Seeing a big moon in a dream. Why the full moon is dreaming: what the dream books of Miller, Nostradamus, Vanga and others say. Interpretation of dreams about the moon and the month in the sky

Many peoples and dream books consider this night luminary to be a mystical symbol that controls natural processes and has a great influence on our lives. That is why the appearance of the moon in a dream is interpreted as a kind of warning about future life changes. Whether they are good or bad, personal feelings will tell. And why dream - the interpreter will explain.

Several moons

If you saw two moons, then this is a hint that you have two goals between which you cannot choose. And to achieve one, you have to sacrifice the second.

Aesop's dream book warns that two moons in the sky can speak of the loss of love due to greed and prudence. This is especially true for young girls. The interpreter advises to show more tact and respect in relationships.

Did you dream of a plot in which there were three night luminaries at once? Modern dream book explains what he saw as a harbinger of uncertainty in love relationships. Such dreams are often seen by people who are tired of their spouses.

Another option for which many moons dream is turmoil and confusion in business. Looking at them is an unexpected joyful event, prosperity and happiness.

Full moon and month

The dreaming full moon symbolizes good change and achieving the set goals. If a young month appeared in a dream, then Universal dream book warns that the fulfillment of desires is delayed for a while.

If you dream of a mysterious and too big moon, this may mean domestic problems or complications on the love front. But the nascent luminary rather warns of a new admirer or success in business.

The young month seen with the moon is a symbol of the emerging feeling. Dream Interpretation Grishina also predicts profit.

If you dream of a dull month, this speaks of indifference. If in a dream a cold light departs from him, then you are seeking the location of an insensitive person.

If a huge moon appeared in the sky in a dream, then expect problems due to some kind of love affair. The universal dream book is convinced that it can lead to a showdown and quarrels at home. Because of the difficulties, you will begin to pay less attention to work.

A dream of a growing moon means the acquisition of something good, especially for love. Sometimes a dream means a happy and almost perfect marriage. But the decreasing one can be considered a call for caution.

The dream reflection of the night luminary in the water is considered a sign of the knowledge of one's own soul.

sun with moon

Dreaming in a dream at the same time the sun and the moon are interpreted as a sign of prosperity and wealth.

If they illuminate the body, then soon you will get a good position.

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation is convinced that the fading luminaries are a sign of pregnancy. Respectfully bow to them in a dream - to great happiness.

If she falls in a dream, know that very soon you will get married or get married. Sometimes this phenomenon is a symbol of unexpected and very significant profits.


A dreamed eclipse has many meanings. On the one hand, serious and very contagious diseases can lie in wait for you, on the other hand, it is a symbol of false values. Often this is success in business, sometimes minor disappointments. To understand why such a plot is dreaming, you should definitely remember all the details.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

See the moon in a dream

  • Your feminine aspect.
  • Emotional peace.
  • The phases of the moon mean different states. The full moon symbolizes integrity and intuitive creativity. The new moon or the moon in detriment urges you to listen to your inner world. This is a time of deep reflection.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • The sun and moon symbolize two completely opposite and yet harmonizing forces of the universe. The sun marks the outward, radiant, masculine, hot world force of light, while the moon is the primary symbol for the receptive, feminine, cold, and dark aspects of the world. Do not neglect this sign - the moon indicates to you that it is time to delve into your inner spheres. Listen to your dreams. Try to stop to receive the gifts of the universe. Don't spend too much effort in life. Just live.
  • Different phases of the moon indicate different states. The full moon symbolizes integrity and creativity based on intuition. The young month or the moon in detriment indicate to you the need for deep inner reflection. Time to listen to your inner voices and plunge into inner magic.
  • moon exclusively auspicious sign for poetry, inspiration and romantic adventures.
  • Since ancient times, the moon has been associated with fertility and fertility. She governs the ebb and flow, the growth of seeds, and the menstrual cycle of women. In some ancient traditions, there was a belief that the moon is the cause of pregnancy.
  • Archer/Archery
  • The archer focuses his attention on the target. It is a symbol of purpose. Do you need to narrow your focus in life?

