Diseases for which diseases mastectomy is performed. Subcutaneous mastectomy. Docrates: professionalism and experience

Subcutaneous mastectomy– This is the complete removal of the glandular tissue of the breast while preserving the areolas and nipples intact. Such intervention does not imply complete removal of all glandular tissue, about 10% of such tissue remains intact. This distinguishes mastectomy from a more radical technique - subcutaneous dissection, during which only 5 to 2% of the glandular tissue in the breast remains.

Indications for subcutaneous mastectomy

In general, there is practically no availability for this surgical intervention. medical indications, because there are a number of other types of interventions. Relative indications for mastectomy include:

    Atypia of ductal epithelial cells.

    Malignant oncological change.

    Lobular carcinoma.

    Diffuse papillomatosis with and without signs of atypia.

  • Purulent inflammation that does not respond to conservative treatment.

In general, a person must be aware of the full risk of such intervention and all possible consequences operations, because the choice based on the doctor’s words is still made by the patient.

Contraindications to subcutaneous mastectomy

  • obesity;
  • age over 65 years;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;

  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • mental disorders.

Effectiveness of subcutaneous mastectomy

The effectiveness of the technique was proven by research results conducted by Hartmann in 1999. It was evident that the risk of tumor development decreased depending on the amount of tissue removed during the procedure. In patients at high risk of developing cancer, mastectomy for the purpose of prevention can reduce the likelihood of breast cancer by 90%. Despite skepticism about mastectomy for years for long years, such surgical intervention has its proven benefits.

Prophylactic subcutaneous mastectomy

Removal of nipples and areolas for the purpose of preventing diseases of the mammary glands is not encouraged, because this technique provides minimal benefit in preventing the development of cancer, while significantly worsening the aesthetic side of a person’s breasts.

Introduction to the use of silicone implants in plastic surgery The 60-70s of the 20th century led to the fact that complete removal of breast tissue and subsequent reconstructive plastic surgery using implants became in demand. The widespread use of such tactics was based on the belief that properly formed breasts will have natural look and is felt by the patient as natural.

However, as time passed, it became clear that the lack of soft tissue under a breast implant could lead to serious surgical problems, such as severe deterioration appearance mammary glands, accompanied by strong complexes.

Among other things, the initial goal of such a surgical intervention - eliminating the maximum possible volume of already affected and suspicious tissue while preserving the mammary gland as an important aesthetic and mental unit - was not achieved. After resection, there is a violation of skin sensitivity and a complete loss of connection between the nipple and the nervous system.

Reconstructive plastic surgery with implant installation was sometimes accompanied by various complications, for example, sensations foreign body, capsule contracture, sensations of implant displacement or cold, partial loss of the natural appearance of the breast. Due to such problems, subcutaneous mastectomy is now rarely used.

Performing subcutaneous mastectomy is justified only in case of subsequent reconstructive plastic surgery.

There are two approaches to performing the operation:

    A long transverse incision is made across the entire chest area to provide a clear view of all anatomical structures.

    Resection of the nipple and areola area is performed.

It is known that to date, extensive research has not yet been conducted to clearly demonstrate the positive aspects of the above-mentioned techniques. It is obvious that the risk of breast cancer is reduced relative to the volume of glandular breast tissue removed.

Progress of the operation

The classic version of subcutaneous mastectomy for prophylactic purposes is performed using a submammary fold. The disadvantage of this option is a poor overview of the anatomical structures being operated on, especially in the superolateral and superomedial quadrants of the chest.

