. Leave a quarter of an hour for cramming or repetition of new concepts. The remaining 15 minutes is practice time. That is, observe a physical phenomenon, do an experiment, or simply solve an interesting problem.

Is it really possible to quickly learn physics at this rate? Most likely not - your knowledge will be quite deep, but not extensive. But this is the only way to learn physics correctly.

The easiest way to do this is if you have lost knowledge only for the 7th grade (although in the 9th grade this is already a problem). You simply restore small gaps in knowledge and that’s it. But if 10th grade is coming up, and your knowledge of physics is zero - of course a difficult situation, but fixable. It is enough to take all the textbooks for grades 7, 8, 9 and properly, gradually study each section. There is an easier way - take the publication for applicants. There, the entire school physics course is collected in one book, but do not expect detailed and consistent explanations - the supporting materials assume an elementary level of knowledge.

Learning physics is a very long journey that can only be completed with honor through daily hard work.

If you are going to enroll in technical specialties, then physics is one of the main subjects for you. Not everyone is good at this discipline, so you will have to practice to cope well with all the tasks. We will tell you how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics if you have a limited amount of time at your disposal, but want to get the best possible result.

Structure and features of the Unified State Exam in Physics

In 2018 year of the Unified State Exam in physics consists of 2 parts:

  1. 24 tasks in which you need to give a short answer without a solution. It can be an integer, a fraction, or a sequence of numbers. The tasks themselves are of varying levels of difficulty. There are simple ones, for example: maximum height the distance a body weighing 1 kg rises is 20 meters. Find kinetic energy at the moment immediately after the throw. The solution does not imply large quantity actions. But there are also tasks where you have to rack your brains.
  2. Tasks that need to be solved with a detailed explanation (a record of the condition, the course of the solution and the final answer). Here all the tasks are enough high level. For example: a cylinder containing m1 = 1 kg of nitrogen exploded at a temperature t1 = 327°C during a strength test. What mass of hydrogen m2 could be stored in such a cylinder at a temperature t2 = 27°C, having a fivefold safety margin? Molar mass of nitrogen M1 = 28 g/mol, hydrogen M2 = 2 g/mol.

Compared to last year, the number of tasks increased by one (in the first part, a task on knowledge of the basics of astrophysics was added). There are a total of 32 tasks that you need to solve within 235 minutes.

Schoolchildren will have more tasks this year

Since physics is an elective subject, the Unified State Exam in this subject is usually purposefully taken by those who are planning to go into technical specialties, which means that the graduate knows at least the basics. Based on this knowledge, you can score not only the minimum score, but also much higher. The main thing is that you prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics correctly.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with our tips for preparing for the Unified State Exam, depending on how much time you have to learn the material and solve problems. After all, some people start preparing a year before taking the exam, others several months before, while others remember the Unified State Exam in Physics only a week before taking the exam! We will tell you how to prepare in a short time, but as efficiently as possible.

How to prepare yourself a few months before day X

If you have 2-3 months to prepare for the Unified State Exam, then you can start with the theory, since you will have time to read and assimilate it. Divide the theory into 5 main parts:

  1. Mechanics;
  2. Thermodynamics and molecular physics;
  3. Magnetism;
  4. Optics;
  5. Electrostatics and direct current.

Work through each of these topics separately, learn all the formulas, first the basic ones, and then the specific ones in each of these sections. You also need to know by heart all the quantities and their correspondence to certain indicators. This will give you theoretical basis in order to solve both the tasks of the first part and the problems from part No. 2.

Once you have mastered simple problems and tests, move on to more advanced ones. difficult tasks

After you have worked through the theory in these sections, start solving simple problems that take just a couple of steps to use the formulas in practice. Also, after a clear knowledge of the formulas, solve tests, try to solve them maximum amount, in order not only to reinforce your theoretical knowledge, but also to understand all the features of tasks, learn to correctly understand questions, and apply certain formulas and laws.

After you learn how to solve simple problems and tests, move on to more complex tasks, try to build a solution as competently as possible, using rational ways. Solve as many tasks from the second part as possible, which will help you understand their specifics. It often happens that the tasks in the Unified State Exam are practically the same as last year’s, you just need to find slightly different values ​​or perform the reverse steps, so be sure to look at the Unified State Exam for previous years.

The day before the due date Unified State Exam is better give up problem solving and repetition and just relax.

Start of preparation a month before the test

If your time is limited to 30 days, then you should follow these steps to successfully and quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam:

  • From the above sections you should make a summary table with basic formulas and memorize them.
  • Review typical assignments. If among them there are those that you solve well, you can refuse to work on such tasks, devoting time to “problematic” topics. This is what you should focus on in theory.
  • Learn the basic quantities and their meanings, the procedure for converting one quantity to another.
  • Try to solve as many tests as possible, which will help you understand the meaning of the tasks and understand their logic.
  • Constantly refresh your knowledge of basic formulas, this will help you score good scores in testing, even if you do not remember complex formulas and laws.
  • If you want to aim for fairly high results, then be sure to check out the past Unified State Examinations. In particular, focus on part 2, because the logic of the tasks can be repeated, and, knowing the course of the solution, you will definitely come to correct result! It is unlikely that you will be able to learn how to build the logic for solving such problems on your own, so it is advisable to be able to find commonalities between the tasks of previous years and the current task.

If you prepare according to such a plan, then you will be able to score not only the minimum points, but also much higher, it all depends on your knowledge in this discipline, the base that you had even before the start of preparation.

A couple of quick weeks to memorize

If you remembered to take physics a couple of weeks before the test, then there is still hope to score good points if you have certain knowledge, and also to overcome the minimum barrier if you are a complete 0 in physics. For effective preparation, you should stick to this plan works:

  • Write down the basic formulas and try to remember them. It is advisable to study well at least a couple of topics from the main five. But you should know the basic formulas in each section!

It’s unrealistic to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics in a couple of weeks from scratch, so don’t rely on luck, but cram from the beginning of the year

  • Work with Unified State Examinations of the past years, understand the logic of tasks, as well as typical questions.
  • Try to cooperate with classmates and friends. When solving problems, you may know one topic well, and they know another, if you simply tell each other the solution, you will have a quick and effective exchange of knowledge!
  • If you want to solve any tasks from the second part, then you better try to study last year’s Unified State Exam, as we described when preparing for testing in a month.

If you fulfill all these points responsibly, you can be sure of receiving the minimum acceptable score! As a rule, on more people who started preparing a week in advance and don’t count on it.

Time management

As we already said, you have 235 minutes or almost 4 hours to complete the tasks. In order to use this time as rationally as possible, first complete all the simple tasks, those that you least doubt from the first part. If you are good with physics, then you will only have a few unsolved tasks from this part. For those who started preparation from scratch, it is on the first part that the maximum emphasis should be placed in order to gain the necessary points.

Proper distribution of your energy and time during the exam is the key to success

The second part requires a lot of time, fortunately, you have no problems with it. Read the tasks carefully, and then complete those that you understand best first. After this, proceed to solving those tasks from parts 1 and 2 that you doubt. If you don't have much knowledge in physics, the second part is also worth at least reading. It is quite possible that the logic of solving problems will be familiar to you, you will be able to solve 1-2 tasks correctly, based on the experience gained from watching last year’s Unified State Exams.

Due to the fact that there is a lot of time, you will not have to rush. Read the assignments carefully, understand the essence of the problem, and only then solve it.

This way you can prepare well for the Unified State Exam in one of the most difficult disciplines, even if you start your preparation when testing is literally “nearby”.