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • good value
    If you dreamed full moon, you now have a surge of energy, you can create something perfect. Find White stone and always carry it with you, then you will definitely have enough strength for everything.
  • bad value
    If you dreamed of a crescent moon, you are in serious danger. To avoid this danger, prick the finger of your left hand with a needle and throw this needle into the fire.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

See the moon in a dream

  • The moon is what happens during change.
  • A clear and bright moon is a good circumstance conducive to change.
  • In the clouds, gloomy, bloody - on the contrary.
  • Waxing moon - coming / all good and especially love.
  • Waning moon. - everything that leaves / a call for caution / infidelity.
  • New Moon - a warning against rash actions / very unfavorable.
  • Full moon - all is well.
  • The reflection of the moon in the water is a deep knowledge of one's own soul.
  • Bowing to the moon is joy.
  • To see the moon in your house is wealth.
  • She travels through the sky - something joyless.
  • Disappears or is eclipsed - a quarrel.
  • Dream about the moon - can mean thoughts, concern about mother, sister, daughter.
  • The moon in the sky is the center of the life of the soul, your feelings.
  • Halo and all sorts of other formations around the moon or the sun - something strange, decisive comes into your life.

See the moon in a dream

  • Moon - bitterly feel your insignificance / love, happiness, a date with a friend, a new acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

See the moon in a dream

  • New Moon - big profit; for a girl - matchmaking. Full Moon - confusion of feelings, sharpening of intuition, strengthening connection with other world, major changes.

Dream Interpretation: New family dream book

Why is the moon dreaming

  • The full moon dreams of success in love and good luck in business.
  • A huge moon portends an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and disappointment in business.
  • Moon eclipse promises some kind of infectious disease.
  • The blood-red moon prophesies war and strife. The young moon dreams of increasing well-being and meeting your "half". If in a dream a young woman tries to determine her fate by the moon, she will have a marriage with a worthy chosen one.
  • If she sees two moons, she will lose love because of her commercialism.
  • The foggy moon warns: in order not to miss your happiness, you need to be tactful.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • The moon is a symbol of good luck and love. To see the full moon - you will be revered. The young month means that your wish will come true. The moon partially hidden behind a cloud - good luck in love. The moon reflected in the water - you have high hopes, but you will be disappointed in love.

Dream Interpretation: Old French dream book

Why is the moon dreaming

  • If you dreamed of the moon - this is good sign. Such a dream promises health to your loved ones, well-being in the family, happy love. Young moon - portends the successful completion of a difficult task. Crimson moon - promises an interesting journey. If in a dream you saw the moon in a cloud or fog, the dream predicts the illness of someone close to you. If you were going on a trip, then it is better to postpone it. If you dreamed of a full, shining moon, this is a happy prediction.

Dream Interpretation: Old English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book)

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • Seeing the moon in a dream - to unexpected joy and success in love. If the moon is new good dream for merchants, farmers and lovers. The full moon heralds the wedding; it is also a good dream for widows, as it promises them hope.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese dream book Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • You see the sun and the moon that have just appeared in the sky. - Prosperity and prosperity in the family.
  • The sun and moon illuminate your body. - Get an important position.
  • The sun and moon are falling from heaven. - Woe, you will lose your parents.
  • The sun and moon are dimming. - My wife got it. Fortunately.
  • The sun and moon are about to appear in the sky. - Get a post.
  • The sun and moon are united. - The wife will give birth to a son.
  • The sun and moon are hidden behind the mountain. - The servant deceives the master.
  • You hold the sun and the moon in your arms. - Noble position of the ruler.
  • Swallow the sun or the moon. - A noble heir must be born.
  • Respectfully bow to the sun or moon. - portends great happiness and prosperity.
  • The sun shines directly into the room. - Get a good job.
  • You see the newly risen sun in a cloudless sky. - Great happiness.
  • The sun rises, the radiance spreads. - There will be a good event.
  • Clouds dissipate, the sun appears. - An unfortunate situation will be resolved.
  • If the sun enters your chest. - A noble son will be born.
  • If the moon, the birth of a noble daughter.
  • If you worship the stars and the moon, you burn incense. - Great happiness.
  • Clouds suddenly cover the sun. - Secret machinations, heinous deeds.
  • The sun or moon is on fire. - Support for the big man.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

Why is the moon dreaming

  • The full moon dreams of success in love and good luck in business; a growing month - to profit, a month running out - to losses. The blood red moon is a harbinger of strife and possibly war.