  • The surgeon makes an incision around the areola, and provides a more convenient view of the anatomical structures being operated on. Based on the size of the breast, the incision can be extended in the literal direction.
  • In order to facilitate the excision process, breast tissue is soaked in a tumescent solution. This manipulation also minimizes possible bleeding during the operation.
  • After tissue infiltration of the breast tissue has been carried out using adrenaline and saline solution, the doctor makes a small incision the length of a semicircle around the areola of the breast with a shift towards the lateral quadrant
  • The doctor then removes the deep-seated breast tissue. At the same time, their normal blood supply is maintained.
  • After this, the doctor crosses the milk ducts sharply under visual control.
  • The nipple is carefully peeled off; all precautions must be taken to avoid necrosis of this area of ​​the mammary gland.
  • Subcutaneous dissection is performed towards the periphery of the mammary gland until complete excision of the glandular tissue. By preserving the maximum volume of tissue under the skin, it is possible to preserve the subdermal plexus of blood vessels and provide effective coverage of the implant, and this already helps to ensure high mobility, warmth and the necessary threshold of sensitivity of the breast skin.
  • Before suturing, part of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland, which is located in the armpit.

    It is important to prevent any possible bleeding in the operated area. The largest veins of the subcutaneous fatty tissue should not be coagulated, but carefully ligated

What is a mastectomy? This is an operation to remove the mammary gland. The main indication is breast cancer. Sometimes this surgical intervention is used for intractable inflammatory process or breast injury.

The purpose of this operation is to prevent the spread of the cancer process. Breast removal in women is achieved by completely removing the tissue of the gland itself, the surrounding subcutaneous fat and lymph nodes. Therefore, mastectomy is considered a radical operation.

Types of mastectomy

There are many ways to remove the mammary gland, but the main techniques are:

  • according to Halsted-Meyer;
  • by Patey;
  • according to Madden.

Important! The type of mastectomy surgery for breast cancer is selected by the doctor in accordance with the stage of the cancer process.

Stages of breast cancer: 1st - the oncological process is localized within the breast tissue; 2nd - tumor cells spread to the thoracic lymph nodes; 3rd - affected axillary lymph nodes; 4th - metastases in other organs.

Madden mastectomy

This modification of the operation is considered the most gentle, because when performing it, only the gland itself with subcutaneous fatty tissue is removed and lymph nodes. However, its implementation is possible only at stages 1-2 of the oncological process.

After the incision, the wound expands, the glandular tissue is separated from the surrounding tissue and removed. The next step is to excise the subcutaneous fat, thoracic, subclavian and supraclavicular lymph nodes. The pectoral muscles are preserved.

When suturing the wound, drainage is placed, which lasts about 4-5 days. If the postoperative period is favorable, the woman is discharged home on the 4th day. The stitches are removed after 10 days.

Thanks to muscle preservation this operation does not interfere with the mobility of the shoulder joint.

Important! After Madden breast removal, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are necessary, because... there is a risk of preserving single tumor cells, which can relapse.

Peyti mastectomy

The indication for surgery to remove breast cancer with this modification is the presence of tumor cells in the axillary nodes (stage 3).

The difference between this operation and the Madden modification is the removal of the axillary lymph nodes and pectoralis minor muscle.

After breast removal muscle intersects, which allows you to get deeper and more complete access to the subcutaneous fat and lymph nodes with metastases.

Important. This type of mastectomy is more traumatic than the previous one, because There is a partial disruption of movement in the shoulder joint due to the removal of the pectoralis minor muscle. Cicatricial changes may occur in the area of ​​the subclavian vein. Subsequent breast formation with an artificial implant is also difficult.

Halstead-Meyer mastectomy

This operation is the most traumatic and disabling. Used in stage 3 breast cancer. IN Lately its use is limited.

  1. A circumferential incision is made around the gland and it is removed.
  2. The wound expands to the axillary region.
  3. Subcutaneous fat and lymph nodes are removed there.
  4. The pectoralis major and minor muscles are excised.
  5. The chest wall is cleared of remaining fiber.
  6. Drainage is installed and the wound is sutured.

This type of mastectomy leads to impaired mobility of the arm. The postoperative period and rehabilitation last for a long time.

Important! The only indication for performing a Halstead mastectomy is modern world is a tumor lesion of the pectoralis major muscle.