Dream Interpretation: Old Persian dream book Taflisi

See the moon in a dream

  • Seeing the moon or the month is a harbinger that you can actually meet the ruler of the country or a great scientist; sometimes similar dream promises a meeting with a deceitful person or an unfamiliar beautiful woman.
  • When in a dream you saw a dark month, then know that some kind of trouble will befall the ruler of the country.
  • If a man dreamed of a month that fell into your bosom (or you held him in your arms), then he will get a beautiful wife from a noble family.
  • If a woman has such a dream, then her husband will reach a high position. If she does not yet have a husband, then someone in a high position will soon become her husband.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

See the moon in a dream

  • Seeing a full moon in a dream portends success in love and good luck in business.
  • The mysterious and supernaturally large moon means an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and disappointment of a business nature.
  • A lunar eclipse portends an epidemic of a contagious disease that will afflict your surroundings.
  • To see a young moon means an increase in well-being and in the future - a congenial partner in marriage. If a young woman sees in a dream that she is turning to the moon to find out her fate, this portends her a long-awaited gift of fate: marriage with a worthy chosen one. If she sees two moons, she will lose love because of her commercialism.
  • If she sees that the moon is clouding, this means that at the highest moment of her happiness she will show a lack of female tact.
  • Seeing a blood-red moon portends war and strife: she will see her lover go to the front to defend his country.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • new - big profit;
  • complete - danger, serious changes;
  • for a girl - matchmaking;
  • in the water - great forces are involved.

Dream Interpretation: Wangi's Dream Interpretation

See the moon in a dream

  • Seeing a full moon in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream portends that soon they are waiting for the Earth bad times. The forces of Satan will descend on our planet: witches, sorcerers who will seize power and make life all over the world unbearable.
  • If you dreamed of a bright red or crimson moon, then in the near future the Earth is threatened by an ecological disaster that will claim hundreds of lives. A catastrophe will happen when people notice a bloody moon in the sky, because it will become a sad reminder of the harm they have done to nature.
  • See in a dream dark spots on the moon - prophecy great danger that will come to Earth from space. Perhaps the planet is threatened by a huge meteorite.
  • Watching the reflection of the moon in the water in a dream is a sign that your expectations will be deceived. In your business, you rely on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity.
  • If in a dream you saw moonlight, then such a dream portends a fascinating journey to distant lands. The trip will be unexpected and very pleasant.
  • Seeing a split moon in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies the emergence of a new religion on Earth, which will cause people to renounce the Lord. God will not forgive people for infidelity, and therefore the world is threatened by wars, violence and robbery.
  • If you dreamed that you were flying to the moon, then such a dream is a harbinger of space expeditions. In the future, stations will be built on many planets that people can visit. Space expeditions will become very common and simple.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • Seeing the full moon in a dream - to success in business and in love. Seeing a young moon in the sky - to wealth and harmonious marriage. If you dream that the moon has an unusual color, then you should be more careful with your lover, because with a rash word or deed you risk irreparably ruining your relationship. A lunar eclipse seen in a dream means that external events affect relationships in your family. For a young woman, a dream in which she tries to find out her fate by the moon means that in real life she will be able to choose a husband to match. If she sees two moons in a dream, then she risks losing her lover because of her self-interest. A dream in which you see a blood-red moon in the sky means that some global catastrophes will fall upon you in the near future.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

See the moon in a dream

  • Unfulfilled dreams, waste of time. You live in a phantom world, daydream.

See the moon in a dream

  • Your desires will come true, especially if in a dream you dreamed about something.

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

See the moon in a dream

  • It is a lifeless planet reflecting alien light. It is always a negative symbol of a stagnant past affecting the present.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • At the archetype level, the moon is often associated with the image of a woman. In many rituals and religious movements, the moon is identical to the figure of the mother. This is true for the literature and beliefs of the peoples of North America, Africa, the East, for Christianity. A dream with the presence of the moon intuitively suggests that a woman from your inner circle is pregnant.
  • The dream of the moon can also be associated with the events of the twentieth century. Namely, it can be inspired by the desire for space TRAVEL. Such dreams can be generated both by the desire to fly into space, and by the desire spiritual growth, complete separation from the anxieties and storms of life on EARTH.
  • The moon can be associated with mystery and magic.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