Mastectomy, like any operation, has a number of complications that can lead to negative consequences until the death of the patient:

  • Bleeding. During breast removal, the integrity of tissues and blood vessels is disrupted, which leads to some blood loss. In order to minimize it, a special device is used in surgery - an electrocoagulator. In the postoperative period, tight bandaging and aminocaproic acid are used to stop bleeding.

  • Infection. Wound suppuration most often occurs by the end of the first week of the postoperative period. To prevent this complication during surgery, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are strictly observed, and a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed.
  • Exudate. Intersection lymphatic vessels during surgery leads to the accumulation of copious amounts of fluid in the area of ​​the postoperative wound. In the absence of adequate drainage routes, it can fester. To prevent lymph stagnation, drainage is used.

These complications are observed in the early postoperative period.

TO late complications include:

  • dysfunction of the shoulder joint;
  • lymphostasis in the hand;
  • muscle weakness on the affected side.

Early initiation of rehabilitation (massage, gymnastics) reduces the likelihood of impairment of the upper limb.

What to do after breast removal?

Breast augmentation after mastectomy is possible! The timing of this operation varies. For small tumors of stage 1-2 that are removed by Madden modification, reconstruction is possible simultaneously with mastectomy.

If the cancer was operated on at stage 3, an average of six months to several years passes between the removal of the mammary gland and the installation of the implant. This time will be required to carry out full chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Reconstructive operations are divided into two large groups:

  • breast reconstruction using artificial implants;
  • plastic with your own tissues.

The use of artificial implants is possible only if a sufficient amount of tissue is preserved at the site of the removed mammary gland. Most often they are used after Madden surgery.

Plastic surgery using one’s own tissues is used after more traumatic operations to remove a breast tumor (according to Patey and Halstead).

Important! The choice of one or another technique is made by the attending physician, because It is he who decides which of them will achieve the best cosmetic result. During the reconstruction process, some surgical correction of the healthy gland is possible. This will achieve maximum symmetry.

Another important issue in plastic surgery is nipple restoration.

In order for the result of plastic surgery to be permanent, and postoperative period passed easily and without complications, it is necessary to comply with some requirements:

  • exclusion of any physical activity within six months;
  • strict control of your own weight (with rapid weight gain, asymmetry may occur due to increased fat deposition in the healthy breast);
  • avoiding smoking and alcohol;
  • nutritious nutrition with a normal content of meat and vegetables in the diet;
  • refusal of drugs that affect the blood coagulation and anticoagulation system;
  • mandatory wearing of support bandages or underwear for six months.

Breasts are a woman's adornment! However, it is not worth risking your life because of it. When the first symptoms of concern about breast cancer appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. A mastectomy can save your life. And subsequent plastic surgery will return its former beauty.

Mastectomy is the removal mammary glands when the risk of developing cancer reaches 51% or more. The operation to remove the mammary gland differs in its characteristics and age category.

Types of gland removal operations

A Madden mastectomy is the removal of the mammary gland along with the lymph nodes of the armpit. After removal, rehabilitation is prescribed. The breasts need to be reconstructed to recreate the shape and volume.

Patey's mastectomy is the removal of the mammary gland, tissue in the armpit and part of the pectoral muscle.

A subcutaneous mastectomy is the removal of glandular tissue by curettage through a small incision. At the end of the operation, a prosthesis is inserted into the skin and sewn inside. Subcutaneous mastectomy is convenient for women in terms of the possibility of restoring the shape of the breast. This allows them to maintain volume and make discreet incisions, similar to plastic surgery. Subcutaneous mastectomy can be done bilaterally, depending on the extent of the breast involvement. Subcutaneous mastectomy is also performed for sarcoma, breast cancer, and purulent inflammation.

After a double mastectomy (bilateral), a woman does not have a single breast left, but there is the possibility of plastic surgery.

Mastectomy according to Pirogov is the removal of the mammary gland due to lymphocele, when cancer is detected at stages 1-2. After surgery, lymphostasis of the arm or upper and lower limb. After removing the pier. zhel. The swelling of the arm may go away, but it is reversible, that is, it may go away in a year and a half.