See the moon in a dream

  • The moon is a symbol of secret power, silence, surprises.
  • Seeing a full moon in a dream is a harbinger of the time when black forces will reign on Earth: the time of witches and sorcerers.
  • For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with a sorcerer who will have a significant impact on his fate.
  • To rush to the moon in a dream - such a dream speaks of your desire for something new, hitherto unexplored. Perhaps such a dream prophesies that in a not so distant time space will be mastered so much that space expeditions to the moon will become frequent and accessible to everyone living on Earth.
  • A dream in which you see the Moon painted bright red or crimson is a warning. Environmental catastrophes and wars are possible.
  • Dark spots on the moon are a warning, they can also mean a change of power.
  • If in a dream you see moonlight, this means that in reality you will encounter an unexpected obstacle, which will be quite difficult to eliminate.
  • Seeing the reflection of the Moon in water or a mirror in a dream means an unexpected turn of events.
  • To see a split moon in a dream is to experience mental fatigue and difficulty in choosing your life path.
  • If in a dream you perform a ritual of worship to the goddess of the moon, then in reality you will become a victim of your passion.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • In the sun - you will meet a pretty girl; clear - happiness; in the dark - dear ones scold; falling from the sky - a lucky break; last quarter - infidelity; increasing - the death of an outstanding dignitary. Month, half moon decreasing - your love will cool down; growing - love is growing. Full moon - happiness in love.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • the moon in the clouds - cute scold
  • moon or month with the sun - you will meet a pretty girl
  • the moon falling from the sky is a lucky break
  • clear moon - happiness

Dream Interpretation: Egyptian dream book pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshef)

See the moon in a dream

  • If a person sees himself in a dream looking at the moon when it shines - well, this means his god will be merciful to him.

Dream Interpretation: Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Moon

  • Seeing a full moon in a dream - you are subconsciously afraid of the behavior of your partner. His behavior both frightens you and causes unhealthy arousal. Do not play with fire - this person will not bring you happiness.

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Since ancient times, people have had a special attitude to the moon: they worshiped her, like a deity, made a calendar according to moon phases. Sometimes the moon can be seen in a dream. How to explain what she is dreaming of? Dream books can help with this.

Why the moon is dreaming: data from dream books

Seeing the moon in the sky in a dream is a life change that will happen soon. For family people, such a vision promises the birth of a child.

Who had a vision: a girl, a woman, a man

If you dreamed of a big and full moon, then you will have problems in relations with relatives who are dissatisfied with your choice of a soulmate. Resolving conflict with loved ones will not be easy.

Description of the moon

  1. Big. A dream does not bode well. You are in for trouble at home and at work, disappointment in your loved one and quarrels due to jealousy.
  2. Huge. It's a tough time in life right now, but don't get discouraged. The black stripe will be followed by the white one. Life will get better and sparkle with new colors. According to the dream book of Antonio Meneghetti, a period of peace and stability begins.
  3. Red. Sleep is unfavorable. It symbolizes quarrels and strife, loss of money. According to Vanga, the bright red moon seen in night dreams prophesies an environmental catastrophe, due to which many people will die.
  4. Bloody. The vision portends sad events, wars, the death of loved ones. According to the Muslim dream book, you will find yourself in difficult situation, a stranger will come to your aid.
  5. Orange. Passionate love awaits you, pleasant surprises and gifts, as well as tempting offers that you definitely cannot refuse. According to the women's dream book, you can be deceived, so don't let yourself "powder your brains."
  6. Growing. Why is the growing moon dreaming? A bright period will come in life. Relations with colleagues and household members will improve, you can get a higher paying job or meet new love. According to Grishina's dream book, you will achieve much more than you originally planned.
  7. Full. The work started will be successfully completed, personal life get better. According to the family dream book, unexpected changes will bring good luck to your life.
  8. Descending. To conflicts at work, loss, trouble. According to Longo's dream book, you should be careful, you can be betrayed or deceived.
  9. Falling. Listen to your inner voice and intuition, which you have very well developed. By English dream book Now is not the time for action. Better spend time with family or friends.
  10. Blue. You are surrounded by love and respect, enjoy life and do not think about the bad. According to the dream book for the whole family, you will be offered a new position.
  11. Bright. Fortune has turned to face you. Everything conceived comes true, the authorities treat you favorably, and your loved one does not have a soul in you. According to the wanderer's dream book, big changes await you.
  12. Clear. Vacation and a pleasant journey ahead, acquaintance with interesting people, which in the future may become you good friends. According to Miller's dream book, good news and happy events await you.
  13. Dark. Illness and death loved one, prostration, monetary loss. According to the dream book of Simon Kananita, among acquaintances there is a person who wishes you harm and tries in every possible way to harm you.

If you dreamed of the moon moving quickly across the sky, then soon you will find out the news that will turn your life upside down.