Radical mastectomy is the Halstead method, which involves removing all muscle groups of the mammary cavity, axillary lymph nodes, tissue and the breast itself. Radical mastectomy can be performed using different methods, it all depends on the degree of complexity of the operation. Radical mastectomy is done only after discovering an abscess the size of the entire pier. zhel.

Indications for types of operations

For completely different indications, surgery can be prescribed depending on the course of the disease, the structure of the cancer, the tumor, how you feel, etc. The table clearly shows which mastectomy is prescribed when, why, and what happens after removal of the mammary gland.

Type of mastectomy


Carrying out

After completion of the mastectomy


The tumor is 2 cm in size close to the nipple. Chest pain,

The removal process occurs through an incision. No chemotherapy is required.

After removal, rehabilitation is required for at least 1 year. Tamoxifen treatment, massage, bra.


Tumor on both sides. zhel. Pain, stage 2-3 cancer.

The pier is removed. zhel. completely after chemotherapy.

Rehabilitation reaches 2 years. Possible swelling of the upper limb.

The threshold for tumor growth is up to 4 cm. The value may change due to the progression of the disease. There is pain and burning.

No chemotherapy is required. The breast is removed together with the tissue and pectoral muscle.

Swelling of the limb. The period of restoration procedures reaches 1-2 years. Exercises, massage, bra

According to Madden

Stage 2 cancer, lymphostasis, pain on the left side of the cell.

No chemotherapy is required. Removal of the breast with lymph nodes.

It is possible to insert implants. zhel. tamoxifen treatment, massage, bra

According to Pirogov

Cancer of 1-2 degrees with damage to fiber.

Removal of part of the muscle, part of the pier. zhel.

Lymphostasis of the limb. Exercises, tamoxifen treatment, massage, bra


Stage 3 cancer, pain in chest.

No chemotherapy is required. Removal of all muscle groups, chest.

Lymphostasis. You can return the form to the pier. zhel. plastic surgery, massage, bra

Radical extended

Stage 4 cancer, chest damage, unbearable pain.

No chemotherapy is required. Removal of all muscle groups, they say. gland., lymph nodes and supra-thoracic skin.

Lymphostasis, swelling of the arm. Exercises and gymnastics, bra


Stage 3 cancer, chest pain, swelling of the glands.

A type of surgery to remove half of the fat and glandular tissue. No chemotherapy is required.

Lymphostasis, swelling of the arm. Possibility of one-stage plastic surgery. Exercises, massage.


Cancer, an abscess the size of a tumor.

A type of surgery that removes half of the fat and glandular tissue while preserving the muscle.

Lymphostasis, arm swelling, treatment with tamoxifen.


Localized late stage cancer.

A type of surgery to remove the glands and serratus fascia. No chemotherapy is required.

Swelling of the hand. Possibility of one-stage plastic surgery. Exercise and Diet

There is a separate type of preventive mastectomy, which is performed to exclude possible complication current risk of developing cancer. Operations are performed when there is a high probability (from 70%) of development cancerous tumor. To prevent complications from appearing, such removal of the thoracic part is performed.

Postoperative period

The period after completion of the operation may be accompanied by such consequences as:

At the end of the surgery, reconstructive plastic manipulations are also performed in order to return the shape to its previous appearance. During the first three months, everything hurts—headache, joint pain, back pain. The heart also hurts due to the stress on the body. The joint hurts and radiates to the nerve endings. You should follow massage, recommendations, treatment, diets. For a speedy recovery, treatment involves a bandage, underwear and exoprostheses, exercises and much more.

Today, Anita underwear, exoprostheses and prostheses are produced for women, which have a special sleeve for comfortable wearing. There are:

The bandage may have a sleeve that is worn on one side. The bandage does not include a sleeve for both sides. The sleeve is only on the side where exoprostheses are not inserted.

Exoprostheses are inserted into swimsuits, bras, and clothing for any occasion. Swimsuits and their structure include sleeves, fasteners and support in the form of a belt. Swimsuits also have sleeves and cups.

The texture hides breast problems and the sleeve complements the fabric perfectly. This structure allows you to hide the stitches left due to the mastectomy. Swimsuits must be worn, these are the recommendations of doctors. This way a woman will be able to influence men and regain her mental health.

Swimwear is an open piece of clothing that allows a woman, despite the circumstances, to show herself in all her glory. While following recommendations, nutrition, and doctor’s orders, do not forget about femininity. Swimwear can be ordered in a store for relaxation at the sea, pool, lake, but continue to treat your “life”. The main thing is to treat yourself from the inside, and think about how wonderful life is.

Many ladies are afraid of losing men with their transformations. Men have no understanding of what life a woman had. Because of this, men experience rejection, many men have families destroyed, because the appearance of a woman has been changed. Wives and young girls are afraid that men will lose the desire to be close, and only men can do this if they put everything into a woman to return her smile. Men have no questions about how nutrition should be done, why the body hurts and radiates to the back. After all, no one knows how long a person lives or how long a person has left. Appreciate life, give support.

Attention! The following video presents video clips of microsurgical operations.
Viewing of these videos is strongly discouraged for persons under 16 years of age, pregnant women, and persons with an unbalanced psyche.

Subcutaneous mastectomy‏‎ - this surgery for the removal of fatty and glandular tissue of the mammary gland. In this case, only 90% of the tissue is removed while preserving the nipple-areolar complex. This feature distinguishes the procedure from subcutaneous dissection, an operation in which only up to 5% of the glandular tissue remains.

Subcutaneous mastectomy is performed for therapeutic purposes to prevent the development of cancer.

Indications for surgery

The following medical indications exist for the operation:

  • the tumor should be localized at a distance of no more than two centimeters from the nipple-areolar zone;
  • the size of the tumor should not exceed two centimeters;
  • the tumor is located far from the surface;
  • the oncological formation is located deep in the mammary gland.

Features of the operation

Subcutaneous mastectomy can be performed by several different ways, differing in the type of cut. The surgeon must choose optimal method, based physiological characteristics patient. The incision should be of such a size as to make it possible to remove the cancerous formation along with the surrounding layer of fatty tissue and lymph nodes.

When performing a subcutaneous mastectomy, a woman can simultaneously undergo breast correction through high-quality healing of the surgical incision. It should be noted that during the procedure, complete excision of glandular tissues located in the axillary, subclavian and subscapular areas occurs. The nipple and areola remain intact. This eliminates the possibility of cancer recurrence.
Another important feature This operation involves a mandatory course of radiation therapy. This course allows you to completely remove cancer cells that may have remained after the operation. Radiation therapy begins immediately after the incision heals and continues for a month and a half with several sessions per week.
To return the breast to its previous volume, the surrounding muscles are used, which can be moved without fear of circulatory problems. In cases where muscle volume is insufficient, silicone prostheses can be used. As you can see, surgery can solve two problems at once: therapeutic and cosmetic.

Contraindications to subcutaneous mastectomy

Efficiency of the procedure

The effect of the operation was studied in 1999. Based on the results of the studies, it was found that the risk of tumor formation decreases depending on the number of glandular tissues removed. Patients at high risk of developing cancer reduce their likelihood of developing cancer by ninety percent after undergoing a mastectomy.

Operation methodology

Subcutaneous mastectomy is usually performed in two traditional ways:

  1. making a long transverse incision for a complete anatomical view of the subcutaneous structures;
  2. resection in the areas of the nipple and areola.

It is impossible to say for sure which of these methods is more effective.

The standard operation is performed by making an incision around the areola to create an internal view of the tissue and inclusions being removed. At a certain breast size, the incision may increase in a literal direction. For more efficient excision glandular tissues treated with tumescent solution. This reduces the risk of bleeding during surgery. After treatment with saline, the breast tissue is removed while maintaining the blood supply. During the operation, precautions are taken to prevent necrosis in the nipple area. To prevent bleeding, large veins are recommended to be ligated rather than coagulated.