To see an astronaut on the moon in a dream - to help a loved one in a difficult matter


  1. Look at the moon. The future can hardly be called cloudless. Ahead of problems with money, disagreements with business partners. An outlet for you will be personal relationships, where love and complete idyll will reign.
  2. Fly to the moon. An interesting journey lies ahead. According to Loff's dream book, you strive for spiritual development to something new and unknown.
  3. To be alone on the moon. Although you are surrounded by people, you feel lonely and useless to anyone. It seems to you that others do not understand you and do not appreciate what you do for them. You need to get rid of this feeling. Dedicate your life to your favorite hobby. Do something that really interests you.
  4. See moonlight. According to Vanga's dream book, waiting for you long road in the company of a pleasant companion, and according to Nostradamus, obstacles will arise on the way that will be difficult for you to eliminate.
  5. Bow to the moon. In the near future, personal life will improve, and you will plunge headlong into an atmosphere of passion and love. According to Grishina's dream book, great joy awaits you.
  6. See the reflection in the water. According to the Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga, your expectations will be deceived. The person you put your hopes on will let you down. According to Nostradamus, such a vision promises an unexpected turn of events, and according to Grishina, a deep knowledge of oneself.

To see the moon and starfall in a dream - to unforgettable vacation. AT recent weeks you worked long and hard, dreaming about how to relax and unwind. Soon you will have a great opportunity to make your dreams come true. You don't have to think about anything, as the other person will do it for you. You will enjoy life.

A girl to see a young month in a dream - to pregnancy

Interpretation of other dreams

Sometimes in the kingdom of Morpheus you can see not one, but several moons. The interpretation of such a dream depends on the amount:

  1. Two. The dream indicates your excessive commercialism and thirst for money. In pursuit of wealth, you forgot about the main thing - the human soul. Because of this, the relationship with a loved one went downhill. If you do not take immediate action, then parting cannot be avoided.
  2. Three. On the basis of jealousy and misunderstanding, problems will arise in personal relationships. According to the modern dream book, conflicts with the leadership are likely. Try to remain calm, otherwise you may lose your position.
  3. Many. The dream reports sexual problems. You feel dislike for your partner, which is why sexual contacts occur less and less. To begin with, understand yourself and decide whether you need this relationship or not. If yes, then talk to your soulmate, point out his shortcomings and try to come to a compromise. If not, then do not waste time on a person to whom the soul does not lie.

A lunar eclipse seen in night dreams warns of a contagious disease that threatens you and your loved ones. By dream book XXI century, success in business awaits you.

To see the moon and the sun in a dream at the same time - to the success that awaits you. Do not stop there and rest on your laurels - act, and then you will achieve a lot.

Dreamed of the moon and stars? Night vision promises success in matters of the heart. Now is an auspicious time to arrange a personal or family life. Single boys and unmarried girls a dream promises a new acquaintance.

If you dreamed of a wolf howling at the moon, then something bad will happen to you or your loved ones. A dream can portend ruin, illness or death. According to the Muslim dream book, you will become depressed, and according to the idiomatic one, the enemies have united against you.

The dream in which you saw the moon and Mars indicates that you are an independent person, and you can achieve a lot. By nature, you are sensitive and compassionate, which is why you often help others at your own expense. You should not do what is contrary to your principles, especially to please someone.

To see dark spots on the moon in a dream is a danger threatening planet Earth from outer space. There is a chance it will fall. large meteorite. Human casualties are possible.

Night dreams about the moon promise the dreamer different events. It can be long-awaited life changes, good news and love confessions, as well as quarrels, illnesses and loss of livelihood. According to the Ukrainian dream book, a person who sees the moon in a dream will soon get rich.

Moon phases- means different states.

Full moon- symbolizes integrity and intuitive creativity.

New moon or moon in detriment- urge you to listen to your inner world. This is a time of deep reflection.

If a person sees himself in a dream looking at the moon when it shines- well, it means his god will be merciful to him.

The moon is new- big profit; complete red- misfortune, loss of money; for girl- matchmaking; in water- large forces of involvement.

Moon- to happy love and wealth.

Moon- to happy love and wealth; but the blood-red moon promises strife and conflict.

The moon is full- happy fulfillment of desires.

Moon - magical effect

Moon with Scorpio- deals with conscience are inappropriate, unacceptable, dangerous.

If in a dream you saw the moon in a cloud or fog- a dream predicts the illness of someone close to you.

If you were going on a trip- you'd better put it aside.

If you dreamed of a full, shining moon is a happy prediction.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The moon is new- big profit; complete- danger, serious changes; for a girl- matchmaking; in water- big forces involved.