Surgical pathology
Anatomy Anal canal Appendix Gallbladder Uterus Mammary glands Rectum Testicles Ovaries
Diseases Appendicitis Crohn's disease Varicocele Intraductal papilloma Ingrown nail Rectal prolapse Gynecomastia Overactive bladder Hyperhidrosis Hernia Hernia of the white line of the abdomen Dyshormonal dysplasia of the mammary glands Gallstones Diseases of the spleen Lipoma Uterine fibroids Urinary incontinence in women Breast tumors Inguinal hernia Damage to the spleen Umbilical hernia Syndrome Allen-Masters Ureterocele Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland Cholecystitis

Diseases that you can't ignore. They require intense attention, examination and treatment. Among oncological diseases Among women, breast cancer ranks first, among other diseases - second. The consequences cannot always be predicted.

Prevention is important and timely treatment. In some cases, radical surgery is inevitable.

What is radical mastectomy

Radical, i.e., removing entirely, completely, from the roots. The concept of mastectomy is of Greek origin - mastòs “breast” and ek tome “remove”. The term is over 100 years old.

Several types of mastectomy are practiced. Each of them is effective, they differ in the degree of trauma. Radical mastectomy - complex operation, but sometimes only she can solve the existing problem.

There are three main types of mastectomy:

  • according to Madden,
  • by Patey,
  • according to Halstead.

Radical mastectomy according to Madden is considered the most gentle.

Carefully! The video shows a radical mastectomy (click to open)



According to Madden

The method involves preserving both pectoral muscles, which makes it as gentle as possible. The mammary gland is removed en bloc with lymph nodes and subcutaneous fat layer.

After removing the mammary gland, all nerve endings and vascular links are traced, which helps to avoid blood loss. This type of operation has significant advantages: preservation of radicality, relatively low morbidity, low percentage of complications.

According to Halstead

Halstead-Meyer mastectomy is a classic operation. The mammary gland, skin, subcutaneous tissue, pectoral muscles, subcutaneous fatty tissue (subclavian, axillary and subscapular region), lymph nodes.

The method often causes complications, the main one of which is limited mobility of the shoulder joint. It is used extremely rarely when other methods do not help cope with the problem, for example, extensive ones that affect the pectoral muscle, lymph nodes, etc.

By Patey

Patey's mastectomy is a modification of the previous type and has the full name - modified radical mastectomy. Her founder dr Patey suggested wide excision of the skin and preservation of the pectoralis major muscle. During the operation, only a small muscle is removed, which makes the method more gentle and avoids serious complications.

According to Pirogov

The mammary gland and tissue of the axillary region are removed.

Simple mastectomy

The mammary gland and fascia of the pectoralis major muscle are removed.

Technique using plastic tram flap

A technique for breast restoration, which is performed simultaneously with a mastectomy or six months after surgery. In this case, the patient's own tissue is moved, which is called a TRAM flap, which is tissue with preserved blood flow. This may be an iliofemoral flap or a greater omentum flap. Sometimes a pedicled rectus abdominis muscle flap (along with skin) is used.

Subcutaneous surgery technique

A technique that allows you to maintain radicality surgical intervention and achieve the best possible aesthetic results.

This is a method of extended subcutaneous mastectomy, when the mammary gland with muscular fascia (sheath) and lymph nodes are removed, while preserving the muscles and fatty tissue. P

When using this technique, breast reconstruction surgery can be performed at the same time. This can be an operation using your own tissue or using an implant, for which a “pocket” is pre-formed.


Carefully! The photo shows a breast after a radical mastectomy (click to open)

  • Indications for testing
  • to varying degrees,
  • Purulent mastopathy (in rare cases),
  • Correction of previous treatment,

Individual indications (prevention, etc.).