Esoteric dream book

Moon- unfulfilled dreams, a waste of time. You live in a phantom world, daydream.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Seeing the full moon in a dream- you are subconsciously afraid of the behavior of your partner. His behavior both frightens you and causes unhealthy arousal. Do not play with fire - this person will not bring you happiness.

young moon- you are not the person who achieves the goal, using their sexual capabilities. So stop trying to get the “right” person into your bed, they are doomed to failure.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

The moon is red and incomplete- misfortune, loss of money; for a girl- in the last quarter of eternal virginity; in the first quarter- matchmaking; full moon for women- a pleasant surprise.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Moon- what happens during change.

Clean and bright- good circumstances conducive to change.

In the clouds gloomy, bloody- vice versa.

Waxing Crescent- coming / all good and especially love.

waning- everything leaving / a call for caution / infidelity.

Reflection of the moon in the water- deep knowledge of one's own soul.

See the moon in your house- wealth .

She travels through the sky- something unfortunate.

Disappears or fades- argument .

Dream about the moon- can mean thoughts, concern about mother, sister, daughter.

We all know that the moon affects the ebb and flow, but the moon also affects our emotions.- Do you feel that someone or something in real life affects you emotionally?

The moon symbolizes- enthusiastic joy, as well as rare manifestations of something, so it looks like it's time to put on holiday shoes and go to an incendiary party.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The moon is full, bright- big changes; danger; love. Can symbolize mother, sister, daughter.

Moon phases - menstrual cycle. Change and the cyclic course of life.

Full moon- pregnancy. In the dreams of a man his anima. In the dreams of women, her Animus. Death and Rebirth. The image of rebirth through the process of transformation.

Trying to reach the moon- desire, the desire to achieve the impossible.

Landscape bathed in moonlight- a refuge where lovers dream before contemplating harsh reality. Feminine fragility. Weakness and humility.

Chinese dream book

You see the moon that just appeared in the sky- Prosperity and prosperity in the family.

The moon illuminate your body- get an important position.

The moon is falling from heaven- Grieve, you will lose your parents.

The moon is dimming- the wife suffered. Fortunately.

The moon is about to appear in the sky- get a post.

The moon is hiding behind the mountain- the servant deceives the master

Respectfully bow to the moon- portends great happiness and prosperity.

If you worship the stars and the moon, burn incense- great happiness.

see the blood moon- loss and danger.

see the white moon- to wealth.

If the moon falls from the sky- this is for work.

Watch the moon- to illness.

See the full moon- to augmentation.

If the moon is not uniform in color- it's a loss.

If the moon is divided or fringed- this portends a danger to the eyes and

moon eclipse- to the fall of the ruler.

See two moons or more- to the fact that there will be several rulers.

To see the moon without radiance- to serious difficulties

See the beautiful round moon- this portends the introduction of a good wife into the house.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Sun and moon- symbolize two completely opposite and yet harmonizing forces of the universe. The sun marks the outward, radiant, masculine, hot world force of light, while the moon is the primary symbol for the receptive, feminine, cold, and dark aspects of the world. Do not neglect this sign, the moon indicates to you that it is time to delve into your inner spheres. Listen to your dreams. Try to stop to receive the gifts of the universe. Don't spend too much effort in life. Just live.

Different phases of the moon- indicate different states.

Full moon- symbolizes integrity and creativity based on intuition.

If you see half moon- therefore, you are in danger of being left alone at the end of your life.

See the moon in the last quarter- you will face a pleasant alternative: which of the two chosen ones will be honored to become your husband.

The moon, whittled down to a narrow sickle- portends death in a famous family, which can most directly affect your business interests.

A dream where you watch the falling moon- portends you a long-awaited and yet such an unexpected gift of fate - marriage to the man of your dreams.

Fly in a dream to the moon- this fantastic dream promises a pleasant surprise loved one.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Full moon- happiness in love.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Moon- to the party.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Complete dream book of the New Era

Moon- reflection of feminine aspects. The need to delve into yourself, into your inner world, to meditate. The need to show hidden talents. Reflection of romance.

Complete- reflects integrity and creativity based on intuition.

Young- the need for growth and / or the beginning of a new stage; the need for personal power.

old- a reflection of the departure into the past of something and / or the imminent start of a new stage.

Gardeners and gardeners- the need to look into the lunar calendar. Reminder of the cyclical nature of all processes.