  • General contraindications:

Cerebrovascular accident.

  • Contraindications for tumor localization:
  • Swelling of the mammary gland extends to the chest wall,
  • Multiple with edema of the upper limb,

Invasion by a tumor of the chest.


Carefully! The video shows a radical mastectomy (click to open)

Carrying out the operation


  • Preparation for surgery consists of several stages: Medical checkup
  • Survey, including a series of tests and tests: (photography of breast tissue), and a blood test for coagulation ().
  • The doctor prescribes gentle (light) diet, warns about limiting use (or stopping completely) medicines that thin the blood (aspirin, etc.). They are excluded a week before surgery. On the day of surgery, it is unacceptable to drink or eat.

Progress of the operation

The operation is carried out according to general anesthesia. Its duration ranges from 1 to 3 hours.


  1. Markers are used to mark the upcoming cuts.
  2. The skin is cut in the necessary places,
  3. Subcutaneous tissue and mammary gland are separated from the skin,
  4. Removal occurs as a single block, including lymph nodes,
  5. Depending on the method, the pectoral muscle, fatty tissue, etc. are sequentially removed.
  6. Nerve endings and vascular links are traced,
  7. A drainage is installed through a special hole, which is removed on the 5th - 6th day.
  8. Stitches are applied and removed after 10-12 days.

Installation of drainage is important point. The doctor monitors the outflow of fluid.


After a mastectomy, rehabilitation measures are extremely important. These include gymnastics, physical therapy, and taking medications.


Gymnastics, some examples of exercises:

  • Squeezing a rubber ball
  • combing hair,
  • Putting your hands behind your back, as if you are trying to fasten a button at the back,
  • Circular movements of the arms, rocking, etc.


If there are no complications, then physical therapy can be prescribed a week after the operation. What can be done about this:

  • Pool,
  • Various exercise machines aimed at developing the shoulder joint,
  • Massotherapy,
  • Hydromassage,
  • (apply),
  • Bandage,
  • Therapeutic wrap.

Rehabilitation rules

  • Using an elastic bandage
  • Refusal to visit the bathhouse and solarium,
  • You can't lift weights for a year,
  • Stay in an inclined position for a long time,
  • Try to avoid injuries, do not use traumatic objects (bracelets, etc.),
  • Increase the amount of fluid you drink,
  • When flying by air, you must use a compression sleeve,
  • An examination is required every six months,
  • If you feel worse, consult a doctor immediately.

Lipofilling of the mammary glands after RM

This is a means of breast reconstruction after mastectomy, which uses the patient's tissue rather than implants. One session for the recovery procedure will not be enough; several will be required.

This is also a serious moment that requires thorough preparation.

  • The surgeon determines the areas from which the necessary material can be taken,
  • Prescribes an examination similar to that required for any plastic surgery,
  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia,
  • Before collecting adipose tissue, Klein's solution is injected into it,
  • The selected fat cells are placed in a centrifuge, where they are separated into 3 parts,
  • The middle part is used for direct reconstruction,
  • The prepared fatty tissue is injected using a syringe in small portions into the targeted areas.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from 2 to 5 hours. After lipofilling, and are formed, which persist for 3 - 4 weeks. Repeated surgery is possible no earlier than after 4 months. For a lasting result, 2 to 5 procedures are required.

Lipofilling involves the use special system(BRAVA), which protects transplanted cells from external influences. This system is put on and worn for 7 to 14 days.

Consequences and complications

The number of complications after mastectomy continues to remain high today (from 20 to 87%), despite equipment and new technologies. Complications can be early or late.


  • Leakage of lymph, which may necessitate further surgery,
  • Prices vary greatly, which is not surprising. Each operation has its own characteristics and different methods are used. Plays a role and price policy. The estimated minimum price threshold is 35 thousand rubles. It is possible to perform a simple mastectomy for less than low price, but this is unlikely. Average prices for surgery range from 60 to 120 thousand rubles.