The meaning of this symbol is so diverse that when interpreting it, you need to trust your intuition, look closely at your dreams and signs coming from the physical world, look into the horoscope, into moon calendar. Most importantly, calm down, understand, in order to receive the gifts of the universe, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of effort.

Children's dream book

Moon- to sadness, troubles, strange and incomprehensible incidents.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Moon- possibly a nervous breakdown.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Moon- it is a symbol of secret power, silence, surprises.

See the full moon in a dream- a harbinger of the fact that the time will come when black forces will reign on earth: the time of witches and sorcerers. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with a sorcerer who will have a significant impact on his fate.

Rush in a dream to the moon- such a dream speaks of your desire for something new, hitherto unexplored. Perhaps such a dream prophesies that in a not so distant time space will be mastered so much that space expeditions to the moon will become frequent and accessible to everyone living on earth.

A dream in which you see the moon painted bright red or crimson- is a warning. Environmental catastrophes and wars are possible.

Dark spots on the moon- are a warning, can also mean a change of power.

If in a dream you see moonlight- this means that in reality you will encounter an unexpected obstacle, which will be quite difficult to eliminate.

Seeing in a dream the reflection of the moon in water or a mirror- means an unexpected turn of events.

Seeing a broken moon in a dream- experience mental fatigue and difficulty in choosing your life path.

Seeing a blood red moon in a dream- a harbinger of war and fierce struggle. She will accompany her lover to the defense of her country.

New family dream book

Full moon- dreams of success in love and good luck in business.

huge moon- portends an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and disappointment in business.

Moon eclipse- promises some kind of infectious disease.

blood red moon- predicts war and strife.

young moon- dreams of improving well-being and meeting your "half".

If in a dream a young woman tries to determine her fate by the moon- she will have a marriage with a worthy chosen one.

If she sees two moons- she will lose love because of her commercialism.

foggy moon- warns: in order not to miss your happiness, you need to be tactful.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Moon- a little love interest.

Full moon- success in love, successful completion of affairs.

Moon eclipse- Take care of your health, there is a risk of getting seriously ill.

Very big moon- domestic problems, troubles at work, a secret love interest.

Moon in the haze- female intuition and insight will help you in a difficult situation.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Moon- perhaps in the near future one of your acquaintances, or maybe not very much, will invite you to spend the evening together. It is possible that you will be carried away by this person and your relationship will become something more than a brief acquaintance.

If in a dream on the moon dark spots of lunar seas clearly appeared- the meeting will not live up to your expectations. Perhaps, visible reasons it won’t be for this, but the feeling that “something is wrong” will not leave you throughout the meeting.

If the moon pleases the eye with a smooth, smooth surface- this date may well be one of the best memories of your life.

Full moon- a harbinger of good luck in business.

Full moon in a clear sky- success in love.

Full moon in natural color or size- deceit and disappointment.

Growing moon in the starry sky- new promising offers from your partners.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

At the level of the archetype of the moon- often associated with the image of a woman. In many rituals and religious movements, the moon is identical to the figure of the mother. This is true for the literature and beliefs of the peoples of North America, Africa, the East, and for Christianity.

Dream with the presence of the moon- intuitively suggests the idea of ​​​​pregnancy of a woman from your close circle.

dream of the moon also- may be associated with the events of the twentieth century. Namely, it may be inspired by the desire for space travel. Such dreams can be generated both by the desire to fly into space, and by the desire for spiritual growth, complete separation from the anxieties and storms of life on earth.

The moon can be associated- with mystery and magic.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you are trying, looking at the moon, to determine your future fate- promises you a worthy husband, you will have a lot in common with him, which will create the prerequisites for a long and happy marriage.

If in a dream it seems to you that there are two moons in the sky, you will not be able to save the love of your betrothed.- he will see how self-serving you are and immediately leave you.

If in your dream the moon turns blood red- be prepared for the fact that fate will turn to you the other side. Something very serious will happen, which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Moon in a dream- sign hidden feelings, hidden thoughts and forebodings.

young clear moon- portends the growth of positive emotions. In the near future, your affairs can go smoothly, bringing you tangible benefits.

Full moon in a dream- a sign of nervous excitement. Be careful: your feelings can deceive you.

Too big mysterious moon- portends a love affair that will end in a quarrel and separation.

young moon- dreams of a profitable marriage, and your husband will understand you like no one else.

If a girl dreams that she asks the moon about her future- this means that she will marry a man who loves her.

Dream about two moons- means that a woman will exchange love for money.

Moon covered in mist- dreams that, being happy, she will become tactless.

blood red moon- portends war and separation from a loved one.


Watch in a dream the reflection of the moon in the water- a sign that your expectations will be deceived. In your business, you rely on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity.

If in a dream you saw moonlight- such a dream portends a fascinating journey to distant lands. The trip will be unexpected and very pleasant.

Seeing a cracked moon in a dream- a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies the emergence of a new religion on Earth, which will cause people to renounce the Lord. God will not forgive people for infidelity, and therefore the world is threatened by wars, violence and robbery.

If you dreamed that you were flying to the moon- such a dream is a harbinger of space expeditions. In the future, stations will be built on many planets that people can visit.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

turn out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

new - big profit; complete - danger, serious changes; for a girl - matchmaking; in water - great forces are involved; daughter or mother (astrological); hugging the moon (sun) - happiness; full in a clear sky - success in love; at the end - personal failures.

Why dream about the moon

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a full moon in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream portends that bad times await the Earth soon. The forces of Satan will descend on our planet: witches, sorcerers who will seize power and make life all over the world unbearable. If you dreamed of a bright red or crimson moon, then in the near future the Earth is threatened by an ecological disaster that will claim hundreds of lives. A catastrophe will happen when people notice a bloody moon in the sky, because it will become a sad reminder of the harm they have done to nature. To dream of dark spots on the moon is a prophecy of great danger that will come to Earth from outer space. Perhaps the planet is threatened by a huge meteorite. Watching the reflection of the moon in the water in a dream is a sign that your expectations will be deceived. In your business, you rely on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity. If in a dream you saw moonlight, then such a dream portends a fascinating journey to distant lands. The trip will be unexpected and very pleasant. Seeing a split moon in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies the emergence of a new religion on Earth, which will cause people to renounce the Lord. God will not forgive people for infidelity, and therefore the world is threatened by wars, violence and robbery. If you dreamed that you were flying to the moon, then such a dream is a harbinger of space expeditions. In the future, stations will be built on many planets that people can visit. Space expeditions will become very common and simple.

Moon in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The moon is a symbol of secret power, silence, surprises. Seeing the full moon in a dream is a harbinger of the time when black forces will reign on Earth: the time of witches and sorcerers. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with a sorcerer who will have a significant impact on his fate. To rush to the moon in a dream - such a dream speaks of your desire for something new, hitherto unexplored. Perhaps such a dream prophesies that in a not so distant time space will be mastered so much that space expeditions to the moon will become frequent and accessible to everyone living on Earth. A dream in which you see the Moon painted bright red or crimson is a warning. Environmental catastrophes and wars are possible. Dark spots on the moon are a warning, they can also mean a change of power. If in a dream you see moonlight, this means that in reality you will encounter an unexpected obstacle, which will be quite difficult to eliminate. Seeing the reflection of the Moon in water or a mirror in a dream means an unexpected turn of events. To see a split moon in a dream is to experience mental fatigue and difficulty in choosing your life path. If in a dream you perform a ritual of worship to the goddess of the moon, then in reality you will become a victim of your passion.

See the moon in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

At the archetype level, the moon is often associated with the image of a woman. In many cultures and religious movements, the moon is identical to the figure of the mother. This is true for the literature and beliefs of the peoples of North America, Africa, the East, for Christianity. A dream with the presence of the moon intuitively suggests that a woman from your inner circle is pregnant. The dream of the moon can also be associated with the events of the twentieth century. Namely, it may be inspired by the desire for space travel. Such dreams can be generated both by the desire to fly into space, and by the desire for spiritual growth, complete separation from the anxieties and storms of life on earth. The moon can be associated with mystery and magic.

Dreamed of the moon

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a full moon in a dream portends success in love and good luck in business. The mysterious and supernaturally large moon means an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and disappointment of a business nature. The lunar eclipse portends an epidemic of a contagious disease that will strike your surroundings. To see a young moon means an increase in well-being and in the future - a congenial partner in marriage. If a young woman sees in a dream that she is turning to the moon to find out her fate, this portends her a long-awaited gift of fate: marriage with a worthy chosen one. If she sees two moons, she will lose love because of her commercialism. If she sees that the moon is clouding, this means that at the highest moment of her happiness she will show a lack of female tact. Seeing a blood-red moon portends war and strife: she will see her lover go to the front to defend his country.